giovedì 3 dicembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs December 3, 2009

** BURMA [non]. 17495, weak signal in unID language, Dec 3 at 1433 and still at 1522. Has to be Democratic Voice of Burma, the only thing scheduled, at 1430-1530 via MADAGASCAR. Well, WBCQ is also registered here but has not used this frequency in years; kept as an alternate to 15420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 3 at 1324: nil on 9000, 11300, JBA on 8400, 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 11640-11665, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Dec 3 at 1400, not really bothering any broadcasters audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR National Channel, signing on Dec 3 at 1319 IS, 1320 Vande Mataram announced and that anthem played, poor on 9425 and very poor on 9470, but no blob. Meanwhile, VBS on 9870 from Bengaluru, same transmitter site as 9425 but different azimuth, was a great deal better at 1329 with music, mentioned Masala, 1330 ``Yih Vividh Bharati`` ID by YL, 3-pip TOH timesignal which was 6 sex late compared to WWV! And Akashvani ID, presumed news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI modulation in English somewhat better Dec 3 before 1400, and even better during the Malay hour following, which 1435-1455 was almost all music, more modern than the gamelan on RRI 9680, with similar signal and modulation. 1457, 9525.9 IDed only in English, not Malay, and immediately cut off air before CRI Kashgar could cut on. Usually there is an overlap as VOI restarts English and a few minutes of that goes out past 1500 before its own very rude and abrupt cutoff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6104.8, XEQM Mérida, Dec 3 at 1338, conversation in Spanish fading in and out, then music with heavy beat; no het, but splash from Cuba 6110. Made sure it was really not on 6105.0, where it seems we have a one-hour no-QRM window between Taiwan closing at 1300 and VOA Philippines opening at 1400, nominal times. XEOI was also in clear on 6010 with much better signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. PRES, cane across 11860 in English at 1345 Thursday Dec 3, so quickly retuned to always better // 11675 via AUSTRIA. Slawek Szefs was talking about the ubiquitous Christopher Lewis, who is going to visit R. Prague next week, and wants a report from him about that. Then clips of Chris on phone edited tightly together about PRES reception in England:

11675 is perfect every day; 11860 has some co-channel interference. 9650 in the evening (1800) is a total washout, a shame since it`s just not listenable, very weak, not worth the expense, due to propagation conditions, and low modulation. Altho two days last week it was outstanding, faded out by 25 past the hour. Suggest change of site for this from UAE to Austria or somewhere better for Europe. France or even UK would be preferable on 3 MHz band, where Skelton is well heard relaying other stations.

This was the Multimedia show, ending at 1349, then promo for Off Sides, a sports-cum-music show on Fridays, repeated weekends, and then today, Letter from Poland, by a YL visitor, or resident from abroad, complaining amusingly about how hard it is to travel by train, due to confusing signage and grouchy ticket agents. 1357 signing off, 1358 filling with a bit of Polish reggae, or so it sounded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 12035, VOT, Thursday Dec 3 at 1416, fair signal but low modulation and cutting out, distorted toward end of Live from Turkey. Not even worth checking // 15300, colliding as it does with France (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9385, WWRB with open carrier only at 1320 Dec 3, and still 1325, after having moved up from 3185. Next check not until 1435 when Brother Scare had begun modulating madness sometime in the interim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Almost three weeks after `Tony Alámo` was sentenced to 175 years for child sexual abuse, he`s still on WINB, Dec 3 around 1335 on 9265. I wasn`t going to bother to report this again, but there is something else to outpoint: 9265 signs off at 1400, but other frequency 13570 had still not come on at 1524, which means that on weekdays, they have nothing between the two Hoffman broadcasts at 13-14 and 16-17 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5000, right after the WWV propagation info finished at 18 past the hour, circa 1318:30, Dec 3, I heard a bit of CW, but not prepared to copy. I wonder if this is when BPM China identifies; must be alert for it again. 5030 was in well from Beijing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###