** ARGENTINA. 11711-, UT Friday Dec 20 at 0213, and later chex, RAE is AWOL again from what should be its weeknight English service. Will it be back UT Saturday before the weekend break? Also check whether 15345v is off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 7255, Dec 20 at 1407, Firedrake with poor signal, QRhaM. New spot for me to hear it; Aoki shows target is VOA Tibetan via Kuwait at 14-15 (also 00-01). 14-15 is a one-hour break in CRI usage of 7255, but also scheduled is PBS Xizang! during both hours and beyond. Thus evil IBB forces the ChiCom to jam their own broadcasts as well. Seems FD is showing up more and more as inband jamming, but could just as easily employ CNR1 jamming instead. Then checked 6145 and 6075 where FD remains regular, but poor today; all three still in but worse at 1444 recheck.
9670, Dec 20 at 1455, Firedrake is fair, again vs VOA Tibetan via Germany at 14-15 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11840, Dec 20 at 0216, RHC Spanish modulation is suppressed and distorted as often the case on this transmitter.
5040, Dec 20 at 0637, RHC English sounds almost OK, but with BFO confirms the transmitter is wobbly.
More and more RHC anomalies, making my day:
15230, Dec 20 at 1447 is just barely modulated, much softer and weaker than // 15340.
11860, Dec 20 at 1450 is missing, unlike the other three 25mb channels
10432-AM, Dec 20 at 1452, RHC Spanish is here, good signal and modulation, but heavy QRM amid hi-speed RTTY, 1453 `Estampas de Cuba`, nothing to do with philately, but meaning aspects, or illustrations.
10432?! What in the world is RHC doing here? Heard on three receivers. Maybe it`s the 11860 transmitter, missing today. Hard to tell whether the RTTY and RHC are coming out of the same mixed-up transmitter, but likely. Recently heard by others on 10100, so it pays to tune thru the entire 10-11 MHz non-SWBC band, as one also listens for ChiCom jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, Dec 20 at 0158, trace of music and talk from AFN. I`m enjoying a pre-Solstice porch monitoring session again at a balmy 65 degrees per the G8 thermometer; before we`re to be hit with an ice storm 24+ hours later. (I often accompany the DX-398 with the G8 for checking //s, etc.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 19 at *2002, R. Africa via WRMI starts with address info@panambc.com --- before that I could not detect Bata, but now there is a SAH and CCI; at 2018 definitely both are on with SAH, two different modulations, country gospel atop something else. It`s as if Bata comes on now at 2000 just so it can compete with WRMI.
Maybe that is what`s really happening with two sesquiweeks of colliding: PanAm apparently does not own the Bata facility but merely ``partners`` with it, and the Guineans are reluctant to relinquish 15190. But surely they would not continue to run RAN programming on it unless the corrupt government there is still getting paid. Or old contract has a while longer to run (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 7450, Dec 20 at 0208, undermodulated rock music, make out some lyrix in English, no doubt Elliniki Radiophonia remnant. Usually 9420 has been missing, but at this time it is also on, but NOT // 7450, Greek songs and much better signal, modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9595, Dec 20 at 0210, S Asian singing, poor with flutter, soon declining to very poor. No doubt it`s AIR Urdu service at 0015-0430, 250 kW, 334 degrees from Delhi (Kingsway) site, as per Aoki. If we consulted only HFCC, we would find nothing but Nagano, 24 hours on 9595, but AIR refuses to participate in HFCC. Meanwhile 9870, AIR VBS via Bengaluru has much better fair-good signal.
11740, Dec 20 at 0213, AIR IS is nice to hear again, as they don`t always play it prior to all transmissions, good with flutter, enough to overcome splash from the BS on 11730 WRMI. 0215 ``Salaam Aleikum``, All India Radio ID, mentions Pakistan, Afghanistan, and 0217 singing/chanting, which is apparently Qur`an but unlike what we usually hear elsewhence; and hum surges during long pauses. 0220 outro mentions ``Qur`an``.
So AIR violates Separation of Mosque & State, feeling obliged to do this in its Pashto service at 0215-0300, 250 kW, 282 degrees from Aligarh (plus another half-sesquihour in Dari until 0345). It is the Fribbath, after all. Can`t one be a secular Pashtun?? What business has AIR propagating one religion at the expense of all others? Demand equal time! Anyhow, this is coming in better now than the Sinhala service on 11740 at 0045-0115 which is via GOA, all per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Dec 30 at 1355, R. Free Chosun again with prélude of Xmas songs in English, now YL singing about ``Christmas joy``; album-cut pause and another one at 1358, and 1400 opening Korean service on time with militant theme and hyper YL sign-on. Usual good signal comparable to 9800 VOA Korean from Tinang. I had missed what time it came on today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 830, Dec 20 at 1336 UT, crime news from Ciudad Acuña on ``Grupo Radio Zócalo``, 1340 TC for 20:8, so no doubt it`s XEIK in nearby Piedras Negras as in Cantú:
830 XEIK La Norteñita Piedras Negras, Coah. 5,000 D
At first it was mixing badly with WCCO, later overcoming it. Piedras Negras/Enid/Mpls are close to collinear, making nulling WCCO not an option (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1030, Dec 20 at 0230 UT, ``grupoformula.com.mx`` plug, 800 numbers; talk show peaking from WSW. Fits for the only Fórmula station listed on 1030 by IRCA 2012 Log, and Cantú:
1030 XEYC Radio Fórmula Cd. Juárez, Chih. 5,000 500
** NORWAY [non?]. 5895, I haven`t been trying for LLE-3, as the hours and low 1 kW power make it extremely unlikely to reach deep North America, but noting that on Thursday Dec 19 it`s publicized to be on the air much later until 2200 with Bergen Kringkaster programs, I tune in just in time at 2158 to hear at least a very poor carrier; can`t make out any modulation and not there at 2202.
However, HFCC shows 5895 with IBB in the ``bod`` dialect of Tibetan at 2200-2300, Tuesdays and Thursdays only, since Nov 14. So there could also be a ChiCom jammer on 5895, but since the signal I had went off after 2200, I still have a remote chance it was really LLE-3.
There will be more chances to hear it beyond Europe before their temporary license expire at yearend. Unfortunately I didn`t get this info in time for WOR 1700. Svenn Martinsen says:
``It's almost over for the Norwegian temporary test and development license, but radio station LKB/LLE will still be on the air with 4 longer test transmissions: Our tentative schedule goes like this:
Thu Dec 19, 1500-2200 UT (Programs from Bergen Kringkaster)
Tue Christmas Eve Dec 24, 0600-1600 UT (from Bergen Kringkaster)
Christmas Day Dec 25 into Boxing Day Dec 26, 2200-0900 (Bergen)
New Year's Eve Tue Dec 31 0600-1600 (from Radio Northern Star)
Transmitters used are LLE-2 (1314 kHz) and LLE-3 (5895 kHz). QSL card for correct reports. Remember to enclose Norwegian stamps or 3$. Address: Box 100, 5331 RONG. On a final note: Thank you for all your many reports! And, please, dear reporters, have patience for our reply. There will most likely be a new license next year, hopefully then with the right to transmit program content`` (Svenn Martinsen on Arctic Radio Club Facebook page via Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK yg)
Current times for WWCR to be on 5890, effectively blocking 5895 at least in North America, or heavily QRMing it, mostly with BS, are:
UT Tue-Sat 0300-1300, Sun 0500-1200, Monday 0400-1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9900, Dec 20 at *1459:55, carrier on as predicted by Ivo Ivanov, VOA Tinang westward replacing 9760 as of today for reasons unknown, but with big problems: carrier keeps cutting off and on; after 1501 including bits of modulation; 1502 on a bit longer before off & on & off; 1503 still on & off; 1504 seems to stay on, no, off again. So much for getting any news from VOA. 1508 now with bits of English Learning modulation, struggling to stay on with only poor signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Re my log of WRMI on new 9840 around 0700 Dec 19, with Brother Scare via R. Africa Network, Jeff White explains:
``We are making some changes as we go along, based on our findings from the first two weeks or so of broadcasting from Okeechobee. 9355 had too high a VSWR on the 87-degree antenna, so we have just changed to 9840 (0400-0800) on the same antenna. There will probably be more changes to come in the next few weeks. Jeff``
It`s always interesting to learn of logistical reasons for frequency selexion which one could never figure out otherwise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15570, Dec 19 at 1941, good signal in open carrier, never any modulation until 1958.5*. Nothing scheduled here; no doubt it`s Greenville warming for the 20-21 hour on nearby 15580, doing so on 15570 to avoid QRMing Botswana until 2000 on 15580. Internal operational schedules used to show all these ``warm-up only`` IBB frequencies, and they really ought to be registered with HFCC.
GB comes on 15580 at *1959.5, briefly overlapping BOTS with its stronger carrier, but as happens far too often, despite the protracted warmup, fails to start modulating on time; in fact, cuts off again at 2000.4*, back on with OC, 2001.4 finally starting continuous North-African music verging on Middle-Eastern; another transmission break at 2004.2*-*2004.8, more music. 2016 a vocal song in English. This hour is supposed to be `The African Beat`, but no announcements at all until finally at 2019 with program title, introducing music from Sierra Leone at 2020. Worse transmitter problems: see PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1700 monitoring: confirmed Thursday Dec 19 from 2200:54 on WTWW-1, 9475. Also confirmed UT Friday Dec 20 from 0428.4 on WWRB 3195, following respectful pause after previous preacher. (And still not on 5050-USB.) Next:
UT Sat 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Sat 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030v on WTWW-2 5085
UT Sun 0501v on WTWW-1 5830
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
[Wed HLR repeats are pre-empted this week by Xmas specials in German]
** U S A. 9955, Dec 20 at *1358:07, WRMI NW carrier comes on early, overriding WRMI SSE transmitter which has not quite finished `Wavescan` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]; SOUTH CAROLINA [non]
** U S A. 12105, Dec 19, kept checking WTWW-3 all morning, and still nothing but 200/minute clicking; tune in again at 1757 when it should have been amid Arabible, just in time to hear it go off the air at 1758*, still off at 2021 check, and not heard any more for the rest of the day. Next day Dec 20 after 1400, resumed normal Russian Bible service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 730, UT Fri Dec 20 at 0224 UT, I am getting some silly ballgame in English weakly with XEX nulled, so best from east/west, but unsure if that`s is true direxion. Clue is hearing ``Bulldogs`` mentioned, basketball? Unfortunately that`s much too common a team name (including women`s BKB at Yale in double-gender neutrality??), but I do find a recent log from Rick Dau in Nebraska which fits:
``730 KQPN AR West Memphis 11/16 2137 [EST]. Fair with Mississippi State Univ. FB, mention by PBP announcer that if the Bulldogs ran back the 2nd half kick-off for a TD, a prize would be given out to a lucky fan who had submitted a contest entry (RD-NE)``
KQPN is 1/1 kW U4, with a minor night lobe in this direxion (mostly eastward), so can`t be accused of cheating. Soon XEHB faded up which was hard to null for this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 2660+, Dec 20 at 0202 UT, AM carrier barely surpasses noise level, but can`t make out modulation. Probably KGLE Tyler TX, 2 x 1330, as heard last winter, and also on the hi side of 2660 Dec 12 around 1300. It will be tough to get a definite re-ID on this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 4905-AM, Dec 20 at 0620, continuous tone test, less than 1 kHz, some fades, atop CODAR swishes. Unusual to hear on 60mb, smax of a broadcaster rather than ute. Possibly Brasil as it`s midday in Tibet. When I turn the YB-400 back on at 1357 there`s RTTY on 4905 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 8695-AM, Dec 20 at 1456, continuous 1 kHz tone, fair-good with moderate fading. Unusual to hear in a ute band, smax of a broadcaster, but distracted by 9900 VOA NF, did not get back to check this past 1500. EiBi includes lots of utes, but nothing on 8695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1843 UT December 20
** CHINA. 7255, Dec 20 at 1407, Firedrake with poor signal, QRhaM. New spot for me to hear it; Aoki shows target is VOA Tibetan via Kuwait at 14-15 (also 00-01). 14-15 is a one-hour break in CRI usage of 7255, but also scheduled is PBS Xizang! during both hours and beyond. Thus evil IBB forces the ChiCom to jam their own broadcasts as well. Seems FD is showing up more and more as inband jamming, but could just as easily employ CNR1 jamming instead. Then checked 6145 and 6075 where FD remains regular, but poor today; all three still in but worse at 1444 recheck.
9670, Dec 20 at 1455, Firedrake is fair, again vs VOA Tibetan via Germany at 14-15 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11840, Dec 20 at 0216, RHC Spanish modulation is suppressed and distorted as often the case on this transmitter.
5040, Dec 20 at 0637, RHC English sounds almost OK, but with BFO confirms the transmitter is wobbly.
More and more RHC anomalies, making my day:
15230, Dec 20 at 1447 is just barely modulated, much softer and weaker than // 15340.
11860, Dec 20 at 1450 is missing, unlike the other three 25mb channels
10432-AM, Dec 20 at 1452, RHC Spanish is here, good signal and modulation, but heavy QRM amid hi-speed RTTY, 1453 `Estampas de Cuba`, nothing to do with philately, but meaning aspects, or illustrations.
10432?! What in the world is RHC doing here? Heard on three receivers. Maybe it`s the 11860 transmitter, missing today. Hard to tell whether the RTTY and RHC are coming out of the same mixed-up transmitter, but likely. Recently heard by others on 10100, so it pays to tune thru the entire 10-11 MHz non-SWBC band, as one also listens for ChiCom jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, Dec 20 at 0158, trace of music and talk from AFN. I`m enjoying a pre-Solstice porch monitoring session again at a balmy 65 degrees per the G8 thermometer; before we`re to be hit with an ice storm 24+ hours later. (I often accompany the DX-398 with the G8 for checking //s, etc.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 19 at *2002, R. Africa via WRMI starts with address info@panambc.com --- before that I could not detect Bata, but now there is a SAH and CCI; at 2018 definitely both are on with SAH, two different modulations, country gospel atop something else. It`s as if Bata comes on now at 2000 just so it can compete with WRMI.
Maybe that is what`s really happening with two sesquiweeks of colliding: PanAm apparently does not own the Bata facility but merely ``partners`` with it, and the Guineans are reluctant to relinquish 15190. But surely they would not continue to run RAN programming on it unless the corrupt government there is still getting paid. Or old contract has a while longer to run (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 7450, Dec 20 at 0208, undermodulated rock music, make out some lyrix in English, no doubt Elliniki Radiophonia remnant. Usually 9420 has been missing, but at this time it is also on, but NOT // 7450, Greek songs and much better signal, modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9595, Dec 20 at 0210, S Asian singing, poor with flutter, soon declining to very poor. No doubt it`s AIR Urdu service at 0015-0430, 250 kW, 334 degrees from Delhi (Kingsway) site, as per Aoki. If we consulted only HFCC, we would find nothing but Nagano, 24 hours on 9595, but AIR refuses to participate in HFCC. Meanwhile 9870, AIR VBS via Bengaluru has much better fair-good signal.
11740, Dec 20 at 0213, AIR IS is nice to hear again, as they don`t always play it prior to all transmissions, good with flutter, enough to overcome splash from the BS on 11730 WRMI. 0215 ``Salaam Aleikum``, All India Radio ID, mentions Pakistan, Afghanistan, and 0217 singing/chanting, which is apparently Qur`an but unlike what we usually hear elsewhence; and hum surges during long pauses. 0220 outro mentions ``Qur`an``.
So AIR violates Separation of Mosque & State, feeling obliged to do this in its Pashto service at 0215-0300, 250 kW, 282 degrees from Aligarh (plus another half-sesquihour in Dari until 0345). It is the Fribbath, after all. Can`t one be a secular Pashtun?? What business has AIR propagating one religion at the expense of all others? Demand equal time! Anyhow, this is coming in better now than the Sinhala service on 11740 at 0045-0115 which is via GOA, all per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Dec 30 at 1355, R. Free Chosun again with prélude of Xmas songs in English, now YL singing about ``Christmas joy``; album-cut pause and another one at 1358, and 1400 opening Korean service on time with militant theme and hyper YL sign-on. Usual good signal comparable to 9800 VOA Korean from Tinang. I had missed what time it came on today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 830, Dec 20 at 1336 UT, crime news from Ciudad Acuña on ``Grupo Radio Zócalo``, 1340 TC for 20:8, so no doubt it`s XEIK in nearby Piedras Negras as in Cantú:
830 XEIK La Norteñita Piedras Negras, Coah. 5,000 D
At first it was mixing badly with WCCO, later overcoming it. Piedras Negras/Enid/Mpls are close to collinear, making nulling WCCO not an option (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1030, Dec 20 at 0230 UT, ``grupoformula.com.mx`` plug, 800 numbers; talk show peaking from WSW. Fits for the only Fórmula station listed on 1030 by IRCA 2012 Log, and Cantú:
1030 XEYC Radio Fórmula Cd. Juárez, Chih. 5,000 500
** NORWAY [non?]. 5895, I haven`t been trying for LLE-3, as the hours and low 1 kW power make it extremely unlikely to reach deep North America, but noting that on Thursday Dec 19 it`s publicized to be on the air much later until 2200 with Bergen Kringkaster programs, I tune in just in time at 2158 to hear at least a very poor carrier; can`t make out any modulation and not there at 2202.
However, HFCC shows 5895 with IBB in the ``bod`` dialect of Tibetan at 2200-2300, Tuesdays and Thursdays only, since Nov 14. So there could also be a ChiCom jammer on 5895, but since the signal I had went off after 2200, I still have a remote chance it was really LLE-3.
There will be more chances to hear it beyond Europe before their temporary license expire at yearend. Unfortunately I didn`t get this info in time for WOR 1700. Svenn Martinsen says:
``It's almost over for the Norwegian temporary test and development license, but radio station LKB/LLE will still be on the air with 4 longer test transmissions: Our tentative schedule goes like this:
Thu Dec 19, 1500-2200 UT (Programs from Bergen Kringkaster)
Tue Christmas Eve Dec 24, 0600-1600 UT (from Bergen Kringkaster)
Christmas Day Dec 25 into Boxing Day Dec 26, 2200-0900 (Bergen)
New Year's Eve Tue Dec 31 0600-1600 (from Radio Northern Star)
Transmitters used are LLE-2 (1314 kHz) and LLE-3 (5895 kHz). QSL card for correct reports. Remember to enclose Norwegian stamps or 3$. Address: Box 100, 5331 RONG. On a final note: Thank you for all your many reports! And, please, dear reporters, have patience for our reply. There will most likely be a new license next year, hopefully then with the right to transmit program content`` (Svenn Martinsen on Arctic Radio Club Facebook page via Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK yg)
Current times for WWCR to be on 5890, effectively blocking 5895 at least in North America, or heavily QRMing it, mostly with BS, are:
UT Tue-Sat 0300-1300, Sun 0500-1200, Monday 0400-1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9900, Dec 20 at *1459:55, carrier on as predicted by Ivo Ivanov, VOA Tinang westward replacing 9760 as of today for reasons unknown, but with big problems: carrier keeps cutting off and on; after 1501 including bits of modulation; 1502 on a bit longer before off & on & off; 1503 still on & off; 1504 seems to stay on, no, off again. So much for getting any news from VOA. 1508 now with bits of English Learning modulation, struggling to stay on with only poor signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Re my log of WRMI on new 9840 around 0700 Dec 19, with Brother Scare via R. Africa Network, Jeff White explains:
``We are making some changes as we go along, based on our findings from the first two weeks or so of broadcasting from Okeechobee. 9355 had too high a VSWR on the 87-degree antenna, so we have just changed to 9840 (0400-0800) on the same antenna. There will probably be more changes to come in the next few weeks. Jeff``
It`s always interesting to learn of logistical reasons for frequency selexion which one could never figure out otherwise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15570, Dec 19 at 1941, good signal in open carrier, never any modulation until 1958.5*. Nothing scheduled here; no doubt it`s Greenville warming for the 20-21 hour on nearby 15580, doing so on 15570 to avoid QRMing Botswana until 2000 on 15580. Internal operational schedules used to show all these ``warm-up only`` IBB frequencies, and they really ought to be registered with HFCC.
GB comes on 15580 at *1959.5, briefly overlapping BOTS with its stronger carrier, but as happens far too often, despite the protracted warmup, fails to start modulating on time; in fact, cuts off again at 2000.4*, back on with OC, 2001.4 finally starting continuous North-African music verging on Middle-Eastern; another transmission break at 2004.2*-*2004.8, more music. 2016 a vocal song in English. This hour is supposed to be `The African Beat`, but no announcements at all until finally at 2019 with program title, introducing music from Sierra Leone at 2020. Worse transmitter problems: see PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1700 monitoring: confirmed Thursday Dec 19 from 2200:54 on WTWW-1, 9475. Also confirmed UT Friday Dec 20 from 0428.4 on WWRB 3195, following respectful pause after previous preacher. (And still not on 5050-USB.) Next:
UT Sat 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Sat 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0030v on WTWW-2 5085
UT Sun 0501v on WTWW-1 5830
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
[Wed HLR repeats are pre-empted this week by Xmas specials in German]
** U S A. 9955, Dec 20 at *1358:07, WRMI NW carrier comes on early, overriding WRMI SSE transmitter which has not quite finished `Wavescan` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]; SOUTH CAROLINA [non]
** U S A. 12105, Dec 19, kept checking WTWW-3 all morning, and still nothing but 200/minute clicking; tune in again at 1757 when it should have been amid Arabible, just in time to hear it go off the air at 1758*, still off at 2021 check, and not heard any more for the rest of the day. Next day Dec 20 after 1400, resumed normal Russian Bible service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 730, UT Fri Dec 20 at 0224 UT, I am getting some silly ballgame in English weakly with XEX nulled, so best from east/west, but unsure if that`s is true direxion. Clue is hearing ``Bulldogs`` mentioned, basketball? Unfortunately that`s much too common a team name (including women`s BKB at Yale in double-gender neutrality??), but I do find a recent log from Rick Dau in Nebraska which fits:
``730 KQPN AR West Memphis 11/16 2137 [EST]. Fair with Mississippi State Univ. FB, mention by PBP announcer that if the Bulldogs ran back the 2nd half kick-off for a TD, a prize would be given out to a lucky fan who had submitted a contest entry (RD-NE)``
KQPN is 1/1 kW U4, with a minor night lobe in this direxion (mostly eastward), so can`t be accused of cheating. Soon XEHB faded up which was hard to null for this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 2660+, Dec 20 at 0202 UT, AM carrier barely surpasses noise level, but can`t make out modulation. Probably KGLE Tyler TX, 2 x 1330, as heard last winter, and also on the hi side of 2660 Dec 12 around 1300. It will be tough to get a definite re-ID on this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 4905-AM, Dec 20 at 0620, continuous tone test, less than 1 kHz, some fades, atop CODAR swishes. Unusual to hear on 60mb, smax of a broadcaster rather than ute. Possibly Brasil as it`s midday in Tibet. When I turn the YB-400 back on at 1357 there`s RTTY on 4905 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 8695-AM, Dec 20 at 1456, continuous 1 kHz tone, fair-good with moderate fading. Unusual to hear in a ute band, smax of a broadcaster, but distracted by 9900 VOA NF, did not get back to check this past 1500. EiBi includes lots of utes, but nothing on 8695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1843 UT December 20