Holiday Broadcasts on Shortwave v 3.0
I am collating a list of special programming on Shortwave over the
holiday period. Here is the latest update, and I'll update this list if
and when more information becomes available. I hope that you find it useful.
Additions and corrections are most welcome!
In the meantime, best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year
Alan Roe, Teddington, UK
+++ AUSTRALIA - Unique R +++
Christmas broadcast
Thursday 26 Dec - 0600-1230UTC: 5045 or 3210khz
Will be on over xmas and also much to the hours on this page on either
5045KHz or 3210KHz after 9PM AEDT or 10:00 UTC and on other days.
NB - We will be on Wednesday December 25th Christmas day (ie Thursday
26th December being Boxing day.).
Wednesday 5045 KHz USB Mode
4PM AEDT Sounds of your life hosted by Aussie Tim (06:00 hrs UTC)
20:00 hrs AEDT (09:00 hrs UTC ) - World of Radio Presented by Glenn
21:00 hrs AEDT ( 10:00 HRS UTC) -- Upstate Radio Theatre Hosted by
Jake Longwell.
22:00 hrs (11:00 hrs UTC) - Clearing the Static - Presented by 'The
Radio Kid'
23:00 hrs AEDT (12:00 hrs UTC) - HRI - The Voice of Tasmania - Hosted
by Bob Wise
23:30 hrs AEDT Close (12:30 hrs UTC)
(via Tim Gaynor via Glenn Hauser in WOR IO group)
+++ AUSTRALIA - Hobart R Int +++
HRI Christmas and New Year Show
Sat 21, 28 Dec & 4 Jan - 2330-2400: 7780-wrmi
Sun 22, 29 Dec & 5 Jan - 0030-0100*: 5850-rmi 7730-rmi
Sun 22, 29 Dec & 5 Jan - 0430-0500*: 9955-rmi
Sun 22, 29 Dec & 5 Jan - 0830-0900*: 5850-rmi 5950-rmi 7730-rmi
Mon 23, 30 Dec & 6 Jan - 0330-0400: 5130-wbcq
Programming for the 21th December 2019 - 11th January 2020. CHRISTMAS
SHOW 2019!!
Donald Trump can sing - Bad Christmas Cracker Jokes - Santa Is Indian -
Jordan’s Christmas Corner of Radio
Music: Crazy Frog - Kate Bush - Band Aid - Twisted Sister
Listen at:
(via HRI FB gpage)
+++ GERMANY - Channel 292 +++
Lots of programmes lined-up, including:
Tue 24 Dec 6070kHz
R Nordzee Top 50: 0600, 0700
SuperClan R: 0800
R Ohne Namen: 1000, 1100, 1200, 1800, 2030, 2130, 2230
Korches R.: 1300, 1400
Crusader R: 1500
Radio Rock A.M.: 1600
Easy Listening: 1700
From The Isle of Music: 1900
Uncle Bills Melting Pot: 2000
Wed 25 Dec 6070kHz
Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
SuperClan R: 0800
SE-TA 2: 0900, 1000
R Ohne Namen: 1100, 1200, 1300
R Texas Shortwave: 1400, 2100 (also on 7440kHz)
Crusader R: 1900
Easy Listening: 2000
Thu 26 Dec 6070khz (*=100kW via Nauen)
Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
SuperClan R: 0800
R Klein Paris: 0900*
SM R Dessau: 1000*
Goldrausch 6070: 1100*
R Power Rumpel: 1200*
Decade AM: 1300*
R Ohne Namen: 1400*
Hit AM: 1500*
Jake FM: 1600*
Easy Listening: 1700
Just Right: 1900
+++ GERMANY - NDR +++
"Gruß an Bord" ("Greetings on board")
Tue 24 Dec - 1900-2300
Pt 1 = 1900-2100: 6030 6080 9570 9740 9800 11650
Pt 2 = 2100-2300: 6145 6155 9590 9675 9740 9830
Google translates: NDR Info sends the "Greeting on board" from 20:05 to
22:00 CET. This is followed by the transmission of the Christmas Mass
from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Bochum-Wattenscheid from 22 to
23.15 CET. Then you will hear the second part of "Greetings on Board"
until midnight CET.This is how you receive the broadcast
It has tradition and exudes a very special pre-Christmas mood: On
Christmas Eve greetings are sent to the seafarers around the world from
8:05 pm - 10:00 pm and from 11:15 pm - midnight on NDR Info. And on the
most different channels and technical ways, so that the greetings and
messages can be guaranteed to be received on all seven seas.
The ship's crews have several options to receive the program "Greeting
on board". Also the shortwave belongs to it. The livestreams of the
program (20.05 to 22 clock and 23.15 clock to 24 clock MEZ) can be found
here: NDR Info and NDR Info Special. In addition, there is the
possibility to listen to the program via the NDR radio app. NDR Info can
also be received via FM, DAB + and DVB-S radio, NDR Info special only
via DAB + and DVB-S radio.
So that all crew members on board - on the seas or in the harbors - can
receive the traditional program, the NDR radio has also rented shortwave
From 19:00 to 21:00 UTC
Frequency target area
6080 kHz Atlantic - North
11650 kHz Atlantic - South
9800 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9570 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6030 kHz Europe
From 21:00 to 23:00 UTC
Frequency target area
6145 kHz Atlantic - North
9830 kHz Atlantic - South
9590 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9675 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6155 kHz Europe
(Via Harald Kuhl in BDXC-UK iog mail list.)
+++ GERMANY - Skyline Radio Germany +++
Wednesday 25 Dec - 1200-1800: 3975-win
Thursday 26 Dec - 0900-1500: 6160
We have a special CHRISTMAS present for you:
After 5 years of absence there will be a special SRG-CHRISTMAS PARTY again!
We will rock the airwaves again via the facilities of our buddies
of who kindly gave us another possibility to be on air
with our CHRISTMAS show via their transmitters in Northern Germany.
If you would like to try to catch our programmes, 6 hours
on December 25th, 2019, Christmas Day, 12.00 - 18.00 UTC on 3975 kHz
and another 6 hours
on December 26th, 2019, Boxing Day, 09.00 - 15.00 UTC on 6160 kHz
would be a good time to give us a listen again.
It'll be a "GOOD, GOOD ROCKIN' CHRISTMAS"! Drop us a line!
It might be a good chance for you to grab our one and only
CHRISTMAS 2019 eQSL-card! This one is available as eQSL-card only!
We look forward to your reception reports and comments to:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
or via e-mail to:
Have a great time with us and Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik
(via Manuel Mendez, WOR IO group)
+++ GERMANY - Radio SE-TA 2 +++
"A New German Voice on the Shortwaves"
Wednesday 25 Dec: 0900-1100
RADIO SE-TA 2 is broadcasting primarily in the German language to German
citizens in Europe and the world, who live outside of Germany.
Our programs include information and music from Germany and the world
to maintain the connection to their home.
We will be on the air on Christmas Day, December 25th, 2019 on 6070 kHz from
09.00-11.00 UTC (10.00-12.00 CET) via Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach-Waal.
Have a good reception!
Your letters with comments, criticisms and reception reports are welcome to:
We'll get back to you in 2020 with our response and ask for your valued
Yours sincerely
(via Manuel Mendez in WOR IO group)
+++ GERMANY - Seventies Berlin +++
Seventies Berlin
Mon 23 Dec 1700-1800: 6070-roh
Mon 23 Dec 1800-1900: 7440-roh
Alan Gale writes;
I noticed that Channel 292 just added a new broadcast today, this is
called 'Seventies Berlin', and
is on 6070 kHz on the 23rd of December from 1700 to 1800 UTC, and 1800
to 1900 UTC on 7440 kHz. The
contact info says this about them:
Seventies Berlin - The Vinyl Radio
Paper QSL info:
Virtual QSL:
Seventies Berlin - P.O. Box 31 01 09 - 10631 Berlin
Their website says 'Seventies and Jazz'
+++ JAPAN - NHK World R Japan +++
Friends Around the World - Letters & Songs
Sun 29 Dec - 0510-0530: 6155-mos 7410-iss 9860-smg
Sun 29 Dec - 1110-1130: 11825-sng
Sun 29 Dec - 1410-1430: 6165-tac 11925-dha
We look back at 2019 and talk about what's been making news in Japan.
Write to us and we'll send you a special program sticker!
Our postal address is: English Service, NHK WORLD-JAPAN, Tokyo 150-8001,
Japan. If you'd rather send an email, use the “Contact” form on our
website at
(via NHK Website)
+++ NETHERLANDS - FRS Holland +++
FRS-Holland’s Holiday Season broadcast
Sunday 29 Dec: 0852-1405 Repeated 1405-1910
7700 and 5810 (or 5800-5790)
It’s a long time tradition….FRS-Holland’s Holiday Season broadcast. On
Sunday December 29th FRS-Holland will be on air with this annual festive
broadcast. Programnmes will start at 08:52 UTC and will likely be played
in two sessions. We realize that part of the 2nd run will be in the
dark hours…not favourable for Europe but on the other hand better
chances for North America.
FRS-Holland offers the opportunity to send in your December Greetings
to radio friends and relatives. Your contributions are highly
appreciated and will add something special to our programmes! You can
easily produce a little (written) message and send it to
[]. It only takes a few minutes of your spare time....
We raffle a radio DVD among those who participate in our December
broadcast with their Seasonal greetings. We'd like to ask you to do it
as soon as possible. Don't hesitate but just do it! If you have the
opportunity to send in an audio (mp3) clip you are more than welcome!
Written messages are also welcome via POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the
Join us ringing out 2019....the FRS-Holland staff is looking forward to
hear from you...
I hope you will be tuning our way December 29th.
Watch your mailbox as we always forward an e-mail prior to a proposed
broadcast. And of course check our website. All info will be published
at least 5 days before any broadcast.
73s Peter V."
(via Manuel Méndez WOR iog)
+++ NETHERLANDS/GERMANY - Studio 52 +++
Radio 60 Shortwave Show
Sat 28 Dec - 1200-1400: 11610 100kW via Armenia
Happy new year Shortwave Show
Wed 1 jan - 1000-1400: 5990 125kW via Nauen
Studio 52 Radio Group, a group of Dutch & German pirates, have some
shows via high power relays over the Christmas & New Year period:
From their website:
"Radio60 Shortwave Show on 28th December 2019 from 12 to 14 UTC on 11610
kHz with 100kW for Europe and surrounding areas via Yerevan/Armenia
Studio52 Happy New Year Shortwave-Show on New Year´s Day 2020 on 1st
January 2020 from 10 to 14 UTC on 5990 kHz with 125kW for Western Europe
from Nauen/Germany
We wish our listeners a good reception and we await your reception
(via Paul Walton, BDXC IO group)
+++ NEW ZEALAND - R New Zealand National +++
Here is the programme schedule for R New Zealand National for Christmas
Week 21-27 December, and New Year Week 28 Dec-3 Jan - expect some of
this to be broadcast via R new Zealand International (times are UTC+13)
Dec 21 - Dec 27
Dec 28 - Jan 3:
(RNZ Web page)
+++ SWEDEN - Grimeton Radio / SAQ +++
Scheduled transmission from Grimeton Radio / SAQ on Christmas Eve,
December 24, 2019
Tue 24 Dec - 0730-0830: VLF 17.2 kHz CW
On the morning of Christmas Eve, December 24, we will try to start the
old Alexanderson 200 kW transmitter, from 1924 and send out a Christmas
message on VLF 17.2 kHz CW. The transmitter will be tuned up from around
08:30 (07:30 UTC) and a message* will be transmitted at 09:00 (08:00 UTC).
Guests are welcome to attend the transmission at the radio station in
Grimeton from 08:00 local time. The Alexander association will arrange
coffee and Christmas cookies, free of charge. No entrance fee.
For those of you who can not attend, we will broadcast the event live
from Grimeton, Sweden on our YouTube Channel.
We are introducing a new online SAQ reception report form to be used by
listeners to report reception of any SAQ transmissions. We are kindly
asking listeners not to send SAQ reception reports via E-mail.
QSL-reports to SAQ are kindly received via:
– Reception report form at
– or via: SM bureau
– or direct by postal mail to:
The Alexander Association
Radiostationen Grimeton 72
The SK6SAQ amateur radio station will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 7.035 kHz CW or
– 14.035 kHz CW or
– 3.755 kHz SSB
Two stations will be on the air most of the time.
WELCOME! World Heritage Grimeton Radio station and The Alexander Association
For further details visit or
(via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK iog)
+++ UK - BBC World Service +++
50 More Things That Made The Modern Economy: Santa
Sun 22 Dec - 1050-1100 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly/probably:
Sat 21 Dec - 0550-0600(w+cAf): 5875-sng 6005-asc 6195-asc
Sun 22 Dec - 2250-2300:(e+seAs) 3915-sng 5890-sng 5960-sls 6150-pht
Why does Father Christmas wear red and white?
It is not for the reason you may think. Tim Harford tells the story of
Christmas and consumerism.
Produced by Ben Crighton for the BBC World Service. Ep 39/50
(Via BBC Media Centre)
Heart And Soul: Joy To The World
Sunday 22 Dec - 0930-1000 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly/probably:
Sun 22 Dec - 2332-2400: 3915-sng 5890-sng 6195-sng 11825-pht
The sounds of Christmas will come from Manchester, England as Heart And
Soul hears the choirs that represent the rich diversity of this city as
they share the songs which say “Christmas” to them.
We will start in the heart of Manchester’s Caribbean community with the
multi-cultural Inspirational Voices Choir and hear how their faith is
empowered by the inspirational songs they sing.
WAST, a choir of women asylum seekers, tell us about the Christmas they
have left behind and what it means to them to come together.
Finally we head into the city centre to meet the Gay And Lesbian Chorus
as they perform at the turning on of the lights in Manchester’s
world-famous Canal Street.
Produced by Nicola Swords for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)
A Festival Of Nine Lessons And Carols
Tue 24 Dec - 1500-1630: 7445-mdc 7485-sng 15400-dha* 17640-asc*
(scheduled freq from 1600 but may be on-air earlier; other freqs may
also be used)
This service marks for many people around the world the beginning of
It is based around nine Bible readings, which tell the story of the
loving purposes of God. They are interspersed with carols old and new,
sung by the world famous Choir Of King’s College Cambridge, who also
lead the congregation in traditional Christmas hymns.
Produced by Tim Allen for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)
Newshour Christmas Quiz
Wed 25 Dec - 0900-0950 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly/probably:
Wed 25 Dec - 2000-2100 (w+cAf): 11810-asc 12095-asc
They can ask the tough questions - but do they know the answers? On 25
December, Newshour on BBC World Service Radio will put its hosts to the
test in the tenth annual Newshour Christmas Quiz.
MC James Coomarasamy will find out what his colleagues Tim Franks, James
Menendez, Rebecca Kesby and Paul Henley can remember about the events of
2019. Big brains or blank faces: what do you think?
Produced by Paul Schuster for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)
Correspondents Look Ahead
Friday 27 Dec - 0900-1000 online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly/probably:
Sat 28 Dec - 0006-0100(sAs): 5875-wof 5970-erv
Sat 28 Dec - 0406-0500(e+sAf,ME): 7285-sla 9410-sla 9915-mdc
Lyse Doucet and a panel of top BBC journalists analyse some of the key
events happening around the world and try to forecast the key trends,
events and personalities of 2020.
With a US presidential election, growing demands for action on climate
change and fears over the global economy, they will have plenty to
discuss - and plenty of predictions to make.
Produced by Hugh Levinson for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)
The Arts Hour Holiday Comedy
Saturday 28 Dec 2000-2100 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly/probably:
Sat 28 Dec - 2006-2100 (w+cAf): 11810-asc 12095-asc
Wed 1 Jan - 0006-0100: 5875-asc 5970-erv
In a special programme, The Arts Hour celebrates the New Year with a
showcase of the brightest and funniest comedians from around the world.
Malawian stand-up Daliso Chaponda hosts the international line-up which
includes Sofie Hagen, Janine Harouni, Eshaan Akbar, Masud Milas and
Brodi Snook. The array of comedy talent will be tackling global issues
and asking what’s next for the world in 2020.
Produced by Olivia Skinner for the BBC World Service
(Via BBC Media Centre)
In The Studio: Singing For The Pope
Tuesday 31 Dec - 1130-1200 Online
Therefore shortwave airing possibly/probably:
Tue 31 Dec - 1132-1200(e+sAs): 6195-sng 9580-sng 11945-sng
Tue 31 Dec - 2132-2200(w+cAf): 11810-asc 12095-asc
Tue 31 Dec - 2332-2400(e+sAs): 3915-sng 5890-sng 6195-sng 11825-pht
Tue 7 Jan - 0332-0400(ME): 6195-sla 7285-sla
In this special festive edition of In The Studio, Glyn Tansley goes
behind the façade of the Vatican to meet the members of the oldest choir
in the world, as they prepare for the biggest night on their calendar.
The Sistine Chapel Choir has a history dating back 1500 years, but it’s
still one of the most active cultural institutions at the very heart of
the Vatican.
It also has the prestige of being the Pope’s personal choir, performing
for him whenever he’s in St Peter’s Basilica. As the Holy Father’s
personal choir, it is called upon to play an ecumenical role,
contributing to bringing together in art what has been separated by
history and politics.
In their rehearsal room we meet the men and boys who make up the choir,
as they prepare for Christmas Mass, an event watched around the world by
millions of worshippers. We’ll come to understand why being in this
choir so important to them, and the pressures of always being on display
through the Vatican’s global TV and radio services.
This is a rare glimpse into the real lives at the heart of an ancient
Produced by Glyn Tansley and Lyndon Jones for the BBC World Service
(Via BBC Media Centre)
+++ USA - AWR +++
AWR Wavescan
All airings week commencing 22 December
A special programme of Christmas music
Sunday 22 Dec
0230 WRMI: 7780
0430 WWCR: 4840
0600 V of Hope, Zambia: 9680 11680
0930 WRMI: 5950
1200 IRRS: 9510tig
1430 WRMI: 9955
1600 AWR: 9580erv 17730mdc
2100 WRMI: 7780
Monday 23 Dec
0100 WRMI: 7780
0330 WRMI: 5985
0800 WRMI: 5850 5950 7730
1415 WRMI: 9955
2300 WRMI: 9955
Tuesday 24 Dec
0030 WRMI: 7730
0130 WRMI: 7780
0330 WRMI: 5985
1330 WRMI: 15770
1930 IRRS Italy: 7290
Wednesday 25 Dec
0200 WRMI: 9955
Thursday 26 Dec
0030 WRMI: 7730
0100 WRMI: 9955
0130 WRMI: 7780
Friday 27 Dec
0330 WINB: 9265
Saturday 28 Dec
0100 WRMI: 7780
0400 WRMI: 9955
1200 WRMI: 9955
1600 KVOH: 17775
2015 WRMI: 7780
2330 WRMI: 9955
(On-air announcement in Wavescan; schedule of airings via BDXC
Broadcasts in English publication)
+++ UK - R Tumbril +++
Encore Classical Music
Sat 21 Dec - 2100-2200: 9350-wwcr
Sun 22 Dec - 1500-1600: 6070-roh
Mon 23 Dec - 0100-0200: 7490-wbcq
Fri 27 Dec - 1900-2000: 6070-roh
sat 28 Dec - 1000-1100: 7440-roh (trial broadcast)
his weekend Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril will again
broadcast on a new frequency via WWCR in Tennessee.
Saturday 21st December 21:00 UTC 9350 kHz - this is the afternoon in US
and Canada and the signal should carry to part of western Europe too.
This replaces the 01:00 Broadcast by WWCR on 6115 kHz.
Encore - Classical Music this weekend is - of course - being broadcast
as usual by Channel 292 (Europe) on 6070 kHz at 15:00 UTC Sunday 22nd
And by WBCQ on 7490 kHz at 01:00 UTC Monday 23rd December.
There is a repeat on 6070 kHz on Friday 27th December at 19:00 UTC.
There may also be a trial second repeat on 7440 kHz from Channel 292 at
10:00 UTC on Saturday - try tuning in - it can be a nice clean signal.
Do let us know how well you can pick up Encore at your location by
emailing to We try to reply to all emails and
will send eQSL cards for full reports.
This week's programme has four movements of the second Branedburg
concerto by Bach, more from the excellent contemporary composer - Jim
Perkins, some piano music by Gottschalk and Rachmaninov, three Schubert
songs and a serenade by Elgar. Tune in if you can.
(via Brice Avery, T Tumbril)
+++ USA - From The Isle of Music +++
From The Isle of Music
Sunday 22 Dec - 1500-1600: 9400-sof
Tuesday 24 Dec - 0100-0200: 7490-wbcq
Tuesday 24 Dec - 1900-2000: 6070-roh
Saturday 28 Dec - 1200-1300: 6070-roh
This week our special guest is Cuban jazz saxophonist Michel Herrera,
who will discuss his recent album with Orquesta Aragon. AND, a Cuban
Christmas surprise at the end.
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of
the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with
100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria
(1800-1900 MSK)
If you don't have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen
live to an uplink from a listening radio in the Netherlands during the
broadcast at
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 UTC (New UTC)
on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
If you don't have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a
live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490)
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and
Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
If you don't have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen
live to an uplink from a listening radio in Europe.
Visit our Facebook page at
(Via Bill Tilford)
From The Isle of Music
Sunday 29 Dec - 1500-1600: 9400-sof
Tuesday 31 Dec - 0100-0200: 7490-wbcq
Tuesday 31 Dec - 1900-2000: 6070-roh
Saturday 4 Jan - 1200-1300: 6070-roh
The New Year edition of FTIOM will be a Cuban dance party (no interviews).
(via Bill Tilford)
+++ USA - Uncle Bills Melting Pot +++
Uncle Bill's Melting Pot
Sunday 22 Dec - 2300-2330: 7490-wbcq
Tuesday 24 Dec - 2000-2030: 6070-roh
Episode 144 is our Christmas/Hannukah edition. We promise you that it
will include some music you have never heard before.
The transmissions take place:
1.Sundays 2300-2330 UTC (6:00PM -6:30PM Eastern US) on WBCQ The Planet
7490 KHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
If you don't have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a
live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490)
2. Tuesdays 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach,
Germany for Europe.
If you don't have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen
live to an uplink from different web SDRs in Europe.
Visit our Facebook Page at
(Via Bill Tilford)
Uncle Bill's Melting Pot
Sunday 29 Dec - 2300-2330: 7490-wbcq
Tuesday 31 Dec - 2000-2030: 6070-roh
UBMP will feature fun music from every continent.
(via Bill Tilford)
+++ USA - WRMI +++
This is a Music Show
Part 1: Thursday 26 Dec 0200-0300
Part 2: Thursday 2 Jan 0200-0300
5850-wrmi 7780-wrmi(0200-0230) 9395-wrmi(0230-0300)
".....★TIAMS 2019 Top 25★
Hello All-
As the year draws to a close, I thought I would do a "Top 25" to finish
off 2019.
In keeping with program's main theme, the list is limited to all the
second-hand thrift store/flea market finds since the start of the year;
new releases/reissues/archive tunes have been omitted.
If you need a refresher on some tunes, a lot of these can be found on
YouTube with a simple copy+paste.
The Top 25 will be played over 2 shows (in)conveniently(?) on Christmas
Night and New Year's night in the Americas:
Dec 26 0200 UTC (Christmas Night 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific)
Jan 2 0200 UTC (New Year's Night 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific)
on 5850 kHz (main frequency), with 7780 kHz at 0200-0230 UTC, 9395 kHz
at 0230-0300UTC
It's a long list (280 songs!), so thanks for taking a moment to go
through these. Choose as many as you wish!
★★★Thank you for listening!★★★
-Your Host
(via Roger in WOR IO group)
+++ USA - R Texas Shortwave +++
Sun 22 Dec - 2200-2300: 6950 (or nearby)
Wed 25 Dec - 1400-1500, repeated 2100-2200: 6070-roh 7440-roh
Texas Radio Shortwave will transmit a preview of its Christmas Day
broadcasts at 2200 UTC on Sunday, December 22, 2019. Frequency will be
6950 kHz or somewhere nearby.
TRSW will send a special limited-edition eQSL for detailed, correct
reports to
The Christmas Day broadcasts will be at 1400 and 2100 UTC over
Channel292 on 6070 and 7440 kHz. A different limited-edition eQSL will
be offered for detailed, correct reports to the same email address.
Pictures of the eQSLs and information about TRSW can be found at
(via Terry Colgan, WOR and BDXC IO groups)
+++ USA - WTWW +++
Christmas music
Daily at various times: 5085
Christmas music is often/usually played during times not otherwise
filled by other programming.
+++ USA _ VORW R. Int +++
Holiday/Christmas day Special
Wed 25 Dec - 1500-1600: 7490 13845
Wed 25 Dec - 2200-2300: 9350
Thu 26 Dec - 0100-0200: 4840
Hello readers! I am pleased to announce that there will be special
broadcasts of VORW Radio International on Christmas Day! This special
program will feature an enjoyable mix of Christmas Music and
Miscellaneous Discussion. There might be a few other songs added to the
playlist as well – in short, I hope for this to be a fun show for
listeners on Christmas Day. This broadcast will be sent from radio
station WWCR and a QSL will be given to any and all listeners who submit
reception reports.
The show will be on 4 frequencies:
Wednesday 1500 UTC (10 AM Eastern / 9 AM Central) – 7490 kHz – WWCR 100
kW – North America
Wednesday 1500 UTC (10 AM Eastern / 9 AM Central) – 13845 kHz – WWCR 100
kW – North America and Europe
Wednesday 2200 UTC ( 5 PM Eastern / 4 PM Central) – 9350 kHz – WWCR 100
kW – North America and Africa
Thursday 0100 UTC (8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central Wednesday) – 4840 kHz –
WWCR 100 kW – North America
Reception reports and feedback are most appreciated at and I hope you can tune in!
(VORW via blog)
+++ VATICAN - Vatican R +++
Holy Mass
Tue 24 Dec - 1600-1650: 6055 7225
HOLY MASS 1600-1650 From the Chapel of the Annunciation of Palazzo Pio,
Chinese Mass on the occasion of Holy Christmas
CH11 International Sound - Asia: kHz 6055 - kHz 7225 SW
Christmas Eve Mass
Tue 24 Dec - 2025-2230: 6010(-French) 7365(-English) 9700(-Portuguese)
5900 & 7410(-Chinese)
Christmas Eve Mass 2025-2230
From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass of the Night presided over by Pope
Francis on the Solemnity of the Lord's Christmas.
CH4 Commentários em Português - Africa: kHz 9700 SW SAT: Hispasat-SES5
LG Port. (Vaticannews-Youtube)
CH5 Chronicle in Italian - Europe: linked up with RAI Sat: Eutelsat
Italy: Dab + Vatican Radio Italy Rome: MHz 103.8 - 105.0 FM
CH6 Commentarios en Español - SAT: Hispasat-SES5 LG spa
CH7 Commentaires en Français - Africa: kHz 6010 SW Sat: Hispasat - SES5
LG fra (Vaticannews-Youtube)
CH8 International Sound - (Vaticannews-Youtube)
CH9 Commentary in English - Africa: 7365 kHz SW SAT: Hispasat-SES5 LG
ing (Vaticannews-Youtube)
CH10 Kommentar auf Deutsch - (Vaticannews-Youtube)
CH11 中文 解说 - Asia kHz 5900-7410 SW (VaticanNews-Youtube)
Urbi et Orbi Blessing
Wed 25 Dec - 1055-1120: 7420(-vietnamese) 15550(-French) 15570(-English)
From the Central Loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis Christmas
Message and "Urbi et Orbi" Blessing.
CH1 Commentários em Português - Rome: DAB + Vatican Radio Europe Africa:
kHz 17660 SW SAT: Hispasat-SES5 (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH2 Commentaires en Français - Rome: DAB + Vatican Radio World Africa:
kHz 15550 SW SAT: Hispasat-SES5 (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH3 International Sound -
CH4 Commentários em Português -
CH5 Chronicle in Italian - Sat: Eutelsat Italy: DAB + Vatican Radio
Italy Rome: MHz 103.8-105.0 FM (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH6 Commentarios en Español - SAT: Hispasat-SES5 (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH7 Commentaires en Français -
CH8 International Sound - (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH9 Commentary in English - Africa. kHz. 15570 SW SAT: Hispasat-SES5
CH10 Kommentar auf Deutsch - (VaticanNews-Youtube)
CH11 Bình luận bằng tiếng việt - Asia: kHz 7420 SW (VaticanNews-Youtube)