mercoledì 7 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 7, 2010

** ASCENSION. 6100, April 7 at 0527 VG signal with rap music, and hum, cut off at 0529* with no announcement, how rude. It`s listed as BBC Portuguese to Africa via Ascension at 0430-0530, 250 kW at 102 degrees. They really need to work on getting rid of the hum, something you would not expect from one of the world`s major SW transmitter sites on the air for many years and supposedly being upgraded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 7 at 1310: good on 8400, not found on any of the 7 or 9 MHz frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Here we go again. Just like its predecessor 6140, RHC`s new 5970 proves to be the channel which randomly switches between English and Spanish, no matter what the schedules may say.

April 7 at 0530 found this ``English`` frequency really in Spanish service, music at the moment // 6120 and 6150, not // the English frequencies 6010 and 6060.

Furthermore, 5040, which is supposedly all-Spanish after 0200, was in English at 0531 check, Elena Valverde`s heavily-accented ``news``. So it appears the wires were crossed so 5040 and 6140 exchanged program feeds.

New 5970 also means new spurs! At 0536 I was getting RHC English weakly on 5880, which is a leap of 6060 over 5970 another 90 kHz lower. This was transmitted, not receiver-produced, as confirmed by still audibility with attenuation; unlike some receiver-only images forced by overload from fundamentals.

Altho 6110 transmitter moves to 6150 at 0500 to avoid Japan via Sackville, later on it`s possible for both 6110 and 6150 to be on the air, plus 6180, all // at 1225.

Besides a separate entry for 6180 at 11-13, the format of the A-10 schedule makes it difficult to sort out what is meant here since there are three frequencies separated by / and four timespans separated by / :

``Norte Centro Suramérica 11760/6150/6110 11-20/24-05/05-13/11-05``

Probably the first two timespans both refer to 11760. There are many other entries like this. Why in the world don`t they explicitly show one frequency on one line for each timespan?

At 1357, RHC audible on 15380, 15360, 13680, 12030, 11730, missing from 15120, 13780 and 11760. Nevertheless, the frequency announcement at 1359 says ``estamos transmitiendo`` (meaning currently, i.e. both before and after that time), en ``15120, 15360, 15380, 13680, 13780, 11760, 11730, 12030, 6110``. So finally two days after the changes, new frequencies 15380 and 12030 make the list, replacing 13770 and 11800, but it still doesn`t match what is really happening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. Re my previous remark that Shiokaze could not be heard on 5915 at 1400: As Ron Howard reminds me, it`s not supposed to be on 5915, but 5910, where he was still hearing it as of April 6. Checking April 7 at 1403, all I could get here a bihour into the dayside was a trace of a carrier on 5910, not 5915 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, R. Educación totally in the clear April 7 from 0545 with great music, mostly romantic, tnx to geomag disturbance greatly weakening CRI via Sackville 6190 until 0600; and nothing from Vatican 6185 either. XEPPM Heard as late as 0717 with no Brasil, which presumably would come on before 0800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. The ionosphere is still all screwed up following the G3 geomagnetic storm, with some very strange propagation. April 7 at 0523, found RN in Dutch with good signal on 9865. This was close to the OSOB and certainly the SSOB, an incredible situation considering all the other signals normally audible. Second strongest station on band was 9630, REE/Costa Rica, and a distant third, 9505 in Spanish, WYFR at 222 degrees. 9865 RN is of course BONAIRE, 300 kW at 230 degrees at 0500-0527 only.

Also, 6250, April 7 at 0525, NHK Spanish leapfrog of 6080 over RNW 6165 Dutch, but 6250 cut off at 0527* when 6165 went off altho NHK kept going on 6080 via Bonaire (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###