sabato 3 gennaio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs January 3, 2009

** CANADA. Believe it or not, RCI is on the air in English on 9755, but only fair signal here at 0053 Jan 3, interviewing a magazine publisher. I can see how this would be skipping over points closer to Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. DentroCuban Jamming Command with heavy attack on 9785, Jan 3 at 0054, versus nothing, since R. República quit this Sackville relay frequency a few weeks ago. At same time big open carrier on 9820, presumably remnant of RHC Mesa Redonda service or more special revolutionary programming. I see that CSPAN ran Raúl`s speech from last night, translated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. If it`s DW, it can`t be from Germany: Jan 3 at 0055 found German talk on 9775 stronger than // 9655 except 9655 was running about three words, or two compound words, ahead of 9775. 9655 is Rwanda, 9775 is Ascension (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. Voz da Rússia, 11605, Brazilian service with NY greetings to and from listeners, UT Sat Jan 3 at 0040. The YL announcer`s accent sounded sort of mid-Atlantic, but more Brazilian than Lusitanian; classical and big band music was constantly playing in background, periodically brought up to full during pauses; concluded with website, but at 0047 plugged discredited `thief` URL, in order to reach live webstream of this during 00-01 UT hour. 0048 new program, Mundo da Ciência e da Tecnologia, and the OM doing this was definitely Luso. G signal, best I`ve heard VOR in Portuguese in a long time, but some fading.

That`s because it is the GUIANA FRENCH relay even tho I am getting it off the back/side of the 181-degree azimuth. Off already at 0057 recheck. VOR still has another hour in Portuguese to Europe at 2200, so they probably mix the accents in duplicated programming. I assume the Brazilians and Portuguese are more tolerant of that than the Arabs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Despite published Area 51 schedule for this date, first monitoring webcast, then 5110v, UT Sat Jan 3 from 0000, no WORLD OF RADIO but instead the WBCQ show with a phone number for a title. 0051 faux record offer; I did not realize until 0057 during comedy skit instead of International Radio Report, that this was running // 7415. Maybe that`s the default if separate Area 51 programming isn`t arriving for some reason (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. I haven`t looked for it much lately, but some question whether WRNO has been active. It was there on 7505, UT Jan 3 at 0156 open carrier, only fair with fades, 0200 some modulation starting but I was distracted. Later in the hour, 0236 with music, some talk later, but hard to copy with weak signal in the noise level. How is it doing at a longer skip distance, and closer to the 20-degree azimuth, such as Michigan? Supposed to be on air only at 0200-0500. That explains why Walt Salmaniw in the QCI was not hearing them at 0135 Jan 2; the *0100 UT start was DST timing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###