domenica 3 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 2-3, 2013

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, Nov 3 at 0057, lite pulse place-marking jamming from the DCJC, but as I listen it audibly ramps up as more sites pile on and/or turn up power level, in anticipation of Radio República. Its carrier via FRANCE is on at 0100 but no modulation until Cuban NA (both pre- and post-Castro) starts playing at 0101:15, as jamming increases, how unpatriotic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 6005, Nov 3 at 0054, very poor signal in English, could be something interesting, BBC? No, 0055 CRI ``Let`s Learn Chinese`` theme and dispensable hourend filler. It`s yet another overkill broadcast from Kashgar about to end (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11985, Nov 3 at 0043, AIR is poor with flutter, in S Asian talk, presumably Tamil as scheduled 0000-0045 from Delhi(Khampur) site. 0044 a bit of music, and 0045 pause until 0046:10 a song starts, presumably to open the Sinhala semihour. It`s been several nights since I had heard this, and figured they had made some change without telling us for B-13. But you never knew what they would do from one night to the next in A-13. 11740 via GOA is supposed to be // for both languages, and it`s also on, but very poor with CCI, from presumed CNR2 Lingshi site as scheduled now until 0100. While 11985 was pausing, I could still hear some talk on 11740, presumably CNR2. By 0104 the CCI is gone from 11740 and both it and 11985 are still on! Now I can tell the music is //, but not in synch. 11740 is much weaker than 11985 now, not always the case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Nov 3 at 0052, only pirate around, poor with rock music; 0101 saying something about ``co-ax thru the wall``; 0103 ending a phone call (faux?) with some music; 0109 recheck it`s gone. This thread agrees it was Twangy Radio:,13622.0.html

** PERU. 5980, Nov 3 at 0055, carrier could be R. Chaski or VOA Tibetan or ChiCom jamming; in a few minutes I know only Urubamba will be left, and time its cutoff at 0102:53* which is 16.5 seconds later than last check three days ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1693 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, Saturday Nov 2 at 2328:50. Next: UT Sunday 0401v on WTWW-1 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Nov 3 at 0042, WTWW in Ted Randall`s `QSO` show, which presumably started at 0000 after WOR on 9930; but recheck at 0050, 5085 is already off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9975, Nov 3 at 0106, KVOH has come on late after allowing CVC to get a headstart from Uzbekistan; tone and some hum atop CVC, still at 0113 buts cuts off briefly and back on; 0132 now it`s open carrier and some hum, then joining `Frecuencia al Día`, the DX program already on several US and other SW stations, in progress. It`s a segment with Antonio Buitrago of REE talking about the Costa Rica relay closing; audio feed sounds like low-bitrate internet connexion rather than hi-fi FM STL, maybe a temp measure as KVOH had STL problems delaying last night`s début. Now I notice some buzz and crackle at 9960 and 9990, which I am afraid are parasitic spurs coming from the KVOH transmitter halfway between. 0325 recheck during English hour it`s ``classic and vintage jazz`` from Los Angeles, interspersed with ``Good News`` promos. Initially solid signal is quite a bit weaker by 0347 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN [and non]. 9975, Nov 3 at 0051, open carrier, fair with flutter, not strong enough to be KVOH, so presumed CVC warming up for India service via Tashkent. 0100 starts talking presumed Hindi, but quite undermodulated for the carrier level. 0106 KVOH has come on with tone and hum over CVC which can be detected underneath. Continued under U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0400 UT November 3