the 12th Edition of its annual Domestic Broadcasting Survey, edited by Anker Petersen. This survey is divided into three parts:
Part 1: The 38th edition of the Tropical Bands Survey covering all ACTIVE broadcasting stations on 2300 - 5700 kHz, including clandestines.
Part 2: Domestic stations on international shortwave bands above 5700 kHz broadcasting to a domestic audience.
Part 3: Deleted frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz which have not been reported heard during the past five years, but may reappear.
This new Survey is based upon many official sources and DX-bulletins. A10 schedules are included when available.
In order to make the DBS reliable, our own monitors around the world have checked throughout the period May 2009 – March 2010, if each of the 900 station frequencies is on the air. ACTIVE stations are marked with an A ("Regular"), B ("Irregular") or C ("Sporadic") in the list. D means "Likely inactive".
A unique feature is the right column called "Last log". It shows the last month and year before DBS deadline on March 31, 2010 when the particular station was reported logged by a DX-er somewhere in the world. This is another way of indicating the current audibility of the station. To avoid inactive stations in this DBS, most frequencies which have not been heard during the past year, have been deleted and are moved to Part 3.
Other useful features for easy identification (ID) are the parallel frequencies and reference to Station ID slogans.
Three sample extracts from the DBS-12 are shown the next page. Reviews can be found on
All buyers of DBS-12 will get a username and password to the monthly updates on the tropical bands published as "Tropical Bands Monitor" on our website. The similar data from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 are available at to anybody.
The 28 pages A-4 size DBS-12 is available by e-mail as pdf-format (about 365 KB). A limited number is also available printed on paper. Since the clandestines are not included any longer above 5700 kHz, the prices have been reduced.
It is sold by the treasurer:
DSWCI, c/o Bent Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK 3500 Vaerloese, DENMARK
E-Mail edition: DKK 35,00 or USD 7.00 or EUR 5,00 or GBP 4,00 or SEK 50,00 or IRC 4.
Printed edition: DKK 65,00 or USD 12.00 or EUR 9,00 or GBP 8,00 or SEK 90,00 or IRC 7.
Payment by cash notes are accepted whereas checks and postal money orders are not accepted.
DSWCI Bank is Danske Bank, 2-12 Holmens Kanal, DK-1092 Copenhagen K.
BIC/SWIFT : DABADKKK. IBAN: DK 44 3000 4001 528459.
Danish buyers please use: Reg. 3001- konto 4001528459.
If you have EURO as national currency, you are advised to pay to our representative in
If you want to pay via PAYPAL, please unconditionally contact Andreas Schmid for information.
Andreas Schmid, Lerchenweg 4, D-97717 Euerdorf, Germany.
Account 2912472076 at Citibank BLZ: 30020900. BIC: CIPRDEDD. IBAN: DE24300209002912472076 .
Anker Petersen and Bent Nielsen Samples from Domestic Broadcasting Survey 12:
B 3815 0,2 GRL KNR, Tasiilaq (USB) ¤ 1500-1615v 2100-2212v Greenlandic, exc. Danish nx 1530 2200 MAR10
B 3900 7,5 CHN Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, Nei 2130-0700 (Tu-0210) 0900-1440 C
Menggu MAR10
B 3905 10 PNG R
"Maus bilong Mai Mau" MAR10
A 3912 - XXX Voice of the People, via 1100-2100 Korean // 6518 6600, ID: "Inmin-e sori pangsong-imnida",
e.g. by Voice of Korea External Service MAR10
A 3915 100 SNG BBC, via Kranji FS: 2100-2400 E. Broker: VTC MAR10
C 3920 - KRE KCBS, Hyesan 2000-1800 Korean // 2850 6100 9665 JUL09
A 3925 50 J R Nikkei, Nagara, Chiba, Tokyo HS 1: 2040-1330v (Fr-1500v, Sa-1230v, Su-1200v) Japanese // 6055
9595, ID: "Nikkei Radio - sha Tampa-hoso" (Nikkei R Corp. SW Brc) FEB10
C 3925 10 J R Nikkei, Nemuro HS 1: 2040-2300 0800-1330 (Fr-1500, Sa-1415, Su-1200) Japanese PPPPP
A 3930 - XXX R Voice of Kurdistan, ¤ S/on varies with Martial music as early as 0245, 0300-0400 1245-
ID:"Im Radyo Sedaye Kordestane" to Iran. Produced by the
Democratic Party of
B 4825 5 B R Educadora,
D 4826,5 15 PRU R Sicuani, Sicuani,
B 4828 100 ZWE Voice of
A 4830 10 MNG Mongoliin R, Altay HS 1: 2200-1600 Mongolian, ID: "Ullaanbaataraas yaridz baina", to
C 4830,9 - RUS Voice of Russia, Tbilisskaya ¤ Spurious signal of 1089 MW Tbilisskaya RadioKanal Sodruzhestov
in Ru to ME, intermodulated by 5920 Tbilisskaye 2000-2200 (5920 -
1089 = 4831) MAR10
C 4834,9 0,5 BOL R Virgen de los Remedios, 1000-1100 2100-0100v S catholic px // FM, ID: "Radio Virgen de los
Radio Católica Mundial" SEP09
A 4835 50 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs, NT 2130-0830 E, Northern Territory Sce, incl. CAAMA R and ABC px,
(= 2310) MAR10
B 4835 10
1730) Nepali, exc. 1030-1100 and Fr 1430 Hindi, 1100-1130 Lepcha,
1130-1200 Limboo, 1200-1230 Sikkimese, Sa 1430 E, (= 6085) FEB10
C 4835 100 PAK R
Mar FS: 1345-1445 Pashto, 1445-1545 Dari // 6235 JUN09
B 4835,4 1 PRU R Marañon, Jaén, Cajamarca W 1000-0300(Sa -0200), Su 1100-1800 S, some days Off MAR10
A 4840 50
Hindi/Marathi/Sindhi, E nx 1430, ID: "Akashvani Mumbai", (= 7240) MAR10
A 4840 100
A 6973 10 ISR Galei Tzahal, Lod, Tel Aviv ¤ 24 h Hebrew // 15785. Operated by
"Galei Tzahal, Shidure Tsva Hagana Le'Yisrael" MAR10
B 7105 50 CHN Nei Menggu PBS,
Menggu Diantai" // 7420 9520, spurs noted on 7085 7095 7115 and 7125 FEB10
B 7105 20 MDG R Nasionaly Malagasy, 0500-1500 F/Malagasy // 6135, (= 5010)
Ambohidrano MAR10
A 7110 100 ETH R
Ababa Nuer, MF 1400-1500 E // 5990 9704.2 , d - 7100,1 MAR10
D 7120 250 TCD Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, Gredia, (SS 0730-)1000-1800; sometimes also 0427-0730 1800-2000 F/A/Vn,
N'Djaména alt. fq 4905 or 6165 SEP09
A 7125 50 GUI R
B 7130 10 MLA RTM Kuching-Stapok, Sarawak Sarawak FM: 2200-1600 Malay, relays nx from
hour, W Schools px: 0100-0300, d – 7130,5; ck 5030 AUG09
B 7140 5 RUS R Rossii & NVK "Sakha", ¤ R Rossii Dubl 2: 0200-0300 0500-0910 1100-1600 Ru. Regional px
7200 7345 MAR10
B 7145 100 SOM R Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 1500-1900 Somali, r -1958*
A 7175 100 ERI Voice of the Broad Masses, Px 2: 0355v-0430 0930-1030 1700-2000v A, 0430-0500 1530-1600
1700 Oromo. A ID: "Huna Asmara, Idha'at Sawt al-Jamahir
al-Iritriyyah", d 7165-7180 and 8000 to avoid Ethiopian jammer MAR10
B 7185,8 50 BRM Myanma R,
ck 5985(ID), ex 7200 MAR10
C 7195 10 UGA R Uganda, Kampala Red Channel: 0600-1300 E/Swahili/Vn. (= 4976) AUG09