sabato 31 gennaio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs January 30-31, 2009

** BIAFRA [non]. 15665, V. of Biafra International via WHRI, Friday Jan 30 at 2052 check, insufficient, echoing with backscatter about equal to backlobe, but easily recognizable tones of The Orator, so reconfirmed. This is mainly in English, not Ibo, despite DX Mix Bulgaria schedule, and surely not more than weekly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake check Jan 31 at 1432: both 8400 and 9000, much stronger on the former (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. Paused for a moment on R. Martí, 13820, since it was well atop the DentroCuban Jamming Command, Sat Jan 31 at 1632 for program ``Sin Pedir Permiso`` with Ernesto Betancourt. One of the guests interviewed by phone was Gen. Fernando Ochoa Antich, from Venezuela, apparently now in the opposition. Hmmm, could be a relative of Arnaldo Coro Antich of RHC thru his mother`s family. This is all a protracted family dispute between the dentro- and fuera-Cubans, which the US has been unfortunate enough to get pulled into (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. HCJB, opening transmission on 12000, Jan 30 at 2059 and into automated ID at 2059:30 in Spanish, claiming to be on 12000 to SAm, and 21455 to Europe, altho HCJB closed down 21455 almost a year ago. The lesson is: HCJB should never make any real frequency changes or close down any transmitters since they are unable or unwilling to update their announcements to match reality --- what am I saying? HCJB isn`t about reality! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. R. Cairo, 15080, Jan 31 at 1420 with ME music, Arabic mentions of Qahira, somewhat distorted but not weak audio; considerable fading, for W Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. RFI English is still on SW, 15605, Sat Jan 31 at 1619 with story about starting a local radio station in Tanzania, with UNESCO help; American-accented narratrice Susan --- referred to it as a ``50-kHz transmitter``; I assume she meant 50-watt! Segment was Africa Media, and at 1622 onward to The Week in France, which started with Gaza. 1627 sports. 1630 ID plus Paris 1730 timecheck, and headlines including new president in Somalia, Madagascar, Iraq, Aussie Open. 1631 Network Europe, which saves RFI from having to produce a full hour of programming itself; sufficient reception tho aimed 170 degrees from Issoudun across Africa. This is about as close as we get to a North American service from RFI, which of course is not close at all, but enough of that 500 kW wanders over here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. The avant-garde music show on DW`s Russian service, Muzprosvet, has not yet been cancelled. Glad to hear it again Sat Jan 31 at 1530 on 11720, 76 degrees via Rampisham, but sufficient reception here, with wide variety of quasi-musical sounds from didgeridoo, trumpet, jewsharp, voices, etc. Lasted until 1559:30 but at 1558:30 a 3 Hz SAH started on the frequency, which turned out to be Radio Free Asia in Uighur as introduced in English at 1600. That`s via Tinian, and Aoki says jammed, but no jamming audible.

I had tried several times without success to find a podcast of Muzprosvet on DW`s complicated and unfriendly website. Here`s the program`s page:,2144,268970,00.html

Afterwards, this time I found it in the third category on the long list of DW Russian podcasts at,2142,4356,00.html
the exact link to this show audio being:,,3736368_type_audio_struct_4356_format_WMedia,00.html
So I listened to it again with `perfect reception` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. RRI Fak2, 4790, the only Indo audible on 60m, with Makassar still missing from 4750, Jan 31 as late as 1445 with continuous YL talking in Indonesian; a bit of music around 1455 and gone, sign-off I suppose, but could have just outfaded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. It`s the last Saturday of the month, Jan 31, so NHKWNRJ`s English feature is a classic story instead of World Interactive --- 1412 on 11705 via Canada, tale about beheading, which I could easily do without, and so I did; at least there was no pre-echo this time from Yamata direct (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. KEOR, 1120, Catoosa/Sperry/Tulsa, active again with stale unannounced oldies, Jan 30 at 1932 UT check. Still apparently testing pending sale to start regular programming with announcements, even commercials (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR still with big harmonic problem: Jan 30 at 0723 check, VG signal on 6430, S9+22 and splattering plus and minus 15 kHz approx., 6415-6445; unlike some previous occasions, the fundamental also radiating on 3215, but only S9+19.

Also could hear second harmonix of 6 MHz frequencies: Jan 31 at 0622 on 11870, DGS 2 x 5935 mixing with WEWN Spanish fundamental; 11780, Pastor Pete Peters 2 x 5890, weak and no Brasil on at the moment; these were weakly audible on the FRG-7, but much stronger on the YB-400, i.e. the latter succumbing to receiver overload from the fundamentals. 0626, the strong harmonic on 6430 from // 3215 was still going.

Checking WWCR-3 webcast, Sat Jan 31, the 1730 airing of WORLD OF RADIO did not start until almost 1742, so on 12160 it may have been more than 5 minutes late. If you don`t hear WOR at a scheduled time, don`t give up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. I just remarked that VOA`s Hausa service inbooms off the back from Greenville NC, 15185, M-F at 2030-2100 --- but not Jan 30 at 2050, when something unID was JBA. Perhaps it was missing, or perhaps the skip zone was too broad; at same time, WHRI 15665 was almost as weak from SC, which is not unusual for it on 19m, while more distant WBCQ was incoming well on 15420, plus aimed usward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Jan 30 at 1932 UT, exactly an hour after local mean noon, on caradio heard weak but steady signal on 1200 with weather for ``The Alamo City``, so must be WOAI San Antonio, residual skywave, as that`s a bit much for groundwave at almost 500 miles on this high a frequency, even tho it combats higher and higher solar angle southward (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Logs: clandestinas, piratas y NO ID´s.

ALEMANIA 9680 Voice of Oromiya Independence, Juelich, 17:07-17:15, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma oromo a locutor con noticias, referencias a "Oromo, Ogadenia, Sudan", segmento musical, música de sintonía, se aprecia ruido molesto, DRM??, referencia a "oromía", SINPO 33443

ARMENIA 11560 Radio Free Chosun, Yerevan-Gavar, 12:00-12:07, escuchada el 31 de enero en coreano, música de sintonía, locutora con comentarios, probablemente con presentación, locutor y locutora con comentarios con referencias a Obama, el comienzo de la emisión corresponde con la emisión en Internet de la web de la emisora:, aunque anuncian emisión del 16 de enero, SINPO 44333.

IRAN 13740 VOIRI, Sirjan, 12:15-12:16, escuchada el 31 de enero en hebreo, se observa una portadora muy fuerte y un nivel de audio muy bajo y mal modulado, a pesar de la tremenda señal y no sufrir interferencia la emisión es inaudible, SINPO 55442

REINO UNIDO 11745 SW Radio Äfrica, Rampisham, 17:20-17:24, escuchada el 31 de enero en inglés con noticias, referencias a Zimbabwe y Mugabe, reportaje por corresponsal, referencias a "Presidente y Washington", SINPO 45433.

SRI LANKA 11750 Sri Lanka BC, Colombo-Ekala, 16:37-16:41, escuchada el 31 de enero en sinhala con emisión de música folklórica local, locutor y locutora con comentarios, servicio anunciado de lunes a sábado de 1600 a 1900, SINPO 34343

11905 Sri Lanka BC, Colombo-Ekala, 12:10-12:12, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma tamil con emisión de música folklórica local, música muy similar a la hindú, SINPO 32342.

TAIWÁN 9820 Nippon no Kaze, Taipei, 17:01-17:05, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma coreano a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia emisión en colisión con otra emisora, probablemente VOR en árabe vía Dushanbe-Orzu en Tayikistán, que emite de 1700 a 1800, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 32442.

7195 NO ID, 16:50-16:59, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma sin identificar, probablemente en ruso a locutora con entrevista a invitado, probablemente algún servicio de VOR ya que comienza música de sintonía y el servicio en árabe de las 1700 a 1800 vía Moskva, SINPO 34443.

9560 NO ID, 12:28-12:34, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma asiático sin identificar, probablemente chino o algún dialecto del país, locutor y locutora con comentarios en programa musical, música pop melódica local, hay un servicio de PBS Xinjiang en uighur anunciado para esta frecuencia listado de 1100 a 1200, me pregunto si se trata de la misma emisora con horario ampliado, SINPO 34433


6220 Mystery Radio, 16:20-16:35, escuchada el 31 de enero identificándose en inglés, emisión de música disco dance de los años 70 y 80, SINPO 43443

6870 Playback Int, 13:54-1402, escuchada el 31 de enero en inglés a locutor presentando tema musical, música pop rock de los años 70 u 80, pieza melódica interpretada por piano, la señal se va degradando hasta el punto de hacerse inaudible, SINPO 34332

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Ascolti AM

Domenica 25 gennaio 2009
07.28 - 6617AM kHz
Wx rpt YL vera in probabile russo.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Rostov-na-Donu secondo Hepburn.
07.38 - 6185 kHz
Musica leggera locale.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
07.44 - 6430 (3215x2) kHz
WWCR - Nashville-TN (USA)
EE, World of Radio.
Segnale molto buono
QRM varie UTEs in sottofondo.
08.04 - 5815 kHz
Dire Straits.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Dalle 08.08 su 5810.
08.23 - 6280.2 kHz
"Only you" e altri oldies no stop.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
09.57 - 6220 kHz
Portante muta (dalle 07.30-08.00!).
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Dalle 10.15 R. Marabu.
10.07 - 6205 kHz
Musica tedesca e ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
10.09 - 6209.9 kHz
Musica e annunci OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Battimento con Vo Greece 15650-9420.
Sabato 31 gennaio 2009
07.00 - 558 kHz
Arabo, id locale e nxs.
Segnale molto buono
1. Dominante su tutti.
2. L'Algeria ha sempre il segnale orario
sfasato di circa +25-45 secondi rispetto
all'orologio atomico.
3. Ascolto effettuato con una radiolina
digitale SRF-M807 Sony avvicinata alla
loop in ferrite da 75 cm.
08.24 - 6285 kHz
Musica rock e annunci OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
L'annunciatore sembra quello di R. Scotland.
08.25 - 6430 kHz
WWCR - Nashville-TN (USA)
EE, tk OM.
Segnale molto buono
08.29 - 6309.7 kHz
Musica dance e annunci OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Sembra abbia detto "R. Quintus", però poi
si è anche sentito "voice of the netherlands".
09.12 - 6214.7 kHz
Tracce di musica.
Segnale insufficiente
King SW?
10.53 - 6296.2 kHz
Musica heavy metal e ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

SWL I1-0799GE
Luca Botto Fiora
G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)
R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
2 DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu
SRF-M807 Sony
Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems


RUSIA 9840 Radio Rossii, Moskva-Taldom, 07:12-07:17, escuchada el 31 de enero en ruso a locutora con comentarios, locutor en conversación con invitado, conversación con risas, SINPO 45444.

9860 Radio Tatarstan, Samara, 07:18-07:25, escuchada el 31 de enero en ruso a locutora con comentarios, este servicio está anunciado de 0710 a 0720 en tátaro y de 0720 a 0800 en ruso, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34433.

13685 Radio Vlaanderen Int., St. Peterburg-Popovk, 07:41-07:45, escuchada el 31 de enero en holandes a locutor y locutora con comentarios, entrevista a invitado, emisión musical, SINPO 55444

KUWAIT 13650 Radio Kuwait, 07:30-07:40, escuchada el 31 de enero en idioma árabe a locutor y locutora en conversación telefónica con invitados, saludo, no encuentro frecuencia listada en EiBi ni en Aoki para esta frecuencia a esta hora, fragmento musical, locutor leyendo poema acompañado por música de guitarra, se aprecia ligera interferencia de emisora en chino, algún servicio de CNR interfiriendo al servicio en chino de VOA que emite de 0700 a 1100, música folklórica local, SINPO 44444

* Descarto VOIRI en árabe, la emisión no corresponde con el servicio en 13800 de 0530 a 1427. Sin embargo encuentro inactivo el servicio de Radio Cairo listado de 0700 a 1100 por 15710.

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

venerdì 30 gennaio 2009

Ultimas escuchas.

BIELORRUSIA 7390 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 21:50-21:53, escuchada el 29 de enero en inglés a locutor con comentarios, emisión en paralelo por 7135, esta frecuencia se aprecia con emisiones irregulares en estos días atrás, observándose inactiva unos días y otros emitiendo, desconozco el motivo, en 7135 se aprecia emisión diaria, SINPO 44554.

CHINA 9455 CNR 1, Lingshi 725, 22:04-22:15, escuchada el 29 de enero en idioma chino a locutor y locutora con comentarios en programa musical, cuñas, emisión musical piezas pop melódicas, emisión en paralelo por Internet: rtsp://, emisión en paralelo por 9465, esta emisión es empleada para interferir al servicio chino de la BBC en esta frecuencia con emisión de 2200 a 2330 vía Nakhon Sawan en Tailandia, también encuentro la misma emisión en 9635 para interferir a Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH que emite desde Tanshui en Taiwán de 2200 a 2300 en chino, en paralelo por 9655 del servicio de CNR 1 en chino vía Lingshi 725 en China con emisión de 1955 a 2400, sin rastro de las molestas Firedrake Dragon, SINPO 45554

9820 CNR 2, Baoji-Xinjie, 22:27-22:28, escuchada el 29 de enero en idioma chino a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia pésima modulación, SINPO 35332

EGIPTO 9250 Radio Wadi El Nile, Abu Zaabal, 21:54-21:58, escuchada el 29 de enero en árabe a locutora presentando tema musical, emisión de música folklórica local, se aprecia a esta emisora con una señal inusual, posiblemente producto de la propagación, SINPO 45444

TAIWÁN 9280 Family Radio, Yunlin, 22:02-22:04, escuchada el 29 de enero en idioma chino, comienza emisión cantando himno religioso, fragmento musical y locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34443

9745 Voice of Han, Kuanyin, 22:23-22:25, escuchada el 29 de enero en chino, locutor y locutora posiblemente con invitados en una especie de tertulia radiofónica, SINPO 34433.

TIBET 7385 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 21:42-21:50, escuchada el 29 de enero en su servicio en tibetano con emisión de música folklórica local, se aprecia la emisión ligeramente sobre modulada, también ligera interferencia del servicio en inglés de Radio Belarus en 7390 que emite de 2100 a 2200 UTC, SINPO 34443

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday

On the 1st of February 2009 

At 1300 UTC

On 6140 KHz

MV Baltic Radio is on the air from the transmitting station in Wertachtal Germany.

We will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).

Good Listening 73s Tom


QSL Misti Radio

Misti R. 6210 KHz - con QSL elettronica allegata in 5 giorni. v/s John.

Roberto Pavanello

Thailand Radio

12095, Thailand Radio, 0056, finish TX in english to north america, very good signal, un interference, follow identification and thai programe, Sinpo: 45333, Hector Frias, Federachi, Chile.

Anteprima RapportoRadio n. 1

Settimanale Radiofonico di approfondimento,informazione e divulgazione sul mondo radio
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Il programma sarà sempre settimanale e della durata di 45 minuti. Il format rimane più o meno lo stesso, poche sono le novità: il sottofondo che accompagna la trasmissione, e l'angolo delle news che adesso è a cura di Antonio Dimaio iz8epg.
Per la ritrasmissione del programma quasi tutte le emittenti che ci ritrasmettevano hanno aderito, qualcuna è andata qualche altra si è aggiunta.
I collaboratori sono rimasti gli stessi quindi non sto qui a elencarli, vi posso dire però, che per queste ed altre info potete cliccare sul nostro sito:
Comunque bando alle chiacchiere la prima puntata della nuova serie che è riferita alla settimana che va da domenica 01 febbraio e fino al sabato 07, l'ospite unico sarà Quirino Tirelli iz8gfq, nostro gia collaboratore, che ci parlerà delle novità all'interno del RapportoRadio, e parleremo un pò in generale delle utility e delle sue attività radiantistiche anche sulla rete.
Come dicevo in chiusura del programma ci sarà uno spazio destinato alle notizie a cura di Antonio Dimaio iz8epg.
Dunque buon ascolto e alla prossima settimana con questa newsletter.

Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2009

** AUSTRIA. I finally had a chance to check out OE1`s token non-German SW broadcasting which has not yet been abolished, to NAm on 7325, UT Thu Jan 29 from tune-in 0003, with multilingual IDs and Blue Danube IS --- but these five minutes are overtly supposed to contain Spanish, so is that gone, or just short? 0005 into Journal program spoken in Austro-German; English news segment ran from 0013:30 to 0016:15 when turned over to French. Yes, these are obviously replays of the 0700+ UT wake-up news on the domestic service and 6155. 8.5 minutes after German started correlates nicely with the original airing of English starting at 0708:30, so I guess the German preceding it as that old, too?

I noted the topics mentioned in English: Israel, Obama, Spain, Updike, Iceland, Afghanistan, octuplets. Not a word about Austria, tho some effort went into the cast, with a couple of axualities, including an Updike clip. And weather forecast, presumably for the day already expired by now; no date mentioned. Presumably all repeated again a semi-hour later, but I also missed checking at 0030 whether Spanish appeared then (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. This date, Jan 29, I intuned 9955 earlier to monitor WRMI`s transition from S to NW antenna and from Spanish Cuban to English Czech programming. At 1456, nothing but DentroCuban Jamming Command roaring away. But no sign of a change at 1500. Finally at 1502:40 WRMI flipped on with ID and into relay of yesterday`s R. Prague program. WRMI immediately dominated the jamming and Prague could be copied without a problem, tho with annoyance. Presumably the jamming dwindled during the next quarter-hour as per usual behavior, as if the Cubans want to be absolutely sure this isn`t going to revert to exile programming.

It`s good that WRMI correlates its frequency change times with axual breaks between programs, which often run late, rather than chopping something off incomplete at a set time no matter what, like some more major broadcasters do. 1530 program on this Thursday was Frecuencia al Día, as quickly rechecked at 1545. O, I see that WRMI has another schedule updated Jan 23, now filling in all the blanks at
as to what programs appear M-F at 1530-1700 UT, 10:30 am-noon local:

1530 Studio DX (Mon), Frecuencia al Dia (mar-jue), Wavescan (Fri)
1600 DX Party Line (Mon-Thurs), World Baseball Today (Fri)
1615 Aventura DXista (lun-juev), DX Party Line (Fri)
1630 Reality in Jesus (Mon), World of Radio (Tues-Thurs), Frecuencia al Dia (viernes)

Since the NW antenna is working so much better in covering NAm, I wonder why they don`t stay on it at 1700-2200 M-F during the WRN relays, all in English; nothing audible except weak residual? jamming at 2100 check Jan 29 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR back on 3215, UT Jan 29 at 0415 check, and again at 0700, after having been only on its double, 6430 for at least two nights. Probably still putting out a weakened harmonic on 6430. BTW, the previous report by Brian Alexander of a spur on 6414.2 UT Jan 25 and 26 can now be explained more likely as a spur of 6430 when that was axually a fundamental, than as the harmonic of a spur of 3215 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. IBOC hiss on 1680 during a fade of KRJO 1680 Louisiana, Jan 29 at 1434 UT, which soon came back up with gospel music. At this time, the dominant 1690 station was R. Disney, i.e. KDDZ Arvada CO, with teeny-bopper music (or is that term passé?), Radio Disney ID, so not only WVON IL but KDDZ are outhashing from 1690, as Greg Hardison outpoints. I had overlooked another `I` symbol for the latter in the NRC AM log; and BTW they both are also shown as $=stereo, so C-QUAM plus IBOC? The two are not mutually exclusive bandwidthwise? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### 

Ecuador: Conatel suspende frecuencias de radio, 4940 RN del Ecuador.

Conatel suspende frecuencias de radio

Las radios Atalaya de Milagro, Estereo de Esmeraldas, Sensación 800 de Quito, Radio Nacional del Ecuador,Mega de Quito y Sucre de Portoviejo son las sancionadas.

  690 Radio Sucre, Portoviejo.
  800 Radio Sensación 800, Quito.
  810 Radio Atalaya, Milagro.
 4940 Radio Nacional del Ecuador, Quito.

 95,9 Radio Central FM Stéreo, Esmeraldas.
102,9 Radio La Mega, Quito.

El Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Conatel) decidió no renovar las frecuencias de una serie de radios por no cumplir con las obligaciones económicas con el organismo regulador de las frecuencias de radios.

Las radios Atalaya de Milagro, Estereo de Esmeraldas, Sensación 800 de Quito, Radio Nacional del Ecuador,Mega de Quito y Sucre de Portoviejo.  

Hasta esta tarde las administraciones de las radios sancionadas no se pronunciaron sobre la decisión del Conatel.
(via Josè Miguel Romero)

giovedì 29 gennaio 2009

EDXC 2009

L'EDXC (European DX Council) l'associazione che riunisce i  maggiori gruppi di radioascolto in Europa, invita tutti gli appassionati alla prossima Conferenza di EDXC, che si terrà dal 28 al 30 agosto prossimo. L'evento si svolgerà questa volta in Dublino Irlanda.
Gli organizzatori del meeting chiedono a tutti gli interessati di attivarsi gia ora per le prenotazioni.
Sede della Conferenza: Grand Canal Hotel, Grand Canal Street, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Telefono: + 353 1 646 1000.
Fax: + 353 1 646 1001.
Per prenotare la stanza in hotel è necessario rivolgersi alla Sig.ra Niamh Doorly, 
Si precisa  che: Questo è un 3 / tre / stelle.
Prezzi: stanza singola EURO 115, doppia EURO 115. Se si vorrà dividere la stanza con altra persona il prezzo applicato per ognuno sarà di EURO 57,50. Questo hotel accetta le seguenti carte di credito: VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS e DINERS CARD.
La parola d'ordine speciale per prenotare per questo evento è: EDXC Conference 2009. 
Per la prenotazione si necessita del nome e cognome, numeri di persone per cui si intende prenotare, la data di arrivo e quella di partenza dall'hotel.
L'albergo ha bisogno del numero della carta di credito  all'atto della prenotazione affinché questa abbia validità.
Il club dx irlandese con Edward Dunne e l'EDXC con Tibor Szilagyi stanno lavorando sul programma del meeting. Al momento si sa solo che ci saranno  interventi di Mike Adams, Jonathan Murphy Simon Maher ed altri.
Non mancherà  un interessante giro turistico in Dublino in autobus con guida turistica di lingua inglese, ed una visita allo Ye Olde   Hurdy.
Nella serata di sabato 29 nello stesso hotel della conferenza ci sarà la cena tradizionale.
Maggiori info saranno fornite successivamente non appena ne saremo in possesso.
La tassa per partecipare alla conference è di EURO 115 a persona, da pagarsi all'arrivo. Essa include: Uso della stanza del meeting, documenti attinenti alla conferenza, cartellino con nome e cognome, pranzo del sabato, giro turistico in Dublino, visita al Museo della radio. Inoltre la tassa comprende anche la Cena tradizionale. Da notare che durante la cena le bibite sono extra e quindi si dovranno pagare  a parte.
Per ulteriori informazioni si può contattare: Tibor Szilagyi, Svezia. Telefono: +46 8 500 264 83.
ed Edward Dunne, Irlanda.

Radio Portogallo in DRM

RDP Internacional, the Portuguese external service, launches an experimental DRM service on Saturday 31 January, in cooperation with Deutsche Welle. Broadcasts will be every Saturday and Sunday at 0930-1100 UTC on 9815 kHz, beamed to Central Europe. ( via Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK)

RDP Internacional launches DRM transmissions on 31 January

RDP Internacional, the Portuguese external service, launches an experimental DRM service on Saturday 31 January, in cooperation with Deutsche Welle. Broadcasts will be every Saturday and Sunday at 0930-1100 UTC on 9815 kHz, beamed to Central Europe. Further information (in Portuguese) is available on this page of the RTP website. (Medianetwork)

Stati Uniti a Sedico in onde medie

1190 29/01 0540- WLIB New York, NY (USA)2/3
Nxs, mx gospel, ID "WLIB New York"; interferenze da una emissione in S

1510 29/01 0630- WWZN Boston, MA (USA) 3
Nxs e ID in E

1660.1 29/01 0630-0700 WWRU Jersey City NJ (USA) 3/4
Px parlato e mx in Coreano, vari ID anche in E

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Band scan con il Perseus

Stamattina ho fatto un piccolo test di band scan con il Perseus (dopo aver letto di esperimenti simili in rete), ho registrato dalle 6:58 alle 7:50 locali tutta la banda dei 49 metri (800 khz di Span) e poi mi sono messo con calma a riascoltare tutti i segnali di ID delle stazioni, ecco il risultato:

5744 WYFR Family Radio - Id in E.
5882 Number Station -"Attention" - Numeri in Spagnolo - Voce femminile
5890 WWCR Nashville - Id in E.
5900 Radio Bulgaria - Id in F.
5930 Radio Prague - Id in F.
5935 WWCR Nashville - Id in E.
5955 Radio Netherland - Id in olandese
5965 Radio Vaticana
5970 Ukrainian Radio - Id in R.
5980 Radio Marti - Id in Spagnolo
5995 Radio Mali ??
6000 Radio Bulgaria - Id in B
6005 BBC Worldwide Service - Id in E.
6035 Radio Netherland - Id in Portoghese
6040 Radio Bielorussia - Id. in Russ.
6045 KBS World Radio - Id in coreano
6065 Radio Sweden - Id in svedese.
6075 Deutsche Welle - Id in Tedesco
6090 UNID ? - Parlato in inglese
6120 Trans World Radio - id in E.
6140 Radio Habana - Id in Spagnolo
6155 Radio Australia - Id in tedesco
6165 Voice of Croatia - Id in E.
6190 Deutschlandfunk - Id in tedesco

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

mercoledì 28 gennaio 2009

Audio: 6220 RTE Radio 1, test de emisión el 28 de enero

Test de emisión en Onda Corta de RTE Radio 1 de Irlanda por 6220 kHz el 28 de enero 2008 de 1930 a 2030.

** IRELAND [non]. RTE will carry out a test transmission on 28th January [Wed] at 1930-2030 UT on 6220 kHz and seeks reports from listeners in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. These should be sent to WRN, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


José Miguel Romero

CHU su 7850 khz

Ascolto stasera, per la prima volta dopo il cambiamento di frequenza, la stazione di tempo e frequenza CHU dal Canada su 7850 khz, stasera (ore 21:06 locali) il segnale e' ottimo, con un leggero fading ma molto chiaro.

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Ultimas escuchas

CLANDESTINA 5835 Radio Al Aqsa, 19:05-19:15, escuchada el 28 de enero con emisión musical, piezas revolucionarias, a pesar de la buena señal la modulación no es buena, no consigo captar nada en 5815, se sigue captando la extraña señal digital de forma intermitente, SINPO 44333

BIELORUSIA 7135 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 18:14-18:19, escuchada el 28 de enero en ruso a locutora con comentarios, posible traducción de bielorruso o moldavo a ruso, mujer con comentarios de fondo de forma intermitente, referencias a Moldavia, segmento musical, sin señal en 7360, señal muy débil e interferida en 7390, SINPO 54554.

MOLDAVIA 7480 Radio Payem e-Doost (Bahai), Kishinev-Grigoriopo, 18:26-18:31, escuchada el 28 de enero en idioma persa a locutor con comentarios, se aprecia un hombre mayor, casi anciano, segmento musical a modo de separador entre segmentos interpretado por guitarra española, SINPO 45444.

RUSIA 5960 Radio Vlaanderen Int., St. Peterburg-Popovk, 18:46-18:50, escuchada el 28 de enero en holandés a locutora con una niña en conversación telefónica con un hombre, "..Papa??..", segmento musical, sufre interferencias intermitentes del servicio en vietnamita de la Voz de Vietnam que se emite de 1830 a 1930 vía Moosbrunn en Austria, SINPO 43543

UCRANIA 7540 Dengue Mezopotamya, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 28 de enero en idioma kurdo con emisión de música folklórica local, música instrumental con cánticos, probablemente de carácter religioso, SINPO 35443

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Glenn Hauser logs January 28, 2009

** AFGHANISTAN [non!]. Radio Solh has vanished! Jan 28 at 1423 check no trace of it on 13830 where it used to inboom via Rampisham. Not even a carrier; and 13840 YFR via Wertachtal was well heard, so propagation OK. Nor was 13830 audible the day before, but I was hoping it was just due to poor propagation then. Before 1500 looked around for Solh on previously used frequencies, but not heard on 17700; something was on 15265 at 1450 but talk unsounded like them, and R. Liberty, Georgian via Biblis is now using that. Nothing on 9875 either after 1506, but Solh was not usually heard there anyway.

We can only wonder if this PsyOp be a casualty of the new administration in Washington, altho it seems unlikely that would be much of an Obama priority; but saving our taxpayer money is called for. This was the most redundant service on earth, playing exactly the same content day after day. Might cost less to give every Afghan a CD of it. Please check out the rest of its previous schedule:
02-03 5925 UAE
03-12 11675 UAE
12-15 13830 Rampisham
15-18 9875 Rampisham
Never mind: VTC has deleted all these transmissions as of Jan 27 with no
replacements! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANGUILLA. Caribbean Beacon daytime frequency 11775 still absent around 1415 Jan 28, but still humming away on 6090 around 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, Jan 28 at 1351 good on 8400, much stronger than 9000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Several RHC frequencies were running with low modulation Jan 28 at 1413, which implies the studio feed wasn`t turned up to proper volume, too bad for those itching to hear what Fidel had to proclaim in 2003. First noticed on 12000, much softer than neighboring Chinese on 12005 aimed 67 degrees from well-modulated Romania. Then found undermodulation also on RHC 11760, at 1425 13760, 13680, 15370, but somewhat louder on weaker 15360, still inadequate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. Interesting to hear two Japanese next to each other on 9750 and 9760, Jan 28 at 0659; 9760 of course JOZ, R. Nikkei, so 9750 must be NHK. What does PWBR `2009` show? Nothing at this hour, but instead V. of Malaysia in English, of which there was no trace. 0700 on 9750, 3+1 timesignal, and more Japanese talk, seemingly from an arena, sumo? In fact, NHK Yamata is currently registered on 9750 at 0700-1700, 300 kW, 290 degrees.

NHKWNRJ English at 1415 had severe pre-echo on 11705, first from Yamata, and then from Sackville. I would say the proportion was about 35-65. Since E Asian signals were above average this date, we could also hear NHK direct on 9875 without any echo; and on 11780 via UK but that had Brasília QRM. BTW, in A-09, NHK plans to keep right on colliding with itself on 11705 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Jan 28 at 1402 with YL speaking Mandarin slowly and distinctly but did not really help my comprehension, over continuous piano music bed, i.e. Shiokaze from Japan. At 1405 spelled something out in English letters including c-i-r-c-u-s, an address? I seldom hear it in Chinese. Has anyone caught them in a French segment lately? No QRM audible from jamming or Myanmar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR still transmitting by mistake on 6430 instead of 3215! 24 hours after first heard, Jan 28 at 0704, VG except for ute QRM, and zero signal, not even a trace of a carrier on 3215. I have not checked at other hours, but I suppose this is happening during the entire span of the scheduled 3215 transmission, 0200-1000 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955 still going well on NW antenna, Jan 28 after 1500 with Prague in English; by 1559 I was monitoring the webcast instead to hear Frecuencia al Día ending, so fill in another blank in the schedule, Wed at 1530; 1601 DX Partyline (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Earlier this month I could not hear KGNO 1370 Dodge City KS in the daytime, as I used to, and figured it must have been silent. But it`s back now, altho heard via skywave, Jan 28 at 0720 UT with ID as ``AM Gold Radio 1370, KGNO``. And enjoyable music such as a 1960s version of Carole King`s ``Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow``; ``America`` by Simon & Garfunkel; ``Expressway to your Heart``, ``Gimme Some Lovin``` and something by The Temptations. Lots of QRM, but generally dominating the channel.

Also presumably same heard at 1514 UT still with heavy skywave CCI --- sounds like a regional channel, which it is. Now playing Ray Stevens` ``Ahab, the A-rab``, 1520 ``We May Never Pass This Way Again`` by Seals & Croft.

New format, no longer sports/talk as in 2008-2009 NRC AM Log. Night power supposed to be only 230 watts vs day power 5000, non-direxional day and night, which is a bit of a rarity. Maybe grandfathered; it is an old station. Here`s Ernie Cooper`s 1933 QSL: Can`t find a KGNO website (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540 kHz, Jan 28 at 1513 UT station in Spanish with 214 area code, therefore the 32-kW KZMP, licensed to University Park, the suburb named for SMU in The Metroplex. But more significantly, it was bothered by IBOC (boo, hiss), and so was KOMA-1520 OKC, at this late hour. AFAIK, this could only be coming from WCKY 1530 Cincinnati (or whatever the calls are this week), and there was a strong AM talker on 1530 I did not try to ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1690, WVON Berwyn IL, Jan 28 at 1511 UT running opinion disclaimer, then the Santita (sp?) Jackson Show, and she IDed it as ``The Talk of Chicago, 1690, WVON``. I would think that one of the bigger stations would have locked up that slogan in that market. This in the bright sunlite on our ice and snow, but solar angle still plenty low for strong skywave from over a megameter away on the X-band. This station must also be the source of IBOC hiss I often hear on 1680, altho not at this moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. Surprised to hear Vatican Radio on 15595, VG Jan 28 at 1429 IS, 1430 Italian talking about Gesù, then Amazing Grace sung in English; 1503 had switched to German, translating some guy in Italian, probably the current pope; 1525 recheck in Polish, 1530 back to Italian after IS, still loud & clear; 1555 operatic singing cut off with no goodbye at 1556:45. 15595 is a VR frequency at other times, so figured they had merely extended, maybe one of their special broadcasts, altho nothing seemed special about the content.

Wait a minute! 15595 is supposed to be English to South Asia from Radio Netherlands via Madagascar --- yes, that is still scheduled at 1359-1557 per

Therefore, this was a colossal feed mixup, no one noticing in Hilversum or Talata that they were broadcasting VR instead of RNW. Current VR sked for the European service supposed to be only on 5885, 7250, 9645 matches for 1500 German, 1515 Polish, 1530 music/Italian, but shows Portuguese until 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12500-12520, presumed OTH radar pulses, Jan 28 at 1423 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Relay-RNI 17870 2002 English 333 Jan 25 YL with news items for Africa. Pop music 2003. Network News by a YL 2304.

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 17895 1957 English 333 Jan 25 OM with history about Marion Anderson and her singing Ava Maria in the New Year Opera Society vocals. Suddelny off the air at 1959.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 15305 2017 Portuguese 444 Jan 25 YL with comments and OM with RCI ID 2019. //17765[333].

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 15130 2020 Spanish 433 Jan 25 YL and an OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay 17705 2005 Spanish 433 Jan 25 OM with a speech to a crowd of people.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 13790 2026 Arabic 444 Jan 25 YL with comments. OM with comments and Obama mentioned often.

THAILAND Radio Thailand 12095 0040 English 444 Jan 26 OM with an ID 0040, YL interviewing a YL 0044. OM with an ID 0045. YL with comments on the Chinese New Year in Thailand in the Year of the Ox. Into the Thai language at 0100.

UNITED STATES Radio Marti 13820 2023 Spanish 433 Jan 25 YL and OM with comments. Instrumental music 2024 and then OM with comments. No Jammer heard.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Escuchas 28 enero

KAZAJISTÁN 7560 Family Radio, Almaty-Nokolayevka, 13:45-13:49, escuchada el 28 de enero en inglés a locutor con comentarios en programa religioso, se aprecia nivel de audio muy bajo, SINPO 35432

PALAU?? 9930 T8WH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH??, Koror, 14:30-14:45, presuntamente, escuchada el 28 de enero en idioma chino a locutor y locutora con comentarios, sin poder confirmar que se trate de esta emisora, no he encontrado emisión por Internet de ningún servicio de CNR que corresponda con la emisión de Onda Corta, tampoco he escuchado música jammer china típica para esta emisión, música de sintonía y posible cuña, SINPO 35433

TAIWÁN 9745 Han Sheng Voice of Kuanghua, Kuanyin, 14:09-14:23, escuchada el 28 de enero en idioma mandarín a locutor con comentarios, fregmento musical, locutora con comentarios, estción listada tanto en EiBi cómo en Aoki, no he encontrado emisión en paralelo por Internet para confirmarla, emisión de música pop local, SINPO 35343

* En Internet he encontrado una web de Voice of Han:, en ella no se menciona emisiones por Onda Corta, si por FM y AM.

Taipei     684/1116
Taoyuan    693/936
Taichung  1287
Yunlin    1089
Tainan     693
Kaohsiung 1251
Hualien   1359/792
Ilan      1116
Penghu    1269/846

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

!!QSL QSL!!!!

DCF77  , 77,5 khz time signal  qsl + folder  10gg- PTB  Physikalisch -Technische Bundesanstalt  Braunschwig und Berlin  Bundesalle 100, D-38116 Braunswhweig GERMANY -

HBG 75khz time signal qsl + letter 10gg -Federal Office of Metrology METAS  v/s  Christian Schlunegger , dipl.Ing.HTL Lindenweg 50, CH-3003 Bern -Wabern- SUISSE

Ciao e buoni DX

!!!!! Io leggo PLAY-DX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

martedì 27 gennaio 2009

Escuchas con audio de Radio Al Aqsa

CLANDESTINA 5835 Radio Al Aqsa, 19:26-19:40, escuchada el 27 de enero con emisión musical, me sorprende la inusual señal con que llega, se aprecia ligera interferencia se señal digital emitiendo irregularmente, locutor en árabe con comentarios, saludo en árabe, posible boletín de noticias con referencias a "..Al Qarim...Arabía...", reportaje con sonido de ambulancias y gritos de mujeres, emitiendo en paralelo por 5815, aunque la señal es mas pobre, SINPO 44343.


BOSTWANA 5880 Affia Darfur, Selebi-Phikwe, 19:20-19:24, escuchada el 27 de enero en árabe a locutor con comentarios, cuña de ID, se aprecia ligera interferencia del servicio en inglés de la BBC vía Rampisham que emite desde las 1800 a 2000 por 5875, nueva cuña, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 43443

NIGERIA 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, Kaduna-Jarji, 19:56-20:02, escuchada el 27 de enero en idioma vernácula a locutor con comentarios, segmento musical, pieza tocada con tambores y típico ritmo africano, SINPO 33342

7255 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 21:05-21:10, escuchada el 26 de enero en francés a locutora con boletín de noticias, SINPO 44433

RUANDA 6055 Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 20:20-20:55, escuchada el 26 de enero en idioma sin identificar a locutor en conversación con invitado, emisión de música pop africana, SINPO 33443

SAO TOMÉ 6080 Voice of América, Pinheira, 20:55-21:00, escuchada el 26 de enero en inglés con emisión de música pop africana, alegres ritmos africanos, locutor con ID, comentarios, SINPO 44444

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Glenn Hauser logs January 26-27, 2009

** ANGUILLA. PMS/DGS, still missing from daytime frequency 11775, at 1446 check Jan 27; but night frequency 6090 was going as usual with constant hum, around 0700 Jan 27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake against Sound of Hope at 1351 Jan 27, much stronger on 8400 than 9000. At 1504, 9000 was in open carrier, but soon resumed at 1505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC wasting its watts on 15370, Jan 27 at 1411 and still at 1417, open carrier with no modulation, unlike 15120, stronger than // 15360, with stale Castro speech (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WRMI

** IRAN. Another check of VIRI Russian service on 31m at 1430-1530: Jan 27 at 1437, 9575 quite undermodulated in talk about Iran, almost synchronized with better-modulated 9735; both had a lot of flutter on near-polar paths, but much better signal on 9575 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 12025, Jan 27 at 1448 song with a disco beat, lyrical language uncertain; 1450 announcement in S Asian language pronouncing website letters as in English: 1451 YL song with English lyrix; 1458 fading down, but still could make out the VOR IS. This is VOR in Urdu at 14-15, 140 degrees from Moscow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955 observations: Jan 27 at 0649, jamming pulses over AWR Wavescan, as sked Tue 0630. Then was going to monitor switchover from S antenna to NW antenna at 1500 UT, but I was too late. Earlier in the hour, as usual, nothing audible except heavy DentroCuban Jamming Command blockading R. Cuba Libre, but at tune-in 1459, R. Prague relay in English was already started, mixing with jamming, but readable. By 1513 RP with S9+19 was well over the jamming pulses; slight fading, and a constant het less than 1 kHz. By 1518 the jamming was gone but the het continued, probably coming from YFR via Taiwan, which has a hard time keeping to exact frequency: 1500-1700 in Russian as listed on 9955 in Aoki. WRMI also broadcasts in French, i.e. nonsensically to fill the time after R. Prague English, 1526 with its IS, schedule and web address announcements. 1529 another repeat of last week`s Frecuencia al Día (what day of week do new shows start now?), 1600
 DX Partyline; 1630 WORLD OF RADIO reconfirmed, Tuesday.

I see Aoki also attempts to show individual WORLD OF RADIO times on 9955 as well as individual stations relayed from WRN: unfortunately this is mostly out of date in the file marked January 27! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Others have reported WWCR on second harmonic 6430, but now it has become a fundamental! Jan 27 at 0703 I noticed that 3215 was missing, no trace of any signal, tho WWRB 3185 was in, so not a propagation problem. WWCR doing maintenance on #1 transmitter? But then at 0706 I found a huge S9+20 signal on 6430 during InfoWars with Alex Jones, GCN radio network as IDed at 0708. Some ute QRM; or rather, severe WWCR QRM to whatever ute has a right to be there.

One must conclude that the WWCR transmitter was mistuned to the second harmonic of the normal frequency 3215, so all its power was going out on 6430. Also must have had a pipeline from TN, as the second harmonic of WWRB was also audible, but much weaker, only S9+10, on 6370 with Brother Scare, // 3185. Once again, WWRB fails to measure up to WWCR ;-\ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. KJES, 11715, Jan 27 at 1404, G signal but undermodulated, child praying; still same 1444 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The exclusive 31m SWBC band starts at 9400, but tell that to FEMA. SSB outstands like a sore thumb when tuning across a broadcast band in AM, and Jan 27 at 1422 found some sporadic transmissions on 9462.0. Mostly RTTY(? something digital) tests in between brief voice contacts; at 1430 call caught as WGY911, with 908 just as 911 decided due to a het, to QSY to ``channel 2-5``, wherever that is. Well, duh, of course there was a weak broadcast signal audible here on 9460, most likely CRI English via Urumqi, per Aoki. [NOT ``Urumqui`` --- get over the U-always-after-Q rule when dealing with Chinese! or Arabic.]

WGY911 gets 18,500 Google hits, quickly IDing it as FEMA HQ Telecommunications Management in Washington DC, while WGY908 is in Denver. See my previous logs of FEMA on other frequencies, and follow-up research in DXLDs 7-154 and 8-028, which showed there is a lot of inter-agency communication involved, both federal and state.

Here`s a 7-year-old report with a bit more about FEMA Washington:

UNIDENTIFIED. 9060-9085, presumed OTH radar pulses at 1504 Jan 27. Fortunately these are normally quite weak here and seldom cause a major problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Tuning by 11680 via Cuba a couple times in the 15-16 UT hour Jan 26, I noticed RNV is STILL announcing the totally outdated transmission schedule, and STILL announcing the unreliable Apartado 3979 address; in between, segments both in broken English and unbroken Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ALBANIA   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI   6020  0145  Chinese  333  Jan 25  YL and OM with comments plus Chinese music in the background.

CHINA   Xinjiang PBS   7310  0127  Chinese  444  Jan 25  OM with comments. Chinese music singing by a YL 0128 also an OM at times.

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   7250  0133  Chinese  433  Lan 25  YL and OM in a conversation with each other.

EGYPT   Egyptian Radio   6290  0136  Arabic  333  Jan 25  YL and OM with vocal singing music.

RUSSIA, Irkutsk   Radio Free Asia-RFA   11980  0405  Chinese  333  Jan 25.

SPAIN   Radio Exterior Espana-REE   6055  0140  Spanish  444  Jan 25  YL singing You Have Been the One for Me in English. Then an OM and YL with comments on the song in Spanish.

UKRAINE   Radio Ukraine Intl   7440  0114  English  333  Jan 25  YL and OM with comments.

UNITED STATES    Voice of America-VOA   7325  0120  English  333  Jan 25  OM interviewing an OM about Pres Obama. Also a YL with comments then an OM with the VOA NEWS ID.

The rainy days here have brouth to me some good propagation via the Pacific Rim in the past few days. Still another rain storm is due soon.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

lunedì 26 gennaio 2009

Escuchas: 5815//5835 Radio Al Aqsa.

ARGELIA 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 18:55-19:03, escuchada el 26 de enero en hasanía con emisión de música folklórica local, se aprecia interferida por señal digital emitiendo irregularmente, locutora con comentarios, música de sintonía, locutor con titulares y boletín de noticias, SINPO 44444.

BOSTWANA 9380 Affia Darfur, Selebi-Phikwe, 19:11-19:15, escuchada el 26 de enero en árabe a locutora en conversación con invitado, referencias a Darfur, segmento en inglés y traducido al árabe por locutor, SINPO 45444.

CLANDESTINA 5835 Radio Al Aqsa, 19:53-19:56, escuchada el 26 de enero en árabe a locutor con comentarios, señal muy débil, se aprecia emisión de señal extraña emitiendo de forma irregular, ¿señal digital?, locutora con comentarios, emisión en paralelo por 5815 con señal inaudible, SINPO 22331

EGIPTO 6290 Radio Cairo ´El-Bernameg Al-Aam", Abis, 18:48-18:55, escuchada el 26 de enero en árabe a locutora en conversación con corresponsal, probablemente en Palestina, constantes referencias a Israel, según se lista en Aoki y en el EiBi, este servicio se anuncia de 1900 a 2400, probablemente horario ampliado, música de sintonía, nivel de audio un poco bajo, SINPO 45443.

9250 Wadi El Nile, Abu Zaabal, 19:21-19:23, escuchada el 26 de enero en árabe a locutor con comentarios, referencias a "Arabi..", SINPO 35433

USA 9330 WBCQ Kennebunk, Monticello, 19:18-19:21, escuchada el 26 de enero en inglés a locutor con comentarios, emisión con problemas de modulación, se aprecia sobre modulada y entrecortada, posiblemente Radio Damasco esté sin emisión, no se aprecia el molesto zumbido que se escucha cuando las dos emisoras están emitiendo, SINPO 34332.

SWAZILAND 9525 Trans World Radio, Manzini, 19:43-19:48, escuchada el 26 de enero en francés a locutora con programa musical, temas regae y afro-pop, ID, SINPO 34433

ZAMBIA 9420 CVC International, Lusaka, 19:28-19:35, escuchada el 26 de enero en inglés a locutor presentando tema musical, emisión de música pop rock, normalmente escucho a esta hora a la Voz de Grecia en griego vía Avlis en su servicio de 1700 a 2000, ID "CVC", cuña "..África...África CVC", SINPO 34433.

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Azerbaigian: Usa propongono accordo intergovernativo per radio

Ambasciatrice: sarebbe segnale importante per amministrazione Usa
Gli Stati uniti propongono all'Azerbaigian un "accordo intergovernativo per consentire le trasmissioni delle radio internazionali" che sono state vietate dal primo gennaio nel Paese caucasico. Lo ha annunciato l'ambasciatrice Usa a Baku Anne Derse, secondo Le autorità statunitense "stanno aspettando una risposta" perché "anche se comprendiamo la superiorità della legge" la decisione di bloccare le trasmissioni "è frustrante", ha spiegato l'ambasciatrice. Le radio che sono state vietate - Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, Voice of America, Bbc ed Europa Plus - sono responsabili e hanno contribuito allo sviluppo dei media azeri, secondo Derse, e molti cittadini azeri le ascoltano. "L'attività delle radio è di pubblico interesse che in questo momento è la cosa più importante per la nuova amministrazione americana - ha concluso - Ritengo che la ripresa delle trasmissioni radiofoniche sia un problema attuale importante. Sarebbe un segnale positivo per l'amministrazione Usa" se le trasmissioni riprendessero. Secondo Baku la ripresa delle attività delle radio internazionali è possibile solo previa firma di accordo inter-statali. Secondo le autorità azere non dovrebbero esistere trasmissioni tv o radio straniere sul territorio dell'Azerbaigian, ma c'è un'eccezione, cioè che Baku firmi accordi bilaterali con gli Stati esteri da cui provengono queste emittenti. L'Unione europea ha fortemente contestato la decisione di Baku di porre termine alla diffusione delle trasmissioni delle emittenti radio straniere da inizio anno. (Apcom-Nuova Europa)

Glenn Hauser logs January 26, 2009

** ANGUILLA. Caribbean Beacon reactivated on 1610 kHz, as widely reported. There is also speculation that some other gospel huxter in English is now on 1610, but I doubt it. At least what I heard was Defunct Gene Scott, immediately parallelable to 6090, Jan 25 at 0716.

DGS/PMS, missing again from 11775, Jan 26 at 1528 check. This is getting more and more irregular, even tho they have two SW transmitters on site, the original one and the ex-KTBN one, and have restarted MW 1610 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CBCNQ, 9625, in trouble again, Jan 25 at 1507 in Sunday Edition, distorted modulation, but still on frequency and no upperside spurs audible yet.

9625, CBCNQ, still with problems, Jan 26 at 1510 with distorted modulation. By 1611 I was also hearing clicking noises spreading 9645-9660 which I fear were also from this transmitter as in previous breakdowns (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. CRI in English via Sackville, 6115, Jan 26 at 0655 with Chinese lesson about numbers I was kinda getting into when it was chopped off incomplete at 0659* Geez! Uncovering R. Nikkei in Japanese, with numbers too, but no doubt concerning stox (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [and non]. Amigos Net of yachters off the west coast of Mexico, 8122-SSB, Jan 26 at 1446. Altho I never heard Amigos Net mentioned by name; per previous logs. Signals were weak and barely audible vs noise level. NCS was calling ``long-range vessels``, and among those mentioned were ``Lovely Rita``, WDD9606 circa Acapulco; at 1450 WDB5505, R. Cappella --- it sounded more like R. than A. as you would expect, position 18-36 N, 103-42 W heading south. Mentioning flipping to ``4-bravo`` frequency on 4 MHz band, presumably 4149 as before, but that was delayed; discussion of where to get fuel and water at Zihuatanejo marina rather than Ixtapa. Net on 8122 seemed to close at 1456 but some stations such as WDD5638 continued contacting and were still going at 1503; NCS called sounded like ---7580. All calls and vessel names cited here are tentative! See DXLDs 7-159 and 8-005 for my previous reports on this with more detail, over a year ago.
 Have calls changed in the meantime? None then starting with WDD- or similar.

Perhaps if I had intuned earlier at 1415, I would have heard Don Anderson with his comprehensive weather info; his participation in this and other nets, some of them ham, is detailed here, tho almost two years old now:

** PALAU. 9965 had a gospel huxter in English around 1550 Jan 26, and at 1556 promo for SW as a ministry avenue, phone number in South Bend, then full ID as ``T8WH Palau, the international voice of LeSEA Broadcasting`` over Onward Christian Soldiers, until 1559* Fairly good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955, amid Studio DX, in Italian, UT Mon Jan 26 at 0645 check, fair signal, following WORLD OF RADIO at new time 0600. Next check at 1516, R. Prague relay in English, good signal at S9+18; Frecuencia al Día, still repeating last week`s edition, started at 1530, and at 1554 signal had built up to S9+20, and steady with hardly any fading. Looks like WRMI`s improvements to the NW antenna are working, as armchair copy even on the portable receiver. 1600 DX Partyline Jan 24 edition; I dispute Allen Graham`s assertion that ``It`s Saturday`` any more, and DXPL gets plenty of other non-Saturday airings. This one included DX news from JSWC; the mandatory gospel-huxter who always tries to tie in ``hearing distant voices`` with religionism --- o, I get it! And then logs of little interest from some Downunderite; 1616 Aventura Diexista. But at 1631 a full gospel-huxter show instead of WORLD OF RADIO which temporarily occupied that semi-hour a week
 before. No jamming noted except for some suspicious noises briefly at 1550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WEWN with music, Spanish on both 11520 // 11550, Jan 26 at 1607. A bit more frequency diversity would seem to be prudent, but these two overlap for one hour only, 1600-1700. Also risks mixing products on 11490, 11580, but none audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. KJES, 11715, heard again Sunday Jan 25 at 1449, VG carrier level, but low modulation, with hum and call-and-response in English. BTW, sporadic E was in play with Mexico in on channel 3 around 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. VOA, 9760 via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, Jan 26 at 1518 with continuous Broadway/jazz music; 1524 suddenly cut to Business Dialogue in Spe-cial Eng-lish transmission. Must have lost feed; don`t they have backups which could be switched to instantaneously? This is aimed 21 degrees, also good for us, spelt U-S.

11765, other VOA programming at this hour, Border Crossings, 1527 Jan 26 DJ wrapping up first half from the VOA Music Mix Network, about to pause for commercials on affiliates; good signal but flutter. This is 96 degrees from Lampertheim, GERMANY, nowhere near usward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. After sporadic appearances on previous January Sundays, no sign of Aló, Presidente Jan 25: at 1447, nothing on usual frequencies 11690, 11875, 13750, 17750, and the fifth one, 13680 was occupied by mainstream RHC programming // 12000, 11760, while 13760 was open carrier; also RHC at 1452 check on 15370, 15360, missing from 15120; after 1500, RHC Esperanto on anechoic 11760. Without embargo, the RNV CI service missing during the 1500 UT hour from 11680, as necessary Sundays when there really is an A,P program; despite plenty of transmitters being available on this occasion. One more check at 1719 in case of a late start for A,P? No (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 8710, presumed OTH radar pulses, Jan 26 at 1444. Quite weak and if had been stronger probably could have detected the usual 30-kHz spread (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11532, big open carrier at 0645 Jan 26, and remained so except for a burst of one or two words at 0657, off about 0703. A well-known spy-numbers frequency, and correlates with VG signal from RHC on 11760, which is not always the case in the nightmiddle (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Madagascar: Opposizione saccheggia locali radio nazionale

I locali della radio nazionale malgascia (RNM) ad Antananarivo sono stati saccheggiati dai seguaci del sindaco della capitale, Andry Rajoelina che hanno appiccato un incendio tuttora in corso. Diverse migliaia di persone hanno manifestato nella piazza del 13 maggio, dove il sindaco e principale oppositore del presidente malgascio Marc Ravalomanana, aveva tenuto un discorso. Poi una parte di manifestanti si è diretta verso il Palazzo di giustizia della capitale. Gli scontri sono iniziati quando un gruppo ha fatto irruzione nella sede della radio nazionale, in prossimità del Palazzo di giustizia, distruggendo o portando via computer, mobili e fascicoli, prima di dare fuoco ai locali. Alcune macchine parcheggiate nella zona sono state danneggiate. Da quando è stato eletto sindaco, nel dicembre 2007, Rajoelina porta avanti un rapporto molto teso con il regime del presidnete Ravalomanana, peggiorato ulteriormente dopo la chiusura per mano governativa a metà dicembre di una televisione privata. (Apcom)

La sede de la radio nacional de Madagascar ha sido saqueada e incendiada

La sede de la radio nacional de Madagascar ha sido saqueada e incendiada

La sede de la Radio Nacional de Madagascar (RNM) en Antananarivo fue saqueada e incendiada el lunes por partidarios del alcalde de la capital Andri Rajoelina, convocados por la oposición, constató un periodista de la AFP.

Varios miles de partidarios del alcalde de Antananarivo, que en los últimos días se ha presentado como principal opositor del presidente Marc Ravalomanana, llegaron el lunes desde la plaza del 13 de Mayo, cerca del palacio de justicia de la capital, donde les había convocado el alcalde.

Varios centenares atacaron la sede de la radio nacional, llevándose ordenadores, muebles y archivos, y prendiendo fuego al edificio, que en seguida se vio envuelto en una nube de humo, constató la AFP.

Log sdc

1200 25/01 0630-0705 CFGO, Ottawa ON (CAN) 3
Px sport "Sports Radio", si menziona più volte il Canada.
Segnale a volte molto forte anche se interferito da una USA

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Log del 24 from Buccinasco

24/01/2009 2104 utc    5035 khz    Radio Aparecida     Aparecida    B - px in P + id // 11855
24/01/2009 2057 utc    3912 khz    VO of the People    KRE-CLAN px loc
24/01/2009 2045 utc   3925 khz     Nikkei Radio   Nagara  J - px  on Japanese instrument Koto

!!!!! Io leggo PLAY-DX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA   Radio Canada Relay-RCI   9880  0025  English  322  Jan 25  Two OMs with comments on this noisy frequency.

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   9860  0030  Chinese  333  Jan 25  YL and OM with comments. YL with vocal music 0050. OM with comments 0100. //9610[433] ,9550[333] and 9460[333].

CHINA   CPBS   9830  0032  Chinese  333  Jan 25  OM with vocal music then a YL with vocal music 0037. //9675[333].    Mackenzie-CA.

GREECE   Foni Tis Helladas   7475  0106  Greek  333  Jan 25  Greek music vocals.

MOROCCO   Radio Medi Un   9575  0053  Arabic  444  Jan 25  YL with vocal music.

PHILIPPINES   Radio Verita Asia-RVA   9865  0027  Sinhala  333  Jan 25  YL with comments and off the air by 0028.

PORTUGAL   Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI   9845  0017  Spanish  444  Jan 25  YL and OM with comments, then YL with comments 0020. //9700[333] via French Guiana.

RWANDA   Voice of Germany-DW   9775  0040  German  444  Jan 25  YL and OM with comments on the economy. OM interviewing an OM 0048. //9655[444] Rwanda.

Have a winter rainstorm here and Propagation is good these past few rainy days. More rain on its way!!!

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

domenica 25 gennaio 2009


DX MIX NEWS # 557                                           25 January 2009
GREECE    B-08 for Voice of Greece in Greek:
2300-0600 on  7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
              9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
            *12105 AVL 250 kW / 226 deg
0600-1000 on  9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
             12105 AVL 100 kW / 002 deg
             15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
1100-1600 on  9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
             #9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
             15650 AVL 250 kW / 105 deg, co-ch Miraya FM Radio 1500-1600
1600-1700 on  9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg
             #9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg
             15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
1700-2000 on #7450 AVL 100 kW / 323 deg
              9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg, co-ch Christian Voice in English
             15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
2000-2300 on #7450 AVL 100 kW / 323 deg
              7475 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg
              9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg, co-ch Christian Voice in English
* Radio Filia in Albanian/English/French/Spanish
# Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias in Greek

RUSSIA(non)    Winter B-08 of WYFR Family Radio via TRW=TV Radio Waves:
1800-1900 on  5820 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to WeEu Polish
1400-1700 on  5865 DB  100 kW / 135 deg to SoAs Hindi
1100-1200 on  5900 IRK 250 kW / 152 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1200-1300 on  5910 VLD 250 kW / 220 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1400-1500 on  5970 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Kannada
1100-1400 on  5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on  5995 P.K 250 kW / 244 deg to EaAs English
1900-2000 on  6000 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to SoEu Italian
1200-1300 on  6005 K/A 250 kW / 213 deg to EaAs Korean
1400-1500 on  6020 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to SoAs Telugu
1600-1700 on  6070 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1400-1600 on  6090 ARM 200 kW / 104 deg to SoAs Punjabi
1100-1400 on  6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on  6115 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1400-1600 on  6150 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Urdu
1400-1500 on  6225 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg to SEAs English
2000-2200 on  6240 KCH 300 kW / 309 deg to WeEu English
1000-1100 on  7150 NVS 250 kW / 085 deg to EaAs Japanese
1100-1400 on  7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on  7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on  7175 IRK 250 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1600-1700 on  7295 NVS 250 kW / 195 deg to SoAs Urdu
1900-2100 on  7300 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
1400-1600 on  7340 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Nepali/Marathi
1800-2000 on  7345 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Arabic/English
1700-1900 on  7435 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg to RUSS Russian
1400-1500 on  7475 DB  100 kW / 137 deg to SoAs Tamil
1600-1800 on  7485 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian
1800-2000 on  7490 ERV 300 kW / 305 deg to WeEu German
1300-1400 on  7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese
1400-1500 on  7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs English
1200-1400 on  7560 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Vietnamese/English
1400-1500 on  7560 A-A 500 kW / 121 deg to SEAs English
1400-1600 on  7565 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Bengali
1300-1400 on  9310 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Burmese
1400-1500 on  9355 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to SoAs Nepali
1100-1200 on  9365 DB  100 kW / 071 deg to EaAs English
1200-1300 on  9365 DB  100 kW / 024 deg to RUSS Russian
1200-1300 on  9450 NVS 250 kW / 155 deg to SEAs Lao
0900-1100 on  9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1100-1200 on  9460 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Korean
1200-1400 on  9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs Indonesian
1400-1500 on  9485 IRK 500 kW / 180 deg to SEAs English
1100-1200 on 11510 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to SEAs Tagalog
1100-1300 on 12150 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg to EaAs Chinese

U.K.(non)    Additional txions of BBC in Azerbaijani to CeAs:
0300-0315 on  5915 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
Mon-Fri       6085 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg
              7105 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg
1600-1630 on  6010 CYP 250 kW / 064 deg
Daily         9450 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
             11690 WOF 250 kW / 082 deg

USA(non)     Frequency change of BBC WS in English to SEAs:
1600-1800 NF  7355 SNG 100 kW / 320 deg, ex  7270 to avoid VOR in Turkish/Kurdish

Pavanello's tips

 1143   12/1 20.57 COPE - Reus Catalano NX locali suff.
 1647   24/1 22.55 R. Napoleon -
Dutch ID e MX buono
 4865   24/1 22.50 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP MX suff.
 5910   24/1 23.05 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
 6135   24/1 23.15 R. Aparecida - PP ID e MX suff.
 6210   25/1 09.45 Misti R. -
EE ID e MX suff.
11724.9 23/1 21.20 R. Novas de Paz - Curitiba PP gospel suff.
11765   23/1 21.40 Super R. Deus es Amor - Curitiba PP " la medicina de Jesus " buono
11805   23/1 21.45 R. Globo - Rio de Janeiro PP lo stesso matto dei 11765 KHz suff.
11925   23/1 21.50 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP NX suff.
15345   24/1 23.00 R. Nacional - Buenos Aires SS MX suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

sabato 24 gennaio 2009

Log sdc

Qualche ascolto degli ultimi giorni:

1130 18/01 0510- WBBR New York, NY (USA) 2
Commenti, nxs e vari ID

1180U 18/01 0525-0540 CMBA R.Rebelde, Villa Maria (CUB) 1/2
Mx e parlato in S //5025 kHz

1190U 18/01 0525-0542 tent. CMKC R.Revolución (CUB) 1/2
Mx e parlato in S

1390 18/01 0510- WEGP Presque Isle, ME (USA) 2/3
Commenti e nxs, vari ID

1470 18/01 0510- XEAI R.Formula, Ciudad del México (MEX) 3
Mx locale, nexs e ID "Formula de la noche"

1500 18/01 0510- XEDF R.Formula (MEX) 2
Interviste e ID in S

1510 18/01 0510- WWZN Boston, MA (USA) 2
Nxs in E e ID

1570 18/01 0510- XERF La Poderosa, Cd.Acuña (MEX) 2
Mx locale e ID "La Poderosa"

1610 18/01 0510- CJWI Montreal, QC (CAN) 2
Mx, slogan, nxs in F

1640 18/01 0510- WTNI Biloxi, MS (USA) 3
Nxs, ID "ESPN Radio"

1700 18/01 0510-0710 KVNS Brownsville,TX (USA) 4/5
Px musicale, vari ID e slogan in E

1190 23/01 0600- WLIB New York, NY (USA) 2
Parlato in E, mx gospel e ID alle 0633 "WLIB ... New York"

1050 23/01 0600- WEPN New York, NY (USA) 2
Parlato in E, ID alle 0638 "ESPN New York"

1160 23/01 0630-0645 tent. WYLL Chicago, IL (USA) 1/2
Una lunga intervista in E e brevi stacchi di canti religiosi

1200 24/01 0620-0645 WOAI San Antonio, TX (USA) 2
Nxs, ID "News Radio" e "WOAI"

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Ascolti AM

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Domenica 18 gennaio 2009
08.18 - 6220 kHz
Oldies pop.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
08.20 - 5815 kHz
Boney M.
Segnale insufficiente-molto buono
08.41 - 5801 kHz
Musica jazz.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
09.26 - 6200.4 kHz
Musica non stop e canto del gallo.
Segnale insufficiente-buono


Lunedì 19 gennaio 2009
10.21 - 540 kHz
RTM - Tanger (Marocco)
AA, tk OM e musica locale.
Segnale sufficiente
Dominante per alcuni minuti.


Martedì 20 gennaio 2009
04.30 - 7315 kHz
R. DABANGA - Wertachtal (Germania)
Jingle con IDs cantate.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
15.30 - 5765USB kHz
AFRTS - Barrigada (Guam)
Inglese, Obama Day.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
16.13 - 4319USB kHz
AFRTS - Diego Garcia
Inglese, Obama Day.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
La modulazione di Diego Garcia è
nettamente migliore, più limpida.
*17.00 - 7485//9610 kHz
GINBOT 7 - Samara (Russia)
Amarico, IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Dopo circa 40 secondi è iniziato il jamming,
su entrambe le frequenze.


Venerdì 23 gennaio 2009
12.13 - 11607 kHz
Parlato OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Vo Tibet? Firedrake su 11605.
12.20 - 9368.8 kHz
f/out WTJC - Newport-SC (USA)
Musica Gospel.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente


Sabato 24 gennaio 2009
08.05 - 9629.9 kHz
PP, preghiere e annunci OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
08.12 - 6010 kHz
Tk YL (R. Belarus)+mx romantica messicana.
Segnali sufficienti
QRM R. 700 6005+R. Bulgaria 6000.
LV de tu Conciencia sempre assente.

SWL I1-0799GE
Luca Botto Fiora (30 MB - no ADSL)
G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)
R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
2 DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu
Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems

Nuevas QSL

9.775 y 7.140 kHz, Radio Rumania Internacional
Escuchada el 10-08-08 a las 1900 UTC , el 07-09-08 a las 1918 UTC, el 05-10-08 a las 2021 UTC y el 01-11-08 a las 2000 UTC
Recibidas 4 Tarjeta QSL, acompañadas de esquema de programación y felicitación navideña.
Datos completos
V/S: Victoria Sepciu
Informes enviado a:
Demoraron 121, 121, 93 y 65 días

Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) – España

Ultimas escuchas


Ultimas escuchas:



15.380 kHz, BSKSA, 23-01-09, 0732-0734. Cantos y oraciones, en árabe. SINPO 55454.


15.460 kHz, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 23-01-09, 0729-0732. Identificación emisora, frecuencias y noticias, en eslovaco. SINPO 55454.


15.630 kHz, Voz de Grecia, 23-01-09, 0724-0727. Locutora con noticias, en griego. SINPO 55555.


15.545 kHz, Voz de la Rep. Islámica de Irán, 23-01-09, 0727-0729. Locutor con comentarios y música de fondo, en árabe. SINPO 55444.


15.410 kHz, Deutsche Welle, 23-01-09, 0732-0734. Entrevista con referencias a Palestina y Hamas, en alemán. SINPO 45343.


Javier Robledillo Jaén

Elche (Alicante) – España


Rx: Sangean ATS909

Ant: Telescópica


New Radio Damascus website (unofficial)

Dear DX-friends and radio enthusiasts

Here folllows some news about "Radio Damascus" I have to share with you.
I made a (temporary) unofficial website for "Radio Damascus" pending an official website of "Radio Damascus" where listeners can get all the necessary information to tune in to "Radio Damascus" AND with a direct link to the daily audio recordings. As it is almost impossible for non-Arabic speaking and reading listeners to find the "Radio Damascus" audio recordings on the general RTV Syria website, I hope to offer a solution to this problem by making this website for "Radio Damascus" at :

where the listeners can directly click through to the audio recordings.

Reminder : "Radio Damascus Listener Club" website : or .

greetings fom Belgium!
Kris Janssen



Dear DX-Friends, Shortwave Listeners all over the World!
The EDXC ( European DX Council, the umbrella organisation of shortwave clubs, DX-clubs in Europe ) cordially invites you all to the next EDXC Conference, August 28--30, 2009, in Dublin / Ireland. We kindly ask you to make your hotel reservations already NOW ! Venue of the Conference : Grand Canal Hotel, Grand Canal Street, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Phone : + 353 1 646 1000. Fax: + 353 1 646 1001. For room reservations please turn to the responsible person at the hotel : Ms. Niamh Doorly, E-Mail:   Home-page:  Please observe: This is a 3 / three / star hotel. Prices: Single-room  EUR 115,-- / room and night, Double-room  EUR 115,--/room and night. If sharing the Double-room you only pay EUR 57,50 per person. This hotel accepts the following credit cards: VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS and DINERS CARD. PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN RESERVATION NOW ! First you write: The special password for this reservation: EDXC CONFERENCE 2009. Then you write your family name, your christian name, your arrival date at the hotel, your departure date from the hotel. The hotel needs your credit card number at the time of reservation to be able to confirm your room.

The Irish DX Club, Edward Dunne and the EDXC, Tibor Szilagyi are working on the programme of the Conference. What we know now : There will be interesting lectures about our hobby. Lecturers in Dublin :  Mike Adams, Jonathan Murphy, Simon Maher and some more... Sightseeing tour in Dublin by bus with English speaking guide and a visit at the Ye Olde Hurdy--Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth, Dublin North. The traditional Banquet Dinner will take place at our Conference Hotel on Saturday evening, August 29. Please do allow me to come back to you with more detailed information about the programme, as soon as we know more about it.

THE CONFERENCE FEE YOU WILL PAY DIRECTLY TO ME UPON ARRIVAL. The Conference Fee: EUR 115,-- per person includes: Use of the Conference Room, relevant papers like Conference Covers, Name-Tags, Lunch on Saturday, Sightseeing Tour in Dublin, visit at the Museum of Vintage Radio. Furthermore the Conference Fee includes the Banquet Dinner. What you consume as drinks during the Banquet Dinner, you will pay extra to the hotel staff.

For further information you may contact: Tibor Szilagyi, Sweden. Phone: +46 8 500 264 83.
E -- Mail:  and Edward Dunne, Ireland.

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   11790  2356  English  333  Jan 23  YL with comments and CRI ID plus Chinese music. OM with ID 0000 ii English and continued in English.

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   11780  0002  Chinese  444  Jan 24  YL with comments. Mixing with Radio Nacional da Amazonia on the sane frequency with a YL with comments [333].

CHINA   CPBS   11750  0005  Chinese  444  Jan 24  Two OMs with comments.

FRANCE   Radio Japan Relay-NHK   11910  2340  Japanese  433  Jan 23  Two YLs with comments and some vocal music.

MALI   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI   13630  2327  Chinese  333  Jan 23  OM ancr with Chinese music and comments.  Chinese music 2330. OM with comments 2331.

NO MARIANAS   Radio Free Asia-RFA   15550  2314  Chinese  444  Jan 23  OM with comments plus another OM with comments and a YL by 2315. //11975[333].

PHILIPPINES   VOA Relay   11805  2350  Indonesian  333  Jan 23  OM vocal pop music plus a YL at times with comments.

RUSSIA, Khabarovsk   Voice of Germany Relay-VOG   17830  2348  Chinese  444 Jan 23  YL with comments plus music, then an OM 2350 with comments.

Had some good reception during the rainstorm that came through my area today. Alaso more rain is on its way according to the Weatherman!

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 23 gennaio 2009

A proposito di Radio Mil

A proposito dell'ascolto di Radio Mil dell'11 gennaio su 6010 dal Messico, non so se qualcuno ha detto in lista o pensato a La Voz de tu Conciencia come ipotesi più probabile, poiché non ho ancora letto la posta dell'ultima settimana. Bene, anzi male, la volta scorsa mi sono dimenticato di aggiungere due annotazioni: la prima è che l'emittente della Colombia non si sentiva e, quindi, poteva anche non essere attiva, la seconda è che la distinzione tra gli stili delle due latino-americane l'avevo già fatta in un ascolto precedente, quando entrambe erano accese, una con un sermone da parte di una donna (LV de tu Conciencia) e l'altra con una selezione di musica romantica messicana alternata ad annunci maschili preregistrati (Radio Mil).  L'11 gennaio, in ogni caso, dalle 08.05 erano presenti solo Messico e Bielorussia, poi aumentando l'esposizione solare la Bielorussia scompariva e verso le 08.30 dominava il Messico, anche se pure esso in fade out.

Luca Botto Fiora SWL I1-0799GE
SITO RICEVENTE: G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) / Italia
RICEVITORI: R7 Drake / Satellit 500 Grundig / 2 DE1103 Degen / VR500 Yaesu
Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems