venerdì 2 gennaio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs January 1-2, 2015

** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, early UT January 2:
12045, Jan 2 at 0124, CNR1 jammer, poor
13580, Jan 2 at 0126, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter, not synch 12045
13920, Jan 2 at 0127, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter, and synch 12045
14920, Jan 2 at 0130, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, // 13920
16100, Jan 2 at 0137, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, // 13920

** CHINA. 15125, Jan 2 at 0131, English news, poor with flutter, time check for 32 past the hour, item about the Air Asia crash, mispronouncing Surabaya with the middle A long (I`ve also heard a US cable network anchor mix up the consonants, apparently never having heard before of the second largest city in Indonesia, 2.765 million). This station speaks with an American accent, so I dare to hope it is one of VOA`s non-canceled services, but NO! Aoki shows it`s just CRI, 215 degrees from Beijing site, of course. It is also inadvisable to give time chex like that to Asia where there are half-hour zones all the way from Myanmar to Iran (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6000, Jan 2 at 0141, RHC English has fast SAH and some CCI, no doubt 500 kW from Turkey despite aiming 72 degrees from Emirler, leaving only 6165 for good RHC reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 5060, Jan 2 at 0115, very poor signal on AM with talk; not a mix of nearby stations on 5 MHz, nor an image from 5960 where there is nothing. 0118 some music, 0120 sounds Chinese talk. I am getting it on both the DX-398 and PL-880. No doubt it is the only broadcaster in the world on 5060 at this time and have heard before, PBS Xinjiang, 100 kW, 230 degrees from Urumqi per Aoki. Still there at 0153. That means the other three 60m frequencies should also be audible, and indeed they are, but only as JBA carriers: 4980 in Uighur; 4850 in Kazakh; 4500 in Mongolian. Of course, the Chinese service is first among ``equals``, tho 4980 has same parameters. 4850 is 100 kW ND, and 4500 is 50 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9860.0, Jan 2 at 0122, R. Cairo Spanish is open carrier/dead air or perhaps just barely modulated; fair signal level, not off frequency this time

9965+, Jan 2 at 0123, R. Cairo, Arabic, fair with flutter, whine

12035, Jan 2 at 0124, R. Cairo, Spanish supposedly, open carrier/dead air on fair-good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 700, Jan 2 at 0144, Spanish from SSW, discussing Premio Nobel de la Paz, probably year-in-review show, 0146 ID as ``Radio Red AM``, which is XEDKR, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 10000/150 watts, so still on day power? Lucking out that WLW is inaudible, must be in fade cycle as e.g. Chicagoans are not knocked out by aurora. Yes, by 0151, WLW is back with silly ballgame, tho still can be nulled for something Spanish making slow SAH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Jan 2 at 0104, I`m tuned in time to the JBA carrier here presumed to be R. Chaski. Last monitored 6 days ago cutting off at 0104:51.5*. So by now it should have slipped/precessed to approximately 0105:27. Instead the signal drops noticeably at approx. 0105:31 but does not go off completely. So it was mixing with the other 5980 transmission which continues, BBC via UAE.

Further tracking will now be facilitated by WRMI`s elimination of Brother Scare from 5985 where he had been for a couple months. But Cuban pulse jamming is on 5980 tonight, residual for the full-bore jamming of R. Martí after 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1754 monitoring: confirmed Thursday January 1 at 2201, and UT Friday January 2 at 0001 on Global 24 via WRMI, 9395. Next: Friday 2130.5 on WRMI 7570 & 15770; usw. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7455, WRMI: checking out the new `System-D` hour at 00-01 UT January 2: tune-in at 0028 to find `Moments in Bible Prophecy` ending; 0029 classic repurposed WRUL ID for WRMI; 0030 ``Ukrainian Radio`` (not IDing as R. Ukraine International) in English. The latter is presumably stripped 7 days a week at this new time and frequency, but does it replace 2330 UT on 11580, as still shown on the schedule still lacking the new 7455 block? ``MIBP`` is also on 11580 at 2315 Mon-Thu, so if the 7455 hour duplicates 11580, that could also mean WORLD OF RADIO UT Mondays at 0000. Altho much stronger here than 11580, trouble with 7455 is constant RTTY QRM. I remain astounded that after a year, neither WRMI nor the RTTY station are bothered by the collision. But then the same was happening even before that to WYFR on 7455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Hi, Glenn. Just a heads-up that KVOH is expanding hours effective today, adding 9975 kHz from 0000 to 0500 UT Tue-Sat (6-11 pm Central, Mon-Fri). This is still using one of our two 50 kW RCA transmitters while our newly acquired Harris 100 kW unit continues to be installed. The schedule on our website has been updated.

WORLD OF RADIO will continue to be aired at 0231 UT Sundays, and can be heard on our webstream at that time and also at 0731 UT Mondays.

(Ray Robinson
Operations Manager
KVOH - Voice of Hope / Voz de Esperanza
P. O. Box 102
Los Angeles, CA 90078, USA,

So the new programming on 9975 consists of, UT Tue-Sat:
0000-0100 TruNews with Rick Wiles [already on WRMI et al.]
0100-0500 International Missions Fellowship in English/Spanish

IMF is the same organization which has had a CP for its own SW station for many years, and keeps registering imaginary schedules with FCC, currently certain hours on 6065, 9300, 13570. Apparently they are still building it, but not waiting any longer to get on the air.

See and then

``In the USA we have purchased a property near Battle Mountain, NV where we are working to build a powerful Shortwave Station which will be beamed at Mexico and Asia. It can be heard also in North America. We plan to build more stations after this. We have also just built a radio control center and small studio in Corona, CA to send programs to these transmitters via satellite/internet. It is now in operation. You can hear KIMF by clicking on the IMF Missionary Radio link below``

Listen to IMF Missionary Radio

Listen to Radio MI, Honduras

Prompted by the above, I check 9975 Jan 2 at 0015, and confirm it`s on with TruNews. At 0109 I start to monitor IMF, seemingly a live intro to that ministry, OM in English being translated consecutively by YL into Spanish. Good signal but modulation is a bit rough especially when he is talking; nor sure if that is an input or output problem. Does mention his own SW station KIMF under construxion in Nevada, which will allegedly cover much of the same territory as KVOH, also West Asia (?) or did they mean East Asia? Goes on about their missionary work in India, Philippines, Central America. 9975 starts to fade down around 0115. At 0133 they are thanking John Tayloe [not a typo] of KVOH for inviting them on there. Another missionary couple join them, seemingly a bit mike-shy. At 0137 = 5:37 Pacific they welcome listeners who have joined them on WNQM Nashville [1300, the MW side of WWCR]. Imply there will be three more programs tonight on KVOH following the
 first hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 14770, Jan 2 at 0128, English talk and music, as Voice of the Martyrs finishes, World Harvest Radio ID. Ranges from deep fades to fairly strong, a sign that this harmonic from extremely strong 7385 WHRI is produced in receiver rather than propagated, along the threshold of receiver harmonic image rejexion capability --- but I am getting it on both the DX-398 and the PL-880, ``better`` on the `398. 7385 is registered as 100 kW at 315 degrees right across mid-America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0433 UT January 2