domenica 15 dicembre 2019

Wolfgang Bueschel: Cuba and Albania observations

CUBA   Cuban SW radio presence is low in 07-08 UT Dec 15 hour
5025 kHz R Rebelde totally distorted audio came from Bauta site at 07.46 UT,
S=6 in Cape Canaveral and Detroit MI remote SDR's, S=8 in Alberta and

6145even RHC English from Bauta site noted til s-OFF at 07.58:05 UT, at
07.50 UT S=9+20dB strength in MA US state, in peaks 20 kHz wideband signal.
Rather excellent audio quality from this Bauta unit.
Some political nx read by female locutora: President impeachment against
Trump, prosecution matter issue. Venezuelan - Cuban relations...

At 08.00 UT NOTHING heard of RHC Esperanto Sunday special in 49 mb,
no transmission from Bauta either 6100 nor 6145 kHz noted so far.

some various CODAR's on air, examples in 70 - 60 mb

4435 - 4593
4734 - 4799
4884 - 4915

ALBANIA   At 08.20 UT Dec 15 no transmission on air from
CRI European relay site at Cerrik Albania,
not 11785 En, nor 11855 Chinese, both scheduled to 08.57 UT daily.

Probably suffered severe earthquake damage?  recently

73 wb  df5sx
wwdxc germany
new DX px list, version #5 of Dec 14