BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0134-0143, 14-07, Quechua, comments. 15321.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0505-0520, 16-07, Portuguese, Radio Bandeirantes news. 25432.
9664.9, Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, 1955-2010, 15-07, Portuguese, religious comments, id. “Voz Missionaria”. 24322.
9819.1, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2010-2025, 13-07, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. 15321.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2027-2045, 14-07, Brazilian songs. 23432.
11895.1, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2025-2036, 14-07, Portuguese, religious comments. 14321.
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2012-2033, 16-07, program “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. 15321.
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0450-0508, 15-07, English, comments, news. 15321.
CUBA, 5025, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0503-0605, 14-07, Latin American songs, program “A Esta Hora”, Spanish, news about the demonstrations and the “interference of some countries in the internal affairs of Cuba”, “ Estas fueron las noticias de Cuba y el mundo”, “Radio Rebelde, La Habana, la emisora de la revolución”. 35433.
6005, Shortwave Service, Kall Krekel, 2005-2020, 16-07, German, comments. 25322.
6005, Radio Belarus, Kall Krekel, 1810-1940, 18-07, English, id. "Radio Belarus", comments, songs. At 1900 eclipsed by Radio Twain International with French program, at 1930 Radio Taiwan closed down and Radio Belarus heard again with French program, id. "Radio Belarus", at 1940 program in Spanish "Belarus de la A a la Z". 25432 except 1900-1930, eclipsed by Taiwan.
6160, Shortwave Radio de., Winsen, 2007-2025, 16-07, English, comments and pop songs. // 3975. 35433.
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0554-0612, 17-07, open with African song and comments in Vernacular, more African songs. 45444.
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1749-1759*, 13-07, Vernacular, comments, African songs. 45444.
3920, Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, 2012-2025, 17-07, pop songs, Dutch, comments. 15321.
6020, Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0612-0635, 18-07, pop songs and comments in English, id. “Radio Delta International”. 15321.
6185, Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, 1950-2010, 18-07, songs, Dutch, comments, id. “Radio Piepzender”. 45444.
NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 2029-2040, 14-07, pop songs in English, id. “Radio Northern Star”. 15321.
Also 2006-2023, 18-07, rock and pop songs. 15321.
PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0131-0142, 14-07, Peruvian songs, Spanish, comments. 25322.
TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1904-1959*, 13-07, Tajik, comments. Very weak. 15321.
Also 1950-2005*, 18-07, Tajik songs. 15321.
15770, Atlantic 2000 International via WRMI, Okeechobee, 2000-2020, 16-07, id. “This is WRMI, Okeechobee, Florida, Radio Miami International”, “Atlantic 2000 International”, French, pop songs, comments. 25432.
15770, Atlantic 2000 International via WRMI, Okeechobee, 1333-1359*, 18-07, pop songs, French, comments, id. “Atlantic 2000 International”, “ Merci beaucoup a Radio for Peace International..”. 45444.
ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 2014-2028, 14-07, Vernacular, comments, songs. 25322.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Reinante
Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters