lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

Tornati regolari i 657 kHz da Budrio

Come monitorato da Stefano Valianti, sono tornate alla normalità le trasmissioni in onda media sui 657 kHz da Bologna, il disservizio è durato per tutto il fine settimana.

Glenn Hauser logs February 28, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Feb 28 at 1334, still no carrier from LRA36, tho there was a weak one on 15480 from Turkey. Roberto Scaglione reports they plan to start this week on an 11-18 UT schedule, so we need to keep checking until 1800. At 1710, I could almost imagine I was hearing a carrier, but this was on DX-398 portable outside with reel-out since household noise sources were on by then (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Feb 28:
7470 at 1257; not on 8400 at this time
9360 at 1330, still not on 8400
Aoki shows 7470 is RFA in Tibetan at 11-14 via Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and of course *jammed. RFA also on 7470 from other sites at 14-17, 22-24, 01-03, all jammed except lucky/insignificant Cantonese at 14-15. Nothing specific on 9360 except Sound of Hope jumping around between 9300 and 9380, so 9360 its presumed landing spot today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9955, Monday Feb 28 at 1230, nothing but DentroCuban Jamming Command`s wall of noise blocking WORLD OF RADIO on WRMI. Tnx a lot, Arnie! Next WRMI chances are Mon 2230, Tue 1630, Wed 0200, 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 9975, Feb 28 at 1231, KTWR IS, 1232 ID pronounced in English as KTWR, Agana, Guam, into Chinese. She said Agana, not Agaña. I wonder what the percentages are for each among natives/residents of Guam, or should I say Guahan. HFCC shows `cmn` presumably meaning Chinese Mandarin, daily 1230-1330 at 305 degrees. Aoki refines this to Sun-Fri in Chinese at 315 degrees, Saturday at 1230-1300 in Hui at 305 degrees. EiBi misses the latter, but all three show strange variations in the 1130-1500 period (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN still AWOL, Feb 28 at 1255 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. It`s gone again --- the nominal M-F 1330-1400 Basque service from REE. 17595, Monday Feb 28 at 1335 still in Castilian, no explanation, as if programming is normal, so I am forced to listen to a language I can understand: about Academy Awards, 1336 sports capsule, 1337 REE ID, 1338 `Heliotrope` talk on subject ``la música es una terapia para todo ser humano``, mentioning handicapped achievers such as el ciego Maestro [Joaquín] Rodrigo, 1342 song in Spanish, ``Te Amo`` by an English performer who can`t walk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7540, Feb 28 at 1257, B-B-C- chimes, good but with flutter and no QRM. 1259:30 BBC signing on in Chinese --- dare we hope the service to follow will be equally clear? Of course not! At 1300 a second timesignal starts mixing, and then a second broadcast in Chinese. Aoki shows BBC as 1300-1530 M-F, 250 kW, 20 degrees via Nakhon Sawan, THAILAND, so also USward, with *CNR1 jamming. Why not just give up?

21550, first check of 13m today finds this the OSOB, and then as Spain fades in, the SSOB, Feb 28 at 1346 in Hausa with DW jingles, 1350 ID. Is via PORTUGAL at 13-14, 145 degrees, following French at 12-13, 170 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI on the air today, Feb 28 at 1323 about folk traditions, YL in halting English, subject not clear, maybe tatooing. IADs but VG signal. Toward end of this `Indonesian Wonder` segment, IAD of at least 5 seconds. 1326 on to `Let`s Speak Bahasa Indonesia` easily and carefully, repeat after me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 17725, Feb 28 at 1404, very poor signal, unseems English, probably Swahili running late again. Not checked again until 1439, now English with usual announcers, and 21695 also audible better. 1449 usual half-wrong frequency announcement claiming 21695 and 17850; stuff about Africa, 1457 Morocco mentioned. All that I heard sounded placid and normal, not yet any rebels breaking in and taking over the station. How much longer? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15500-USB, Feb 28 at 1711, WJHR Milton FL (NOT CA = California as in Aoki and copiers), on new frequency ex-15550. No ID but usual gospel huxter, and missing from 15550-USB where it had been since starting in December 2009. Tnx to a tip from Mark Coady, Ontario, who first reported 15500 (altho typoed at first as 15400), Feb 25 at 1610 and on LSB, but it`s definitely still USB, no carrier when I hear it. QSY escapes the collision with 500 kW from Iran on 15550 until 1630, and nothing else at all scheduled on 15500 between 1400 and 2200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11750, good with VOA news, including backgrounder by André de Nesnera on Libya, Feb 28 at 1235. This is the only hour for VOA English on this frequency, 250 kW, 21 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES, so also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. Re whether VR is in Spanish or English at 1200 on 9865 via Sackville. Rechecked Feb 28 at 1209 and it`s still back in English, clip of PBXVI and then announcer both in English. Since I have only checked this sporadically, not every day by any means, who knows whether it might be equally sporadically in either language (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific MW carrier search, Feb 28 starting precisely at sunrise in Enid, 1304 UT on DX-398 in offset USB mode: 1314, 1305, 1296, 1242, 1134, 1116, 1053, 972, 882, 828, 774, 747, 666, 612, 594. Then I went up from 1314: 1566 and 1611 ---

The last looped WSW instead of NW like the others, which fits for Australia, where WRTH lists 17 ``high-power open narrowcast stations``, HP meaning max 400 watts! And there are no Asians or other Pacificans on 1611. I double-checked the frequency and it was right on 1611, so unlikely to have been a US TIS variant. Still, it`s hard to believe I would even be getting such a carrier. The 100 kW VL8s on 120m were not audible today.

In my scans there may be others only 1 kHz from 10-kHz channels which I simply can`t detect due to the QRM; thus those logged above end in -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, or -8. But 1610, of course, has no broadcasters of normal power in the US, just HAR/TIS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

L'avvio di Monte Ceneri rinviato al 1 aprile

Misterioso rinvio al 1 aprile, a causa di non meglio precisati problemi tecnici, per l'inizio delle trasmissioni della Voce della Russia da Cima di Dentro. Malgrado nessun cenno al rinvio nella rubrica della posta degli ascoltatori di ieri ne sul sito internet dell'emittente, secondo quanto pubblicato dal portale Italradio , il rinvio sarebbe da ricondurre a "questioni tecniche, legate al necessario coordinamento tra le strutture interessate". Più o meno nota comunque quella che dovrebbe essere la scheda di massimo del trasmettitore, che prevede spazi in italiano alle 18.00 UTC, in tedesco dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 UTC e dalle 16.00 alle 18.00 UTC, e in francese tra le 19.00 alle 21.00 UTC. Le trasmissioni in tedesco sono già diffuse da più frequenze in onda media, una novità in quegli orari invece per i servizi in italiano e francese. Nessun test è stato effettuato nella giornata di oggi dal trasmettitore di Monte Ceneri.

Glenn Hauser logs February 27-28, 2010

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 15400, Feb 27 at 2353 an unusual mix of Harold Camping, asserting that Jesus returns May 21 and all (well, almost all) graves will then be opened for whatever remnants of the corpses are left to fly into heaven --- and with SAH some hymnic-sounding music underneath. Aoki shows HCJB starts Indonesian at 0000 and WYFR ends at 2400, but obviously there is really an overlap: HFCC has HCJB from 2345, and WYFR until 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15370, checking RHC for the weekly 2230 Esperanto service to S America, Sunday Feb 27 at 2246: ``Bésame Mucho`` song, but is it in Esperanto? Yes! ``Kisu Min Multe``, I think the title goes in Esp`o. 2249 announcement I thought about the next conference to be in São Paulo, but Google finds: ``La 96-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto okazos de la 23-a g^is la 30-a de julio 2011 en Kopenhago, la c^efurbo de Danio``. Note: the circumflex really belongs atop the g and the c, but MS Word conveniently separates them to forestall garbling. Reception declined from fair to poor, audio not too distorted.

11770, Feb 27 at 2252 checking whether `En Contacto` has reappeared at its old timing --- no, RHC is playing a song with Jew`s harp boinging, outroed as by exiled Chilean group during the Pinochet dictatorship. (Ever notice how RHC never refers to the `Castro dictatorship`, or of any other farleftist??) Also on // 12010 and an echo apart on 12040. Unfortunately, I missed checking an hour later when E.C. probably showed. What must have happened is that since RHC started signing on at 2200 instead of 2100, this Revista`s contents are generally one hour later than before, and naturally the online program schedule has still not been updated for at least a biyear; anyway, the contents of that magazine are not shown, must be ascertained by axual monitoring.

So I made a special point of catching the final repeat of `En Contacto` which started UT Monday Feb 28 at 0234.6 on 9770 et al. After more birthday greetings than usual, Manolo had a report from Julián Santiago about the new Mexican X-bander, XEANAH, R. Anáhuac on 1670, corrected info of a few weeks ago about the timings for E.C. to Sunday 1435, 2240, 0235 [Monday].

Unfortunately, as above, 2240 is no longer correct either. And now we must be prepared for another one-hour shift earlier by UT when DST starts March 13, to compensate for one-hour later when DST went off last fall; or not? He also gave my correxion on the website for the Spanish DX program audio archive; and into the ``what has DXing brought to you`` essay, which is where I came in earlier on airing #1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 15320, KSDA with AWR Wavescan in progress, UT Sunday Feb 27 at 2240, sufficient signal, Jeff White interviewing Oldrich Cip [with a hook over the C] at HFCC Praha. They would still like to meet in Tunis sometime when things settle down; next one will be in Dallas TX, August. Also noted there has not been much reduxion in number of registrations in the HFCC database, despite some stations going off the air, which really didn`t have that much frequency usage. (Also, major existing stations, notably BBC and IBB, have unnecessarily fragmented themselves more and more into one-hour blox on different frequencies, I moan.) 2245 program ID by Allen Graham, who I seriously doubt is an Adventist any more than Jeff White or Oldrich Cip are, 2246 on to some downunderite, but I`d already had my nap so QSYed 50 kHz up to CUBA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6815, Feb 27 at 2352, weak music on AM, presumably The Crystal Ship. As happens too often, it was not until well after its start that I turned on computer and opened e-mail notifying us of a TCS broadcast around new 6816 from around 2200. Anyhow, there was too much T-storm noise with tornado warning two or three counties away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17680, CVC La Voz, Miami via CHILE, hunting around for some music to help me nap, I landed here, Feb 27 at 2215-2240. Strangely enough, it was gospel-rock in English, occasional Spanish announcements. I couldn`t really follow the lyrix when I tried briefly, so can only hope they did not penetrate my subconscious! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 18530, on a whim I tried this frequency for the second harmonic of WINB, which I had not heard in a while, and there it was, Feb 27 at 2300 with ID ending in ``United States of Americuh``, and quickly // to 9265, as both went into a screaming gospel huxter. It was so bad that I had to listen on the fundamental for a while to decide whether he was screaming in English or Spanish; I thought Spanish was not scheduled at this hour, but it was Spanish, as confirmed on their program schedule at
which has been updated! As of Feb 20:
06:00P / Sun-2300...Templo Trinidad Presents Jesus Christ [until 2330; there`s another Spanish ministry Mon at 2300-2400, but other days in English until Fámily Radio starts at 0000].

However, these numbskulls show their own fundamental frequency as 9625 instead of 9265, and no mention of the harmonic. 18530 was very poor, fading to JBA. If we can otherwise believe it, sked shows ``9625`` no more used in the mornings at all, just 2200-0330 converted to UT so also the limitations of 18530; 0330-1130 9405, 1130-2200 13570. As an overnight channel 9405`s harmonic 18810 is unlikely to propagate, but might this summer at peak or with Es help. Those who can bear the crap on CB when there`s a short-skip opening, or let us imagine F2, might hear the other WINB harmonic on 27140. Just listen for a weak, warbly carrier matching the fundamental (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 9600, at 2315 Feb 27, VR praising Jesus Christ in Latin, and signing-on in Vietnamese, sending far too much signal USward direct from SMG; I just missed hearing whether they still run an English fragment before it.

And also with buzzing QRM extending from about 9590 to 9615, the latter worst/clearest around 9605. It`s sort of halfway between DRM and OTH radar, both of which have no business in the middle of the 31m broadcast band, but tell that to The Consortium. I had also noticed that noise when I tuned past 9600 about an hour earlier. It`s probably not DRM. Bulgaria is scheduled with DRM on 9600, and BBC/Portugal on 9610, but at very different hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Escuchas Onda Corta Javier Robledillo


5.955 kHz, Radio Nederland, Wertachtal, 26-02-11, 0825-0828. Locutor entrevista a invitado, en holandés. SINPO 45444

7.220 kHz, Bible Voice BCN, Wertachtal, 26-02-11, 0829-0833. Locutor con comentarios religiosos con referencias a la biblia y música, en inglés. SINPO 55444



9.420 kHz, Voice of Greece, Avlis, 26-02-11, 0841-0855. Música sin identificaciones y comentarios de locutor, en griego. SINPO 54444



9.430 kHz, Trans World Radio, Monte Carlo, 26-02-11, 0856-0906. Comienzo emisión, identificación emisora y comentarios de locutor, en serbio. SINPO 44343


Javier Robledillo
Elche (Alicante)

Rx: Sangean ATS909

Ant: Telescópica

Glenn Hauser logs February 26-27, 2011

** BULGARIA. 15700, Sunday Feb 27 at 1457, I am always amused when I hear a bit of Lalo Schifrin`s ``Mission: Impossible`` theme on R. Bulgaria, some episodes set in that country thinly disguised. It`s amid the DX program in Bulgarian with items about YFR via Sri Lanka, Libya, R. Free Sarawak via Palau (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 17495, fluttery Feb 27 at 0029 pop music, sounds Brazilian, so might be something interesting; but at 0031 announcement in Chinese. Different Chinese stronger on 17645 at 0032. The real story emerges from HFCC and Aoki listings:

17495 is CRI via Beijing site at 0000-0300 in Cantonese first hour, rest Amoy, 500 kW, 193 degrees. 17645 lists only VOA Mandarin at 0000-0100 via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, 250 kW, 349 degrees, but *jammed, probably CNR1 being heard here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Another day, another anomaly on RHC: Feb 27 at 0554 I notice that 6150 is open carrier, while the other English frequencies are musical, 6010, 6050 and barely-audible on the other side of Spain, which has not quite signed off, 6060 aimed toward Europe.

RHC`s Sunday-morning mode again in effect, i.e. certain frequencies off, even tho the ``Aló, Presidente`` channels were not on to replace them. These were off at 1445: 12040, 13680, 13750, 15370, 17750.

These were on at 1445: 11760, 13780 with `En Contacto` in progress, missed first dekaminute. Will next repeat be an hour+ later again than 2240? Reading another listener essay on the topic ``¿Qué le ha traído a Vd. el diexismo?``, by Daniel (not Camporini) in Argentina. Then `info-postal` quick acknowledgments of a few reception reports, ended at 1449 in time for some RHC promos before doctor show.

These were on at 1531, 1534 with RHC: 11730, 15120, 15360; and 11760 open carrier presumably after switch to Esperanto but not confirmed, 1533 resumed with RHC `news`. Not on: 11690 or 15370; not on either, 11680 which other days of week has RNV at 15-16. 15120 however, was on obliterating any signal from Nigeria; usually RHC has it off before 1500, VON-time.

Still no 13750 or 17750 El Hugazo at final check 1723 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 11690, in absence of RHC since it`s Sunday and there is no `Aló, Presidente`, another weak signal losing out to perpetual RTTY on the low side, Feb 27 at 1534, music I tentatively qualified as ME, but not quite, listed as KSDA in Kannada at 1530-1600, 100 kW, 285 degrees from Agat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, trying to hear R. Verdad`s eleventh anniversary show, Feb 27 at 0138, but not making it, so I bring up the webcast via --- just in time! As they are reading my greeting in translation, then one from Manolo de la Rosa of RHC. Reconfirms they are now running 210 watts, and that Satan was responsible for the breakdown of part of their 500 watt transmitter in December. 0147 played the ``Himno a R. Verdad``, also on website via

0157 another greeting from Rafael Rodríguez in Bogotá, and more studio discussion between Dr. Madrid and another announcer, as they introduced more staff members, one of whom was sick and could not be there for the celebration.

By 0549, 4052.5- had become audible, hymn with piano, S9+12, some het from 4050. Earlier, Dr Madrid replied by e-mail Feb 25 to my greeting:

``Dear Glenn: Thank you for your new report, and congratulation for our anniversary.
Our present current power is 210 watts. Engineer Ralph Borthwick just informed me today that our two other PA amplifier modules are working fine already. We just need them to be sent to Guatemala, and probably have to pay a large amount of tax again for them. As soon as I receive one of those two modules, we'll raise power up to probably 500 watts or more.
We have the crystal on hand for changing into 4055 kHz, but we don't have the equipment to measure the exact frequency for the time of changing the crystal. Whenever we do it, we'll inform you.
Our transmitter, with only one PA amplifier module, is operating very fine, and the strength power is very high. However, we are facing a constant trouble: The Control Card is working badly, and we have to wait from two to three hours every time we put the power on, and the radio frequencies raise up so delayed. The card is stuck in its sockets, and I am afraid to force it out, because that may cause some damage, and we could go off the air for a long time again. So, I prefer to continue with such a difficulty. And, electricity fails many times in Chiquimula, and a slight failure will put our transmitter off the air for about three hours every time it happens. May God bless you, Dr. Édgar Madrid, Radio Verdad`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. Poor propagation impeded reception of VOAFTGJ on Feb 27: at 1425, no 21695 audible, and only weak signal on 13m was 21630, i.e. BBC Hausa via PORTUGAL; no Spain. 1428, can make out a carrier on 17725, but undermodulated and beneath bubble-jamming from my cable DTV converter module. 1459, now 21695 is audible with music, much better than 17725, but it`s time for `real news` from Tripoli, as Christiane Amanpour, ABC-TV has been allowed in to interview two of MAQ`s sons, so over to KOCO-7. 1556 check, 21695 again, now S9+8 with JBM music, about the same as 17725 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15341v, RTM is still here at 1537 Feb 27, not yet switched to 15345v. Nominal QSY time used to be circa 1500, but really when they get around to it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Tulsa monitoring: Bruce Winkelman there found KGTO-1050 dead air, open carrier, all morning Feb 26, but had resumed when I tuned in at 1945 UT, KGTO ID with good-time oldies.

At 1720 UT he found 1270, 1530 and 1570 not in //, with different Spanish music; but at 2105 UT, 1570 and 1270 seemed // to me, switching back and forth on one caradio, while 1530 was buried by KOKC splash. He and I agree that 1120 KEOR remains off the air for weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9840, VOR English to WNAm via Pet/Kam, DVR sometimes makes it here, sometimes not. Feb 27 it was good at 0600, much better than 9855 Vladivostok which also seems weakerly modulated, and an echo apart. However, 9840 was atop some lite CCI, presumably R. Rossii, Moscow site which they have foolishly scheduled to collide between 05 and 07. This should get worse further east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIG DIGEST)

** SARAWAK. Malaysia makes het-DXing easy by offsetting several of its frequencies, e.g. 5965v and 6050v. Feb 27 at 1420 I am also hearing a het on the hi side of some much stronger Chinese on 7270. On Feb 23, Ron Howard in California had measured Wai FM on 7270.48v at 1113, // 11665. Pulling any identifiable audio here is another matter. The Chinese at 14-15 is jamming against V. of China, Taibei, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 2390, WWRB, Feb 27 at 0027 preacher talking about Yahweh, VG signal, much better than // 5050, but 2390 accompanied by buzzy envelope out to 2375-2405, worst peaks circa 2380 and 2400. This happens at times to WWRB on 9385, presumably same transmitter. 2390 still not on all-night, at 0550 check, probably closing at 0500.

Dave Frantz`s latest Feb 26 comments to me:

``Greetings: Some tidbits: Most everyone by now owns a digital shortwave radio that can tune the 2390. We are receiving GREAT reports. We are VERY pleased. Don't forget the 2.390 MHz, 340 degree rhombic antenna is almost 200 feet high; trying to use a rhombic  antenna less than 160 feet high is a waste of time on these frequencies. We are changing 5050 antenna to our 045 degree rhombic, in anticipation of the longer daylight hours coming up.

WWRB has come a L-O-N-G way from our first station in Georgia [WGTG], that's for sure. In a nutshell, We have WISED UP. It took some time, but we no longer allow ourselves to be taken advantage of.
We  have been concentrating on the Aviation side of the house for the last 5 years: What would you concentrate on? A one hour program on shortwave for $80.00 per hour [if you`re lucky], or ---

Fly all day long, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, watching the world go by, inspecting a pipeline or powerline &/or right of way, for $300.00 per hour and get this: GET PAID!!

Our Patrol aircraft are booked solid, adding two airplanes next week.
To see one of our Patrol aircraft visit: That airplane 59Q can stay in the air for OVER 10 hours!``

In his YouTube video, I see that in his pilot`s uniform, Dave has four bars on each shoulder. What rank is that, as a civilian? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

domenica 27 febbraio 2011

Log Roberto Pavanello

 1251 22/2 21.35 LJBC - Tripoli Arabo urla di slogan PRO Gheddafi buono
 1341 24/2 17.45 Onda Cero R. - Almeria SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1539 24/2 17.57 R. Manresa - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
 1610 22/2 04.10 Caribbean Beacom - Anguilla EE predica suff.
 1656 23/2 22.40 R. Relmus -
Dutch ID e MX buono
 4790 26/2 05.10 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff.
 4828 25/2 20.15 Voice of Zimbabwe - Harare Shona MX suff.
 4915 26/2 23.10 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
 4965 26/2 23.15 Cristian Voice - Lusaka EE gospel buono
 5820 27/2 09.30 Orion R. -
EE ID e MX buono
 6282 27/2 09.35 R. Shadow -
EE ID e MX buono
 6380 27/2 10.00 R. Scotland -
EE ID e MX buono
 7175 26/2 05.20 VOBME - Asmara Amarico MX buono
 9645 26/2 23.05 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP calcio suff.
11610 27/2 09.25 Voice of Tatarstan - Kazan Tataro talk OM buono
11735 23/2 19.30 R. Transmundial - Santa Maria PP predica buono
11780 23/2 19.35 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX buono
11815 23/2 19.40 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP NX suff.
11830 23/2 19.55 R. Daqui - Goiania PP MX buono
11855 23/2 20.00 R. Aparecida - PP MX buono
11915 23/2 20.05 R. Gaucha - Porto Alegre PP NX suff.
11925 23/2 20.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP NX suff.
15190 23/2 19.50 R. Inconfidencia - Belo Horizonte PP MX buono
15345 23/2 19.45 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires IT Attualità DX OTTIMO!!!!

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Sunday already?

WR International is at it again on air this morning on short wave @ 12257Khz until 13:00 GMT (UK time). We are also on the internet with the Destiny radio system in stereo, visit our web site for details you can also listen via shoutcast search for WR International at or the url is
You can contact us any time  at , with (search for Dave Jones) or sms text message to +447539441912.
08:00 Dave Jones
11:00 Ed Marshall
12:00 Pat Taylor

Happy listening if you choose to, have a good day.


WR International

sabato 26 febbraio 2011

Glenn Hauser logs February 26, 2011

** ECUADOR [non]. 12160, WWCR2, Sat Feb 26 at 1731 with `DX Partyline`, confirmed on lofi webcast. Having lost the `DX Block` timing a few weeks ago, apparently it was off WWCR for a few weeks; Rumen Pankov heard it last week at this time, right after 1700 WORLD OF RADIO. DXPL still does not appear anywhere on the WWCR program schedule, instead `Calvary Hour` [sic] at 1730-1800 Sats, but presumably DXPL will be added to the March update in a few days.

Like everything else, will shift one UT hour earlier from March 13, due to silly DST, i.e. starting March 19 at 1630. So in effect, we have a new ``DX Block`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 7235, Feb 26 at 1431, after hearing the MADAGASCAR long-path het on 6135, I check here for Ethiopia`s always-off-frequency transmitter, and there it is, a het of a different pitch, against VOA Korean via Tinang, PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUINEA. 7125, RTG shows up again, Feb 26 at 0646 check in French with drumming, about Libya; no QRhaM at the moment, as the AROs avoid this AM intruder in astonishment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. 9435, again Sat Feb 26 at 1850, just barely audible carrier presumed from IRRS test via secret site. Should include WORLD OF RADIO 1553 at 1900. Would monitors circa Europe please check and compare reception with 6090 via Slovakia, if still on, and speculate on the site; also on MW from Italy itself 1368, 1566 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. While VOA from the GJ jumped to 21660 yesterday, on Feb 26 it`s back on 21695, which is just as well since on weekends Portugal is running on 21655. Tune-in at 1435 to poor signal in English. At 1436, I find 17725 is a bit better but tough copy due to undermodulation and fading. Talking about legislation, then Beethoven`s Ninth riff, so it`s the `Problem of Democracy/Green Book` segment, ID. Then African geographical statistics; their almanac must really be getting worn. Such as longest river of 20,000 km --??? Maybe adding up all the Niles? Still seems too much. Then about bananas, mangos for us ``Dear listeners``. 1500 reception improves on 21695 with music; 1529 it`s better than 17725 with reggae. 1544 stuff about Mali, Ivory Coast. 1557 still geographic, weakening. 1559 has already switched to French, and now 17725 is better. At 1638 no more 21695, and 17725 still undermodulated. At 1659 clashing with UGANDA [non], q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 6135, Feb 26 at 1428 a het between two weak stations on slightly different frequencies. This is prime-time for longpath from E Africa, and correlates with report from Ron Howard in California 24 hours earlier that RTVM was on 6135.28 ex-6134.9, the other station being BBC Singapore, just starting at 1427 on 6135.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15345v, RTVM missing Feb 26 at 1548, nor on 15341v. I must have caught them during QSY, much later than nominal 1500, since at 1555, 15345 was on in Arabic, with echo, long-path or at least multi-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 15350, Feb 26 at 1549, RVA in Tagalog talking about this and that ``bishop`` (English word), interspersed with video game ``firing`` SFX, sending the wrong message? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SAUDI ARABIA [and non], for the other RVA VATICAN relay

** PORTUGAL. 15520, RDPI, Feb 26 at 1554 Portuguese song // much stronger 15560. 15520 is registered Sat/Sun only at 08-17, 300 kW, 144 degrees, while 15560 is to NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 15435, Feb 26 at 1456, CCI and SAH between BSKSA on early in Arabic, and tail of R. Veritas Asia in Urdu via VATICAN. From 1457 BSKSA alone; had some nice seemingly secular music later in the 1500 hour and still buzzless (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 17850, as expected, RFI is buried by REE via COSTA RICA, Saturday Feb 26 at 1640. REE is playing contemporary classical music // direct 15385, 17595, 21570, 21610, with RFI just barely audible underneath. RFI is daily 16-17 in French from Issoudun, while REE starts 17850 at 1600 on Saturdays, 1500 on Sundays, 1800 M-F. With plenty of free frequencies on 16m, e.g. 17860, why does RFI subject itself to this? Yes, targets are very different, REE to NAm, RFI to Af, but that`s no excuse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [and non]. 11905, SLBC, have been wanting to catch this service others have been reporting: Feb 26 at 1605, S Asian music over CCI, good with lite flutter, then romantic crooner, in Hindi? And other pop music. 1615 YL announcement sounds like Hindi. 1625 she abruptly switches to English but I don`t realize at first since the accent still sounds like Hindi intonation. Is interviewing guest, ``thanks for being here today``, 1626 OM replies in English about a sillyballgame involving ``runs`` so probably cricket. Got the impression SL is doing well vs Pakistan.

Still conversing when cut off the air rudely at 1628:05* uncovering weak co-channel station which itself went off at 1629:33*. That would be Poland in Ukrainian via Woofferton, which most of the time is blocking SL which starts at 1530. If this were not a weekend, we would then be hearing on 11905, VOA to Sudan, or is it Ethiopia, via Wertachtal, Germany, which is M-F only from 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. After catching 11905 from here, I tuned up to 19m and the 15209.3v off-frequency relay of YFR via Ekala, Feb 26 at 1632, just in time to hear ``Family Radio``, mentioned, then open carrier to 1636:13*. Meanwhile with BFO on, I heard the frequency shift slightly. WYFR Okeechobee blox this until 1600, Camping on the same frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UGANDA [non]. 17725, checking for weekly 15-minute clandestine R. Y`Abaganda, via Issoudun, FRANCE, Saturday Feb 26 at 1659 tone mixing with Libya, 1700 mixture of music and French, hard to sort out, but RYA surely needs to avoid Libya which has extended past previous 1600* and the source of French QRM others have reported previous weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [and non]. 11770, Feb 26 at 0642, poor signal in African English, about Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe. I briefly entertained the idea of V. of Nigeria reactivating this frequency, but 0645 BBCWS ID. Scheduled as via Meyerton, SOUTH AFRICA, 05-07, 100 kW, 335 degrees USward.

17780, Feb 26 at 1532, sports(?) commentary in African language, over crowd yelling, whistling and singing, but thank animist gods, no vuvuzelas. Good signal, same stuff an hour+ later at 1639. Wonder what it`s really about. This is a Saturday-only Hausa broadcast from BBCWS at 1430-1700, 500 kW, 169 degrees from Rampisham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA [and non] WBCQ

** U S A [and non]. 17952-USB, Feb 26 at 1538, ``New York Center``, air-traffic-control YL contacting various planes, most of which were inaudible, assigning flight levels, taking position reports. One contact heard was with Alitalia 630. 1540 selcalls, automated CW ID went past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15420-CUSB, Saturday Feb 26 at 1455, WBCQ IS and ID loop, which I have never encountered on any of the other three frequencies; do they ever run it on them? There is a het on the low side, circa 15418: suspect V. of Tibet and/or jamming, which used to operate around here altho currently not shown by EiBi or Aoki on any 15 MHz channels.

I assumed WBCQ would join Brother Scare`s Sabbath Service as usual, but tuned on before 1500. Maybe they did, but at next check at 1551, WBCQ was off 15420, audiblizing weak BBC in Saturday sports, still with het. BBC is via Cyprus at 14-17. Meanwhile BS was nominal with S.S. on WWRB 9385 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15460, Feb 26 at 1635, fair signal in VOA Spe-cial Eng-lish news. Is via Lampertheim, GERMANY, daily 16-17 only, 100 kW, 132 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, with WORLD OF RADIO 1553 at 1850 check Saturday Feb 26, poor signal but not jammed. Next WRMI chances are Sun 0900, 1630, 1830; WWCR, Sun 0730 on 3215. See also ECUADOR [non]; ITALY [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

Glenn Hauser logs February 24-25, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Feb 25 at 1355 and 1425 chex, not even a carrier, so LRA36 apparently did not meet its target date for reactivation. Maybe Monday Feb 28? Assuming its schedule will again be M-F 12-15. Should also check for it at other hours including previously used 18-21, so I did at 2032 Feb 25: nothing, altho 15345 had a hefty het between Argentina and Morocco. Back At 1355, weak signal on 15480, presumably Turkey about to close. Also beware of an unID and unlisted transmitter on 15475 which Ron Howard heard recently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CYPRUS [non]

** AUSTRALIA. 15400, Feb 25 at 1355 hymn, 1356 W&M speaking Chinese, ergo HCJB Kununurra making a rare appearance via longpath. And also on 15340 as a big het against Morocco 15341 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7290, Feb 25 at 1145, Chinese language lesson, urok presented in Russian, VG signal, per Aoki is CRI, 500 kW, 37 degrees from Shijiazhuang site for DVR, but also USward. Aoki also shows CNR1 on 7290, 100 kW, 222 degrees from Beijing 572 site. Do CNR1 and CRI really operate co-channel? No sign of any QRM. There are many other such internally conflicting registrations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, Feb 25:
 8400, VG but fluttery at 1147; no Sound of Hope or anything else audible under, even during brief pauses in music. Gone at 1209 check.
10300, JBA at 1154. No others encountered in bandscans during next four hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 7540, Feb 25 at 1513 oscillating whoop-whoop jammer against something in Chinese. BBCWS Chinese is here a bit longer, to be terminated in one month on March 25, M-F 1300-1530, 250 kW, 20 degrees from THAILAND, but unfortunately overlaps a semihour with V. of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, which ought to stay on 11530 thirty minutes longer at least on weekdays. The Chinese I heard had an echo, so presumably additional CNR1 jamming rather than BBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 6035, Feb 25 at 1117, bits of rather distorted Spanish on peaks, vs bleed from 6030 DentroCuban Jamming Command; presumed La Voz del Guaviare, known to be active, and which I never hear during my preferred monitoring windows earlier and later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS [non]. 15478-15503, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Feb 25 at 1426, uncomfortably close to the LRA36 frequency 15476, q.v.

13855-13880, OTH radar pulses, also presumed from here, Feb 25 at 1503 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN still missing another day, Feb 25 at 1228 and some later chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, R. Verdad, Feb 25 is on earlier than sometimes, at 1124 with sermon in English mentioning Jesus Christ, resurrexion. 1130 outro of `Thru the Bible Radio` with program contact info. 1131 local ID in English as Radio Truth, asking for reports and offering banner and QSL, accompanied by organ(?) music. Then hymn medley, local performance? With small choir and piano, such as `Blessèd Lord Jesus`, `Softly & Tenderly`, `Faith of our Fathers`, 1139 `He Walks with Me`.

S9+12, SIO 333, BFO helps; it`s atop a lite het from 4050, probably KWMO x 3, and with not very tight unmodified FRG-7 selectivity, after 1130 also some USB from the 4045 marine weather net based in Florida. Fortunately, the bonker around 4040 was far enough away.

Recheck at 1156, still audible with `Let My People Go`, 1202 `Swing Low, Sweet Chariot`. BTW, at this hour, TGAV had a better signal than the finale of BBC Mundo in Spanish on WHRI 9410! see UK [non]. 1222 still playing hymns but weakening vs the 4050 het.

BTW, with such specific program details, I am more interested in documenting what I heard than suppressing info in order to thwart phony QSL-hunters. DXers are hereby notified that they are on their honor to pick up and report the station themselves; and station QSLers are equally on notice to beware of false reports suspiciously matching mine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HAWAII. Besides THAILAND [q.v.] as I was tuning down from 9765 to 5765, Feb 25 at 1229, I also passed a US marine weather broadcast on 8764.5 in the usual distorted SSB transmission --- is anyone paying attention? Any ham running overdriven SSB like that would be ashamed, and quickly advised of it by his peers. Did not hang around to ID it, or pin down the frequency but seemed 8764.5 instead of 8764.0, as listed here:
for three US Coast Guard stations, NMN Chesapeake VA, NMC Pt Reyes CA, and NMO Honolulu. Schedule does not show end times, but the one starting most recently at 1200 is NMO, so presumed this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HONDURAS [and non]. 3250.0, Feb 25 at 1223, weak Spanish, no doubt HRPC, with SAH, no doubt Korea North, both very close to nominal frequency, and matching MW 1250 stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 4895, Feb 20 at 1327, best of several weak 60m frequencies matching AIR outlets, YL in S Asian language past 1330. Was hoping for an English newscast. Probably AIR Kurseong with Kolkata programming. I was thinking this had been reported slightly off, but measured right on 4895.0 now. Only other possibility is Mongolia. Most AIR stations have a long English newscast at 1530 but that is too late for us in deep North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 3325, Feb 25 at 1316, usual Indonesian chat show, ergo RRI Palangkaraya, peaking now after sunrise, as not much audible an hour earlier. 1332 still going with conversation.

3345, at 1334 talking going to music while 3325 is also in, so I presume RRI Ternate, rather than PNG Poppondetta believed inactive.

Right after first getting 3325, checked 4750 for RRI Makassar, Feb 25 at 1317, YL song, CCI from second carrier slightly offset, 1322 announcements after heavy-beat rock, 1325 kids` voices, ads? S9+20 but fighting the hi local noise level, which I fear prevents my hearing the other more exotic 60m Indonesians (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI is back in force, after missing three mornings in a row. Feb 25 at 1152, VG signal with music marred by IADs, Chinese? 1218 check, in usual slow Japanese, talking about Brunei Darussalam, IADs. I was too busy logging lots of other stuff to check during the 1300 English hour, or 1400 Indonesian, but at 1508 I found 9526- still on with the bonus broadcast on borrowed time in English: YL with news, lite het, lite hum, not too many IADs. 1511 `Commentary` about Libya, call off the mercenaries, etc. 9680 RRI had gone off by now. 1514 `Today in History` including something about Nasser in 1964, Marcos later. Just as TiH was ending, cut off the air at 1518:25* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL [and non]. 13850, Feb 25 at 1502 poor in Persian from Kol Israel, 250 kW, 90 degrees from Tel Aviv-Yafne, plus a low het. Could be Iranian jamming, but per Aoki, Sound of Hope may also be here 21 hours a day, and consequently ChiCom jamming. Did not seem to be Firedrake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. No one heard the publicized IRRS test on 5775 (not 5975, apparently) on Feb 24, and Ron Norton now says that had to be canceled at last minute due to ``technical problems``. Instead, they are testing Feb 25-27 at 18-20 on 9435 to Europe, reports wanted. That presumably includes WORLD OF RADIO Saturday at 1900, but it`s not clear whether they are still using Slovakia 6090 as well. They will continue on MW axually from Italy, 1368 and 1566.

I checked 9435 at 1900 Feb 25, and heard only a very weak carrier, but certainly not for NAm, anyway. Presumably the new frequency will replace the Slovakia site about to close. Wolfgang Büschel thought Gavar, Armenia would be most likely on 5775. It`s up to astute monitors to figure out the real sites, since Ron also says,

``Some of you asked about TX location, however: it is our policy that while we always make public the target area(s), the exact transmitter location(s) may change over time, and always remains strictly confidential.`` Nevertheless, WRTH 2011 says it has been: SLOVAKIA.

An additional test is 0930-1230 on 9510 to Europe, Feb 25 and 28 (Friday and Monday). IRRS was already running 9510 at 09-13 Sat & Sun, presumably Slovakia so far (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, quick check Feb 25 at 1413 amid LIBYA and other monitoring, to reconfirm that Shiokaze is still here and in English on Friday, along with het from MYANMAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 21540, Feb 25 at 1357 fair signal in Arabic, 1459 ID, mentions of Islamiyah, no CCI from SPAIN now which may be off, tho still on 21570, 21610, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. V. of Africa monitoring Friday Feb 25, for the scheduled 1400-1600 English on 17725, 21695:

1405 tune-in, no signal on 21695, and Spain is JBA on 21610, 21570, but I still think Libya is not on the air. 17725 at 1406 but not in English, think it`s Swahili, talking about Africa, Fatah.

1408, 17725 goes to open carrier, 1410 English ID beginning late, drumming, usual pompous announcer, says something about ``ending the conflict``, mentions 9-9-99, a significant date? Yes: see below. Rough copy with deep fades. 1412 YL ID and drumming. 1414, frequency announcement claiming this is ``17850``. 1424, 17725 is even weaker during music. Still nothing on 21695. Break for breakfast.

1457, 17725 is too weak to copy, and no 21695, tho Kuwait in Arabic is OK on 21540, Spain on 21570, 21610.

1520, I check 13m once again and guess what, 21660 is now on with the easily-recognizable VOA OM English announcer, instead of 21695. It cuts off the air for a split second now and then, but copy is better now than 17725. 1524 I start rolling tape --- you never know, when this could be the final broadcast, forever.

(Elsewhere on real news sources, fighting is reported west of Tripoli, which we know is not far from the Sabrata SW transmitter site on the coast about halfway between Tripoli and Tunisia.)

1524 another boring canned talk on the African Union, 1528 music; 1535 I resume listening after a phonecall, now it`s the YL speaking and copy is tough again, fading down. 1537 canned frequency announcement again, one of which is the imaginary 17850.

1543, repeat the canned frequency announcement, yes, now with BOTH of them wrong. Could it be sabotage, at the studio and/or transmitter site, to minimize listenership?? Still saying ``21695 and 17850``.

1545, ``special program on the unity of Africa, thanks to the great revolution of Al-Fatah``, history starting in 1969y; now fading in much better. 1546 mentions Nasser, Nkrumah, Mobutu, and repeatedly, ``the leader of the revolution of Al-Fatah``, presumably referring to Q`Daffy, but I never hear him mentioned by name in these talx. Is that usual? A ``declaration`` of some significance was made on 9-9-99 --- I assume in the Western calendar, tho Libya has a different one where that date would have no such numerological significance, or did they just change the names of the months and keep the numbers the same? 1555, outro program claiming ``the unity of Africa has been achieved``. Several more momentary transmitter breaks in a row during music.

1556 ID, music; 1559, closing English ``until tomorrow, Voice of Africa from the Great ---`` and modulation cut before ``Jamahiriyah``, more sabotage? Probably just usual incompetence. After a few sex of dead air, opening French, but it`s muffled and distorted, plus the music with it.

After confirming at 1604 that 17725 is still running //, I quit and start compiling today`s lengthy log report which will take a few more hours, starting with this which I am releasing in advance. Refer later to the final version in case I make any changes or additions.

Such as this: don`t know how long 21660 would stay on, and not rechecked until 1900, when there is a very weak carrier. Could be a birdie of some local source; nothing now scheduled at any time on 21660, an ex-BBC frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Feb 25 at 1345, someYL named Russell with a contemporary blues/dixieland song, 1348 health and welfare phone numbers for Christchurch, IDs as ``Radio New Zealand`` (not National, nor International), and certainly not the Maori music show scheduled Fridays at 1330 on RNZI. Rescue stories, including a couple who managed to complete their planned marriage ceremony despite the quake. See also VATICAN [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. Earl Higgins in MO, was hearing an unID language Feb 17 on 9965 before the V. of Russia Portuguese service at 2300 listed as via ARMENIA; nothing scheduled before then. I finally remembered to check this on Feb 24:

2255 some very weak and fluttery talk, but cannot determine the language, also with residual Cuban pulse jamming since 9965 is the R. República daytime frequency altho by now it is on 5954.2v instead; and also splatter/overload from WWCR 9980; 2259 VOR IS starts. Anyone else with better luck by now?

KHBN = T8WH Palau is also registered on 9965 from 2200 past 2300 but the two transmitters there are really on 9930 and 13590 per WHR sked, and the unID language does seem to be from the same VOR transmitter (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21570 and 21610, REE, Feb 25 at 1458 with BFO on I notice that both signals are slightly unstable, unusual for Noblejas. I am reluctant to report as such, since who am I to say my FRG-7 BFO is more stable than their 350 kW transmitters --- except, I compare to e.g. Sackville 9610, and other 13m frequencies, and their pitch does not vary a bit, unlike 21570 and 21610, warbling slightly. It could also be caused by Doppler effect thru the ionosphere, except in this case there is no significant fading. It might also be caused by extremely strong signals overloading my receiver, but these are not. It would be nice if some other monitors took note of these and other apparently unstable transmitters. They are easy to see with Perseus (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 12130, Feb 25 at 1429, fluttery signal in Vietnamese, 1430 mentioning Washington. Is R. Free Asia, Iranawila, 14-15, 250 kW, 73 degrees. No jamming noted; do the VietCom ever try? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [and non]. 13585-13590-13595, DRM noise mixing with musical AM modulation, Feb 25 at 1431, still at 1505. Scheduled as BBC, or is it  DW? Via Trincomalee, 1400-1658, 90 kW, 5 degrees, versus CVC ZAMBIA, 100 kW AM, 315 degrees USward. Great coördination! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. 6765-USB, Feb 25 at 1229 I have zero beat 9765 REE/CR in order to be tuned right on AFN Guam 5765-USB, which is not heard, and as I am tuning down in 1.000-MHz steps, I hear a bit of music on 6765! No doubt it`s Bangkok Meteorological Radio, one of those rare utilities which does play music/IS along with its quasi-broadcasts. Very poor signal, and nothing further heard in next few minutes, so either faded or in a break. Not listed in Aoki, but EiBi is more amenable to utility stations, showing it has 2-hour broadcasts in English and Thai thruout the day, separated by 1-hour breaks. Their other frequency is 8743, both deserving deliberate pursuit. I don`t see BMR in WRTH 2011, tho it seems like it used to be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. There had been lots of publicity among Spanish DX groups lamenting that BBC Mundo would make its final shortwave broadcast on Feb 25, 1200-1215 via WHRI 9410 and Guiana French 11860. Since I was awake, I made a point of catching it. Thought about taping it, but would have to get out of bed to find my patchcord, so never mind: anyway, it`s available online! Per Horacio Nigro, at:
for a while, anyway. At the outset, both 9410 and 11860 were rather weak, 11860 slightly better despite 25m having been virtually dead a few minutes earlier, except for plenty of Anguilla 11775, and a bit of WEWN on 12050.

At 1200, anchor Claudio Rojas mentioned that this would be the last broadcast after 63(?) years of BBC in Spanish. At 1209, 9410 still weak and fadey. At 1213 they were really despeding themselves, also from Miami bureau, someone named Álvarez; said they will still produce a weekly podcast in Spanish on jueves. After seven decades, ``Desde Londres, Claudio Rojas les dice, hasta siempre``. (``Until forever``, the Spanish way of saying a final farewell). A long play of the beeping BBC news sounder, and 1215 cut to English, joining in progress news of, Libya! Only now has the 9410 signal built up to good strength.

Of much less note, this was probably also the final BBCWS SW broadcast in English from and to ANY part of the Americas, M-F 1215-1300, which has always seemed to be nothing but fill for the rest of the hour. BBC is also canceling its specific Caribbean service in English, but not for another month, and it`s extremely strange that they never bothered to put it on these SW frequencies when they were available. We`ll have to check next week whether the 12-13 M-F transmission is still on the air only in regular BBCWS English on either frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17740, big open carrier with some hum, Feb 25 at 1521 and still/again at 1604, presumably IBB Greenville warming up for 1700 transmission (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWRB on new 2390 // 5050 during WORLD OF RADIO 1553, UT Friday Feb 25 at 0433, after announcement by Dave Frantz asking for reports, saying results on 2390 have been very good. Here, it`s much better than 5050. I check the webcast at 0500 when WOR should still be on, having started late, but that is already in Bible-readings. I assume our program was allowed to finish on at least one of the SW frequencies, as it did once before on 3185 when this happened.

Dave says he plans to bring 3215 back on shortly with station promotions, and will run 2390 all-night. However, not yet, as it was off at 0604 check.

George McClintock tells me that WWCR left 2390 about a decade ago because there were not enough receivers tuning that band, and because of ``ducting`` causing the signal to reach Australia, but not much in North America beyond 500 miles; up to 500 miles, it was great. As for receivers, where the signal is extremely strong, and where there are cheap AM radios, this should break thru as a 2xIF image on 1480 or 1490 --- a deliberate tactic of the late, lamented Radio Huayacocotla, Veracruz, México when it was on 2390 and denied a real MW frequency. Of course, there are plenty of stations in USA on 1480 and 1490 already (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1320, Feb 25 at 1400 UT, checking out the Spanish unID, but by this hour a US station in English is dominant, KOLT ID, and, into Fox News Radio, looping NW/SE, from Scottsbluff NE. 1403 cut to local weather, hi 19, lo 9 [F], the ``Hometown Family Radio News forecast``, 1404 mentions west Nebraska.

KOLT used to be in Spanish on weekends only, and noted as such in NRC AM Log 2010-2011, but their website which is really now says ESPN Radio on weekends, instead of farrightwingnuts weekdays, such as Glenn Beck calling George Soros a Communist at final check 1420. Also shows new(?) slogan I have not yet heard spoken, `The Talk of Wyobraska` --- I guess that`s sexier than `Neoming` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1530, Feb 25 at 1310 UT rock music, and DJ announces ``no school today at Northern Valley``, repeated. Name is a bit generic but let`s hope for some good Google hits. Yes: near the top of 39,300 of them is this: which is in the small town of Almena KS, Norton County, along the Nebraska border, and guess what, there is a 1 kW/500 W psra 1530 in Norton, KQNK, so that`s it! Strangely enough, the Northern Valley website has nothing about school being canceled; they should listen to KQNK like I do. Temps very low (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. After so much effort on my part to get schedule-providers to show Vatican Radio correctly as Spanish instead of English at 1200 on 9865 via Sackville, including the latest WRTH Update --- NOW, it`s back to English! As it should be, of course, according to VR`s own schedule. Maybe my frequent and latest reports about this finally got back to HQ and/or Montréal and/or Sackville.

9865, Feb 25 at 1149, Spanish is weak suffering QRDRM from NZ 9865-9870-9875. Fortunately for English listeners, that`s off at 1200 as signal is also improving. Recheck at 1209, in English re pope meeting visiting president of Lebanon (let`s see, is he mandated to be a Christian?), refers to for more info, ``this morning``.

Then NASA audio of the liftoff of Discovery (which was at 2153 UT Feb 24, including the carefully scripted hype which, as a great proponent of space exploration, I do not begrudge them). Finally mentioned again that it is ``this morning, February 25``, and plugged the saint-of-the-day, whose name I missed, but did not sound like St. Donatus, the one listed on VR`s handy slick 2011 Catholic Calendar received in the P-mail. Since it`s now 13:12 in The City/State, I suppose this was a playback of one of the earlier shows, perhaps the 0250 UT to North America previously relayed by Sackville, and which had been bumped for months by a playback of the longer broadcast in Spanish. Now, will the 1200 English stick? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Tran-Pacific MW carrier bandscan just before sunrise Feb 25 at 1255, in USB mode on DX-398: 594, 648, 747, 774, 828, 972, 1566, not in that order. At 1302 detected 1593, 1566, 1134, 1053, 972 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1320, Kirk Allen in OK asked me to check out his unID Spanish as ``La Poderosa`` but never any real ID, which he has been getting as late as 1500 UT, so he thinx it`s likely a domestic rather than a Mexican such as XECPN in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, which  sometimes uses that slogan. I`m not sure where that info comes from, as not shown as such in WRTH 2011 or IRCA 2010, but rather Radio Noticias, ergo a news format rather than music.

Feb 25 I start checking at 1250 UT and 1320 has Spanish music dominating, and hard to null for a fix. At 1253 announcer mentions ``7 minutos``, a timecheck before some hour or other, not caught; heavy CCI. 1308 music and DJ, and now it seems to be coming from the bearing of Piedras Negras or vicinity. Chex at 1400 and later brought only Americans in English such as KOLT; see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Latest from Libya: new 21660

** LIBYA. V. of Africa monitoring Friday Feb 25, for the scheduled 1400-1600 English on 17725, 21695:

1405 tune-in, no signal on 21695, and Spain is JBA on 21610, 21570, but I still think Libya is not on the air. 17725 at 1406 but not in English, think it`s Swahili, talking about Africa, Fatah.

1408, 17725 goes to open carrier, 1410 English ID beginning late, drumming, usual pompous announcer, says something about ``ending the conflict``, mentions 9-9-99, a significant date? Yes: see below. Rough copy with deep fades. 1412 YL ID and drumming. 1414, frequency announcement claiming this is ``17850``. 1424, 17725 is even weaker during music. Still nothing on 21695. Break for breakfast.

1457, 17725 is too weak to copy, and no 21695, tho Kuwait in Arabic is OK on 21540, Spain on 21570, 21610.

1520, I check 13m once again and guess what, 21660 is now on with the easily-recognizable VOA OM English announcer, instead of 21695. It cuts off the air for a split second now and then, but copy is better now than 17725. 1524 I start rolling tape --- you never know, when this could be the final broadcast, forever.

(Elsewhere on real news sources, fighting is reported west of Tripoli, which we know is not far from the Sabrata SW transmitter site on the coast about halfway between Tripoli and Tunisia.)

1524 another boring canned talk on the African Union, 1528 music; 1535 I resume listening after a phonecall, now it`s the YL speaking and copy is tough again, fading down. 1537 canned frequency announcement again, one of which is the imaginary 17850.

1543, repeat the canned frequency announcement, yes, now with BOTH of them wrong. Could it be sabotage, at the studio and/or transmitter site, to minimize listenership?? Still saying ``21695 and 17850``.

1545, ``special program on the unity of Africa, thanks to the great revolution of Al-Fatah``, history starting in 1969y; now fading in much better. 1546 mentions Nasser, Nkrumah, Mobutu, and repeatedly, ``the leader of the revolution of Al-Fatah``, presumably referring to Q`Daffy, but I never hear him mentioned by name in these talx. Is that usual? A ``declaration`` of some significance was made on 9-9-99 --- I assume in the Western calendar, tho Libya has a different one where that date would have no such numerological significance, or did they just change the names of the months and keep the numbers the same? 1555, outro program claiming ``the unity of Africa has been achieved``. Several more momentary transmitter breaks in a row during music.

1556 ID, music; 1559, closing English ``until tomorrow, Voice of Africa from the Great ---`` and modulation cut before ``Jamahiriyah``, more sabotage? Probably just usual incompetence. After a few sex of dead air, opening French, but it`s muffled and distorted, plus the music with it.

After confirming that 17725 is still running //, I quit and start compiling today`s lengthy log report which will take a few more hours, starting with this which I am releasing in advance. Refer later to the final version in case I make any changes or additions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

IRRS cancellation of 5775 tests, new tests on 9510 and 9435

Following my email yesterday, I apologize but due to technical problems we had to cancel all tests on 5775 kHz at the very last moment.

In the meantime we are announcing these additional tests:

Feb 25, 2011 from 0930-1230 UTC on 9510 kHz to Europe
Feb 28, 2011 from 0930-1230 UTC on 9510 kHz to Europe

Feb 25, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe
Feb 26, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe
Feb 27, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe

We will appreciate your reception reports for all of our tests by email at
reports at

Our regular broadcasts continue also on AM/Medium Wave daily on 1368 kHz in North/Eastern Italy (covering Padua, Venice, Vicenza, Verona and Bologna) and on 1566 in Rome, daily from 20:00-01:00 Central European Time. (in Vicenza we have a large US military base, and we know that we have many listeners there). These times may be extended later on.

We received several reports from 1368 kHz from Italy and outside of Italy. Our sincere thanks to all who tuned in, and wrote us. All will be getting a personal reply soon, please bear with us while we are very busy in setting up and verifying coverage for all tests.

Some of you asked about TX location, however: it is our policy that while we always make public the target area(s), the exact transmitter location(s) may change over time, and always remains strictly confidential.

Thank you again, and stay tuned.


Next Sunday February 27th

At long last Sunday February 27th 2011 the final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast will take place. We will complete the FRS Anthology ! Next Sunday 27th February we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET. In contrast with our previous mail, a change has taken place. 6085 will be on for the complete 6 hours 08-14 UTC. No alternative 48 mb freq will be used. March 6th could see a repeat of part of the shows lasting 2 or 3 hours.
We are understandably curious to receive your letters and mails. That's very important for us and that's the only way in which you can show your respect and interest.

Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC         7600//5800 kHz
07.52- 14.00 UTC        6085 kHz

Of course we have special QSLs for this broadcast. With the ones issued for the previous two broadcasts, it will form the FRS 30th Anniversary QSL Series. Hope to have your company on the will be great fun: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!

73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)

giovedì 24 febbraio 2011

Glenn Hauser logs February 24, 2011

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN is gone again, Feb 24 at 1330 check, no trace of it. Ron Howard also found it missing yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI missing for the third day, before and after 1300 Feb 24 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 21695, Voice of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah ID heard immediately upon tuning in Feb 24 at 1439, into `Cities from Africa` talk with brief geo facts about a few, including one in NE Nigeria, and Bamako, Mali; then about Sénégal. Copy is difficult with only fair signal at best, deep fades, undermodulation, and accents. Generally better here than // 17725.

1456-1502 the `news` segment we had been hoping for, all about alleged widespread support for the Leader of the Revolution, mentioning various cities. 1503 back to canned stuff with Beethoven`s Ninth riff, ``Problem of Democracy``, 1509 outro as having been from the Green Book --- these all sound alike and I wonder if there is more than one episode? Then English schedule as for E Africa on 21695 at 4-6 pm GJ time = 2-4 pm GMT; and for Central Africa on 17850 at same times. 17850 of course, is totally wrong! 1517 beginning a ``special program`` but could not follow the topic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Feb 24 at 1332, RNZI with news about Christchurch quake, missing foreign students including Chinese; 1334 back to `All Night` programme from National radio, instead of scheduled `Pacific Correspondent`. Suspect RNZI has been relaying RNZ National more than usual, pre-empting own programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. Let it not be said that KFBS does not broadcast in English, as its schedule would have us believe, while more important languages such as Udmurt are included. 11580, Feb 24 at 1308, discussion in English of infidelity for a few minutes, then suddenly switches to YL in Chinese, apparently consecutive translation, but a lot more than one phrase piled up before doing so. 11580 at 1300-1400 is listed only as Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 17755, VOT in German, Feb 24 at 1320, into Turkish music to 1323 very brief sign-off referring to next broadcast at 18.30 Weltzeit, only seven notes of IS before cut off the air; fairly good signal, better than English which follows at 1330 on 12035 on same azimuth. Obviously they should stay on 16m for that broadcast too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1553 monitoring: first SW airing confirmed Thursday Feb 24 at 1600+ on WRMI 9955; poor signal, some SAH, but no jamming. Next WRMI airings are: Thu 2200 (probably jammed), Fri 1530, Sat 0900, 1500, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830. On WBCQ: Thu 2000 on 7415. Also WWRB UT Fri at 0430 on new 2390? Or almost-new 5050? Ex-3185. On WWCR: Fri 2130 on 7465, Sat 1700 on 12160, Sun 0730 on 3215. IRRS is testing a new frequency, 5775 or 5975, perhaps carrying WOR Saturday at 1900 and/or on 6090. Probably 5775 as 5975 is already in use by VOR in Arabic from Novosibirsk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

IRRS-Shortwave tests on 5775 kHz

7From Thursday Feb. 24 until Saturday Feb. 26, 2011, IRRS-Shortwave will be testing on the frequency of 5775 kHz from 1800-2000 UTC with 300 kW to Central & Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Mediterranean.

We will appreciate receiving your reception reports for these tests by email at
I would like also to mention that we are also on the air in English with the call-sign IRRS-Mediumwave on 1368 kHz in North/Eastern Italy (covering Padua, Venice, Vicenza, Verona and Bologna) and on 1566 in Rome, daily from 20:00-01:00 Central European Time. As 1368 kHz is quite clear in Europe, our broadcasts may be heard outside of our main coverage area in all neighbouring countries, including Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and up north in the Sweden, Norway and Finland with DX conditions.

Our program and frequency schedules are online at

Due to severe budget cuts, we will be unable to reply to all reports by QSL, but we will acknowledge all reports and reply to any question by email. Thank you for your understanding and help, and stay tuned!

Ron & all the NEXUS-IBA staff in Milano

Ron Norton                       NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association

mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

Glenn Hauser logs February 20-21, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, nothing yet from LRA36, Feb 21 at 1455. Expected to be back on the air by Feb 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Further chex for RHC anomalies Sunday Feb 20:

15370, at 2226 open carrier; 2231 cut on RHC IS and opening Esperanto as scheduled, even tho it was missing from the earlier time of 1500 on 11760 which stayed in Spanish. Radío Havano Kubo announced nominal Espo. Sunday sked: 1500 to N/C/SAm on 11760; 0700 [always out of order] to San Francisco, Usono on 6010; new 2230 to S America on 15370. Usual opening themesong, and listened a bit longer in case they mentioned current date, but did not hear it. 15370 was as usual overmodulated and distorted.

Meanwhile, what is happening with RHC Spanish? I had missed the 1435 first airing of the DX program `En Contaco`, so expected it around 2240, best on 11770, but instead there was `Formalmente Informal`, with Ernesto Lecuona himself playing his great songs on piano, `Malagueña`, `Andalucía`, `Siempre en mi Corazón`, interspersed with brief interviews about Teatro Estudio, on its fiftieth anniversary (ergo program from 2008 since it was founded in 1958), narrated by Orlando Castellanos. It`s not clear what connexion Lecuona had with the theatre, if any. And what`s this doing on Sunday? FMIF is normally  a M-F show at 1531 UT, maybe repeated weekday evenings.

Still no DX program at 2306 when RHC went onto `news` about the Castro Bros. being named delegates to a Commie-con in April, congrats! Recheck at 2343, `El Mundo de la Filatelia` is opening with mailbag items from stamp-exchangers.

FINALLY, at 2354 `En Contacto` starts, more than an hour late. After birthdays, Pedro Sedano`s monthly DX report on behalf of Spain`s AER; 2358 began a collaboration from Rubén Guillermo Margenet of Argentina, but the best frequency I was still listening to, 11770, cut him off abruptly at 2400 as it is scheduled to do.

UT Feb 21, found EC continuing on 12040, 12010, 9820, but at 0001:30, 9820 also cut off. Then checked 5040, and that was opening RHC English as scheduled. Spanish did continue also on 6140, 15230, and at 0006 9770 was on. Some of these were an echo apart from each other.

By then, Arnaldo Coro Antich was starting a propagation report on the recent abrupt increase in solar activity. Had not heard him for months within the Spanish DX program, and his outro was ``para esta revista informativa``, his usual sign-off for unDX spots within the news magazine shows, so this probably also appeared elsewhen, here as a bonus perhaps without his knowledge or intentional participation. `En Contacto` ended at 0008. When will it be on next Sunday? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. Tnx to a reminder from Wolfgang Büschel, monitored the once-a-year broadcast of Radio Öömrang to North America, Feb 21 at 1607-1700* on 15215, 500 kW via Wertachtal. All in Frisian, to promote that dialect. VG signal, all talk, mostly by YL. Once can recognize occasional German words. I wonder what percentage native speakers of Dutch or High German can understand. Read much more about it from last year in DXLDs 9-086, 10-07, 10-08 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 21695, V. of Africa with normal programming in English, Feb 21 at 1546, still the bored announcer referring to the `Great Jamahiriyah``, ``unity of Africa has been achieved``. Yeah, right.

If the revolution succeeds, uninterrupted broadcasting in English is not likely to be a priority, but this is the transmission we can understand, as long as it lasts, 14-16 on 21695 and 17725.

Tarek Zeidan in Denmark heard one of the powerful MW frequencies, El Beida 1125, IDing as ``Radio Free Libya from the Green Mountain`` at 2245 UT Feb 20. What`s that in Arabic? And asking the rest of Libyan cities to join the revolution, but the other MW frequencies were still with pro-Ghaddafi songs.

The other high-power at least 100 kW MW channels in various cities are: 648, 675, 828, 1053, 1251, 1449. I wonder what the double-dagger next to some of them in WRTH 2011 means? Should be interesting listening this evening in Eurafrica. 1251 and 648 are supposed to carry a different version of V. of Africa than on SW, including irregular English news segments.

This fast-breaking news is being reported by experienced MW, SW and satellite monitors in the DXLD yahoogroup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Of the Big Three commercial DTV stations in OKC, I`ve noticed that only KWTV-39 IDs as `KWTV-DT`, visually including on its lower-right bugs with a white 9 on a red background, alternating with

This is confirmed at FCC TV Query: KWTV-DT is the official call, while the others are KOCO-TV and KFOR-TV even tho they are just as Digital as KWTV is. Perhaps it was 39`s choice to keep the -DT since TV is already part of their four-letter callsign. At least that will reduce ignorant broadcast media references to it as ``KWTV-TV``, which happened frequently in the analog era!

While looking at the FCC info about these I see that:

KWTV-DT on 39 has a direxinal antenna with full 100% power only headed due south, and reduced power of 81% at 320 degrees, which is not too far from Enid`s direxion, where we also get reduced power; why? Is there something else on ch 39 that must be protected out here? Not that I know of.

KOCO-TV 7 is licensed with    47 kW   at 370 meters AAT.
But has a CP modification for 65.7 kW at 451 m.
And an application for       101 kW back down at 370 meters

So they want to increase power to what it was when in analog on channel 5, which of course is not equivalent to what you need on channel 7 analog, much less what you need for equivalent DTV coverage, but bound to be an improvement over 47 kW. Which power and height they are currently using is anyone`s guess.

Licensed pattern plot shows max power at 30-40 degrees, a big null toward the SW reducing power to 25%. That was to protect KSWO-TV in Lawton while it was still on channel 7 analog during The Transition, but now it`s on 11, so that should no longer be necessary.

The 65.7 kW CP mod is also non-direxional; but the app for 101 kW has the same direxional null toward Lawton which is no longer necessary, so perhaps the `final` version will be the 65.7 kW one. Fortunately, Enid is getting about 96% of the signal as long as it`s direxional.

KOCO-TV also has a Grant for KOCO-DR on channel 7, ``Service Designation: DR. Petition for rulemaking to add or modify a digital allotment -- see Docket for details``, whatever that means. The docket is not linked from this Query search page.

KFOR-TV 27 has no CPs or APPs for changes, just LIC as 790 kW, non-direxional at 489 meters AAT (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9310, IBB Tinang is still signing-on the `wrong` station. Feb 21 at 1554 tone, 1555 open carrier, 1558 `Voice of America, signing on``, Yankee Doodle Dandy, repeats ``Voice of America, signing on`` and more YDD. At 1600 no intro in English of language to follow, but a few words sound Russian, then join in progress some Central Asian language with Russian influence. It`s Tatar-Bashkir, ergo from R. Liberty, not VOA!! 1600-1700, 250 kW, 332 degrees per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 13600, Feb 21 at 1603, good signal from VOA with news in English, but Dave DeForest wraps it up by 1605 referring us to for more news, while SW goes into English Teaching and Special English hour. Is there really more demand or need for this on SW than for news??? This is São Tomé, 100 kW, 126 degrees, 13600 currently used this hour only by IBB. See also PHILIPPINES.

BTW, there`s a new website to Save VOA Shortwave, containing a petition to Congress:

** U S A. 11715, KJES, was not heard over the weekend, but it`s back Monday Feb 21 at 1558 with singing in English, guitar accompaniment, undermodulated but S9+22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15250, Feb 21 at 1551-1552* open carrier. Probably WYFR which is scheduled for German from 1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Glenn Hauser logs February 23, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, nothing yet from LRA36, Feb 23 at 1315, as we count down to the expected reactivation on Feb 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 2325, VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, Feb 23 at 1323, YL talking and intonation sounds Strine; much weaker signal on 2310 and can`t be sure it`s //, and no signal on 2485. I checked 2325 conveniently right after 3325 Indonesia, and found their frequencies matched, 1.000 MHz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Feb 23:
8400, poor with flutter at 1247
9355, poor at 1330. R. Free Asia, Saipan, is here at 17-22 but at this hour the target must be Xi Wang Zhi Sheng = Sound of Hope, listed in Aoki on 9360 at 1300-1330 via Tajikistan, but jumping anywhere from 9300 to 9380 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya, Feb 23 at 1320, W&M conversing in Indonesian, poor but peaking about now; and also something on 4750 buried deeper in noise level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI missing for the second day: Feb 23 at 1250, 1331 chex; while 9680 RRI was in normally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 21695, V. of Africa, quite poor reception today Feb 23, 1451-1508+ but sounded like the usual canned stuff in English, music; meanwhile one of my cable DTV boxes decided to land some bubble jamming on 17725 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9765, as I tuned by REE via COSTA RICA in Basque, Feb 23 at 1333, multiple gunshots rang out, and then talk re Rey Juan Carlos; I assume the gunshots may have been unrelated, from Libya? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9405, WINB further declined to a just-barely-audible carrier, Feb 23 at 0620, whilst BBCWS on 9410 was in well (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 9325, Feb 23 at 1328 Yankee Doodle Dandy and VOA sign-on announcement, 1330 ``Welcome to the Voice of America in --- Khmai`` which is how VOA pronounces Khmer; I suppose they are right and we are just too influenced by colonial French, but let`s compromise on Cambodian, as Aoki does showing this as due west from Tinang, PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 9310, Feb 23 at 1328, Family Radio in English talking about translators (FM relays in USA), and 800 number, none of which is likely to be too helpful or pertinent to the audience in SE Asia for this frequency via Almaty/Nikolayevka, KAZAKHSTAN. But neither is any of the rest of their BS, and I don`t mean Brother Scare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Tnx to a tip from nearby Richard Allen, near Perry OK, that he was getting 774 Japan audio for the first time this year on Feb 21 at 1306-1311 UT, I resumed performing a 9 kHz trans-Pacific carrier bandscan Feb 23 at 1305-1307 in USB, 1307-1310 in LSB. This is with the DX-398 on 9-kHz steps, using only its internal antenna indoors; its BFO happens to be misaligned about 0.4 kHz low so if there is a carrier I hear a tone around that pitch. Seldom are any strong enough to provide audio with this setup.

On USB I found carriers here: 693, 738, 774, 828, 972, 1116, 1125, 1134, 1242, 1278, 1323, 1404, 1413, 1422, 1566. Altho it was a bit later and signals may have faded somewhat, hardly any of these were heard on the way back down in LSB mode. I usually have better results with USB than LSB for some reason, altho certain frequencies ought to do better on LSB depending on which side of 10 kHz channels they are on. Today`s sunrise was 1310 UT, and it`s moving about one minute earlier every day. These signals indicate we are pulling out of the `mid-winter anomaly` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15161.5-USB, Feb 23 at 1515-1520, INTRUDERS, 2-way in Spanish, ``cambio``. Heard several previous times around here; at least there is no broadcaster on 15160 at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2011 Feb 22 1256 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 529 from 2011 Feb 14 


Solar activity ranged from moderate to high during the whole week and it was dominated by NOAA AR 1158. It produced an X2.2 flare peaking at 01:56 UT on February 15. This has been the strongest flare in more than four years. This AR also produced the following M-class flares: M6.6 at 17:38 UT on February 13, M2.2 at 17:26 UT on February 14, M1.0 at 01:39 UT on February 16, M1.6 at 14:25 UT on February 16, M6.6 at 10:11 UT on February 18, M1.4 at 13:03 on February 18. NOAA AR 1161 produced an M1.0 flare at 07:44 UT on February 16. NOAA AR 1162 was active on February 18 with an M1.0 at flare 10:26, an M1.0 flare at 14:08 UT and an M1.3 at 21:04 UT. The M6.6 flare on February 13, the M2.2 on February 14 and the X2.2 on February 15 were associated with Earth directed CMEs and radio bursts


On February 14, a shock arrived to ACE and it was followed by strong magnetic fields which created active conditions. This disturbance is believed to have originated on February 9-10 on the Sun. On February 18, the combination of the three Earth directed CMEs described in thesolar section arrived to the Earth and produced a minor geomagnetic storm. A more lasting and powerful geomagnetic effect was not seen due to the absence of a strong long lasting negative Bz. The Earth seems to have gone through a sheath region right after the shock that arrived at 00:40 UT on February 18, until 19:40 UT on the same day. After that the solar wind signatures could be related to a passage through a leg/flank of a magnetic cloud.

DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2011 Feb 14  107    055  113  019  B5.0  1  0
2011 Feb 15  094    054  113  008  B5.2  0  1
2011 Feb 16  ///    047  114  004  B4.2  3  0
2011 Feb 17  066    038  111  002  B5.8  0  0
2011 Feb 18  ///    051  125  020  B8.1  5  0
2011 Feb 19  071    048  109  006  B5.7  0  0
2011 Feb 20  ///    045  105  010  B3.3  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
14  1720  1726 1732 N56W18 M2.2 1N      III/1,II/2                10  1158
15  0144  0156 0206        X2.2    1300  II/2,III/3,IV/2            10  1158
16  0132  0139 0146        M1.0          VI/1                      10     
16  0735  0744 0755        M1.1                                    10  1161
16  1419  1425 1429 S20W32 M1.6 1F 330  VI/2,III/2,II/3            10  1158
18  0955  1011 1015        M6.6          III/2                      10  1158
18  1023  1026 1037        M1.0                                        1162
18  1259  1303 1306        M1.4                                    10  1158
18  1400  1408 1415        M1.0                                    15  1162
18  2056  2104 2114        M1.3                                    15  1162

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center             #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                        #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                 #

martedì 22 febbraio 2011

Glenn Hauser logs February 22, 2011

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI off the air at 1408 check Feb 22. I wonder if they were also off before 1400 during what would have been this Tuesday`s ``Exotic Indonesia`` excursion to Banjarmasin for a co-produxion? 9680 RRI was OK with music from the other Cimanggis transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. V. of Africa is still from the `Great Jamahiriyah`, so not yet in hands of the revolutionaries unlike some of the MW transmitters: Feb 22 tuned in at 1424 and listened for rest of the sesquihour. Both 17725 and 21695 poor to very poor, sometimes 21695 better, sometimes 17725 better. Never heard anything about the current situation, but I would have earlier at 1413 as Mike Barraclough reported. News reports said MAQ was about to speak, but not heard here.

At 1424 music is alternating with talk I could not be sure was English. 1445 mostly singing in African style. 1455 talk but too weak to tell. 1501 bumped up signal and/or modulation with Beethoven`s Ninth riff, now semi-readable, usual crap about the Green Book being the ``ultimate solution`` to the ``problem of democracy`` --- I`ll say, it`s a problem. MAQ`s angle is that 51% shouldn`t rule the 49% --- so with his regime it`s been the 1% ruling the 99%; is that better?

1505 ID as VOA from the GJ, African drumming, then talk on history of the African Union; 1520 back to music; 1526 switch to YL announcer ``presents`` something. 1532 OM ID and announcing time of broadcast in GJ time and GMT, mentions 4 pm. 1533 YL with geographical talk about the area of Africa, longest rivers, etc. 1547 again about the African Union. 1554 ``we come to the end of our broadcast for today`` and modulation immediately cut on 21695, open carrier to 1556*; at 1559 I check 17725 and it`s still going with talk, English? Beethoven`s Ninth, 1600 becomes just barely modulated. As always, it`s mostly the same old canned programming played over and over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 17540, Feb 22 at 1542, ``I could have danced all night`` by big-voiced mezzo-soprano. What else would one expect to hear during RRI`s Arabic service? As Arabic announcements followed, then to disco-beat rock music. Perhaps the performer was Romanian, but couldn`t they at least translate the lyrix into Arabic if not Romanian? That would be a bit of a culture-clash (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA website found hacked at 0005 UT Feb 22, by the Iranian Cyber Army: Message at top says

``Mrs. Clinton Do you want to hear the voice of oppressed nations will from heart of USA? [sic]
Islamic World doesn`t believe USA trickery.
We call on you to stop interfering in Islamic countries.``

Below that this, a long list which I copied and paste: [not a valid VOA address, I assume]

List Of Hacked WebSites:

Three screen captures of this were attached to the dxldyg and the top one is also available at

Kim Elliott reports the hacking started as early as 1800 UT Feb 21, and was still/again happening at 0100 Feb 22. Between 00 and 01 I was sporadically getting the real VOA website again.

It was STILL hacked at 1500. Much more about this here:

** U S A. 15580, VOA news in English mainly about Libya, Feb 22 at 1603, and I braced myself for a dump to English Teaching at 1605, but no! Continued with ``Africa News Tonight``, mainly about Libya; unlike 13600, 24 hours earlier.

Current IBB site usage of 15580, all VOA English of one sort or another is: 03-07 Botswana, 14-16 South Africa, 15-17 São Tomé, 17-1730 Greenville, 1730-1930 Botswana, 1930-21 Bonaire, 21-22 Botswana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Greetings: WWRB lost the use of 3145 so we had to shift our programming: Brother Stair has 3185 all night long now. The other
programming on WWRB such as WORLD OF RADIO had to shift to 5050 for the time being.

3215 is off the air for a week or two: Reason: We are making antenna insulator modifications to allow the use of 2390: During a 10 kW carrier test, we noted arcing at the insulators suspending the 190 foot high, 340 degree azimuth rhombic antenna we plan on using for this 'new' frequency.

We also noted that the 2390 insulator arcing caused the integrity monitors of our aircraft LOCALIZER & GLIDESLOPE facilities to alarm.
We are making the changes and will do more Carrier & Flight testing on 2390 kHz (Dave Frantz, International Radio Station WWRB, Feb 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

You may recall that WWCR used 2390 several years ago until about 2001, pioneering its availability to US SWBC stations. Fortunately, Guatemala and Mexico have long since abandoned it too (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)

Hi Glenn: 2390 is up and running. Can you hear it? We have some additional work to do on the antenna, add to the grounding screen at the rhombic tuning network. Check it out, let us know (Dave Frantz, WWRB, 0220 UT Feb 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Loud and clear here at 0253. Some hum, but you often have that (Glenn to Dave, via DXLD)

Why did CR give this frequency up? Do you know? We have received VERY good reports so far. We still have some minor antenna issues, we hope to resolve in the next day or so. Had some light rain tonight. The arcing became steady so we turned off 2390 until tomorrow (Dave to Glenn, 0603 UT, ibid.)

WWCR was still using 2390 in 2001, but I don`t find reports of it after that, in quick search of DXLD archive. So is your plan to move 5050 programming down to 2390, including World of Radio? (Glenn to Dave, ibid.)

Not sure yet. We might use 3215 till 0200, then switch to 2390. 5050 may go back to Bible on tape. again not sure (Dave to Glenn, ibid.)  

** U S A. 5755, WTWW once again in open carrier, at 0641 Feb 22. Nice & clean too, no hum or anything from Pastor Pete Peters. I had to side-tune from the extremely strong carrier to be sure I had the volume turned up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9405, WINB, Feb 22 at 0649 very poor signal, just as it should be, less than BBCWS 9410 and no problem to it, unlike 24 hours earlier, as nightmiddle propagation on 31m makes wild swings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Some WYFR frequencies continue to have a lite crackling sound. Hard to be sure whether it`s an Okeechobee problem, such as antenna shorting, or an audio feed problem from Oakland. Feb 22 at 1452 this is affecting Harold Camping on 17760, and also on // 11855, as he reminds us that rapture-day May 21 is only 15 weeks away. We can hardly wait for the self-destruxion of Family Radio`s infestation of our SW, MW and FM spectra (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, KVOH, VG with gospel rock in Spanish, Feb 22 at 1541. It was not heard on Sat, Sun or Mon, so its curious Tue-Fri only schedule is reconfirmed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###