sabato 3 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 1-2, 2010

** CHINA [and non]. 9355 // 9905 in Chinese, fair signals at 1906 April 2. RFA is scheduled via Saipan and Palau, respectively; only heard one signal on each, so either it was RFA without any jamming audible, or jamming without any RFA audible, but if China, it was plain programming, not echofeed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. The 2030 English broadcast of RHC was missing a few days ago as I checked several times during that hour on 11760 and other frequencies, but she was back April 2 at 2037 talking about journalists being ambushed in Honduras.

15330 has mostly been free of DentroCuban Jamming Command since a day after the A-season began, but April 1 at 1801 noticed irregular pulses against nothing. Probably only one of the panoply of jamming transmitters screwed up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) More about Martí under U S A

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, not a doubt that it`s Radio Africa, April 2 at 2114 open carrier plus hum (and also think I noticed it around 2100 or earlier). Kept tuned this time and real modulation did not start until some soft hymn singing at 2126, gradually loudening.

Next check at 2208, disgraced child-sex evangelist Tony Alamo was to be heard, but without any co-channel from WYFR Portuguese, which supposedly starts at 2200 in A-10. WYFR Spanish on 15130 not as strong as usual, but surely there would be some trace of it on 15190 if on the air. 2226 check, WYFR is finally on, atop Alamo. This transmitter seems to be especially erratic. BTW, the Brazilian who thought he had R. Inconfidência reactivated on 15190 agrees it was probably WYFR instead, scheduled until 0045 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. I`ll bet you didn`t know that RFI has a Brazilian service. It`s not in the WRTH 2010 or February update, tho they have had a Portuguese service to Africa. April 2 at 2045 I am hearing RFI on 21690 via GUIANA FRENCH with a Brazilian accent, at 2059 music break, 2100 into Spanish. The 2100 Spanish broadcast in B-09 was supposedly only on 17630.

Unknown whether the Brazilian service is daily or what time it starts. To further confuse matters, 21690 is supposedly only in French intended for Africa, not Latin America, aimed 75 degrees at 17-22 UT. Maybe another program feed screwup at Montsinéry.

This page
claims that Brazilians and all Americans must listen only via satellite; the only SW frequencies in Portuguese are for Africa at other times. So was this really a program from the African service, even tho voiced by a Brazilian? Must try to listen again, if it show up again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. Correxion: My earlier report was really R. Japan in Spanish via Bonaire: ``6080, new frequency for RN 0500 in Spanish via Bonaire, March 28 until 0530* with mailbag in last few minutes. Very big signal at 290 degrees for Mexico and Caribbean, Until uncovered at 0530, totally blocking VOA English via São Tomé from 0500 to 0700`` (Glenn Hauser, April 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, not off the air, just not modulating, April 2 at 2033 UT. // 1020 KOKP Perry was modulating sportstalk normally. First noted 1580 silent in the car several minutes earlier, and could not be sure whether there was a silent carrier or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. See SPAIN [and non]

** SPAIN [and non]. We keep finding REE in frequency conflicts, which leads us to believe there is something deficient in their shortwave frequency planning and management, tho certainly not 100% their fault.

12015, April 2 at 1858 a US Government editorial in English on VOA, about Nigeria, well over the always-running radioteletype, and mixing with REE IS underneath. Then VOA into sign-off routine, 1900 timesignal and REE opening Arabic, M-F only, but it`s underneath the RTTY here.

9690, April 2 at 2039, about equal levels between a station in French and one in English. French was talking about homophobie, not // RFI on 21690. At 2047 the other one played some Romanian folk music, soon accompanied by RRI ID. At 2056 the RRI IS was mixing with REE giving its address in French and then its own IS until 2057* while RRI was on a bit longer and briefly in the clear.

How could two European transmitters of 250 and 300 kW be on the same frequency at the same time? Perhaps because RRI`s 2030 English broadcast at 307 degrees is supposedly targeted at eastern North America only, a rather early hour for that, and of course, also perfectly targeted and much better timed for UK.

Spain is aiming 110 degrees for north and central Africa, Mideast, so they couldn`t possibly overlap, right? Directly off the back from Noblejas is 290 degrees, USward. At least the latter is M-F only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12015, VOA Greenville now here at 17-19, English to Africa concluding at 1858 April 2 with USG editorial about Nigeria, very good signal but with constant RTTY QRM, which has been on that frequency for years: so why do broadcasters keep going onto it and why doesn`t the RTTY object, whatever it is? See also SPAIN [and non] which overlaps before 1900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR active April 1 at 1802 with same old preacher; peaks at S9+15 when he screams ``hell, no``, presumably denying the existence of the hot place. Not audible 24-26 hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, April 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR`s April program schedule shows that transmitter 4 is no longer 24/7 Pastor Pete Peters, no doubt due to all his new airtime on WTWW. This opens up lots of time for other stuff on 9980 or 5890, including two additional airings of WORLD OF RADIO: Sunday 2330 on 9980, UT Monday 0330 on 5890. Tnx to Thomas Nyberg for pointing this out first, and tnx to WWCR!

Also, #2 has shifted from 9345 to 9350 at 21-24. Confirmed April 2 at 2212, usual VG signal, during preacher. Golden Age of Radio is filling time on 9350: Wed 2300-2400; Sat 2105-2200; and Into the Blue, Sat 2200-2300. GAOR is also occupying at least seven other hours per week at various times and frequencies, and ITB, three (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WTWW remains on 9479 instead of 9480 when checked, April 2: at 1312, not up to full strength yet, has a 1 kHz het from something on 9480 and a 4 kHz het from R. Australia on 9475. At 1903 when CRI via Albania is on 9480, only a trace of its het could be detected here. After 2200, no hets audible unlike the day before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. I hesitate to mention this without the proper spin, so: Harold Camping is desperately trying to add more and more languages to infest more and more cultures with his end-of-the-world nonsense as there are only 13 months to go. Tuning across WYFR 11865, April 2 at 1343, in English they were asking for people who speak Oromo, Shona, Somali, Zulu and an Nguni (? Niugini?) language.

7520, April 2 at 2215, WYFR in Spanish during this hour, had stronger CW QRM from 7519. From the cadence if not axual copying, I am pretty sure these were Cuban spy cut numbers; not the first time these two disservices have fought over a frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Radio Martí violates separation of church and state once again: On 13820, April 2 at 1856 noticed a mass in progress, as if it were WEWN! Pretty good cantor, shortly identified by announcer as St. John`s Passion. Hardly any jamming audible here, but heavy jamming on // 11930. Not only that but the next time I noticed R. Martí, at 2220 on 6030 sounded like more of the same, mass with bits of German, Latin, Spanish, Italian mixed up.

No doubt these are Good Friday specials, but what are US taxpayers doing paying for a government station to broadcast services of one particular religion to one particular country? O sure, DentroCubans are in dire need of Catholic radio, despite the Church having reached an accommodation with the Cuban state years ago, and big 24-hour unjammed Spanish signals from Birmingham. Even if there were no such deal, this would be totally against American principles. Stop it! Or start broadcasting ALL OTHER RELIGIONS (and ATHEISM) to Cuba on R. Martí (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15730, something strange is happening: April 1 at 1804 I hear an AM open carrier, and then it suddenly changes to DRM, and it has ragged edges, extending well beyond the ``only-10-kHz`` bandwidth that DRM proponents claim, out to 15720 and 15740. This bothers a weak VOA Portuguese AM signal on 15740, which is via MADAGASCAR. Then the DRM cuts on and off at 1809.

Checked again April 2: at 1850 the DRM centered on 15730 is ragged again, extending at least 15715-15745. After 1900, at 1908 it`s accompanied by TDP DRM via Bonaire at 15750-15760, i.e. almost continuous noise from 15715 to 15760.

What`s this on 15730? Not a single mention of that frequency on the drmna yg or the DRM RX fora. Once again I hear DRM without a DRM receiver, while those with DRM receivers do not tune around enough to find something like this and identify it.

Possibly it could be the Bonaire transmitter maladjusted, but note that I have heard it both with and without the nominal Bonaire frequency 15755. Bulgaria has also registered a bunch of DRM frequencies around here, but supposedly not scheduled here and now nor is it on
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###