mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019

Europe 1 183 kHz to close down on december 31?

It's not clear but it seems, that Europe 1 will leave the 183 kHz LW, on December 31st. Transmitter will be closed....(Christian Ghibaudo (10/12-2019), Yduns MW Info)

Checked a German radio forum and the original source on a post the previous day is

Translates as
"Our page about the LW station Europe 1 has been reworked a bit today. As we have learned from unconfirmed sources ("i l se confirmerait officieusement ")the shutdown of this French-language transmitter on 31.12.2019 or on 31.1.2020 done. For cost reasons, the transmission towers are then promptly blown up or dismantled."

The Facebook post it quotes is

Public page so can be viewed if you don't have an account.

(Mike Barraclough via bdxc io group)