:Issued: 2010 Jun 29 1340 UTC
:Product: documentation at http://www.sidc.be/products/bul
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity #
WEEK 495 from 2010 Jun 21
The activity was very low during the whole week. The most active region was NOAA AR 11082 but it didn't produce any C-class flares.
Geomagnetic activity was quiet until June 26 when the fast solar wind from a coronal hole arrived to the Earth and produced active conditions.
2010 Jun 21 017 009 72 008 A4.8 0 0
2010 Jun 22 021 010 73 007 A4.9 0 0
2010 Jun 23 015 009 74 005 A4.9 0 0
2010 Jun 24 014 008 74 007 A4.6 0 0
2010 Jun 25 035 007 75 010 A5.1 0 0
2010 Jun 26 024 013 75 015 A4.9 0 0
2010 Jun 27 /// 008 73 016 A4.7 0 0
# RC : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224 #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491 #
mercoledì 30 giugno 2010
martedì 29 giugno 2010
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 17850 2027 Spanish 444 June 27 YL and OM with comments. Then some Bongo music. YL with REE ID 2031, //17595[333]via Spain.
COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 9630 0342 Spanish 444 June 28 OM with comments.
FRENCH GUIANA Voice of Russia Relay-VOR 9735 0320 Spanish 333 June 28 YL and OM with comments and mentioning Russia often.
GERMANY Voice of Croatia Relay 9925 0310 Croatian 333 June 28 Two OMs in a conversation.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9825 0313 German 333 June 28 Two OMs with comments, Mexico mentioned often, so it could be about Soccer games. DW ID 0315.
SPAIN China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9690 0337 English 444 June 28 OM with news items from the Beijing Post. YL with comments on Women's Rights group.
TUNISIA RTT Tunisia 9725 0328 Arabic 333 June 28 YL singing then an OM singing 0330.
UNITED STATES, Florida WRMI 9955 0305 Spanish 333 June 28 YL singing. YL with comments. The frequency is a very noisy one to tune in.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
Glenn Hauser logs June 28-29, 2010
** ALBANIA. 13755, R. Tirana open carrier from Shijak is already on at tune-in 1418 June 29; some ACI from DPRK in French on 13760, splash from CRI/Cuba 13740. 1428:40 the RT IS starts, 1430 sign-on with A-10 schedule including 0230 on 7425, but weakening now. Another check at 1450, was ending mailbag (Tuesday) with a report from USA for 7425, 1451 into music fill (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36, finally showing a bit of audio, music only heard at frequent chex June 29 from 1330: 1337 as I am torn between this and Banjarmasin; 1345-1405 when sounded like drums and flutes, becoming JBA, 1406 slightly better but brief local 2-way FM image QRM. 1454 carrier still detectable along with a slightly stronger one on 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. 15525, at 2309 June 28, fair signal fluxuating to S9+10 with Christian hymn in Mandarin; can only be HCJB Kununurra a.k.a. ``KNX``. This and all their 15525 broadcasts, even Japanese, are registered 340 degrees, i.e. aimed at Hong Kong, across central China and Mongolia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DGIEST)
** CANADA. WWCR had been inbooming on 15825, so a sporadic-E opening into VHF was possible, but did not turn on TV until 1502 UT June 29. Tho antenna aimed south, was getting analog English on channel 5, so quickly rotated northward. It`s CBC with World Cup Paraguay vs Japan from the NNW, and also // channels 2, 3, and 4 fading in and out. Obviously from Saskatchewan area with possible intrusions from neighboring prairie provinces. Catching definite local IDs difficult, but the usual suspects I have reported before. DX Sherlock shows 6m activity mostly east-west across northern tier of states, so I am at right/acute angle to the major paths.
1506 on 2, fashion show in English, with CCI
1509 on 6, ad in English, CTV logo, during ``Fashion Television`` show which has a logo of a large T on screen and on interview mixe. This is on the CTV net at 9-10 am CDT as in MB, but this scheduling fits for CST from Sask an hour later, i.e. CKCK Regina. Still at 1540.
1515 on 4, The View with Whoopy et al., the CDT zone scheduling for MB CTV stations, but also simul at 11 am EDT from Ontario. CCI from another station in English, not CTV or CBC.
1555 on 3, FIFA in French, no doubt CBWFT Winnipeg.
1557 on 4, CTV promo Skywatch weather radar on your PC.
1559 on 3, Moose Jaw entertainment ad. Main MJ station is of course on ch 4, so I suppose CFQC-1, as the other ch 3 in southern Sask are CBC.
1600 on 6, briefly see 6x9 on screen; could that refer to a station whose main channels are those?
1605 on 3, The View, so CTV from CST Sask, mixing with CBC WC.
1610 on 4, Regis & Kelly, mixing with CBC vuvuzelas. This is scheduled on CFTO and CKCO in Ontario at 9-10 am EDT = 3 hours earlier. In the US it`s syndicated to individual stations rather than on a single network altho it`s produced at ABC New York; how about Canada? Did not find any listings for it from zap2it in Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay.
Show`s own website ignores Canada, with drop-down ``local listings`` only for states, not provinces:
Or could it be something even rarer, a US LPTV station still in analog?
The only one in the area per dxinfocentre map is KGJC in Montana. Googling on calls gets little except a cache of W9WI as of May 16 showing: ``Great Falls , MT [4] KGJC-LD 0.300 0.00 47-27-52.40N 111-21-17.80W LD-CP ||||| Great Falls``
But the current W9WI has removed it completely! No do those calls show on any other Montana channel. It was only a CP on 4, anyway. FCC TV Query also unlists that call for anywhere, and no channel 4 for Great Falls. Regis site doesn`t include it either.
Then I check Calgary listings at zap2it.com --- Regis is on CFCN ch 4 at 10 am MDT, check! Please tell Regis in New York about this.
1615 on 4, infomercial? About Canadians adopting Afrokids, mentioned Worldvision. That`s sked on Global at 11 am CDT but no Global on 4 in Manitoba. CHFD Thunder Bay Ontario? No, not sked at all on that station. Chex at 10 am CST for CFSK from Saskatoon, Global.
1615-1700, mix of stations, nothing dominating for long, ch 2-4.
1700 on 2, WC finally over, ``CBC News Network`` audio ID starting with imminent EIIR Royal Tour of Canada.
1738 on 2, I now find 2 peaking from the NE with CBC Queen coverage, from a naval ship? Soldiers lined up in formation. Signals are weakening, not much left above 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake June 29: started scanning 18 MHz downward at 1315.
15560, fair at 1319. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via Tajikistan at 1230-1330 on 15547, but also several other frequencies in area including 15562 at 1200-1230 only; but no doubt shifts day to day if not minute to minute. Did not pin this down to 15560 instead of 15562. See 15530:
15530, fair at 1336 // 14970, and now 15560 is off. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via Tashkent on 15530 only at 1330-1400
15140, fair at 1323, // 15560; 1324 into ``ramshorn`` passage; still FD at 1408 // 14970, with 15530/15560 now off. Tough luck, Sultanate of Oman; but FD gone at 1452 check
14970, fair at 1325, 1408; gone at 1452
13970, JBA at 1325 with het, unusual
no others heard by 1330 down to 8 MHz
11500, fair at 1457, not heard earlier, so quickly rescanned 8-18 MHz before 1500 and found no others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, good signal June 29, and since it`s Tuesday, the ``Exotic Indonesia`` hookup with RRI Banjarmasin is in progress at 1331, dialog with Mahendra there, discussing the million-rupiah fines [?!] imposed in Jakarta for not buckling seatbelts, unlike Banj where he only got a suggestion from cop; sharing stories at food stalls instead of restaurants; 1335 YL with scripted cultural show about the art of Banjari story-telling. 1338 the remote audio was crackling up for a while; said performances typically last all night until 5 am. I kept interrupting this interesting story to check on LRA36 which could only provide a bit of music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Anomaly stations check circa 1900 UT June 28:
1120, KEOR still absent as it has been for weeks; a pity with its shiny new antenna towers in the woods going to waste
1580, KOKB Blackwell, (over)modulating again instead of open carrier for past few days. So much for my Spanish mystery until KOKB fails again. Meanwhile, Bill Hale researched possibilities, tnx! ---
``Glenn, According to 100000watts.com, the only 1580 with SS Sports is WTTN in Columbus, WI: ESPN Deportes 1580
1580s with 'Spanish' anywhere in their Format are:
KBLA Santa Monica, CA
WDAB Travelers Rest, SC
WLIM Patchogue, NY: Radio Adonai
WNTF Bithlo, FL: Latina 1580
WVZN Columbia, PA``
1670, Winkeljohn`s talking houses still rumbling away in mutual-QRM
99.9, GCN pirate, Enid, back on the air after missing over weekend (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. Antonio Buitrago of REE conveyed assurances that following ``transmitter problems`` for months, the weekly Sephardic show to S America scheduled UT Tuesdays at 0115-0145 on 11795 would surely be back on the air as of June 22 --- but I missed checking for it then.
So I set the alarm and made sure to seek it June 29 from 0113: NOTHING on 11795 thru 0120, altho REE direct in Spanish to SAm sufficient on 11680. Also listened on formerly listed and announced frequency 11780 for this, but as usual RNA was in continuous loud music, and could not detect even the REE IS or fanfare underneath it, tho signal wavered a bit possibly caused by a much weaker signal underneath subaudibly heterodyning it; or not.
REE was the 13m OSOB, June 29 at 1411, poor on 21570 but better than // 21610 and traces of 21540 mixed with Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15867.0, as tuned by June 29 at 1413 heard 2-way contact, stronger being assertive American military YL with flight instruxions, mentioning Air Station Mobile. Could something be brewing in The Gulf? Turned on DX-398 with USB to confirm which sideband, but nothing more heard until 1430 except for occasional digital data bursts such as ``running water``.
Same frequency during 1300 hour I previously reported in DXLD 9-073 mentioning Air Station Sacramento, and 10-17 on April 29 with similar frustration. Terminology denotes US Coast Guard. Numerous previous logs in UDXF forum search of various USCG locales, but also US Customs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36, finally showing a bit of audio, music only heard at frequent chex June 29 from 1330: 1337 as I am torn between this and Banjarmasin; 1345-1405 when sounded like drums and flutes, becoming JBA, 1406 slightly better but brief local 2-way FM image QRM. 1454 carrier still detectable along with a slightly stronger one on 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. 15525, at 2309 June 28, fair signal fluxuating to S9+10 with Christian hymn in Mandarin; can only be HCJB Kununurra a.k.a. ``KNX``. This and all their 15525 broadcasts, even Japanese, are registered 340 degrees, i.e. aimed at Hong Kong, across central China and Mongolia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DGIEST)
** CANADA. WWCR had been inbooming on 15825, so a sporadic-E opening into VHF was possible, but did not turn on TV until 1502 UT June 29. Tho antenna aimed south, was getting analog English on channel 5, so quickly rotated northward. It`s CBC with World Cup Paraguay vs Japan from the NNW, and also // channels 2, 3, and 4 fading in and out. Obviously from Saskatchewan area with possible intrusions from neighboring prairie provinces. Catching definite local IDs difficult, but the usual suspects I have reported before. DX Sherlock shows 6m activity mostly east-west across northern tier of states, so I am at right/acute angle to the major paths.
1506 on 2, fashion show in English, with CCI
1509 on 6, ad in English, CTV logo, during ``Fashion Television`` show which has a logo of a large T on screen and on interview mixe. This is on the CTV net at 9-10 am CDT as in MB, but this scheduling fits for CST from Sask an hour later, i.e. CKCK Regina. Still at 1540.
1515 on 4, The View with Whoopy et al., the CDT zone scheduling for MB CTV stations, but also simul at 11 am EDT from Ontario. CCI from another station in English, not CTV or CBC.
1555 on 3, FIFA in French, no doubt CBWFT Winnipeg.
1557 on 4, CTV promo Skywatch weather radar on your PC.
1559 on 3, Moose Jaw entertainment ad. Main MJ station is of course on ch 4, so I suppose CFQC-1, as the other ch 3 in southern Sask are CBC.
1600 on 6, briefly see 6x9 on screen; could that refer to a station whose main channels are those?
1605 on 3, The View, so CTV from CST Sask, mixing with CBC WC.
1610 on 4, Regis & Kelly, mixing with CBC vuvuzelas. This is scheduled on CFTO and CKCO in Ontario at 9-10 am EDT = 3 hours earlier. In the US it`s syndicated to individual stations rather than on a single network altho it`s produced at ABC New York; how about Canada? Did not find any listings for it from zap2it in Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay.
Show`s own website ignores Canada, with drop-down ``local listings`` only for states, not provinces:
Or could it be something even rarer, a US LPTV station still in analog?
The only one in the area per dxinfocentre map is KGJC in Montana. Googling on calls gets little except a cache of W9WI as of May 16 showing: ``Great Falls , MT [4] KGJC-LD 0.300 0.00 47-27-52.40N 111-21-17.80W LD-CP ||||| Great Falls``
But the current W9WI has removed it completely! No do those calls show on any other Montana channel. It was only a CP on 4, anyway. FCC TV Query also unlists that call for anywhere, and no channel 4 for Great Falls. Regis site doesn`t include it either.
Then I check Calgary listings at zap2it.com --- Regis is on CFCN ch 4 at 10 am MDT, check! Please tell Regis in New York about this.
1615 on 4, infomercial? About Canadians adopting Afrokids, mentioned Worldvision. That`s sked on Global at 11 am CDT but no Global on 4 in Manitoba. CHFD Thunder Bay Ontario? No, not sked at all on that station. Chex at 10 am CST for CFSK from Saskatoon, Global.
1615-1700, mix of stations, nothing dominating for long, ch 2-4.
1700 on 2, WC finally over, ``CBC News Network`` audio ID starting with imminent EIIR Royal Tour of Canada.
1738 on 2, I now find 2 peaking from the NE with CBC Queen coverage, from a naval ship? Soldiers lined up in formation. Signals are weakening, not much left above 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake June 29: started scanning 18 MHz downward at 1315.
15560, fair at 1319. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via Tajikistan at 1230-1330 on 15547, but also several other frequencies in area including 15562 at 1200-1230 only; but no doubt shifts day to day if not minute to minute. Did not pin this down to 15560 instead of 15562. See 15530:
15530, fair at 1336 // 14970, and now 15560 is off. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via Tashkent on 15530 only at 1330-1400
15140, fair at 1323, // 15560; 1324 into ``ramshorn`` passage; still FD at 1408 // 14970, with 15530/15560 now off. Tough luck, Sultanate of Oman; but FD gone at 1452 check
14970, fair at 1325, 1408; gone at 1452
13970, JBA at 1325 with het, unusual
no others heard by 1330 down to 8 MHz
11500, fair at 1457, not heard earlier, so quickly rescanned 8-18 MHz before 1500 and found no others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, good signal June 29, and since it`s Tuesday, the ``Exotic Indonesia`` hookup with RRI Banjarmasin is in progress at 1331, dialog with Mahendra there, discussing the million-rupiah fines [?!] imposed in Jakarta for not buckling seatbelts, unlike Banj where he only got a suggestion from cop; sharing stories at food stalls instead of restaurants; 1335 YL with scripted cultural show about the art of Banjari story-telling. 1338 the remote audio was crackling up for a while; said performances typically last all night until 5 am. I kept interrupting this interesting story to check on LRA36 which could only provide a bit of music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Anomaly stations check circa 1900 UT June 28:
1120, KEOR still absent as it has been for weeks; a pity with its shiny new antenna towers in the woods going to waste
1580, KOKB Blackwell, (over)modulating again instead of open carrier for past few days. So much for my Spanish mystery until KOKB fails again. Meanwhile, Bill Hale researched possibilities, tnx! ---
``Glenn, According to 100000watts.com, the only 1580 with SS Sports is WTTN in Columbus, WI: ESPN Deportes 1580
1580s with 'Spanish' anywhere in their Format are:
KBLA Santa Monica, CA
WDAB Travelers Rest, SC
WLIM Patchogue, NY: Radio Adonai
WNTF Bithlo, FL: Latina 1580
WVZN Columbia, PA``
1670, Winkeljohn`s talking houses still rumbling away in mutual-QRM
99.9, GCN pirate, Enid, back on the air after missing over weekend (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. Antonio Buitrago of REE conveyed assurances that following ``transmitter problems`` for months, the weekly Sephardic show to S America scheduled UT Tuesdays at 0115-0145 on 11795 would surely be back on the air as of June 22 --- but I missed checking for it then.
So I set the alarm and made sure to seek it June 29 from 0113: NOTHING on 11795 thru 0120, altho REE direct in Spanish to SAm sufficient on 11680. Also listened on formerly listed and announced frequency 11780 for this, but as usual RNA was in continuous loud music, and could not detect even the REE IS or fanfare underneath it, tho signal wavered a bit possibly caused by a much weaker signal underneath subaudibly heterodyning it; or not.
REE was the 13m OSOB, June 29 at 1411, poor on 21570 but better than // 21610 and traces of 21540 mixed with Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15867.0, as tuned by June 29 at 1413 heard 2-way contact, stronger being assertive American military YL with flight instruxions, mentioning Air Station Mobile. Could something be brewing in The Gulf? Turned on DX-398 with USB to confirm which sideband, but nothing more heard until 1430 except for occasional digital data bursts such as ``running water``.
Same frequency during 1300 hour I previously reported in DXLD 9-073 mentioning Air Station Sacramento, and 10-17 on April 29 with similar frustration. Terminology denotes US Coast Guard. Numerous previous logs in UDXF forum search of various USCG locales, but also US Customs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
lunedì 28 giugno 2010
WHKT 1650 KHz - 5041 Corporate Woods Drive # 165 - Virginia Beach VA 23462-4381 - U.S.A. con QSL in 2291 (non è un errore di battitura) giorni. v/s Monica Rae Qsl Assistent. Si 1 IRC.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
Japon: NHK WORLD TV y RADIO JAPON - Programa de Monitores
Saludos Amigos,
Una noticia para los que quieran ser monitores de la NHK World Radio Japon. La informacion esta
en ingles en los enlaces citado abajo..
NHK WORLD esta en la búsqueda de Monitores para contribuir a la mejora del programa de
producción de NHK WORLD TV y RADIO JAPON.
NHK World TV Programa de Monitores
NHK World Radio Japon Programa de Monitores para los servicios en Arabe, Ingles, Indonesio,
Coreano, Persa, Portugues, Ruso, Español y Tailandes.
Para mas informacion sobre como aplicar ir al enlace
Estos son los requisitos para poder ser monitor de la NHK World Radio Japon
Deberes del Monitor:
1. Vivir fuera de Japón y poder recibir los programa de la NHK World Radio Japon, en Arabe, Ingles, Portugues,
Indonesio,Ruso, Español y Tailandes.
2. Ser mayor de 18 años
3. Poder comunicarse en el correo electrónico en Inglés
4. Ser capaz de escribir los informes en Arabe, Ingles, Indonesio, Coreano, Persa, Portugues, Ruso, Español,
y Tailandes usado en los programas recibidos, y
5 tener una cuenta bancaria que pueda recibir transferencias de dinero hechas en yenes, Dólares americanos,
libras esterlinas o euros
El nombramiento de los monitores se realizará después de un minucioso examen de la solicitud de inscripción.
Un aviso informando el resultado será enviado por correo electrónico a principios de agosto de 2010.
El Periodo de Aplicacion
de Junio 25, 2010 (viernes) hasta las 11:00 (UTC) de Julio 20, 2010 (Martes)
Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, 25 Junio 2010
Glenn Hauser logs June 28, 2010
** ANTARCTICA. 15476, straining to detect LRA36, Monday June 28 at 1424, carrier JBA, not 15475 compared to trace of RA on 9475 under huge WTWW splash (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake search June 28: None heard, 8-16 MHz before 1400; nor 16-19 MHz at 1406-1408. Before 1400, CNR1 jammer vs BBC on 15285 audible; and weaker on 15265 vs RTI, again with het. By 1416, BBC atop 15285 with ``BBC Guangbo Diantai`` ID mentioning forbidden areas, Xizang and Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. 7405, R. Martí clear at 1320 June 28, no jamming audible, interviewing an ``independent correspondent`` by phone from Cuba about health problems there. Plenty of jamming on 11845 and 11930 at 1410 but Martí still atop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. 15275, June 28 at 0604 world news in English, fair with deep fades, soon IDed with DW jingle. I don`t normally hear this, but of course it`s via RWANDA, 295 degrees at 0600-0630. DW uses 15275 for many more hours per day, 1200-1955 via Kigali or Woofferton in German but starting with a bit o` French. Also 0630-0700 in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. See SPAIN [and non]
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI signal good again, S9+18 with romantic music at 1338 June 28 filling out the English hour; next check at 1446, big het with more music marring CRI Russian on 9525.0 at about equal levels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 15525, unlisted in Dutch June 28 at 1348, VG S9+22 signal, weather report, discussing imminent match between Nederland and Slowakije at Durban RSA, Radio Een jingle and ID in passing; vuvuzelas in background. 1403 game seems underway with commentary.
On radio I had to imagine the TV camera panning across the players` faces before getting down to business: they have all obviously been instructed never to smile and never to look at the camera. While TV DXing Mexican WC coverage, seeing fans with stocking caps, coats, I wonder just how cold it is in wintry RSA. Weather.com shows Jo`burg average lows and highs in June and July are 6-16 degrees; another reference showed lows down to 2 degrees, but that`s not during game times. Presumably somewhat colder at Durban, Cape Town, which at 34 south could be almost as frigid as Enid here at 36 north --- but CT with nothing but ocean to Antarctica.
RNW via site? There is NO listing for any 15525 transmission at:
But Media Network blog had this info as of June 27:
``Frequencies for Netherlands-Slovakia on 28 June
June 27th, 2010 - 11:51 UTC by Andy Sennitt.
The following shortwave/ mediumwave frequencies will be available for coverage in Dutch of the World Cup football match between the Netherlands and Slovakia which will be played tomorrow (28 June) between 1400 and 1545 UT:
1000-1700: 1296 kHz to Benelux
1200-1700: 5955 kHz to Central Europe
1300-1700: 7235 kHz to Germany
1300-1700: 9595 kHz to Great Britain and Ireland
1200-1700: 9895 & 13700 kHz to SW Europe
1300-1700: 9620 kHz to Scandinavia
1300-1700: 13700 kHz to Greece and Turkey
1300-1700: 9420 kHz to Caribbean
1300-1700: 15525 kHz to Caribbean & SE USA
1300-1700: 15760 to Atlantic Ocean
1300-1700: 17530 kHz to East Africa
1300-1630: 7300 kHz to South Africa``
Who cares about the sites? I would guess Bonaire on 15525, but could be Guiana French or something less likely in the hemisphere. This is a slack time for normal Bonaire transmissions, nothing scheduled 1227-1830, so plenty transmitters available. Did not know about or check 9420, likely same emanance.
This loud and clear signal rubs in to Central North Americans what RN could easily have done but never did --- provide us a morning SW broadcast in English, and now there are none at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. 15385, REE Emisión Sefarad check Monday June 28 at 1425, JBA carrier in very poor propagation from Europe; Greece 15630 also barely audible before 1400 with non-Greekish music presumably substituting during 2-day strike. Have set the alarm for 0110 June 29 to see whether the South American Sephardic repeat is really reactivated on 11795 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Re previous report: Jeff White explains that on WRMI 9955 and webcast, only the La Voz del Consejo repeat at 0500-0600 UT Sundays has been replaced by Encontro DX. Its other airings continue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1580, June 28 at 1325 UT, KOKB Blackwell OK is still on open carrier only, which helps to alleviate the higher noise floor we are forced to endure from all the cable DTV converter boxes we have had to add to the household appliances. (Of course, we could unplug them all in an emergency, and later they would all have to re-scan for signals.)
No Spanish audible unlike two days earlier, but weak English discussion of World Cup; hmmm, I wonder if that could be like 1% modulation from KOKB itself? 1359 hoping for algo identifiable, sounds like two very weak signals mixing. At 1443 I tried the caradio in the garage which is further from the noise, and a preacher in English was atop one or two others.
Wayne Heinen of NRC says there are no US Spanish stations known in this area; could it have been XEDM, Hermosillo, Sonora? Possibly, but in an unusual daytime opening that long after sunrise in the 900-mile range, and no Space Shuttle to stir up the D-layer. XEDM has downgraded itself from 50 to 10 kW in the last few years, presumably still non-direxional; news format apparently now as ``DM Noticias`` per WRTH 2010.
There are several other Mexican 1580s less likely due to power, distance. I should note that when I was getting Spanish on 1580, there was no sign of XERF 100 kW on 1570 vs the not very strong Catoosa OK station. XERF has made surprising daytime appearances before in the winter, but here we are at summer solstice when insolation angles are rising quickly after sunrise here at 1115 UT, Hermosillo 1228 UT.
KGAF 1580 Gainesville TX has now replied confirming it was not them in Spanish on Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15244.5, intruder, June 28 at 1350, Spanish SSB 2-way --- make that 3-way, as a stronger communicant cuts in, whistling into mike; weak het from broadcaster on 15245.0. Consulting HFCC you would think it`s V. of Russia via Moscow site. But as an outlaw nation, V. of Korea`s extensive broadcasts are missing from HFCC but showing in Aoki, as an English hour to Europe; and Aoki lists no Russia, so probably a wooden registration for that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake search June 28: None heard, 8-16 MHz before 1400; nor 16-19 MHz at 1406-1408. Before 1400, CNR1 jammer vs BBC on 15285 audible; and weaker on 15265 vs RTI, again with het. By 1416, BBC atop 15285 with ``BBC Guangbo Diantai`` ID mentioning forbidden areas, Xizang and Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. 7405, R. Martí clear at 1320 June 28, no jamming audible, interviewing an ``independent correspondent`` by phone from Cuba about health problems there. Plenty of jamming on 11845 and 11930 at 1410 but Martí still atop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. 15275, June 28 at 0604 world news in English, fair with deep fades, soon IDed with DW jingle. I don`t normally hear this, but of course it`s via RWANDA, 295 degrees at 0600-0630. DW uses 15275 for many more hours per day, 1200-1955 via Kigali or Woofferton in German but starting with a bit o` French. Also 0630-0700 in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. See SPAIN [and non]
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI signal good again, S9+18 with romantic music at 1338 June 28 filling out the English hour; next check at 1446, big het with more music marring CRI Russian on 9525.0 at about equal levels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. 15525, unlisted in Dutch June 28 at 1348, VG S9+22 signal, weather report, discussing imminent match between Nederland and Slowakije at Durban RSA, Radio Een jingle and ID in passing; vuvuzelas in background. 1403 game seems underway with commentary.
On radio I had to imagine the TV camera panning across the players` faces before getting down to business: they have all obviously been instructed never to smile and never to look at the camera. While TV DXing Mexican WC coverage, seeing fans with stocking caps, coats, I wonder just how cold it is in wintry RSA. Weather.com shows Jo`burg average lows and highs in June and July are 6-16 degrees; another reference showed lows down to 2 degrees, but that`s not during game times. Presumably somewhat colder at Durban, Cape Town, which at 34 south could be almost as frigid as Enid here at 36 north --- but CT with nothing but ocean to Antarctica.
RNW via site? There is NO listing for any 15525 transmission at:
But Media Network blog had this info as of June 27:
``Frequencies for Netherlands-Slovakia on 28 June
June 27th, 2010 - 11:51 UTC by Andy Sennitt.
The following shortwave/ mediumwave frequencies will be available for coverage in Dutch of the World Cup football match between the Netherlands and Slovakia which will be played tomorrow (28 June) between 1400 and 1545 UT:
1000-1700: 1296 kHz to Benelux
1200-1700: 5955 kHz to Central Europe
1300-1700: 7235 kHz to Germany
1300-1700: 9595 kHz to Great Britain and Ireland
1200-1700: 9895 & 13700 kHz to SW Europe
1300-1700: 9620 kHz to Scandinavia
1300-1700: 13700 kHz to Greece and Turkey
1300-1700: 9420 kHz to Caribbean
1300-1700: 15525 kHz to Caribbean & SE USA
1300-1700: 15760 to Atlantic Ocean
1300-1700: 17530 kHz to East Africa
1300-1630: 7300 kHz to South Africa``
Who cares about the sites? I would guess Bonaire on 15525, but could be Guiana French or something less likely in the hemisphere. This is a slack time for normal Bonaire transmissions, nothing scheduled 1227-1830, so plenty transmitters available. Did not know about or check 9420, likely same emanance.
This loud and clear signal rubs in to Central North Americans what RN could easily have done but never did --- provide us a morning SW broadcast in English, and now there are none at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. 15385, REE Emisión Sefarad check Monday June 28 at 1425, JBA carrier in very poor propagation from Europe; Greece 15630 also barely audible before 1400 with non-Greekish music presumably substituting during 2-day strike. Have set the alarm for 0110 June 29 to see whether the South American Sephardic repeat is really reactivated on 11795 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Re previous report: Jeff White explains that on WRMI 9955 and webcast, only the La Voz del Consejo repeat at 0500-0600 UT Sundays has been replaced by Encontro DX. Its other airings continue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1580, June 28 at 1325 UT, KOKB Blackwell OK is still on open carrier only, which helps to alleviate the higher noise floor we are forced to endure from all the cable DTV converter boxes we have had to add to the household appliances. (Of course, we could unplug them all in an emergency, and later they would all have to re-scan for signals.)
No Spanish audible unlike two days earlier, but weak English discussion of World Cup; hmmm, I wonder if that could be like 1% modulation from KOKB itself? 1359 hoping for algo identifiable, sounds like two very weak signals mixing. At 1443 I tried the caradio in the garage which is further from the noise, and a preacher in English was atop one or two others.
Wayne Heinen of NRC says there are no US Spanish stations known in this area; could it have been XEDM, Hermosillo, Sonora? Possibly, but in an unusual daytime opening that long after sunrise in the 900-mile range, and no Space Shuttle to stir up the D-layer. XEDM has downgraded itself from 50 to 10 kW in the last few years, presumably still non-direxional; news format apparently now as ``DM Noticias`` per WRTH 2010.
There are several other Mexican 1580s less likely due to power, distance. I should note that when I was getting Spanish on 1580, there was no sign of XERF 100 kW on 1570 vs the not very strong Catoosa OK station. XERF has made surprising daytime appearances before in the winter, but here we are at summer solstice when insolation angles are rising quickly after sunrise here at 1115 UT, Hermosillo 1228 UT.
KGAF 1580 Gainesville TX has now replied confirming it was not them in Spanish on Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15244.5, intruder, June 28 at 1350, Spanish SSB 2-way --- make that 3-way, as a stronger communicant cuts in, whistling into mike; weak het from broadcaster on 15245.0. Consulting HFCC you would think it`s V. of Russia via Moscow site. But as an outlaw nation, V. of Korea`s extensive broadcasts are missing from HFCC but showing in Aoki, as an English hour to Europe; and Aoki lists no Russia, so probably a wooden registration for that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Le novità e le foto della fiera Hamradio 2010 di Friedrichshafen
Vi segnalo che ho appena pubblicato le foto e un articolo che descrive le novità della fiera Hamradio 2010 di Friedrichshafen, l'indirizzo e':
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 13630 2134 English 433 June 25 YL interviewing an OM on Cameroon military activities. //12080[433]Brandon, 11660[444]Shepparton and 15515[444]Shepparton.
CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 15330 2122 French 433 June 25 Two OMs in a happy comversation. //17735[333] and 15235[333].
CHILE La Voz CVC 17680 1752 Spanish 333 June 25 YL and OM singing. YL with comments 1755.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 2147 Spanish 333 June 25 OM with comments. //11760[444].
MARIANAS, North Radio Free Asia-RFA 13625 2138 Chinese 444 June 25 OM with comments. Also a YL at times. No Jammer was heard.
PALAU Radio Free Asia-RFA 9905 1650 Chinese 333 June 26 YL singing followed by an OM with comments. //9455[444]Saipan, 11540[333]Dushanbe, 11795[444]Mariannas No and 12025[333]Saipan.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 15640 2115 English 333 June 25 Two OMs with comments on a terrorist attack on a marriage cerimony in Greece. //11865[433]Rwanda.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 15110 2127 Spanish 333 June 25 Two OMs in a conversation.
. Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 15330 2122 French 433 June 25 Two OMs in a happy comversation. //17735[333] and 15235[333].
CHILE La Voz CVC 17680 1752 Spanish 333 June 25 YL and OM singing. YL with comments 1755.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 2147 Spanish 333 June 25 OM with comments. //11760[444].
MARIANAS, North Radio Free Asia-RFA 13625 2138 Chinese 444 June 25 OM with comments. Also a YL at times. No Jammer was heard.
PALAU Radio Free Asia-RFA 9905 1650 Chinese 333 June 26 YL singing followed by an OM with comments. //9455[444]Saipan, 11540[333]Dushanbe, 11795[444]Mariannas No and 12025[333]Saipan.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 15640 2115 English 333 June 25 Two OMs with comments on a terrorist attack on a marriage cerimony in Greece. //11865[433]Rwanda.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 15110 2127 Spanish 333 June 25 Two OMs in a conversation.
. Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
Un po' di ascolti
Nella pagina iniziale del mio sito www.hb9gce.ch ho raccolto un po' di ascolti effettuati negli ultimi giorni
Radio Philia - Voice of Greece, Grecia, 11645 KHz
RS Makedonias (ERT3), Grecia, 9935 KHz
RAE, Argentina, 15345 KHz
Radio Habana, Cuba, 5040 KHz
Voce della Turchia, Turchia, 11980 KHz
RDP, Portogallo, 12020 KHz
Radio Rossii, Russia, 12070 KHz
Mystery Radio, Pirata, 6220 KHz
Radio Nederland, Paesi Bassi, 9740 KHz
Andrea HB9GCE
Radio Philia - Voice of Greece, Grecia, 11645 KHz
RS Makedonias (ERT3), Grecia, 9935 KHz
RAE, Argentina, 15345 KHz
Radio Habana, Cuba, 5040 KHz
Voce della Turchia, Turchia, 11980 KHz
RDP, Portogallo, 12020 KHz
Radio Rossii, Russia, 12070 KHz
Mystery Radio, Pirata, 6220 KHz
Radio Nederland, Paesi Bassi, 9740 KHz
Andrea HB9GCE
domenica 27 giugno 2010
Glenn Hauser logs June 25-27, 2010
** CHINA. Firedrake June 27: from 1320 to 1335, found nowhere 8-18 MHz except: 14700, fair at 1334 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11760, RHC, June 26 at 2040 in English with Valverde reading stamp show script, always with political content. So at least this day, English not replaced by Spanish like happened to French during the following hour yesterday.
13680 missing again, Sunday June 27 at 1340, but hardly necessary since 13780 is inbooming with DX program ``En Contacto``, another episode in the almost-50-year history of RHC, reminiscences of revolutionary jailbirds who listened to it in racist South Africa, Uruguay, and primarily Paraguay; followed usual birthday greetings to listeners and staff at outset 1335.
RHC Esperanto weekly confirmed on 11760 at 1525 Sunday June 27 check: the big 95th world Esperanto congress is imminent in July in Havano, the movement having been coöpted by Commies, the Chi- also SW broadcasting in it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GAMBIA [non]. 15225, Save the Gambia Democracy Project, new clandestine brokered by Radio Miami International, Saturdays only at 1815-1830, 125 kW, 221 degrees via Nauen, GERMANY: First few weeks I missed it, at an inconvenient time, but tried June 26 at 1820 and there is a JBA signal in vernacular? Improves by 1825 and now it`s in English! YL discussing ``what we should do``. 1829 bit of music and off at 1830*. Dragan Lekic found out the station is really called Baati Rewmi Radio or "Voice of the Country", while Tony Rogers, BDXC-UK says it`s ``Voice of the Nation``. See http://www.savethegambia.org showing "Baati Rewmi Radio". But I did not hear any of those IDs. Too bad they don`t archive audio on site, but do explain what they are about; not all the subpage linx work, yet? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT [non]. R. Kuwait`s tests via Skelton UK were to be thru UT Saturday 0400 only, and thus nothing to be heard June 26 at 2254 on 15305 tho direct 17750 was poorly audible; nor June 27 at 0120 on 11720. Nor 0310 on 9855, just weak presumed Botswana. But will they return permanently? Kuwait direct in English on 15540 was also fairly audible until 2100 June 26 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Some more not fully identified Es TVDX June 26: at 2250 UT some Spanish fades in from SSW on channel 2: 2300 infomercial for MOINSAGE, concerned with aging, with website www.inova.com.mx. Signs of activity also on channel 3.
UT June 27 at 0100, a Rambo movie on channel 3 from Net-5 breaks for commercials including Powerade, consumed by FIFA players (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Continued from previous report: investigating further the new talking house on 1670 in Enid:
It so happened that the Friday June 25 Enid Eagle newspaper had an advertising supplement about open-houses coming Sunday afternoon at 2-4 pm, with a map, many realtors participating, including Greg Winkeljohn. He has only two properties involved in this, which seemed good candidates for the TH transmitter(s).
So I went on a visit without waiting for the OHs. Yes, the first one, at 1107 Quail Ridge
really exhibits the 1670 sign on the curb,
my photos: http://www.w4uvh.net/1670th1107qr1.jpg
and only parked right there is the QRM suppressed enough to copy the spiel clearly, altho the slush is still audible underneath. So that`s coming from a different transmitter.
Then I go to his other Sunday OH property, also in west-central Enid, only a few blox away but with no direct street connexion in another cul-de-sac, 4910 Manchester: http://www.enidhomes.com/homes/692150.htm
This one does not have a 1670 sign, but just like the previous home, when I park right in from of it, his spiel becomes readable. They all sound alike, but this is really a different one, and guess what! It`s the same one heard last year from yet another house which I tracked down, out in the country NW of Enid, the three-level in Whispering Hills! No exact address mentioned but I did find it at 202 Tanglewood, as in DXLDs 9-057, 9-069, 9-077.
So he has moved that transmitter to 4910 Manchester, altho not publicized, and it`s running with the old recording! Maybe he is planning to replace it with new spiel for the house from which it is really radiating.
One or both transmitters are unstable, making the QRM worse, but Winkeljohn apparently doesn`t understand that he should not run more than one TH transmitter so close together geographically on the same frequency --- a mixed blessing, as it confines the mess but hardly good for business. And part of his spiel promotes the talking-house concept, available to clients at no extra cost! I see nothing about it on the website, tho. Surely the units are frequency-agile and he is hardly held down to 1670 by any licensing.
But that`s not all. As I keep driving, on the east side of these western additions, I seem to be hearing yet another of his spiels slightly dominating the others on 1670. Address mentioned in the QRM sounds like it starts with 13--. Then I check his website which has a handy search funxion, leading to 1317 Cansler:
So the next afternoon I brave 100-degree heat to visit that address, and sure enough, 1317 Cansler is another 1670 TH, with a sign to that effect, and appears to be occupied.
My photo: http://www.w4uvh.net/1670th1317ca.jpg
This one has somewhat larger range than the others. The first two are less than a quarter mile apart, while Cansler is almost one mile east of Quail Ridge. So parked at Cansler, there is less QRM but still some detectable. However, now I have the DX-398 with me; altho it sounds OK on the caradio, switching on the BFO at 1950 UT June 26, I can tell this one is FMing badly, unstable carrier varying with modulation, so the main source of QRM to the other two, besides each other. I would not be surprised if there are yet more of them on the 1670 Enid air.
At least the first two seem to be part-15 compliant with limited range, unlike when transmitting from Whispering Hills, but people residing near any of them will be out of luck hearing the new Mexican on 1670. Let`s just hope the houses sell before it oncomes. And Greg remembers not only to take down, but turn off the transmitters. They are all a few blox off Chestnut Ave. to the north. I could see no signs of an external antenna at any of them.
More aboutGreg; note correct spelling Winkeljohn, unlike my previous:
He`s a Catholic who has procreated with Renee at least seven times, among other personal facts thought to enhance business. If I were buying or selling a house, of course, the realtor would have to be an Atheist, procreating twice as much as Greg.
Meanwhile, the GCN pirate on 99.9, which I have also tracked down, in another part of Enid, was off the air again the afternoon of June 26, at various chex 1845-2030 UT, inletting traces of the licensed Fort Smith and/or Wichita Falls stations on caradio. Assuming it come back, anyone getting skip from Enid stations on 95.7, 103.1 or 107.1 should also look for GCN 99.9. Note: The Bob on 96.9 is an Enid station in the name of city of license only, really halfway to OKC and primarily for that market. But GCN was still off at 1525 June 27: at least all I could hear on portable were overload/mixes from authentic local stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PORTUGAL. 21655, RDPI with Portuguese rap about the Internet, fair signal and OSOB, June 27 at 1417 // 15560 which is often VG but not now, marred by bubbling spur from cable DTV converters Suddenlink forces us to install (and they`re always `on`), or else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17585, VOA Greenville 1400-1430: while on weekdays this block is filled by Music Mix after news on the hour, weekends Africans axually get some food for thought. Saturday June 26 at 1405 it`s ``On the Line``, with Edward Felton and Gordon Chang discussing Chicom censorship of the internet, consensus that they are not going to succeed in the long run; 1427 USG Editorial about Iran, ending just in time for 1430*.
Sunday June 27 at 1414 check, a report on ``Stark Raving Mad``, adventure racing in Muskegon MI; VG signal, backwards Africa azimuth (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. As publicized in advance in the DXLD yg, WBCQ was live with Field Day call-ins June 26 far into UT June 27, keeping 7415 on the air much later than usual: at 0554, Ted Randall and guest were discussing who would get the prizes. Meanwhile 7000-7300 was crammed with CW and SSB from all the Field Dayers making direct contacts, ditto at 1320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Sunday June 27 at 0500 with ``Encontro DX``, the Brasilian DX program, instead of ``La Voz del Consejo`` clandestine as in the latest WRMI program grid I have dated June 8. So have they canceled other broadcasts too? Axually I was listening on webcast with no reception problems.
Instead of speaking radio-Portuguese clearly for non-native speakers, the show is a rapid colloquial dialog between two hosts and various DXCB contributors, so I had trouble understanding everything. Includes Catholic propaganda, since it originally airs on Rádio Aparecida Saturday nights, as mentioned several times. Finally broke for an old 78(?) song recording at the half hour before I QRT. Program lasts a full hour.
9955, WRMI, Sunday June 27 at 1330, WOR theme JBA at new time, with lite bubble jamming, tnx a lot, Arnie! But plenty against lite signal from WRMI, plus and minus ACI from Taiwan and Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CUBA. 11760, RHC, June 26 at 2040 in English with Valverde reading stamp show script, always with political content. So at least this day, English not replaced by Spanish like happened to French during the following hour yesterday.
13680 missing again, Sunday June 27 at 1340, but hardly necessary since 13780 is inbooming with DX program ``En Contacto``, another episode in the almost-50-year history of RHC, reminiscences of revolutionary jailbirds who listened to it in racist South Africa, Uruguay, and primarily Paraguay; followed usual birthday greetings to listeners and staff at outset 1335.
RHC Esperanto weekly confirmed on 11760 at 1525 Sunday June 27 check: the big 95th world Esperanto congress is imminent in July in Havano, the movement having been coöpted by Commies, the Chi- also SW broadcasting in it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GAMBIA [non]. 15225, Save the Gambia Democracy Project, new clandestine brokered by Radio Miami International, Saturdays only at 1815-1830, 125 kW, 221 degrees via Nauen, GERMANY: First few weeks I missed it, at an inconvenient time, but tried June 26 at 1820 and there is a JBA signal in vernacular? Improves by 1825 and now it`s in English! YL discussing ``what we should do``. 1829 bit of music and off at 1830*. Dragan Lekic found out the station is really called Baati Rewmi Radio or "Voice of the Country", while Tony Rogers, BDXC-UK says it`s ``Voice of the Nation``. See http://www.savethegambia.org showing "Baati Rewmi Radio". But I did not hear any of those IDs. Too bad they don`t archive audio on site, but do explain what they are about; not all the subpage linx work, yet? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT [non]. R. Kuwait`s tests via Skelton UK were to be thru UT Saturday 0400 only, and thus nothing to be heard June 26 at 2254 on 15305 tho direct 17750 was poorly audible; nor June 27 at 0120 on 11720. Nor 0310 on 9855, just weak presumed Botswana. But will they return permanently? Kuwait direct in English on 15540 was also fairly audible until 2100 June 26 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Some more not fully identified Es TVDX June 26: at 2250 UT some Spanish fades in from SSW on channel 2: 2300 infomercial for MOINSAGE, concerned with aging, with website www.inova.com.mx. Signs of activity also on channel 3.
UT June 27 at 0100, a Rambo movie on channel 3 from Net-5 breaks for commercials including Powerade, consumed by FIFA players (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Continued from previous report: investigating further the new talking house on 1670 in Enid:
It so happened that the Friday June 25 Enid Eagle newspaper had an advertising supplement about open-houses coming Sunday afternoon at 2-4 pm, with a map, many realtors participating, including Greg Winkeljohn. He has only two properties involved in this, which seemed good candidates for the TH transmitter(s).
So I went on a visit without waiting for the OHs. Yes, the first one, at 1107 Quail Ridge
really exhibits the 1670 sign on the curb,
my photos: http://www.w4uvh.net/1670th1107qr1.jpg
and only parked right there is the QRM suppressed enough to copy the spiel clearly, altho the slush is still audible underneath. So that`s coming from a different transmitter.
Then I go to his other Sunday OH property, also in west-central Enid, only a few blox away but with no direct street connexion in another cul-de-sac, 4910 Manchester: http://www.enidhomes.com/homes/692150.htm
This one does not have a 1670 sign, but just like the previous home, when I park right in from of it, his spiel becomes readable. They all sound alike, but this is really a different one, and guess what! It`s the same one heard last year from yet another house which I tracked down, out in the country NW of Enid, the three-level in Whispering Hills! No exact address mentioned but I did find it at 202 Tanglewood, as in DXLDs 9-057, 9-069, 9-077.
So he has moved that transmitter to 4910 Manchester, altho not publicized, and it`s running with the old recording! Maybe he is planning to replace it with new spiel for the house from which it is really radiating.
One or both transmitters are unstable, making the QRM worse, but Winkeljohn apparently doesn`t understand that he should not run more than one TH transmitter so close together geographically on the same frequency --- a mixed blessing, as it confines the mess but hardly good for business. And part of his spiel promotes the talking-house concept, available to clients at no extra cost! I see nothing about it on the website, tho. Surely the units are frequency-agile and he is hardly held down to 1670 by any licensing.
But that`s not all. As I keep driving, on the east side of these western additions, I seem to be hearing yet another of his spiels slightly dominating the others on 1670. Address mentioned in the QRM sounds like it starts with 13--. Then I check his website which has a handy search funxion, leading to 1317 Cansler:
So the next afternoon I brave 100-degree heat to visit that address, and sure enough, 1317 Cansler is another 1670 TH, with a sign to that effect, and appears to be occupied.
My photo: http://www.w4uvh.net/1670th1317ca.jpg
This one has somewhat larger range than the others. The first two are less than a quarter mile apart, while Cansler is almost one mile east of Quail Ridge. So parked at Cansler, there is less QRM but still some detectable. However, now I have the DX-398 with me; altho it sounds OK on the caradio, switching on the BFO at 1950 UT June 26, I can tell this one is FMing badly, unstable carrier varying with modulation, so the main source of QRM to the other two, besides each other. I would not be surprised if there are yet more of them on the 1670 Enid air.
At least the first two seem to be part-15 compliant with limited range, unlike when transmitting from Whispering Hills, but people residing near any of them will be out of luck hearing the new Mexican on 1670. Let`s just hope the houses sell before it oncomes. And Greg remembers not only to take down, but turn off the transmitters. They are all a few blox off Chestnut Ave. to the north. I could see no signs of an external antenna at any of them.
More aboutGreg; note correct spelling Winkeljohn, unlike my previous:
He`s a Catholic who has procreated with Renee at least seven times, among other personal facts thought to enhance business. If I were buying or selling a house, of course, the realtor would have to be an Atheist, procreating twice as much as Greg.
Meanwhile, the GCN pirate on 99.9, which I have also tracked down, in another part of Enid, was off the air again the afternoon of June 26, at various chex 1845-2030 UT, inletting traces of the licensed Fort Smith and/or Wichita Falls stations on caradio. Assuming it come back, anyone getting skip from Enid stations on 95.7, 103.1 or 107.1 should also look for GCN 99.9. Note: The Bob on 96.9 is an Enid station in the name of city of license only, really halfway to OKC and primarily for that market. But GCN was still off at 1525 June 27: at least all I could hear on portable were overload/mixes from authentic local stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PORTUGAL. 21655, RDPI with Portuguese rap about the Internet, fair signal and OSOB, June 27 at 1417 // 15560 which is often VG but not now, marred by bubbling spur from cable DTV converters Suddenlink forces us to install (and they`re always `on`), or else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17585, VOA Greenville 1400-1430: while on weekdays this block is filled by Music Mix after news on the hour, weekends Africans axually get some food for thought. Saturday June 26 at 1405 it`s ``On the Line``, with Edward Felton and Gordon Chang discussing Chicom censorship of the internet, consensus that they are not going to succeed in the long run; 1427 USG Editorial about Iran, ending just in time for 1430*.
Sunday June 27 at 1414 check, a report on ``Stark Raving Mad``, adventure racing in Muskegon MI; VG signal, backwards Africa azimuth (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. As publicized in advance in the DXLD yg, WBCQ was live with Field Day call-ins June 26 far into UT June 27, keeping 7415 on the air much later than usual: at 0554, Ted Randall and guest were discussing who would get the prizes. Meanwhile 7000-7300 was crammed with CW and SSB from all the Field Dayers making direct contacts, ditto at 1320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Sunday June 27 at 0500 with ``Encontro DX``, the Brasilian DX program, instead of ``La Voz del Consejo`` clandestine as in the latest WRMI program grid I have dated June 8. So have they canceled other broadcasts too? Axually I was listening on webcast with no reception problems.
Instead of speaking radio-Portuguese clearly for non-native speakers, the show is a rapid colloquial dialog between two hosts and various DXCB contributors, so I had trouble understanding everything. Includes Catholic propaganda, since it originally airs on Rádio Aparecida Saturday nights, as mentioned several times. Finally broke for an old 78(?) song recording at the half hour before I QRT. Program lasts a full hour.
9955, WRMI, Sunday June 27 at 1330, WOR theme JBA at new time, with lite bubble jamming, tnx a lot, Arnie! But plenty against lite signal from WRMI, plus and minus ACI from Taiwan and Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Escuchas / Escutas / Logs
6025 Red Patria Nueva, La Paz, 1042-1049, June 27, Aymara News programme. All in quechua. 34433
6165 Radio Logos (p), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1050-1102, June 27, Spanish. Religious programme in spanish., 24442
15225 Radio Save the Gambia Democracy, via the Nauen site in Germany, 1815-1825, June 26, ¿language?, The organization which sponsors and produces the program is the Save the Gambia Democracy Project. Their website is <www.savethegambia.org> Report with S/on, music, announcement and identification, music. Very long talk by female, ID in english! as: "...This is Save the Gambia Democracy Project...............", 34443
Arnaldo Slaen
6025 Red Patria Nueva, La Paz, 1042-1049, June 27, Aymara News programme. All in quechua. 34433
6165 Radio Logos (p), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1050-1102, June 27, Spanish. Religious programme in spanish., 24442
15225 Radio Save the Gambia Democracy, via the Nauen site in Germany, 1815-1825, June 26, ¿language?, The organization which sponsors and produces the program is the Save the Gambia Democracy Project. Their website is <www.savethegambia.org> Report with S/on, music, announcement and identification, music. Very long talk by female, ID in english! as: "...This is Save the Gambia Democracy Project...............", 34443
Arnaldo Slaen
Log Roberto Pavanello
3320 21.55 26/6 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans sport buono
4805 22.00 26/6 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP ID e MX buono
4835 22.05 26/6 VL8A - Alice Spring EE NX buono
4865 22.10 26/6 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP predica suff.
4915 22.15 26/6 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
4925 22.20 26/6 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP ID e frequenze buono
4955 23.10 26/6 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS MX buono
4976 22.25 26/6 R. Uganda - Kampaòa Swahili MX afro buono
5005 22.30 26/6 R. Nacional - Bata SS MX afro buono
5045 23.35 26/6 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP MX buono
5940 22.45 26/6 Voz Missionaria - Camboriù PP MX buono
5970 23.05 26/6 R. Itatiaia - Belo Horizonte PP predica suff.
5995 22.50 26/6 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX suff.
6020 23.00 26/6 R. Victoria - Lima SS ID e MX buono
6070 22.55 26/6 CFRX - Toronto EE MX " Tu vo' fa americano " suff.
6220 08.20 27/6 R. Marabù - Tedesco ID e MX ottimo
11765 22.40 26/6 R. Deus es Amor - Curitiba PP live phone buono
Roberto Pavanello
4805 22.00 26/6 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP ID e MX buono
4835 22.05 26/6 VL8A - Alice Spring EE NX buono
4865 22.10 26/6 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP predica suff.
4915 22.15 26/6 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
4925 22.20 26/6 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP ID e frequenze buono
4955 23.10 26/6 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS MX buono
4976 22.25 26/6 R. Uganda - Kampaòa Swahili MX afro buono
5005 22.30 26/6 R. Nacional - Bata SS MX afro buono
5045 23.35 26/6 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP MX buono
5940 22.45 26/6 Voz Missionaria - Camboriù PP MX buono
5970 23.05 26/6 R. Itatiaia - Belo Horizonte PP predica suff.
5995 22.50 26/6 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX suff.
6020 23.00 26/6 R. Victoria - Lima SS ID e MX buono
6070 22.55 26/6 CFRX - Toronto EE MX " Tu vo' fa americano " suff.
6220 08.20 27/6 R. Marabù - Tedesco ID e MX ottimo
11765 22.40 26/6 R. Deus es Amor - Curitiba PP live phone buono
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
Tom Taylor is moving home up-date
Dear Listeners,
I would like to inform you that I will be moving home on the 30th of June 2010.
As from the 27th of June 2010 at 2200 utc this email address will stop.
I will contract you with my new email address before the end of July 2010.
Until 2200 utc on the 27th of June my email address is: emrsw@blueyonder.co.uk
After the 27th of June you can contact Mike Taylor at EMR via studio@emr.org.uk
Relays in July:
1st Saturday - Radio Joystick ---- 9515 khz – 0800 to 0900 utc
1st Sunday - MV Baltic Radio – 6140 khz – 0900 to 1000 utc
3rd Saturday -
4th Sunday - Radio Gloria ------- 6140 khz – 0900 to 1000 utc
73s Tom Taylor
Tom Taylor is moving home up-date
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 11935 0325 Japanese 444 June 24 Two OMs with comments.
BOTSWANA VOA Relay 12080 1740 Shona 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. Washington mentioned often by the YL.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12020 0322 Spanish 333 June 24 Two OMs with comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 1640 Spanish 333 June 24 OM with comments.
ENGLAND Voice of Germany Relay-DW 13650 1730 Arabic 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. OM singing by 1732.
UNITED STATES, Florida WYFR 17895 1713 French 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. //17885 [333].
UNITED STATES, Greenville Radio Marti 13830 1725 Spanish 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. A jammer was heard in the background.
UNITED STATES VOA 12015 1750 English 333 June 23 OM with comments on the Generals resignation-General Crystal.
.Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
BOTSWANA VOA Relay 12080 1740 Shona 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. Washington mentioned often by the YL.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12020 0322 Spanish 333 June 24 Two OMs with comments.
CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 1640 Spanish 333 June 24 OM with comments.
ENGLAND Voice of Germany Relay-DW 13650 1730 Arabic 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. OM singing by 1732.
UNITED STATES, Florida WYFR 17895 1713 French 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. //17885 [333].
UNITED STATES, Greenville Radio Marti 13830 1725 Spanish 333 June 23 YL and OM with comments. A jammer was heard in the background.
UNITED STATES VOA 12015 1750 English 333 June 23 OM with comments on the Generals resignation-General Crystal.
.Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
sabato 26 giugno 2010
Glenn Hauser logs June 25-26, 2010
** CANADA. 17860, surprised to hear classical music with guitar by Rodrigo, June 25 at 2103. Finally at 2110 RCI started its Portuguese broadcast late after apparent fill music for some reason. It`s Fri-Sat-Sun only at 21-23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake June 26: none at all found 8-19 MHz, 1308-1326.
CNR1 jamming June 26: 15265 at 1323 unusually with a het around one semikilohertz, so something`s off or additional to the usual blockage of RTI. OTOH, the Taiwanese are notorious for not being able to keep their transmitters on-frequency; Tanshui site listed in Aoki at 13-14 only. But have not noticed het before on 15265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11760, RHC June 25 at 2112 in Spanish // 15370, 11730, rather than scheduled French at 21-22 on 11760 only; I wonder if English was also missing at 20-21? You never know with RHC`s lackadaisical operation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT [and non]. Tnx to tip from Bruce Fisher who heard 15305 as an unID, and to Ivo Ivanov who explained it, R. Kuwait June 25 at 2234 in Arabic talk and music, testing relay via VTC, or whatever it`s called this week, Skelton UK site. May have come on late as did not find it at 2200, but now S9+20 and much better than // 17550 direct, about 3 seconds behind 17550. 15305 went off at 2359:30*.
Ivo reported: ``Dear Colleagues, effective June 23, Radio Kuwait conducted test transmissions in Arabic to North America via VT Communications on the following schedule:
2200-2400 on 15305 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Wed/Thu/Fri
0000-0200 on 11720 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Thu/Fri/Sat
0200-0400 on 9855 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Thu/Fri/Sat
No idea whether these emissions will be broadcast in next week, as regular. 73! (IVO Ivanov, Bulgaria, June 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``
So I monitored the following frequencies: UT Saturday June 26 at 0033, 11720 was S9+20, pop music, M&W in Arabic; at 0233, 9855 was S9+22. Seems they all work well, no QRM, but why is RK so eager to broadcast in Arabic to NAm, even trying a relay abroad for the first time??? They might have a slightly larger NAm audience if in English.
Skelton must have had to dust off the disused 290-degree antenna, BBCWS having no interest in SW broadcasting anything to us from England. This azimuth crosses St. Anthony, Montreal, Cleveland, Memphis, Houston, so are there Kuwaiti enclaves in those areas? Close enough to Dearborn, anyway.
At 0401, 9855 had been replaced by VOA news in English. Checking skeds later, I see that`s via MADAGASCAR at 0400-0430 only, but IBB is also on 9855 at 0200-0400. Did not notice any CCI at 0233 when Iranawila 348 is in use, but did not check during the 03-04 hour when it`s Botswana at 350 degrees, likely colliding (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DI9GEST)
** MEXICO. Monitoring channel 2 southward from about 1500 UT June 26; some Es finally fades in at 1626, quickly IDed as TVT, i.e. XEWO Guadalajara, bug in UR during local talk/game show. Interviewed girls on the street, mentioning prizes in dólares, so maybe not so local. 1627 promo mentions ``Televisión Tapatía`` audibly. 1630 TVT full-screen logo, then paid program disclaimer, for INOVA, phone 56-74-79-02. Seems to involve shaving legs without knix; but mixing with CCI, one of them involving X-rays of upper limbs. Also some weak skip on ch 3, but no higher until 1750.
At 1752, XHBC Mexicali fades up on 3 with its 3 tu canal bug in lower right, during sitcom or skit involving policemen in uniform. 1753 local soccer promo, clear steady color signal for a couple minutes but not snow-free. I prepare to videotape again, but fades down. Also bothered by intermittent local 2-way QRM. 1758 stand-up comedian wearing funny hat past 1800. MUF had not reached XHAQ-5 this time. XHBC fades out by 1810, so I suspend monitoring for overdue lunch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1570, Saturday June 26 at 1329 UT, Best of Lou Dobbs breaking for a 5-minute adstring, from ``Smart Talk 1570 ---`` and could not catch calls. Included Bullfrog Sunblock at 1332. 1335 Dobbs reopens with Dragnet theme. 1400 legal ID as 1570, KZLI, Catoosa-Tulsa. I`m not convinced how smart Dobbs is. Replaces nostalgia format as in 2009-2010 NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15825, WWCR-1, starting WORLD OF RADIO 1518 a semiminute early at 2029:30 UT Friday June 25. It was not handy to monitor the conclusion, but should have ended by 2058:15, I hope not cut off this time for QSY business. Next airing at 1630 Saturday June 26 on 12160, WWCR-2, also ended about a semi-minute early, complete.
7490, WWCR-2, June 26 at 1307 with bass-baritone singing hymn to tune of ``O Sole Mio`` but now ``O How I Love Him``; obviously it`s Martha Garvin pounding the piano accompaniment, and her Musical Memories show is finally on the June 1 WWCR program guide for 1300 Saturdays. Then she talks with her guest, Gary Moore, as they joke about his performing here for free (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1580, KOKB Blackwell OK has again lost its modulation, June 26 at 1328 UT, carrier still on but now on home rig FRG-7 with 100+ foot E/W longwire I can hear a weak station underneath in Spanish talk, apparently about sports, guess what game? Barely makes a SAH with the stronger KOKB. Fades very little, but maybe residual skywave 2.25 hours after LSR? Or remnant of groundwave from one of next-closer 1580 stations?
It`s really too weak to make much out, but did hear ``15-80`` mentioned so it`s not a relay. Still just barely audible at 1450, 3.5+ hours after LSR as KOKB is still OC.
Strangely, there are no 1580s in Kansas, but how about KGAF Gainesville TX = Baja Oclajoma right across the Red River? Time to research: KGAF website http://www.kgaf1580.com/ ``Hometown Radio`` looks totally WASPy, but they don`t give a detailed program schedule and like so many commercial stations neglect to show anything about what they do on weekends, which is often different, like brokered to any and all comers.
NRC AM Log 2009-2010 has it as C&W and by the time I am online after 1500, webcast is indeed that. Log shows nothing in Spanish in neighboring states, AR, CO, MO or the other Texans, except for KIRT with Spanish religion from Mission, way down in the RGV, surely not thence, 700 miles away. Inquiry out to KGAF, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6025-, again getting very weak slightly off-frequency carrier at 0609 June 26, compared to Cuba 5025. Bolivia or Nigeria on 6025-? This time, no matching off-frequency detected from Liberia 4025- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake June 26: none at all found 8-19 MHz, 1308-1326.
CNR1 jamming June 26: 15265 at 1323 unusually with a het around one semikilohertz, so something`s off or additional to the usual blockage of RTI. OTOH, the Taiwanese are notorious for not being able to keep their transmitters on-frequency; Tanshui site listed in Aoki at 13-14 only. But have not noticed het before on 15265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11760, RHC June 25 at 2112 in Spanish // 15370, 11730, rather than scheduled French at 21-22 on 11760 only; I wonder if English was also missing at 20-21? You never know with RHC`s lackadaisical operation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT [and non]. Tnx to tip from Bruce Fisher who heard 15305 as an unID, and to Ivo Ivanov who explained it, R. Kuwait June 25 at 2234 in Arabic talk and music, testing relay via VTC, or whatever it`s called this week, Skelton UK site. May have come on late as did not find it at 2200, but now S9+20 and much better than // 17550 direct, about 3 seconds behind 17550. 15305 went off at 2359:30*.
Ivo reported: ``Dear Colleagues, effective June 23, Radio Kuwait conducted test transmissions in Arabic to North America via VT Communications on the following schedule:
2200-2400 on 15305 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Wed/Thu/Fri
0000-0200 on 11720 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Thu/Fri/Sat
0200-0400 on 9855 SKN 300 kW / 290 deg to NoAm Arabic Thu/Fri/Sat
No idea whether these emissions will be broadcast in next week, as regular. 73! (IVO Ivanov, Bulgaria, June 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``
So I monitored the following frequencies: UT Saturday June 26 at 0033, 11720 was S9+20, pop music, M&W in Arabic; at 0233, 9855 was S9+22. Seems they all work well, no QRM, but why is RK so eager to broadcast in Arabic to NAm, even trying a relay abroad for the first time??? They might have a slightly larger NAm audience if in English.
Skelton must have had to dust off the disused 290-degree antenna, BBCWS having no interest in SW broadcasting anything to us from England. This azimuth crosses St. Anthony, Montreal, Cleveland, Memphis, Houston, so are there Kuwaiti enclaves in those areas? Close enough to Dearborn, anyway.
At 0401, 9855 had been replaced by VOA news in English. Checking skeds later, I see that`s via MADAGASCAR at 0400-0430 only, but IBB is also on 9855 at 0200-0400. Did not notice any CCI at 0233 when Iranawila 348 is in use, but did not check during the 03-04 hour when it`s Botswana at 350 degrees, likely colliding (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DI9GEST)
** MEXICO. Monitoring channel 2 southward from about 1500 UT June 26; some Es finally fades in at 1626, quickly IDed as TVT, i.e. XEWO Guadalajara, bug in UR during local talk/game show. Interviewed girls on the street, mentioning prizes in dólares, so maybe not so local. 1627 promo mentions ``Televisión Tapatía`` audibly. 1630 TVT full-screen logo, then paid program disclaimer, for INOVA, phone 56-74-79-02. Seems to involve shaving legs without knix; but mixing with CCI, one of them involving X-rays of upper limbs. Also some weak skip on ch 3, but no higher until 1750.
At 1752, XHBC Mexicali fades up on 3 with its 3 tu canal bug in lower right, during sitcom or skit involving policemen in uniform. 1753 local soccer promo, clear steady color signal for a couple minutes but not snow-free. I prepare to videotape again, but fades down. Also bothered by intermittent local 2-way QRM. 1758 stand-up comedian wearing funny hat past 1800. MUF had not reached XHAQ-5 this time. XHBC fades out by 1810, so I suspend monitoring for overdue lunch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1570, Saturday June 26 at 1329 UT, Best of Lou Dobbs breaking for a 5-minute adstring, from ``Smart Talk 1570 ---`` and could not catch calls. Included Bullfrog Sunblock at 1332. 1335 Dobbs reopens with Dragnet theme. 1400 legal ID as 1570, KZLI, Catoosa-Tulsa. I`m not convinced how smart Dobbs is. Replaces nostalgia format as in 2009-2010 NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15825, WWCR-1, starting WORLD OF RADIO 1518 a semiminute early at 2029:30 UT Friday June 25. It was not handy to monitor the conclusion, but should have ended by 2058:15, I hope not cut off this time for QSY business. Next airing at 1630 Saturday June 26 on 12160, WWCR-2, also ended about a semi-minute early, complete.
7490, WWCR-2, June 26 at 1307 with bass-baritone singing hymn to tune of ``O Sole Mio`` but now ``O How I Love Him``; obviously it`s Martha Garvin pounding the piano accompaniment, and her Musical Memories show is finally on the June 1 WWCR program guide for 1300 Saturdays. Then she talks with her guest, Gary Moore, as they joke about his performing here for free (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1580, KOKB Blackwell OK has again lost its modulation, June 26 at 1328 UT, carrier still on but now on home rig FRG-7 with 100+ foot E/W longwire I can hear a weak station underneath in Spanish talk, apparently about sports, guess what game? Barely makes a SAH with the stronger KOKB. Fades very little, but maybe residual skywave 2.25 hours after LSR? Or remnant of groundwave from one of next-closer 1580 stations?
It`s really too weak to make much out, but did hear ``15-80`` mentioned so it`s not a relay. Still just barely audible at 1450, 3.5+ hours after LSR as KOKB is still OC.
Strangely, there are no 1580s in Kansas, but how about KGAF Gainesville TX = Baja Oclajoma right across the Red River? Time to research: KGAF website http://www.kgaf1580.com/ ``Hometown Radio`` looks totally WASPy, but they don`t give a detailed program schedule and like so many commercial stations neglect to show anything about what they do on weekends, which is often different, like brokered to any and all comers.
NRC AM Log 2009-2010 has it as C&W and by the time I am online after 1500, webcast is indeed that. Log shows nothing in Spanish in neighboring states, AR, CO, MO or the other Texans, except for KIRT with Spanish religion from Mission, way down in the RGV, surely not thence, 700 miles away. Inquiry out to KGAF, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6025-, again getting very weak slightly off-frequency carrier at 0609 June 26, compared to Cuba 5025. Bolivia or Nigeria on 6025-? This time, no matching off-frequency detected from Liberia 4025- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Saudi Arabia to acquire DRM-Ready High Power 250 kW HF Transmitters
Continental Electronics will supply a quantity of 4 each 250 kW HF DRM-ready transmitters and associated equipment to the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Information (MOI) through First Gulf Company of Riyadh. First Gulf will construct an entirely new HF station where the transmitters, antennas, and other equipment will be installed at the existing Al Khumra site outside Jeddah. The Al Khumra station was constructed by Continental Electronics and its civil contractor between 1978 and 1980, and the site presently accommodates multiple 2-megawatt and 1-megawatt Medium Wave transmitters.
The new high-power HF DRM-ready transmitters will enhance the Saudi MOI's digital broadcast capabilities and can reach targeted audiences at long distance ranges with a clear, high quality signal. The DRM-ready transmitters are similar to those recently supplied to Broadcast Australia and to Radio-TV Malaysia, employing Transradio's latest DRM exciters with its unique pre-correction features.
The transmitters will be delivered in the latter part of 2010 and the station is planned to be fully operational by mid-2011.
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi
The new high-power HF DRM-ready transmitters will enhance the Saudi MOI's digital broadcast capabilities and can reach targeted audiences at long distance ranges with a clear, high quality signal. The DRM-ready transmitters are similar to those recently supplied to Broadcast Australia and to Radio-TV Malaysia, employing Transradio's latest DRM exciters with its unique pre-correction features.
The transmitters will be delivered in the latter part of 2010 and the station is planned to be fully operational by mid-2011.
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi
venerdì 25 giugno 2010
Radio Gloria International this Sunday on 6140 khz!
This Sunday the 27th of June 2010 we will be transmitting with 100 kw from Nauen (Berlin) with a directional antenna to SW-Europe, beamed to southern Germany.
The time slot will be 09.00 to 1000 UTC on our normal channel of 6140 KHz.
M.V.Baltic. Information:
MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summer 2010
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (Nov)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International
We wish you good listening and good reception!
73s Tom
M.V.Baltic. Information:
MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summer 2010
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (Nov)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International
We wish you good listening and good reception!
73s Tom
Glenn Hauser logs June 24-25, 2010
** CHINA. Firedrake June 25:
9380, good at 1141, and still at 1217
none others found 8-19 MHz until:
13680, good at 1233, // 9380. Aoki shows: 9380 and 13680*SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 0.1 ND ? TWN 11955E 2610N SOH a10
14700, good at 1235 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 19m dead except for CR 15170, so will 16m be too? No! June 25 at 1151, I get CRI English on 17490, Chinese on 17650, fair signals, both 308 degrees from Kashgar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Early sporadic-E opening from BCN, June 25 at 1500 UT on 3, movie in English, letterbox with captions presumably Spanish in black rectangle at bottom; typical almost-zero CCI bars denoting XHBC vs XHQ; a bit of vuvuzela audio QRM from a Televisa with World Cup.
I had been sitting on channel 2 for a while with antenna aimed oppositewards, not realizing this opening was in progress. Not much on 2, 4 or 5 when aimed westward, but:
1502 UT on 6, CW6 with Breaking News! At the beach, someone drowned, in a wetsuit but unsure whether he was a surfer; other local news in unaccented English; 1505 surveillance cam of a ``geezer bandit``, from San Diego 6 News; shortly faded out. XETV Tijuana. Glad to know they are atop the news that matters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, off the air the afternoon of June 24; rather than just open carrier which they have been known to run days at a time instead of overmodulated sportstalk; but back to the latter the next morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. After several months` respite from talking houses, Enid realtor Greg Winklejohn has installed his 1670 transmitter again. First noted on caradio the afternoon of June 24, poor signal, distorted and mush mixed in, so may be more than one interfering with each other, or the one transmitter is quite defective, driving away rather than attracting clients. Cannot hear on the east side of Enid and seems to come from the NW quadrant. He mentioned being near Glenwood School (elementary) which is in the 800 block of N Oakwood. I`ll track it down soon and see how it sounds at local range as a DX-blocker.
At home QTH in the nightmiddle, 0604 June 25, pleased to still hear WTDY Madison WI on 1670 with no THQRM audible, local weather, low 58, we can only dream about where we don`t even get down to 70 these nights (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 17510, June 25 at 1153, YL rock song in English; could be VOA Music Mix, but of course it`s really the hip RRI, filling out English hour to 1155 sign-off until next at 1700 on 11735, 9535; with usual satellite info, WRN plug. I had just scanned 19m and found nothing at all except the REE CR open carrier on 15170 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. Altho VOT English was audible yesterday on 15450, not June 25 at 1240, while Turkish music on 13635 was only poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17585, VOA Greenville, VG signal June 25 after news, 1405 starting Music Mix, so Africans can`t hear Crossroads Asia. Today stayed on until abrupt cutoff 1430* amid music, another insult to listeners, how rude. If they had their priorities straight, would at least insert a hard break in MM to make it smooth and seem intentional, but that would require the dog wagging the tail. At least today did not dump off the air at 1417* as it did June 24; but no doubt that was an unavoidable aging transmitter problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1518 confirmed on WWRB 3185`s webcast, UT Friday June 25 at 0330 – except it started a couple minutes early. That left Dave Frantz time at 0357 to talk about his Four Course Range Historical Video on YouTube; see http://www.wwrb.org --- before joining The Overcomer, except there were several minutes of dead air until a non-BS speaker appeared after 0400.
WOR 1518 not heard before or after 0000 UT Friday on Area 51 webcast.
But confirmed on ACB Radio webcast, UT Friday June 25 after 0100 to be repeated 2-hourly thru 2330; and on WRMI 9955 webcast at 0030 and 1430 Friday. Next SW airings are Friday 2029 on WWCR 15825; Sat 0800 on WRMI; Sat 0800 on IPAR 7290 (maybe, if not pre-empted); Sat 1630 on WWCR 12160. Complete schedule at
** VATICAN [non]. 9830, VR via Sackville, CANADA, Spanish from 1130, but not switching to scheduled English at 1200 June 25. Did pause for ID with webcast URL and contact info, continued more Spanish, ``La Cruz en el Mosaíco`` previewing papal visit to Spain in October. Very heavy RTTY QRM anyway, so why care? Apparently replaying previous evening`s Spanish broadcast whose 40 minutes cannot be crammed into one semihour, so dispense with English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. Wondering if RNV relays are still in place via CUBA, as some frequencies have been missing. June 25 at 1201, just open carrier on 11705; finally at 1203:30 someone hits the start button on the computer and we hear two bongs, followed by IS once, opening formalities in Spanish only. How about the 1500 on 11680? It`s there too, only fair signal at 1548 check; usually missing on Sundays at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7360? June 25 at 1127 as I start tuning around, somewhere in the 7300s, hear a strong signal in British English, so assume it`s a CRI relay from Sackville, certainly not BBC, for whom North America dropped off the world map years ago --- but none such scheduled. Well, I`ll have the rest of the hour to look at the dial and nail down the frequency, definitely ID it. O yeah? A few minutes later it`s gone, as if I had dreamt it. Checking listings later, I find the likely explanation, which can be confirmed later by someone awake:
R. Netherlands, Dutch via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, at ``1100-1127`` on 7360, 250 kW aimed 21 degrees USward, but which we know from other frequencies habitually switches to RNW`s English program feed and stays on another two sesquiminutes, to the consternation and frustration of all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17387, tuned past here only in a Firedrake search, June 25 at 1407 and startled to hear 3 or 4 syllables spoken on a fluttery AM signal peaking at S9+8, then open carrier only until off at 1412:40*. This was a longtime out-of-band frequency of All India Radio, which I thought was abandoned several years ago; was used at least for one of the GOS in English. Trying it out again? Or it could be a coastal station, legal occupant of this range, but those are normally SSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
My apologies again. Original post lacked subject and may have been sidetracked, so the above is identical to it. Please delete it and replace with this one. Glenn
9380, good at 1141, and still at 1217
none others found 8-19 MHz until:
13680, good at 1233, // 9380. Aoki shows: 9380 and 13680*SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 0.1 ND ? TWN 11955E 2610N SOH a10
14700, good at 1235 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 19m dead except for CR 15170, so will 16m be too? No! June 25 at 1151, I get CRI English on 17490, Chinese on 17650, fair signals, both 308 degrees from Kashgar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Early sporadic-E opening from BCN, June 25 at 1500 UT on 3, movie in English, letterbox with captions presumably Spanish in black rectangle at bottom; typical almost-zero CCI bars denoting XHBC vs XHQ; a bit of vuvuzela audio QRM from a Televisa with World Cup.
I had been sitting on channel 2 for a while with antenna aimed oppositewards, not realizing this opening was in progress. Not much on 2, 4 or 5 when aimed westward, but:
1502 UT on 6, CW6 with Breaking News! At the beach, someone drowned, in a wetsuit but unsure whether he was a surfer; other local news in unaccented English; 1505 surveillance cam of a ``geezer bandit``, from San Diego 6 News; shortly faded out. XETV Tijuana. Glad to know they are atop the news that matters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, off the air the afternoon of June 24; rather than just open carrier which they have been known to run days at a time instead of overmodulated sportstalk; but back to the latter the next morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. After several months` respite from talking houses, Enid realtor Greg Winklejohn has installed his 1670 transmitter again. First noted on caradio the afternoon of June 24, poor signal, distorted and mush mixed in, so may be more than one interfering with each other, or the one transmitter is quite defective, driving away rather than attracting clients. Cannot hear on the east side of Enid and seems to come from the NW quadrant. He mentioned being near Glenwood School (elementary) which is in the 800 block of N Oakwood. I`ll track it down soon and see how it sounds at local range as a DX-blocker.
At home QTH in the nightmiddle, 0604 June 25, pleased to still hear WTDY Madison WI on 1670 with no THQRM audible, local weather, low 58, we can only dream about where we don`t even get down to 70 these nights (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 17510, June 25 at 1153, YL rock song in English; could be VOA Music Mix, but of course it`s really the hip RRI, filling out English hour to 1155 sign-off until next at 1700 on 11735, 9535; with usual satellite info, WRN plug. I had just scanned 19m and found nothing at all except the REE CR open carrier on 15170 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. Altho VOT English was audible yesterday on 15450, not June 25 at 1240, while Turkish music on 13635 was only poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17585, VOA Greenville, VG signal June 25 after news, 1405 starting Music Mix, so Africans can`t hear Crossroads Asia. Today stayed on until abrupt cutoff 1430* amid music, another insult to listeners, how rude. If they had their priorities straight, would at least insert a hard break in MM to make it smooth and seem intentional, but that would require the dog wagging the tail. At least today did not dump off the air at 1417* as it did June 24; but no doubt that was an unavoidable aging transmitter problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1518 confirmed on WWRB 3185`s webcast, UT Friday June 25 at 0330 – except it started a couple minutes early. That left Dave Frantz time at 0357 to talk about his Four Course Range Historical Video on YouTube; see http://www.wwrb.org --- before joining The Overcomer, except there were several minutes of dead air until a non-BS speaker appeared after 0400.
WOR 1518 not heard before or after 0000 UT Friday on Area 51 webcast.
But confirmed on ACB Radio webcast, UT Friday June 25 after 0100 to be repeated 2-hourly thru 2330; and on WRMI 9955 webcast at 0030 and 1430 Friday. Next SW airings are Friday 2029 on WWCR 15825; Sat 0800 on WRMI; Sat 0800 on IPAR 7290 (maybe, if not pre-empted); Sat 1630 on WWCR 12160. Complete schedule at
** VATICAN [non]. 9830, VR via Sackville, CANADA, Spanish from 1130, but not switching to scheduled English at 1200 June 25. Did pause for ID with webcast URL and contact info, continued more Spanish, ``La Cruz en el Mosaíco`` previewing papal visit to Spain in October. Very heavy RTTY QRM anyway, so why care? Apparently replaying previous evening`s Spanish broadcast whose 40 minutes cannot be crammed into one semihour, so dispense with English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. Wondering if RNV relays are still in place via CUBA, as some frequencies have been missing. June 25 at 1201, just open carrier on 11705; finally at 1203:30 someone hits the start button on the computer and we hear two bongs, followed by IS once, opening formalities in Spanish only. How about the 1500 on 11680? It`s there too, only fair signal at 1548 check; usually missing on Sundays at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7360? June 25 at 1127 as I start tuning around, somewhere in the 7300s, hear a strong signal in British English, so assume it`s a CRI relay from Sackville, certainly not BBC, for whom North America dropped off the world map years ago --- but none such scheduled. Well, I`ll have the rest of the hour to look at the dial and nail down the frequency, definitely ID it. O yeah? A few minutes later it`s gone, as if I had dreamt it. Checking listings later, I find the likely explanation, which can be confirmed later by someone awake:
R. Netherlands, Dutch via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, at ``1100-1127`` on 7360, 250 kW aimed 21 degrees USward, but which we know from other frequencies habitually switches to RNW`s English program feed and stays on another two sesquiminutes, to the consternation and frustration of all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 17387, tuned past here only in a Firedrake search, June 25 at 1407 and startled to hear 3 or 4 syllables spoken on a fluttery AM signal peaking at S9+8, then open carrier only until off at 1412:40*. This was a longtime out-of-band frequency of All India Radio, which I thought was abandoned several years ago; was used at least for one of the GOS in English. Trying it out again? Or it could be a coastal station, legal occupant of this range, but those are normally SSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
My apologies again. Original post lacked subject and may have been sidetracked, so the above is identical to it. Please delete it and replace with this one. Glenn
Midnight Sun Radio - SWR 25-26 June
Scandinavian Weekend Radio (SWR) from Finland have their next broadcast celebrating midsummer tonight according to their website.
Midnight Sun Radio starts tonight, Friday 25 June at 2100 UT until Saturday 26 June at 2100 UT on their usual frequencies 11720, 11690, 6170, 5980 and 1602 - see http://www.swradio.net/schedule.htm for details of times frequencies are in use.
(and one week later they will have their regular monthly broadcast 2/3 July which will celebrate their 10th Anniversary http://www.swradio.net/10yearceleb.htm)
Midnight Sun Radio starts tonight, Friday 25 June at 2100 UT until Saturday 26 June at 2100 UT on their usual frequencies 11720, 11690, 6170, 5980 and 1602 - see http://www.swradio.net/schedule.htm for details of times frequencies are in use.
(and one week later they will have their regular monthly broadcast 2/3 July which will celebrate their 10th Anniversary http://www.swradio.net/10yearceleb.htm)
Glenn Hauser logs June 23-24, 2010
** CHINA. Firedrake June 24: All these were //
9000, poor-fair at 1205
10500, good at 1217, none others to 19 MHz by 1235; poor at 1440
13970, poor at 1437
14700, fair at 1436
15140, poor at 1430, as I was looking for Oman`s English news! 15140 FD previously heard but not this late vs Oman.
Other ChiCom jamming with CNR1:
17705, at 1233 S Asian music mixing with Chinese, i.e. AIR Mandarin service via Bengaluru (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EAST TURKISTAN
** EAST TURKISTAN. Kashgar coming thru transpolarly with CRI: 17490 English, 17650 Chinese at 1235 June 24, aimed at Europe, fairly good with some flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. 17690, R. Japon, 1232 June 24 news mostly about Japanese politix but also Australian, good signal, 1238 ID. This is via MADAGASCAR, 305 degrees USward.
Your station for classic rock! NHK Warudo, June 24 at 1441 on 11655 via Sackville, VG signal playing José Feliciano trax including ``Light My Fire``, ``Sunny``, ``Che Sarà`` --- yes, in Italian; 1455 ``confidential`` toned YL back-announcement in Japanese, fill rest of hour with Bobby Vinton`s ``Mr Lonely`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Minor Es opening June 23 at 2220 UT: monitoring ch 2, something finally infades, from southwest, looks like Azteca-13 bug UR, novela; soon outfades.
2232, on 2, car ad with 70% (discount?)
2303, meteor scatter split-second burst while aimed toward Mexico; also one or two in the previous semihour.
June 24, tune in 1745 UT to a bigger opening, starting with Veracruz:
1745, on 2, talk show, four people in a living-room set; CDT digital clock in LR; 1747 IFE PSA.
1747, on 5, // channel 2 with IFE PSA, but about 2 seconds behind it, then both have a PSA for IeV = Instituto Electoral Veracruzano. 2 is XHFM in Veracruz city, while 5 must be XHAJ, the mountaintop relay at Las Lajas, the only full-power 5 in the state, but which W9WI says is on the XHGC-5 net, while XHFM is Televisa independent. Well, they are // now. Oglethorpe shows them as both teleVer.
Briefly at 1748, 5 splits from 2 for a different ad or PSA mentioning Poza Rica, then back to // but two seconds apart.
1748, on 2, ID as teleVer on full screen, promo for World Cup game starting in next hour, back to talk show. Bug in UR has some complex design with teleVer in fine print at the bottom of it. So far there has been little if any CCI on 2 but some starts by 1757.
1757, on 4, recipe for picositos. 1807, full-screen ID as rtv, lower case with the r and v connected to the cross of the t, and then live audio ID as ``radio y televisión de Veracruz``. So it`s XHGV Las Lajas, as per the tvdxtips logo page linked below; run by the state government per W9WI.
1822, WC Holland vs Cameroon coverage has started, hearing vuvuzelas on both 2 and 3 but different announcers (not merely out of synch); therefore 3 is non-Mexican, as surely only Televisa has the rights to it in Mexico. 1824 national anthem just before game starts, with mandatory closeups of each player side by side.
In next semihour the Televisa WC coverage on 2 is // 5 and others fading in and out.
1850, on 6, video only, ad/or promo for a 94.5 FM. I doubt I can relate this to anything later.
1851, on 4, promo for a 6 am show on ``cuatro TV`` this likely XHTV Mexico DF as at http://www.tvdxtips.com/mexlogos.html --- CCI novela
1856, on 4, bug LR says Vale, with the V extended like a check mark; bug UR looks like a globe with white letters TV askew on the bottom of it; during sitcom. Don`t see such a bug at mexlogos. At 1900 I think a specific white letter ID super appeared at UL, but too weak and too quick to copy.
By 1925, opening has weakened to ch 2 and 3, including novela on 3.
1939, on 4, novela, Azteca 13 bug UR; there are 5 full-power possibilities and 4 lower ones.
1957, on 2, heavy CCI from SW, World Cup et al.; mixed with tennis, Wimbledon but maybe only update/clips.
2001, on 2, tabloid news headlines including about Belina; audio CCI from much louder/overmodulated station.
2006, on 2, Galavision bug in UR, and NX logo, and ene-equis mentioned --- that`s the name of the tabloid show from XEQ-9 network. Turns out this is one which can be pinned down, as there are only two net-9s on 2, XHAGU in Aguascalientes, which is in the right direxion, and Hermosillo which is not, at the moment.
2010, on 2, net-2 with World Cup overtaking NX
2035, on 3, now big signal from almost west, VG snow-free and steady much of the time, TuCanal, Mexicali; upper right has logo I saw before, but on 4, so what does it signify? The globe(?) with TV askew at the bottom of it. Also logos for MX promotion.
2040, on 5, now big clear signal here too, from Mexicali`s XHAQ. Resumed videotaping this at 2047 during perfect reception. PSA for Mi México, 200 años celebration. TV Azteca Baja California local ID includes shots of their building. Don`t ever see call letters, tho.
2053, on 5, BC weather plus San Diego forecast, but now losing audio as MUF falls.
2057, on 3, XHBC: I switch to taping this, ads for York, Mexicali, Francisco somebody for Presidente Municipal, 2058 back for wrapup of dubbed ``Planet`s Funniest Animals`` show. 2059, XHBC animated ID with rotating letters and number, 2100 Notivisa, local newscast with the blue N logo; now some CCI and fading to mar. Keeps PDT clock in LR.
2100, on 2 before and after some game show, promo for Canal de las Estrellas, XEW-2 net; 2102 ad for foot remedy Silka Medic
2103, on 3, phone report from Tijuana in Notivisa, still of reporter
2105, on 5, TV Azteca promo, so still XHAQ
2106, on 3, Mexicali weather, near perfect reception. Both weatherwoman and anchorwoman wear glasses! Soccer ad. This held up for a good 20 minutes with lots of local news stories and features; at 2122 one about the Cucapá Indians. 2127 everything drops out.
A few minutes later I look at DX Sherlock and the map is crammed with 6m multiple-hop Es between eastern North America and Europe; a few almost reaching OK, but nothing much on ch 2 here aimed NE (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 15450, have not heard VOT`s 1230 English broadcast for some time, and June 24 no signal at 1228 when IS should have been playing, so assumed not propagating; but at 1240 fair, going from news to Review of the Turkish Press; next check at 1310, as it`s Thursday, Live from Turkey was underway but in music break; later chat about a survey of housewives failed to spark my interest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI confirmed with first airing of WORLD OF RADIO #1518, Thursday June 24 at 1512, but JBA; no jamming as far as I could tell. Next 9955 airings UT Fri 0030, 1430. WBCQ first airing Thu 1900, confirmed by webcast only as inaudible here on 7415; Coming up: WWRB 3185 UT Fri 0330; WWCR 15825 Fri 2029 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
9000, poor-fair at 1205
10500, good at 1217, none others to 19 MHz by 1235; poor at 1440
13970, poor at 1437
14700, fair at 1436
15140, poor at 1430, as I was looking for Oman`s English news! 15140 FD previously heard but not this late vs Oman.
Other ChiCom jamming with CNR1:
17705, at 1233 S Asian music mixing with Chinese, i.e. AIR Mandarin service via Bengaluru (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EAST TURKISTAN
** EAST TURKISTAN. Kashgar coming thru transpolarly with CRI: 17490 English, 17650 Chinese at 1235 June 24, aimed at Europe, fairly good with some flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. 17690, R. Japon, 1232 June 24 news mostly about Japanese politix but also Australian, good signal, 1238 ID. This is via MADAGASCAR, 305 degrees USward.
Your station for classic rock! NHK Warudo, June 24 at 1441 on 11655 via Sackville, VG signal playing José Feliciano trax including ``Light My Fire``, ``Sunny``, ``Che Sarà`` --- yes, in Italian; 1455 ``confidential`` toned YL back-announcement in Japanese, fill rest of hour with Bobby Vinton`s ``Mr Lonely`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Minor Es opening June 23 at 2220 UT: monitoring ch 2, something finally infades, from southwest, looks like Azteca-13 bug UR, novela; soon outfades.
2232, on 2, car ad with 70% (discount?)
2303, meteor scatter split-second burst while aimed toward Mexico; also one or two in the previous semihour.
June 24, tune in 1745 UT to a bigger opening, starting with Veracruz:
1745, on 2, talk show, four people in a living-room set; CDT digital clock in LR; 1747 IFE PSA.
1747, on 5, // channel 2 with IFE PSA, but about 2 seconds behind it, then both have a PSA for IeV = Instituto Electoral Veracruzano. 2 is XHFM in Veracruz city, while 5 must be XHAJ, the mountaintop relay at Las Lajas, the only full-power 5 in the state, but which W9WI says is on the XHGC-5 net, while XHFM is Televisa independent. Well, they are // now. Oglethorpe shows them as both teleVer.
Briefly at 1748, 5 splits from 2 for a different ad or PSA mentioning Poza Rica, then back to // but two seconds apart.
1748, on 2, ID as teleVer on full screen, promo for World Cup game starting in next hour, back to talk show. Bug in UR has some complex design with teleVer in fine print at the bottom of it. So far there has been little if any CCI on 2 but some starts by 1757.
1757, on 4, recipe for picositos. 1807, full-screen ID as rtv, lower case with the r and v connected to the cross of the t, and then live audio ID as ``radio y televisión de Veracruz``. So it`s XHGV Las Lajas, as per the tvdxtips logo page linked below; run by the state government per W9WI.
1822, WC Holland vs Cameroon coverage has started, hearing vuvuzelas on both 2 and 3 but different announcers (not merely out of synch); therefore 3 is non-Mexican, as surely only Televisa has the rights to it in Mexico. 1824 national anthem just before game starts, with mandatory closeups of each player side by side.
In next semihour the Televisa WC coverage on 2 is // 5 and others fading in and out.
1850, on 6, video only, ad/or promo for a 94.5 FM. I doubt I can relate this to anything later.
1851, on 4, promo for a 6 am show on ``cuatro TV`` this likely XHTV Mexico DF as at http://www.tvdxtips.com/mexlogos.html --- CCI novela
1856, on 4, bug LR says Vale, with the V extended like a check mark; bug UR looks like a globe with white letters TV askew on the bottom of it; during sitcom. Don`t see such a bug at mexlogos. At 1900 I think a specific white letter ID super appeared at UL, but too weak and too quick to copy.
By 1925, opening has weakened to ch 2 and 3, including novela on 3.
1939, on 4, novela, Azteca 13 bug UR; there are 5 full-power possibilities and 4 lower ones.
1957, on 2, heavy CCI from SW, World Cup et al.; mixed with tennis, Wimbledon but maybe only update/clips.
2001, on 2, tabloid news headlines including about Belina; audio CCI from much louder/overmodulated station.
2006, on 2, Galavision bug in UR, and NX logo, and ene-equis mentioned --- that`s the name of the tabloid show from XEQ-9 network. Turns out this is one which can be pinned down, as there are only two net-9s on 2, XHAGU in Aguascalientes, which is in the right direxion, and Hermosillo which is not, at the moment.
2010, on 2, net-2 with World Cup overtaking NX
2035, on 3, now big signal from almost west, VG snow-free and steady much of the time, TuCanal, Mexicali; upper right has logo I saw before, but on 4, so what does it signify? The globe(?) with TV askew at the bottom of it. Also logos for MX promotion.
2040, on 5, now big clear signal here too, from Mexicali`s XHAQ. Resumed videotaping this at 2047 during perfect reception. PSA for Mi México, 200 años celebration. TV Azteca Baja California local ID includes shots of their building. Don`t ever see call letters, tho.
2053, on 5, BC weather plus San Diego forecast, but now losing audio as MUF falls.
2057, on 3, XHBC: I switch to taping this, ads for York, Mexicali, Francisco somebody for Presidente Municipal, 2058 back for wrapup of dubbed ``Planet`s Funniest Animals`` show. 2059, XHBC animated ID with rotating letters and number, 2100 Notivisa, local newscast with the blue N logo; now some CCI and fading to mar. Keeps PDT clock in LR.
2100, on 2 before and after some game show, promo for Canal de las Estrellas, XEW-2 net; 2102 ad for foot remedy Silka Medic
2103, on 3, phone report from Tijuana in Notivisa, still of reporter
2105, on 5, TV Azteca promo, so still XHAQ
2106, on 3, Mexicali weather, near perfect reception. Both weatherwoman and anchorwoman wear glasses! Soccer ad. This held up for a good 20 minutes with lots of local news stories and features; at 2122 one about the Cucapá Indians. 2127 everything drops out.
A few minutes later I look at DX Sherlock and the map is crammed with 6m multiple-hop Es between eastern North America and Europe; a few almost reaching OK, but nothing much on ch 2 here aimed NE (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 15450, have not heard VOT`s 1230 English broadcast for some time, and June 24 no signal at 1228 when IS should have been playing, so assumed not propagating; but at 1240 fair, going from news to Review of the Turkish Press; next check at 1310, as it`s Thursday, Live from Turkey was underway but in music break; later chat about a survey of housewives failed to spark my interest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, WRMI confirmed with first airing of WORLD OF RADIO #1518, Thursday June 24 at 1512, but JBA; no jamming as far as I could tell. Next 9955 airings UT Fri 0030, 1430. WBCQ first airing Thu 1900, confirmed by webcast only as inaudible here on 7415; Coming up: WWRB 3185 UT Fri 0330; WWCR 15825 Fri 2029 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
giovedì 24 giugno 2010
I don't know how these changes will affect the Voive of Greece's schedule now at 0500-1000 UT on 11645 UT. John Babbis
(Effective June 21, 2010)
Greece Time UT
07.00-07.30 0400-0430 Albanian
07.30-08.00 0430-0500 Serbo-Croatian
08.00-08.30 0500-0530 French - Link to RFI
08.30-09.00 0530-0600 Spanish
09.00-09.30 0600-0630 German
09.30-10.00 0630-0700 Russian
10.00-11.00 0700-0800 "In Rhythm" and "Information Without Discrimination" With Maria Koutsimpiri and Christos Pagonis
11.00-12.00 0800-0900 "Road Taken, Road Left" With Agnes Stroumbouli (Every Friday "International Immigration Agency")
12.00-12.30 0900-0930 English
12.30-13.00 0930-1000 Turkish
13.00-13.30 1000-1030 Bulgarian
13.30-14.00 1030-1100 Polish
14.00-14.30 1100-1130 Romanian
14.30-15.00 1130-1200 Arabic
mercoledì 23 giugno 2010
QSL Radio Y' Abaganda
R. Y' Abaganda 15410 KHz – info@ababaka.com con e-mail allegata + electronic card allegate da ababaka.com@gmail.com in 4 giorni. v/s Alex Kalazani Kigongo.
Roberto Pavanello
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
Glenn Hauser logs June 22-23, 2010
** ALBANIA. At midsummer, 11 MHz with lots of signals from Europe in the nightmiddle, such as Arabic on 11775 at 0609 June 23, kept talking about Israel. Presumably CRI via Albania as scheduled. Jordan is also registered here, but don`t recall any reports of it axually using this frequency. Bulgaria in Spanish was also in on 11800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake June 23; poor propagation, hi local noise level.
13000, JBA or imagination-level at 1330
13970, poor at 1328
14700, fair at 1330
14970, fair at 1331, weaker than 14700
None others found 8-19 MHz between 1320 and 1336
** CUBA [and non]. 13820, R. Martí, June 23 at 1350 with discussion of influential Mexican authors. Remarkably, no jamming audible, or maybe traces, despite huge signals from RHC on 13680 and 13780. But at 1400 the jamming noise ramped up. Cannot believe the DentroCubans would axually relent depending on program content (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** FRANCE. 11615, RFI in English, comprehensive news, Wednesday June 23 at 0610, good signal. 170 degrees from Issoudun, 0600-0630. If on the air weekends, presumably defaults to French. Lucked into a day when they are not striking (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 11645, June 23 at 0612 with Greek music, weaker than adjacent TWR South Africa 11640. This is supposed to be the English hour of the R. Filia service, including BBCWS relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI confirmed on the air June 23 at 1344 only by barely detecting its carrier on this unique frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** LIBERIA. 4025-, June 23 at 0620, weak carrier detectable slightly low compared to 5025 Rebelde, presumably Star Radio. Brian Alexander, PA, measured it 72 hours earlier on 4024.99, which fits nicely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Sporadic E on VHF is finally back after a 2-day respite: I leave TV on channel 2 most of the time waiting for openings. 0014 UT June 23, channel 2 fades up with southerly Spanish, Banco Azteca --- may we assume they never advertise on Televisa? Is ad break in dubbed Los Simpson which resumed at 0017; Homer doesn`t sound like Homer, sorry; could Hank Azaria learn Spanish? TV Guide says it`s the Azteca-7 network. There are six possibilities, Campeche and Tampico most likely here.
More interesting is CCI on 2 for several minutes from black screen, silent audio. Who could that be? It`s 10 kHz offset from Simpsons. Then I am getting commercials in English. Maybe it was XHRIO. From the Dxinfocentre maps, XHCAM and XHRIO are both offset plus, so that doesn`t fit. XHTAU Tampico and XHDRG Durango are zero, so could be either of those, if black was XHRIO. Yes, this is iffy, but who`s counting?
0026 on channel 4, net-5 bug UR, lucha libre? Also WW logo to be seen such as on interview mike, one W atop the other. Thought it pertains to W network, as in XEW, radio too, or is it for Wrestling? Weak opening fading in and out; at 0054 saw the WW on mike again, interviewing a bunch of guys in a ring [= square], but not wearing masks. Net-5 on 4 has a number of possibilities, including XHD Tampico.
0034 on ch 2, Primer Impacto, which is the Televisa tabloid newsmagazine we also get on Univisión. TV Guide online is giving me trouble, refusing to load local or international listings. Maybe because the advertising isn`t loading first? Geez.
0041 on ch 2, preacher in Spanish, with phone number, ``llámenos al`` starting with (81), which is the country code for Japan, so it must have been something within Mexico, or somewhere closer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [non]. Re my previous report of a 92.7 relaying XHRR 102.5 Reynosa, Tamaulipas, ``La Ley``. It is in fact KESO, a fine example of international cooperation. Steven Wiseblood in Harlingen, for whom these are locals confirms:
``92.7 is definitely transmitting from Port Isabel, relaying 102.5 Reynosa; funny thing is, they have no ads for Port Isabel or South Padre Island, all the content is geared to McAllen-Edinburg-Hidalgo. I have absolutely no idea why a Port Isabel station is being used to relay the Reynosa station, and also why is there no local content for Port Isabel or South Padre Island. I have confirmed, however, that the 92.7 transmitter is within 2 miles of downtown Port Isabel, near the ship channel. Sometimes I secretly wish for the Fairness Doctrine so that a station like this will at least have to have a few hours of local content a day, but it is being used now as nothing more than a relay for 102.5 Reynosa, "La Ley"`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [non]. Altho I still think airplane scatter from Vance training flights affects reception of KSNW-45 Wichita, around 1700 UT June 22 the DTV signal is popping in a few times per minute for a few seconds each, whether or not I hear the jet engines, so I think the signal is now ``on the verge`` with brief fluxuations up to decode level just caused by atmospheric turbulence, near 100-degree temps.
Then I tried some of the other Wichita market UHF stations. Some of them had no signal, some had a little signal, but none would pop in like KSNW. Most are also lower-powered.
Makes me wonder if I had much higher tower, much higher gain, greater capture area, whether this or other Wichitans would be constantly DTV received, but somehow doubt it in 200-km range. The one I really want is our nearest PBS alternative to OETA, KPTS-8, and I`ve yet to get any decode from it this summer, as it`s always too weak, even when Wichita U`s are pounding in late at night (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15550-USB, haven`t heard WJHR in the mornings for weeks, but June 23 at 1403 there it is with one and only preacher, fair signal at peaks. Possibly it`s on most of the time, but only audible when sporadic-E boosts, certainly the case now as WWCR 15825 and 13845 are inbooming, plus CB 27 MHz from Georgia, etc., altho not making it to VHF. It seems WJHR missed being included in the WRTH 2010. Let this be a lesson: if you are starting a new SW station, get it on the air by Oct or Nov rather than Dec (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Re my previous comments about WBRA-DT Roanoke VA: Trip Ericson points out that they have decided to stay on channel 3, and are now 9.8 kW ERP non-direxional. I had been consulting the wrong entry in FCC`s TV Query (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. When I check 4025 for carrier from Liberia, I also check 6025 with BFO on, compared to 5025 Cuba, and June 23 at 0620 there was a very weak signal slightly on the low side matching 4025-, and some JBA music. If R. Amanecer, Dominican Republic, were running late again, I would expect more of a signal from them, and anyhow has been measured about 50 Hz on high side.
Enugu, Nigeria, is supposedly inactive, and propagation rules out Iran or Malaysia. Bolivia? Does R. Illimani/Patria Nueva ever stay on all night? It could also be a spur, tho by now most of the bigger signals on 49m have finished. Bonaire is sleeping. Cuba? Unlikely since all their frequencies end in -0. For sure it`s not the imaginary KTMI in Oregon, which some lists display on 6025 from registrations as if it axually existed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
** CHINA. Firedrake June 23; poor propagation, hi local noise level.
13000, JBA or imagination-level at 1330
13970, poor at 1328
14700, fair at 1330
14970, fair at 1331, weaker than 14700
None others found 8-19 MHz between 1320 and 1336
** CUBA [and non]. 13820, R. Martí, June 23 at 1350 with discussion of influential Mexican authors. Remarkably, no jamming audible, or maybe traces, despite huge signals from RHC on 13680 and 13780. But at 1400 the jamming noise ramped up. Cannot believe the DentroCubans would axually relent depending on program content (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** FRANCE. 11615, RFI in English, comprehensive news, Wednesday June 23 at 0610, good signal. 170 degrees from Issoudun, 0600-0630. If on the air weekends, presumably defaults to French. Lucked into a day when they are not striking (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 11645, June 23 at 0612 with Greek music, weaker than adjacent TWR South Africa 11640. This is supposed to be the English hour of the R. Filia service, including BBCWS relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI confirmed on the air June 23 at 1344 only by barely detecting its carrier on this unique frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** LIBERIA. 4025-, June 23 at 0620, weak carrier detectable slightly low compared to 5025 Rebelde, presumably Star Radio. Brian Alexander, PA, measured it 72 hours earlier on 4024.99, which fits nicely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Sporadic E on VHF is finally back after a 2-day respite: I leave TV on channel 2 most of the time waiting for openings. 0014 UT June 23, channel 2 fades up with southerly Spanish, Banco Azteca --- may we assume they never advertise on Televisa? Is ad break in dubbed Los Simpson which resumed at 0017; Homer doesn`t sound like Homer, sorry; could Hank Azaria learn Spanish? TV Guide says it`s the Azteca-7 network. There are six possibilities, Campeche and Tampico most likely here.
More interesting is CCI on 2 for several minutes from black screen, silent audio. Who could that be? It`s 10 kHz offset from Simpsons. Then I am getting commercials in English. Maybe it was XHRIO. From the Dxinfocentre maps, XHCAM and XHRIO are both offset plus, so that doesn`t fit. XHTAU Tampico and XHDRG Durango are zero, so could be either of those, if black was XHRIO. Yes, this is iffy, but who`s counting?
0026 on channel 4, net-5 bug UR, lucha libre? Also WW logo to be seen such as on interview mike, one W atop the other. Thought it pertains to W network, as in XEW, radio too, or is it for Wrestling? Weak opening fading in and out; at 0054 saw the WW on mike again, interviewing a bunch of guys in a ring [= square], but not wearing masks. Net-5 on 4 has a number of possibilities, including XHD Tampico.
0034 on ch 2, Primer Impacto, which is the Televisa tabloid newsmagazine we also get on Univisión. TV Guide online is giving me trouble, refusing to load local or international listings. Maybe because the advertising isn`t loading first? Geez.
0041 on ch 2, preacher in Spanish, with phone number, ``llámenos al`` starting with (81), which is the country code for Japan, so it must have been something within Mexico, or somewhere closer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [non]. Re my previous report of a 92.7 relaying XHRR 102.5 Reynosa, Tamaulipas, ``La Ley``. It is in fact KESO, a fine example of international cooperation. Steven Wiseblood in Harlingen, for whom these are locals confirms:
``92.7 is definitely transmitting from Port Isabel, relaying 102.5 Reynosa; funny thing is, they have no ads for Port Isabel or South Padre Island, all the content is geared to McAllen-Edinburg-Hidalgo. I have absolutely no idea why a Port Isabel station is being used to relay the Reynosa station, and also why is there no local content for Port Isabel or South Padre Island. I have confirmed, however, that the 92.7 transmitter is within 2 miles of downtown Port Isabel, near the ship channel. Sometimes I secretly wish for the Fairness Doctrine so that a station like this will at least have to have a few hours of local content a day, but it is being used now as nothing more than a relay for 102.5 Reynosa, "La Ley"`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [non]. Altho I still think airplane scatter from Vance training flights affects reception of KSNW-45 Wichita, around 1700 UT June 22 the DTV signal is popping in a few times per minute for a few seconds each, whether or not I hear the jet engines, so I think the signal is now ``on the verge`` with brief fluxuations up to decode level just caused by atmospheric turbulence, near 100-degree temps.
Then I tried some of the other Wichita market UHF stations. Some of them had no signal, some had a little signal, but none would pop in like KSNW. Most are also lower-powered.
Makes me wonder if I had much higher tower, much higher gain, greater capture area, whether this or other Wichitans would be constantly DTV received, but somehow doubt it in 200-km range. The one I really want is our nearest PBS alternative to OETA, KPTS-8, and I`ve yet to get any decode from it this summer, as it`s always too weak, even when Wichita U`s are pounding in late at night (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15550-USB, haven`t heard WJHR in the mornings for weeks, but June 23 at 1403 there it is with one and only preacher, fair signal at peaks. Possibly it`s on most of the time, but only audible when sporadic-E boosts, certainly the case now as WWCR 15825 and 13845 are inbooming, plus CB 27 MHz from Georgia, etc., altho not making it to VHF. It seems WJHR missed being included in the WRTH 2010. Let this be a lesson: if you are starting a new SW station, get it on the air by Oct or Nov rather than Dec (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Re my previous comments about WBRA-DT Roanoke VA: Trip Ericson points out that they have decided to stay on channel 3, and are now 9.8 kW ERP non-direxional. I had been consulting the wrong entry in FCC`s TV Query (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. When I check 4025 for carrier from Liberia, I also check 6025 with BFO on, compared to 5025 Cuba, and June 23 at 0620 there was a very weak signal slightly on the low side matching 4025-, and some JBA music. If R. Amanecer, Dominican Republic, were running late again, I would expect more of a signal from them, and anyhow has been measured about 50 Hz on high side.
Enugu, Nigeria, is supposedly inactive, and propagation rules out Iran or Malaysia. Bolivia? Does R. Illimani/Patria Nueva ever stay on all night? It could also be a spur, tho by now most of the bigger signals on 49m have finished. Bonaire is sleeping. Cuba? Unlikely since all their frequencies end in -0. For sure it`s not the imaginary KTMI in Oregon, which some lists display on 6025 from registrations as if it axually existed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
martedì 22 giugno 2010
Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 9580 1730 English 333 June 22 YL with comments on Crocodiles in her country. //11880[333].
CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 9515 1724 French 333 June 22 OM singing. OM with comments by 1726.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1740 Japanese 433 June 22 OM ancr with vocal music in English by a YL and OM.
MARIANNAS Radio Free Asia-RFA 9455 1630 Chinese 433 June 19 YL and OM with comments. NO Jammer was heard.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9665 1733 Spanish 333 June 22 Instrumental music. YL singing 1734. //17755[333].
UNITED STATES, Texas KAIJ 9480 1635 English 333 June 19 OM with comments on fat wallets and comments from Deut about Moses 1723.
UNITED STATES WWCR-#4 9980 2053 English 444 June 22 Patsy Kline singing "You Are Mine" Then more country music followed.
UNKNOWN, Country Unknown Station 9905 1745 Chinese 444 June 22 OM with comments plus some instrumental music in the background. YL singing 1746. YL and OM with comments 1750.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 9515 1724 French 333 June 22 OM singing. OM with comments by 1726.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1740 Japanese 433 June 22 OM ancr with vocal music in English by a YL and OM.
MARIANNAS Radio Free Asia-RFA 9455 1630 Chinese 433 June 19 YL and OM with comments. NO Jammer was heard.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9665 1733 Spanish 333 June 22 Instrumental music. YL singing 1734. //17755[333].
UNITED STATES, Texas KAIJ 9480 1635 English 333 June 19 OM with comments on fat wallets and comments from Deut about Moses 1723.
UNITED STATES WWCR-#4 9980 2053 English 444 June 22 Patsy Kline singing "You Are Mine" Then more country music followed.
UNKNOWN, Country Unknown Station 9905 1745 Chinese 444 June 22 OM with comments plus some instrumental music in the background. YL singing 1746. YL and OM with comments 1750.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
Glenn Hauser logs June 22, 2010
** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake June 22: none found above 8 MHz until:
13080, fair at 1328, but gone at 1341
14400, good at 1329 // 13080; gone at 1343 but 14700 instead; back on 14400, poor at 1428 when the others had disappeared
14700, poor-fair at 1347 and 1359, 1400 to open carrier; gone at 1428
16100, good at 1332 // 14400, and 1343, 1359, 1400 to open carrier; gone at 1428
15540, CNR1 jamming with motorboating noise added, June 22 at 1338, // 15265 CNR1 jammer without the noise. Same deal as on 15530, 24 hours earlier, vs V. of Tibet via Uzbekistan, which must have shifted to 15540 today. The 22 June Aoki, stamped 1500 UT, still has it on 15530.
15285, at 1429 June 22, major CNR1 jammer went off, uncovering BBC Chinese via Singapore, with mention of bbcchinese.com but there was still a weaker jammer way underneath. Wonder what happened?
17560, at 1426 June 22 in Chinese with vuvuzelas, so live from South Africa as some game was in progress, or halftime. Weaker than adjacent WYFR 17555, but 17560 gone at 1432 recheck. At 1430 V. of Tibet is finished with 17560 via Madagascar, so turn off the jammer. Tough luck for any poor listener who was expecting World Cup coverage to keep going on 17560; how rude! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 9650, CRI`s China Drive via Sackville, June 22 at 1318 had heavy QRM and lo het from RNW in Dutch via Tinang which collides during this semihour only. SE Asian reception not very good but this from PHILIPPINES stronger than usual, and the two are far enough apart to cause a low audible het.
I would guess Sackville more likely to be off-frequency, but at 1349 without PHT QRM, and BFO on, I found CRI 9650 to match whatever was on 13650, Kuwait or CRI/Urumqi, while 11650 was a tad higher in frequency, presumably KFBS. But this is all comparative, as I can`t measure each one precisely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, another day of JBA carrier instead of good signal as happens some days, Tuesday June 22 at 1321, so we miss another Exotic Indonesia excursion to Banjarmasin, Kalimantan. Is this all due to propagation variations, or are there other factors, such as power and azimuth changes? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** LIBERIA. 4025-, weak carrier detectable from presumed Star Radio, June 22 at 0624, and as usual slightly low compared to Cuba 5025 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 7440, as I tuned across June 22 at 0619 surprised to hear English, DU accent. But as I tuned back down to be sure of frequency it had vanished in only a few sex. 7440 is an RNZI frequency elsewhen, so suspected it was thence by mistake. Quickly tuned up to 11725, where they are supposed to be at this hour, and it was missing but cut on at *0620! with same programming in progress discussing Aussie players of some SBG. Then checked DRM noise and it was on correct 11670-11675-11680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. BBCWS blowing away normal programming for sillyballgame play-by-play, June 22 at 1426 on 17640. The vuvuzelas certainly have not been filtered out; weaker on // 17840, both ASCENSION (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
13080, fair at 1328, but gone at 1341
14400, good at 1329 // 13080; gone at 1343 but 14700 instead; back on 14400, poor at 1428 when the others had disappeared
14700, poor-fair at 1347 and 1359, 1400 to open carrier; gone at 1428
16100, good at 1332 // 14400, and 1343, 1359, 1400 to open carrier; gone at 1428
15540, CNR1 jamming with motorboating noise added, June 22 at 1338, // 15265 CNR1 jammer without the noise. Same deal as on 15530, 24 hours earlier, vs V. of Tibet via Uzbekistan, which must have shifted to 15540 today. The 22 June Aoki, stamped 1500 UT, still has it on 15530.
15285, at 1429 June 22, major CNR1 jammer went off, uncovering BBC Chinese via Singapore, with mention of bbcchinese.com but there was still a weaker jammer way underneath. Wonder what happened?
17560, at 1426 June 22 in Chinese with vuvuzelas, so live from South Africa as some game was in progress, or halftime. Weaker than adjacent WYFR 17555, but 17560 gone at 1432 recheck. At 1430 V. of Tibet is finished with 17560 via Madagascar, so turn off the jammer. Tough luck for any poor listener who was expecting World Cup coverage to keep going on 17560; how rude! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 9650, CRI`s China Drive via Sackville, June 22 at 1318 had heavy QRM and lo het from RNW in Dutch via Tinang which collides during this semihour only. SE Asian reception not very good but this from PHILIPPINES stronger than usual, and the two are far enough apart to cause a low audible het.
I would guess Sackville more likely to be off-frequency, but at 1349 without PHT QRM, and BFO on, I found CRI 9650 to match whatever was on 13650, Kuwait or CRI/Urumqi, while 11650 was a tad higher in frequency, presumably KFBS. But this is all comparative, as I can`t measure each one precisely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, another day of JBA carrier instead of good signal as happens some days, Tuesday June 22 at 1321, so we miss another Exotic Indonesia excursion to Banjarmasin, Kalimantan. Is this all due to propagation variations, or are there other factors, such as power and azimuth changes? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** LIBERIA. 4025-, weak carrier detectable from presumed Star Radio, June 22 at 0624, and as usual slightly low compared to Cuba 5025 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 7440, as I tuned across June 22 at 0619 surprised to hear English, DU accent. But as I tuned back down to be sure of frequency it had vanished in only a few sex. 7440 is an RNZI frequency elsewhen, so suspected it was thence by mistake. Quickly tuned up to 11725, where they are supposed to be at this hour, and it was missing but cut on at *0620! with same programming in progress discussing Aussie players of some SBG. Then checked DRM noise and it was on correct 11670-11675-11680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. BBCWS blowing away normal programming for sillyballgame play-by-play, June 22 at 1426 on 17640. The vuvuzelas certainly have not been filtered out; weaker on // 17840, both ASCENSION (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Radio Heritage Newsletter #26
Radio Heritage
Newsletter #26
June 2010
Hello everyone
Welcome to our latest update on what's happening, our first in a few months now.......
Since we started this project, we've been encouraged and delighted by the global response from many thousands who share our vision to celebrate radio heritage and its connections with popular culture and nostalgia....and to step in and save ephemera and other radio related artifacts....see our latest success story later on in this newsletter!
Celebrating Popular Culture
New right now....'Radio in Papua New Guinea' a documentary you'll find at www.rnzi.com [Mailbox audio for June 14]........... 'Diamonds of the Dial' the story of 75 year old heritage radio calls in Australia................
...Updated editions of the famous PAL Radio Guides for the entire Asia-Pacific region, new radio book reviews and other content you'll find now at www.radioheritage.net.
Use the Google Search button to dig out stories about stations, people and places you're interested about.....
AM Radio gets airplay in the popular press
Thanks to Bill Hester, one of our supporters, here's a link http://www.popmatters.com/pm/feature/124955-am-gold-82/PO to an article written by Canadian Jay Somerset at www.popmatters.com.
It's about 'The Day the [AM] Music Died' - a well researched look at how oldies music just sounds different on AM radio, and how new artists and the decline in talk radio may just be combining to bring back music to the AM radio dial.
Actually, Radio World magazine in the USA [www.radioworld.com] has an ongoing series of features about AM radio which we highly recommend reading......and in their latest June 16 edition [available free online] you'll also read 'QSL From Long Ago And Far Away' [page 4] and 'Keep the Heritage Alive' [page 33].....two items about the Radio Heritage Foundation and the value of keeping old radio ephemera.
There's also a nice feature by James O'Neale in the same issue [page 34] called 'I Remember the Power of Night-Time Radio' which remembers the 50kW clear channel signals that covered the US radio dial...........a theme we'll be exploring ourselves at www.radioheritage.net shortly with a nice feature from the afore-mentioned Bill Hester.
We'd also like to thank all of you who continue to send in photos, stories, magazine and newspaper articles and more....such as those from Phillipa Downie whose Dad helped establish commercial radio in New Zealand and then went on to be the first manager of 2AP in Apia, Samoa.
......Keep digging these gems out and send them on to us to share!
Constant Calls in a World of Fads, Fashions and FM
Talking of gems, you'll enjoy one of our recent features 'Diamonds of the Dial' which looks at the 40 Australian heritage AM stations that have broadcast with the same callsign for at least 75 years!
....it's also miraculous to find 40 station owners willing to keep their original station callsigns instead of flipping calls for the latest fad or fashion!
.....the same exercise for Californian AM radio stations found only about 5 or 6 that met the same criteria...75 years on the air with the same callsign......amongst them KFI and KNX both in Los Angeles and KXO El Centro.......
FM is getting older by the day
Of course heritage isn't just restricted to AM radio, there's also FM which has now been around for some 70 years in the USA, and even 60 years in Australia [if we include the long forgotten early ABC-FM broadcasts from the 1950's].......
One from the Yes! Success Files
..................Explaining the cultural value of radio heritage has its challenges................ The University of Otago in Dunedin [NZ] recently decided to auction off the original pioneer transmitter used in the first AM broadcast in the country just to clear space [and no doubt to make a few dollars].....luckily the public outcry from local citizens and organizations such as the Radio Heritage Foundation led to a very rapid retreat from the idea..................we're pleased they followed our advice to lease the equipment to a local museum instead.
It's one of a growing number of success stories we're quietly chalking up behind the scenes, and if you'd like to volunteer some time to protect items of radio heritage in your community, drop us a line and tell us more about what you'd like to keep safe for future generations.
Thanks for your donations
The worldwide financial crisis has been having a tough impact on our finances and therefore our ability to get more content online......
.................Last year we raised US$3500 in donations, paid 20% of our bills and put in 2000 plus hours of unpaid time on our work.................. so we really need your words of encouragement, annual supporter donations [US$10 or more], and sponsorship or partnership of specific projects.................. such as meeting operating costs, funding some of those unpaid hours, and more features and articles at www.radioheritage.net.
Will you help?
.............You can donate online right now, and also choose some of the radio books and CD's we've got available, buy your books, music and magazines through our online Amazon store and support our Google Ad advertisers.
..I really recommend Keith Richardson's book and CD package ['Never a Dull Moment'] for a highly entertaining inside story about early Top 20 radio in the Pacific and great tales from behind the mike.....I talked with Keith just today and his health is not so good and he also tells me he's down to just a few copies of his book left...so don't leave it too late to get your copy from us.......
In the meantime, thanks for your ongoing support and do visit www.radioheritage.net to refresh your radio memories!
Warm regards
David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation connects popular culture, nostalgia and
radio heritage. It's a registered charitable entity [#CC25951] in
terms of the Charities Act 2005. Our global website is
www.radioheritage.net. Annual supporter donations start at US$10.
Independently funded by donations from global supporters like you.
Newsletter #26
June 2010
Hello everyone
Welcome to our latest update on what's happening, our first in a few months now.......
Since we started this project, we've been encouraged and delighted by the global response from many thousands who share our vision to celebrate radio heritage and its connections with popular culture and nostalgia....and to step in and save ephemera and other radio related artifacts....see our latest success story later on in this newsletter!
Celebrating Popular Culture
New right now....'Radio in Papua New Guinea' a documentary you'll find at www.rnzi.com [Mailbox audio for June 14]........... 'Diamonds of the Dial' the story of 75 year old heritage radio calls in Australia................
...Updated editions of the famous PAL Radio Guides for the entire Asia-Pacific region, new radio book reviews and other content you'll find now at www.radioheritage.net.
Use the Google Search button to dig out stories about stations, people and places you're interested about.....
AM Radio gets airplay in the popular press
Thanks to Bill Hester, one of our supporters, here's a link http://www.popmatters.com/pm/feature/124955-am-gold-82/PO to an article written by Canadian Jay Somerset at www.popmatters.com.
It's about 'The Day the [AM] Music Died' - a well researched look at how oldies music just sounds different on AM radio, and how new artists and the decline in talk radio may just be combining to bring back music to the AM radio dial.
Actually, Radio World magazine in the USA [www.radioworld.com] has an ongoing series of features about AM radio which we highly recommend reading......and in their latest June 16 edition [available free online] you'll also read 'QSL From Long Ago And Far Away' [page 4] and 'Keep the Heritage Alive' [page 33].....two items about the Radio Heritage Foundation and the value of keeping old radio ephemera.
There's also a nice feature by James O'Neale in the same issue [page 34] called 'I Remember the Power of Night-Time Radio' which remembers the 50kW clear channel signals that covered the US radio dial...........a theme we'll be exploring ourselves at www.radioheritage.net shortly with a nice feature from the afore-mentioned Bill Hester.
We'd also like to thank all of you who continue to send in photos, stories, magazine and newspaper articles and more....such as those from Phillipa Downie whose Dad helped establish commercial radio in New Zealand and then went on to be the first manager of 2AP in Apia, Samoa.
......Keep digging these gems out and send them on to us to share!
Constant Calls in a World of Fads, Fashions and FM
Talking of gems, you'll enjoy one of our recent features 'Diamonds of the Dial' which looks at the 40 Australian heritage AM stations that have broadcast with the same callsign for at least 75 years!
....it's also miraculous to find 40 station owners willing to keep their original station callsigns instead of flipping calls for the latest fad or fashion!
.....the same exercise for Californian AM radio stations found only about 5 or 6 that met the same criteria...75 years on the air with the same callsign......amongst them KFI and KNX both in Los Angeles and KXO El Centro.......
FM is getting older by the day
Of course heritage isn't just restricted to AM radio, there's also FM which has now been around for some 70 years in the USA, and even 60 years in Australia [if we include the long forgotten early ABC-FM broadcasts from the 1950's].......
One from the Yes! Success Files
..................Explaining the cultural value of radio heritage has its challenges................ The University of Otago in Dunedin [NZ] recently decided to auction off the original pioneer transmitter used in the first AM broadcast in the country just to clear space [and no doubt to make a few dollars].....luckily the public outcry from local citizens and organizations such as the Radio Heritage Foundation led to a very rapid retreat from the idea..................we're pleased they followed our advice to lease the equipment to a local museum instead.
It's one of a growing number of success stories we're quietly chalking up behind the scenes, and if you'd like to volunteer some time to protect items of radio heritage in your community, drop us a line and tell us more about what you'd like to keep safe for future generations.
Thanks for your donations
The worldwide financial crisis has been having a tough impact on our finances and therefore our ability to get more content online......
.................Last year we raised US$3500 in donations, paid 20% of our bills and put in 2000 plus hours of unpaid time on our work.................. so we really need your words of encouragement, annual supporter donations [US$10 or more], and sponsorship or partnership of specific projects.................. such as meeting operating costs, funding some of those unpaid hours, and more features and articles at www.radioheritage.net.
Will you help?
.............You can donate online right now, and also choose some of the radio books and CD's we've got available, buy your books, music and magazines through our online Amazon store and support our Google Ad advertisers.
..I really recommend Keith Richardson's book and CD package ['Never a Dull Moment'] for a highly entertaining inside story about early Top 20 radio in the Pacific and great tales from behind the mike.....I talked with Keith just today and his health is not so good and he also tells me he's down to just a few copies of his book left...so don't leave it too late to get your copy from us.......
In the meantime, thanks for your ongoing support and do visit www.radioheritage.net to refresh your radio memories!
Warm regards
David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation connects popular culture, nostalgia and
radio heritage. It's a registered charitable entity [#CC25951] in
terms of the Charities Act 2005. Our global website is
www.radioheritage.net. Annual supporter donations start at US$10.
Independently funded by donations from global supporters like you.
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