sabato 3 maggio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs May 2-3, 2014

** CHINA. Firedrake/CNR1 jammer search May 3:
16770, May 3 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, very poor but // 13830
15195, May 3 at 1253, CNR1 at good level, mixed with Firedrake, fair
13850, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, good
13830, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, very good
13795, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, fair; no others 12-18 MHz

** CUBA [and non]. 11760, May 3 at 0203, RHC Spanish has some CCI, near zero-beat, no het, also in Spanish. Aoki shows: V of Islamic Republic of Iran, in Spanish at 0020-0220, 500 kW, 274 degrees from Kamalabad. CIRAF targets per HFCC are 11 thru 15, i.e. all of South America except Patagonia; Central America; Caribbean including Cuba!

Altho RHC has used 11760 for 53 years, how can the Iranians know that, since Cuba refuses to participate in HFCC as that would entail negotiating with evil Americans?? Maybe turn on a radio? Naah. Altho RHC is atop here, situation should be much worse further east and south, including in the skip zone around Habana. Iran has another 11760 broadcast at 0320-0520, Azeri via Sirjan, aimed 336 degrees which happens to also be right toward North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9315, May 3 at 0157, surprised to find no signal at all here from R. Cairo, yet 9965 in Arabic has very good steady strength, so not due to propagation. No, not back on previous frequency 9720 either. 0201 retune, now the 9315 transmitter is on as R. Cairo opens English to North America amid heavy hum and distortion. Then goes into deep fade and gone again, and back up again. This must be due to the transmitter/power fluxuating, unusual situation; but they might as well turn it all the way off if they can`t fix the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 11820, May 3 at 0204, very nice flute and string music, // weaker 9790. Once again I am getting VIRI`s Kazakh service, *way* off-target yet with a VG signal on 11820, whose azimuth is 5 degrees from Sirjan, not too far from near-transpolar route to here. Music turns out to be only relief during otherwise talk feature, more of same every few minutes, 0210, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA [non]!

** MEXICO. 960, May 3 at 0501 UT,  for the third time this week, previously April 28 and May 2, XEK, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, is the inhabitant of KGWA`s Fox-hole of dead air: ID mentions it started on ``17 de mayo de 1937, en el 960 de su radio, con 5 mil watts``; choral NA but very short, only about a minute without the multiverses, then playing same ID announcement again, 0502 on to music. May we expect something special on May 17, 2014? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1010, May 3 at 0217 UT, from SSW, talk about the Familia García, mentions Coahuila and a .7 FM; seems to be religious-tinged advice show, 0219 romantic or devotional song, 0223 fading. Per Cantú there are two in Coahuila, but XEVK fits better:
1010 XEKD K De Oro               Cd. Acuña, Coah. 500   250
1010 XEVK Tu Recuerdo + FM 106.7 Torreón, Coah. 5,000 1,000

** MEXICO. Continuing sporadic-E TV DX opening May 2 from previous report: no big build-up but more peaks here and there:

1645 UT, ch 2, fade-in, bug in upper right, unknown

1725 UT, ch 2, square bug in lower right, unknown, talk show

1753 UT, ch 2 & 3, toons on Televisa net-5, oval italic 5 bug in lower right; briefly stronger video on 3, little if any audio, meaning MUF between 62 and 67 MHz. This 5 is well inside what might be any overscan or HD corner.

1758 UT, ch 2, novela in and out briefly, no bug visible

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, May 3 at 1221 UT, KZLS Enid in open carrier, dead air except for pervasive hum; comes to life on hourbottom for Blaze ``news``, ending at 1232 UT and back to dead air. Why should anyhuman at the station listen to their own output?? Can it be that hard to run automation so it`s fail-safe or sets off silence alarums? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, May 3 at 1359 UT amid `Performance Oklahoma` on KUCO Edmond, on the DX-398 I notice the RDS has been updated to statically display: 90.1KUCO instead of KCSC-FM. So far no other AM or FM station has grabbed the available KCSC call (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9955 & 7570, May 3 at 0549, Brother Scare audio feed via WRMI is cutting off more than it`s on, making him even more unlistenable than usual, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9465, May 3 at 0158, poor signal with Turkish music, I suppose the TRT IS which is no longer distinctive and repetitive, as VOT is scheduled 02-03 in Uighur, 500 kW, 72 degrees from Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Saturday May 3 at 1246, WTWW-3 is on unexpectedly before nominal *1300, and still no Bibling; instead, it`s Ted Randall with his country music show ``tonight`` which originally runs Sunday evenings/UT Mondays on WTWW-2 5085. VG signal, while the other two are still on night channels 5085 and 5830 with BS and PPP respectively. After playing a sad song by Lori Morgan, ``A Picture of Me Without You``, Ted muses about how we mustn`t let The Devil mess up our lives; 1258 taking a request from Honduras (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1100, May 3 at 0215 UT, talk host from NW discussing ``gamma waves`` (not rays) in his brain, totally separable from baseball on WTAM Cleveland from the NE and roughly equal strength until the former cuts off abruptly, how rude! 0215 UT is indeed official FCC sunset in May for KNZZ Grand Junxion CO, after ND 50 kW daytime. It`s 10 kW direxional at night, or 36 kW during Critical Hours, tight figure-8 slightly counterclockwise from N/S, approx. 349/174 degree peaks, 80/260 degree deep nulls, each almost as nully plus/minus 20 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 96.3, May 2 at 2013 UT on caradio, since I had Mexico on TV earlier, I`m on lookout for any signs of FM DX. On this normally open frequency, a quick fade-in-and-out not in Spanish, but English ``music station channel 9-6-3``, soon gone before could evaluate what kind of music. Must have been airplane scatter thanks to Vance AFB, as KZCH Derby (Wichita) KS goes by ``Channel 9-6-3`` per Wikipedia, tho WTFDA FM Database has it as ``Channel 96 point 3``. (The *real channel* number is 242, but only FCC uses them; never caught on amongst broadcasters.) (BTW, 96.3 may not be open much longer as there is a CP for a translator in Enid of 95.1 KQCV, which will also ruin reception here of 96.1 KXXY OKC) (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11222, May 3 at 0212, the buzzy pulser is still here with a widely varying number of pulses per group (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1627 UT May 3