sabato 10 gennaio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs January 9-10, 2009

** CUBA. RHC which normally closes 6000 at 1400 UT, contrary to announcements, presumably to move the transmitter to a higher frequency, on Jan 9 it was stlil going at 1411 during a Raúl speech; also still going with same later than usual at 1441 // 15370; 1443 back-announcement as something special for the 50th anniversary of the revolution; then interviewing a like-minded broadcaster visiting from Uruguay; but 6000 finally off at 1446.

As I tuned by 15120, Jan 10 at 1427, heard the announcer mention matter-of-factly the ``genocidio bloqueo``. I take great offense at RHC`s characterization. Many Americans oppose the blockade, as counter-productive, giving the regime an excuse for all its own defects, and punishing only the poor oppressed Cuban people.

But it is NOT ``genocidal``, i.e. designed to kill great masses of people! Nor has it. It is merely intended to undermine the unelected, dictatorial, human-rights-suppressing, DentroCuban government. Lots of money, food and other aid still get into Cuba from the USA, and what they cannot get from us they get from elsewhere. Additional US aid is offered and usually rejected, after emergencies such as hurricanes. In this and so many other ways, RHC is totally lacking in credibility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. RRI Makassar missing from 4750, Jan 9 at 1421 check, while 4790 Fak2 was fairly audible amid CODAR with pop music. No other 60m Indos heard either. Some 23 hours later there was a weak signal on 4790, but still no 4750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. Another check of VIRI`s Russian service on 9575, Jan 9 at 1429 musical prélude, 1430 ID as Govorit Iran, Golos Isl. Resp. Iran, which almost saves me from trying to figure out or mess up the Russian declensions. Mandatory Qur`an segment, where there is anything but separation between mosque and state, lasted only 70 seconds from 1431:30, making it seem quite perfunctory, even on a Friday, so some progress is being made. Good signal but with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. Shiokaze, 5910 via Japan, Jan 9 at 1417 with tearful tale by a YL in Japanese, no doubt about a relative being kidnapped by the North Koreans, with constant piano music undercurrent. So not English on this Friday as it has been mostly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Jan 9 at 1455 with traditional music, 1457 into modern music, 1458 clear ID as ``Denge Mezopotamya``, surprise early timesignal around 1459:40 and off. At 1503 checked 7540 and heard very poor signal, presumably its scheduled successor via Ukraine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. Missing the day before, RNZI was back on 6170, Jan 9 at 1411 check with usual coastal weather details. Also heard Jan 10 after 1305 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. RRI`s English broadcast at 1300-1400 is a loss lately, as 15105 nor propagating Jan 10, and // 11970, covered by WYFR until its 1345*, when uncovered was quite weak compared to the Romanian language channel 11940 which continues past 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. No reply received from VOT about using DXLD as source for all the info on DX Corner, without any credit whatsoever; I had sent a copy of my complaint directly to their English Desk. So I was listening carefully to the next edition, Saturday January 10 at 1348-1355 on 12035. No apology, no mention whatsoever, and no DX or media news either.

This time only read several reception reports, from Poland, India, New Zealand, Italy?, Australia, and finally mentioned that the multilingual TRT TV6 is on the air, even in Kurdish, available via webcast and Turksat 3A, 12685-H. So that evaded the question of stealing info from DXLD, but periodically their so-called DX program degenerates into a mailbag, for which they already have a separate show on Wednesdays, Letterbox.

BTW, reading reception reports on the air, by VOT or any other station, I find extremely poor programming, basically a cop-out from having to come up with anything original. Who in the world cares, except for the one individual who sent a report, to hear about the SINPO, receiver, etc. So what will VOT do a fortnight hence on January 24? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###