martedì 1 giugno 2010

NASB Shortwave Listener Survey

Dr. Jerry Plummer of NASB member station WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee announced the 2010 International Shortwave Survey of the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters (NASB) at the 2010 NASB Annual Meeting in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on May 21.


The purpose of the survey is to gather demographic information about shortwave listeners in North America and around the world, and to find out about their preferences in terms of programming, radio receivers and much more.


Some of the 30 questions on the survey deal with:


·          How long you have been listening to shortwave

·          How many shortwave receivers do you have and what kind

·          Where do you buy your shortwave receivers

·          Do you take shortwave receivers with you when you travel

·          How many hours per week do you listen to shortwave

·          Are you an amateur radio operator

·          Which shortwave stations do you listen to most

·          What types of programs do you most like to listen to on shortwave, and in what languages

·          Do you listen to international radio broadcasts on other media such as Internet and mobile phones

·          Do you listen to DRM broadcasts

·          How much would you be willing to pay for a DRM receiver

·          How do you get shortwave listening information

·          Shortwave/DX clubs you belong to or publications you subscribe to

·          Do you collect QSL cards

·          Geographical location, age, gender and educational level of shortwave listeners


Everyone who completes the survey is invited to submit their e-mail address if they would like to receive a free subscription to the NASB Newsletter, which is published electronically several times per year and includes information about N ASB members and about shortwave radio in general.


Jerry Plummer says the survey will be online for one year, and the results will be made public for the first time at the 2011 NASB Annual Meeting on the Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas cruise ship May 13-16, 2011. 


The NASB is encouraging all shortwave publications and websites to put links to the survey in their publications and on their websites in order to obtain as many responses as possible.  The URL link to the survey is: