domenica 31 ottobre 2010

Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2010

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. RA has new QRM problems for B-10: Oct 31 at 1256, only 9580 is audible, while 9590 is covered by Chinese music, and 9560 has CRI in Chinese via Sackville // 9570 via Cuba. I can`t even tell if RA is still using 9590, altho it is on the schedule. At 1301, it and 9560 become audible // 9580. 9590 until 1300 is scheduled for CRI Russian aimed northwest.

5995 at 1358 had mix of YFR theme and Waltzing Matilda. We now have Brandon 10 kW at 12-14 in DRM, but Shep 100 kW AM about to take over until 1800 at 30 degrees; while YFR is Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, RUSSIA at 11-15, 250 kW, 244 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BONAIRE. 6195, NHK World Radio Japón, Oct 31 at 0516 in Spanish, ex-6080. The 0500 RNW Dutch relay via Bonaire on 6165 is gone, moved one hour later to 0600. This means that there is no longer a possibility of a leapfrog mixing product on 6250 confusing Spanish for Equatorial Guinea since 6195 is the only Bonaire frequency on the air during this hour. See also CHAD.

From RN`s B-10 online schedule I have extracted all the 6 MHz-band Bonaire entries, to facilitate future computation of leapfrog mixing products --- whenever the times overlap, those could appear, most obviously if they fall above 6200 or below 5900:

2359   0027   6145   180  RNW   Nld   1234567   sAMn/CAR
2359   0157   6165   210  RNW   Spa   1234567   cAM/sAMnw
0059   0127   6190   341  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMe
0159   0357   6165   305  RNW   Spa   1234567   MEX/cAM
0229   0250   6040   341  VAT   Fra   1234567   nAMe
0259   0327   6100   335  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMc
0329   0357   6195   210  RNW   Nld   1234567   sAMnw
0359   0427   6165   305  RNW   Nld   1234567   MexECarSUSA
0400   0430   6195   210  NHK   Spa   1234567   sAMnw
0500   0530   6195   290  NHK   Spa   1234567   MEX
0559   0627   6165   320  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMw

0929   1000   6020   110  RNW   Nld    234567   SUR
1000   1030   6195   210  NHK   Spa   1234567   sAMn
1000   1200   5905   180  DWL   Ger   1234567   CAR
1059   1127   6165   320  RNW   Spa   1234567   CAR/Florida
1129   1157   6165   210  RNW   Spa   1234567   Colombia
1159   1227   6165   180  RNW   Spa   1234567   Venezuela

If I have a spare moment, I might go ahead and compute all the possible leapfrog times and frequencies from this. The same thing could be done with Sackville on 49m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6185, XEPPM Spanish in the clear, Oct 31 at 0517, no RNA here, but still active on F-G 11780 at 0535 check, this overnight schedule funxioning UT Sundays only. Brazilians have also been reporting 6185 missing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 28545-USB, Oct 30 at 2135, ham contester kept giving own callsign every few sex, but awful modulation caused by misadjusted vox. Sounded like call was whisky five golf, W5G, but unseems an American. Then could hear another fonetik before the W, garbled with first syllable cut off; was it alfa? No hit at Going up the alfabet, I bet it`s papa:

Mr. Vantuil Barbosa - PP5VB
Caixa Postal: 13 - IMBITUBA/SC - CEP: 88.780-000,

Especially since 10m was open from Brasil, lots of signals 28.3-28.5 MHz, next one being at 2142 on 28434+, ZW5B:

I had tried 12m first and found no activity, so was surprised at all the stuff on 10; however, GUF on 21690 was inbooming, OSOB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. 6165, Oct 31 at 0518 weak signal in French, presumed RNT as usual, audiblized only when Bonaire is off, and in B-10 there is now a sesquihour break between 0427 and 0559 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 31: none found 8-18 MHz, 1305-1318 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC anomalies Oct 31: at 0514, English on 5970, 6060 and 6150 but not on 6010, where XEOI can be heard clearly with pop music in Spanish.

5040, the squealing RHC transmitter is here, Oct 31 at 0538 in Spanish, 0538 introducing deportes segment of Revista Informativa de la Tarde playback in the madrugada.

Oct 31 is a great day for DentroCubans wishing to hear Radio Martí without jamming --- because of the B-10 changes, and Cuba just going back to EST a week before Wáshington, the jammers are confused and miss a lot. Reactivated 5745 RM at 1235, no jamming, discussing socialismo // 5980 stronger but jammed; 6030 nothing but jamming, since RM now scheduled there only at 00-12. At 1245 I find RM also on 7405 without jamming. That is now scheduled from Greenville, which still exists, at 22-24, 03-07, 12-14. At 1309, 11930 had RM clear with no jamming. At 1351, jamming had caught up with 7405, but not 5745, still audible tho weak here.

Altho R. Libertad is currently scheduled on WRMI 9955, every day at 12-13 UT, there was no jamming Oct 31 at 1249 in Spanish discussion of Cuba. Apparently the DCJC was also confused by the local time switch Habana vis-à-vis Miami one week apart. Heavy wall of noise on 9965, however, vs always-inaudible R. República 9965.5. At 1307, there was equal jamming on 9955 and 9965 alto WRMI`s Sunday 13-14 program is Living the Bible, per the Oct 20 schedule update.

At 1312 Oct 31, RHC not yet on 13750, but 13780 and 13680. 13750 was on at 1433 with RHC programming // 13680 and 13780, all VG. Previously, the 13680 transmitter would go off so 13750 could go on, Sundays only prior to Aló, Presidente. The 13740 CRI relay was also on, i.e. four powerful Cuban transmitters infesting a 100-kHz span on 22m. See VENEZUELA [non]

After finding Amigos de la Onda Corta shifted one hour later, see SPAIN, I check RHC again to see if it is again conflicting with RHC`s En Contacto --- no! At 1345 instead on 11760 et al., we hear Cuba Campesina, the country music show, at the moment plugging its RHC fiftieth anniversary contest.

RHC is running programming one hour late! At the studio they are going by the local EST clock rather than the UT clock, as RHC nominally keeps its programming on UT, not local time. Will the DX program also appear one hour late? Yes, there it is starting at 1434.6 on the three 13 MHz channels, 15120, much weaker 15360 and I think mixed with QRM on 15380. I expect that by next Sunday RHC will have reset its clox so CC is back at 1230 Sundays and EC is back at 1335, so it will conflict with Spain`s DX program for the rest of the winter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 3995, Oct 31 at 0523, DW German again here for morning broadcast in B-10 via Skelton UK at 05-08, 250 kW, 106 degrees, and, it`s not DRM! // 6075 but slightly behind it. 6075 is scheduled from three sites at once during this hour: Woofferton, Skelton, and Sines, Portugal, but not enough to scuttle the motorboat from Pet/Kam; see RUSSIA.

DW also back on 13m, 21780, Oct 31 at 1356 in German discussing cannabis; on weaker 21550 at 1356 with musical riff, mentioning Nigeria, in Hausa?

Yes, 21550 is via Sines, PORTUGAL in Hausa at 13-14, 145 degrees, following French at 12-13, 170 degrees. 21780 is via Rampisham UK, 12-14 at 85 degrees, following Sri Lanka at 09-10 English at 60 degrees, 10—12 German at 90 degrees, neither of which I expect to get here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, as reconfirmed below 4052.5, R. Verdad, Oct 31 at 0521, emphatic preacher in English, steady S9+20 but modulation a bit muffled. We prefer the music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI at 1302 Oct 31, still in the clear B-10 without a co-channel 9525 clash during English hour, altho today a bit weak vs adjacent QRM. Better with music at 1348 check, still marred by IADs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 15550, Oct 31 at 1312 Persian music, poor modulation. IRIB`s lengthy Arabic service is now here at 0530-1630, 500 kW, 295 degrees via Sirjan. This could be a bit of a problem for WJHR claiming 5 kW on USB from 1400. Did not check at that time, but could barely detect its SSB scratch, clear of QRM at 1705 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 2850, KCBS with choral music, S9+13 Oct 31 at 1244; nothing much else making it from Asia/Pacific vs noise level on 120, 90, 75 or 60 meters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, V. of Mesopotamia still here in B-10 via UKRAINE, but WYFR is back to QRM it, Oct 31 at 1308 Portuguese mixing with Kurdish music. WYFR B-10 on 11530: 0500-0745, 1200-1345 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, XEPPM Spanish in the clear, Oct 31 at 0517, no RNA Brasília here, but still active on F-G 11780 at 0535 check, this overnight schedule funxioning UT Sundays only. Brazilians have also been reporting 6185 missing. Now the main problem is Vatican on 6185 at 0300-0620, presumably source of fast SAH against XEPPM at 0516 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1670, the talking houses in Enid have disappeared, as driving around west Enid Oct 30 around 2010-2030 UT the frequency is clear; yay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. Not only do we get German well from TURKEY, q.v., but also from here, aimed USwards beyond Germany, Oct 31 at 1323 on 15460, VG with mailbag from someone in Chemnitz, still going at 1337, scheduled 1300-1356 // 11970, both Tiganeshti (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. As expected, the motorboating Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky R. Rossii transmitter on 5930 in A-10 has made its shift to 6075 for B-10, and audible as early as 0515 Oct 31, QRM to Deutsche Welle in German.

Still there on 6075 at next check 1227, the motorboating louder than the Russian modulation, ditto at 1352 over music. At 1400 timesignal six sex late, and motorboating carrier continued until 1401:20* while no 8GAL CW marker on 6074 was yet detectable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. 9715, Oct 31 at 1305 sounds like a S Asian language, distorted modulation, cuts off and on. The IBB Saipan transmitter is scheduled during this hour, but not sure which service; nothing on the VOA schedule. It has repeatedly had problems like this in previous seasons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 3185, Oct 31 at 1242, Brother Scare manages to modulate WWRB today unlike yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. For B-10, REE has resumed using 15125 via Costa Rica, despite being squeezed between colingual Cuba 15120 and WYFR 15130, Oct 31 at 1313, and // 15170 CR. Missed checking at 1230 Sunday whether Amigos de la Onda Corta was still on then, but no problem --- there it was an hour later, Sunday at 1340 on 13720 direct // 17595, 15585, also CR 15170, 15125, 9765. At 1348 with propagation predixions for November for each band in each hemisphere. So the 1330 rescheduling makes AOC conflict again with En Contacto? Not this week: see CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [non]. 6010, (pen)ultimate SW broadcast from R. Sweden, Oct 31 at 0128 nondescript fill music, but not VTC loop, 0130 IS and opening English by George Wood. Shortened week in review was first, so the rest could be the finale: from 0141:25 interview with boss about rationale for closing down SW and MW --- they are no longer important nor cost-effective.

0147 starts George Wood`s 10-minute 7-decade retrospective of R. Sweden on SW, including The Saturday Show and Sweden Calling DXers, the two most popular. Re-enactment of SCDX #1 opening item from 1948y. George took over from founder Arne Skoog in 1978; in 1994 SCDX was the first audio program from Europe to be available on internet. Starting Monday (what about Sunday?), R. Sweden will be available only on FM in Sweden, internet elsewhere, satellite somewhere.

Signal was very good at outset but with slight splatter from 10 kHz above or below, and very slight co-channel from XEOI. Semi-minute transmitter break at 0159-0159:30 during which R. Mil ID made it thru, then resuming in Swedish on 268 instead of 240 degrees, and slightly weaker here. Presumably repeated English at 0230-0259* for the final final time. I taped the whole 0130 broadcast for posterity.

Having been unable to get R. Sweden/Sackville off 6010 for years, I`m sure XEOI is shedding no tears --- O no: in B-10, Iran`s Spanish service is scheduled on 6010 at 0030-0330, 259 degrees from Kamalabad toward South America. That should have been on already, as a few hours earlier, Iran was also blocking Sweden`s finale to Europe on 6065, a new B-10 frequency for Arabic. Or Iran could be on 6110 alternate to 6010, per Wolfgang Büschel, where it just might collide with Habana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, RTI now here via WYFR, Oct 31 at 0520 VG in English discussion of Confucianism in Taiwan. For B-10, 5950 in A-10 has been swapped with WYFR programming at 03-05 and 05-06 for RTI`s English broadcasts; why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. 9720, Oct 31 at 1251, R. Thailand good but heavy flutter on new B-10 frequency in English, tuned in just as news was breaking for lengthy ads: an Italian restaurant, Rossi`s Trattoria and Wine Bar, including La Cucina della Mamma, at 6-9 pm, for ``100 baht plus plus`` (meaning sales plus VAT, I assume); 1254 for Dept. of Export and Promotion.

The B-10 R. Thailand English schedule is:
0000-0030 13745 C&ENAm  6 degrees
0030-0100 13745 W&CNAm 30 degrees
0200-0230 15275 C&ENAm  6 degrees
0530-0600 11730 Eu
1230-1300  9720 SEAs/Au
1400-1430  9725 SEAs/Au
1900-2000  7570 Eu
2030-2045  9535 Eu

** TURKEY. 15350, Turkish pop music, Oct 31 at 1315, some ACI from YFR 15355. TRT Turkish to Europe, and consequently NAm beyond, is now scheduled on 15350 at 07-14, 11815 at 14-17, 5980 at 17-22, 9700 at 05-07. Similar Turkish music but not // on stronger 17755 at 1319, but that`s the German service as per closing announcement at 1321, also aimed USwards by geocoincidence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7415, again this Saturday night, WBCQ on the air much later than scheduled, UT Sunday Oct 31 at 0526, Ted Randall with an additional QSO program interviewing someone on phone about studio equipment at a college radio station, and he`s also a ham. Mentioned once, sounded like ``Gringo College``, but surely something else. By this hour, signal was only fair with fades (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3160, WPJK Orangeburg SC harmonic 2 x 1580, still barely audible at 1242 Oct 31, more than an hour after sign-on, and a few minutes before sunrise here, music and DJ. From Nov 1, daytimer sign-on cannot be until 1200 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Too busy checking out new B-10 SW frequencies the morning of Oct 31, to spend much time on MW, but at 1332 UT, 940 was in well, as ``Newstalk 940, The Voice of Amarillo, KIXZ`` plus clip of Reagan`s quip about bombing Russia, ha ha (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINIG DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Aló, Presidente via CUBA check Sunday Oct 31 at 1707 as El Hugazo was bloviating:
17750, VG signal but very undermodulated and distorted
13750, VG signal and good modulation
13680, VG signal, unlike usually, but undermodulated and hum
12010, good signal but undermodulated
11690, fair signal vs RTTY, undermodulated with hum like 13680
See also CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 640, WWLS IBOC was off during a stupid ballgame, Saturday Oct 30 at 2011 UT, so on caradio I sought uncovered signals on 650 and 630. On 650 I could make out some music at first, but by next check 2029 only a SAH. I have previously pulled KGAB Wyoming in daytime, the next possibility being KIKK Pasadena TX, and after that WSM Nashville. Something could also be heard on 630, likely KHOW Colorado, but still IBOC there from the other side, KMIK 620 TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

VOCE DELLA TURCHIA 6185 kHz 1500-1528 UTC

Buon ascolto del servizio Italiano della Voce della Turchia, da oggi attiva su 6185 kHz alle ore 1500-1528 UTC, SINPO 45444 qui a Milano.
L'audio della trasmissione è ascoltabile per 24 ore su
La vostra opinione ed i vostri rapporti di ascolto sono benvenuti
Esra e Mehtap, le 2 speakers del programma, attendono le vostre comunicazioni !
Buoni monitoraggi !
Dario Monferini


on 6005 khz good reception of Free Radio Service Holland, no reception here
on 7400 khz

vy 73
QTH: Stralsund :  13°6´10´´ E; 54°16´23´´ N
RX: mod.DEGEN DE 1103
Ant: Teleskop/TG 34
meine QSL´s auch auf:

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 13710 2354 GMT Portuguese 333 Oct 23 YL and OM with comments.

CHINA China Radio Intl-CRI 9560 2327 GMT Portuguese 333 Oct 23 YL and OM with comments. //13650[444]via Cuba.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12.020 2332 GMT Spanish 444 Oct 23 Vocal music by OMs. OM ancr with RHC ID 2333 GMT. OM with comments 2334 GMT. //12030[444] and 9525[333]. MacKenzie-CA.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2340 GMT Japanese 444 Oct 23 YL and an OM in a happy conversation.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11910 2344 GMT Japanese 333 Oct 23 OM with comments followed by some music.

KOREA, North Voice of Korea-VOK 15100 0010 GMT Chinese 333 Oct 24 YL with comments. //13650[444].

KOREA, North Voice of Korea-VOK 13760 2359 Spanish 333 Oct 23 IS 2359 and S/on by an OM with Voice of Korea ID. The a YL with comments. //11735[333] and 15180[333].

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 13730 2356 English 333 Oct 23 Two YLs with comments on Reading Books. RNZI ID 0000 GMT.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

sabato 30 ottobre 2010

Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2010

** CUBA. RHC, Sat Oct 30 at 1407 opening ``Cartas a la Redacción`` (Letters to the Editor, distinct from a regular mailbag), with time for that show as Sat 9:05 and 11:32 am, ---fade--- pm, Sunday 4 am. Unfortunately I happened to be on 15360 instead of much stronger 15120 which would not have faded inopportunely.

But 1407 UT = 10:07 am EDT, which Cuba has been observing all summer, and not supposed to revert to EST = 9:07 am until tomorrow. Has Cuba already made the time change, or was this announcement jumping the gun? OR: they never got around to correcting the time announcement 7 months ago? Yes, this confirms the change does not come until Sunday morning at 1 am = 0500 UT becomes midnight once again, and there will be another 1 am at 0600:

Altho it matches the earlier DST start in the spring with arch-enemy USA, Cuba still has enough sense not to extend it an extra week in the fall. But evidently the program times on RHC have already fallen back an hour. Or rather, references to them in local time have changed from EDT to EST. This schedule
displays CALR only as Saturday 1405 and 0310 UT --- the latter meaning UT Sunday. Mid-day and overnight programming still is in limbo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, R. Verdad, Oct 30 at 0508 with ``Amazing Grace``, 0510 dead air at S9+12; next check 1143, S9+15 with gospel music, soprano hymn. (I haven`t remeasured but so far had been a bit below nominal 4052.5) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, after being on the air only Sunday and Wednesday this week, VOI is finally back Saturday Oct 30 for the English hour at 13-14, a few days after the eruption, earthquake and tsunami disasters we would like to have heard about promptly from the source.

First checked at 1159 in Chinese, 1200:30 switching to Japanese, usual IADs continue. 1302 in English with disaster news, weather delaying getting aid to those needing it; 1305 concerns that tourism will be disrupted; later in hour usual features including Indonesian Wonder, Miscellany, Music Corner. Still on past 1357 when CRI Russian 9525.0 starts, 1447 ``Musik Indonesia`` in big collision with het, VOI slightly atop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 700, Oct 30 at 1230 UT, Mexican NA, 1232 sign-on as XEGD, La Poderosa, 5 mil watts, 700 kHz, street address, two phones including 52-2-05-54, in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua; 1233 to usual opening infomercial, ``Consejos para un mejor vivir``.

850, Oct 30 at 1211 UT, intro Luis Palau evangelist in KOA null after Obama, presumably XEM, Renacimiento 850, Chihuahua.

870, XETAR, Oct 30 at 1204 UT NA, 1206 sign-on in language, presumed Tarahumara, frequent mentions of XETAR calls pronounced in Spanish, then Spanish mentioning federal agency sponsorship of such indigenous stations as this one in Guachochi, Chihuahua; 1208 kidchorus, rapid SAH, presumably WWL still remnanting, but mostly separable, then La Voz de la Sierra Tarahumara opening in Spanish, 6:09 TC, and another at 1221 for 6:21. Unlike most of the commercial stations, this one is low-key with no screaming hype, and consequently seems a bit undermodulated, improving somewhat during canned federal government PSAs such as one for the Bicentennial at 1228, then kids in unison with call letters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1600, Oct 29 at 2053 UT in downtown Enid on the caradio, fair but steady signal with ad for Intuit on I-85; ??? that runs from Montgomery AL thru GA, SC, NC and VA to Washington DC. Could it be WXVI in Mont`y? It`s a bit early, but skywave is possible at topend of band. The SC and NC stations on 1600 are not too far from but not right on I-85. Kept listening, and it`s Herman Cain (sp?), black accent, sitting in for some other talkhost; not the WXVI format.

2100 ID just for KUSH, Cushing OK, my nearest 1600, which I seriously suspected due to the steady signal, no fading, atop channel. But why the local ad from something on I-85? Because they are SNAFU, and instead of news on the hour, we also heard closed-circuit feed start of two promos for Boortz; then cutting to Oklahoma news network in progress (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5930, the Pet/Kam motorboat (and not much intelligible modulation) audible already at 0453 check Oct 30, vs adjacent DGS/WWCR 5935. From Oct 31 this should be on 6075 instead, and until 1400*. And will the 8GAL CW marker on 6074 also be back at 1400-1401v? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. WWRB keeps losing Brother Scare, just open carrier for hours and hours. Oct 30 at 1145, 3185 is OC with hum. Accomplished frequency change to 9385 sometime, but next check at 1400, that too was OC with lite buzz, still at 1418; next check 1445, BS was finally on and ranting his Sabbath sermon.

Meanwhile, I found him on 13810, Oct 30 at 1418, fair via Nauen, GERMANY scheduled daily 14-15, running about a semisecond ahead of // WWCR 9980, and much further out of synch with WINB 9265, WBCQ 15420.

Also before 1200 the WWCR-4 BS service is still on 5890, and Oct 30 at 1154 there was incredible sideband garbage peaking around 5885 and 5895, while the WWCR-2 DGS service on 5935 was clean without any of that.

WWCR-4 is currently on 5890 at 02-12 and 9980 at 12-02. From 31 Oct to 6 Nov it`s registered as shifting to 01-11 and 11-01, then from 7 Nov
back to 02-12 and 12-02 respectively, but that doesn`t make sense, a further casualty of the Week of Confusion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WPJK = SC

** U S A. 3160, WPJK, Oct 30 at 1145, S9+18 with siren, announcement, gospel song ``Do You Wanna Go With Me?``. Better signal at this hour than TGAV 4052.4.

Remember, from Nov 1, WPJK sign-on/off times are supposed to be 1200-2215 UT. Apparently they have not yet implemented a `plan` to stay on at night with 15 watts on 1580, since we hear them doing formal sign-ons at 1130, often several minutes late. Strangely, FCC info for facility 6447,
makes no mention of 3160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 850, KOA Denver, Saturday Oct 30 at 1210 UT with President Obama`s weekly radio/YouTube address until 1211 so probably started no earlier than 1206. Announcer said GOP response would be on at 6:35 (MDT = 1235 UT; when MST = 1335 UT). Originally when they were really radio-only, started by Reagan, the Pres would not be on until 8:06 am MT, and the opposition at 9:06 am, when one could find them on a few stations by searching the dial. Now the release must be much earlier and the few stations bothering to carry the addresses can schedule them as desired.

1010, Oct 30 at 1241 UT, a bit of church Latin, dings, dead air, so must be a Catholic mass, then into English, YL with stage accent prays to Jesus, 1247 organ interlude, 1250 OM with sing-song prayer also in English, back into Latin homily with small-choral responses.

NW/SE so can`t be KXEN Festus/Saint Louis MO, and besides, Catholix may not be welcome there. 1256 check 11520 to see if it match WEWN, but that`s already in QSY announcement to 13845. At 1257, 1010 outros as Immaculate Heart Radio, but 1259 plug by an EWTN Fr saying IHR is 100% listener-supported, Catholic Charities of Utah, Salt Lake City being involved. 1300 legal ID as Immaculate Heart Radio, KIHU, Tooele.

This is the 50 kW station no one wanted, previously for a while public radio with BBC overnight. Callsign history from FCC AM Query:
Call Sign Begin Date
KIHU      08/06/2009
KPCW      03/20/2009
KCPW      08/01/2004
KIQN      09/18/1998
KTUR      10/30/1992
KTLE      05/19/1982

It has an unusual antenna/power schedule, denoted U13 by NRC AM Log, which means one direxional pattern during day and critical hours, another pattern at night. Day power is 50 kW, CH 42 kW, night 194 watts, and has a CP for U4, which means the same except eliminating CH.

It`s a bit more complex than that, with FIFTEEN entries under KIHU facility 35687 at FCC:
Including ``moving`` city of license to Magna, but with same transmitter site coordinates as Tooele (tho some of the entries show slightly different coordinates).

I suppose a lot of this jockeying around is caused by having to protect CBR Calgary, while trying to get as much signal as possible into SLC at night.

Oct SR-SS is 1345-0045 UT; Nov 1415-0015 UT; Dec 1445-2400 UT. The strong dominant signal I was getting before 1300 UT had to be either 50 or 42 kW, so were `critical hours` in effect? It was certainly before legal sunrise there. BTW, three days earlier and one hour later, I was getting KSIR Colorado on 1010, no KIHU then (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific mediumwave carrier search Oct 30:
Up the dial in LSB mode on DX-398 at 1234, found only 594 kHz.
Down the dial in USB mode at 1236-1239 detected carriers on 1188 at 1237; then 774, 594, 567. 594 not only had het of proper pitch against off-tuned BFO, but also a different het when rotated away from NW/SE, so that`s the local blip I heard before. BTW, I was checking 738/747 at 1230 when I heard KRMG Tulsa blast to day power and pattern (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL 27th Birthday on the air 1983-2010

RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL 27th Birthday on the air 1983-2010 in addition of our own txs on 7480 & 11401 khz (that we hope to operate at same time here is the winning number is :   6055 Khz

Stay tune and reports via email or snail mail and get a special QSL a& Gifts too.

info line for sms

outside France 00 33 6 75 44 70 26  In France 06 75 44 70 26

Indeed a sepcial QSL Card wil be available for each day of broadcast

welcome to collectors.

keep on F.F.F.R !

Peter HILLS & Philippe


Flash INFO  :   1983-2010

Radio Waves International fêtera ses 27 ans sur les ondes via ses émetteurs avec en plus :

des programmes relayés en Lituanie   

sur la fréquence de 6055 KHZ  / bande des 49 meters

tous les samedis soir en Novembre 6 ,13,20 & 27 de 21.30 à 22.30  UTC

extra programme le vendredi 12 Novembre de 21.30 à 22.30  UTC

avec une puissance de 100 000 Watts !


Flash INFOS:  1983-2010

Radio will celebrates its 37th years of Free Radio on the airwaves using its own TXs

We will add relay from Lithuania

on the channel of 6055khz from the 49 meters band

every Saturday night on November 6 ,13,20 & 27 de 21.30 à 22.30  UTC

extra program on Friday November from 0 to 22.30  UTC

with a power of 100 000 Watts !


Now listen to us on the net via

Country music show, French service,Rock City &Pirate memories
the sounds on short-waves around the world
"on the highway to freedom"
Peter HILLS & Philippe  " The terrible twins"
For review and airplay send your promos to :
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex

Attention : for UPS or Fedex mail ask us for a special delivery address.



DX MIX NEWS # 648                                           30 October 2010
ALBANIA   Winter B-10 schedule of Radio Tirana:
Albanian Daily
0000-0130 on  6130 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0000-0130 on  7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
0730-0900 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / 338 deg to WeEu
0730-0900 on  7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
0901-1000 on  1395 FLA 500 kW / 033 deg to WeEu
0901-1000 on  7390 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1500-1630 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on  5970 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on  7435 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
English Tue-Sun
0130-0145 on  6130 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0245-0300 on  6130 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0330-0400 on  6100 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0430-0500 on  6100 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
English Mon-Sat
1530-1600 on 13640 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1945-2000 on  7465 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to U.K.
1945-2000 on 11635 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
2100-2130 on  7530 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to U.K.
2100-2130 on  9895 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
German Mon-Sat
1901-1930 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / 338 deg to Germany
2031-2100 on  7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to Germany
Greek Mon-Sat
1645-1700 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / non-dir to Greece
French Mon-Sat
1830-1900 on  7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
2001-2030 on  7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
Italian Mon-Sat
1800-1830 on  6000 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
2001-2030 on  6000 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
Serbian Mon-Sat
1900-1915 on  6040 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Serbia
2115-2130 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / 004 deg to Serbia
Turkish Mon-Sat
1930-2000 on  1458vFLA 500 kW / non-dir to Turkey

BELARUS    Winter B-10 of Radio Belarus
Belarussian HS-1 on SW, only high power
0500-0800 on  7255 MNS 250 kW / 075 deg
1600-1800 on  7255 MNS 250 kW / 075 deg
1600-2200 on  6080 MNS 150 kW / 130 deg
1600-2200 on  6115 MNS 075 kW / non-dir
1200-1500 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
1200-1500 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
1500-1700 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
1500-1700 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
1700-1900 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
1700-1900 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
1805-1900 on  6155 MNS 250 kW / 255 deg
1900-2100 on  6155 MNS 250 kW / 255 deg
1900-2100 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
1900-2100 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
2100-2300 on  6155 MNS 250 kW / 255 deg
2100-2300 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
2100-2300 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
2300-2400 on  6155 MNS 250 kW / 252 deg
2300-2400 on  7360 MNS 075 kW / 270 deg
2300-2400 on  7390 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg
# French  Sun 2040-2100;
& Spanish Sun 2100-2120.

CROATIA   Winter B-10 schedule of Croatian Radio HS-1 in Croatian:
0558-0757 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
0758-1457 on  7370 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
1458-2127 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
2128-0557 on  3985 DEA 100 kW / 000 deg to WeEu/NoAf

HUNGARY   Tentative winter B-10 schedule of Hungarian Radio in Hungarian:
0200-0300 on  6100 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm
0500-0600 on  3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1100-1200 on  6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1700-1800 on  6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2200-2300 on  3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu

NEW ZEALAND    B-10 schedule of Radio New Zealand International from Oct.31
0459-0658 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
0459-0658 on 11675 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
0659-0758 on  9765 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
0659-0758 on 11675 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
0659-1058 on  9765 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
0759-1058 on  9870 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
1059-1258 on 13660 RAN 050 kW / 325 deg AM  NWPac,Bougainville,PNG,Timor,As
1059-1158 on  9870 RAN 025 kW / 325 deg DRM NWPac,Bougainville,PNG,Timor,As
1259-1550 on  5950 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
1551-1650 on  7440 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1551-1650 on  5950 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1651-1750 on  9765 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1651-1750 on  9890 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1751-1850 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1751-1850 on 11675 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1851-1950 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1851-1950 on 15720 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Niue,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands
1951-2050 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Samoa
1951-2050 on 17675 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Samoa
2051-2150 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  Solomons Islands, Vanuatu
2051-2150 on 15720 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM Solomons Islands, Vanuatu
2151-0458 on 15720 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
2151-0458 on 17675 RAN 025 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific. Updated: Oct.29


Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon 11775 2025 GMT English 444 Oct 23 2025 English 444 Oct 23 YL with a sermon on Hair triming on Humans to look like Jesus.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 11815 2030 GMT Spanish 333 Oct 23 YL and two OMs with comments. //17595[444] Spain.

CUBA Radio Havan Cuba-RHC 11760 2023 GMT English 333 Oct 23 OM with RHC ID and into music vocal singing.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11910 2040 GMT Japanese 333 Oct 23 Two OMs with comments. OM with pop music vocals 2042 GMT.

MARIANAS, North Radio Free Asia-RFA 11785 2028 GMT Chinese 433 Oct 23 YL and OM with comments.

PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-DW 11865 2036 GMT English 333 Oct 23 YL interviewing an OM on living in Germany.

UNITED STATES WTWW 9480 2003 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM with comments
on the Lost Sheep Worldwide.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #4 9980 2010 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM
with comments on the SUun and its changesthis year. Black spots rotating around
the Sun. MacKenzie-CA..
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 29 ottobre 2010

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CUBA Radio Rebelde 5025 0258 GMT Spanish 444 Oct 23 Music vocals with YL and OM ancrs. OM with Radio Rebelde ID 0300 then continueing with more vocal music.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 5040 0306 GMT Spanish 444 Oct 23 YL and OM with ongoing comments.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 3185 0237 GMT English 444 Oct 23 Circumcision in the Bible. Comments by two OMs. //5050[444].

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #3 4840 0253 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM with Solar benefits. OM with comments on Terrorists in the Middle East areas.

UNITED STATES, Texas KAIJ 5755 0310 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM with comments on chemicals in drinking water.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #4 5890 0315 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM with comments on UN Charters on International Laws.

UNITED STATES, Florida Radio Taiwan Intl Relay-RTI 5950 0320 GMT English 444 Oct 23 OM ancr and instrumental music. YL contact address for RTI. YL and OM with comments on Vegitarians in Asia 0323 GMT.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Glenn Hauser logs October 29, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 carrier detectable Friday Oct 29 at 1340, much weaker than UK on 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake search Oct 29, 1332-1340: none found from 8 to 16 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13920.4, approximate center of dirty RHC spur with whine and Spanish modulation, Oct 29 at 1335, like squeal infesting 13680, presumed source rather than clear but equally superstrong 13780. Tried to hear a match 240 kHz below on 13440, but only CODAR there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, tuned in R. Verdad too late Oct 29, carrier still on at 0606, off 0607*. Seemed like it had been a better signal than before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, Oct 29 at 1329, usual hum, plus non-English talk and announcement, 1330 dead air, 1330.5 opening AIR GOS in English. Jose Jacob says this bit before 1330 is axually the AIR Tibetan service. WRTH A-10 May update shows that is at 1215-1330 on 7420 via Guwahati, 9575 via Delhi, and 11775 via Goa. Yet, Bengaluru picks up this feed from HQ and puts it on 9690 before GOS instead of the haunting AIR IS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI still missing Oct 29 during the English hour at 1331 check. Not on 11785 either, just the usual Chinese radio war (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 2850, KCBS, Oct 29 at 1240 triumphal choral music audible vs noise level; not much else could be heard on 120 thru 60 meters. Next check 1303 much better S9+20 during W&M Korean talk. Then 3480 hetwar also audible, and at 1305 numerous carriers on 60m, but too much noise. LSR here is 1252 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. While ORTM was again on 7245 as early as 0600 Oct 28, missing again Oct 29 at 0610 check, and not on 4845 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15340.0, RTM, Oct 29 at 1341 with Arabic music, hum, no HCJB audible, but back on this frequency again. After we found them on 15340 instead of 15341 last week, Mike Barraclough in UK had measured Morocco off-frequency again, Oct 26 at 1452 on 15341.2. Where next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 18058-, Oct 29 at 1346, JBA carrier slightly on the low side from third harmonic of R. Victoria, Perú, 6019.3+.

Finally someone else has heard it: David Sharp in NSW, Oct 27 at 0842, i.e. a night-path to him! Measured on 18057.96, also audible on fundamental 6019.321 and // 9720.03 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN. Penultimate day for any SWBC from this country, Oct 29, 2010 at 1338 on 15735, sufficient reception from R. Sweden in English, discussing economy. One may want to make a point of haring the ultimate one Saturday here or via Madagascar, Canada relays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3185, WWRB, open carrier only and no BS, Oct 29 at 1233; by 1254, next frequency 9385 was on instead with canned Bible reading modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1536 confirmed on 3185, WWRB, UT Friday Oct 29 at 0330; and on WRMI 9955 webcast Friday at 1430. Next airings are:
WWCR Fri 2030 15825, Sat 1600 12160, Sun 0230 4840, 0630 3215
WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1400, 1730; Sun 0800, 1530, 1730
IRRS: Sat 0800 9515 [maybe, since it is fifth Sat]; Sat 1800 on 7290.

From Nov, next week, these will be Sat 0900 9510, 1900 7290. WWRB, WWCR, WRMI and WBCQ times will not shift one UT hour later until Nov 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 720, KDWN Las Vegas NV, cuts on day pattern illegally one hour too early, and suddenly becomes audible vs remnants of WGN, Oct 29 at 1244:38 UT as Heidi Harris turns it right over to traffic report.

990, Oct 29 at 1300 UT, joint ID for AM 990 KRMO Cassville MO, and AM 940 KSWM Aurora MO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

1460, Oct 29 at 1352 UT I should be getting Spanish KZUE El Reno OK, but am hearing English from Father Jim, N/S-ish, a Marian cultist, so is it EWTN affiliate KHOJ Saint Charles MO? That should be NE/SW.

Or could La Tremenda have some English now? Website does not work. At 1400 ID sounds like WAKW in a –ville, but that`s not correct, and could be from something else anyway, perhaps a closer station relaying something originating east of the Miss.

At 1545 UT recheck on groundwave, KZUE is definitely there in Spanish. BTW, Wiki explains that the calls were inherited from a ``zoo`` format on FM, so apparently no significance in Spanish.

1470, Oct 29 at 1351 UT playing ``Wheels``, from N/S bearing, 1352 ``The Morning Mike`` slogan, ``Wake Up, Little Susie``. Per NRC AM Log the fit from direxion and format is oldies KWSL Sioux City IA, and website clinches Morning Mike (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 29 from 1247, downward in USB mode on DX-398: 1323, 1125, 1098, 774, 702, 594. Last one a bit off-frequency, or is it a local blip? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


All India Radio B10

Frequency schedule effective from 31st October, 2010 to 27th March, 2011 is now available at :

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

SHR This Sunday

A planned broadcast from South Herts Radio for Sunday 31st October 12.00 - 20.00 UTC.

12.00 Media Network Plus
13.00 World of Radio
13.30 To Be Confirmed
14.30 SHR Community Access Programme
15.30 To Be Confirmed
16.00 War Of The Worlds
17.00 Pirates Week
17.30 The Reggae Show with Brendan & Tim
20.00 Closedown

Internet live stream

Listen Again or Listen Live with various features at

FM 87.8 in parts of Hertfordshire. No shortwave this week, full details at

For programme details and download links visit

Website updated today

Contact us by email to

Thanks and 73.

FRS-Holland celebrates 30th Anniversary

Dear FRS Friend,

Following lengthy preparations the time has come to celebrate 30 years of FRS-Holland on SW.
Next Sunday October 31st we kick off with the first out of a total of 3 different broadcasts. The FRS Anthology !
Factual, accurate, ups and downs....countless extracts, former presenters, listeners'  contributions, a competition,
fact files, the FRS Story ánd great 80s music. Next Sunday in part 1 we will feature 1980- 1987. The first eventful 7 years.
Here's the schedule:
08.52- 15.00 UTC                                   
7600//5800 kHz
09.00-11.00 UTC and 12.00- 16.00 UTC             
6005 kHz

That means that between 11.00-12.00 UTC there won't be any signal on 6005 kHz. As from 12.00 UTC onwards 6005 is back and will be
one hour behind of 7600//5800 kHz.
The October 31st broadcast will be streamed between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/ 15:52- 22:00 CET via <>

The period 1988- 2010 will be featured in part 2 (late November) and part 3  (December).

We have received quite a number of contributions. If you feel you want to be part of the celebrations with your personal FRS memories:
you can still do so as we can include that in one of the two broadcasts which follow after the October 31st one.
Of course we have special QSLs for the three based on the 80s, one on the 90s and one on the 00s.
Hope to have your company next will be an unforgettable Sunday. October 31st 2010:
30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!

73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

VOIRI italian service ( B-10 )

Con la presente ti comunichiamo le nostre nuove frequenze applicabile dal 31/10/10, sperando che tu possa seguire i nostri programmi. Cogliamo l'occasione per porgerti i nostri piu`sentiti saluti e rimaniamo in attesa di ricevere i tuoi rapporti di ricezione sulle nuove frequenze.
Il responsabile della corrispondenza di
Radio Italia
Ali Azizmohammadi
Orari e frequenze:

      6:30 - 7:30

      19:30 - 20:00

Per Tehran, ogni giorno h. 09:30 - 10:30  UTC su 100.7 Mhz. In banda FM.



Islamic Repubblic of Iran External Service: P.O.Box: 19395/6767, Tehran IRAN
"Radio Italia"

Tel: 0098-21-22162894,   Fax: 0098-21-22013770

 ( B10 )    2010

Glenn Hauser logs October 28, 2010

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 28:
10500, fair with flutter at 1314
No others found 8-15 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250+, RNGE audible at 0545 check Oct 28, and slightly on the hi side, per YB-400 with BFO just zero-beat to WWV 5000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, R. Verdad, Oct 28 at 0544 with music; 0601 announcement maybe in English but can`t make it out despite improved signal with reactivated main transmitter, a bit more music; 0603 YL in Spanish sign-off, 0604 NA starts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI absent again from the 13 UT English hour, Oct 28 at 1312 check: no signal, just like Oct 25 and 26. The one day I did not check, Oct 27, Atsunori Ishida reports they were on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, have been looking for ORTM as early as 0600 since first heard there Oct 23, but no show until Oct 28 at 0604, usual morning chanting. Was not on a few minutes earlier before 0600, and now has ACI from Portugal 7240. RDPI is on this frequency M-F only, so if ORTM does this on Sat or Sun, no problem. What`s the matter with 4845, normally used until 0800 or so? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, Oct 28 at 0619, poor with M&W alternating in apparent news in English, from R. Nigeria, Abuja (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE, Oct 28 at 0035 check in English on usual 6055. Two days earlier, Mark Coady found them in Spanish, but this must have been an anomaly. However, REE`s B-10 schedule shows them moving this broadcast to NAm from 6055 to 5970, yet remaining on 6055 for French until 0000, and Spanish after 0100. This really doesn`t make sense, especially with RHC currently occupying 5970 during the 0000 hour in Spanish! We shall see what happen Oct 31 or Nov 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. 7335, RTT carrier already on at tune-in 0554:30 Oct 28, and musical modulation // 7275 applied at 0557:20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 580, in WIBW null, Oct 28 at 1240 UT, political ad for some Colorado issue about electrification, ergo KUBC Montrose on the Western Slope. Should be on 500 watt PSRA at this hour well before sunrise.

720, KDWN Las Vegas NV once again cuts on non-direxional day pattern an hour too early, 1244:40 UT Oct 28 amid Heidi Harris, cheerleader and apologist for farrightwingnut Sharron Angle, soon into traffic report (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, Thursday Oct 28 at 1500 with first airing of WORLD OF RADIO 1536, poor signal about equal with QRM from YFR Taiwan; next will be Thu 2100, Fri 1430, Sat 0800, 1400, 1730; also on WBCQ, Thu 1900 7415; WWRB, UT Fri 0330 3185; WWCR Fri 2030 15825 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 28, USB setting on DX-398 at 1246, found bits on 1116, 1134; and using LSB at 1250 on 828, 774, 747 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7415, Oct 28 at 0553-0610+, open carrier. Presumably WBCQ which is authorized on this frequency 24 hours and has been known to program as late as 0600 upon occasion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Glenn Hauser logs October 27, 2010

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250.0, RNGE on earlier than usual, 0536 Oct 27, S9+18 mentioning some numbers in Spanish, dios, so maybe citing Bible verses. This time I take referential frequency measurements by two methods. On the YB-400, zeroed to WWV, with BFO and then stepping up and down 6249-6251, it sounds right on. On FRG-7, compared to whatever is on 1250, it again seems a tad on the low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, R. Verdad back close to its original frequency, a bit off nominal 4052.5, Oct 27 at 0518 fair with hymn, S9+12 and one can certainly tell the difference between this 500 watts, and the temporary 50 watts which had been on 4055. However, it`s still too weak for easy listening here, but should be good in the region, and maybe further with better conditions. 0529 sounded like Johnny Cash with hymn to the tune of ``We Shall Not Be Moved``, with guitar; modulation a bit muffled. Also audible around 1155. We had just received the good news from Dr. Madrid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:

GREAT, Radio Truth is on the air again on short wave, with 500 watts of power, at 4052.5 kHz, after over two years being off the air, due to the awful harm done by a lightning strike on the 21st of September 2008, thanks to Engineer Ralph Borthwick, from Canada.

We'll appreciate it if you report our signal during these days, on which we'll be making all necessary adjustments. Please distribute this information (Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Director and Manager, 0409 UT October 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 620, Oct 27 at 1206, after Mex NA, XEBU sign-on with calls twice, ``La Norteñita`` slogan, Chihuahua.

660, Oct 27 at 1214, 6:14 TC, ``en La Tremenda``, atención Agua Nueva, obits after barbacoa ad. Slogan belongs to XEACB, Ciudad Delicias, Chih (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1010, Oct 27 at 1357, from NW/SE, farm report, ad for corn maze (get it?) S of Atwood on hiway 63, business report. Figured it was KSIR Brush-Fort Morgan CO, and the maze location fits nearby (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 930, Oct 27 at 1203, CBS News (in English) in WKY null. Best bet is KWOC Poplar Bluff MO, listed by NRC as CBS and close to right angle from OKC (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 27 at 1221: JBA on 747, 774, no doubt the usual NHKs. Today by force of will, I turned off the radio and got another sesquihour of much-needed sleep (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010

QSL Radio Star International

R. Star International 6400 KHz - con e-mail allegata in 9 giorni.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

QSL Familia FM

Familia FM 4900 KHz - con e-mail allegata in 33 giorni. v/s Laurent Koulemou. 194mo country.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia



Da:                 Laurent Koulemou

A:                   Roberto Pavanello

                        Colette Baudais

                        Curt Bender

Date:              26/10/10 22:23

Oggetto:         Re : Fwd:Copie de : RECEPTION DE FAMILIA FM



Merci de nous envoyer ce rapport cela nous reconforte de plus.



--- En date de : Dim 24.10.10, Roberto Pavanello :


> De: Roberto Pavanello
> Objet: Fwd:Copie de : RECEPTION DE FAMILIA FM

> À: directiontech.familiafm <>

> Date: Dimanche 24 octobre 2010, 12h18

> Copie de :


> Une demande de contact a été formulée par -email via de la part de :

> Roberto Pavanello


> Moms. Koulemou


> je suis un passionnè de ecoute de la radio italienne et le

> jour 25/09/2010 de 23.25-23.40 heure de Guineè j' ai pu

> ecouter une des emission de Radio Familie sur la frequence

> de 4900 KHz dans la bande de 60 metres avec un reception

> Icom R71E avec antenne longwire de 30 metres.


> La qualitè de la reception selon le code SINPO etait


>  S = 3  I = 5  N = 3  P =

> 3   O = 3


> Dans ce periode de temp j' ai put ecouter un conversation

> avec voix de homme sur l' activitè d' une companie theatral et, de 23.30-23.40, 2 chansons

> africaine.


> Si c' est rapport d' ecoute c'est corect je serais tres

> hereux de receivre un Votre e-mail de confirmation de mon

> ecoute de Radio Familia.


> Dans l' espoir d' une reponse de votre part, veuillez

> agreèr, un tres cordial salut de l' Italie.


> Roberto Pavanello


Radio Verdad en el aire con 500 watts

Recibido el siguiente mail de Edgar Amilcar Madrid, director de Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala:

"GRANDIOSO, Radio Verdad ya está en el aire otra vez por onda corta, con 500 watts de potencia, en 4052.5 Khz., después de más de dos años de estar fuera del aire, debido a los graves daños hechos por un rayo el 21 de septiembre del 2008, gracias al Ingeniero Rafael Borthwick de Canadá.
Le agradeceremos mucho reportar nuestra señal durante estos días, en los cuales estaremos haciendo los ajustes necesarios.
Por favor difunda esta información.
Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid
Director y Gerente"

(Manuel Méndez via HCDX ml)

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2010 Oct 25 1457 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 512 from 2010 Oct 18 

Solar activity was low during the whole week.
Only 4 C-flares were produced by active region NOAA11112, mainly
on Oct.18 and 19. Thereafter, this active region decayed until
it disappeared at the West limb on Oct. 21. A few other H-type
spots were present but without any significant flaring activity.
The only other noteworthy solar event was a filament ejection
and associated semi-halo CME that took place near central meridian
early on Oct. 22.
A trans-equatorial coronal hole passed the central meridian on
Oct.21 and was probably the source of a geomagnetic disturbance
at the end of the week.

Geomagnetic activity was at quiet levels from Oct.18 until
Oct.22. During that time period, the solar wind speed remained
at a low speed of about 400km/s. Temporary negative excursions
of the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field caused
temporary unsettled conditions on Oct.19.
Then, in the second half of Oct.22, the solar wind speed jumped
to 680 km/s, due to a fast solar wind stream associated with
the above-mentioned coronal hole. This caused unsettled to active
geomagnetic conditions during two days, on Oct. 23 and 24, with
short minor geomagnetic storm intervals mainly on Oct. 23.
By th end of the week, the solar wind speed was slowly declining
and the geomagnetic activity decreased to unsettled levels.
DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2010 Oct 18  ///    039  91  008  B1.1  0  0
2010 Oct 19  ///    046  87  007  B1.3  0  0
2010 Oct 20  062    033  84  006  A9.8  0  0
2010 Oct 21  048    024  84  004  A5.8  0  0
2010 Oct 22  ///    023  82  007  A7.1  0  0
2010 Oct 23  053    029  84  029  A6.7  0  0
2010 Oct 24  ///    034  82  020  A8.5  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #

martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Glenn Hauser logs October 25-26, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Oct 26 at 1321, LRA36 carrier detectable, weaker than UK 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 800, Oct 26 at 1307 UT, ``AM 800`` weather in Celsius for Windsor, et al., some Fahrenheit too; 1308 ``CKLW, The Information Station``. Quite clear in KQCV OKC null. No sign of XEROK Chihuahua now, which was in well an hour earlier, but now all the Mexicans are gone, and it`s back northeast over full daytime, but lower-sun path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: Chicago logs

** CUBA [and non]. 9965, DentroCuban Jamming Command, wall of noise at 1153 Oct 26 vs creamed inaudible R. República; same level of jamming on 9955 against WRMI at this hour. After 1400 in scheduled RFI relay, no jamming on 9955 and no signal from WRMI either, while WON continued on 9965 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250-, Oct 26 at 0550 poor signal, seems Spanish talk, vs intermittent uteburst QRM. Previously, RNGE has been spot-on 6250.0, but comparing this now to MW 1250, 6250 is on the low side. Of course, could be misled by the dominant 1250 signal being on the hi side, but I have not noticed any significant hets there elsewhen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non?]. 17620, RFI in French news Oct 26 at 1407, with `generator hum` making me suspect it`s the GUIANA FRENCH relay, since both it and Issoudun have been registered on 17620 at this time. However, it`s // and synchronized with 15300, listed as Issoudun only, so unseems GUF. Unless both are taking same satellite feed from Paris with same delay. Further, GUF is also doubling on 15300 per HFCC, but only until 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7450, Oct 26 at 0550 VOG in Greek talk, so I stayed on it to see exactly when it would cut off for QSY: 0552:08* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.5, still nothing from R. Verdad, at 0120 check Oct 26, nor at 0603 when it would normally be about to close down with NA. Then I heard from Dr. Madrid at 0503 UT Oct 26:

``I am so sorry, Glenn and Dave, we have worked very hard today making many tests and tryouts, but we are not ready to come on the air yet (even though our transmitter is working fine already. The small transmitter too). May be tomorrow (?) we may come on the air (I hope). The electrical difficulties are still on. Two electrical line keepers came this afternoon and reviewed and readjusted electric connections of the power transformer. The problems are still on. Tomorrow I will report the problems to the electric company to see if this can be corrected soon. Just be expecting our signal. I will inform everybody as soon as we are permanently on the air. The engineer has moved frequencies several times, but just for testing purposes. Our frequency will keep on 4052.5 kHz, as it has been before.

Our problem right now is that the engineer was supposed to return to Canada tomorrow evening, and I think we'll have to postpone his trip (with some unconveniencies for him). He won't leave until all difficulties are solved. Thank you very much for your help. May God bless you --- Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Radio Truth - Radio Verdad``

24 hours EARLIER, at 0544 Oct 25, he had told me: ``I am sorry, Glenn and Dave, we were not able to come on the air today Sunday, because we discovered some electrical difficulties which we have to fix. We were on the air several times during the day, sometimes with the small transmitter, and some other times with the big transmitter, but without audio frequency, just making many tests. We may come on the air tomorrow Monday (some time on the day). We are working too hard on it, but, the big transmitter is alright. Our problems are with a deficient ground. May God bless you for your valuable help --- Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Radio Truth - Radio Verdad`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI signal absent for the second day in a row, Oct 26 at 1152 check and 1319, so another excursion to Banjarmasin in Exotic Indonesia will have to wait at least until another Tuesday.

Is anyone hearing it at other dayparts? Atsunori Ishida reports on Oct 25: ``9526 - (Carrier at 1000-1059) and *1550-1800- 1550 (IN), 1600 NA, 1602 AA, 1700 SS, 1800 GG.`` So maybe it`s a problem with the antenna USward between 11 and 14/15 rather than the transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 21540, R. Kuwait in Qur`an, Oct 26 at 1404, SSOB with slight SAH from REE. Chuck Bolland in FL was still hearing the English broadcast around 1900 Oct 23 on 15540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Pre-sunrise DX Oct 26 on DX-398 inside with internal antenna only:

540, at 1159 UT Oct 26 in CBK null, Hoy por Hoy program promo, government PSAs including Senado 1202; then Hoy por Hoy, San Luís Potosí, ``la fuerza local de noticias``, YL caster, so it`s XEWA.

580, at 1206 UT Oct 26, choral NA, mixing with another Spanish station; 1208 sign-on as XEFI, Radio Mexicana, AM-580, temp 22. Chihuahua city

620, at 1203 UT Oct 26, orchestral NA, 1205 sign-on, XEBU, La Rancherita, street address, Chihuahua (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, Oct 26 at 0544 poor with tone test which really audiblizes what must be R. Nigeria, Abuja about to open. 0545:30 goes to drumming and whistling; 0546:30 military band, presumably NA; but at 0547:30 I hear nothing further, dead air, or fading down? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Re my report from two months ago: ``1050 on caradio with a low het rumble, surely between the two OK stations, as much closer than any others on daytime groundwave; someone is significantly off-frequency. Dominant station had soul music, Aug 17 at 2013 UT.

Trouble is, new NRC AM Log 2010-2011, just received Aug 18, shows both are UC:AC (urban contemporary/American contemporary) music formats: KKRX Lawton, U3 250 watts, and KGTO Tulsa, U1 1000 watts. Of course, with a direxional receiver each could be nulled, but not on the caradio whip. More likely Tulsa, a bit closer and stronger, non direxional, while Lawton is direxional to the SW.``

Since I am still hearing this audible het on the caradio, I finally get around to resolving this Oct 25 at 2123 UT. Using the DX-398 in the yard away from as much local noise as possible, by rotating it with BFO on and slightly mistuned, and comparing to pitch of neighboring stations on dial (not including KLIO 1070 Wichita, already pinned as off-frequency itself), the 1050 off-frequency is: KKRX Lawton, the weaker one, which is on the low side, probably somewhat less than 100 Hz, circa 1049.9+.

1580, KOKB Blackwell, after behaving itself for a few weeks whenever checked, back to dead air = open carrier Monday Oct 25 at several tunes, 1930, 1935, 2010, 2057 UT and no telling how long before or after. But it was remodulating at 1705 October 26.

While we`re at it, routine check of our other oddities, Oct 25 around 1935 UT:
1120, KEOR Sperry-Tulsa is on air at the moment, and 1705 Oct 26.
97.7, ``WECS`` part 15 loop at Emmanuel Christian School, Enid is on
99.9, GCN pirate in Enid is on with Alex from Santa Cruz CA (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA for KKLE, KRVA et al.

** OKLAHOMA. Re the DTV anomaly of KUOK-35 Woodward not decoding while neighbor KOMI-34 does decode, despite megawatt on 35 vs 15 kW on 34: Trip Ericson explains that KUOK is really running only 8 kW, despite FCC listings showing 1000 kW, which is only a CP-modification. That explains it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3160, WPJK, Orangeburg SC, Oct 26 at 1131 carrier is on, 1133 sign-on announcement, right into Gospel Train, with toot-toot; poor signal in noise on 2 x 1580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Circa sunrise MW DX Oct 26, on DX-398 inside, internal antenna, times strictly UT:

720, Oct 26 at 1239 UT, getting ready for KDWN, I instead hear good signal from WGN Chicago, which usually had faded out by this time; tornado warning for Kankakee!

At 1245, KDWN Las Vegas did cut on day pattern at usual illegal time one hour too early, Heidi Harris with politix, but at 1257, WGN is back over KDWN. At 1309 nothing but WGN audible.

750, at 1211 UT Oct 26, YL speaking rapidly in Ukrainian, seems news, with musical stingers. What in the world? Never heard this on 750 before, certainly nothing from Manitoba. 1216 announces ``reklama``, i.e. commercials to follow, including 1218 ad for a doctor with phone, 1219 losing to QRMusic; 1242 still/back in with medical ad, 1243 Gordon Medical Center pronounced in English, phone, address, list of doctors in it. Googling, there are several GMCs, including one in Wheeling IL, NW suburb of Chicago.

Per NRC AM Log, the only ethnic format on 750 is WNDZ, Portage IN, 15 kW daytimer near Chicago; Ukrainian not mentioned, but this article
says ``Our biggest languages are Spanish, Russian, Ukranian [sic], English`` altho not clear if referring to 750, any or all of the three other stations in the Access Radio Chicago group on 850, 1240, 1470. Its website is totally uninformative as to program schedules:

It turned out that other Chicago stations were in well after sunrise as the area was getting hit by severe storms. See 720, 1200

770, Oct 26 at 1315 UT, KKOB Albuquerque NM cuts to day pattern but only poor signal. Much better at 1355 about local events, 1404 fading.

880, hoping to get an ID for KHAC NM/AZ Navajoland, Oct 26 at 1300; instead it`s KLRG with self-promo as 50,000 watts, largest daytime signal in Arkansas, get your program on starting tomorrow! Just call Downtown Dave. At 1301 over to Scriptures for America Worldwide from the Radio Ranch in Laramie WY, Richard introducing Nancy & Nancy with home health care program. As if 24/7 on WTWW is not enough for PPPP.

1200, Oct 26 at 1304, Spanish weather warnings for Chicago, power outages, i.e. WRTO. WLS 890 was doing the same in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1550, here`s a misleading ad for unID hunters: Oct 25 at 1929 UT, for Panhandle Federal Credit Union, so this must be in a panhandle, like TX, OK or even NE? No, it`s in Wellington, Sumner County, south-central Kansas not far from Enid, as the ad went on to make clear; then ID as ESPN Sports Radio 1550, KKLE. [COL: nearby Winfield]

So PFCU must have offices all over adjacent states, right? Wrong, it`s limited to Sumner County, Kansas, ONLY:
This page does not answer the obvious question.

BTW, as an Okie I would like to point out that only Oklahoma`s can legitimately be called a panhandle, as the only state of these three which looks remotely like a pan (or cleaver?). Texas?? More like one of those deadly spiked weapons to be hurled, a ninja star. Nebraska? Like TX, too thick to be a handle, like OK, cleaverish altho blunt without a serrated riveredge. But Kansas??? It never developed any such appendage (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1600, Oct 25 at 2057 UT on nondirexional caradio, Vietnamese is already dominating, fades out and in a bit; of course, it`s KRVA, the 25 kW Asian outlet for The Metroplex, COL Cockrell Hill TX, already getting out via skywave, tho sunset here will not occur until 2343 UT; at 2105 with 3.5 Hz SAH over our nearest 1600, KUSH in Cushing OK; and no significant het audible yet from the off-frequency one, previously traced to KMDO, Fort Scott KS (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also OKLAHOMA

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 26: from 1228 UT downward on DX-398 in USB mode: 1242, 1098, 828, 774, 747, 594. Until 1232 upward in LSB mode: 747, 774, 1098. I am beginning to have doubts that `my` 1098 is really a TP carrier such as Marshall Islands, as it`s rather reliable and steady (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4430, approx., Oct 26 at 0558 distorted music, must be related to the 1300 UT Oct 25 log of WWCR-7490 programming on 4434 --- but now it does not match any of the four WWCR frequencies, 3215, 4840, 5890 or 5935. Instead, WEWN ID at 0600 in Spanish // 7555! That signal is not super-strong, so not likely to overload. And then I hear the WYFR theme mixing in. There is another peak around 4440, so perhaps the center frequency of this FMy spur could still be considered 4434. BFO on makes the audio worse, another trait of FM. Again, it is heard both on the YB-400 and the FRG-7, even when the latter is fully attenuated. Getting three different US SW stations here, two at once, is really strange, but means the stations themselves are not likely responsible. Perhaps it is a local mixing product around here. If anyone else hears this I would really like to know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Radio Australia - Interruption to service

On Wednesday 27 October from 0800 AEST our Shepparton transmitter will be shut down for maintenance, affecting the following services:

This service will not be available on 15415 kHz. You may still receive us on 5935, 11550, 15225 and 15335 kHz during this period.

English to the Pacific
This service will not be available on 13690, 15230, 15240, 17750, 17795 or 21725 kHz but you may be able to receive English in PNG on 9660 kHz and in the south-west Pacific on 12080 kHz.

Please note that you local FM stations, web streams and satellite services will be available as usual during this period.
(via Mike Terry via dxld ml)

New Digital Radio Mondiale Channel for South Asia

BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle (DW) are launching a new Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) digital radio channel for South Asia. The channel will carry a four hour daily broadcast that includes the best international programmes in English and Hindi from BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle. It will also bring to the audience all the advantages of DRM digital radio including near-FM quality audio, text messages, Journaline and an Electronic Programme Guide (EPG).
This joint initiative between BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle has been launched using two transmitters in the region and will cover much of South Asia. The signal covers the majority of the Indian sub-continent and may reach as far as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and other neighbouring countries.
The new transmission starts on 31 October 2010 and will be broadcast from 1400 – 1800 GMT each day. Listeners will find the new programme stream on 13590 and 5845 kHz (SW) and additionally on 1548 kHz (MW) between 1700 – 1800 GMT.
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, says: "Digital radio is as much about technology as it is about content. Through DRM we hope to increase the digital radio offer to South Asia giving people access to audio and multimedia content, which should in turn convince manufacturers that digital radio brings something new worth investing in."

(Source : DRM Consortium)

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

lunedì 25 ottobre 2010

FRS-Holland celebrates 30th Anniversary

Dear FRS Friend,

Following lengthy preparations the time has come to celebrate 30 years of FRS-Holland on SW.
Next Sunday October 31st we kick off with the first out of a total of 3 different broadcasts. The FRS Anthology !
Factual, accurate, ups and downs....countless extracts, former presenters, listeners'  contributions, a competition,
fact files, the FRS Story ánd great 80s music. Next Sunday in part 1 we will feature 1980- 1987. The first eventful 7 years.
Here's the schedule:
08.52- 15.00 UTC                                   7600//5800 kHz
09.00-11.00 UTC and 12.00- 16.00 UTC             6005 kHz

That means that between 11.00-12.00 UTC there won't be any signal on 6005 kHz. As from 12.00 UTC onwards 6005 is back and will be
one hour behind of 7600//5800 kHz.
The October 31st broadcast will be streamed between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/ 15:52- 22:00 CET via <>

The period 1988- 2010 will be featured in part 2 (late November) and part 3  (December).

We have received quite a number of contributions. If you feel you want to be part of the celebrations with your personal FRS memories:
you can still do so as we can include that in one of the two broadcasts which follow after the October 31st one.
Of course we have special QSLs for the three based on the 80s, one on the 90s and one on the 00s.
Hope to have your company next will be an unforgettable Sunday. October 31st 2010: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!

73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

Glenn Hauser logs October 24-25, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 carrier barely detectable Oct 25 at 1307, weaker than UK 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA. 28419-USB, checking a semihour after I was getting PY2LOW on 28420, instead heard LW4VU (?) with contest contacts by George (Jorge? He pronounces it sorta Frenchly). His dixion makes it hard to tell whether he is saying Victor or Italy. Like so many hams he mixes up different fonetik alfabets: Lima Whisky Four Italy/Victor? United. Heard this over and over and could not figure out which.

Then I look up both LW4IU and LW4VU in --- neither listed. So I try every other letter in the fourth slot, and find only one hit, which must be it, as I am certain of the L, W, 4, and U:

Jorge Manuel Conde Saubidet
Belgrano 100
Chacabuco Zip Code 6740,

I guess he was saying ``echo`` or some other E-word (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. This map may be handy, altho hams don`t always realize bands are open if no one is calling CQ.

When I checked it at 2040 UT Oct 24, there were contact lines all over it from North America, Caribbean, South America. Fired up 10 meters, and first station I heard was PY2LOW, São Paulo on 28420-USB, working US stations in English, such as N1ZZ, with peculiar fonetix Papa Yellow Two London Ocean Washington. Best area for phone DX is in the 28.4`s.

You can change to other maps, different continents, and if things really get hot, go up to 50 MHz or higher. When 10 meters is open, 12 is likely to be too, and there were several good ham signals there in the 24.9`s.

And don`t forget to look for broadcast harmonics too in this range. 2 x 13 MHz band on 27 MHz, 3 x 9 MHz band on 28 MHz, etc. (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 7325, R. Canada Internal, Oct 25 at 1142 with fancy fiddling cadenza, could have been Enid`s own Kyle Dillingham, but is in RCI`s Arabic service, as followed by such an announcement, at the moment unusually well atop co-channel CRI in Japanese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. 10 and 12 meters are less open than earlier, but 15 is good, with lots of DX signals, including on 21342 at 2318 Oct 24, Chile ham working numerous Japan stations (also audible weaker, including JA2FUJ), thru pileups of US stations. It`s hard to copy his call but at least he says it with every contact, sounding like ``X-ray radio three, three alfa alfa`` -- but with two `threes`? does find it:

RadioClub de Chile
CE3AA Special Call
Celebrating Atacama miners rescue, RM 8330996

O, I get it: 33 miners. He doesn`t have time to say anything about them, just make CQ WW DX contest contacts as rapidly as possible (which I assume ends at 2359z). The US stations do not even bother to state his callsign, just their own. That should not constitute a valid contact, but we know it does, as long as he can be heard saying theirs and exchange signal report.

Another little thing: the listing does not say WHERE this is?! Chile is a big (long) country. Is it really at the mine site? I doubt it, but who knows? Might have an historic QSL to collect (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 25: none found 8-18 MHz after 1307. E Asian propagation continues to be depressed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6105, Oct 25 at 1120 pulse jamming against nothing, causing ACI to RHC 6110 and vice versa. 6105 was an extra R. Martí frequency we logged on April 20, but thought it had been out of use for months now; had been scheduled until 1130, then shift to 11845. At least Mérida is inactive so can`t be harmed by this.

9965, DentroCuban Jamming Command with wall of noise Oct 25 at 1152, as well as on 9955 vs WRMI. Arnie probably read our reports of Radio República on 9965 from 1100, altho we have never heard it at any time on this frequency. Previously the jamming did not start until 1358. Another check at 1317, jamming still on 9965, but not 9955.

Terry Krueger in FL has succeeded in hearing R. República on 9965.5, Oct 22 at 1239 weak plus jamming; Oct 23 1221-1234 RR clear with no jamming; Oct 24 at 1227 in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. ``So as sundown approaches, monitor 4052.5``, I suggested to the dxldyg following news from Dr Madrid that R. Truth was about to reactivate its repaired main transmitter.

That`s exactly what I was doing all Sunday evening periodically, UT Oct 24-25, starting at:
2313: nothing yet
0022: trace of carrier near 4052.5, also 4050 (KWMO) carrier, not 4055
0123: same
0228: 4052.5 carrier is a little stronger, but T-storm noise has been too high
0357: a little better still, but not enough

Previous Sundays has been reported closing down shortly after 0400 UT Monday, but will check again in the 05-06 period in case still on. So far it does not seem like there has been a drastic power increase, altho the frequency has changed back to the original split.

[later:] At 0540, nothing detectable on 4052.5 or 4055.

However there was an S9+18 open carrier on 4035.0 with some hum, still on when I quit at 0605; never noticed that earlier or previously. Probably unrelated.

At 1124, I am back on 4052.5 and can hear a bit of music, very weak with het from 4050, presumably KWMO x 3. Since TGAV thinx it should be on 4052.5 instead of 4055, this will be a continuing problem, while 4055 was a clear frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI absent Oct 25 at 1310 and later chex. It had been on as usual Oct 24, and previous dates tho not bothered to report it. Meanwhile RRI on 9680 was still going at 1311 Oct 25, fair with Indonesian conversation, gamelan, 1322 phoner on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. Looking for ORTM early on 7245 again, Oct 25 at 0604, but not there, nor on 4845, nor before 0600 when Portugal occupies 7240 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Circa sunrise MW DX Oct 25 on DX-398, internal antenna:

540, Oct 25 at 1158, Ejército y Fuerza Aérea PSA from government, W Radio promos, 1200 into local San Luís Potosí news by YL; from XEWA.

620, Oct 25 at 1205 after long orchestral NA, sign-on by XEBU, Chihuahua mentioning 10 mil watts.

700, Oct 25 at 1243, several mentions of phone 52-3-13-13, ``aquí en Ciudad Parral``, and hours it may be called, street address, mentions astrology. Same station I heard Oct 17, XEGD, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, with ``Consejos para un mejor vivir``.

1100, Oct 25 at 1217, some ranchera music audible only with KFAB IBOC nulled. XENAS, Navojoa, Sonora looks best bet (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 28436-USB, after getting S America as far as Chile, Argentina and Brasil, I did not expect to hear a ham on 10m only one kilomile away, Oct 25 at 2137, Luís, from Guadalajara, 4B1GZU, Four Bravo One Golf Zulu United (whatever became of Uniform?), working KE5ECB and many others. shows:

4B1GZU, Luis Zepeda, P.O.Box 5-273, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 45042 Mexico

Due to the short distance, I thought this might be sporadic E mixing in with F2, but Peter Baskind, N4LI, Memphis, says, ``I worked him about 30 minutes ago. S9 to my wire. This is F2.  The fact that I worked him implies that the layer is pretty ionized. That's a good sign. The West Coast is really, really loud, too`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. As previously reported, for about a week, I had not been seeing any trace of KCHM-CA, ch 36 analog, OKC, the tail-wagging-dog relay of KUOK-35 Woodward getting Univisión into the much larger Metro market. But it is showing up again UT Oct 25 at 0216 and the rest of the evening // KWDW 48 and about the same strength, whereas 36 always used to be much stronger than 48. Perhaps it had been off the air for some reason, but at least it`s not closed down permanently yet for flash-cut to DTV. It would be nice if anyone in OKC would keep track of the local on-air TV scene. The next midday after tropo burned off, 36 resumed near-invisibility like 48. In the meantime, KRSC-36 Claremore DTV was in from 75 degrees away; see U S A (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. RTT again on correct frequency 7275 instead of 7225, Oct 25 at 0551 with YL in Arabic, music, and continues to be somewhat undermodulated. At 0556:30 I find the open carrier has started on 7335, 0557:19 starts modulating song // 7275, and the mod level on 7335 is also noticeably louder than 7275 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6890, WEWN, Oct 25 at 0547 preacher in English, with continuous crackle undercurrent, plus mushy spurs about 9 kHz above and below. When there are broadcast stations 10 kHz away, e.g. 13835 vs 13845 from same transmitter, results in horrible QRM, but there are none now, WYFR being safe enough at 6875. Does M. Angelica ever listen to her own station? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3160, WPJK x 2, SC, again late signing on, Oct 25: Nothing there at 1127-1133. Retune at 1139 and now they are in sign-on message, 1140 train whistling and gospel music. Poor reception today with storm noise level probably from Alabama/Georgia area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Hunting harmonix other than WPJK, Oct 25 at 1257 I come to 4434 kHz, with a distorted big hum and talk by YL audible, sounds like Joyce Riley --- yes, sure enough it is // WWCR 7490. The S9+20 signal on 4434 fades slightly, heard on both the FRG-7 even if fully attenuated, and on the YB-400; 1300 WWCR ID with 4 x 100 kW transmitters. Plus spurs, as I seriously suspect this is a transmitted one, altho 7490 itself has overloading super-signal. It`s 3056 kHz away from fundamental, so I also check +3056 = 10546 but hear nothing there, altho if there were a mirror match, it should propagate with 9980 also super-signal by now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 720, KDWN Las Vegas NV, Oct 25 at *1244:40 UT again cuts onto day pattern an hour too early, amid Heidi Harris telling how to vote on state questions, 1246 to traffic report; 1253 had faded down but soon back up.

790, Oct 25 at 1248 UT, KNST Tucson AZ again dominating over KFYO Lubbock TX and anything else, with ID, news, 1251 Wall Street Journal This Morning.

860, KOAM lives! Oct 25 after CBS News ended with kicker about Bullwinkle, at 1210 UT I was surprised to hear a ``KOAM News Update``, mentioning ``the four states``, stories from Joplin, Neosho, Pittsburg, KOAM mentioned a couple more times, but at 1212 transformed into ``Classic Country AM 860, KKOW``, music.

KOAM [Kansas/Oklahoma/Arkansas/Missouri] was the original call on 860, Pittsburg KS. Still applies to TV station on 13, with a CP to move back to original 7 and increase power. Not to any FM station, let alone AM 860. So apparently the TV station supplies the local news bits to KKOW, whether or not they are still commonly owned.

880, Oct 25 at 1247 UT, preacher in English from east/west, certainly not KRVN. Could be KLRG Sheridan AR 50 kW, but NRC AM Log has that as talk. Could also be KHAC Tse Bonito NM = Window Rock AZ, which is religious plus Navajo. After all, I am also getting KDWN 720 Las Vegas NV, but it`s also before sunrise in TB/WR, so should be on 430 watt night power instead of 10 kW day, nondirexional at all times.

920, Oct 25 at 1234 UT, lo-key single announcer with local Utah news dominating frequency, traffic accident, Uinta and adjacent Duchesne county unemployment rates; 1236 ``AM 920 KVEL News-Talk``, ad. KVEL is in Vernal, NE corner of state, dinosaur country. NRC AM Log says 5/1 kW, mentions no PSRA, but this is well before sunrise there. NRC Pattern Book shows night has major lobe to the NE, very minor one sort of toward us, while daytime is non-direxional. I bet it was really the latter.

1430, Oct 25 at 1354 UT, ``Studio 1430`` acknowledges a listener in Germany (presumably webcast), from NW/SE, then ``The Man in My Girl`s Life`` song involving speaking more than singing; SAH of about 10 Hz but dominating channel despite two OK 1430s, more than an hour after LSR here. It`s also after sunrise there which in October is 1315 UT; November 1345. Night pattern goes slightly east of north; daytime nondirexional. 1359 mentioning non-smokers dying in Nebraska; 1400 CNN News; 1403, 8:03 timecheck in the ``Breakfast Club``, local headlines mentioning Denver. So this is KEZW, COL suburb Aurora, with format, news network and slogan all corresponding to info in NRC AM Log also headquartered there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Checking out OKLAHOMA analogs 36 and 48, also noticed a lot of weak DTV signals so swung antenna around eastward, Oct 25 at 1440. KRSC-36 Claremore in well with Classic Arts on 35.1.

And with KWTV finally gone forever from RF9, glad to see another channel 9 DTV signal, strong enough to decode: KAFT, Fayetteville AR, which is licensed at only 19 kW ERP, with a CP for 37.9. And logged with FOUR virtual channels unlike only two we get from OETA on-air.

13-1, KAFT-1, Sesame Street, so main PBS channel
13-2, KAFT-2, Create
13-3, KAFT-3, Plus
13-4, KAFT-4, AIRS, video only a slide but shifting to different fonts and colors centered on a dark background:

``You are listening to
Arkansas Information
Reading Service
For The Blind``
Audio was in the clear. Faded out before 1500 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 25: around 1155 UT looked for 747 and 774 from Japan, but not. A bit better in fuller scan 1221 downward in LSB mode: 1098, 774, 747, 738; 1223 upward in USB mode: 747 774, 828, 1098, 1116 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. While 10 meters was open from S America, I quickly tuned thru 11 meters and heard a number of freebanders in Spanish, but not wasting my time trying to ID them, Oct 24 at 2128-2132: 27690, 26365, 26580, 26560. Modulation left a lot to be desired, some SSB distorted, others FM distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###