Following lengthy preparations the time has come to celebrate 30 years of FRS-Holland on SW.
Next Sunday October 31st we kick off with the first out of a total of 3 different broadcasts. The FRS Anthology !
Factual, accurate, ups and downs....countless extracts, former presenters, listeners' contributions, a competition,
fact files, the FRS Story ánd great 80s music. Next Sunday in part 1 we will feature 1980- 1987. The first eventful 7 years.
Here's the schedule:
08.52- 15.00 UTC
09.00-11.00 UTC and 12.00- 16.00 UTC
That means that between 11.00-12.00 UTC there won't be any signal on 6005 kHz. As from 12.00 UTC onwards 6005 is back and will be
one hour behind of 7600//5800 kHz.
The October 31st broadcast will be streamed between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/ 15:52- 22:00 CET via <>
The period 1988- 2010 will be featured in part 2 (late November) and part 3 (December).
We have received quite a number of contributions. If you feel you want to be part of the celebrations with your personal FRS memories:
you can still do so as we can include that in one of the two broadcasts which follow after the October 31st one.
Of course we have special QSLs for the three based on the 80s, one on the 90s and one on the 00s.
Hope to have your company next will be an unforgettable Sunday. October 31st 2010: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!
73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
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a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>