** AUSTRALIA. 21725, UT Sat Nov 23 at 2204, RA news is VG here, and not on 21740; in fact, it`s the OSOB as usual in this daypart. 2205 starts `Pacific Beat Weekend Review`. Must have punched up wrong frequency, as 21725 is supposed to be at 03-07, 355 degrees to Asia and sometimes audible here, while 21740 is 21-01, 70 degrees to Pacific and VG USward. Not that it matters, as there is no ACI or CCI to either on this sparse band (19000, also reliable here, is on at 23-03).
7410, Nov 24 at 0735, RA good signal, YLs discussing laser eye surgery; now much better than outfading // 11945. Still seems strange to find RA OOB on 7 MHz, now scheduled 07-09, 100 kW, 30 degrees from Shep. And simultaneously registered as DRM with 40 kW, so if RA ever gets DRM authorized, this good AM service will turn to noise.
11660, Nov 24 at 1442, RA `Saturday Night Country` // much stronger 11945. 11660 is now registered 13-18 to Asia, 19-21 to Pacific, always Shepparton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 4717-, Nov 24 at 0058, best LA signal in this bandarea, but only poor, with music past 0100, i.e. R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, in Yura (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 24 circa 1430:
9390, fair at 1427 atop something, i.e. VOA Chinese via TINIAN
No other FD found 10-18 MHz at 1435-1445
** GREECE. 7475, Sat Nov 24 at 0629, ``Big Girls Don`t Cry`` classic song in English, fair signal and not // stronger 9420 othermusic. Then non-English announcement, probably Greek, and 0631 definitely ID as Radio Filía, into German. So does this replace 11645, which is usually inaudible here? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 15540, Nov 23 at 1805 I check for R. Kuwait in English. It is poorly audible, but recognizably the ponderous Islamic-evangelization guy intoning, but high local line noise level surpasses it. By 1846 recheck, inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1000, Nov 24 at 0600 UT, easily audible in KTOK null is full ID from ``La Rancherita``, ``desde donde comienza la patria``, Ciudad Juárez, XEFV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Nov 23 at 1807, no signal AM or DRM, but at 1845 weak DRM is noisy from V. of Nigeria (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925+, AM, strongest signal heard from a pirate in a long time, steady S9+18 and very little fading, but with BFO, carrier slightly unstable and on the hi side; and VG modulation too, Nov 24 at 0612, claims to be broadcasting in C-Quam stereo --- really? But who has a C-Quam SW radio? Professional-sounding DJ, ex-FM? with produced IDs, slogans, ``music to the power of X``. Back-announces a few songs at a time. 0617 hello to Skeezix (?) and to Blue Ocean Radio; address xfmshortwave@gmail.com offering QSLs ASAP, but is behind since it`s time-consuming to check the reports against logs, listen to clips, which he prefers to get. 0623 stage-whispered IDs as XFM. 0633 says tune ``Saved by Zero`` will be next, 6:33 timecheck so apparently live, ``XFM, the power of X``; 0641 ``Music to the power of X``. I doze but still going at 0712 inviting reports also to be posted at FRC, FRN or HF Underground. 0714 saying goodnight, then something by
Incubus; finished at 0721, ID again mentioning C-Quam, ``music to the power of X``, and carrier cut immediately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Sat Nov 24 at 0600-0605, KGWA Enid is again deadairing, audiblizing when carrier is carefully nulled, echoey ABC News, i.e. KMA IA and probably WERC AL. First commercial break is 0602-0603, but always national, it seems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. 5965, Sat Nov 24 at 0610, very good REE via CR, with `Amigos de la Onda Corta` underway with historical item about 2LO. Hardly any of the media stories on this show really concern shortwave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 17535, Nov 24 at 1433, V. of Tibet, via MADAGASCAR, fair with no jamming audible. Next broadcast was missing 48 hours ago, but today at 1529 carrier on 15485, 1529:50 starting with music and presumed Tibetan talk, no jamming either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. 17640, Nov 23 at 1847, BBCWS English discussion on saving face in Singapore and which countries are ``most emotional``. Seems like a typically deep topic on `World, Have Your Say`. Fairly good signal, i.e. 17-19, 250 kW, 5 degrees from SOUTH AFRICA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15225 & 15620, Nov 23 at 1832, VOA French on equally bigsigs, must both be Greenville, but why? Yes, both 250 kW at 94 degrees, certainly unnecessary duplication unless one has a QRM problem in the target. 15225 runs to 2030 while 15620 is for this semihour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1644 monitoring: 5110v-CUSB, UT Sat Nov 24 on Area 51 via WBCQ, confirmed starting a semiminute before 0230. Further airings: On WRMI 9955, Saturday 1830, Sunday 0900, 1630, Monday 0530, Tuesday 1200. On WTWW-1 NEW 5830, UT Sunday 0500; maybe sometime that evening as late as 0600 on WTWW-2 5085. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Saturday 1830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13570, Fri Nov 23 at 1812, no signal from WINB, ceding the frequency to CODAR. WINB`s schedule has been greatly curtailed, not only with the departure of Brother Scare who used to occupy weekday mornings --- and their website schedule still hasn`t been updated since Oct 7 when it was in EDT/UT. There had been other programming from 1530 onward weekdays (meaning 1630 now).
9265, Nov 23 at 2210, now WINB is on with gospel huxter, QRM from irregular noise bursts, apparently from a ute on hi side.
13570, Sat Nov 24 at 1439, now WINB is on with hum, non-BS g.h. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Sat Nov 24 at 0727, WRMI in Portuguese, and at this late hour the Cuban jamming has finally quit. It`s the `Encontro DX` show from Brasil`s Rádio Aparecida, frequently mentioned. Is just finishing enumerating 20 shortwave stations in some survey. 0731 fading down a bit during novelty music.
BTW, for those awake, KBS World Radio still has a North American relay, fortuitously, since WRN runs it daily in English at 08-09, and WRMI relays that M-F, as Peter W. Hansen, LINY, outpoints. In fact WRN to NAm now has KBSWR thrice daily for an hour in English, at 03, 08 and 21 UT. Then at 0900 Sat & Sun on WRMI, not WRN, is WORLD OF RADIO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 2335, Nov 24 at 0115 I am again hearing a gospel huxter in English. This time I can match it to WWRB on 5050, and mixing with some other audio. That matches to: 7385 WHRI. 7385 minus 5050 = 2335! So it`s a difference mix produced in the DX-398 only by these two very strong signals, and not a real reception. WHRI may occupy 7385 any time between 23 and 14, but surely axually less, and 2335 can appear only when it and 5050 are both inblasting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Sat Nov 24 at 1441, WTWW-3 is missing from usual Saturday morning appearances in Russian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZAMBIA. 13590, Nov 23 at 1812, praise music poor with flutter so 1Africa, CVC still hasn`t terminated SW completely. CODAR QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9315, Nov 24 at 1426, big open carrier, from what? Cuts off at 1430:20*. Scheduled here is VOA Tibetan via THAILAND at 14-15, apparently giving up for lack of program input (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9795, Nov 24 at 0725, open carrier with hum, so what will develop at 0730? Nothing, just continues. Suspect it`s GUIANA FRENCH, known for humming carriers far beyond scheduled times, which on 9795 would be 0930-1000, NHK in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17536-USB, Nov 24 at 1527, INTRUDER, Spanish 2-way as I turn volume back up still tuned to 17535 after V. of Tibet. Despite strong AM signal interfering from 17540, i.e. Romania in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
7410, Nov 24 at 0735, RA good signal, YLs discussing laser eye surgery; now much better than outfading // 11945. Still seems strange to find RA OOB on 7 MHz, now scheduled 07-09, 100 kW, 30 degrees from Shep. And simultaneously registered as DRM with 40 kW, so if RA ever gets DRM authorized, this good AM service will turn to noise.
11660, Nov 24 at 1442, RA `Saturday Night Country` // much stronger 11945. 11660 is now registered 13-18 to Asia, 19-21 to Pacific, always Shepparton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 4717-, Nov 24 at 0058, best LA signal in this bandarea, but only poor, with music past 0100, i.e. R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, in Yura (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 24 circa 1430:
9390, fair at 1427 atop something, i.e. VOA Chinese via TINIAN
No other FD found 10-18 MHz at 1435-1445
** GREECE. 7475, Sat Nov 24 at 0629, ``Big Girls Don`t Cry`` classic song in English, fair signal and not // stronger 9420 othermusic. Then non-English announcement, probably Greek, and 0631 definitely ID as Radio Filía, into German. So does this replace 11645, which is usually inaudible here? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 15540, Nov 23 at 1805 I check for R. Kuwait in English. It is poorly audible, but recognizably the ponderous Islamic-evangelization guy intoning, but high local line noise level surpasses it. By 1846 recheck, inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 1000, Nov 24 at 0600 UT, easily audible in KTOK null is full ID from ``La Rancherita``, ``desde donde comienza la patria``, Ciudad Juárez, XEFV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA. 15120, Nov 23 at 1807, no signal AM or DRM, but at 1845 weak DRM is noisy from V. of Nigeria (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925+, AM, strongest signal heard from a pirate in a long time, steady S9+18 and very little fading, but with BFO, carrier slightly unstable and on the hi side; and VG modulation too, Nov 24 at 0612, claims to be broadcasting in C-Quam stereo --- really? But who has a C-Quam SW radio? Professional-sounding DJ, ex-FM? with produced IDs, slogans, ``music to the power of X``. Back-announces a few songs at a time. 0617 hello to Skeezix (?) and to Blue Ocean Radio; address xfmshortwave@gmail.com offering QSLs ASAP, but is behind since it`s time-consuming to check the reports against logs, listen to clips, which he prefers to get. 0623 stage-whispered IDs as XFM. 0633 says tune ``Saved by Zero`` will be next, 6:33 timecheck so apparently live, ``XFM, the power of X``; 0641 ``Music to the power of X``. I doze but still going at 0712 inviting reports also to be posted at FRC, FRN or HF Underground. 0714 saying goodnight, then something by
Incubus; finished at 0721, ID again mentioning C-Quam, ``music to the power of X``, and carrier cut immediately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Sat Nov 24 at 0600-0605, KGWA Enid is again deadairing, audiblizing when carrier is carefully nulled, echoey ABC News, i.e. KMA IA and probably WERC AL. First commercial break is 0602-0603, but always national, it seems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. 5965, Sat Nov 24 at 0610, very good REE via CR, with `Amigos de la Onda Corta` underway with historical item about 2LO. Hardly any of the media stories on this show really concern shortwave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 17535, Nov 24 at 1433, V. of Tibet, via MADAGASCAR, fair with no jamming audible. Next broadcast was missing 48 hours ago, but today at 1529 carrier on 15485, 1529:50 starting with music and presumed Tibetan talk, no jamming either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. 17640, Nov 23 at 1847, BBCWS English discussion on saving face in Singapore and which countries are ``most emotional``. Seems like a typically deep topic on `World, Have Your Say`. Fairly good signal, i.e. 17-19, 250 kW, 5 degrees from SOUTH AFRICA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15225 & 15620, Nov 23 at 1832, VOA French on equally bigsigs, must both be Greenville, but why? Yes, both 250 kW at 94 degrees, certainly unnecessary duplication unless one has a QRM problem in the target. 15225 runs to 2030 while 15620 is for this semihour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1644 monitoring: 5110v-CUSB, UT Sat Nov 24 on Area 51 via WBCQ, confirmed starting a semiminute before 0230. Further airings: On WRMI 9955, Saturday 1830, Sunday 0900, 1630, Monday 0530, Tuesday 1200. On WTWW-1 NEW 5830, UT Sunday 0500; maybe sometime that evening as late as 0600 on WTWW-2 5085. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Saturday 1830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13570, Fri Nov 23 at 1812, no signal from WINB, ceding the frequency to CODAR. WINB`s schedule has been greatly curtailed, not only with the departure of Brother Scare who used to occupy weekday mornings --- and their website schedule still hasn`t been updated since Oct 7 when it was in EDT/UT. There had been other programming from 1530 onward weekdays (meaning 1630 now).
9265, Nov 23 at 2210, now WINB is on with gospel huxter, QRM from irregular noise bursts, apparently from a ute on hi side.
13570, Sat Nov 24 at 1439, now WINB is on with hum, non-BS g.h. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Sat Nov 24 at 0727, WRMI in Portuguese, and at this late hour the Cuban jamming has finally quit. It`s the `Encontro DX` show from Brasil`s Rádio Aparecida, frequently mentioned. Is just finishing enumerating 20 shortwave stations in some survey. 0731 fading down a bit during novelty music.
BTW, for those awake, KBS World Radio still has a North American relay, fortuitously, since WRN runs it daily in English at 08-09, and WRMI relays that M-F, as Peter W. Hansen, LINY, outpoints. In fact WRN to NAm now has KBSWR thrice daily for an hour in English, at 03, 08 and 21 UT. Then at 0900 Sat & Sun on WRMI, not WRN, is WORLD OF RADIO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 2335, Nov 24 at 0115 I am again hearing a gospel huxter in English. This time I can match it to WWRB on 5050, and mixing with some other audio. That matches to: 7385 WHRI. 7385 minus 5050 = 2335! So it`s a difference mix produced in the DX-398 only by these two very strong signals, and not a real reception. WHRI may occupy 7385 any time between 23 and 14, but surely axually less, and 2335 can appear only when it and 5050 are both inblasting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Sat Nov 24 at 1441, WTWW-3 is missing from usual Saturday morning appearances in Russian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZAMBIA. 13590, Nov 23 at 1812, praise music poor with flutter so 1Africa, CVC still hasn`t terminated SW completely. CODAR QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9315, Nov 24 at 1426, big open carrier, from what? Cuts off at 1430:20*. Scheduled here is VOA Tibetan via THAILAND at 14-15, apparently giving up for lack of program input (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9795, Nov 24 at 0725, open carrier with hum, so what will develop at 0730? Nothing, just continues. Suspect it`s GUIANA FRENCH, known for humming carriers far beyond scheduled times, which on 9795 would be 0930-1000, NHK in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17536-USB, Nov 24 at 1527, INTRUDER, Spanish 2-way as I turn volume back up still tuned to 17535 after V. of Tibet. Despite strong AM signal interfering from 17540, i.e. Romania in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)