lunedì 2 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 1-2, 2013

** CHINA. 7480, Dec 2 at 0127, Firedrake, very poor. Target is R Free Asia in Uyghur via Tajikistan during this hour only. I expect the site for this is in western China. This inspired me to do a full bandscan for FD or OOB CNR1 jamming 10-18 MHz, but no others heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11670, 11760, 11840, Dec 2 at 0042, RHC with a song in English, but it`s the Spanish service during their music-fill hour, not // 5040 which is really in English, mailbag. As usual, modulation on 11840 is severely suppressed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 1 circa 1930, R. Africa is in as usual, with poor signal and modulation level, just a semihour before R. Africa via WRMI Okeechobee is scheduled to début on same frequency.

Yes! Just as I expected, both Radio Africas are going at 2032 check making SAH of 4 to 5 Hz with each other. WRMI is of course way on top, and is playing loop of a soul hymn, ``Thank you for the sunshine, thank you for the rain,`` etc. Barely audible underneat at least during pauses is some JBM talk, presumably preaching. Still the same at 2124. So Pan American is so uncoördinated that it couldn`t get the old site to stop in time for the new one.

Meanwhile, the previous scheduled frequency for R. Africa via WRMI, 21525 (an old WYFR channel), at 1400-2000 continued to be unheard before 2000. Later heard from Jeff White: ``We're going to have a few days or so of getting the kinks out after having been off the air for five months. 21525 wouldn't work with the 87 degree antenna, so we got FCC approval to use 17790 from 1400 to 2000, and it has worked fairly well.``

I did notice some new gospel-huxtering on 17790, but didn`t make the connexion. Jorge Freitas in Brasil was first to report it as an unID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 7450, Dec 1 at 2118, fair signal from VIRI in Spanish news headlines, closing with theme until 2121* --- but not quite off. Strength drops abruptly but I still hear the music, as if quick antenna change? No, not scheduled afterwards. Maybe they changed antenna for next transmission on another frequency from Sirjan before dropping carrier on this frequency. No sign of Greece on same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, Dec 1 at 1435, RSO in English news about explosions in Lebanon; good signal, much better than usual, fully readable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Dec 2 at 0100, R. Chaski carrier detectable until cut off at 0103:49.5* which is 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SEYCHELLES [and non]. 12095, Dec 1 at 2042, BBCWS ID in passing, poor with flutter. This relay site is going to close at end of B-13 season. Meanwhile, their entire schedule is only this, excerpted and condensed from version by Ivo Ivanov just circulated; all English except Somali at 1100-1130, 1400-1500:
04-06 12095, 15420
06-08 15420, 17640
11-11.5 15530
14-15 15420, 17690
15-20 12095, 15420
In the NASWA Flashsheet Nov 24, Jim Ronda in Tulsa said, ``Their e-QSLs were colorful and always came promptly``. If you hear BBCWS on these frequencies at other times, those are from other sites. BBC complaint of QRM to 12095 forced FCC to move WTWW from 12100 to 12105, but WTWW is off the air during this log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9955, Dec 1 at 2044 check, the new WRMI with Brother Scare, slightly behind 9930 WTWW, and a few words ahead of 9980 WWCR, but WRMI modulation is noticeably softer than either of the others. BS is a horrible steward of all the dough psychophants shower upon him, as these three are totally duplicated coverage for hours and hours, not to mention 9370 WWRB at the other end of the 31m band.

11565, Dec 2 at 0025 is another new BS frequency via WRMI Okeechobee, initially good with lite fading, but by 0041 markedly weakening, and by 0049 very poor.

9690 is another, at first unheard, but Dec 2 at 0128, there`s a LAH with something; 0146 can recognize Brother Scare down there but very poor. Now 11565 is audible poorly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) More WRMI at U S A

** U S A. 9955, Dec 2 at 0031, Okeechobee makes no difference to the Dentro Cuban Jamming Command --- still wall-of-noise jamming, and I can`t be sure WRMI is really on the air. On WRMI Sunday night schedule, `Trova Libre` music has just finished, but it`s all-English from then on, except for one Spanish religious at 0100-0115 Monday.

Earlier, Jeff White wrote to celebrity ID-voicer Rubén Guillermo Margenet in Argentina (gh`s translation): ``We went on the air at 0500 UT Sunday. There were some audio problems during the first hour, but they were resolved. We also had a problem with transmitter 3, which carries the programming on 9955 for Latin America. A transformer burnt up, but the engineers changed it quickly and we went on the air around 0615 on 9955. But we are at low power on 9955, perhaps for a few days until a new transformer is installed. 9955 toward North America at 1400-2200 UT is on another transmitter, which should be at normal power`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non], and SOUTH CAROLINA [non]

** U S A. 5050-USB, Dec 2 at 0037 tune-across, WWRB has resumed no-carrier USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0514 UT December 2