sabato 28 febbraio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs February 27-28, 2009

** BRAZIL [and non]. A while ago I wondered ``where`s the Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command when we need them?`` regarding David Miranda, the supremely annoying gospel huxter who mixes Spanish and Portuguese, wailing on more and more frequencies, especially Brazilian SW transmitters, such as 9565, where I was hearing him unimpeded. His empire is growing like a cancer. Now I am happy to say that the incompetent Cubans were indeed jamming him on 9565, as they often leave their jammers running long after Radio Martí is through with a frequency, in this case 2400. Feb 28 at 0725 check, DCJC was pulsing atop the ``God Is Love`` guy on 9565, tho he was inbooming on // 11765 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. Colombia para Cristo was preaching separately on both frequencies, Feb 28 at 0729: 6010 with OM in Spanish, interspersed with YL translating into English, just like we hear on HRMI 3340 (which was open carrier at 0736 check) and could even be the same ministry. At this time, HJDH 6010 was well atop XEOI, which could be detected underneath keeping Mexican music alive, and making a rippling SAH with it, probably 15-20 Hz or so apart. HJDH 5910, which is usually musical with Marfil Estéreo, also had a good signal with no QRM at 0733, and a different preacher in Spanish with no translation, not // 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR [and non]. 11690, HCJB Spanish totally free of RTTY QRM de 11687.5! Maybe Cutler read my March MT column? It would be very premature to hope they have quit for good. Saturday Feb 28 at 1403, HCJB starting mailbag show, // much stronger 11960. Companion RTTYs still running as usual at 1440 on 12015 and 9830 (axually, they may be totally unrelated --- I just group them because the three blatantly invade broadcast bands). 1445 Aventura Diexista segment was entirely an interview with Dino Bloise when Alen Grájan was visiting Miami (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. Here`s what`s next for VOI. After shifting from 9525.9 to 9525.0, missing a day, and English at 1400 instead of 1300 ---

On Feb 27, zero again on 9525.0 and 9525.9, so I check their other frequency and there it is – on 11785.0, good signal at 1350 with Indonesian songs, 1356 YL announcement, and at 1359 concluding English hour which then was back to its former time starting at 1300. After some dead air, 1401 opening Malay, 1402 drops off the air for a moment; carrier comes back on and then the modulation gets interrupted briefly. When on, good signal but with own hum; no het or other QRM. 1510 recheck seemed to be off, but by then my noisy computer was on. As happened the last time VOI used 11785 last year at these hours, it will be blown away on Saturday and Sunday by WHRI with Hmong Lao Radio at 14-15, and I believe WHRI is also on before 1400, weekends only.

As expected, impossible to reconfirm whether, like the day before, VOI was again on 11785 during +14-15+ UT Saturday Feb 28, as frequency is overwhelmed by WHRI, Hmong programming after 1400, and English gospel huxter before 1400. Anyhow, no VOI on 9525.0 or 9525.9. Must try to check Sunday at 1500 when WHRI closes earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. JSR, Shiokaze back on 5985, ex-5910, ex-5985, ex-5910, ad infinitum, Feb 28 at 1426 in Japanese with several mentions of Shiokaze over pervasive sad piano music, to 1430* No QRM audible but I suppose colliding again with Myanmar; it was doing just fine on 5910 as far as I was concerned. Do they really gain anything by switching back and forth, such as it taking a few days for the Dentro-Korean Jamming Command to upcatch? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND. It sure helps to tune across the 2 MHz band with BFO on; only some SSB signals make it thru the noise level here, such as 2598, Feb 28 at 0740 with marine weather for Newfoundland. Crummy audio due to vox and/or announcer speaking into telephone instead of a decent studio mike. Could not catch ID, but did hear Newfoundland locations, Grand Banks mentioned. Per Klingenfuss 2002 book, there were two stations on 2598: VCM in Saint Anthony, and VOK in Cartwright, both of the Canadian Coast Guard.

However, a search of the UDXF yg comes up with a log by Peter Poelstra, Netherlands, last Dec 11 at 0737 of VCP, CCG Placentia, also with Grand Banks weather (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL. 11885, fair signal in Portuguese Portuguese, Feb 28 at 1406; must be RDPI. Yes, // much stronger 15560. 11885 is the weekend-only transmission, 45 degrees across Europe at 1200-1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBOH: Finally, Feb 27 at 0627 UT check, 5920 was modulating well, with hymns, three days after noticing it unmodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Ascolti AM

Martedì 17 febbraio 2009
15.55 - 4970 kHz
AIR - Shillong (India)
Hindi, annunci YL e musica locale.
Segnale buono-insufficiente
QRMs co-ch UTE DIG+splash
Vo Russia 4975 dalle 16.00.
16.20 - 4880 kHz
AIR - Lucknow (India)
Musica melodica locale.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
QRMs co-ch UTE DIG+number station
*16.30-16.33*+bubble jamming contro
Vo Iranian Kurdistan 4850-4880v che
si sposta in continuazione.


Venerdì 20 febbraio 2009
11.10 - 11590 kHz
VO THE STRAIT - Fuzhou (Cina)
Mandarino, tk OMs/YLs.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
15.40 - 4750 kHz
QINGHAI PBS - Xining (Cina)
Mandarino, poesie YL/OM (si capisce
dallo stile di recitazione) e mx melodica.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Quando chiude Qinghai alle 16.00 circa
si sente molto più bassa CNR 1 tx Beijing.
16.15 - 4010 kHz
Nxs OM/YL e mx locale.
Segnale sufficiente-buono


Domenica 22 febbraio 2009
19.26 - 11975 kHz
VOA - Bonaire (Antille Olandesi)
EE, sport e Special English (19.30).
Segnale buono


Giovedì 26 febbraio 2009
07.03 - 7125 kHz
R. CONAKRY (Guinea)
FF, nxs OM e canti locali.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Modulazione al limite dell'udibile.
07.35 - 7200 kHz
SUDAN NBC - Omdurman
AA, mx afropop e tk OM/YLs.
Segnale insufficiente-buono


Sabato 28 febbraio 2009
06.44 - 6019.4 kHz
SS/PP, radioesorcismo di massa!!!
(questo si offre alla gente in buona fede???)
Segnale buono-molto buono
Quasi a fondo scala!

SWL I1-0799GE
Luca Botto Fiora
G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)
R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
2 DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu
SRF-M807 Sony
Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 17830 2004 English 333 Feb 24 OM with comments. OM with World News at 2005.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 17810 2006 English 433 Feb 24 YL and OM with news on the war in Afghanistan.

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 17895 1959 English 333 Feb 24 OM with comments. YL with VOA ID 1959 and suddenly off the air.

CHILE La Voz CVC 17680 2012 Spanish 433 Feb 24 OM ancr at a sports event, possible a Soccer game. Columbia mentioned often.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 17850 2001 Spanish 444 Feb 24 YL and OM ancrs for a Soccer game.

CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay-RNV 17705 2008 Spanish 444 Feb 24 OM with comments and RNV ID.

PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-DW 13790 2020 Arabic 444 Feb 24 OM with comments.

SAO TOME VOA Relay 11975 2027 English 444 Feb 24 African Drum style music. OM and YL with VOA ID 2030. YL with music from the Africa program

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come

venerdì 27 febbraio 2009

Ultimas escuchas

CHAD 4905 Radio N´Djamena, Ndjamena, 20:27-20:35, escuchada el 27 de febrero en francés a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música rap africano, locutor con invitado en conversación, SINPO 34443

DJIBOUTI 4780 Radio Djibouti, Djibouti, 20:20-20:23, escuchada el 27 de febrero en dialecto africano sin identificar, probablemente en Afa a locutor con comentarios y enumerando una larga lista, probablemente de nombres, se aprecia fuerte interferencia de señal digital, SINPO 33443

ETIOPÍA 9704 Radio Etiopía, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 20:48-20:52, escuchada el 27 de febrero en idioma africano sin identificar a locutora con comentarios, emisión de música pop local, SINPO 32442

MAURITANIA 4845 Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 20:23-20:27, escuchada el 27 de febrero en idioma árabe a locutor y locutora con comentarios, canto del Corán, se aprecia una señal digital sin identificar emitiendo de forma intermitente, apenas unos segundos y desaparece, SINPO 34433

USA 9385 WWRB The Overcomer Ministry, Morrison TN, 20:41-20:45, escuchada el 27 de febrero en inglés a locutor con comentarios en programa religioso, anuncia dirección, SINPO 35433


ARGELIA 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 19:33-19:37, escuchada el 27 de febrero en hasanía a locutor y locutora con comentarios, referencias a "Saharauia ..Islamía..Medina", segmento musical, SINPO 34333

ARMENIA 7530 Radio Free North Korea, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:20-19:25, escuchada el 27 de febrero en coreano a locutora con entrevista a invitado, se aprecia conversación distendida con alguna risa, SINPO 24432

7550 Open Radio North Korea, Yerevan-Gabar, 21:15-21:18, escuchada el 27 de febrero en coreano a locutora con comentarios, música de sintonía, musiquita muy pegadiza, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24322

UCRANIA 7540 Dengue Mezopotamya, 19:25-19:32, escuchada el 27 de febrero en idioma kurdo, emisión de música pop melódica interpretada por una cantante con coros, locutora con comentarios, cánticos étnicos con coros sin música, SINPO 45544

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

MV Baltic Radio this Sunday / New Schedule

On the 1st of March 2009 

At 1300 UTC

On 6140 KHz

MV Baltic Radio is on the air from the transmitting station in Wertachtal Germany.

We will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).


New time slot of MV Baltic Radio for summertime 2009:

From         April to October 2009

Time         9 to 10 UTC (11 to 12 CEST)  

Channel   6140 KHz.


Good Listening

73s Tom

RapportoRadio Puntata n°5-(84)

Settimanale Radiofonico di approfondimento,informazione e divulgazione sul mondo radio
Per ricevere la nostra QSL scrivi a:RapportoRadio P.O.Box 5-C.A.P. 80010-Quarto Napoli Italia
Puntata n°5-(84)
Salve amici e benvenuti alla puntata n. 5 del
RapportoRadio che è riferita alla settimana che va da domenica 01 a sabato 07 marzo prossimo.
L'ospite di questa puntata sarà Carlo Consoli ik0ygj, autore del prezioso volume "Lo Zen e l'Arte della Radiotelegrafia".
Carlo ci parlerà di questo suo libro, ma ci parlerà anche della telegrafia in generale e di tutto quello che la riguarda in ambito radioamatoriale. Voglio ricordare che per acquistare il volume è necessario andare sul sito
Al termine della puntata, ci sarà Antonio Di Maio iz8epg con il suo spazio notizie.
Dunque non perdetevi questo appuntamento, che come
sempre è estremamente interessante.
Un saluto e al prossimo numero!


GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70' North/09° 59,40' East
RECEIVERS : AOR 7030, PERSEUS PC, SDR-iQ,  RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz), ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz) GRUNDIG G6 PORTABLE                
RX CAR : Car Radio Opel Astra.


                                     SHORT WAVE REPORT

Solar Flux Values  NOAA WWA : 
   70 (14 FEBRUARY), 70 (15 FEBRUARY), 69 (16 FEBRUARY),
   71 (17 FEBRUARY), 70 (18 FEBRUARY), 69 (19 FEBRUARY),
   69 (20 FEBRUARY). 
A-Index Values     NOAA WWA :
   18 (14 FEBRUARY), 12 (15 FEBRUARY), 05 (16 FEBRUARY),
   01 (17 FEBRUARY), 02 (18 FEBRUARY), 01 (19 FEBRUARY),
   03 (20 FEBRUARY). 

 kHz                day         time UTC            station,  details                        

4835       15/02           2135-2155   ABC , AUSTRALIA, TX TENNANT CREEK, EE, NOTED ONLY THIS DAY.  SUFF  BOC15
4845   15-19/02         1900-2245   R.MAURITANIA,  ARABIC NEWS & TALKS. GOOD BOC15
4885   15-20/02         2140...0605 R.CLUBE PARA', BELEM, BRASIL, SONGS CARNAVAL, IDs.  POOR/SUFF  BOC15
4905   15-19/02         1800-2230* R.TCHAD, AFRO POP in FF,NX, TALKS GOOD/V.GOOD  BOC15 
4915   14+16+17/02 2237....0455 R.DIFUSORA MACAPA', AMAPA', BRASIL. TALKS PP.  POOR/GOOD BOC15
4925   16-18/02         2325-0001  RRI JAMBI,INDONESIA, NXs, LOCAL NEWS 2330,ID, LOVE AMBON 2359, NASIONAL NX 0000. SUFF/GOOD BOC15
4925,25v 17/02         2236-2240  R.EDUCADORA RURAL TEFE',BRASIL, TALKS IN PP.  SUFF  BOC15
5025  15-20/02         2230-0815  R.REBELDE,CUBA,  CARAIBIC SOUNDS,
5100     18/02            0358-0402  R. BANA, ERITREA, ADDRESS :  Ministry of Education, P.O. Box 609, Asmara. NEWS in AMHARIC.  GOOD  BOC15
5989,48  18/02         0408-0415   R. ETHIOPIA, ADIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA. AFRO CORN SOUNDS.  GOOD  BOC15
6220       15/02         1540-1555    MYSTERY RADIO,PIRATE, POP  MX, DISCO DANCE MIX, ID, JINGLES.  SUFF/GOOD  BOC15
6300  15-19/02     0745-; 1835-2359*v   RASD, RADIO NACIONAL SAHARAUI,  IDs. ARABIC, IN SPANISH 2315 NEWS, REPORTs.  SUFF/V.GOOD  BOC15
9610      15/02       *0900-0930    STUDIO DX 295, DX-PROGRAM HOSTED BY R.SCAGLIONE,  VIA AWR , TX GERMANY.   HRD in DEGEN 1103. SUFF   BOC15
11735 15+19/02     1532-2000   R.TANZANIA,ZANZIBAR, in SWAHILI, NEWS IN ENGLISH AT 1800-1815 !!!.  SUFF/V.GOOD  BOC15




giovedì 26 febbraio 2009

Nasce il gruppo Radioascolto Campania

Domenica scorsa 22-02-2007 a Pompei nell'ambito della VII fiera del radioamatore, organizzata dalla locale sezione ARI  ci siamo incontrati alcuni di noi appassionati al mondo del radioascolto e abbiamo tracciato le prime basi per questo gruppo di amici che speriamo possa nascere, crescere e fare tante cose belle insieme.
Le primissime attività erano quelle di creare un punto epr ritrovarci, una mailing-list su yahoo che ci possa riunire anche insieme ad altri amici, e così abbiamo gia creato il gruppo al quale da ora   gia potete iscrivervi in piena autonomia:
Pagina iniziale del gruppo:
Indirizzo email del gruppo per iscriversi:
a questo indirizzo va inviato un e-mail vuoto nell'oggetto e nel corpo del messaggio e poi attendere la notifica del sistema e una volta dopo replicare su quel messaggio rispondendo con il reply.
Ora c'è da organizzare un primo incontro, noi avremmo pensato a fine marzo a Salerno in una trattoria magari di domenica, e li conoscerci tutti e partire definitivamente con il gruppo, Gianfranco Buonomo ha detto che avrebbe individuato lui un posto accogliente e non costoso ovviamente.
Come ultima idea, ci sarebbe da organizzare un incontro di radioascolto da tenersi a fine maggio o inizio giugno, e anche qui noi avremmo pensato nel beneventano, dalle parti di Baselice, ove gia 2 anni fa abbiamo fatto attività.
Tutto qui, questo è quanto per il momento deciso. Per ora non resta che iscriverci tutti alla mailing-list creata di cui sopra e tenerci in contatto tutti quanti.
Per il momento saluto tutti.
lunga vita al RadioascoltoCampania e a presto rileggervi o incontrarvi di persona.
Gianni Urso IZ8ELM.

Glenn Hauser logs February 25-26, 2009

** AUSTRALIA. 12010, poor with RA news in English, Feb 25 at 2201. Seldom-heard frequency, at least by me; per Aoki it`s via Darwin at 22-24, 250 kW, 317 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command with a different sound than usual against R. Martí, 7405, Feb 25 at 2234. Carriers putting out warbling, almost musical pulses, from 1 or 2 kHz on the low side, but also bothering Radio Bulgaria in English on 7400 --- why should the Cubans care about those ex-Commies?

The same type of jamming heard on 9955, Feb 26 at 1411, allowing bits of WRMI to be audible, as well as some weak grindjamming too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. I meant to point it out in time, but Radio Verdad, Guatemala`s ninth anniversary was February 25. Still no sign of their coming back on the air on 4052.5. I`m sure Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid is sad to be passing another anniversary without being able to broadcast on SW, altho I was able to connect to the low-quality stream, mentioning their 9th anniversary at 1509 UT. And a local celebration Saturday the 28th at 4 pm on the campus in Chiquimula. If you have ever heard or QSLed Radio Verdad, you might send him a greeting. Contact info is at  At 1512 cooking show, Todos a Cocinar, with Scott Joplin theme music (Glenn Hauser, Feb 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Since VOI had shifted to 9525.0 on February 24, and was missing Feb. 25, I looked for it again on Feb 26 at 1400. At first I thought it was still missing, but there was a very weak signal on 9525.0, which at 1402 I could recognize as VOI, starting, rather than ending English at this time with usual YL announcer, contact info. 1403 news. So has this English transmission been permanently shifted an hour later as well as 900 Hz lower, and maybe to a less favorable antenna? Only time will tell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. As I was looking for Syria on 9330, Feb 25 at 2129 --- nothing, noticed 9335, in unID language I was trying to figure out, but off abruptly at 2130* without ID. Only thing that fits per Aoki is R. Farda via Sri Lanka at 1900-2130, 250 kW, 344 degrees. I see that Harold Frodge, MI, was listening to this at exactly the same time and came to the same conclusion. Obviously the studio and transmitter make no effort to coördinate openings and closings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL. RDPI with super-signal on 12040 during stupid ballgame coverage, announcer willingly losing sanity, Feb 25 at 2117, and // 11960 only slightly weaker; the two combined to produce a very weak but definitely audible mixing product on 12120, another 80 kHz higher, but no match could be detected on 11880, 80 kHz lower. Both fundamentals are listed as 300 kW; 12040 at 300 degrees toward us and 11960 at 226 degrees toward S America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. Rechecking RNW relay in Indonesian on 15280, after yesterday`s log when the audio kept looping back and repeating itself every few seconds --- Feb 25 at 2204 it was much better, doing that only once a minute or so, but still unacceptable. News about Schipol crash of Turkish jet.

More interesting was the long/short path echo I was hearing when the signal faded a little. This goes out on azimuth 225 degrees, which crosses eastern Indonesia near Sorong, Kendari, etc., far from the Java population centers. Then it carries on across the Indian Ocean near Crozet, the South Atlantic, and South America; while the short path, 45 degrees off the back, hits North America on the Oregon coast, and crosses central Kansas, only two degrees away from Enid, 47 degrees from Saipan. LP is approximately 11,200 miles longer than the SP, which divided by the 186,000 miles per second speed of radio, amounts to a delay of 0.06 second (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11915, Feb 25 at 2200, time signal 4 seconds fast, Saudi ID, poor in Arabic, // 11820 somewhat better, by 2203 Qur`aning. 11915 is 295 degrees, 11820 320 degrees from Riyadh, both 500 kW, per Aoki, and are the Holy Qur`an service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. IBB Greenville again late starting the VOA Creole service: Feb 25 at 2202 just big open carrier on 11895, 2203 cut on modulation. This and the two other Kriyol broadcasts are expected to shift one UT hour earlier March 8 when Washington goes on DST even tho Port-au-Prince does not.

BTW, March 8 is the earliest possible date for DST to start in NAm under current rules, second Sunday, thus producing two sesquiweeks, rather than only two weeks, of confusion until most of the other DST-observing areas bring it on the last Sunday in March, the 29th when the A-09 frequency changes also go into effect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5920, WBOH, STILL with open carrier only for the third day, Feb 26 at 0643; at least this allowed RFI to be heard clearly on 5925 without splash. Nothing audible on 9370 from WTJC, probably just not propagating in the nightmiddle. At 1348, 5920 still with OC and het, 9370 strong and modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5755, WEWN, Feb 26 at 1345 just with background noise for a minute or two. That`s what we get for their putting the ``Daily Mass: Our Lady`` TV show on the radio at 1300-1400. Finally YL with (fake?) British accent prays to Mary, since Jesus is busy (?). 1352 also found same service on 7555, but on this frequency the squealing helps to fill up the dead air, and voice-over translation into Spanish. No translations needed when service went into Latin, which everyone understands, or should I say, no one? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6300 with considerable open carrier before 0700 UT Feb 26, so I stayed with it and at 0700 LV de la RASD band played (national?) anthem, somewhat undermodulated, generator hum, and usual ute on low side, 0701 sign-on in Hassania Arabic, Qur`an soloist, still at 0706. Before 0700*, Cairo had a much louder signal on 6290 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13970-14000, presumed over-the-horizon radar pulses, Feb 26 at 1417. Looks like they were careful to keep it out of 20m; I looked for a twin elsewhere in the 13-16 MHz range, but did not find any. Normally they are within 100 kHz of each other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2009


Here some new shortwave logs for 24.02.09:

2142 utc, 5930, Radio Praha, via Litomysl, Cze, talk in spanish, good signal
2145 utc, 5940, Voice of Russia in spanish, via Samara, Russia, good signal
2148 utc, 5960, CRI in english, via Cerric, Albania, "China Drive", good signal
2150 utc, 5980, Voice of Turkey in turkish, via Cakirlar, Turkey, music, good signal.
2155 utc, 6000, Voice of Russia, in serbian, via Samara, Russia, good signal
2202 utc, 6020, CRI in spanish, talk, via Shijiazhuang, China, good signal
2205 utc, 6040, Radio Nederland, in dutch, via Krasnodar, Russia, good signal
2207 utc, 6050, Polskie Radio, in polish, news, talk, via Wertachtal, good signal
2210 utc, 6070, Radio Romania Int, in spanish, talk, via Galbeni, Romania, good signal
2217 utc, 6095, unid, very poor signal.
2255 utc, 6075, Deutche Welle in german, via Sines, Portugal, very poor signal
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia, Grundig YB 80)

Glenn Hauser logs February 25, 2009

** INDONESIA. VOI, which was on 9525.0 instead of 9525.9 the day before, was totally missing Feb 25 at 1343 and 1444 checks --- not even a carrier on either frequency, nor anything on 11785v; what next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, Feb 25 opening at 1400 with piano music, then YL in heavily accented English, ``from Tokyo Japan``, and giving contact addresses ``if you have any information`` about the abductees. Poor signal today, but presumably stayed in English this semi-hour on Wednesday. No jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 9450, PRES English hour via Germany at 1300 is getting weaker and weaker as equinox approaches, but also with co-channel QRM now, Feb 25 at 1340 check, singing in Polish mixed with YL fluttering in oriental language, possibly Vietnamese. None of the online schedules have yet caught up with this, showing nothing but PRES on 9450 during this hour. Could well have something to do with Sound of Hope and extended Chicom jamming which supposedly don`t start until 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5900, at 1400 Feb 25 going from open carrier to ID as Golos Rossii; weak signal, listed as 117 degrees from Samara; maybe long path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Whenever I check 5920v, all I hear is an open carrier. Presumably nobody at FBN is monitoring their own transmission, or they too would have noticed that WBOH has lost its modulation, and would either fix it or turn it off. First reported Feb 24 at 0650, but still/again the case Feb 25 at 0718. Carrier was extremely strong this time, unlike WWCR 5890 and 5935 which were too close, and turning up the volume on 5920, could barely hear a bit of singing, but not sure it was from the same transmitter. Might have been Russia, or something else. Again at 1356, still just OC, but off-frequency WBOH now making a big het with VOR Irkutsk, Russia as is always the case at this hour whether WBOH is modulating or not. 9370 WTJC was OK, with usual Alex Scourby Bible readings after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Radio Cina Internazionale: Sessioni annuali dell'Assemblea popolare nazionale

Cari amici,
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Ultimas escuchas

ALEMANIA 7315 Radio Dabanga, Wertachtal, 05:22-05:27, escuchada el 25 de febrero en árabe a locutor con comentarios con referencias a Sudan, locutor con ID "..Radio Dabanga a Sudan", locutor con reportaje en dialecto sin identificar, cuña de identificación con música "Radio Dabanga", despedida, SINPO 34443

CANADA 9625 CBC Radio Nord Québec, Sackville, 05:32-05:36, escuchada el 25 de febrero en inglés a locutora con entrevista a invitada, SINPO 35433

CUBA 5025 Radio Rebelde, La Habana, 05:45-05:50, escuchada el 25 de febrero en español a locutor con reportaje sobre informe realizado al presidente Obama, programa "Portada Rebelde", "El tiempo hoy", pronostico del tiempo, "Donde se produce la noticia, portada Rebelde", locutora con reportaje, SINPO 35443

CHAD 4905 Radio N´Djamena, Ndjamena, 05:40-05:45, escuchada el 25 de febrero en francés a locutor y locutora con boletín de noticias, SINPO 34433

BIELORRUSIA 7110 Blaruskoye Radio 1, Grodno, 05:12-05:16, escuchada el 25 de febrero en bielorruso a locutora con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 24322

EMIRATOS ARABES 15240 Somali Interactive Radio, Dhabbaya, 06:10-06:13, escuchada el 25 de febrero en somalí a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 23422

RUSIA 9840 Radio Rossii, Moskva-Taldom, 05:54-06:02, escuchada el 25 de febrero en ruso a locutor y locutora con entrevista a invitada, segmento de música pop melódica rusa, ID "Radio Rossii..program cultura..programa Alexander..", tonos horarios y sintonía, "Informacione program radio rossii", locutor con titulares y noticias, SINPO 45544

UCRANIA 5970 Ucranian Radio, Kyiv, 04:43-04:47, escuchada el 25 de febrero en ucraniano, locutor con noticias, ID "..Nacional Ucraine", locutor y locutora con comentarios, referencias a "Ucraina", SINPO 24432

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Glenn Hauser logs February 24, 2009

** CUBA [and non]. Checking out what Radio República is doing: Feb 24 at 2237, surprised to find it unjammed via WRMI 9955 with intriguing talk about human evolution, brain size, language and music, concluding with some hypothetical Neanderthal music at 2240-2242, then ID giving only frequency 9810, 6-11 pm de lunes a domingo, i.e. the new non-WRMI relay at 2300-0400, not yet on the air at this moment, and surely Wednesday-Tuesday rather than Monday-Sunday; why don`t they just say todos los días? R.R. does have quite a bit of apolitical programming which need not be jammed, but I doubt the DentroCubans were deliberately relenting against the hated, wormy, FueraCubans. BTW, Cuba`s public venom is directed against Radio Martí, with Radio República`s existence hardly ever even acknowledged.

Meanwhile, a wall of noise on 9565 against Radio Martí. 9955 had the usual het at this time of day, presumably the perpetually off-frequency Taiwan transmitter scheduled for RFI relay after 2300, but at 2253 jamming had also started to appear on 9955; by 2300 it had overwhelmed WRMI when I wanted to detect whether it was parallel 9810 --- probably not.

So I was standing by for 9810 to come on; at 2257 jamming already grinding away against nothing; at 2259 Sackville DRM shifted from 9795-9800-9805 to 9785-9790-9795 for TDP`s dance music, thank you very much. Jamming increased against 9810, but I could still hear R. República cut on about 15 seconds after 2300, surely via Sackville too.

Earlier at 2235, I also noted the DentroCuban Jamming Command on 11930, with at least two strong non-synchronized modulated pulses against nothing, Radio Martí having signed off that channel at 2200. The pulses periodically coincided, but mostly were offset different fraxions of a second as they were emitted at slightly different rates, deliberately to be more annoying if they had had a victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM [and non]. Tuned in 11850 at 2229 Feb 24 just as a formal sign-off announcement was running in English, from Adventist Broadcasting Service, 100,000 watts. Maybe Guam or KSDA was mentioned earlier, but not now until 2229:30*, the conclusion of scheduled semihour in Indonesian. Radio Free Asia [see U S A [non]] took over 11850 a few sex later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 15280, Feb 24 at 2218, VG signal in Indonesian, but deep and selective fading. What does PWBR `2009` say? Nothing. Must be RN; who else would be talking about Schipol, bits of Dutch and even English mixed in with the Indonesian, and 2220 RNW ID. But then at 2221 I notice that the audio is hiccuping, every few seconds looping back and repeating two or three times a few syllables already just heard. This is extremely annoying, especially if you really understand Indonesian. And also ruins song in English which follows at 2222. Just as bad if not worse at 2236 recheck when an IDstring ran in Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and something else. Is anyone paying attention at Hilversum or transmitter site? I guess a satellite feed problem. 15280 is not Madagascar as first assumed. This is the 2200-2257 transmission via IBB sites, which changed from Tinang at the beginning of B-08, to Tinian for a sesquiweek, and finally to
 SAIPAN since 7 November. Hard to believe it is beamed due SW from there rather than NE toward US. But a refund is in order (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Shortly after KSDA finished with 11850 [see GUAM], Feb 24 at *2230, a seamless transition to R. Free Asia, opening in English with Khmer to follow. At first I thought they said ``Thai`` as the name has an almost-long I, the way RFA pronounces it, as I have noticed before and must be closer to the proper pronunciation in that language itself. In next few minutes, YL announcer mentioned Malraux, Reagan amd others in the same breath. Wonder what that was about. This signal, much better than KSDA had been, easily held its own against adjacent WYFR on 11855. RFA`s open carrier was probably already on for a crash-start when I tuned in KSDA a minute earlier, suppressing its loudness but also holding off WYFR`s sideband. This is TINIAN at 278 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   11990  2330  Chinese  333  Feb 22  Two YLs with comments. A Spanish station suddenly interfering CRI 2335. Possible RCI Canada signing on in Spanish.

JAPAN   Radio Japan-NHK   11665  2305  Japanese  333  Feb 22  OM with comments. //11910[333], and 17605[444]via Bonaire.

KOREA, North   Voice of Korea   9345  2234  Chinese  333  Feb 22  YL and OM with comments also some Choir vocal music was heard. Then more comments by a YL.

RUSSIA, Khabarovsk   Voice of Germany Relay-VOG   11830  2318  Chinese  444  Feb 22  YL and OM with comments. DW ID 2318 by an OM. Then a YL with comments plus an OM too.  //9900[232]Novosibirsk.

SPAIN   Radio Exteria Espana-REE   9630  2243  Spanish  333  Feb 22  YL and OM with comments. //9765[333]Via Costa Rica Relay.

TAIWAN  Radio Taiwan Intl  11710  2306  Chinese  333  Feb 22  OM with comments. Also being Jammed.

THAILAND   BBC Relay   11975  2327  Chinese  333  Feb 22  Two YLs and an OM with comments. Jammer Drummer heard in the background.

UNKNOWN   Unknown Station   11655  2255  Chinese  433  Feb 22  YL and OM with comments. Suddenly off the air at 2300.  

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

martedì 24 febbraio 2009

Log sdc sempre di carnevale

Anche questa mattina qualche buon segnale ma con interferenze più marcate:

1140 24/02 0555- WQBA mx e parlato in S, si menziona "Miami" (menodisturbata ieri mattina)
670 24/02 0606- CMBA R.Rebelde px mx e parlato in S //5025 kHz
1180 24/02 0612- CMCA R.Rebelde px mx e parlato in S //5025 kHz
1030 24/02 0612- WBZ px in E ID "News Radio"
1200 24/02 0612- nd intervista in S e si parla di pace e si menziona più volte "Antonio Gonzales"
1200 24/02 0612- nd parlato in E

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Glenn Hauser logs February 23-24, 2009

** COLOMBIA. 5910, good signal Feb 24, enjoying nice bouncy music from Marfil Estéreo, pausing at 0700 for ID including calls HKI79, back to music which unseemed religious, but I couldn`t really understand the lyrix. Call of this SW transmitter is axually HJDH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Voice of Indonesia, ``the sound of dignity``, back on 9525.0 for a change instead of 9525.9, so different transmitter at Cimanggis? Feb 24 at 1445 during some great drumming and singing, 1449 IDs in Malay and English, 1450 opening English broadcast 10 minutes early! With program summary, 1451 switch to another YL with news, heavier accent and muffled mike, so harder to copy. Lead story something about compensation for Aceh tsunami victims, as repeated at news closing 1501. The clock may be off in the studio, but the transmitter site was closer, cutting this off at 1503:12* after Perspective commentary about Hillary had just started at 1502. No QRM before or after 1500, but constant self-inflicted hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [and non]. 8122, Amigos Net on USB, Feb 24 at 1428 with Don Anderson, Oxnard, California, giving his weather forecasts, especially winds, for vessels along the western coast of Mexico, such as recommending when would be a good time for a sailboat in a particular place to `make the crossing`. 1432 various boats in contacts, 1435 net control on the Jacaranda announced QSY to 4-bravo = 4149 kHz, which I did not bother to check at this late hour, as signals were barely audible on 8 MHz, that net presumably starting at 1415, or at least that`s when Anderson joins in. There was also QRM from SSB slightly to one side of 8122 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. KEOR, 1120, Catoosa/Sperry/Tulsa, off the air again when checked around 2030 UT Feb 23, and 1700 UT Feb 24. Maybe the days of oldies over and over and over are over, pending transfer to Catholic diocese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa, 17770, better than usual Feb 24 at 1513 with news, 1518 mentioning 9625 as only frequency during this second hour of the English broadcast. So they are still confused in the studio about what frequencies are really on the air from Meyerton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. BBCWS via Ascension, 27 degrees, 6005, Feb 24 at 0701 with news and off the air promptly at 0706* after ``and that`s the latest BBC news``. Certainly strange scheduling, but no accident. Evidently the transmitter is not needed immediately at 0700 for something else, so why not squeeze in a little more news? Aoki shows until 0705, but this cannot be as BBCWS news always runs until 6 past the hour so it will match up with NPR news timings. (I had also noticed previously the newsreader naming herself just before the optional cutaway at :04, another innovation.) HFCC shows until 0710 but this is also incorrect. EiBi has it right, until 0706. Is anyone aware of any other BBCWS SW transmission in English which does this? Possibly BBCWS has a commitment to feed some local African relay station the news at 0700. Before 0700, 6005 is hard to hear due to RHC on 6000, but after 0700 we get Mali clearly on 5995 and BBC on 6005 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. 5920, Feb 24 at 0650 check and still 0659, nothing but a big open carrier from WBOH; I was checking whether they played the Star Spangled Banner at the same time as three nights before. Quickly switched to WTJC 9370 at 0653, which was just barely audible and not playing the SSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. 9660, Feb 24 at 0656, RA Brandon 10 kW with rock music, SAH of 3.7 Hz; what could that be? At 0658 Vatican IS started. Did not monitor further, assuming VR was about to start a transmission, but checking EiBi later, found that VR, 500 kW, 200 degrees from SMG, is supposed to be ending 9660 at 0658 after English at 0630, while RA goes on until 0800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Escuchas del 24 de feb

BRASIL 4885 Radio Clube do Para, Belem PA, 04:00-4:03, escuchada el 24 de febrero en portugués a locutor con comentarios presentando tema musical, emisión de música pop local, SINPO 24432

CUBA 5025 Radio Rebelde, La Habana, 04:41-04:45, escuchada el 24 de febrero en español a locutor en programa con intervención de los oyentes por teléfono, SINPO 34443

ETIOPÍA 7165 Voice of Peace, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 04:20-04:25, escuchada el 24 de febrero en tigrilla a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 23332

7210 Radio Fana???, 04:30-04:34, escuchada el 24 de febrero en amárico con emisión de música étnica local, ritmos africanos, locutora con comentarios presentando nuevo tema musical, posible cuña de ID por locutor, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 35443

IRAN 3945 Voice of Rep. Iran, Zahedan, 03:50-03:53, escuchada el 24 de febrero en kurdo a locutor con comentarios con música de fondo, SINPO 35443.

SWAZILANDIA 4775 Trans Worl Radio, Manzini, 03:53-03:56, escuchada el 24 de febrero en idioma Lomwe a locutor comentarios y emisión de música étnica, parecen cánticos religiosos, SINPO 24442

UGANDA 4976 Radio Uganda, Kampala, 04:04-04:06, escuchada el 24 de febrero en inglés a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24422

USA 3215 WWCR Nashville, Nashville, 03:40-03:44, escuchada el 24 de febrero en inglés a locutor con comentarios religiosos, cuña de ID, locutora presentando programa, segmento musical, SINPO 35443

7505 WRNO New Orleáns, New Orleáns, 04:37-04:40, escuchada el 24 de febrero en inglés con emisión de música disco dance de los años 80 y rap, SINPO 35543

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION   BBCWS Relay   7255  0453  English  333  Feb 23  OM with BBC News ID and into news items.Then a YL interviewing a YL 0455.

CUBA   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI   9790  0422  Chinese  433  Feb 23  YL with comments.

GREECE   Voice of Greece   7475  0435  Greek  333  Feb 23  Some good Greek music.

RUSSIA   Voice of Russia-VOR   12030  0404  English  444  Feb 23  YL with comments in This is Russia program. Then Moscow Yesterday and Today program. //9840[444], 7335[544]Chita, 9855[333], 9840[444], 7150[232], 6240 [444]Armavir.

RUSSIA   Magadan Radio   7320  0450  Russian  333  Feb 23  YL with comments.

SOUTH AFRICA   BBCWS Relay   9650  0425  English  333  Feb 23  OM with comments. BBC World Service ID by an OM 0429.

UKRAINE   Radio Ukraine Intl-RUI   7440  0438  English  333  Feb 23  Folk music then a YL with comments 0440. Then back to folk music.

UNKNOWN   Unknown Station   11980  0402  Chinese  333  Feb 23  YL and OM with comments..  Could not find a listing for this Frequency.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

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Glenn Hauser logs February 22-24, 2009

** AUSTRALIA. RA, 6020, very good Feb 22 from 1315 tune-in until abrupt 1355*, coverage from previous morning on ABC Local Radio of National Service of Mourning, re bushfires in Victoria; included poetry, speeches by Princess Anne, Governor General, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. A few nites ago at 0000, heard some jamming against nothing on 9810. I was bystanding, Monday Feb 23 at 2257 on 9810, when lite jamming was already in progress again; 2258 jamming level stepped up, and 2259 stepped up some more. A few seconds after 2300, R. República cut on in progress with usual theme music and slogan ``con fe en la victoria``. Did not hear any frequency or schedule mentioned. RR was more or less readable despite the jamming, at least initially. Only jamming was audible at this time on WRMI 9955. Recheck 0050 UT Feb 24: 9810 mainly jamming, could tell something else was there; meanwhile R. Canada Internal, fairly good on 9755 in English about Ukrainian-Canadians.

I bet 9810 is Sackville, and probably 2300-0400 or so as per previous usage; daily? Bernie O`Shea in Ontario was hearing this at 0130-0300+ Feb 23, the night before. And Jeff White says RR is ending its evening broadcast via WRMI 9955 as of Feb 27. Searching thru the website is a waste of time; nothing there about current scheduling, no hits on 9810, and only very old hits on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 3955 in Dutch, Feb 23 at 0620, poor signal, deep fades, but not much QRhaM at the moment. If it`s in Dutch, it can`t be from Netherlands! But surely R. Netherlands via somewhere else. This is 250 kW, 121 degrees from Skelton UK at 0600-0657 only. Per current ADDX language schedule, the only countries still broadcasting in Dutch on SW are RN and VRT, the latter only 4 hours a day, none of that direct from Belgium either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435 from 1500 Feb 23, Sawt al-Buzz, not too severe initially vs Qur`an, but steadily worsening. At least it fills up the dead-air pauses as long as a semi-minute at 1523, as the muezzin builds up steam for his next outburst (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7565, Feb 23 at 1406, self-assured preaching in S Asian language, fair and clear signal; 1408 mentioned Mary Magdalene; 1429 many mentions of Bible, and Moody Bible, continued past 1430. What does PWBR `2009` say? Nothing at all listed on this frequency! EiBi has the answer, YFR in Bengali via Moldova at 14-16. Aoki adds that it`s 300 kW, 116 degrees and started Dec 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar pulses, presumed, ranging approximately 5200-5240 with companion 5445-5485, Feb 23 at 1402. Likely from East Asia; anyone know exactly whence? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11895, Feb 23 at 1433, good signal with soprano in Chinese, lovely song, 1436 M&W conversation over continuous chimes. What`s this? One thing for sure: it`s not VOA in Russian via Biblis, which is the only thing PWBR `2009` lists during this hour. Aoki shows BBCWS in Chinese via Singapore, 100 kW at 13 degrees, 1300-1530. That would clinch it, except it`s also *jammed, so despite hearing only one station, I can`t be sure without further info whether it was BBC or CNR1 programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Log sdc di carnevale

Due mattinate d'oro, ecco quanto sono riuscito a decifrare:

1050 22/02 0520- CHUM px mx e ID alle 0552
1090 22/02 0530- WBAL news e ID
1130 22/02 0530- WBBR ID e news
1390 22/02 0600- WEGP ID e news
1430 22/02 0605- CHKT canti in lingua orientale
1460 22/02 0605- WDDY px mx e ID "R.Disney"
1480 22/02 0605- WHBC news, mx e ID "14-80 WHBC Canton"
1500 22/02 0605- WFED news, ID "Federal News Radio"
1510 22/02 0605- WWZN canti religiosi
1520 22/02 0605- WWKB news e ID "AM 1520 Buffalo"
1560 22/02 0605- WQEW mx e ID "Radio Disney"

1200 23/02 0555- WOAI
1190 23/02 0555- WLIB
1180 23/02 0555- CM.. R.Rebelde
1650 23/02 0602- WHKT
1660 23/02 0602- WFNA
1660 23/02 0602- WWRU
1700 23/02 0602- WEUP
1700 23/02 0602- KVNS
1400 23/02 0605- CBG
1190 23/02 0606- nd in S con annunci e musica LA
1140 23/02 0606- nd in S con mx LA
710 23/02 0609- CM.. R.Rebelde px mx //5025 kHz
670 23/02 0609- CMBA R.Rebelde px mx //5025 kHz
620 23/02 0609- CMGN R.Rebelde px mx //5025 kHz


Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

lunedì 23 febbraio 2009

Pirati in onde medie

Banda affollata stasera di pirati in onde medie, ecco i segnali che ricevo alle 23:00 locali qui a Ginevra, Ricevitore Perseus e antenna Loop H101

1730 Musica Folk greca - segnale che si sposta di parecchia decine di hertz
1670 Musica Folk greca, segnale basso
1656 Musica folk tedesca - Segnale molto forte e ottimo modulazione
1643 Musica Folk greca
1634 Musica folk greca - - Segnale molto forte ma terribile modulazione
1628 Musica folk greca - Forte ma disturbata da un'altra stazione a 1630
1618 Musica pop - segnale basso e instabile in frequenza

Difficile identificarli, la musica e' troppo brutta da ascoltare :-)

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK / Ginevra

QSL Semejnoe Radio

Semejnoe R. 1035 KHz - Annemoisa 8 - 50708 Tartu - Estonia con QSL in 82
giorni. Si 1 IRC.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Logs África, 4800 NO ID.

4800 NO ID, 18:58-19:07, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma sin identificar a locutora en conversación con invitado, no creo que se trate de la reactivación de Radio lesotho??, a pesar de la débil señal, me parece acento asiático más que de origen africano, SINPO 24422

ARGELIA 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 18:49-18:52, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma árabe con emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 34443

BOSTWANA 9380 Affia Darfur, Selebi-Phikwe, 18:12-18:17, escuchada el 23 de febrero en árabe a locutor y locutora con noticias, referencias a Darfur, locutor con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 44433

CHAD 4905 Radio N´Djamena, Ndjamena, 18:25-18:29, escuchada el 23 de febrero en dialecto local sin identificar a locutor en conversación con invitado, música de sintonía, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34443

EGIPTO 9250 Radio Wadi El Nile, Abu Zaabal, 18:45-18:48, escuchada el 23 de febrero en árabe a locutor en conversación con invitado, probablemente vía telefónica, se aprecia modulaciones diferentes, saludo, cuña de identificación con música de fondo, locutora presentando tema musical, SINPO 45444.

ETIOPÍA 6890 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 17:50-18:01, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma oromo a locutor y locutora con comentarios, emisión de música folklórica local, música con ritmos africanos, muy alegres, SINPO 24432

9560 Radio Etiopía, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 18:03-18:10, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma sin identificar, probablemente en tigrilla,  a locutor con presentación, anuncia frecuencias "...kiloherzs", locutor con saludo "Salam Aleikun", comentarios con referencias a "democratía..", música de sintonía y segmento musical, SINPO 33443

9704 Radio Etiopía, Addis Ababa, 18:33-18:40, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma sin identificar a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música étnica y música pop, la emisión no es en paralelo con 9560, probablemente La Voix du Sahel esté inactiva, ya que no se observa el molesto pitido de colisión cuando las dos emisoras están activas, posible cuña de la emisora con música de flauta y efecto eco, SINPO 34433

NIGERIA 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, Kaduna-Jarji, 18:55-18:58, escuchada el 23 de febrero en idioma vernácula a locutor con comentarios en conversación con invitado, música de sintonía, SINPO 24332

15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 18:42-18:45, escuchada el 23 de febrero en inglés a locutor con noticias, entrevista a invitada en exteriores, se escucha bullicio de gente alrededor, SINPO 45554

SAO TOMÉ 4960 Affia Darfur, Pinheira, 18:19-18:22, escuchada el 23 de febrero en árabe a locutora con comentarios, referencias a Darfur, SINPO 34433

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108


DX MIX NEWS # 561                                           23 Febuary 2009
GERMANY(non)  Winter B-08 of Media Broadcast(ex DTK T-Systems).Part 2 of 4:
IBC Tamil Radio:
0000-0100 on  6045 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to SoAs Tamil

Voice of Russia (VOR):
0000-0100 on 11605 GUF 250 kW / 181 deg to SoAm Portuguese
0100-0300 on 13630 GUF 250 kW / 195 deg to SoAm Spanish
0200-0300 on  6155 WER 250 kW / 300 deg to NoAm Russian WS
0200-0400 on  7335 WER 500 kW / 300 deg to NoAm English WS
0400-0600 on  7335 GUF 250 kW / 318 deg to NoAm English WS
0300-0500 on  6155 WER 250 kW / 300 deg to NoAm English WS
1500-1600 on 13755 WER 100 kW / 120 deg to ME   Russian "Commonwealth"
2300-2400 on  6175 WER 125 kW / 105 deg to ME   Arabic

Voice of Croatia:
0000-0400 on  7375 WER 100 kW / 300 deg to NEAm Croatian/English/Spanish
0200-0600 on  7375 WER 125 kW / 325 deg to NWAm Croatian/English/Spanish
2300-0400 on  7375 WER 100 kW / 240 deg to SoAm Croatian/English/Spanish

Gospel For Asia (GFA):
0030-0130 on  7215 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
1230-1330 on 15520 NAU 250 kW / 078 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
1330-1430 on 13750 NAU 250 kW / 088 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
1330-1500 on 15185 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
1430-1530 on 12005 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
1530-1630 on 11645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs
2330-0030 on  7200 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SEAs South East Asian langs

Radio Free Asia (RFA):
0100-0300 on  9670 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SEAs Tibetan

Voice of America (VOA):
0230-0330 on  7205 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian
0230-0330 on  9495 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian
0500-0600 on 15225 NAU 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1400-1500 on  9565 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to WeAs Pashto Deewa Radio
1600-1630 on  9465 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to CeAs Georgian
1630-1930 on  5850 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian
1630-1700 on 15620 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Somali
1700-1800 on  9770 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Dari/Pashto R.Ashna
1700-1830 on  9540 NAU 125 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Persian
1730-1800 on  9485 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Fri
1730-1800 on 11905 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Fri
1800-1900 on  9485 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Amharic
1800-1900 on 11905 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Amharic
1830-1930 on  9680 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Persian
1900-1930 on  9485 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Tigrigna
1900-1930 on  9815 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Arabic Hello Darfur
2030-2100 on  6040 NAU 250 kW / 190 deg to CeAf Hausa Mon-Fri
2030-2100 on  6040 NAU 250 kW / 190 deg to CeAf French Sat/Sun

Radio Liberty (RL):
0300-0400 on  7105 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
0400-0500 on  6105 WER 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Belorussian
0400-0500 on  9430 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
0400-0600 on  6120 WER 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Belorussian
0600-0700 on 17675 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
1230-1600 on 13680 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
1400-1500 on  9595 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Uzbek
1400-1500 on 12015 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Uzbek
1500-1530 on  7150 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Kyrgyz
1600-1700 on  7220 NAU 250 kW / 065 deg to CeAs Russian
1600-1700 on  9415 WER 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Belorussian
1600-1700 on  9485 NAU 250 kW / 103 deg to CeAs Azeri
1600-1700 on  9520 WER 250 kW / 045 deg to EaEu Russian
1600-1700 on 11605 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to CeAs Avari/Chechen/Cherkessi
1800-1900 on  9595 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian Radio Farda
2000-2200 on  7165 WER 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Belorussian

Adventist World Radio (AWR):
0300-0330 on  7280 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Oromo
0300-0400 on  7315 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Tigrigna/Amharic
0400-0430 on  7425 WER 250 kW / 120 deg to ME   Arabic
0500-0600 on  6025 WER 100 kW / 120 deg to EaEu Bulgarian
0700-0800 on  9595 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Arabic
0800-0830 on 11975 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Kabyle
0800-0900 on 12010 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf French/Tachelhit
1000-1100 on  9610 NAU 100 kW / 180 deg to SoEu Italian Sun
1200-1300 on 15495 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoAs English/Bangla
1300-1330 on 11720 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to EaAs Chinese Mon-Fri
1300-1330 on 11720 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to EaAs Uyghur Sat/Sun
1330-1500 on 11725 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to EaAs Chinese
1500-1600 on  9665 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Punjabi/Hindi
1500-1600 on 11675 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoAs Nepali/English
1630-1700 on 11905 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Somali
1700-1730 on  9445 WER 250 kW / 120 deg to ME   Arabic
1730-1800 on  9830 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Kabyle
1730-1800 on 11795 WER 250 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Oromo
1900-2000 on 11760 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Arabic/Tachelhit
2000-2030 on  9805 WER 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf French
1900-2000 on 11955 NAU 100 kW / 215 deg to NoAf Arabic
2000-2030 on  7110 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian
2030-2100 on  9505 JUL 100 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Chinese

Radio Japan NHK World
0430-0500 on  5980 WER 250 kW / 060 deg to RUS  Russian
0830-0900 on 15190 WER 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian
1300-1345 on 15215 WER 500 kW / 075 deg to SoAs Bengali
1345-1515 on 15215 WER 500 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Hindi/Urdu

Radio Dabanga
0430-0525 on  7315 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Arabic

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):
1400-1600 on  6110 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu English
1400-1500 on 13810 NAU 100 kW / 120 deg to ME   English
1500-1600 on 13810 NAU 125 kW / 120 deg to ME   English
1500-1600 on 17485 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAf English
1900-2100 on  6175 WER 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English, ex 2000-2200

CVC International
0830-1200 on 17590 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Hindi DRM >>>>> from Feb.23
1400-1700 on 13670 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg to UKR  Ukrainian
1400-1800 on 15745 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to CeAf English
1800-2100 on 11775 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to CeAf English

IBRA Radio:
1730-1800 on 11645 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf Swahili
1730-1800 on  9660 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Somali
1800-1900 on  9470 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to CeAf Arabic+local
1900-2030 on  9845 NAU 125 kW / 200 deg to WeAf Hausa/French/Bambara+lacal

HCJB Global:
1800-1900 on  3955 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu German

Lutheran World Fundation
1830 1900 on  9800 WER 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde

FEBA Radio
1900-1930 on  7235 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Arabic

Democratic Voice of Burma (DVOB):
2330-0030 on  5955 WER 125 kW / 075 deg to SEAs Burmese

U.K.(non)   Frequency change for Suab Xaa Moo Zoo(VOHope) in Hmong via VTC:
2330-2400 NF  5890 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SEAs, ex 7115

USA(non)   Frequency change for Voice of America in Georgian from Feb.18:
1700-1800 NF  9405 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg, ex 12130 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg

Stazione di Ricezione HF del Cimino - Italcable - Iar Roma Radio

Grazie alla collaborazione di Roberto IZ0CGP sono riuscito a "scovare" un centro radio HF italiano ancora in attivita' e che era sempre sfuggito dalla mie ricerche intorno a Roma. Si tratta della stazione di ricezione onde corte del Cimino costruita dall'Italcable a partire dal 1971 e inaugurata nel 1974. Questo impianto era gestisto completamente in remoto dal centro principale di ascolto di Acilia che era l'impianto di ricezione principale della stazione HF di Roma Terranova (nominativo radio Itu IRG) utilizzata dall'Italcable nel dopoguerra per il traffico in fonia e in radiotelegrafia a lunga distanza. Con la chiusura dell'impianto di Terranova la stazione di ricezione di Acilia fu smantellata mentre l'impianto del Cimino e' passato sotto la gestione di IAR Roma Radio, la stazione costiere italiana ancora oggi attiva sulle onde corte. La stazione viene oggi utilizzata come secondo impianto di ricezione HF in alternativa alle antenne installate nel centro radio di IAR a Roma in Via della Cesarina. L'impianto del Cimino, che si trova nel territorio del Comune di Nepi e' dotato di numerose antenne HF filari che si possono vedere dalle foto satellitari collegandosi a questo indirizzo:

Personalmente non sono mai riuscito a visitare questo impianto, se qualcuno abita nei dintorni e riesci a mandarmi qualche foto per il mio sito HF Archive la cosa e' naturalmente molto gradita,

73 de IW0HK Andrea

p.s. le informazioni storiche sull'Italcable sono tratte dal libro: Cara Italcable : 1921-1991 : un viaggio di settant'anni attraverso numeri e immagini / [a cura di Sergio Velitti]
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ARGENTINA Radio Argentina Exterior-RAE 6060 1920 Spanish 433 Feb 22 Music followed by a YL and OM with comments.

BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-RJ-NHK 6195 0424 Spanish 444 Feb 21 YL with vocal music. YL ancr 0426. Then more vocal music. YL ancr 0429 and suddenly off the air.

CANADA Radio Japan Relay-RJ/NHK 5960 0442 Japanese 333 Feb 21 Two YLs haveing a happy conversatio with each other.

CHINA PBS 7385 1928 Chinese 433 Feb 22 OM with comments, then instrumental music. YL and OM with comments 1930.

CZECH REPUBLIC Radio Prague 6200 0418 English 433 Feb 21 YL interviewing an OM. Qrm heard in the background. //6080[333]via Canada.

ECUADOR HCJB Global 6050 0437 Spanish 333 Feb 21 YL vocals with a Guitar.

ROMANIA Radio Romania Intl-RMI 6115 0434 English 333 Feb 21 OM with comments on Artists in Romania. YL on famous artists born in Romania.

RUSSIA, Moldova Voice of Russia Relay-VOR. 6240 0407 English 433 Feb 21 OM with VOR website address. OM with Moscow Mailbag 0408. Then a YL with comments. //7335[444]via Chita, and 9840[333]Petropavlovsk.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Ascolti milanesi...

Ciao a tutti!
finalmente trovo il tempo per qualche ascolto da Milano downtown, con il Perseus...

11965 1712 22/02 V.o.Africa, Sabrata, news, FF. Good.
13570 1626 22/02 WINB, Red Lion, sermon, EE. Fair.
13635 1623 22/02 CVC Int., Darwin, pop mx, EE. Good.
13650 1629 22/02 CVC Int., Lusaka, talk, EE. Fair/Poor.
13845 1620 22/02 WWCR Nashville, sermon, EE. Good.
15580 1707 22/02 VOA, via Bonaire, news, EE. Good.
15610 1704 22/02 WEWN, Vandiver, rlg mx, mass, EE. Very good.

Michele D'Amico IZ2EAS

Technical details of the equipment on this side:
- Receivers:
   Modern:  Persues, Drake R8E, Icom IC-R72, DE1103
   Vintage: BC348R, Satellit 210
- Antenna: just a random peice of wire, 7 metres long

domenica 22 febbraio 2009

Contenzioso Cina-Tibet, Radio Free Asia: la voce indipendente

Una radio che fornisce in modo accurato e puntale notiziari quotidiani ai quei Paesi asiatici i cui governi vietano il libero accesso alla stampa indipendente. È questa la missione di Radio Free Asia, un'emittente nata nel marzo del 1996 da un'idea dell'ex presidente Richard Richter, sotto l'egida del Broadcasting Board of Governors. Radio Free Asia ha il suo quartier generale a Washington e offre quotidianamente un servizio di breaking news che si articola con giornali radio in 9 differenti lingue e dialetti, tra cui il Mandarino, il Tibetano, il Cantonese, il Khmer cambogiano. L'emittente può contare sul lavoro coordinato di 6 uffici, localizzati nelle principali capitali asiatiche quali Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Dharamsala (India) e Ankara. "Il nostro lavoro?- si domanda il presidente fondatore Richard Richter - Molto semplice: quello di portare news e informazioni sul proprio Paese a quelle popolazioni alle quali è vietato dai governi locali l'accesso all'informazione libera". In una vignetta comparsa sul China Daily il 27 gennaio 1997 Radio Free Asia è rappresentata come "Il gentleman dalla lingua lunga", un signore di mezza età elegantemente vestito, con papillon e occhialini tondi, ma con una lingua tanto lunga e biforcuta da forare il microfono e attraversarlo. Un'immagine emblematica del concetto cinese di informazione non governativa in casa propria. Radio Free Asia porta alla ribalta proprio in questi giorni il problema del decennale contenzioso Tibet-Cina. Dall'inizio di febbraio gli scontri tra polizia e gruppi di manifestanti per l'indipendenza della regione sono diventanti sempre più frequenti, con arresti e incursioni di guardie armate in case, locali e fin sotto i templi. Per il Tibet questo è un momento storico gravido di profondi significati politici e religiosi: la tensione di questi giorni è in parte dovuta all'avvicinarsi della ricorrenza di più date legate alla memoria di avvenimenti importanti per la regione, non per ultimo il capodanno tibetano, che quest'anno cade il prossimo 25 febbraio. "Alcuni tibetani qui a Pechino – spiega a IdeeRadio Beniamino Natale, corrisponde Ansa dalla Cina - dicono che c'è molto l'aria di boicottare le celebrazioni ufficiali per il capodanno di Lhasa, come gesto di silenziosa protesta per un momento drammatico in cui non vi è nulla da festeggiare" Ma non solo, il prossimo mese di marzo saranno ricordati i 50 anni dalla fallita rivolta dei tibetani contro i cinesi nel 1959, a seguito della quale il Dalai Lama vive in esilio nella città indiana di Dharamsala. Inoltre ricorre il 14 marzo l'anniversario della rivolta che lo scorso anno infuriò per le strade della capitale, diffondendosi ben presto fra le comunità tibetane che abitano le regioni cinesi più occidentali nelle province di Gansu, Sichuan e Qinghai. La tensione dunque è più che mai alta in questi giorni: un video diramato su facebook mi informa sulla capillarità del controllo territoriale da parte delle forze armate cinesi, che riescono ad ingaggiare conflitti a fuoco con inermi monaci tibetani in fila indiana sulla cresta di una montagna, ad oltre 5 mila metri di quota. "Sembra siano state prese severe misure di sicurezza in una serie di aree – dice Beniamino Natale - a Lhasa e in altre 3 zone a popolazione tibetana. Nel Sichuan è scoppiata la settimana scorsa una rivolta alla quale sono seguiti 20-25 arresti". " Altri colleghi giornalisti" continua il corrispondente dell'Ansa "hanno tentato di raggiungere il monastero di Labrang, teatro di violente proteste lo scorso anno, ma sono stati fermati e obbligati a tornare indietro". Il quotidiano web Times online riferisce che poliziotti, sia in divisa, sia in borghese, assieme a membri della Polizia Armata Popolare, dall'inizio di febbraio hanno iniziato a compiere rastrellamenti nelle case da tè frequentate dai giovani tibetani. In un appello lanciato in rete dai tibetani si legge: "Per piangere i morti del 2008, i molti eroi che hanno sacrificato le loro vite, in segno di vicinanza a tutti i tibetani, non dobbiamo festeggiare il nuovo anno ma, a mani giunte, dimostrare la nostra solidarietà". Nella provincia del Qinghai intanto i messi governativi hanno già iniziato a far firmare documenti alla popolazione in cui si dichiara la propria astensione da qualsiasi forma di protesta violenta. Nella provincia di Gansu invece il governo ha fatto distribuire a tutti gli impiegati statali tibetani fuochi d'artificio per un valore di 100 yuan. Alla richiesta delle autorità di farli esplodere sulle colline in prossimità dei luoghi di culto molti tibetani hanno risposto invitando la comunità a disattendere l'ordinanza. Durante la scorsa settimana, il 10 febbraio, l'Italia ha ospitato per una visita lampo a Venezia l'autorità religiosa tibetana. L'occasione del viaggio del Dalai Lama nel capoluogo lagunare è stata il conferimento della cittadinanza onoraria delle città di Venezia e Roma. "La situazione in Tibet oggi è esplosiva" ha commentato il Dalai Lama lanciando contestualmente un appello a tutti i tibetani, invitandoli ad astenersi da azioni violente contro la Cina. E proprio in Cina la cordialità dell'Italia non è passata di certo inosservata: l'ambasciatore cinese a Roma Jang Yu si è detto profondamente rammaricato per i premi conferiti al Dalai Lama, chiedendo al governo italiano di prendere immediate misure per "rimediare al danno apportato alle relazioni tra i due Paesi". Per l'ambasciatore Jang Yu le parole e le azioni del Dalai Lama dimostrano che questi non è solo una figura religiosa, ma un uomo politico impegnato in attività secessioniste con la scusa della religione. Non che forse l'Italia allontani lo spettro di una Cina aggressiva sui mercati internazionali e nazionali (ormai esiste una classe media borghese in cui si identificano anche molte famiglie cinesi residenti in Italia) dietro allo spauracchio Tibet? Forse per cercare di non capire la Cina ci nascondiamo dietro la causa tibetana? È la conclusione a cui giunge Francesco Sisci, corrispondente da Pechino per La Stampa e per la rivista di geopolitica Limes nel suo nuovo libro uscito alla fine del 2008, edito da Utet: "Cina Tibet Tibet Cina". "Esistono dei problemi reali che l'Italia ha con la Cina" – osserva con IdeeRadio Francesco Sisci – "Il Tibet diventa così il modo per esorcizzarli e non vederli. È meglio non nascondersi dietro al dito tibetano". C'è un problema molto presente su cui l'Italia deve riflettere, avverte il corrispondente de La Stampa: "La Cina a casa nostra. Se non avessimo questo timore della Cina, forse il problema tibetano sarebbe considerato con un'altra passione". Secondo l'analisi condotta da Sisci, l'Italia e molti Paesi occidentali hanno un'idea sbagliata di quello che il Tibet rappresenta per la Cina e del problema Tibet in senso lato. Un dato oggettivo è quello che descrive il rapporto tra estensione del territorio e numero di abitanti: il Tibet si estende per ¼ del territorio cinese ed è popolato da 6 milioni di persone. "Quale stato al mondo concederebbe ad una minoranza così esigua un territorio così grande?" si chiede Sisci. Il contenzioso Cina-Tibet è di natura sia religiosa che politica, ma non è facile disgiungere i problemi per affrontarli separatamente, perché in un certo qual modo si fondono insieme. (

Geophysical Alert Message (WWV)

:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2009 Feb 22 1500 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction
Center #
# Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 21 February follow.
Solar flux 71 and mid-latitude A-index 3.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 22 February was 2 (17 nT).

No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.

No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.

Log Roberto Pavanello

 1143 19/2 18.45 COPE - Reus Catalano pgr. Locale suff.
 3912 20/2 20.15 Voice of the People - Coreano talk YL suff.
 5005 21/2 22.50 R. Nacional - Bata SS MX afro
 5810 22/2 09.30 Shortwave Cowbouys - EE ID e  MX buono
 6200 22/2 10.15 R. Likedeeler - EE ID e MX suff.
 6205 22/2 09.50 R. Suzuki -
EE ID e MX buono
 6296 22/2 10.05 R. Dr. Tim - EE pgr. di Radio Bobby buono
 6325 22/2 09.55 R. Paardenkracht -
EE ID e MX buono
11830 16/2 20.05 CBN Anhanguera - Goiania PP NX economiche buono
11915 22/2 09.25 Voice of Tatarstan - Kazan Tataro ID e MX ottimo
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Radio Cochiguaz on the air now

we will hit the air again on 6307 KHz AM. Yesterday we also was broadcasting but do not know if anybody could hear us. Today we will begun broadcasting at 22 UTC and be on air until 10 UTC tomorrow. There is also a possibility that we from about 05.30 UTC until 14.00 UTC will be on 6208 kHz via an European outlet. We remind you that every correct report to our casilla de correo will be answered with a QSL card.
Casilla de correo 159;
Santiago 14; Chile

sabato 21 febbraio 2009


9819,47  Radio Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo, SP, 1330-1335, February 21, Portuguese, ID & ann.: "A Radio Nove da Julho, emissora catolica......", TC, programme conduced by male & female, 34433
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina

Glenn Hauser logs February 20-21, 2009

** CHINA. 7220, Feb 21 at 1533, soft song in Japanese with guitar; QRM de WA4FUR, Steve in Georgia, who had concluded that no one was using the frequency! Good signal except for intermittent QRHam. What does PWBR `2009` say? Vietnam, RFE/RL, Central African Republic or Zambia. None of these likely with such a good signal in Japanese, so onward as usual to more up-to-date online references. Aoki has these on the air at 1533: V. of Broad Masses, Eritrea; R. Bangui; R. Liberty, Lampertheim in Russian; V of Vietnam in Vietnamese --- AND CRI in JAPANESE, 500 kW, 95 degrees from Jinhua site, obviously the choice. HFCC has same except 59 degrees. EiBi also includes the CRI Japanese broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11945, Feb 21 at 1603, good signal but flutter, with classic rock song in English, ``Say You, Say Me,`` by Phil Collins? 1606 Chinese announcement, 1610 YL singing song in Chinese. Your credulous list-logger would assume this is R. Free Asia as scheduled via Tinian. But we know that is thoroly jammed by the Chicom, so we must investigate such a possibility, or rather probability! Tuned around 25m for a parallel and found one just barely audible on 11765, bothered by WHRI 11785 overload. Ahá, per Aoki, no RFA scheduled there, but instead Sound of Hope during this hour. Ergo, what I was hearing on 11945 was not RFA but Chinese jamming, presumably CNR-1 program as usual, which at least at midnight is playing music instead of news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. RRI Fak2, 4790 at 1420 Feb 20 going from music to YL talking, still fair signal at this late hour, with inevitable CODAR QRM. Only significant signal on 60m besides 5025 Cuba and 5030 China which were weakening prior to fadeouts. With BFO on, I noticed the 4790 carrier was slightly unstable. Still no sign of 4750 Makasar. This must have been a good Indo morning if I had monitored earlier. Yes: Dave Valko in PA nabbed a number of PNGs and Indos on 3 MHz about 2-3 hours before. Local sunrise in Enid today was 1313 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9780, Furusato no Kaze, 250 kW, 45 degrees from Taiwan, good in Japanese just after opening at 1600 Feb 21, just far enough away from Sackville DRM centered on 9800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. Reception from DW 15620 in Russian this Saturday at 1530 was not very good for Muzprosvet avant-garde music show, so I was glad instead to find on 9570, Feb 21 at 1540, some nice classical organ music with orchestra catching my ear. 1544 Russian ID for Radio Blagovest, seemingly mentioning a seminary in New York, then talk/sermon in clearly enunciated Russian; 1554 ending, banging bells, ID again; 1555 R. Veritas Asia ID by YL in English, said next broadcast would be in Vietnamese, but 9570 off at 1555:40*. Aoki shows the 1500-1557 hour on RVA in Russian is R. Blagovest, 250 kW, 331 degrees. WRTH 2009 does not mention R. Blagovest under the RVA listings; it`s just a program title.

This page at RVA about its Russian service never mentions Blagovest, but quotes some reception reports from Vashek Korinek in South Africa, who seems rather inactive now, and (Iwao) Nagatani, Japan. See
which also has a crummy map cutting off all of Russia east of Omsk, as if that were not the primary target from the Philippines at 331 degrees!

I don`t find Blagovest mentioned anywhere on the RVA site, but there is no search funxion. Google is unable to translate either component or the whole word, but looking at various hits, it seems to refer to Russian Orthodox music, bells in particular. But RVA is Catholic! A 2004 logging in the HCDX archive from the Ukrainian-Canadian Volodya Salmaniw elucidates what I was hearing:

``PHILIPPINES 11795, 1544-, Radio Blagovest Jun 13 Excellent reception in Russian, with Protestant type programming in Russian, with organ music (foreign to the Russian church), then ID 'Vy sluyshayte Radio Blagovest', followed by Moscow address, and finally 'Radio Blag'. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)``

Seems unlikely a Catholic-run station would really be carrying a Protestant program. Perhaps to the Orthodox, anything Catholic sounds so far-out as to be Protestant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. Feb 21 I was standing by on 15435 for the sign-on of BSKSA, and on it popped at *1458, big buzz overriding their own Arabic talk. Continued intolerable, still at 1531 check over muezzin; Sawt ul-Buzz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Just as I tuned across WBOH 5920v, UT Sat Feb 21 at 0653:40 they started to play The Star Spangled Banner, until 0654:50, then to honky-tonk hymn with barbershop harmony. Perhaps FBN plays the SSB around this time each day? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 1Africa still on 9420 colliding horribly with Greece, Feb 20 at 2200 tune-in; thought I might have been too late to reconfirm, but CVC stayed on past 2200, giving me time to count a SAH of 215/minute vs Greece, = 3.6 Hz. CVC was again trying to persuade African stations to become affiliates, and finally turned off at 2203:44* leaving Greece descathed. We are waiting and hoping, which Spanish combines into a single word, for CVC to start using 13835, a new frequency they have registered for this same 17-22 UT transmission (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

venerdì 20 febbraio 2009

Radio Gloria International this Sunday

Date 22nd of February 2009,

Time 1300 to 1400 UTC 

Channel  6140 KHz

The transmissions of  Radio Gloria will be broadcast over
the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany.

The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).


Good listening

73s Tom