Steven C. Wiseblood
Brownsville TX
(2 miles from Boca Chica Beach,GULF of MEXICO)
Radio Shack DX-399, Grundig G-8
150' center fed LW
times in UTC (z)
22 DEC 2009
5980 TURKEY VoT, Cakirlar; 2040-2050 Middle-eastern/Turkish vocal music, talk by M in Turkish. Fair-Good
6180 INDIA AIR-Bengaluru; 2039 anmts by W in Hindi, Bollywood-type vocals; 2050 M in EG w/anmts, subcontinental chanting w/sitar & sliding drums. Fair-Good //7550 better. QRM from DW-Germany's Russian service
6200 BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria-Plovdiv; 2042 W in GM w/anmts. Very STRONG!
7285 ALBANIA China Radio International-relay, Cerrik; 2011 M in EG w/world news. Fair-Good
Brownsville TX
(2 miles from Boca Chica Beach,GULF of MEXICO)
Radio Shack DX-399, Grundig G-8
150' center fed LW
times in UTC (z)
22 DEC 2009
5980 TURKEY VoT, Cakirlar; 2040-2050 Middle-eastern/Turkish vocal music, talk by M in Turkish. Fair-Good
6180 INDIA AIR-Bengaluru; 2039 anmts by W in Hindi, Bollywood-type vocals; 2050 M in EG w/anmts, subcontinental chanting w/sitar & sliding drums. Fair-Good //7550 better. QRM from DW-Germany's Russian service
6200 BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria-Plovdiv; 2042 W in GM w/anmts. Very STRONG!
7285 ALBANIA China Radio International-relay, Cerrik; 2011 M in EG w/world news. Fair-Good
7550 INDIA AIR-Delhi; 2018 W in Hindi w/anmts, 2050 M in EG, subcontinental chanting w/sitar & sliding drums.
7580 SRI LANKA Irana Wila, VOA-relay R. Farda; 2021 Farsi vocal music, slogan whispered "Radio Farda" // 9925 better.
7580 SRI LANKA Irana Wila, VOA-relay R. Farda; 2021 Farsi vocal music, slogan whispered "Radio Farda" // 9925 better.
9925 SRI LANKA Irana Wila, VOA-relay R. Farda; 2025 Farsi vocal music, // 7580