mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009

WDX6AA Shortwave Radio Logs

ALBANIA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9570 0043 English 444 Dec 27 OM with comments on the Congo region in This Is China's Report program. YL with ID 0045.

CUBA Radio Rebelde 5025 0521 Spanish 333 Dec 28 OM with comments plus another OM with him.

GREECE Foni Tis Helladas 9420 0059 Spanish 444 Dec 27 YL with folk music. OM with comments 0102. //7475[333].

PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 9545 0045 Chinese 232 Dec 27 YL with vocal music and being Jammed.

ROMANIA Radio Romania Intl-RRI 9525 0050 Spanish 333 Dec 27 Choir vocal music. //9665[333], 5960[333].

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR-3 5070 0518 English 444 Dec 28 OM with a sermon about being aware of the Devils Goals on Earth.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 3185 0528 English 333 Dec 28 OM with Overcomer Ministry. Hymn vocal male music. ID 0532 by an OM.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR-4 5890 0535 English 444 Dec 28 OM preacher on Jesus's Obeidience to God thus we hacve to obey Jesus's words.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"