** BRAZIL [and non]. RNA, Brasília, Dec 17 already on at 0636, 11780 // 6185. A few minutes earlier at 0631, 6185 was still clear for XEPPM music, so cut on sometime in the interim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MEXICO
** CUBA [and non]. 9955, WRMI, Thu Dec 17 at 0633 with WORLD OF RADIO a sesquihour earlier than it airs on UT Wednesdays. Still with DentroCuban jamming pulsing, but the ratio of WRMI signal to Cuban noise was better this time, and I could axually understand what I was saying; maybe WRMI is using the NW antenna again which has a lot more gain USward.Same type of modulated pulsing jamming was blaring away on 9810 and 9825 against nothing, frequencies used much earlier in the day by Radios República and Martí, respectively. At 1228, however, 9955 seemed free of jamming as the Fri 1200 broadcast of Frecuencia al Día was upwrapping, 1229 WRMI ID, and into En Camino, a religious program. I think the jamming is worst at 13-15 UT when Radio Cuba Libre used to be on months ago. If jamming be absent in the 12-13 period, but don`t count on it, this could also audiblize WORLD OF RADIO Tuesdays at 1200, Fridays at 1230; Wavescan Tuesday and Wednesday at 1230 --- and if the November 1 WRMI schedule we have has not changed in the meantime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR. 6050, HCJB ID at 1159 Dec 17, 3+1 timesignal, continues what sounds like live morning show in Spanish. Fair signal with constant het from Malaysia on low side. Perhaps HCJB is a bit weaker now: it ought to be with lower power and NVIS antenna. We can only assume by now that this last HCJB transmission from dentroEcuador is emanating from the Mount Pichincha site ex-Pifo. Let the jets roar thru what used to be Vozandes airspace (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** HONDURAS. 3250.0, Dec 17 at 1211, ID in passing as soon as I intuned, R. Luz y Vida, announcer over hymn talking about praying and proceeding to do so. God must DX 90 meters. Fair signal and stronger than the only other active Honduran SW, HRMI on 3340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9525.9 at 1223 Dec 17, VOI in Indonesian, undermodulated with hum, but good enough signal to catch some names such as Kalimantan, Irian Jaya. No het from 9525, but a less-than-5-kHz het against something on 9530.0, always a tipoff to VOI offfrequenciness. Recheck at 1513 found 9525.9 on the air longer than usual, English having restarted with ID and historical item about Wright Brothers` first flight; fair signal still and no het audible tho we know CRI Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, is scheduled in English too, 500 kW at 308 degrees. 9680 had similar signal level to 9525.9: 1225 RRI ID also in Indonesian, choral music, good with no CCI. Happened to be listening to their music again at 1455, which cut off abruptly at 1456:45* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [and non]. 9790, NHKWNRJ, Dec 17 at 1220 in English with Japanese lesson, music break within Radio Japan Focus program; VG signal comparable to // Sackville 6120; in fact suspected an additional SAC channel, but listed as Wertachtal, GERMANY, 250 kW, 300 degrees to Europe, but also USward. Encountered another //, 9695, at 1226 more Japanese lesson dealing with kabuki, and lo audible het from what? 9695 is Yamata direct, 300 kW at 235 degrees. The only 9695 listing in Aoki which might be that far off-frequency is R. Rio Mar, Manáus, Brasil. Has anyone measured it? Unfortunately, Aoki does not deal with split frequencies even if they are long-established and constant. Some stations near 1 kHz off are shown as such, however, but not including Indonesia entered only at 9525. EiBi is willing to publish decimals but none shown on 9695. HFCC of course deals only with officially registered frequencies, not variants; and not jammers even tho they have a major impact on victims` coverage, unless disguised as real services merely colliding or sharing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9690, as AIR GOS was closing, Dec 17 at 1459, carrier overlapped from *1459:30, 1500 opening in Korean mixing with music, 1503 YL singing a slow song, solo. Per Aoki, it`s Nippon no Kaze, 1500-1530, 250 kW, 3 degrees via Darwin, AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 6185, R. Educación supposedly runs SW only from 6 pm to 6 am local, i.e. 00-12 UT during standard time. But Dec 18 still on at 1202 with a discussion in Spanish, greatly marred by splash from much stronger RHC 6180, which also had much louder modulation. RHC also on // 6150 and 6120, so they hardly need to be messing up nine 49mb frequencies at once (speaking just of co- and adjacent channels).
I figured XEPPM was just a bit slow to turn off the transmitter, but at 1239 it was still on with talk show mentioning audio-libros, 8-digit phone numbers. So are they intending to run until 1300 now? That would certainly work, if it were not for the Cuban ACI. If only they would keep 6185 on all day too, as it would have considerable coverage over much of Mexico, Central America, Caribbean and Baja EUA, lacking QRM to boot, e.g. Cuba off after 1300, and certainly nothing Amazonic; see also BRAZIL [and non]. On rare occasions in the past we have heard XEPPM back or still on past 1500, so it pays to keep an ear on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** POLAND [non]. FRG-7 was still tuned to Brasília`s 11780 as I reactivated it Dec 17 at 1153, hearing good signal on 11785, quickly IDing in Polish as PRES, i.e. as WRTH renders it, ``Polskie Radio dla zagranicy``. This is 100 kW, 300 degrees via AUSTRIA at 1130-1200, exactly same as for English at 13-14 on 11675, so no wonder it too is well-heard. But the only significant signals on 25m at this time were Anguilla 11775, Korea (S, not N; howcome? RCI prefers to relay Red rather than Free China) via Sackville 11795, and PRES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. 9410, BBC Mundo, in Spanish Dec 17 at 1234 via WHRI starting ``BBC Top Ten`` which as the name implies involves a lot of music in English, so why present it in Spanish? This service is M-F only at 1200-1300, starting with new news, then archive stuff until 1234, latest Top Ten on Tue & Thu and unannounced classical music fill on M/W/F. At this time, signal was fair but not solid. It`s 250 kW, 182 degrees from Furman (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WRMI: see CUBA [and non]
** U S A. 9370, WTJC, Dec 17 at 1235 accompanied by noisy spurs approx 9340-9345, 9395-9500, preaching about Jesus, but what would He say about such lax engineering? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###