martedì 1 settembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs September 1, 2009

** AUSTRIA. It seems we may still refer to Radio Austria International, since that is exactly the ID in English, plus French, German and Spanish versions, mixed with Blue Danube IS heard at 0459 September 1 on 6155, rather than the cumbersome ``Ö1`` or ``OE1``; 0500 cut into that domestic relay in Austro-German (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 1: at 1320, good signals on both 8400 and 9000; at 1415 recheck, 8400 inaudible, and 9000 just barely. At 1407, 13970 was JBA, better on 14420; none others heard up to 19 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Checking RHC Sept 1 at 0500, noted the extreme modulation quality difference between 6140 and 6120 in Spanish. 6140 has full-bodied audio frequency response, while 6120 is very clipped `telco`-quality; why? Was in an Efemérides feature on the beginning and ending of WW II around this date six years apart. But as I was tuning back and forth between the two frequencies at 0502, 6140 suddenly switched to different music introducing the English service, and so it was thence, // 6060 and 6010, while 6120 Spanish continued // weak 6000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9425, AIR, Sept 1 at 1344 OM singing a slow Hindi song; 1349 to YL continuous talk; now and then thought I heard an occasional English word or phrase with heavy Hindi accent, but maybe just imagining. Fair but fluttery signal, reminding me that I had not been hearing it much at all this summer, but it was also in yesterday now in pre-equinoxial propagation conditions. Per Aoki this is the National Channel, 500 kW, 18 degrees from Bangaluru meant for domestic coverage; unfortunately, deliberate alternation with news and other segments in English does not start until 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9524.9, VOI, modulation is so low that it`s impossible to copy any readable content, but Tuesday Sept 1 at 1332 I think I was hearing traces of the weekly excursion to Banjarmasin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL [and non]. 15770, RDPI as I tuned across Sept 1 at 1445 had Brasilian rather than Luso accent, mentioning RadioBrás, quickly pausing for program ID by YL as Onda DX. The Brazilian OM was on the phone and resumed talking about DX matters. Yes, this is the weekly DX show scheduled for Tue 1430, previously thought to be over by 1442, but length apparently varies, and I did not think to check listed // 15560 where it should have been in the clear unlike 15770 which always collides with WYFR in Brazilian! The SAH between them was about 108/minute or almost 2 Hz, and WYFR fortunately weaker here at the moment, unlike probably in Brazil itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7420, collision of two roughly equal signals, Sept 1 at 1411, one music, one talk, in Chinese? Aoki shows BBCWS Chinese service is on 7420 at 1300-1530, 250 kW at 20 degrees from Thailand, plus ChiCom jamming, presumably CNR1 program.

All India Radio`s Nepali service is also supposedly on 7420 at 1330-1430, 50 kW, 130 degrees via Guwahati, likely futile. Furthermore, 130 degrees is nowhere near the correct azimuth for Nepal from Guwahati; more like 280! Is anyone paying attention at AIR frequency management? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Another check of 17585 to see what happens to VOA English at 1430, Sept 1: Greenville pretty weak and at 1430 sharp the signal drops noticeably but I still hear VOA English, so that would be Botswana taking over. Both too weak to tell for sure whether Bots was still doing sign-on overlap at 1428, but did not hear it, nor any warmup carrier on 17575 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR still testing 15820 instead of 15825, Sept 1 at 1448 with Pastor Duke asserting ``you de man``; seems this show comes from Jefferson, Oregon. Unexpectedly good signal as sporadic E had kicked in to start a new month, but it is getting rarer and rarer, and not intense enough to reach VHF. No squeal problem heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. When WWCR is inbooming on 15820/15825, that means there is a chance of hearing nearby WWRB`s second harmonic on 18770, and sure enough, there it was Sept 1 at 1449 with weak Brother Scare but definitely // 9385 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 9715, Sept 1 at 1401 music, then Vietnamese ID by YL mentioning Washington, kHz. This hour is R. Free Asia, 250 kW, 279 degrees via Tinian, says Aoki. Fair signal here with no jamming audible, nor does Aoki asterisk any. Evidently the VietCom have enough self-confidence not to need to jam such foreign broadcasts, unlike their ChiCom and CubaCom brethren (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1330, another MW channel with a het on it revealing some station, probably US or Mexico is significantly off-frequency, Sept 1 at 0511 UT. Pitch slightly lower than the one heard again on 1280, which Bruce Winkelman put at approximately 200 Hz; but the one on 1330 stronger now and pitch wavering slightly too. Again, no obvious solution to be found at

UNIDENTIFIED. 6130 intruder, TADIL-A (see DXLDs 9-063 and 9-064), Sept 1 at 0503, now with 5 beeps before the brief noise bursts; bothered RN on 6125 via Nauen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###