mercoledì 2 settembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs September 1-2, 2009

** CANADA. Instead of Saturday mornings on webcasts, still seems strange to hear Stuart McLean storytelling on Vinyl Café in the middle of the night on SW, UT Wed Sept 2 at 0624 on CKZU 6160, fair signal, into a song. This is the repeat on the CBC Radio One schedule at 11:05 pm local Tuesdays; in fact, V.C. worx in so many repeats without flagging them as such that we kept saying ``heard that before`` and quit listening every Saturday morning. A new CBC season should now be getting underway, but that`s still no guarantee of new stuff on this series. Even on a `new` show, he re-tells old favorite stories. Weak het at this time from CKZN 6160.9 rather than equal signals fighting it out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 2: at 1300 on 8400 good signal going to top-of-hour open carrier monitoring pause; 1310 just barely audible on 9000. 1329 fair on 13970, better at 1407. 1334 audible but very poor on new 15200 // 13970; tnx to Ron Howard for spotting 15200 at a totally different time, 0213. At 1406, 15200 a bit better here. No others heard up to 19 MHz. BTW, Hiroshi and S. Hasegawa explain to DXLD that if you hear non // Firedrake frequencies, it`s really the same music, but started 6 minutes apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Surprised to hear Chinese lessons presented in English, Sept 2 at 1403, subject being money, on 15220, CRI via Sackville. No news on the hour? Wait a minute, this hour is not in English at all, but Chinese, which resumed 1405 at full speed, tho pronouncing an URL in English, ? That appears to be valid but I don`t have Chinese characters installed. Anyhow, why are they teaching Chinese in English on a Chinese broadcast, where the only people listening would already speak Chinese? Duh.

Another anomaly: no signal on 13740, the usual CRI English relay via CUBA, Sept 2 at 1408.

11615, Sept 2 at 1420 soft Asian songs, G signal with flutter, not listed in PWBR `2009`; 1427 into commercials in Chinese. Scheduled here is VOA Chinese via Saipan at 310 degrees, but I must have been hearing the ChiCom CNR1 jamming instead, as a*terisked by Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EAST TURKISTAN

** CUBA. RHC still not in English at 2030-2130; Sept 1 at 2122 check, 17660, 13790, 13760, 11770, 11760 all // in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 13610, CRI in English, very poor signal, Sept 2 at 1330, about two seconds behind CRI via Sackville, so is the site even further from Beijing? No, 13610 is Kashgar during this hour, 308 degrees toward Europe. How does the signal get to Sackville and Enid so much more quickly? The route to Kashgar must be more complex than a one-hop satellite feed, with the usual proviso that anything digital in the chain may introduce additional delays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. We can depend on XEPPM, R. Educación for a great variety of music on 6185. Sept 2 at 0622 it was Ray Charles, ``Unchain My Heart``, fair signal in the clear now with no co- or adjacent-channel QRM, unlike before 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15345, Sept 1 at 2124, Arabic on top, but fast SAH, which means RAE Argentina managed to match within 15 Hz or so (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA [and non]. 16 metres was just opening up Sept 2 at 1337 with DW Hausa via Kigali 17800 inbooming tnx to 310 degree azimuth also usward, and the only other big signal 17595 from REE Noblejas, Spain. No Chile 17680. After 1400 things had normalized with 17680 and the other usual signals audiblized (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. DRM test from Greenville still just barely audible on 15470-15475-15480, Sept 1 at 2124 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WEWN`s perpetual problem of noisy spurs and mixing products must not be ignored, so I report them periodically: Sept 2 at 1321 the two fundamentals are 11530 in English and 11550 in Spanish. Leapfrog mixing product on 11510 from 11550 over 11530, but did not hear a match on 11570. 11530 has the dirty squealy extremely distorted parasites plus and minus 10 kHz, which may or may not beat with legitimate occupants of neighboring frequencies. 11520 was obvious without BFO, while 11540 required BFO. Presumably the same spurry transmitter does this too elsewhen from 15610 to 15600 and 15620. Among the victims is WYFR on 11520 and 15600, Marian cultists vs Camping cultists (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13927-USB, AF MARS net, at 2125 Sept 1, including AFA9AY and Doom01, arranging phone patch to Shirley in the 239 area code; gave her complete number in the clear, and altho it is now known worldwide I refrain from reporting it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 8992-SSB, YL reading numbers mixed with fonetik letters, clear and steady pace, Sept 2 at 1313. There is a certain depth to her voice, a slight reverb, which I suspect is transmitted that way, rather than resulting from backscatter or some other multi-path, as it is usually the case, also on other frequencies. Went on and on and on, until finally at 1318, ``this concludes message of 291 characters; Andrews, out``. That is, Andrews AFB near Washington DC. Now all the other AFBs are decoding no doubt top-secret national security info (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. La Voz de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática, Polisario clandestine via ALGERIA, Sept 2 at 0621 with strumming on 6297.1, good signal. Had been on 6300 for ages and in analog tuning I had not noticed the variation until reported by Brian Alexander on 6297.12 at 2120-2200 Aug 30. I feared ute QRM would be worse for the morning broadcast, but no problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. The intruding TADIL-A `bonker` on 6130 has a problem at 06-07 UT only, when DRM runs on 6125-6135 from the DW/BBC coop via PORTUGAL, 90 kW at 30 degrees, but big signal here at 0629 Sept 2. In fact, only with BFO on could I barely hear the TADIL-A beeps, and too much DRM noise to count them. The DRM noise is rather like the data bursts which follow the beeps. So, does DRM ruin TADIL-A reception for its intended recipient, and does TADIL-A disrupt DRM reception anywhere? Both of these have no business intruding in the 49m analog SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Intruder in the middle of the 25m exclusive SWBC band: a tad below 11790, like 11789.9, 2-way SSB conversation in a non-Spanish language. Seems to be tonal Asian, Sept 2 at 1324; less adjacent broadcast QRM to it at 1411. This has been heard previously on same frequency, so unlike some of the Spanish ones which jump around, there is a better chance of DFing and tracing this, if anyone cared (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###