domenica 6 settembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs September 6, 2009

** CANADA [and non]. 6070, CFRX Sept 6 at 1249 with fast SAH of approximately 10 Hz, but no other modulation, North Korean noise or audible het, which must have just gone off, and could not imagine that suddenly being so close to 6070.0, so what`s the SAH from? It too was gone at 1256. Possibilities on 6070 testing prior to other dayparts are Yamata, Novosibirsk, Tinang, even Jayapura which has been inactive here longtime. Something intriguing to pursue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 6: at 1308 good on 8400 and 9000, at 1318 fair on 10210, no others heard higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC, 6010, Sept 6 at 0535 starting DXers Unlimited, VG signal but can hear a bit of a squeal, i.e. hi-pitched and slightly varying. This is what I was previously reporting occasionally also on other stations including some WWCR frequencies, coming from their own transmitters and not a het from an external source.

Cohetes from the DentroCuban Jamming Command against nothing on 9545, Sept 6 at 1314, more than 6 sesquihours after R. República is through with it at 0400.

It`s Sunday Sept 6 so time to check for Aló, Presidente, or anomalies it causes, which I missed doing last week. At 1412 nothing transmitted on 80% of the scheduled A,P channels, 11690, 12010, 13750 and 17750; but 13680 had big signal and huge hum, wiggle that patchcord! And trace of audio which was not // RHC mainstream frequencies such as 13780 which was normal in philately show. 13880 had the leapfrog displaying both the hummer and the stamper.

Meanwhile weaker 13760 which should have been // an echo apart from 13780 was just open carrier. At 1429, 13680 still humming; 1443 now fixed and // 13780 with mainstream, still nothing on the other A,P channels. By final check at 1549, RHC 13760 back in biz // 11760 but still no A,P and the only other Cuban frequency on the 22mb air was 13740 CRI relay in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRELAND [non]. Looked for RTE special Sunday Sept 6 at 1547 as scheduled on 12050, 17705 from unknown sites to Africa, but could not hear anything. However, S. Hasegawa of NDXC in Japan tells DXLD that at 1505 they both were carrying RCI English instead of RTE1! For a once-a-year highly-anticipated live sporting special, they`d better get it right on the first and only try. This would have been the All-Ireland Hurling Final. Did any of it air on SW?

Same schedule is however in store one fortnight hence on Sept 20 for the All-Ireland Gaelic Football Final: 1300-1700 on 17505 to EAf, 1430-1630 on 12050 to WAf (and also 13-17 on 7265 to SAf) per advance info Alan Pennington posted to the dxldyg (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. Re my previous report of the clandestines jammed on 6003, 6518 and 6600, as an aside to the QRM caused to Habana 6000 --- I confused two `different` stations, now suffering the same kind of noise jamming.

As in WRTH 2009, the one on 6003 is Echo of Hope, also on 3985 and 6348. 6348 only has a different jamming sound; it used to be whoop-whoop but now it`s more like a clatter, Sept 6 at 1252, with a bit of music audible underneath.

And the one on 3912, 6518 and 6600 is Voice of the People. They are surely closely related, in fact both run by the ROK national intelligence service, WRTH says, all transmitted from Gyeonggi-do (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 6090, Anguilla missing a second night, Sept 6 at 0545 so I could hear some weak chanting, likely FRCN Kaduna, as it normally puts a het on Caribeacon around this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Unlike 24.5 hours earlier, when WEWN had English and Spanish on reversed frequencies, Sept 6 at 1548 check, 11520 // 11550 in Spanish, not // weak 15610 so presumably correctly in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5780, very distorted FMy spur, Sept 6 at 0517, but much weaker than last night, presumably the Brazilian again. Now I`ve found previous report of this, in DXLD 9-062: Spur from R. Tupi on 5775 with delirious ``God Is Love`` IPDA preacher, heard Aug 21 around 1345 by Nigro, Uruguay, and Raimundo, São Paulo. They both said it was strong but did not mention distortion. Which R. Tupi from which nominal frequency? Most likely ZYE726, Curitiba PR, 6060 --- has that been missing? Usually blocked by Cuba here, tho sometimes hetted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5810, huge open carrier and hum, Sept 6 at 0516 and still at 0532. First idea is WEWN, but Spanish to Mexico/CAm is scheduled there only until 0500, then moving to 7555, which in very poor propagation I was able to confirm as on the air at 0540 in Spanish, modulation OK, but with the persistent utility hash on the high sideband. Maybe 5810 was a Cuban numbers station transmitter, which use a number of frequencies in the 5.8-5.9 MHz area and strength rivaling the strongest RHC broadcast channels, altho I don`t recall this one.

BTW, as I started this monitoring session, the MUF was really down, nothing making it above 12 MHz, and on 25m, only NZ 11725/11675 with poor signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###