venerdì 19 febbraio 2021

Ascolti AM Treviso 19 febbraio

7780 19/2 0654 The Overcomer Ministry,USA-Okeechobee1 Px rel. E 45533
9385 19/2 0655 WEWN Radio 1, USA-Vandiver Px rel. info ID E 45533
9420 19/2 0656 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px Gr 55555
9535 19/2 0657 Radio Ndarason Inter., Woofferton Px Kan 55555
9570 19/2 0658 Deutsche Welle, Issoudun Px Hau 45444
9610 19/2 1056 Radio Taiwan Inter., Paochung Px M 15522
9700 19/2 1100 R.New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki TS ID Nx E 25522
9975 19/2 1106 KTWR GUAM Do You Know, Agana Px rel. Mon 35533
11660 19/2 1107 Voice Of America, PHL-Tinang Px M 44544
11690 19/2 1158 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat Px rel. jingle ID E M 45544
12095 19/2 1159 FEBC Radio Manila, Bocaue Px rel. Lao 35533

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri