mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs May 6-7, 2014

** CANADA. 6160-, May 7 at 0159, CBC poor but clear thanks to silence of Cuba from 6165; CBC promos, news jingle starts late 5 seconds after 0200; presumably CKZN at this early hour, not CKZU; no trace of a second signal, but this one is very slightly on the lo side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 4765, May 7 at 0155, R. Progreso audio breakup and crackle during drummin` & strummin`, also undermodulated and with ``running water`` ute audible underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12140, May 7 at 0127, RHC Spanish quite audible tho very poor vs CODAR, 2 x 6070 harmonic.

5040, May 7 at 0153, surprised to find RHC in English here; normally the English hours on 5040 are only 23-24 and 05-06. Squealing transmitter rather like WEWN; pitch varies except during modulation pauses when the squeal is constant; it`s also undermodulated.

Then at 0158 I notice that the intentional English frequency, 6165 is missing, while 6000 is on. Maybe 5040 has deliberately been switched from Spanish to English as compensation. Or maybe it`s just SNAFU. Another hour of English is still on 5040 after 0200 with anti-American ``news`` as always, blasting VOA, RTVM and the ``mercenary media in Miami``.

13740, May 7 at 0158, RHC Spanish is back on after missing yesterday, also on 6060, 6070, 9810, et al., but not 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420 VG // 7475 G, May 7 at 0124 with Greek music; nothing on the other frequencies of Elleniki Radiophonia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, May 6 at 2045, western pop music from R. Kuwait; a little better reception than usual, but still only fair with deep fades vs local noise level. 2050 time check for 11:50 and news in English. First two minutes about his hiness the emir, mentioning Sabah several times and nothing to do with Malaysia, but apparently with football. 2052 on to international news: Syrian opposition groups; Yemeni government forces, air strikes vs al-Qaida group; UN Secretary General and some civil war, which? UN Human Rights about something; Ukrainian elexions; New York stox; sports, local weather, Wednesday`s forecast hi: 41. 2057.4 news is over, back to some music; 2059 quick sign-off announcement with English schedule still imagining that 15540 is on the 25 meter band; very brief anthem by band finishing in time for the accurate timesignal until 2100:00, switch to news theme and starting Arabic news but cut off at 2100.5*. No finesse by the transmitter

17550, R. Kuwait Arabic service has already been on for an hour and has somewhat better signal than 15540; news continues on 17550, but this transmission is interrupted from 2101.8* to *2103.2, after which it seems a bit stronger. Was some antenna/transmitter change made during this break? None scheduled. News continues until 2115, and music, but it`s only theme, relief, same sounders every few seconds during talk feature. I was hoping for some continuous music to nap by (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, May 7 at 0107 music, 0108 announcement sounds like R. Free Whatever style, mentions ``another crackpot show``, closing with ``Whatever!`` to 0109.4* and a few unID words a bit later. 0110 a stronger pirate comes on, ``Where have you gone, comrade? I want more music, over``. These are in faux-Russian accents. The May CIDX Messenger illustrates the RFW QSL which is in faux-Cyrillic. (Do the Russians ever joke around with faux-Roman letters? I doubt it.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 11725-, May 7 at 0113, my frequent bandscans make it easy to recognize something extraordinary, on a frequency normally vacant: four notes with variations making up an interval signal, 0115 YHWH ID and says he is going to read an article. Very slightly on the lo side compared to other 25m carriers, not including the ones which are way off. Fair with deep fades vs storm noise level. Not rechecked until 0152 when he`s gone. Another new frequency. Then Ron Howard heard YHWH starting at 0302 May 7 on 7300.

John Carson in OK says May 6, ``Glenn, The YHWH pirate is being pretty bold these days. Last week he was doing his thing on 7194 LSB plus or minus. This week he is on 14274.75 USB, still IDing as YHWH and seemingly not worried about the FCC. Wonder if many others are hearing him and where the transmission are coming from? I first heard YHWH at approx 0415 UT on 7182 LSB on 27 April. 7194 LSB was last Wednesday at approx 0315 UT and 14274.75 was last Saturday night at 0345. Always on the ham bands`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, May 7 at 0106, R. Chaski carrier remains until cutoff at 0110:28* which is 6.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9870, May 7 at 0118, VOT in stilted Spanish about ``Los Otomanos``, and audio is also cutting out several times a second, yet remains readable. Comparing to // 9770: no such problem there, both Emirler transmitters, of course. At 0125, during music and talk, 9870 modulation is really skipping, now unusable. Carrier itself remains steady (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370 // weaker 3185, May 7 at 0123, WWRB is devoting both transmitters to Brother Scare, so 5050 with other programming is off the air tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 750, May 7 at 0136 UT, preacher in English from N/S, surely KMMJ, Grand Island NE. Not in Spanish at the moment, a minute before my steetlite ignites for the nite. I also overlooked reporting this a few days ago: UT May 4 at 0133 UT, country gospel music in English from N/S, but by 0158 UT it`s off with WSB in.

KMMJ is that rare ``Unlimited`` station with a Limited schedule, 10.7 kW, apparently in deference to WSB. Per
from 1977y, in May the KMMJ hours are 1115-0145 UT; June, 1100-0200

** U S A. 850, May 7 at 0134 UT, ``Abide with Me`` by choir; got to be those Lutherans again at KFUO Clayton MO. KOA easily nullable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1190, May 7 at 0128.3 UT, I want to hear that real Star Spangled Banner signoff again like I logged May 2 at this hour from KKOJ in Jackson, southwest Minnesota, and there it is amid QRM, sounds like an harmonious male quartet and this time I can also make out some SFX of rockets and bombs, ends at 0129.9* UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1560, May 7 at 0141 UT, Harold Camping lives! Not on SW WYFR any more, but on KKAA, 10/10 kW U4 from Aberdeen SD. And he is getting younger, judging from his voice compared to the last days on SW. Also had him at 0133 UT May 7 on more common Family Radio station, 920, KYFR, 5/2.5 kW U4, Shenandoah IA. Now at 0141 and 0151 UT I can tell that 920 and 1560 are // and synchronized. How fortunate we are, since the FR translator in Enid remains defunct from 88.3. KKAA dominant on 1560, no KGOW to be heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1660, May 7 at 0138 UT, C&W music from N/S must be KQWB, West Fargo ND, ex-True Oldies. That Channel is being abolished as of June 30 and affiliates are already bailing out. Three items about this are in DXLD 14-18. Soon overtaken by Rockies vs Rangers on the ``Texas Rangers ESPN Radio Network``, i.e. KRZI Waco TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1100, May 7 at 0131 UT some classic rock, seems NE/SW but surely not WTAM Cleveland. Music shortly fades out (or goes off?) as WTAM fades up with baseball. There aren`t very many 1100s around; both KKLL Webb City MO and KDRY Alamo Heights TX are supposedly Christian. KDRY`s May sunset to go direxional is 0115 UT; and so is KKLL`s as a daytimer, plus critical hours after 0115 of 5 watts the first hour, 3 watts the second; so what can it be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 1500, May 7 at 0144 UT, quite a mix of silly ballgames: basketball from dominant KSTP, Spurs game mentioning rebound after rebound which I assume does not apply much to baseball, but with SAH of approx. 5 Hz, another station best heard with KSTP nulled carrying Cardinals baseball, reference at 0148 to where I don`t find any obvious link to their radio station list. Searching directly on that, the best I can find is last year`s:
And no, you don`t get 2014 by changing two numbers. Map takes forever to load and then you have to hunt for 1500s, as the map is not searchable. None found. Could be merely Pawhuska OK, I suppose, but last year the Bartlesville affil was KWON 1400. If DXM and DXN were on paper, I could have found baseball networks quickly instead of wasting a lot of time hunting & searching the pdfs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6947.44, May 7 at 0112 AM carrier, fair signal, thot it might develop into a pirate, but mostly silence, occasional tones, clix, still at 0122 and later. Mystery carrier has appeared here before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0502 UT May 7