venerdì 27 dicembre 2013

VOA Radiogram, 28-29 Dec, has DX potential

This weekend, VOA Radiogram begins its new transmission Saturday 0930-1000 on 5745 kHz. That's very early in the morning in the Americas, but this broadcast might have a chance of being heard and decoded in Asia and northern Europe.

Because of likely marginal reception conditions in distant places, there will be a VOA News story in the slow (55 wpm) but robust MFSK16 mode. There will also be MFSK32 (120 wpm) and MFSK64 (240 wpm).

The broadcast Sunday 1300-1300 UTC on 6095 kHz is discontinued.

Details of this weekend's broadcast is here:

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC)
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz

All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.