martedì 2 febbraio 2021

Glenn Hauser logs February 1-2, 2021

** CUBA [and non]. 6060, Feb 2 after 0200, I start checking for when RHC may come on; Iran is there with lots of Qur`aning until it goes off at 0226*, fair signal into Bonaire and a good idea for RHC to hold off. Not checked again until 0305, this time direct, to find that RHC has appeared, VG S9+20/30 and managing to modulate in Spanish, instead of last night`s dead air for almost 4 hours. 0500 recheck, medianoche timecheck and more Spanish: I guess another hour before English from 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2071 monitoring, via UTwente SDR: confirmed Monday February 1 on IRRS 7290 via Bulgaria, starting at 1900:50. The splash from both sides is not so bad this week; 7295 East Turkistan weaker than usual, and 7280 Vietnam much weaker than usual, so LSB listening is best. Seems to be intact at spotchex, and not chopped off short at 1929:50. Earlier, open carrier cut on at *1856:34; modulation cut on at 1859:49 at end of something, IRRS sign-on by a different accented voice than usual, really an Italian? With P O Box contact. 1900:20 FSN headlines before WOR start. Next:

1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary financial support: thanks this week to Steve Zimmerman, West Allis, Wisconsin for a generous check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at not necessarily in US funds (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6200+RCUSB, Feb 2 at 0156 via Bonaire SDR, ROCV in SAM mode displays carrier +2.6 Hz: VP S4-S7 noisy, seems to be citing phone numbers, tropical music; 0159 TC for 58 minutes past the hour, 6200 kHz. I have raised the question whether this be a pirate, lacking any YV- callsign implying a government-licensed station.

It is true that when it was newly on 6906-RCUSB, it did claim not to be a pirate with CONATEL authorization pending; and of course it was relaying FM & AM real stations in El Tigre; isn`t it about time to be legalized? See this originally from Oct 15:

``Visto en - via CADENA DX facebook

En período de prueba y en trámites de permisos ante Conatel -organismo rector de las telecomunicaciones-.

Actualmente están retransmitiendo la programación de Venezuela 93,7 FM, pero también lo harán con Radio La Voz del Tigre 980 kHz.

Al respecto Robert Lozada, jefe de programación nos comenta lo siguiente en el grupo “Radiofrecuencia” de whatsapp:

“Buenas tardes grupo espero disfruten de la música que suena en nuestra onda corta R.O.C.V desde venezuela y tranquilos que ya estamos es los permisos de conatel no es una emisora pirata o como usen sus términos que pasen feliz tarde…Transmisión de prueba ya va a salir independiente pronto”.

Noticia actualizada 15 octubre via CADENA DX:

Según lo conversado telefónicamente con el técnico Gregorio «Polaco» Kinia y con el Jefe de Programación Robert Lozada si todo sale según lo planeado después de subsanar unos problemas con sus equipos dañados por una fuerte descarga eléctrica; ROCV saldrá con su programación independiente el próximo sábado 17 de Octubre a partir de las 14:00 horas UTC (10 am hora local en Venezuela).

Por ahora han estado retransmitiendo en principio la programación de la radio «Así Suena Venezuela FM» y en la actualidad «La Voz del Tigre 780 {sic} AM».

ROCV utiliza un pequeño transmisor de 50 vatios en la frecuencia de los 6.906 kHz y en la actualidad es la única emisora que opera desde Venezuela en la onda corta y agradecen a los radioescuchas y Diexistas del mundo todo el apoyo prestado hasta ahora sus transmisiones las 24 horas!``

Later on CadenaDX FB, it was suggested that Polaco might want to apply to WBCQ to help engineer the 500 kW.

BTW we are wondering if WBCQ`s purchase of WHRI is still pending, stalled? Nothing said about it lately. No twits from Allan since January 20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Feb 2 at 0320-0324: 531(2), 549, 558(2), 603, 612, 621(2), 639, 684*, 693, 711(2), 747(2), 774(2), 837(2), 881.5-birdie?, 882, 891, 1044, 1125, 1476. If I had the time and/or the patience, I could compute the (2) SAHs, ranging from ``slow`` to ``medium``. *684 with some music audio, strongest of the lot, no doubt RNE Spain.

Nothing usually heard on 1476; and there is nothing much in Europe since ORF Austria destroyed its 60-kW transmitter; instead likely 100 kW TWR BENIN in Hausa, scheduled to start just now at *0320 M-F per WRTH, finding the schedule, where else? under South Africa on page 494. 1476 is their second Benin transmitter; the first one on 1566 is also supposed to start at 0320, in English, unheard now, but reported more often into North America, presumably less unfavorably directed. As for tonight, I`m rather surprised to find afterwards that the K index at 03 was 4, with G1 geomag storming. It`s true the northern Europeans, i.e. UK frequencies were not so strong, but Iberia, NW Africa still arriving (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0531 UT February 2