mercoledì 30 aprile 2008
DX MIX NEWS # 519 30 April 2008
GERMANY(non) Frequency change of Deutsche Welle in Amharic:
1400-1500 NF 15650 KIG 250 kW / non-dir, ex 15660 to avoid VOR WS in English
GERMANY(non) Frequency change of Deutsche Welle in Farsi:
1730-1930 NF 5945 ARM 200 kW / 132 deg, ex 7270 to avoid REE in Arabic
GERMANY New txions of CVC International via Media Broadcast from May 1:
1900-2000 on 9840 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Arabic to ME
2000-2100 on 9565 JUL 100 kW / 190 deg Arabic to WeAf
EGYPT Summer A-08 of Radio Cairo:
0700-1100 on 15115 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Arabic GS WeAf
1015-1215 on 15170 ABZ 250 kW / 090 deg Arabic ME/AFG
1100-2400 on 6290 ABZ 250 kW / 315 deg Arabic GS WeEu
1215-1330 on 17835 ABZ 250 kW / 090 deg English SoAs
1230-1400 on 15710 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg Indonesian SoEaAs
1300-1600 on 15080 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic WeAf
1330-1530 on 15040 ABZ 100 kW / 070 deg Farsi TJK
1430-1600 on 12170 ABZ 250 kW / 070 deg Pashto AFG
1500-1600 on 11550 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Albanian ALB
1500-1600 on 13580 ABZ 100 kW / 050 deg Uzbek UZB
1530-1730 on 17810 ABZ 100 kW / 170 deg Swahili CeEaAf
1600-1700 on 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Afar EaCeAf
1600-1800 on 6270 ABZ 250 kW / 090 deg Urdu SoAs
1600-1800 on 12170 ABZ 150 kW / 195 deg English CeSoAf
1700-1900 on 6860 ABS 250 kW / 005 deg Turkish TUR
1700-2300 on 9250 ABZ 250 kW / 180 deg Wadi el Nile*EaAf
1700-1730 on 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Somali EaCeAf
1730-1900 on 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Amharic EaCeAf
1800-1900 on 11550 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Italian WeEu
1800-2100 on 9990 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Hausa WeAf
1900-2000 on 6860 ABS 250 kW / 005 deg Russian WeRUS
1900-2000 on 11550 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg German WeEu
1900-2030 on 9380 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg English WeAf
1900-0030 on 9960 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg V of Arabs CeEaAf
2000-2115 on 11550 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg French WeEu
2000-2200 on 6860 ABZ 250 kW / 110 deg Arabic AUS
2030-2230 on 9280 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg French WeAf
2115-2245 on 11550 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg English WeEu
2215-2330 on 9360 ABZ 250 kW / 245 deg Portuguese SoAm
2300-0030 on 9280 ABZ 250 kW / 330 deg English NoAmEa
2330-0045 on 9360 ABZ 250 kW / 245 deg Arabic SoAm
2330-0045 on 9735 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic SoAm
0000-0300 on 6290 ABS 250 kW / 315 deg Arabic GS NoAm
0030-0430 on 9280 ABZ 250 kW / 330 deg Arabic NoAmEa
0045-0200 on 6140 ABS 250 kW / 252 deg Spanish SoAm
0045-0200 on 7270 ABZ 250 kW / 315 deg Spanish NoAm
0045-0200 on 9360 ABZ 250 kW / 245 deg Spanish CeAm
0200-0330 on 7270 ABZ 250 kW / 315 deg English NoAm
*Nile Valley Radio
IRAN(non) Frequency changes for VOIROI/IRIB from May 1:
0130-0227 NF 9790 SIR 500 kW / 018 deg, ex 9795 in Kazakh
1530-1627 NF 7375 KAM 500 kW / 110 deg, ex 7370 in English
1530-1627 NF 9600 SIR 500 kW / 105 deg, ex 9635 in English
1830-1928 NF 6000*SIT 100 kW / 259 deg, ex 7260 in French
1930-2028 NF 6000*SIT 100 kW / 259 deg, ex 7260 in English
2100-2157 NF 9690@KAM 500 kW / 055 deg, ex 9670 in Japanese
2100-2157 NF 11655 SIR 500 kW / 053 deg, ex 11990 in Japanese
2330-0027 NF 11740#KAM 500 kW / 064 deg, ex 11820 in Chinese
2330-0027 NF 11970 SIR 500 kW / 098 deg, ex 11975 in Chinese
@co-ch RCI in French
#co-ch All India Radio in Hindi/Tamil
*from Sep.7 co-ch Voice of Russia in Greek/Bulgarian
INDIA Frequency change of All India Radio in Russian:
1615-1715 NF 9595 DEL 250 kW / non-dir, ex 9585*
* to avoid Vatican Radio in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian
NETHERLANDS(non) Frequency changes of RNW in English to SoAs:
1400-1555 NF 5830 DB 100 kW / 125 deg, ex 9345
NF 9885 MDC 250 kW / 050 deg, ex 9890
U.K.(non) Frequency change of IRIN Radio in Somali via VT Communications:
1730-1745 NF 9735 MEY 100 kW / 020 deg, ex 9665 to avoid REE in Spanish
USA(non) Frequency changes of WYFR Family Radio via TV Radio Waves:
1400-1500 NF 9405 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg in Punjabi, ex 9850
1500-1700 NF 11505 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg in Punjabi, ex 9850
1600-1700 NF 9735 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg in Urdu, ex 11630 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg
martedì 29 aprile 2008
Deposité mi informe de recepción el 28 de Diciembre 2007
La QSL fue "DESPATCHED Date 11-04-08" desde ST. HELENA ISLAND
Llegó el 26 de Abril 2008 a la oficina postal de CIVAC, Morelos; y el día de hoy 29 Abril la saqué del buzón.
Espero que pronto les llegue la QSL a quienes la solicitaron. Así que paciencia.
Adjunté: $ 3.00 US
Un fragmento de mi escucha reportada:
Espero comentarios.
Otra nueva: Estoy buscando cómo subir audios a mii blog, porque a veces NO sirven los links.
Pero, acabo de subir un audio de la Radio Huayacocotla, una emisora que antes se podía escuchar en onda corta también.
Dar click en el encabezado de "Radio Huayacocotla" para que escuchen una identificación que grabé en tierras potosinas a finales del 2007 en FM.
Que tengan buenos DX's!!!!!!!!!!
Pronto estaré subiendo la respectiva QSL a mi blog.
New Klingenfuss products for 2008: A bright future for HF!
four new products for 2008
- 2008 Super Frequency List on CD
- 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide
- 1997-2008 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on CD
- Free Supplement January 2008 to the 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations
have been published on 08 December. We've worked around the clock and hundreds of advance orders have been mailed by Tuesday 11 December, i.e. well in time for the Christmas holiday and monitoring season. Detailed product descriptions, sample pages, screenshots, and a list of dealers worldwide - from Australia to the United States of America - can be found on our website
Alternatively, you may ask for our free 24- pages 2008 catalogue to your postal address. Enjoy!
Deadline for the very latest 2008 schedules published in the brandnew Shortwave Frequency Guide was on 20 November 2007!
Apart from the usual up-to-date broadcast and utility station and schedule databases, the 2008 Super Frequency List on CD now covers 404 fascinating new digital data decoder screenshots from Afghanistan (International Committee of the Red Cross, Kabul) to Yemen (Algerian Embassy Sana'a).
Our product Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on CD now covers more than 5,800 (five thousand eight hundred!) digital data decoder screenshots from 1997 to today, essentially produced with WAVECOM equipment. Feed your Windows PC with this CD, and the "slide show" will keep you busy for a few days - or weeks!
The new WAVECOM W61 series of Digital Data Analyzer and Decoder products is clearly targeted at the professional market. Typical applications are manual or automated monitoring of radio communication transmissions in the HF + UHF + VHF + SHF + satellite bands, SIGINT, and signal analysis and classification. The superb new software cracks 160+ modes with worldwide leading technology. Detailed information can be found on our website and in a detailed technical brochure.
As precisely predicted by ourselves - and by nobody else! - already in 2000, HF e-mail continues to spread rapidly and has developed into the major application of modern digital HF techniques that we have marketed - and used! - for years.
After Katrina and Tsunami, Lesson # 1 says: Forget about satphone, BPL, cellphones, e- mail and Internet. HF radio is vital!
The free Supplement January 2008 can be downloaded from our website as well.
Click Free 2008 Supplement!
Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss
Klingenfuss Publications
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Relay-RNI 17605 2202 Dutch 544 April 23 Two YLs and OM with comments. //15540 [444]via Bonaire.
BONAIRE Radio Japan relay-NHK 15265 2223 Japanese April 23 Two OMs with ongoing comments.
BONAIRE VOA Relay 17550 1917 French 433 April 25 YL and OM with interviews. Heard to past 1944. Was my Unknown station for April 14. // 15730 [333] via Sao Tome.
CHINA Music Jammer 17640 2155 444 April 23 The Music Jammer. Suddenly off the air at 2159.
GUAM Adventist World Radio-AWR 15320 2220 Indonesian 333 April 23 Two OMs with comments with China being mentioned often. MacKenzie-CA.
UNITED STATES WWRB 3185 0336 English 232 April 26. OM with religous comments on Overcomer Ministry.
UNITED STATES WWCR 3215 0400 English 433 April 25 OM with a sermon about Doomsday.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come
DX MIX NEWS # 518 29 April 2008
HUNGARY Upated A-08 of Hungarian Radio on short waves via JBR 100 kW:
0400-0500 on 3975 / non-dir
1000-1100 on 6025 / non-dir
1600-1700 on 6025 / non-dir
2200-2300 on 6025 / non-dir
All other cancelled!
HUNGARY Summer A-08 for IBB via JBR 250 kW:
0300-0400 on 7155 / 065 deg Radio Liberty in Russian
1700-1730 on 9520 / 065 deg Voice of America Russian
1800-1830 on 9520 / 065 deg Voice of America Russian
1300-1330 on 11725 / 055 deg Voice of America Russian
1330-1430 on 11725 / 055 deg Voice of America Special English
1400-1500 on 15265 / 065 deg Radio Liberty in Uzbek
KUWAIT Summer A-08 for IBB via KWT 250 kW:
1930-2130 on 5830 / 046 deg FAR Farsi
0200-0530 on 5860 / 058 deg FAR Farsi
1900-1930 on 5860 / 046 deg VOA Farsi
0000-0100 on 9765 / 046 deg RFE Kazakh
1000-1400 on 7125 / 046 deg FAR Farsi
0100-0200 on 7430 / 094 deg VOA English
2200-2300 on 7460 / 058 deg VOA English
2300-2400 on 7500 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
1600-1700 on 7555 / 054 deg RFE Uzbek
1830-2030 on 7555 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
2030-0030 on 7555 / 070 deg VOA English
1700-1830 on 9310 / 078 deg DEE Pashto
1430-1530 on 9335 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
1530-1730 on 9335 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
1730-1830 on 9335 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
0100-0300 on 9365 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
0300-0400 on 9555 / 046 deg FRE Turkmen
1830-1900 on 9780 / 078 deg DEE Pashto
1330-1430 on 11550 / 078 deg AFG Dari
1500-1600 on 11550 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
1630-1730 on 11565 / 070 deg ASH Dari
1730-1830 on 11565 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
1630-1730 on 11580 / 070 deg ASH Dari
1730-1830 on 11580 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
1200-1400 on 11590 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
1400-1500 on 11975 / 078 deg RFA Tibetan
0230-0330 on 12140 / 070 deg AFG Pashto
0830-0930 on 15090 / 070 deg AFG Pashto
1130-1430 on 15090 / 070 deg AFG Dari/Pashto/Dari
1430-1530 on 15090 / 070 deg ASH Pashto/Dari
1530-1630 on 15090 / 070 deg AFG Pashto
1500-1530 on 15265 / 046 deg VOA Uzbek
0330-0530 on 15615 / 070 deg AFG Dari/Pashto
0730-0830 on 15615 / 070 deg AFG Dari
0230-0330 on 15690 / 070 deg AFG Pashto
1400-1500 on 15790 / 070 deg AAP Urdu
0430-0630 on 17670 / 070 deg AFG Pashto/Dari
0630-0830 on 17685 / 070 deg AFG Pashto/Dari
1000-1200 on 17750 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
0600-0700 on 17780 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
1000-1100 on 21510 / 070 deg RFA Tibetan
AAP=Aap Ki Dunyaa
AFG=Radio Free Afghanistan
ASH=Radio Ashna
DEE=Deewa Radio
RFA=Radio Free Asia
RFE=Radio Liberty
FAR=Radio Farda
VOA=Voice of America
USA(non) Frequency change for WYFR Family Urdu via Media Broadcast:
1700-1800 NF 11970 WER 500 kW / 075 deg, ex 11785 to avoid VOIndonesia in Spanish
lunedì 28 aprile 2008
Hello !
The past week (Monday 21) I have been in France, near the border, and I had the possibility to visit the Medium Wave site with BEUR FM operating on 1584 kHz near PAU (Perpignan area) and I tried to listen to them, but NO SIGNAL on 1584 kHz.
Enric Roca
Radio Sweden Turns 70!
Voice of Russia World Service celebrates 30 years on air
Miniradio, la bufala continua?
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2323 Japanese 433 April 21 OM with comments then a YL with comments. This frequency replaces 13680 now covered by RHC Cuba relaying Radio Nacional Venezuela in Spanish.
PHILIPPINES FEBC 9435 2244 Indonesian 333 April 21 Two OMs with comments.
PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 11805 2343 Indonesian 333 April 21 OM with VOA ID 2343. YL mentioning Obama often. //9535 [333]via Thailand.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-DW 11865 2337 German 333 April 21 Two OMs with comments plus a YL with comments at times. //9775 [333] via Rwanda.
SAIPAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 13740 2316 Khmer 333 April 21 YL and OM with comments. An Echo on this frequency.
TAIWAN Radio Taiwan Intl-RTI 11635 2350 Chinese 333 April 21 OM with comments and being Jammed by the Chinese Music Jammer.
THAILAND VOA Relay 13755 2308 English 444 April 21 YL and OM with New Dynamic News program in Special English program plus the Daily Dialog program.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
domenica 27 aprile 2008
Tips Roberto Pavanello
4760 26/4 22.10 R. Elwa - Monrovia EE gospel buono
6275 27/4 08.30 R. Calypso - EE ID e MX buono
9505 26/4 21.40 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP calcio suff.
9630 26/4 21.45 R. Aparecida - PP MX buono
9675 26/4 21.50 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP Rosario buono
Prossimo week-end niente tips causa viaggio in Svizzera e Liechtenstein.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton-RA 13630 2250 English 333 April 20 YL and OM pop music program.
ECUADOR HCJB 12.000 2225 Spanish 333 April 20 OM with ongoing comments.
ECUADOR HCJB 12040 2238 German 433 April 20 OM with comments plus choir music.
GUAM Adventist World Radio-AWR 12130 2245 Chinese 333 April 20 YL and OM with comments.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2253 Japanese 444 April 20 YL and OM with comments and some music at times. IS and ID and continued with a YL with comments.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2257 Chinese 333 April 20 YL and OM with comments. IN Thai at 2300 by a YL with some pop music.
VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam-VOV 12020 2234 Chinese 433 April 20 A YL with comments.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come
sabato 26 aprile 2008
Ultimas escuchas Javier Robledillo Jaén
5.965 kHz, WYFR Family Radio, 19-04-08, 2203-2225. Comentarios de locutor con referencias a Israel, id. emisora y comentarios religiosos, en francés. SINPO 55444
6.280 kHz, Firedrake jamming, 19-04-08, 2253-2255. Música para interferir a Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, en chino. SINPO 34333
6.290 kHz, Radio Cairo, 19-04-08, 2255-2258. Comentarios de locutor y música, en árabe. SINPO 44333
6.055 kHz, KBC RAadio, 19-04-08, 2226-2230. .emisora "The migthy KBC", comentarios de locutor y música, en inglés. SINPO 34433
6.135 kHz, Radio Republica, 19-04-08, 2231-2252. Comentarios sobre presos políticos en Cuba, en español. SINPO 54433
Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) – España
Rx: Sangean ATS909
Ant: Telescópica
Nuevas QSL Radio Praga
11.600 kHz, Radio Praga
Escuchadas el 05-04-08 a las 0800 UTC en español
Recibida tarjeta QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación, bases de nuevo concurso y un llavero
Datos completos.
V/S: Ilegible
Informe enviado a:
Demoró 9 días
5.830 kHz, Radio Ukrania Internacional
Escuchada el 09-03-08 a las 0050 UTC en inglés
Recibida tarjeta QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación
Datos completos.
No V/S
Informe enviado a:,, y
Demoró 39 días (Ya recibí confirmación a este informe del departamento de alemán)
Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) - España
Radio Gloria Internation this Sunday
Time 1200 to 1300 UTC
Channel 6140 KHz
The transmissions of Radio Gloria will be broadcast over the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany.
The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).
Good listening 73s Tom
venerdì 25 aprile 2008
Nuove attivazioni FM a Pantelleria
95.50 RADIO 24
100.30 RGS
101.90 RTL102.5
103.80 RDS
Es un espacio informativo sobre temas del mundo de los medios de comunicación y el diexismo.
Se emite por onda corta de la siguiente manera:
1ª Emisión: VIERNES 06:30 - 06:55 UTC
Europa: 9.710 y 12.035 kHz
Oriente Medio: 11.890 kHz
América del Sur: 5.965* kHz
2ª Emisión SABADO 10:05 - 10:30 UTC
Europa: 13.720 y 15.585 kHz
Oriente Medio: 21.610 kHz
África Ecuatorial: 21.540 kHz
América del Sur: 21.570 kHz
3ª Emisión DOMINGO 03:05 - 03:30 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
4ª Emisión LUNES 02:30 - 02:55 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
(*) Desde el Centro Emisor de Cariari en Costa Rica
Para ponerse en contacto con el programa:
También se puede escuchar en directo por Internet en:
En la página web del programa, se puede escuchar este último así como los anteriores:
Además desde "Programas DX", en cualquier día y a cualquier hora:
Si desea escuchar otros espacios diexistas en español lo puede hacer en:
José Bueno
Córdoba, España
giovedì 24 aprile 2008
Relays this weekend via 9290kHz
Nuovi Ndb di HF Archive
PAR Parma 306.5 khz
RIM Rimini 335 Khz
L'indirizzo del sito è sempre:
73 de IW0HK Andrea
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK __._,_.___
Accordo Radio Vaticana-Italradio per la RMV
Nuovi Ndb di HF Archive
PAR Parma 306.5 khz
RIM Rimini 335 Khz
L'indirizzo del sito è sempre:
73 de IW0HK Andrea
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK __._,_.___
mercoledì 23 aprile 2008
New RNZI Mailbox Documentary features contemporary radio in Fiji, Nauru and Solomon Islands
& Solomon Islands
RNZI Mailbox Documentary May 12
It's 20 years since the first military coup in Fiji. What does contemporary radio in this Pacific nation sound like in 2008?
There are two main players [state owned Radio Fiji and private Communications Fiji Ltd] both operating a series of national networks from Suva studios, and a small handful of independent stations, nearly all located in Suva as well.
Community radio stations in this country of 850,000 people don't exist, and is this a consequence of military rule and fear of grassroots media?
In the Solomon Islands, itself suffering civil tension, eight small villages on Isabel Province have been broadcasting their own local community programs five hours daily from 'radio in a suitcase' systems.
Well supported by local villagers, these new community radio stations offer a glimpse of a successful future for low tech, low cost and low environmental impact FM radio across the Pacific.
A similar system operates on crisis torn Nauru, successfully introduced by the University of the South Pacific and broadcasting as Triple Nine FM.
Listen to Mailbox on RNZI on Monday May 12 as David Ricquish of the Radio Heritage Foundation explores some of the issues, and plays audio clips from four Fijian FM stations recently recorded in Suva.
Visit for shortwave frequencies and times, and to download an audio on demand version of the program that will remain available on line for four weeks from May 12.
For more information about broadcasting in Fiji, Nauru and the Solomon Islands, visit An online version of the program script along with images will be available later from
Full searchable lists of operating AM and shortwave radio stations in the Pacific are available free on line in the Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides. An FM guide will be available shortly. Visit to access the current radio guides today.
The Radio Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization connecting the heritage of radio broadcasting and popular culture across the Pacific. Our website is
Radio New Zealand International is the award winning shortwave broadcaster serving the Pacific from Wellington, New Zealand since 1948,
Voce della Croazia
martedì 22 aprile 2008
DX MIX NEWS # 517 22 April 2008
BELGIUM(non) Summer A-08 of TDP stations:
TDP Radio in DRM:
0000-0100 on 9790 SAC 070 kW / 227 deg to NoAm Daily
0800-0900 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Mon
0900-1000 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Tue
1000-1100 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Wed
1100-1200 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Thu
1200-1300 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Fri
1300-1400 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Sat
1400-1500 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Sun
1500-1600 on 6015 ISS 035 kW / 060 deg to WeEu Daily
Moj Them Radio in Hmong:
0100-0130 on 15260 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia Mon/Wed/Fri
Haiv Hmoob Radio in Hmong:
0100-0130 on 15260 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia Tue
Hmong World Christian Radio in Hmong:
0100-0130 on 15260 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia Sat
Hmong Lao Radio in Hmong:
0100-0200 on 15260 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia Thu/Sun
Denge Mezopotamya in Kurdish:
0400-1400 on 11530 SMF 300 kW / 129 deg to WeAs
1400-1800 on 11530 SMF 500 kW / 129 deg to WeAs
1800-2000 on 7540 SMF 300 kW / 129 deg to WeAs
Que Huong Radio in Vietnamese:
1200-1300 on 15680 DB 100 kW / 117 deg to Asia Mon-Sat
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia in Somali:
1400-1430 on 17875 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Sat
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church/Holy Synod Radio in Amharic:
1600-1700 on 17875 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Mon
Radio Democracy Shorayee in Persian
1700-1800 on 12120 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Tue/Thu/Fri/Sun
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo in Hmong
2330-2400 on 11655 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia Daily
CROATIA Summer A-08 of HRT HS-1 in Croatian via Deanovac:
0457-0756 on 6165 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
0757-1356 on 9830 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
1357-2056 on 6165 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
2057-0456 on 3985vDEA 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
GERMANY(non) Updated A-08 of Brother Stair via Media Broadcast from Apr.8
1400-1500 on 13810 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to Eu/ME, ex 1400-1600
1400-1600 on 6110 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu
1500-1600 on 17485 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg to We/CeAf
1900-2100 on 6175*WER 125 kW / 300 deg to WeEu, ex WER 250 kW
* co-ch 1900-1930 Polish Radio Warsaw in Ukrainian via WER 100 kW / 075 deg
GERMANY(non) Frequency change of IBC Tamil R.via Media Broadcast from Apr.3
0000-0100 NF 7205 WER 250 kW / 105 deg to SoAs in Tamil, ex 7320
RUSSIA New summer A-08 schedule for Voice of Russia in Turkish:
1400-1500 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 190 deg
11985 SRP 500 kW / 185 deg
13855 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg
1500-1600 on 7325 ARM 100 kW / 190 deg
11635 S.P 200 kW / 145 deg
13870 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg
PORTUGAL Frequency changes for Deutsche Welle in English in DRM mode:
1600-1655 NF 11810 SIN 090 kW / 035 deg to WeEu, ex 9760 to avoid CRI in English
SERBIA(non) Winter A-08 schedule of International Radio Serbia:
1000-1258 on 7200 BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Serbian
1300-1328 on 7200 BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu English
1330-1358 on 7200 BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Serbian
1400-1428 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Spanish
1430-1458 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Arabic
1500-1528 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Russian
1530-1558 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu French
1600-1628 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu German
1630-1643 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Chinese
1645-1658 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Albanian
1700-1713 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Hungarian
1715-1728 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Greek
1730-1758 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Italian
1800-1828 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Russian
1800-1828 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Russian
1830-1858 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English
1830-1858 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu English
1900-1928 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Spanish
1900-1928 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Spanish
1930-1958 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Serbian Sun-Fri
1930-1958 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Serbian Sun-Fri
1930-2028 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Serbian Sat
1930-2028 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu Serbian Sat
2000-2028 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu German Sun-Fri
2000-2028 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Sun-Fri
2030-2058 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu French
2030-2058 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu French
2100-2128 on 6100#BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English
2100-2128 on 7200*BEO 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu English
2330-2358 on 6185%BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to NCAm Serbian Mon-Sat
2330-0028 on 6185%BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to NCAm Serbian Sun
0000-0028 on 6185%BIJ 250 kW / 310 deg to NCAm English Mon-Sat
0100-0128 on 6185%BIJ 250 kW / 325 deg to NoAm English
*co-ch 1400-1630 Radio Bulgaria in Ru/Bu/Ru from SOF
1630-1800 Radio Bulgaria in Ge/Fr/En from PLD
1730-1830 China Radio International in Chinese
1830-1930 China Radio International in Arabic
1930-2000 China Radio International in Romanian
2030-2130 China Radio International in French
#co-ch 1800-1900 China Radio International in Chinese
2000-2200 China Radio International in Arabic
%co-ch 0000-0130 Radio Republica in Spanish + Cuban Jammer
SOUTH AFRICA Frequency change of Channel Africa in English from Apr/17:
0300-0355 NF 6135 MEY 500 kW / 020 deg to EaAf, ex 6105 to avoid RL Russian
TURKEY Frequency change for Voice of Turkey in Macedonian from Apr.19:
0800-0825 NF 11820 CAK 250 kW / 313 deg, ex 11690 to avoid HRT via WER
U.K.(non) Frequency change for BBC WS in DRM mode:
0400-0500 NF 5875 KVI 035 kW / 190 deg, ex 6195
0500-0700 on 6195 KVI 035 kW / 190 deg, no change
U.K.(non) Additional frequencies for BBC in Arabic:
0400-0500 on 6195 SKN 300 kW / 140 deg
1800-2000 on 6125 CYP 300 kW / 173 deg
U.K.(non) A-08 of BBC Darfur Salaam in Arabic:
0500-0530 on 12015 CYP 300 kW / 177 deg
13650 CYP 250 kW / 187 deg
1700-1730 on 15515 CYP 250 kW / 187 deg
17585 CYP 300 kW / 177 deg
USA(non) Additional txions of WYFR Family Radio via VT Communications:
1300-1400 on 17630 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to EaAf in English
1300-1500 on 17715 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to EaAf in English
1700-1900 on 15760 WOF 250 kW / 102 deg to ME in Turkish
QSL Botschaft des Heils
Peter Vaegler
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
CANADA Radio Sweden Relay 9490 0322 Swedish 444 April 19 YL and OM with comments. Obama's name mentioned several times. MacKenzie-CA.
CANADA Voice of Turkey-VOT Relay 7325 0335 English 444 April 19 YL ancr with comments followed by some Turkish music. OM with Turkish Album programand ID. MacKenzie-CA.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany-DW Relay ii865 2208 German 333 April 20 YL and OM with comments. MacKenzie-CA.
SPAIN China Radio Intl Relay 9690 0308 English 433 April 19 OM with comments on China's Worldwide Trade via the Internet. Also an item on China's new speed train. //9790 [444]Via Cuba. MacKenzie-CA.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 6055 0348 Spanish 333 April 19 YL with comments. MacKenzie-CA.
UKRAINE Radio Ukraine Intl 7440 0328 Ukrainian 333 April 19 Folk music. YL with an ID at 0329. Then more vocal music. MacKenzie-CA.
UNITED STATES WHRA Intl 11885 2147 English 333 April 20 Continuous pop music vocals plus an OM ancr. YL at 2158 with ID of Radio Mission program. WHRA ID at 2159 by an OM. Hymn choir music by 2203. MacKenzie-CA.
IPS Daily HF Prop Report - 21 April 08
Date T index Conditions
21 Apr 13 Normal
Flares: none.
near predicted monthly values
PCA Event : No event.
Predicted Monthly T index for April: 6
Date T index Conditions MUFs
22 Apr 10 Normal near predicted monthly values
23 Apr 15 Normal near predicted monthly values
24 Apr 15 Normal near predicted monthly values
COMMENT: Good HF conditions observed over the last 24 hours for all regions with MUFs near or above predicted monthly values.
Similar HF conditions expected 22 April. Unsettled geomagnetic conditions on 23-24 April may degrade HF conditions on those days, particularly in the Antarctic regions and S.Aus however MUFs are expected to remain near or marginally above predicted monthly values due to a winter-time ionospheric response.
For an explanation of some of the terms in this report, goto, and follow links to Educational-> Glossary on Solar
Terrestrial Terms.
IPS Radio and Space Services email:
PO Box 1386 WWW:
Haymarket NSW 1240 AUSTRALIA FTP:
tel: +61 2 9213 8010 fax: +61 2 9213 8060
lunedì 21 aprile 2008
Nuevo Boletín del Club S500
Emilio y JulioClub Dx S500Valencia (España)
P.D.: El archivo pdf pesa 10 MB pero contiene mas de 100 imagenes, todo un lujo.
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 13630 2250 English 333 April 14 Two YLs with comments. Pop music 2252. YLs back with more vocal music. OM with stock news via London 2128. Wx Report by a YL and OM 2134. //11660 [333] Shepparton, 12080 [333]Brandon,15515 [444] Sheparton and 17785 [444] Shepparton.
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2248 Japanese 444 April 14 YL and OM with comments.
ECUADOE HCJB 9780 0300 German 444 April 19 S/on by a YL plus some comments then hymn music.
ECUADOR HCJB 9745 0305 Spanish 433 April 19 YL with comments
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2244 Japanese 444 April 14 OM with comments with a YL. //13680 [232].
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 15205 2143 English 433 April 17 Two YLs talking about comic book Super Heros and comments on the Old Men movie.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
Escuchas/Escutas/Logs Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina
5940 Radio Globo, Guaruja Paulista, SP, 0620-0630, April 19, Portuguese, many identifications, announcement: " Globo", musical jingle as "Radio Globo", local songs, ann.: "Destaque globo", 33422 with QRM from Radio Melodia, Arequipa, Peru 6170 Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, SP, 0612-0615, April 19, Portuguese, announcement, clasic music by Baden Baden Sinfhonic Orchestra, 34433
15755 Radio Free Chosun (p), 1205-1212, April 19, Korean, news by female, very good signal, 34433
9965 T8BZ (p), Palau, 1152-1200, April 19, Chinese, music, announcement by male, music, announcements by female, 22432
6019,43 Radio Victoria, Lima, 0600-0610, April 19, Spanish, religious programme in spanish, Ann.: "La Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor, con Personeria Juridica....Lima, Peru"; other ann. as: "Esta transmitiendo para todo el mundo, La Voz de la Liberacion", 33322 //9720,02 with 24432
domenica 20 aprile 2008
Last log
1008 17/4 21.58 R. Extremadura - Badajoz SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1143 16/4 21.55 COPE - Reus Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1143 17/4 20.58 COPE - Oviedo SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1260 15/4 20.58 R. Murcia - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1269 16/4 20.57 COPE - Girona Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1680 19/4 04.25 WLAA - Winter Garden SS MX suff.
3927 19/4 21.50 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono
3940.6 12/4 21.50 SW Pirate - EE MX country buono
4699.4 19/4 23.20 R. San Miguel - Riberalta SS NX suff.
4716.7 19/4 22.50 R. Yura - SS Avisos suff.
4775 19/4 04.00 TWR - Manzini Lomwe MX suff.
5000 19/4 04.10 YVTO - Caracas SS ID e pip pip buono
5580.3 19/4 22.40 R. San Josè - S. Josè de Chiquitos SS MX suff.
5952.5 19/4 22.35 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX Quecha talk YL buono
5983.7 19/4 23.05 R. Cooperativa - Huanuni SS MX suff.
6010 19/4 04.20 Voz de tu Concencia - Bogotà SS predica buono
6215 13/4 09.00 King SW - EE MX suff.
6275 20/4 08.25 R. Calypso - EE ID e MX buono
6290 13/4 09.20 R. Quintus - EE MX buono
6305 20/4 09.15 R. Shadowman - EE ID e MX buono
6375 19/4 15.20 R. Brigitte Int. - EE ID e MX buono
7235 19/4 15.30 R. Warna - Singapore Malese MX buono
7275 19/4 15.35 R. Oli - Singapore Tamil MX buono
9684.8 19/4 22.30 R. Gazeta - Sao Paulo PP talk su Internet suff.
11735 14/4 19.00 R. Tanzania - Zanzibar Swahili NX buono
Prossimi due week-end niente tips (o per lo meno in quantità ridotta) causa gite turistiche radiofoniche in Francia, Svizzera e Liechtenstein
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 15315 2140 Dutch 333 April 14 YL and OM with comments. Not the same program that 17605 was using. Vocal pop music 2143 in English CW style and the song was "All that matters". MacKenzie-CA.
French GUIANA Radio France Intl Relay-RFI 17620 2145 French 333 April 14 YL with comments plus an OM talking to an OM. MacKenzie-CA.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2238 Chinese 433 April 14 IS music and a YL with ID 2240. YL and OM with comments at 2241. MacKenzie-CA.
MARIANNAS, North Radio Free Asia-RFA 13740 2236 Khmer 333 April 14 YL and an OM with comments. MacKenzie-CA.
THAILAND VOA Relay 13775 2225 Chinese 333 April 14 OM with comments plus some background jamming by the Chinese Music Jammer at 2229. //11925 [232]Music Jammer MacKenzie-CA.
UNKNOWN STATION 17550 1722 French 433 April 14 YL and OM with comments. NO ID heard at 1930. They mentioned Washington several times. VOA??? MacKenzie-CA.
21mHz This Band has been dead in my area for several months. Can not even hear anything from with in the USA. Just lots of noise on this band.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
sabato 19 aprile 2008
Se prepara en la ciudad de Gomez Palacio, Durango (México) el 14 Encuentro Nacional Diexista manejando como probable fecha los dias 15,16 y 17 de Agosto del año en curso (2008).
Preparen sus equipajes y radios portatiles para dicho evento.
Escríbanme y estén pendientes de más noticias.
73 y buenos DX!!!!
Información proporcionada por:
Paul Sebastian Caldera Aguayo
"Sintonía Libre, un ancho mundo de frecuencia, un programa de Radio Educación Onda Corta" (slogan)
Conducen: Marlen Reyes y Alicia Espinoza.
Programa con información de los medios de comunicación, acuse de recibo de cartas e informes de recepción de los oyentes, y alguna información para los diexistas.
Radio Educación -Onda Corta- XEPPM 6185 KHz.
Colaboran colegas diexistas como el Amigo Pepe González, desde el Puerto de Veracruz, Ver. con su "Cápsula DX"
Sus horarios son: (Horas y Días en UTC)
2:00 UTC Miércoles, Viernes y Domingo.
4:15 UTC Lunes, retransmisión.
Dirección postal:
Apartado Postal # 44-227
México, D.F.
C.P. 03100 México
Magdiel Cruz Rodríguez
reportando desde Jiutepec, Morelos
La Rosa de Tokyo para hoy!!!!
En el programa de hoy iniciamos una investigación especial de 2 programas dedicados a la actividad de los medios de comunicación durante la Guerra en el Atlántico Sur en 1982. Hoy escucharemos el Capítulo Primero con el título: "La Radiodifusión durante la Guerra de Las Islas Malvinas". Extraordinario programa que contiene grabaciones de época, entrevistas a radiodifusores participantes, grabaciones de pilotos militares comunicando con aeropuerto y opiniones de afamados diexistas.
No se pueden perder este fenomenal espacio de "La Rosa de Tokio"
Si desea ponerse en contacto con el programa, lo puede hacer en:
Horarios de WRMI por la frecuencia de 9955 kHz Sábados y domingos a las 07:00 UTC y los lunes a las 22:00 UTC También por Internet en:
Está disponible cualquier día y a cualquier hora en:
Si desea escuchar otros programa diexistas en español lo puede hacer en:
Cordiales 73
José Bueno
Córdoba, España
EMR Relay's & Internet Repeat Times
Sunday 20th April 2008 to Europe
12:00 - 13:00 Tom Taylor (on 6140Khz 48m)
13:00 - 14:30 Mike Taylor (on 9290Khz 31m)
14:30 - 15:00 Paul Graham (on 9290 Khz 31m)
The above programmes are repeated on the
EMR internet service between the followng times:
Sunday 20th April 2008
17:00 - 18:00 Tom Taylor
18:00 - 19:30 Mike Taylor
19:30 - 20:00 Paul Graham
Monday 21st April 2008
12:00 - 13:00 Tom Taylor
13:00 - 14:30 Mike Taylor
14:30 - 20:00 Paul Graham
Monday 21st April 2008
17:00 - 18:00 Tom Taylor
18:00 - 19:30 Mike Taylor
19:30 - 20:00 Paul Graham
Tuesday 22nd April 2008
18:00 - 19:00 Tom Taylor
19:00 - 20:30 Mike Taylor
20:30 - 21:00 Paul Graham
Good Listening from all the staff at EMR
QSL Radio Rumania Internacional
Escuchadas el 08-02-08 a las 2226 UTC y el 02-03-08 a las 2000 UTC en español
Recibidas tarjetas QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación, y felicitación de pascua.
Datos completos.
V/S: Victoria Sepciu
Informes enviados a:
Demoraron 63 y 35 días
Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) - España
BULGARIA: RADIO BULGARIA, 6200,7200,9500 kHz, QSL-card in 30d. QTH:
CANADA: KBS WORLD RADIO, 6045 kHz via Sackville, 4 QSL-card f/d, schedule, info, report forms in 178-163-43-24 d. QTH: via the web site at
CATALONIA: RADIO BARRETINA INTERNATIONAL; 6311 kHz, 2 E-QSL f/d in 20 d (num 2-cybersexy girl and num 3 – Power RF transistor) QTH:
DENMARK: RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL, 5815 kHz via WMR, E-mail f/d in 20 minutes! v/s: Dick QTH:
GERMANY: HCJB, 3955 kHz via Jülich, QSL-card f/d, sticker, schedule, pennant in 28d. QTH:
MV BALTIC RADIO, 6140 kHz via Wertachtal, QSL-card f/d in 35 d. v/s: Gawol QTH:
RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL, 6140 kHz via Wertachtal, 2 QSL-card f/d in 39-15 d. v/s: Sabine Gawol QTH :
RADIO 700, 6005 kHz, 2 QS-card f/d, sticker,personal letter, info, schedule in 14 d. v/s: Christian Milling QTH: +
WYFR, 3955 kHz via Julich, QSL f/d, sticker,schedule, used stamps, calendars, religious propaganda in 36 d QTH:
GUYANA FRENCH: RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL, 9800 kHz via Montsinery, QSL-card f/d, rolling meter in 61 d. QTH: via the website at
LATVIA: RADIO CITY, 9290 kHz 2 QSL-stencyl f/d, personal letter in 14-3 h!. v/s: Paul Khun QTH:
RADIO NORD, 9290 kHz QSL-card f/d in 9 d.v/s: Raimonds Kreicbergs QTH:
LUXEMBOURG: CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL: 1440 kHz, QSL f/d, calendar, paper cut, magazine les Amis de RCI, Olympic card in 95 d. QTH:
PIRATIA: ANTONIO RADIO, 3905 kHz, E-QSL f/d in 2h! QTH:
POLARIS RADIO, 3902 kHz, E-QSL f/d in 2 d. v/s: DJ Iggy & Morticia QTH:
RADIO BOOMERANG, 6305 kHz,, E-mail in 13 hours, v/s:Arie QTH:
RADIO LOWLAND, 6315 kHz, E-mail in 12 minutes! v/s: Jos Tabak QTH:
RADIO MAZDA, 6290 kHz, E-mail, 3 photos in 12 d. v/s: Jan W. QTH:
RADIO OMROEP ZUID/RADIO OSCAR ZULU. 6305 kHz, E-QSL f/d in 14 d v/s: Hans QTH:
RADIO PLAYBACK INTERNATIONAL, 6882 kHz, E-QSL, in 1 d. v/s: JJ Clarence QTH:
RADIO PLAYBACK INTERNATIONAL, 6882 kHz, E-QSL ( special Kevin Turner) in 3 d. V/S: JJ Clarence QTH:
RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL, 6200 kHz, E-mail f/d in 46 minutes v/s: Albert QTH:
RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL, 6263 kHz, QSL-card f/d, personal letter, stickers in 7 d. v/s: Albert QTH: Box 85 NL-9410 BEILEN, The Netherlands
SPIDER RADIO, 6925 USB kHz, E-QSL f/d in 11 h. v/s: Kostas Karamanlis QTH:
PORTUGAL: RDP INTERNATIONAL RADIO PORTUGAL, 9815 kHz, QSL-card f/d , personal letter, cup, pen, tourism brochure, pocket calendar, in 26 d. v/s: Christiane QTH: via the website form at
ROMANIA: RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 9575 kHz, QSL-card f/d, schedule in 96 d, QTH: the website form at
RUSSIA: Voice of Russia ,5920 & 7340 kHz, 3 QSL-card f/d, stickers, personal letter, schedule, calendar , postcard in 114-102 d. v/s: Pancho & Sergio QTH: via the web site
SOUTH AFRICA: WYFR via Meyerton, 15260 kHz, QSL-card f/d, schedule, stickers, calendars, religious material in 47 d. QTH:
THE NETHERLANDS: RADIO MARIA, 675 kHz, E-mail in 77 minutes! v/s: André van Dongen QTH:
TURKEY: TRT VOICE OF TURKEY, 7160 kHz, 2 QSL-card f/d, book mark, schedule in 32-34d. QTH:
U S A: RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Okeechobee, 5950 kHz, 2 QSL f/d, 2 postcard, report form, schedule, frequencies, label address in 128 &78 d. QTH: via the website at
(via Dario Monferini)
Se prepara en la ciudad de Gomez Palacio, Durango (México) el 14 Encuentro Nacional Diexista manejando como probable fecha los dias 15,16 y 17 de Agosto del año en curso (2008).
Preparen sus equipajes y radios portatiles para dicho evento.
Escríbanme y estén pendientes de más noticias.
73 y buenos DX!!!!
Magdiel Cruz Rodríguez
Información proporcionada por: Paul Sebastian Caldera Aguayo (XE2LPS)
También se difunde por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional, FM Oxígeno de Chile, por La Voz de Rusia y estará disponible en Programas DX. A partir del sábado 19 de abril se sumará una red de 20 emisoras argentinas.
En el programa de hoy iniciamos una investigación especial de 2 programas dedicados a la actividad de los medios de comunicación durante la Guerra en el Atlántico Sur en 1982. Hoy escucharemos el Capítulo Primero con el título: "La Radiodifusión durante la Guerra de Las Islas Malvinas".
Extraordinario programa que contiene grabaciones de época, entrevistas a radiodifusores participantes, grabaciones de pilotos militares comunicando con aeropuerto y opiniones de afamados diexistas.
No se pueden perder este fenomenal espacio de "La Rosa de Tokio"
Si desea ponerse en contacto con el programa, lo puede hacer en:
Horarios de WRMI por la frecuencia de 9955 kHz
Sábados y domingos a las 07:00 UTC y los lunes a las 22:00 UTC
También por Internet en:
Está disponible cualquier día y a cualquier hora en:
Si desea escuchar otros programa diexistas en español lo puede hacer en:
(via José Bueno)
giovedì 17 aprile 2008
Relays this weekend via 9290kHz
Radio City 09.00-10.00UTC and on 945AM 19.00 -20.00UTC
April 20th
EMR 13.00 -15.00UTC
Latvia Today 15.00 -16.00UTC
Good listening
73s Tom
Es un espacio informativo sobre temas del mundo de los medios de comunicación y el diexismo.
Se emite de la siguiente manera:
1ª Emisión: VIERNES 06:30 - 06:55 UTC
Europa: 9.710 y 12.035 kHz
Oriente Medio: 11.890 kHz
América del Sur: 5.965* kHz
2ª Emisión SABADO 10:05 - 10:30 UTC
Europa: 13.720 y 15.585 kHz
Oriente Medio: 21.610 kHz
África Ecuatorial: 21.540 kHz
América del Sur: 21.570 kHz
3ª Emisión DOMINGO 03:05 - 03:30 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
4ª Emisión LUNES 02:30 - 02:55 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
(*) Desde el Centro Emisor de Cariari, Costa Rica
Para ponerse en contacto con el programa:
También se puede escuchar en directo por Internet en:
En la página web del programa, se puede escuchar el último programa así como los anteriores:
Además desde "Programas DX", en cualquier día y a cualquier hora:
(via José Bueno)
mercoledì 16 aprile 2008
Geophysical Alert Message (WWV)
:Issued: 2008 Apr 15 2100 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction
# Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 15 April follow.
Solar flux 69 and estimated mid-latitude A-Index 2.
The mid-latitude K-index at 2100 UTC on 15 April was 2 (13 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.
martedì 15 aprile 2008
Algunas captaciones / Escutas / Some logs
4781,48 Radio Tacana, Tumupasa, 1008-1015, April 09, Spanish, local music and announcement & ID by male as: "Muy buenos dias, señores oyentes de Radio Tacana....", 23332
6035 La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 0940-1005, April 09, Spanish, TC & ID as: "4 horas con 50 minutos, estamos en La Voz del Guaviare................."; very nice local songs, ann. & greetings as: "saludos para nuestros oyentes que nos sintonizan en el sector de......y a todos, gracios por estar en nuestra sintonia"; TC: "7 minutos faltan para las 5 de la mañana en La Voz del Guaviare", Complete ID at 10 UTC: "....La Voz del Guaviare, en frecuencia modulada.....", local advs at 1002 UTC , very nice ann. & ID as: "...un nuevo amanecer en nuestro Departamento....un momento de paz.....La Voz del Guaviare...", 33322/23322
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
2485khz VL8K Katherine AUS//
2325 khz VL8J Tennat CreeK AUS //
2310 khz VL8A Alice Spring AUS Buono px realy ABC
- Mauro Giroletti -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
QSL Bible Voice
Canada con QSL in 58 giorni. Si 1 IRC.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
EMR update ! On Sunday the 20th of April
European Music Radio 32nd Birthday Programmes:
On Sunday the 20th of April at 1200 utc:
On 6140 khz at 1200 to 1300 utc with Tom Taylor
Continues at 1300 utc:
On 9290 khz at 1300 to 1500 utc:
With Mike Taylor between 1300 to 1430 (mail Box)
and Paul Graham between 1430 to 1500 utc (oldies)
All programmes will be available at the following website:
just click on EMR internet radio !
Internet programme times will follow.
Good Listening 73s From all the staff at EMR
EMR Birthday Relays via 6140 and 9290 khz
European Music Radio 32nd Birthday Programmes:
Starts at 1200 utc:
On 6140 khz at 1200 to 1300 utc with Tom Taylor
Continues at 1300 utc:
On 9290 khz at 1300 to 1500 utc:
With Mike Taylor between 1300 to 1430 (mail Box) and Paul Graham between 1430 to 1500 utc (oldies)
All programmes will be available at the following website: just click on EMR internet radio ! Internet programme times will follow.
Good Listening 73s From all the staff at EMR
DX MIX NEWS # 516 15 April 2008
CHECH REP. Summer A-08 of Radio Prague:
CZECH 0130-0157 on 6200 7345
0230-0257 on 7345 9870
0830-0857 on 11600 15710
0930-0957 on 9880 21745
1100-1127 on 11665 15710
1230-1257 on 6055 7345
1530-1557 on 5930 17485
1730-1757 on 5930 17485
1930-1957 on 5930 11600
2100-2127 on 9410 11600
2330-2357 on 7345 9440
ENGLISH 0000-0027 on 7345 9440
0100-0127 on 6200 7345
0300-0327 on 7345 9870
0330-0357 on 6080 SAC
0330-0357 on 9445 11600
0700-0727 on 9880 11600
0900-0927 on 9880 21745
0900-0927 on 9955 RMI
1030-1057 on 9880 11665
1300-1327 on 13580 17540
1330-1357 on 9850 WOF Fri/Sat in DRM
1400-1427 on 9955 RMI
1600-1627 on 5930 17485
1700-1727 on 5930 17485
2000-2027 on 5930 11600
2130-2157 on 9410 11600
2230-2257 on 7345 9415
GERMAN 0630-0657 on 5930 7345
1000-1027 on 6055 9880
1200-1227 on 6055 7345
1300-1327 on 9850 WOF Fri/Sat in DRM
1500-1527 on 5930
1630-1657 on 11825 ARM
FRENCH 0600-0627 on 5930 7345
0730-0757 on 9880 11600
1330-1357 on 13580 17540
1630-1657 on 5930 17485
1830-1857 on 5930 13580
2200-2227 on 7345 9415
RUSSIAN 0400-0427 on 9445 11600
1130-1157 on 11665 15710
1430-1457 on 7345 13580
1800-1827 on 5840 DB
SPANISH 0000-0027 on 11665 ASC + test on 7275 ASC Mon-Fri
0030-0057 on 7345 9440
0200-0227 on 6200 7345
0430-0457 on 9955 RMI
0800-0827 on 11600 15710
0930-0957 on 9955 RMI
1400-1427 on 11625 13580
1800-1827 on 5930 13580
1900-1927 on 5930 13580
2030-2057 on 5930 11600
2300-2327 on 7345 9415
2330-2357 on 6000 SAC
ARM=Armavir, Russia
ASC=Ascension Island
DB=Dushanbe, Tajikistan
SAC-Sackville, Canada
WOF-Wooferton, U.K.
SLOVAKIA Summer A-08 of Radio Slovakia International:
ENGLISH 0100-0127 on 5930 9440
0700-0727 on 9440 11650
1630-1657 on 5920 6055
1830-1857 on 5920 6055
GERMAN 0800-0827 on 6055 7345
1330-1357 on 6055 7345
1600-1627 on 5920 6055
1800-1827 on 5920 6055
FRENCH 0200-0227 on 5930 9440
1700-1727 on 5920 6055
1930-1957 on 5920 6055
RUSSIAN 1300-1327 on 7345 9440
1500-1527 on 7345 9535
1730-1757 on 5920 7345
SLOVAK 0130-0157 on 5930 9440
0730-0757 on 9440 11650
1530-1557 on 5920 7345
1900-1927 on 5920 6055
SPANISH 0230-0257 on 5930 9440
1430-1457 on 9440 11600
2000-2027 on 9440 11650
SLOVAKIA(non) Summer A-08 of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave from April 4:
0930-1200 on 9510 RSO 150 kW / non-dir Eu/ME/NoAf EGR English Sun
1500-1800 on 9825 RSO 150 kW / 160 deg EaAf/Sudan MIR Eng/Ara Daily
1800-2000 NF 7290 RSO 150 kW / 160 deg Eu/ME/NoAf EGR English Fri-Sun,x7285
EGR=European Gospel Radio
MIR=Miraya FM Radio
SWEDEN Frequency change of Radio Sweden in various langs to ME from Apr.14:
1600-1700 NF 11590 HB 500 kW / 120 deg, ex 11540 as follows:
1600-1630 in Persian Mon-Wed
1600-1630 in Assyrian Thu/Fri
1630-1700 in Kurdish Mon-Fri
USA(non) Frequency change of KTWR in Chinese:
1100-1200 NF 12120 TWR 100 kW / 305 deg, ex 11590
lunedì 14 aprile 2008
Aggiornato HF Archive
L'indirizzo e':
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK
domenica 13 aprile 2008
Log Roberto Pavanello
594 8/4 17.00 Hessischer Rundfunk - Frankfurt IT NX di R. Colonia buono
657 10/4 17.35 RAI R.1 Piemonte - Torino IT campagna elettorale ammininistative di Asti ottimo
738 7/4 19.30 Truck R. - Furth Tedesco MX rock suff.
819 10/4 17.55 RAI R.1 Friuli-Venezia Giulia IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Trieste suff.
936 9/4 14.40 RAI R.1 Veneto - Venezia IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Treviso buono
1035 8/4 20.00 R. Club - Lisboa PP ID e NX buono
1035 9/4 17.45 RAI R.1 Abruzzo - Pescara IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Pescara suff.
1062 10/4 17.45 RAI R.1 Sicilia - Catania IT campagna elettorale regionali Sicilia suff.
1116 10/4 17.50 RAI R.1 Piemonte - Cuneo IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Asti buono
1368 9/4 18.05 RAI R.1 Toscana - Firenze IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Firenze suff.
1566 6/4 21.20 TWR - Parakou FF predica suff.
1566 7/4 18.30 Pirata Greca - Greco MX buono
1584 8/4 20.35 R. Gandia - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1602 12/4 17.10 R. Orient - Nimes FF NX su Iraq suff.
1645 12/4 22.55 R. Mexico - Dutch ID e S/OFF buono
1645 12/4 23.00 R. Monte Carlo - Dutch S/ON e ID suff.
1667 11/4 20.50 R. Black Power - Dutch ID e MX buono
1670 12/4 04.55 WVVM - Dry Branch SS MX suff.
1700 12/4 04.30 KVNS - Brownsville EE MX oldies suff.
3250 12/4 03.50 R. Luz y Vida - S. Luis SS MX suff.
4052.5 12/4 03.55 R. Verdad - Chiquimula SS MX buono
4790 12/4 04.05 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff.
4895 12/4 04.10 R. Novo Tempo - Campo Grande PP predica suff.
4915 12/4 22.25 R. Difusora - Macapà PP ID e MX buono
4955 12/4 23.15 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS predica buono
5995 10/4 21.30 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono
6250 6/4 20.45 R. Nacional - Malabo SS MX afro buono
6307 13/4 08.30 R. Royal - EE ID e MX buono
6311 11/4 21.00 R. Barretina - Catalano techno MX buono
6882 11/4 20.15 R. Playback Int. - EE MX suff.
9170 12/4 15.45 Voice of Shenzhou - Pechino Cinese MX buono
9630 11/4 20.25 R. Aparecida - PP MX buono
9695 11/4 20.35 R. Rio Mar - Manaus PP ID e MX buono
9705 12/4 15.40 Voix du Sahel - Niamey FF intervista buono
9720 12/4 23.20 R. Victoria - Lima SS gospel buono
11830 10/4 19.55 CBN Anhanguera - Goiania PP ID e NX buono
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
Nuevas QSL
7.325 kHz, Radio Austria Internacional
Escuchada el 20-03-08 a las 0000 UTC en español
Recibida carta QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación
Datos completos.
V/S: Departamento de relación con los oyentes
Informe enviado a:
Demoró 16 días
5.930 kHz, Radio Praga
Escuchada el 09-03-08 a las 0000 UTC en español
Recibida tarjeta QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación y una esponja
Datos completos.
V/S: Ilegible
Informe enviado a:
Demoró 21 días
5.830 kHz, Radio Ukrania Internacional
Escuchada el 09-03-08 a las 0050 UTC en alemán
Recibida tarjeta QSL, acompañada de formulario para informe de recepción en
Datos completos.
No V/S
Informe enviado a:,, y
Demoró 23 días
Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) – España
venerdì 11 aprile 2008
New AWR relay location
This is the schedule:
1630-1700 17575 250 Somali to Somalia
1700-1800 17575 250 0romo to Ethiopia
(Dr Adrian Peterson, AWR DX Editor via
Se emite de la siguiente manera:
SABADO 10:05 - 10:30 UTC
Europa: 13.720 y 15.585 kHz
Oriente Medio: 21.610 kHz
África Ecuatorial: 21.540 kHz
América del Sur: 21.570 kHz
DOMINGO 03:05 - 03:30 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
LUNES 02:30 - 02:55 UTC
América del Sur: 6.020*, 6.125 y 9.620 kHz
América Central: 3.350*, 6.125 y 9.535 kHz
América del Norte: 6.055, 9.535 y 9.630* kHz
(*) Desde el Centro Emisor de Cariari, Costa Rica
Para ponerse en contacto con el programa:
También se puede escuchar en directo por Internet en:
En la página web del programa, se puede escuchar el último programa así como los anteriores:
Además desde "Programas DX", en cualquier día y a cualquier hora:
(via José Bueno)
Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz
April 12th
Latvia Today 07.00 -08.00UTC
April 13th
Q 103 13.00 -14.00UTC
Latvia Today 14.00 -15.00UTC
Good listening 73s Tom
mercoledì 9 aprile 2008
Concurso Radio Praga 2008
Radio Praga, transmisiones de la Radiodifusión checa para el exterior, convoca un nuevo concurso para sus oyentes. La pregunta es: ¿Qué deportistas o clubes deportivos checos conoce y por qué ésos han acaparado su interés? El ganador será premiado con una estadía de una semana en Praga para dos personas. Otros participantes recibirán premios menores y objetos recordatorios. Publicaremos las mejores respuestas el 28 y el 29 de junio de 2008 en las emisiones de Radio Praga y en la página web
Pueden enviar sus respuestas hasta el 13 de junio de 2008 a las señas de:
Radio Praga
Redacción Iberoamericana
Vinohradská 12
Praga, C.P. 12099
República Checa
o a nuestra dirección electrónica
El premio al ganador es regalo del patrocinador del concurso, OREA HOTELS, una de las redes hoteleras más grandes de la República Checa".
martedì 8 aprile 2008
QSL VL8T Tennant Creek
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
DX MIX NEWS # 515 08 April 2008
AUSTRALIA A-08 of CVC International via DRW=Darwin:
Chinese to China
2200-0200 on 15170 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
0400-1000 on 17830 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
1000-1500 on 13775 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
1500-1800 on 11770 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
English to South East Asia and Indonesia
0600-0900 on 15335 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
0900-1100 on 15230 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
1100-1800 on 13635 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
Indonesian to Indonesia
2300-0200 on 15250 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
0400-1000 on 17820 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
1000-1300 on 9670 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
1300-1700 on 6110 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
CHILE A-08 of Voz Crista / La Voz via SGO=Santiago:
Portuguese to Brasil
0000-0400 on 11745 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg
0400-1100 on 6110 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg
1100-2400 on 15410 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg
1800-2000 on 17640#SGO 015 kW / 045 deg
Spanish to Mexico
0100-0400 on 11970 SGO 100 kW / 340 deg
Spanish to Northern South America
0100-0800 on 11665 SGO 100 kW / non-dir
0800-1200 on 5960 SGO 100 kW / non-dir
1200-0100 on 17680 SGO 100 kW / non-dir
Spanish to Southern South America
2300-1300 on 6070 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg
1300-2300 on 9635 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg
# DRM mode Mon-Fri
GERMANY A-08 of CVC International via JUL=Juelich:
English to U.K.
1400-1600 on 7270#JUL 040 kW / 290 deg
Russian to Russia (pop music)
1400-1600 on 13670*JUL 100 kW / 060 deg >>> not active from March 7, NF?
Ukrainian to Ukraine (R.Emmanuil)
1600-1700 on 11855 JUL 100 kW / 085 deg
1700-1900 on 9750 JUL 100 kW / 085 deg
# DRM mode
* strong co-ch Radio Tirana in French via CER
RUSSIA Summer A-08 of Radio Rossii in Russian to WeEu:
0400-0800 on 12070 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg
0820-1300 on 13665 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg
1320-1700 on 9470 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg till Sep.6
1320-1700 on 9480 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg from Sep.7
1720-2100 on 7120 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg
USA(non) Frequency change for Radio Free Asia in Tibetan:
1100-1200 NF 17750 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg, ex 17855
USA(non) Frequency change for Radio Free Europe in Turkmen:
1400-1600 NF 13725 WER 250 kW / 075 deg, ex 15170/15460 \\ ???
USA(non) VOA Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa reintroduces SW service for Urdu:
0100-0200 on 7145 IRA 250 kW / 332 deg
11805 UDO 250 kW / 300 deg
1400-1500 on 9580 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg
NF 15790*UDO 250 kW / 296 deg, ex 15255
* strong QRM Galei Zahal on 15788.3v
USA(non) Frequency change for AWR from April 3:
1500-1530 NF 15595 MOS 300 kW / 120 deg, ex 15160 in Turkish
1930-2000 NF 15220 MOS 300 kW / 175 deg, ex 15260 in French
UZBEKISTAN A-08 of CVC The Voice Asia via TAC=Tashkent:
English to South Asia
0300-0900 on 15515 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg
English to India
0100-0300 on 11790 TAC 100 kW / 141 deg
0300-0600 on 13680 TAC 100 kW / 141 deg
Hindi to India
0000-0400 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
0400-1100 on 13630 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
1100-1400 on 13820 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
1400-2000 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
ZAMBIA A-08 of CVC International via LUS=Lusaka:
English to West Africa and Nigeria
0500-0600 on 9430 LUS 100 kW / 315 deg
0600-2100 on 13590 LUS 100 kW / 315 deg
ZAMBIA A-08 of Christian Voice via LUS=Lusaka:
English to South and Central Africa
0600-1600 on 6065 LUS 100 kW / non-dir
1600-0600 on 4965 LUS 100 kW / non-dir
lunedì 7 aprile 2008
IPS Daily HF Prop Report - 06 April 08
Date T index Conditions
06 Apr 22 Normal
Flares: none.
Equatorial PNG/Niue Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Variable conditions during local night.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Enhanced by 20% after local dawn.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base/Davis/Mawson):
Mostly near predicted monthly values to depressed up
to 15-30% at times.
PCA Event : No event.
Predicted Monthly T index for April: 6
Date T index Conditions MUFs
07 Apr 15 Normal 5 to 10% above predicted monthly
08 Apr 10 Normal Near predicted monthly values
09 Apr 5 Normal Near predicted monthly values
COMMENT: Depressions of 15-30% were observed at times at high latitudes, othwerwise conditions for the Aus/NZ region were mostly normal to enhanced.
Spread-F conditions have been observed at times at some stations during the past 24 hours which may have degraded HF communications. HF conditions are expected to be mostly normal for the Aus/NZ region for 7-9 April.
For an explanation of some of the terms in this report, goto, and follow links to Educational-> Glossary on Solar Terrestrial Terms.
IPS Radio and Space Services email:
PO Box 1386 WWW:
Haymarket NSW 1240 AUSTRALIA FTP:
tel: +61 2 9213 8010 fax: +61 2 9213 8060
domenica 6 aprile 2008
QSL Radio 700
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia) - España
Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master
Last Pavanello's log
900 3/4 18.10 RAI R.1 Lombardia - Milano IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Brescia ottimo
1035 3/4 17.50 RAI R.1 Puglia - Salento Specchia IT campagna elettorale amministrative di Foggia suff.
1485 1/4 21.55 Onda Rambla - Vilanova i la Geltrù Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1485 1/4 21.58 R. Santander - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1494 31/3 11.10 France Bleu Frequenza Mora - Bastia IT Mediterradio buono
1575 4/4 19.30 R. Pamplona - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1620 5/4 04.45 WDHP - Christiansted EE talk OM suff.
1640 5/4 04.50 WTNI - Biloxi EE sport buono
1646 2/4 21.10 R. Kleine Man - ?? Dutch ID e MX buono
1660 5/4 04.40 WCNZ - Marco Island EE predica suff.
1680 5/4 04.20 WLAA - Winter Garden SS MX LA buono
1700 5/4 04.30 KVNS - Brownsville EE MX oldies suff.
3340 5/4 04.00 R. Misiones Int. - Comayaguela SS predica suff.
3935 5/4 22.40 L.H.H. - Box 293 - Merlin ON N0P 1W0 - Canada EE ID e MX buono
4760 5/4 20.45 R. Elwa - Monrovia EE MX suff.
4799.8 5/4 03.55 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS ID buono
4825 5/4 22.45 R. Educadora - Braganca PP MX buono
4835 1/4 21.30 VL8A - Alice Spring EE NX buono
4890 5/4 22.20 Pirata Greca - Greco MX buono
4910 1/4 21.40 VL8T - Tennant Creek EE NX suff.
5815 6/4 08.30 Orion R. - EE ID e MX buono
5910 5/4 23.05 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
5952.5 5/4 23.00 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX Aymara talk buono
6270 6/4 08.40 Calypso R. - EE ID e MX buono
6275 30/3 08.45 V.O.T.N. - EE MX buono
9780 5/4 15.50 Yemen R. - Sana Arabo talk OM buono
11815 5/4 21.50 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP ID buono
15345 2/4 19.00 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires IT ID e MX buono
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia
sabato 5 aprile 2008
Informe N°238 Antena de la Amistad - KBS para hoy
A través del programa DX 'Antena de la Amistad' de KBS World Radio -con la conducción de Sonia Cho y Javier Cortines – a partir del próximo sábado 5 de abril se emitirá el Informe N°238. Continua la charla con RICARDO SCHLIEPER, Jefe Técnico de LRA2 Radio Nacional Viedma. En la segunda parte de esta entrevista Schlieper nos habla de la Planta Transmisora, nos aclara por qué la frecuencia 1150 Khz está corrida (LRA2 se escucha exactamente en ,5 Khz), refiere al transmisor de AM SITELCO, explica el funcionamiento exigido de las válvulas y hace un diagnóstico de la situación actual del rendimiento del transmisor y de su futuro próximo, también alude al transmisor M31 de FM (93.5 Mhz) y finalmente relata los aspectos que condicionan a la propagación de LRA2 en tierras patagónicas donde dominan las grandes extensiones de escasas lluvias, un vasto territorio donde operan -además de Radio Nacional Viedma- otras 3 emisoras hermanas en Ingeniero Jacobacci, Bariloche y El Bolsón. Imágenes de esta entrevista se remiten a petición, las solicititudes deben dirigirse según se indica al pie del presente aviso. El esquema de transmisión de KBS World Radio en este Periodo B07 (desde el 28 de octubre de 2007) es el siguiente:
Para Europa:
De 06.00 a 06.30 UTC por los 6.045 Khz (S)
Para Latinoamérica
De 11.00 a 12.00 UTC por los 11.795 Khz (S)
De 01.00 a 02.00 UTC por los 15.575 Khz
Para América del Norte
De 02:00 a 02:30 UTC por los 9.560 Khz (S)
Nota: (S) Sackville, Canadá.
En real audio por Internet entrando a
en los siguientes horarios UTC y canales:
2000-2100 - CH1
2100-2200 - CH2
0100-0200 - CH1
1300-1400 - CH2
Además haciendo click en 'Programación del Día'.
El programa DX se transmite a los 10' de comenzada la emisión, después del Panorama de Noticias. También en audio por demanda entrando en haciendo click en Select Language, optando por Spanish, luego Antena-Buzón (abajo a la derecha) y elegir la fecha 'Marzo 15'. Los programas se instalan uno o dos días después de su emisión en vivo por onda corta e Internet. En el sitio están disponibles los últimos 8 programas emitidos. Asimismo, en el sitio de PROGRAMAS DX entrando a se puede volver a escuchar programas anteriores.
Se agradece la difusión y los comentarios al respecto.
Saludos cordiales y hasta la próxima entrega Nº239 que será difundida a partir del 26 de abril con la última entrega de esta entrevista a Ricardo Schlieper.
Rubén Guillermo Margenet
Casilla de Correo 950
S 2000 WAJ - Rosario
Tel.: +54 (0)341 4558952