giovedì 14 giugno 2018

Radio Santa Cruz, 6134.8 out of air now

BOLIVIA, 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra is now out of air because a transmitter failure , a week ago was in the air with strong distorted signal and now, since about three or four days the station is inactive.
I contacted with the station via e-mail and in three hours here is the answer:

"Estimado Manuel:
Agradecerte por la comunicacin y el seguimiento que haces a nuestra programaciòn.
Estamos con problemas en nuestro transmisor de OC, hasta el lunes tendremos solucionado y emisin en aire.
Ruego hacerme conocer el estado de la seal.
Un fuerte abrazo"

They say they have problems with the short wave transmitter.  Monday, 
June 18 this problems will be solve and Radio Santa Cruz will be back on 
air and they ask me inform them how the signal is heard.

E-mail address:

Manuel Mndez
Lugo, Spain