giovedì 7 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 7, 2013

** CHINA. Firedrake [non] CNR1 jamming search Nov 7 after 1430:
14980, good but with heavy flutter at 1435
No others found in the 12s, 13s, 15s, 16s, 17s
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA

** CUBA [and non]. Poor RHC, getting QRM because Arnie refuses to participate in HFCC, so other stations would at least know where it`s operating, (rather than consulting the real world of DX reports, or even turning on a radio). Will Arnie ever make any adjustments?

17580, Nov 7 at 1406, RHC is about equal to the clash from IBB making a SAH, i.e. R. Azadi via Biblis at 1330-1430. Meanwhile there are plenty of open channels for either on 16m.

11760, Nov 7 at 1433, RHC is buried by heavy CCCCCCI, as their good friends the ChiCom are intent on jamming Sound of Hope, Taiwan, at 1300-1500. Iran in Bengali is also on there from 1420, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. 15235, Nov 7 at 1403, S Asian song, with gospel lilt, much better than adjacent 15230 Cuba. HFCC shows Islamabad, Pakistan at 1330-1530, surely imaginary, and MBR at 1330-1530, 250 kW, 85 degrees from Nauen. But what? For that, consult Aoki: at 1400-1415 Thursdays (and Fridays), it`s Athmeeya Yatra Radio (Gospel for Asia) in Kar, presumably meaning the Burma minority language Karen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Nov 7 at 0703, animated Greek talk, fair with deep fades. Sure wish I understood Greek, as press reports about now that riot police raided ERT HQ building to expel the occupiers, but a rather chaotic situation. Here`s one story about it via Mike Terry:
So will we hear anything further on the Avlis SW frequencies? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 6055, Nov 7 at 1345, it`s Thursday and R. Nikkei 1 is teaching English; American-accented OM reads passage mentioning Obama and CSIS; then Japanese YL explains the terms; much better on // 9595 at 1348, explaining ``come to a standstill`` as pronounced both in American and British accents. It was also audible a bit earlier on 3925 vs QRhaM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9775, Nov 7 at 1354 tune-in, no open carrier but cuts on at *1354.6, much later than previously, prior to R. Free Chosun at 1400. This signal displays no transpolar fading as would be expected from alleged Tajikistan site; instead it`s strong and steady, almost as good at 9800 VOA Korean, 250 kW, 21 degrees from Tinang, Philippines, which aims that also right onward toward US.

So I continue to suspect this is no Tajikistan, but either Tinang or Tinian, as this station altho based in Seoul is funded by the US government anyway. How covert is that? It`s explicit in the WRTH 2013 which also listed Dushanbe sites for it. Unfortunately, website is all in Korean.

9775 is not in HFCC B-13, where instead you come up with two bogus listings at this time on 9775, no trace of either heard:
CNR,  0900-1605, 150 kW, 270 degrees from Beijing in Chinese; and
SLBC, 1230-1630, 300 kW, 350 degrees from defunct Ekala, Sri Lanka in English! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7190-LSB, Nov 7 at 0705, Triple-H net for WAS (working all states), trying to respond to a call from CO5MZ, but continuous QRM from a station sending Tarzan yodel-yells over and over, and other rude noises, music. N4EDN call heard from someone in the net, asking for DX check-ins only; refers to ``trash`` on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Nov 7 at 1434, no signal from WTWW-3. It seems quite often at least one of the three transmitters is down for some maintenance (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, Nov 7 at 1327 UT, car care ad in rapid Spanish, roughly E/W; 1330 IDs in passing as ``La Ke Buena 1,510 de AM``, 1331 music. Can`t catch any local references, but sounds like a US rather than Mexican station. Nothing fits in 2013 NRC AM Log, altho there are several SS on 1510, as close as KS and TX.

Then I Google on the slogan, "la ke buena 1510 am``, being sure to misspell ``que``, and that leads right to
which turns out to be WQQW in St. Louis MO. Joined FB only on August 27, 2013.

That was after the NRC AM Log was printed, where WQQW Highland IL was ``Madison County`s Hometown Station`` in English, C&W and talk, 1 kW direxional daytimer, address in Belleville IL. (At first I thought it must be ex-KMRF in Marshfield MO since their address is in St Louis --- but Marshfield is really way off near Springfield in SW MO.) FCC AM Query shows the WQQW pattern aims toward the southwest, just right for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1609 UT November 7