domenica 3 giugno 2018

Glenn Hauser logs June 1-2-3, 2018

** AUSTRALIA. 11750, June 2 at 1315, hymnodic harmonies with talkovers, vs splash from 11760 Cuba. HFCC claims the entire 1200-1330 broadcast from HCA, 100 kW, 310 degrees from KNX is in Hindi! But Aoki/NDXC breakdown shows a bunch of RBA languages after 1200-1300 daily Hindi, the Sat 1315-1330 slot in Mei, about which EiBi says ``Meithei/Manipuri: India (1.3m)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9965, June 2 at 1710, Firedragon at S3-S6, as E Asian propagation is holding up, certainly better than W European. Vs RFA in Chinese via Saipan at 1700-1900, unheard here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11700, June 1 at 2330, RHC music is suptorted = suppressed and distorted modulation. Wiggle that patchcord? 

11700, June 2 at 2237, dead air and then off instead of scheduled Portuguese hour. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Back on with Spanish at 2303 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15730, June 2 at 2218, S9+10 of dead air from RHC, but that`s OK, merely warming up for the 2230 bihour starting with French (except Esperanto Sundays). In fact this would be the OSOB if it were not for the JBA unID q.v. carrier on 15435, but certainly the SSOB --- where is everystation else?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, June 3 at 0050, no signal from TGAV. Should be detectable by now if on; another transmitter crash? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 9665, June 2 at 1711, S2 music, no doubt KCBS; 9435, June 2 at 1712, hyper-assertive Korean, no doubt VOK; and 9615, June 2 at 1712, more Korean at S5-S8, BBC via PHILIPPINES.

The clock says it`s past noon CDT, but it`s really almost a sesquihour before local mean zenith noon at 1832 UT; along with 9965 Firedrake, FE conditions are upholding. What about 7 MHz: dare I try?

7355, June 2 at 1715, very poor talk in presumed Korean, bits of music, from another BBC Korean frequency at 1530-1830, this one via SINGAPORE; the OSOB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND [and non]. 13270-USB, June 2 at 2220, Gander VOLMET starting with poor signal; but there is also a weak AM carrier on 13270 --- I guessed it, Aoki/NDXC shows 13270 a Sound of Hope, Taiwan frequency starting at 2110, and without a *jammer.

BTW, it may be time for New York Radio, time-sharing the Gander frequencies, to return: from DXLD 18-01: 

``It looks as though New York VOLMET will be off the air at least through the end of May, according to an FAA Notice To Airmen:

``A7072/17 - VOLMET 10.051, 6.604, 3.485, 13.270 U/S. 19 DEC 15:14 2017 UNTIL 01 JUN 00:01 2018. CREATED: 19 DEC 15:17 2017``

U/S is an abbreviation for "Unserviceable." The station had been off the air for two months before this NOTAM was issued (Mike Cooper, GA, Jan 1, WORLD OF RADIO 1911, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` (Glenn Hauser, June 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, June 2 at 2345, pirate music at S7 vs noise peaking at S9; 2350 synthom announcement unreadable; off at 2402 check. These say it was Buddha Radio:,43103.0.html

** NORTH AMERICA. 6931-CW, June 2 at 0001-0002, slow Morse code message exclaiming ``*UC* TRUMP`` several times, presumed pirate rather than official info. Please QSL. Unknown if this was related to a phone pirate broadcast, e.g. later on 6930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-AM, June 3 at 0040, pirate music at S5 vs S9+10 static crashes. Also unID for these:,43106.0.html

** NORTH AMERICA. 6930-USB, June 3 at 0041, hard rock guitar music, averaging S8, also unID pirate for these:,43107.0.html

** NORTH AMERICA. 6880-AM, June 3 at 0042, John of VORW talking about family and good times, S5 vs S9 crashes; a regular Saturday evening relay by The Relay Station. Many more logs here tho subjected as unID:,43105.0.html

** OKLAHOMA. 530, June 2 at 1718 UT check, K530AM, Vance AFB TIS is back in whack, modulating Ad Council PSA loops (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9795, June 1 at 2320, YL singing ``Old Ruggèd Cross`` in unknown language, steady beat rather C&W with an instrumental interlude, S9-S7; 2324 announcement sounds like Burmese; another tune/hymn in same style.

One might not expect to be hearing FEBC 100 kW due west from Iba so well, or at all, but that`s what it is, this semihour in the Mon language, per EiBi, which is spoken in Burma (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UGANDA [non]. 9370, Saturday June 2 at 1437, African music, strong signal as WWRB is reconfirmed here ex-15240 with R. Munansi. At 1447 I`m checking UTwente SDR for World of Radio, so also try 9370: not a bit of Munansi, but rather something in Burmese, i.e. VOA THAILAND at 1430-1530, which is surely also what the Ugandans will be hearing during this hour. At 1713 recheck back here, African music somewhat distorted at S6-S9. Saturday & Sunday daytime-only broadcasts, Tennessee toward east Canada (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1932 monitoring: checking UTwente SDR, Holland for the Sat June 2 at 1431 on HLR 6190-CUSB: nothing at 1438, but trace of me at 1446. Alan Gale in England reports at 1505:

``Hi Glenn, Well the propagation certainly confounded me today, as HLR was audible here from around 1300 UT, and I even managed to catch all of WoR on 6190. The signal strength did start to drop a bit about 8 minutes from the end, but then came back up strongly again till sign off. It must have been due to all those thunderstorms watering the TX site in Germany or something I think. :-) Alan``

Confirmed Saturday June 2 at 2300 on WRMI, 7780, poor. Also confirmed UT Sunday June 3 at 0200 on WRMI 7780, poor-fair. Also confirmed UT Sunday June 3 at 0332 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, about Rick Wiles on WRNO, i.e. 26 minutes into show so must have started quite early circa 0306. Next:
Sun 1030   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 1900   WRMI 9395 to NNW
Mon 0130.5 WRMI 5850 to NW, 7780 to NE
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 0400   WRMI webcast only
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 7780 to NE, 5950 to WNW [or #1933?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 7780 to NE, 5950 to WNW [or #1933?]

Full schedule for WOR on all outlets, not just SW; podcast linx:

** U S A. 7490.06, June 1 at 2335, the pre-AWWW gospel huxter on WBCQ has quite a hum on his live(?) feed. Wiggle that patchcord?

`Allan Weiner Worldwide` starts promptly at 0000 June 2 this week, initial interjexions about too many taxes and too few pirates. Angela and Tom are studio sidekix today. Apparently a new one, but did not yet hear a declaration of which YOOL date applied. Unfortunately, John Carver in mid-north Indiana`s computer is down so haven`t had his full AWWW summary this week. Artie Bigley, however, listened to a podcast (of this one?) and reports: 

``AW said on his AWW podcast that he will have public service programming on the new 500 kW transmitter. That would be awesome to have WOR on that 20 megawatt ERP transmitter and antenna. Will you request WOR to be aired on that transmitter a few times a week?`` Well, yes, if that`s possible; last I heard, the original plan was that it would be 100% paid for and programmed by the flat-earthers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. At 0024 UT June 2, as a reminder, I reposted to the WOR iog from WRMI/FB about the 0100-0200 June 2 special on 9395, Hali Palombo`s ambient/music being ``imminent``. I was about to put ``allegedly`` in the headline --

Tuned in at 0058 to hear some odd music which could have been this. 0100 RAE does not start, no introduxion spoken, but sounds like Oldies programming; 0107 WRMI ID for 9395, more music, ``God bless the child`` and more jazzy.. 0116 break for VOA News! Looks like another no-show, or did it run in the previous hour, 8 pm EDT, despite explicit publicity as 8 pm CT/01 UT? Music also on 5950 but too noisy to tell if it be // the same or the RAE English relay survived there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9455, June 2 at 0634, WRMI announcement hitting S9, Oldies, much stronger than usual on this secret transmission; but 9395 is S9+20 with sermon by Biermann, i.e. *his* `Your Weekend Show` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5950, June 2 at 1702, JBA carrier which must be WRMI`s 24/7 broadcast; how are others doing? 9455, VP with music; 21525, VP with choral hymn.. Too low, too high; at midday WRMI could be well audible, even inbooming if it were not silent on the 17, 15, 13 and 11 MHz bands. Strange frequency management (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5043 & 5057, June 3 at 0048, the WWRB program is producing some whistles consistently around these plus/minus 7 kHz offsets from 5050 carrier. Additional splash QRMs RHC even when 5040 tuned to LSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1130, June 2 at 1718 UT quick check, KLEY Wellington KS is still SNAFU going into its fifth month (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13564, June 2 at 1322, JBA trace of CW, no doubt one of the two HIFER beacons around this kHz: GNK in Madison WI, or RF, circa VA/WV. Frequent chex of this ISM band usually yield less than this, i.e. nothing. At least Cuba is not blotting with 13700 spurs today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15435, June 2 at 2218, JBA carrier, the OSOB except for big warmup from CUBA on 15730. Nothing listed, except in HFCC, JRT, AKA, Jordan in Arabic at 22-01, 500 kW, 300 degrees to W Europe --- yeah right, what an imagination! Less unlikely would be BSKSA running 4+ hours overtime; for Ramadan? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 90.1, June 1 at 1859/1900 UT, on caradio, more QRM than usual to KUCO, KHCC, fragment ``Carolina Public Radio`` heard. There are no 90.1 PR in NC, but in SC: WHMC in Conway and WEPR in Greenville. But by 1915 check, 6m map shows no VHF sporadic E openings anywhere over North America. Maybe random MS; or a program promo/credit from one of the nearby stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0521 UT June 3