sabato 7 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 6-7, 2013

** AUSTRALIA. 5995, Dec 7 at 1405, `Saturday Night Country` is focusing on music from Texas, as Katherine reads a laudatory script about how great it is, with passing reference to Oklahoma too. Sufficient signal now, much better than // 5940. 9580 always best, of course.

After it`s off at 1504, we still get RA on 7240, good except for QRhaM, talk about Helen Gurley Brown. That`s 40 degrees from Shepparton at 15-17, per Aoki. Still nothing from SHP in HFCC, only RA relays registered by someone else, such as BaBcoCk for Palau at 1300-1430 on 9965, where English replaced the defunct Chinese sesquihour.

We`re fortunate that Radio Australia spends so much time on American affairs, music and culture, better-rounded than we get from US SW stations, including even the VOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 10960, Dec 7 at 1350, CNR1 jammer with good signal, but no // on 11430 this time. No other such OOB jammers found in the 8s, 9s, 12s or 13s.

9250, however, bears a suspicious open carrier, F-G with flutter at 1351-1352*. Nothing scheduled here until Cairo at 1700. See also UNIDENTIFIED 8300.

6075, Dec 7 at 1507, Firedrake jamming roughly equal to Chinese talk, which could either be more jamming with CNR1, or victim RTI; more FD on 6145 against same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 5025, Dec 7 at 0636, R. Rebelde is off again. The other two 5025 stations which benefit by unblockage are:

VL8K, Katherine NT, Australia, 50 kW at 2130-0830; should be fading into North America before the 0830 sign-off/switch to 2485; and

R. Quillabamba, Perú, 500 watts at 1000-0200 per Aoki; is that correct? Latin American SW schedules are notoriously variable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165, Dec 7 at 0636 check, all five overkill RHC English frequencies are working well for a change; only 6100 has somewhat lower modulation.

11760, Sat Dec 7 at 1347, RHC with roaring noise surging and dropping. If this were evening, could blame it on Cairo, but now it must be self-inflicted; while neighboring // 11750 is totally clear tho always weaker signal and modulation. BTW, NO sign of VOA Philippines on 11750, despite Aoki and HFCC listings as adding this 13-14 hour to 12-13 on Saturdays and Sundays only (for `Jazz America`). See USA [non] 12150.

11760, Dec 7 at 1434, RHC still with that pulsing noisy QRM, while its own modulation seems to be OK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 6 at 2045, both Radios Africas are still colliding for the sixth day in a row, making SAH of about 5 Hz, and this time they are about equal level, huxter vs huxter via WRMI, coincidentally aimed right at Bata, and from Bata (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. 7475, Dec 7 at 0646, lite music, F-G signal but undermodulated, presumed ERT, yet no signal on 9420, while Turkey is very poorly audible on 9700, and BBC sufficient on 9410 and 9460, but both those are Ascension at this hour, no clue at all to Europrop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 13800, Dec 7 at 1425, ME music, fair-poor, 1430 two-pip timesignal and talk in Farsi. Now it`s R. Farda via Lampertheim, GERMANY, altho in A-13, VIRI itself was on 13800 at this hour, in Russian; a fine example of seasonal swapping, from two stations which do not avoid HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Dec 7 the R. Chaski carrier with some modulation lasts until abrupt cutoff at 0104:17*, which is six seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, FRG-7, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120-, Dec 7 at 1359-1400:39* carrier from presumed R. Hargesia, long-path, as usual slightly on the lo side; should have been strong enough for audible modulation, apparently already stopped. At 1504 much weaker JBA carrier is again detectable, after the one-hour break; always with some CW or even LSB QRhaM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. 7445, Dec 7 at 1506, fair signal in Thai: it`s RTI via Paochung, per Aoki, as the ChiCom stop jamming it at 1500 after three hours of Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 21630, Dec 7 at 1414, BBCWS, ``no programmmes on this channel at present`` loop with jingles, advising to consult Geez, REE manages to avoid colliding on Saturdays and Sundays only, shifting to 21640 instead, and then, this! Furthermore,

17640, Dec 7 at 1417, same BBC ``no programmmes`` loop but not synchronised with 21630. I`m NOT bothering to consult because I`m certain there will be nothing there to explain this outage, if I can even find the supposed schedule.

Well, this beats open carriers/dead air favoured by so many other dysfunxional SW stations, but what`s wrong at BBC? 21630 is supposed to be Hausa via ASCENSION, and 17640 is supposed to be Hausa via RWANDA. Maybe same satellite feed to both sites is down.

15420, however, BBC Somali via doomed IORS SEYCHELLES is uninterrupted around 1415 Dec 7; before WBCQRM starts with BS at 1500 Saturdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 12150, Sat Dec 7 at 1348, `Jazz America` from VOA with sufficient signal, from THAILAND as on weekends only, but NO signal on 11750, as also listed in HFCC and Aoki via Philippines, leaving Cuba in the clear, q.v.

5875, Dec 7 at 1508, again open carrier/dead air with good signal, while VOA Uzbek via THAILAND is supposed to be aired. Are they aware back in Washington that this service is failing to appear? Why burn 250 kW if there is no modulation? Cost for that is coming out of our taxpayer pockets (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1698 monitoring: Area 51 webcast, UT Saturday Dec 7 at 0300 with some music; 0302 montage of clips starting with a very old WOR recorded off SW, gh talking about United Patriot Radio`s Steve Anderson freaking out and no longer heard on 6900; remember that? Also, Oxycontin Radio, and Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh; after pause, WOR 1698 playback starts at 0303. Presumably also on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, which I could barely detect on the air after WOR at 0334. Next:

UT Sunday 0029v on WTWW-2, 5085; UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW-1, 5830

** U S A. 9955, Dec 6 at 2202, this WRMI frequency is off the air. Maybe taking a one-hour break, as there`s still also a gap in the program schedule grid at 22-23. At 2330 check it`s back on amid a Fámily Radio hour with Spanish ID, plus: pulse jamming! A first for the former WYFR now that it`s on this WRMI frequency well-known for counter-revolutionary broadcasts.

9955, Sat Dec 7 at 1354, Jeff is talking about all his transmitters and antennas at Okeechobee, explaining the azimuths and target areas of each around the compass. Must be a new `Viva Miami` I need to catch from the beginning on one of the numerous repeats: UT Sunday 0130, 0245, but no more Sunday or UT Monday until 1230-1245. It serves as a filler among 15-minute religious shows, but preferably more time to be sold.

9955, Sat Dec 7 at 1432, now it`s that Japanese-Mississippian YL trying to convince us that evorution is nonsense, i.e. `Living the Bible` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]

** U S A. 1150, Dec 7 at 0600-0612 UT, no sign of the WNDB DX test; mostly KSAL with C2CAM from the north, but could be nullable here to favor Daytona. Numerous other DXers further east could not hear it either and conclude it was a no-show. However, NRC`s Wayne Heinen, contact for the test, said, ``Just received from tonight's presenter: "I'm ready to go. I will have a ton of Morse code on at a very slow pace. I will probably crack the mic also. Bobby"``. So, what happened? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 8300, Dec 7 at 1359-1400*, open carrier with lite fades, found in search for CNR1/Firedrake; this was once a regular SOH/FD frequency, but no longer in Aoki; instead: XingXing guangbo diantai 3 and 4, the Chinese numbers station, 10 kW ND from Kuanyin, Taiwan for one semihour at 05, 06, 12 and 13 UT, H3E mode (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1736 UT December 7