domenica 1 febbraio 2009


The most important logs from my DX Trip-Villa Giardino, Cordoba province, Argentina (780 kms to north from Buenos Aires city) are:

Receiver: Sony ICF2010+ Degen 1103
Antenna: longwire, 20 meters

2485 VL8K Katherine, 0945+, January 16, English, talk by female,15341

3390,2 Radio Emisoras Camargo, Camargo, 2325, January 14, Spanish, romantic songs, 25322

4409,9 Radio Eco, Reyes, 2340+, January 14, Spanish, songs in spanish, advs, 35343

4451,2 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 2319, January 14, Spanish, local advs by male & female, 25322

4699,5 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0942+, January 13, Spanish, advs, 24332

5580,3 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 2322, January 16, Spanish, religious programme (catholic): "...Acto de Consagracion al Sagrado Corazon....", 35333

6055 Radio Cultural Juan XXIII (new name!!!!!!), San Ignacio de Velazco, 1342+!!!, January 13, Spanish, "...en la Radio Cultural Juan XXIII", interview, 35443

3255 Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, AC, 0950+, January 15, Portuguese, ann. by male, melodic songs in portuguese, 25332

4965 Radio Alvorada, Parintins, AM, 0915+, January 15, Portuguese, brazilean songs, ann. by male, 24432. I couldn´t hear this station from many years ago.

6035 Buthan BS (p), 0120+, January 17, Vernacular, reported after La Voz del Guaviare s/off, 24432, long talk.

5910 Marfil Estereo, 0920+, January 20, spanish, "...Marfil Estereo, desde el Corazon de....Marfil Estereo...", 34343

6035 La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, 0158+, January 17, Spanish, "la Voz del Guaviare, emisora afiliada a RCN...", National Anthem, s/off 0100, 25432

6010 Radio Parinacota, Putre, 1350!!!!!, January 13, Spanish, local and regional news, messagges: "...avisar a los ganaderos de.....para que lleven su ganado....", 24432

3926,1 Voice of Kurdistan, North Iraq(t), 0345+, January 15, Vernacular, talk by female, 32432, jammed

4876 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan(t), 0420+, January 15, Vernacular, talk by male, 11431, jammed

3279,9 La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0025+, January 15, Vernacular, talk by female, 25332. I could this station only that night!!!

Reported every day with nice signal and not interference this AIR
transmitters from 0030 UTC:
4775 Imphal
4810 Bhopal
4835Gangtok (it´s the first log for me for this station)
4840 Mumbai
4880 Lucknow
4910 Jaipur
4920 Chennai
4940 Guwahati
4970 Shillong
5010 Thinanvatapuram
5040 Jeypore

4010 Kyrgyz Radio 1, Bishkek, 2300+, January 14, Vernacular, s/on, 25332

4800 XERTA Radio Transcontinental (p), Mexico DF, 0415+, January 15, Spanish, long religious talk, 24332

Reported all day this station (at 0930 UTC)
3235 Radio West New Britain, Kimbe
3260 Radio Madang, Madang
3290 Radio Central, Boroko
3325 Radio Bougainville, Kubu
3365 Radio Milne Bay, Alotau

3329,6 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco, 0005+, January 15, Spanish, "siete de la noche con 10 minutos", andean songs, 24332

4775 Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1000+, January 13, Spanish, s/on, andean songs, 25332

4790,1 Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 1010+, January 13, Spanish, religious programme, 25332

4826,5 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, 1005, January 16, Quechua/Spanish, " oportunidad de ingresar a la Policia Nacional.....", 35333

4835. 6 Radio Marañon, Jaen, 0036+, January 15, Spanish, romantic songs and local advs, 25332

4955 Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2310, January 14, Spanish, "estamos queridos amigos en la Radio Cultural Amauta...", 25442

4991,1 Radio Manantial, Huancayo (t), 0029+, January 15, Spanish, religious programme, talk by male, 32332

5039,4 Radio Libertad, Junin, 1032+, January 16,Spanish, andean songs, announcement by male, 15331

5120,3 Radio Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba,
0010+, January 23, Spanish,
ann.+ ID as: " continuamos con mas informaciones a traves de Radio Ondas del
Suroriente....amplitud modulada y 5120 en la onda corta...", 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

5460,5 Radio Bolivar, Ciudad Bolivar, 2345+, January 14, Spanish, "en esta segunda parte de nuestro programa....para todos los oyentes de Radio Bolivar...", 25232

5949,3 Radio Bethel, Arequipa, 1206+, January 16, Spanish, religious programme "Gloria a Dios Hermano.....", 33333

6174,2 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 1330+!!!!, January 13, Spanish,/Quechua, local advs, huaynos, 44433

9541,5 SIBC, Honiara, 0936+, January 15, English, bulletin news, after, transmssion in vernacular, 34333

4765,1 Tajik Radio, Yangi Yul, 2310+, January 14, Tajik, very nice local songs, 25552
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina