lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs December 7, 2009

** BRAZIL [and non]. 9675, Brazilian YL musing about some ``senhor``, Dec 7 at 0607, and on stronger 9645 similar YL but not //, with OM discussing copa do mundo. Obviously 9675 was Canção Nova, and 9645 Bandeirantes, both from SP state. Hardly anything else audible on 31m,worst night in quite a while for the band after 0600: no WYFRs to be heard! Typically they are strong to extremely strong on 9680, 9715, less so but well audible on 9355, 9985. Only other significant signal was regular RA Brandon, Australia on 9660 plus a rippling SAH which could only be Vatican. Checked the other Brazilian frequencies but nothing much on them either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 7: at 1350, poor on 8400, 11300; JBA on 10210, 9000. But at 1521, all four of them were poor at roughly equal levels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DEX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. We can never get enough CNR1 frequencies --- the lucky network which not only enjoys multiple overt SW channels but countless frequencies more, used as jamming. Dec 7 at 1520 I noticed Chinese // on 9430, 9440 and 9450, YL announcer and music. So to investigate in Aoki:

9440 and 9450 have a*terisks indicating jammed services: 9440, R. Free Asia in Chinese via Tinian; 9450, two for the price of one, VOA Uzbek via Tinian, AND Sound of Hope via Taiwan! 9430 has no jamming or CNR1 listed, but FEBC is in Chinese via Philippines as well as Democratic V. of Burma via Armenia --- both of which might be secondary jamming targets by the ChiCom (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS, Monday Dec 7, so another edition of mailbag, Faithfully Yours, concluding at 1445 with address airgos @ Fair here, but // 13710 ruined by RHC leapfrog from 13770 over 13740. Why would one of the world`s major broadcasters depend on Yahoo for its e-mail? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. While on Dec 6, VIRI`s Russian from 1430 was better via Ahwaz on 9730 than Sirjan on 9575, it was the opposite on Dec 7 at 1518: 9730 quite weak, but 9575 quite strong, altho still distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, Dec 7 at 1516, R. Prague`s English program from yesterday, S9+18, not as strong as it can be, but perhaps indicating they are back on the NW antenna? A fast SAH mixed in, rather than jamming, no doubt YFR via Taiwan in Russian (they cannot use 9955 from Okeechobee because of their Hialeah neighbor, but by God, they`ll use it from Taiwan!). A semihour later, WRMI a bit better during Studio DX in Italian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 9685, VOA Border Crossings music show, poor at 1510 Dec 7; per BDXC-UK`s handy booklet Broadcasts in English for B-09, which I can keep next to the rig while the computer is off, site is Lampertheim, GERMANY. Not // 9760 PHILIPPINES with Spe-cial Eng-lish. If you crave world news, now! during the 15-16 UT hour, from VOA you are out of luck. But we`re fortunate there is anything left in English at all from this nation`s station under extreme mismanagement (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17680, Dec 7 at 1427, praise song in English instead of usual Spanish. Is there hope for CVC resuming English via CHILE? Transmission then dumped off for less than a minute, probably God dropping a hint that they`d better get back to Spanish as scheduled. In 2010 CVC is reported quitting SW from Australia, and perhaps elsewhere in favor of webcasting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. 11680, RNV via CUBA, routine check Dec 7 at 1539 just as they were announcing their transmission schedule. Yes! It is STILL the one years out of date from their earliest broadcasts, always starting with ``to San Francisco at 11 am on 13740``. This and all the others mentioned have been gone for years, except the final one, ``to Rio de Janeiro at 17 hours on 17705`` which by sheer luck still exists, except the current local time at 20 UT is 1800, and all the times given are local standard, ignoring DST, and never stated as such. Well, the rest matter not since no one can hear them on the frequencies given, anyway. How can any studio be so ignorant of its own broadcasts?? Listened another dekaminute, and it was right back to The Voice of the Personality Cult of Hugo Chávez, all in Spanish. Listening to RNV, you would think that nothing ever happens in Venezuela that is not somehow derived from the revolutionary socialist Bolivarianwisdom of Hugo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4695-SSB, Dec 7 at 0613, caught my ear since the intonation sounded like a broadcast rather than 2-way; language tentatively Korean, but then there were pauses, and nothing further heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###