martedì 12 novembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs November 11-12, 2013

** CUBA. Two+ weeks after B-13 officially began, and one+ week after DST ended in areas under Yankee influence, RHC characteristically begins adjusting its frequencies, having refused to cooperate with most other countries in advance HFCC planning. Observations November 11:

17720 is now gone, nothing at 2033 Nov 11; had been for Europe at 1930-2100, and sporadically after 2200 in Spanish.

13680 is the replacement for 17720, in Arabic at 2033 Nov 11, news about Cuba. I figured it would drop to the 13 MHz band like most winters. 13680 is an old RHC frequency revived, once used in the mornings, but not at all in A-13. So this should apply to 1930 French, 2000 Portuguese, 2030 Arabic --- and 22-24 Spanish? Not exactly ---
13680 is off at 2102 check, and still off at 2252. See below.

11880 is in French at 2109 Nov 11, as previously, except yesterday when 11860 was employed instead, also for English after 2200. Recheck 2240, yes also back on 11880 today in English. 11860 evidently was a mistake.

15370 is still the French frequency (except Esperanto Sundays) at 2230, confirmed at 2252 Nov 11, only fair.

Where`s the European broadcast in Spanish at 22-24, ex-17720? At 2252 I find Spanish on 11840, still suppressed modulation, 9810, 9710 and 5040. Nothing on the 17 MHz band.

13860! At 2302 Nov 11, VG signal, opening ``última hora`` de la `Revista Iberoamericana`, i.e. second hour, so may have started at 2200 without my noticing. Gives schedule as 5-7 pm Cuban standard time = 22-24 UT, on *13680*, 13740, 11840, 9710, 9810, 5040 in typical Soviet-style disorder. So 13860 must be *today`s wrong frequency*, mis-punch for 13680 where we may expect to hear it subsequently. 13740, however, is vacant at 2302, but the others are confirmed.

15230, open carrier at 2252; 2259 IS and opening French, undermodulated.

13780 and 6000, Nov 12 at 0038 are carrying the separate `Mesa Redonda` TV soundtrack, which is a sporadic, non-daily service. VG signal on 13780, and neither // to 11840. 13860 is off by now.

6070, Nov 12 at 0049 past 0104, RHC Spanish mainstream on NEW FREQUENCY, left vacant by CFRX. Use it or lose it! As I informed the ODXA ASAP. (Altho IIRC vaguely, in a previous season RHC showed up on 6070 despite CFRX.) This is much stronger than and an echo apart from // 6060. 6070 apparently replaces 6100, and it`s still on at 0418. What was wrong with 6100? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Nov 11 at 2020, poor signal with gospel huxter in English, and het on hi side from Brasil, so R. Africa is back after some transmitter problems. Still not up to snuff, at 2052 undermodulated, some hum, almost readable, no het.

15190, Nov 11 at 2256, open carrier with good signal past 2305. I did not notice this a few minutes before, but probably R. Africa.

However, as Kai Ludwig points out, among the WYFR frequencies to become WRMI is 15190 on the 87-degree African beam at 20-23, and Jeff`s press release says one of their clients will be Pan American Broadcasting, so it looks like Okeechobee will replace the Bata transmitter for this service, and likely do a much more reliable job of it. (The other 87 degree regs are 21525 at 14-20, and with different CIRAFs, 9355 at 04-08) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 11800, Nov 11 at 2103, DW news in English via RWANDA, where else? good signal, but weaker than // 12070. OTOH, 11800 is not squealing. 11800 is non-direxional, vs 295 degrees on 12070, which explains the disparity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11670, Nov 11 at 2107, AIR with news in English about Kuwait business, good signal, with some flutter, but undermodulated and with lite whine, // fair 9445 with exactly same pitch whine (both listed Bengaluru site) and // 7550 too poor to evaluate its whine if any.

11985, Nov 12 at 0058, there it is again! That mysterious multi-note interval signal from AIR Khampur and once again I don`t have my recorder handy. Poor signal, undermodulated and flutter. Still going past 0105, instead of Sinhala service. Previously heard Oct 24, as in DXLD 13-44, 36 or 37 notes on keyboard. But what is this signifying? The Sindhi service should have started at 0100 if that were it; its  listed 5990 was still covered by China/Cuba at 0059.

Jose Jacob tells me Nov 12: Dear  Glenn, Yes, lot of mysterious things (feeds) observed on AIR frequency 11985, especially at 0045-0115 Sinhala schedule. The info is that AIR now using new satellite feeds which is yet to stabilise may be. Lot of wrong feeds are observed lately!

Please note that my site is already updated based upon my monitoring etc. Not many changes are observed from A-13 period. Please see
External Service Time Wise:
External Service Language Wise:
AIR Complete SW schedule:
--- Tnx, Jose, especially still lacking any official skeds from AIR!

11740, Goa site, supposed to be // 11985 for 0045-0115 Sinhala: at 0058 dominated by China CCI, and can`t hear the mystery IS; at 0102 AIR in clear, definitely with different music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. 6885, Nov 12 at 0035, music amid SSB and CW QRM, presumed Galei Zahal, best heard in a long time. No pirates around (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JUAN FERNANDEZ. 21270-USB, Nov 11 at 2055, ID for XR0ZR, as the Robinson Crusoe DXpedition continues. Pileups are a few kHz higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Nov 12 at 0048, very poor carrier with some modulation, no jamming tonight, until Chaski cut-off at 0103:41.5* which is 16 seconds later than 3 nights ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675, Nov 11 at 2042, fair signal with Turkish talk, and 2044 music mixed, so is it TRT? No, HFCC shows BSKSA in Turkish here at 1800-2100, 500 kW, 340 degrees from Riyadh, so also USward. Off at 2108 check. Encountered when I was hunting for VOA Hausa new frequency.

9555, Nov 11 at 2109, poor-fair in Arabic with music background. Aoki shows R. Riyadh, General first program, at 1755-2300, 500 kW, 295 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 11680, poor Nov 11 at 2105, REE`s Brazilian-accented YL in Portuguese service, with clips of someone in Castilian. HFCC shows this hour only in Spanish. Aoki is correct with Portuguese, 21-22 M-F (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 9689.1, Nov 11 at 2041, one station in Hausa, and it`s off-frequency V. of Nigeria, as now for sure, VOA has vacated 9690 which it started using B-13 at 2030-2130 M-F via France and UK, also in Hausa! Until we exposed this horrible collision last week. Still no replacement found on 31m for VOA. (Today`s Nov 11 HFCC still shows VOA Hausa 2030-2100 on 9690 via Issoudun, but followed at 2100-2130 in French instead of Hausa, via Woofferton. But not heard at 2108 either, VON still sole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050-USB, Nov 12 at 0045, Bible reading or story, // 3215 AM but much stronger on 5050; so WWRB is again trying the pure USB mode on 5050. Last time I heard this was Feb 22 as in DXLD 13-09. Dave was plugging for clients to double their power with 200,000 watts by buying both 3215/3195 for the east and 5050 for the west, but I wonder if one did now specifying USB? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1430, Nov 12 at 0110 UT, KZQZ St Louis is still VG and managing to dominate the crowded regional channel with classic rock, surely on 50 kW day pattern aimed at us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Nov 11 at 2104, ZBC nice music, fair with flutter, and still on at 2105, but off by 2110 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TA carriers JBA Nov 12: 1521 het on 1520 KOKC SB game at 0109; 882 at 0120; no others noticed in non-exhaustive search (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 960, Nov 12 at 0113 UT, I find I can almost totally null local KGWA tnx to a stronger than usual signal at that critical point --- sports talk mentioning TCU football, call from a coach, 866-485-7042, which I took to be the toll-free call-in number for this show, but searching on that leads to nothing but a 2005 page for Golf Gifts Fore U in Lagrange IN. As it faded into the QRM before ads, gave some network ID. Doesn`t fit with KGKL San Angelo programming, altho a Texan would be most likely. KMA Shenandoah IA at least has a program schedule,
with minute-by-minute details --- until 6:30 pm when it becomes vague (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6915-RCLSB, Nov 12 at 0123, looking for North American pirates, but all I find is the very bass voice Spanish guy here saying ``Hola qué tal hola`` over and over, and sometimes counting uno-dos-tres. Yes, it seems like he has a reduced carrier plus LSB, no USB; quite strong signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0603 UT November 12