** COLOMBIA. Colombia para Cristo was preaching separately on both frequencies, Feb 28 at 0729: 6010 with OM in Spanish, interspersed with YL translating into English, just like we hear on HRMI 3340 (which was open carrier at 0736 check) and could even be the same ministry. At this time, HJDH 6010 was well atop XEOI, which could be detected underneath keeping Mexican music alive, and making a rippling SAH with it, probably 15-20 Hz or so apart. HJDH 5910, which is usually musical with Marfil Estéreo, also had a good signal with no QRM at 0733, and a different preacher in Spanish with no translation, not // 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR [and non]. 11690, HCJB Spanish totally free of RTTY QRM de 11687.5! Maybe Cutler read my March MT column? It would be very premature to hope they have quit for good. Saturday Feb 28 at 1403, HCJB starting mailbag show, // much stronger 11960. Companion RTTYs still running as usual at 1440 on 12015 and 9830 (axually, they may be totally unrelated --- I just group them because the three blatantly invade broadcast bands). 1445 Aventura Diexista segment was entirely an interview with Dino Bloise when Alen Grájan was visiting Miami (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA [and non]. Here`s what`s next for VOI. After shifting from 9525.9 to 9525.0, missing a day, and English at 1400 instead of 1300 ---
On Feb 27, zero again on 9525.0 and 9525.9, so I check their other frequency and there it is – on 11785.0, good signal at 1350 with Indonesian songs, 1356 YL announcement, and at 1359 concluding English hour which then was back to its former time starting at 1300. After some dead air, 1401 opening Malay, 1402 drops off the air for a moment; carrier comes back on and then the modulation gets interrupted briefly. When on, good signal but with own hum; no het or other QRM. 1510 recheck seemed to be off, but by then my noisy computer was on. As happened the last time VOI used 11785 last year at these hours, it will be blown away on Saturday and Sunday by WHRI with Hmong Lao Radio at 14-15, and I believe WHRI is also on before 1400, weekends only.
As expected, impossible to reconfirm whether, like the day before, VOI was again on 11785 during +14-15+ UT Saturday Feb 28, as frequency is overwhelmed by WHRI, Hmong programming after 1400, and English gospel huxter before 1400. Anyhow, no VOI on 9525.0 or 9525.9. Must try to check Sunday at 1500 when WHRI closes earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. JSR, Shiokaze back on 5985, ex-5910, ex-5985, ex-5910, ad infinitum, Feb 28 at 1426 in Japanese with several mentions of Shiokaze over pervasive sad piano music, to 1430* No QRM audible but I suppose colliding again with Myanmar; it was doing just fine on 5910 as far as I was concerned. Do they really gain anything by switching back and forth, such as it taking a few days for the Dentro-Korean Jamming Command to upcatch? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEWFOUNDLAND. It sure helps to tune across the 2 MHz band with BFO on; only some SSB signals make it thru the noise level here, such as 2598, Feb 28 at 0740 with marine weather for Newfoundland. Crummy audio due to vox and/or announcer speaking into telephone instead of a decent studio mike. Could not catch ID, but did hear Newfoundland locations, Grand Banks mentioned. Per Klingenfuss 2002 book, there were two stations on 2598: VCM in Saint Anthony, and VOK in Cartwright, both of the Canadian Coast Guard.
However, a search of the UDXF yg comes up with a log by Peter Poelstra, Netherlands, last Dec 11 at 0737 of VCP, CCG Placentia, also with Grand Banks weather (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PORTUGAL. 11885, fair signal in Portuguese Portuguese, Feb 28 at 1406; must be RDPI. Yes, // much stronger 15560. 11885 is the weekend-only transmission, 45 degrees across Europe at 1200-1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WBOH: Finally, Feb 27 at 0627 UT check, 5920 was modulating well, with hymns, three days after noticing it unmodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###