venerdì 30 aprile 2010


Programa del 1 y 2 de Mayo 2010

Amigos de la Onda Corta es un programa semanal de Radio Exterior de España de 25 minutos de duración, que dirige y presenta Antonio Buitrago.

Es un espacio informativo sobre temas del mundo de los medios de comunicación y el diexismo.

Alonso Mostazo nos da a conocer los pronósticos de propagación en HF para el mes de mayo.

NOTICIAS: El Premio de Teatro Radiofónico Margarita Xirgu ya tiene ganador: José Henrique Cornejo/ La emisora All India radio apuesta por el DRM/ RNE ha participado en la Asamblea de Radiocomunicadores de la UER celebrada en Opatia (Croacia)/ 23 millones de españoles escuchan diariamente la radio/ Entra en vigor en España la Ley General de Comunicación y los concesionario de radio digital terrestre deberán cambiar la concesión por licencia/ Nuevo reglamento español para la banda ciudadana CB-27/ La Unión Europea impulsará un innovador prototipo de satélite de comunicaciones, el Alphasat/ El Observatorio Solar Dinámico de la NASA da información sobre el Sol.

QSL: Carlos Campos Aldana (Cuba)/ Davide Morotti (Italia)/ José E. López (Estados Unidos)/ Daniel Bustos (Chile)

Se emite por onda corta, satélite e Internet:

Emisión del SÁBADO 06:05-06:30 UTC

Europa: 12.035 kHz – 9.780 DRM
Oriente Medio: 11.895 kHz
América del Sur: 5.965 kHz (*)

Emisión del DOMINGO 13:30-13:55 UTC

Europa: 13.720 y 15.585 kHz
Oriente Medio: 21.610 kHz
África Ecuatorial: 21.540 kHz
Filipinas. 11.910 (Desde Xian)
América del Sur. 11.810 kHz
América Central: 9.765(*) kHz
América del Norte: 15.170(*) kHz

(*) A través del Centro Emisor de Cariari (Costa Rica)


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Radio Exterior de España
Apartado de Correos 156202
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Madrid, España.

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73' José Bueno
Córdoba, España

Glenn Hauser logs April 29-30, 2010

** ALGERIA [non]. 7295, RTA via FRANCE, April 30 at 0600 from music to 5+1 timesignal 8 seconds late, then sounder and Arabic talk, perhaps news. As noted last time, from May 2 this frequency should be going off at 0600 instead of 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, LRA36 continues to be audible every weekday morning. April 30 at 1257 with pop music, better signal than usual, past 1300. Seems they never do an ID or any announcement at this hourtop. Retune at 1312 just in time to hear an OM say ``Transmite LRA36`` but rest of ID lost in fade; then into YL speaking Spanish. They usually have a talk segment around this time. But at next2 check 1323 already back in music. At 1349 still holding up in romantic music, signal ranging from S2 to peaks at S8, but by 1353 getting too weak. Meanwhile, the ACI from Woofferton 15480 dropped at 1329 when Poland`s Russian broadcast ended, shortly back on for Belarussian, but weaker despite beam switch of only 5 degrees. By 1358 this had built up to be problematic for the Archangel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. CRI advance publicity said it would be broadcasting live coverage in English of the opening of Shanghai Expo, April 30 at 12-14 UT. So I look around for it at 1225. Unfortunately, there are no English relays via Canada or Cuba during this hour.

At 1227 I do find 11825 with an official speaking in English about how great the Expo will be for the world at large, and then he says some more words in Chinese, presumably consecutively translating himself.

Thank god for CNR1 jammers, of which 11825 is one, vs VOA Chinese via Philippines, itself inaudible. // 11785 and many other frequencies. At 1234 played a bit of Blue Danube, rather incongruous on the Huangpu.

Surely the Expo special will be on the 1300 English relays? No, at 1305, 9650 via Canada is in ordinary China Drive program from Beijing! With heavy QRM from RNW in Dutch via Philippines. And so is // 9570 via Cuba, with usual defective modulation. Talking about irrelevant weather in Beijing alternating English and Chinese. So much for that.

Also, 11805 has an open carrier at 1229 so I stand by for what`s next: at 1230 sharp, CNR1 echo jamming starts at exactly the same time as VOA Chinese starts, scheduled oddly from the half-hour via Thailand. Here both are audible, but the jamming atop, of course. At least this is // 11825 et al., with the Shanghai special (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 30: 15730, fair at 1315, aside Sweden 15735, but what`s to jam on 15730? Today`s edition of Aoki does not show anything, except Sound of Hope on 15750 varies 15700-15795, so probably jumped here today, altho supposedly in a break at 13-14 between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan sites.
13100, fair at 1310
12600, good at 1310
10440, good at 1318 with het from something, ute?
10300, poor at 1318, much weaker than 10440, why?
Not found anywhere else 8-19 MHz, not even 8400 at 1323. Former regular spot 9000 has not been heard for several weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Checking DCJC behavior against WRMI 9955: monitoring from 2057 April 29 hearing nothing, but first jampulsing starts at 2058.5 and more pile on quickly to make wall of noise inaudiblizing any trace of WRMI, scheduled to broadcast WORLD OF RADIO at 2100 on Thursdays. Thanks a lot, Arnie, my friend in Habana! What a crock (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUYANA. Making progress DXing reactivated GBC: last time no carrier at all, but April 30 at 0548 I do detect a carrier on 3290, weaker than the RTTY on 3287; and far too much T-storm static from Kansas to pull anything thru it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait in English this Thursday instead of Arabic last Thursday: April 29 at 2050 going from rock music to final news summary, starting with red shirts in Thailand. I don`t think there was a single item about Kuwait; are there any at 1830? 2053.7 back to music, YL song about love (is this allowed by Islam?). 2058 segué to another song but fade it down by 2058.5 for standard sign-off once again giving wrong frequency 11990, and imaginary 15110 for English at 05-08. 2059.4 brief NA by military band. 2100 accurate 5+1 timesignal, Y L Arabic ID, news fanfare and news, this time staying on until 2106.6*. Signal was fair with deep fades (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6045, looking for reactivated XEXQ at 0550 April 30: there are two very weak carriers on slightly different frequencies, and we know SLP is axually on 6044.93 or so. At 1218 audible with classical music but too much T-storm and line noise. Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla says they finally got needed replacement part from the transmitter manufacturer in Chile (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 15510, April 30 at 1357, ``Love Story`` snippet of music again today like April 27, then Dari announcement. Must be a regular program theme. And this time no modulation cutouts from VOR service to Afghanistan via Krasnodar, per Aoki, Samara per EiBi and HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9980, WWCR-4 again with Pastor Pete Peters, Friday April 30 at 1224, proffering instruxions on how to get him on public access TV, where ``they play us for nothing!``. Unsolid signal compared to huge strength of // WTWW 9479. But after 1300, 9980 also reached overload level. WWCR program guide still hasn`t been updated to show his true hours instead of temp fill programming on WWCR-4; I suppose it will be in early May. SFAW website, is it up to date? Leaves UTC field blank but default time seems to be CDT = UT -5 to which we have added UT:

WWCR SFAW Broadcast Schedule:
7 days a week 9:00PM-10:00PM 5890  0200-0300
Mon-Sat       7:00AM-10:00AM 9980  1200-1500
7 days a week 7:00PM- 9:00PM 9980  0000-0200
Sunday Only  11:00AM- 2:00PM 9980  1600-1900

** VATICAN [non]. Confirmed the Chinese broadcast from somewhere on 12035, splashed by Cuba 12030, April 29 at 2241 with ID, sacred choral music, 2242-2245* VR IS. Did NOT conclude with ``This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing off`` but presumably IBB TINIAN as scheduled in collusion with the RCC to the exclusion of any other religious broadcaster (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. The Bolivarians continue to get screwed by the Cubans, not getting their money`s worth due to defective transmitters employed for RNV relays. 11705, April 30 at 1245 check and later, horrible crackling modulation. But it`s good enough for communist government work (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

giovedì 29 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 29, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 audible on another Thursday, April 29 at 1237 weak carrier, very poor but some music. 1323 singing audible. While Woofferton is on 15480 at 1300-1430, this makes quite an abnormal 4 kHz het, another tipoff that the Archangel is present (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 15795, Chinese talk in the clear at 1236 April 29, so AIR`s Chinese service is unjammed? No! 15795 quickly confirmed as the CNR1 jammer since // 12040 where there`s also a CNR1 echo against VOA. Not a trace of India itself audible on 15795.

15255, CNR1 echo jammer also here, April 29 at 1238, vs VOA Chinese via Tinang, Philippines at 11-13.

Lots of CNR1s all over the dial as jammers or non-, but at 1240 April 29 I start looking for Firedrakes. Only these found in the 8-19 MHz range:
12970, good at 1240
10300, good at 1241 vs ute bursts
 9150, very good at 1242; unusual frequency
 8400, good at 1243

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, good strength open carrier April 29 at 0551, still at 0617. Has to be R. Africa in typical pointless incompetent behaviour, but EqG has fuel to burn? Band was open, altho nothing from Nigeria on 15120, presumably not on. Australia was in well on 15160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 13840, something in French April 29 at 0554 mentioning Champs Elysées à Paris. Has some squishy ute QRM about 13842. 0558 R. Japon IDs and contact info, to 0600* timesignal and 2 or 3 notes of NHK IS before cut off air. Fair signal, compared to much better NHK Russian on 11715. 13840 could have arrived directly too, but really 295 degrees via MADAGASCAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Reactivated! 6045, XEXQ, Radio Universidad de San Luís Potosí. April 29 at 1205 as I tune across this frequency, I hear Elgar`s Pomp & Circumstance March (No. 5, I think), which was always the sign-on theme of XEXQ when last heard in 2008. Then Spanish announcement mentioning mexicana, and Pemex, probably a government PSA. 1212 mixing music with talk, including partial ID ``Sintonizas al 11-90 de la amplitud modulada``, which chex as the XEXQ MW frequency. 1213 timecheck for 7:12, into classical hits, as always at wake-up time.

1224 operatic duet, then something from Magic Flute, 1229 announcement and more opera, 1234 Barber of Seville; 1244 weaker but recognizable with Triumphal March from Aïda. 1259 becomes JBA with Spanish announcement, 1306 still audible with classical, but just about faded out. Winter sign-on is circa 1300, so we have DST since April 4 to thank for forcing XEXQ to open an hour earlier while some propagation remains, but window will narrow until past Solstice.

Good modulation but weak and fading vs noise level. Presumably 1 kW transmitter which they were running at considerably less when last heard. Pretty weak at 1224, peaking at S9+8, compared to regular XEOI on 6010 which was steadier and stronger at S9+10.

Luckily, altho Asian reception was good today, there is no co-channel QRM during this hour. Current schedules show nothing either on 6045 until India from *1430. Zimbabwe and Uruguay may be on at 12-13, but certainly not propagating far in daytime.

Frequency is axually slightly low, and this matches consistent measurements at 6044.93 by Ron Howard, CA and Terry Krueger, FL, before it went silent 16+ months ago. DXLD archive finds the last reports were from Ron on Jan 11 and 17, 2009 when weekend sign-off was early at 0100*. Ron also had it Dec 24, 2008 at 0235. Krueger had heard it Jan 2, 2009 at 1419. My last report was Dec 26, 2008, a trace at 1352, also heard Dec 24 at 1332, and barely Dec 22 at 1459.

Current schedule remains to be determined; EiBi lists 1200-2400, extended Tue-Sat until 0530. However, VOA Hausa via Ascension is at 0500-0530, and KBS via Sackville 0600-0700, so look for it before 0500 and 0600.

It`s great to have XEXQ back, reasserting Mexico`s lead over the USA in cultural broadcasting on SW, now two active stations vs zero here. We may have hundreds of public radio stations on FM, AM and IBOC, but not a single one has ever had the vision to represent the best of America to the world by adding SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5930, at 1229 April 29, R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, motorboating and colliding with REE in Spanish via COSTA RICA, already using 5930 at 11-14 weekdays. Also a fast SAH because Cariari is off-frequency. Meanwhile ex-5920 is clear!

Why in the world did RR move? VOR had also been scheduled on 5930 at 10-14 in Chinese and Mongolian westward from Vladivostok, but surely that had to move off, to where? Then there`s Monchegorsk, longitude 33 east, R. Rossii which was (is?) also on 5930 at 01-21. Could it have been unacceptable QRM on 5920 from also dirty transmitter of WBOH --- except it took this long to accomplish the QSY in Russia, now long after that station is kaput? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT`s Live from Turkey, Thursday April 29 starting abnormally late at 1308 with usual catchy theme which doubles as opener and closer, and ``Hello, hello, hello``, inconsequential studio conversation starting with end-of-world parties scheduled for 11 July 2012, and if needed, 20 December 2012, ha ha. (First we have to get past 21 May 2011!). Poor signal and I had more to monitor elsewhere.

This show was supposed to be a world-wide call-in, but has never taken off, lacking proper promotion and user-friendly setups; haven`t heard any callers in weeks, and there used to be only a couple of people who ever participated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 12140, April 29 at 1349 VG and steady S9+18 signal, YL with musical background, Burmese-like language, into drama with M&W, SFX, bit of singing with guitar; at 1355 I notice there is a low het but main signal off abruptly at 1358. I was comparing frequency to OKC 1140 and concluded that this one was slightly off, unlike the het.

Uplooked later, it`s R. Free Asia via KUWAIT at 1330-1400, in Burmese (but was it really a dialect?), to be followed by RFA in Vietnamese via Sri Lanka, which was probably the on-frequency het source, tho I was not hearing it alone at 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15867 approx., as I tuned by heard SSB at 1318 April 29, American accented YL repeating a position report, I think in the lat-40s, long-70s. Kept listening for 15 minutes but heard nothing more except occasional digital bursts. Matches a previous log of mine in DXLD 9-073 of Sept 27 at 1329. Coast Guard?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

RapportoRadio n. 61 (140)

Settimanale Radiofonico di approfondimento,informazione e divulgazione sul mondo radio
Per ricevere la nostra QSL iz8FSL Info su
Puntata n°61 (140)
Salve amici, ed eccoci al nuovo numero della newsletter del RapportoRadio che arriva così ad anticipare le novità della prossima puntata che sarà la numero 61 per la settimana che viene.
Si ritorna a parlare di marconisti, figura in via di estinzione, e lo facciamo più o meno ad un anno di distanza dalla scorsa volta che ci siamo interessati di questo "solitario personaggio". Un anno fa incontrammo il signor Giuseppe Labadia, che ci parlò delle sue attività in tempo della seconda guerra mondiale. In questo numero incontreremo un frizzantissimo nonostante i suoi 85 anni, Vincenzo Pimpinicchi, I0ZRM, dal suo QRZ "la zanzara marina", attivo fin dal 1947, quindi tra i più antichi in questo ambito.
Tutto questo sarà la puntata n. 61, un saluto a tutti, un buon fine settimana a ciascuno  e buon ascolto.

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9790 0326 English 333 April 26 Two YLs with comments on Chinese newspapers on reporting USA downward economy. //9690[444]via Spain.

GREECE Foni Tis Helladas 9420 0419 Greek 333 April 26 Folk music. OM ancr 0420. //7475[333].

MOLDOVA Voice of Russia Relay 9665 0340 English 433 April 26 YL on the History of Russian Soldiers.//15425[444]via Petropavlovsk.

PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9825 0320 German 333 April 26 Two OMs with comments. YL with comments 0322. //6075[232]via Portugal.

ROMANIA Radio Romania Intl-RRI 9645 0352 English 333 April 26 YL with comments plus folk music. OM with an ID 0355. IS and off the air 0358. //11895[444].

RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 9735 0335 Spanish 444 April 26 OM with comments plus music vocals by an OM. YL with comments 0336.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9480 0412 German 444 April 26 YL and OM with comments. //9465[333] and 6075[232]via Portugal.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9535 0403 Spanish 333 April 26 YL with comments plus an OM with comments. OM with Muusica by an OM 0408. //6055[444].

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

mercoledì 28 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 27-28, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 on Wednesday April 28: at 1256 music just barely audible past 1308. Peaking better at 1310 when YL with Argentine accent starts talk segment until 1329, but only a rare word understandable, such as at 1315 ``presencia en la bahía``. ACI from UK 15480 is now a problem, but hi-latitude paths in general on 19m are attenuated, and at 1255 nothing but Chile was making it on 16m, 17680. 1329, the 15476 signal is a bit stronger as OM singing starts. By 1424 has declined to a carrier only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 28: at 1335, 14900 poor with flutter, while CNR1 jamming on 15285 and 15265 were equally poor. At 1338, FD good on 13320 and 12970, fair on 10300, at 1343 poor on 8400. Unfound anywhere else 8-18 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUYANA. Jaime Labadia was going to visit and activate around April 22 the new 10 kW SW transmitter he built for GBC, and there have now been several reports of something on 3290, partly in English including BBC relays, surely this but definite IDs seem hard to catch. For me so far, the signal alone has been hard to catch; checked April 28 around 0600 could detect no carrier on 3290, just the usual 3287.3 open carrier occasionally sending RTTY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait again in English contrary to its own announcements, April 27 at 2058 at sign-off still claiming to be on 11990 at 18-21, and on 15110 at 05-08. Possibly the latter is really on 15515, scheduled in Arabic, but so is 15540. Please check. 2059 NA, 2100 accurate timesignal, news theme and headlines in Arabic but cut off the air today earlier than usual after only one minute at 2101* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. I had noticed in HFCC A-10 that R. Rossii at 1700-1300 from Petropavlovsk/Kamchatskiy is listed on 5930 instead of 5920 where we had continued to hear this awful motor-boating transmitter interfering with itself, but following tip from Ron Howard, now it has really moved to 5930, April 28 audible as early as 0605, and now unpleasantly close to WWCR 5935. Next check at 1247, 5930 somewhat better with singing and Russian talk // 5940 Magadan which is weaker but motorboat-free.

So Pet/Kam can accomplish frequency changes from 6075 to 5920 to 5930 but not clean up the modulation once and for all. Per sunset at Pet/Kam was 0847 UT but the sun is still relatively low in the sky at that latitude of 53 North, equivalent to Goose Bay or Edmonton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. Checking VOT`s UT Wednesday April 28 0300 broadcast on webcast, but could have heard on 5975, to confirm that it is still carrying the ``Tuesday`` program lineup: yes, at 0312 starts ``Through History``, a lexure about genocide thru the ages starting with the fate of the ``Red Indians`` in the New World, to the My Lai massacre, lingering effects of Agent Orange, justly blamed on the US. (Well, geez, if North Vietnam had just renounced Communism, none of that would have happened.) Hmmm, are they leading up to painting Turkey as just another genocider, against the Armenians? Tune in next week. Following at 0319 was ``Heading Toward(s) Turkey`` on Van (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. Just got VR`s printed schedule folder for A-10. It no longer comes with an elaborate postage meter imprint, just a postage-paid rectangle printed on the envelope. Glad I have saved previous ones for collexion.

VR finally acknowledges they are using several SW relay sites, even naming them including those in Islamic-dominated countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. By color coding they attempt to show which sites go with which frequencies and times --- except there is a brown triangle coming out of Tinian with no frequency to match.

Searching HFCC, we find one transmission of Vatican via Tinian: 2200-2245 on 12035 in ``Zho`` which I assume means Mandarin Chinese as it is also in the Vatican folder as Chinese, just with no brown color-coding indicating Tinian.

This 12035 transmission is not to be confused with the next one on same frequency, which I happened to recently report, 2310-2400 in Vietnamese, which is direct from Santa Maria di Galeria. I suppose SMG could back up the Tinian transmission if it is not funxioning for some reason; and apparently was not firm at printing deadline, or overlooked.

Assuming it is running as scheduled, thus the ``faith-based`` IBB once again violates Separation of Church and State, by availablizing USG facilities to one particular religion. Again? Yes, R. Martí broadcasts Catholic services, and R. Liberty was caught broadcasting RussOrthodox services in Soviet days, and may well still. Who knows what may go on unrecognized in other languages?

In case you think this is inconsequential, it opens IBB to demands for airtime from every other religion! How can the USG justify propagating (literally) one of them, and not any or all of them? This is the age-old reason for maintaining total separation of church and state in all circumstances, to assure impartial freedom of and from religion.

This probably results from a relay-exchange deal, but it is lopsided. IBB now has these transmissions via SMG, raising the question whether the USA is so strapped for relay sites that it has to make a deal with the RCC? Just who initiated this? There may be more such odd bedfellows as IBB is bent on closing down Greenville, and who knows what others of its own assets.

Sawa, i.e. Hello, Darfur, for Sudan via Vatican:
0300-0330 5945
1800-1830 9465
1900-1930 9800
Perhaps The Church has a particular interest in expediting such a service, and nothing else from IBB? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11888-SSB, intruders, 2-way in tonal Asian language, intermittently, April 28 at 1345 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15105, April 28 at 1427, guitar music fill loop from VTC past 1430, poor with fadeouts, still going at 1437, 1443. Nothing scheduled at this time, but BBC Hausa via Ascension is at 1345-1415, so perhaps overrun from that. Also again had weak het from carrier near 15106, and Noel Green has already ruled out Pakistan (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15385, once again unknown station testing, April 28 at 1425 open carrier at first, fluttery to S9+15 at peaks, 1435 brief tone test, back to open carrier. Signal does not resemble anything else on 19m, but clearly extracontinental. Could be from ME or Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Relays A10 via Radio 700 - 6005 Khz

Montag-Sonntag 0700-0900 Radio Belarus
Montag-Sonntag 0900-1700 Radio 700
** Mai 2010
Samstag 01.05. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 01.05. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
Sonntag 02.05. 0900-1000 Radio Joystick
Samstag 15.05. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 23.05. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International
Samstag 29.05. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 29.05. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
** Juni 2010
Samstag 05.06. 0900-1000 MV Baltic Radio
Sonntag 06.06. 0900-1000 Radio Joystick
Samstag 12.06. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 26.06. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 27.06. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International
** Juli 2010
Samstag 03.07. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
Sonntag 04.07. 0900-1000 Radio Joystick
Samstag 10.07. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 24.07. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 25.07. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International
Samstag 31.07. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
** August 2010
Sonntag 01.08. 0900-1000 Radio Joystick
Samstag 07.08. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 21.08. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 22.08. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International
Samstag 28.08. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
** September 2010
Samstag 04.09. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 05.09. 0900-1300 Radio Joystick (4 Stunden PX)
Samstag 18.09. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 26.09. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International
** Oktober 2010
Samstag 02.10. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Samstag 02.10. 1300-1400 Radio Gloria International
Sonntag 03.10. 0900-1000 Radio Joystick
Samstag 16.10. 0900-1000 Medienmagazin
Sonntag 24.10. 0900-1000 Radio Gloria International

Radio Caroline

Radio Caroline is back on board the MV Ross Revenge for a full Bank Holiday weekend broadcast.

"Programmes, live from our radio ship, will get underway at 2 O'clock on Friday afternoon, April 30th. Once again if you live in the south Essex or north Kent area you'll be able to tune in on 531 kHz AM, but SKY 0199 and our web streams will also be carrying programmes from the Ross.

We're going to let you choose some of the music too. Each hour we'll be auctioning three classic tracks in "The People's Choice". You simply bid to hear the one you prefer. The track that gets the highest bid will get played at the end of each hour."

The programme schedule is at

Internet broadcasts 24/7 at

Palinsesto Radio Cairo gennaio - giugno 2010

Cari amici,
e' con tanto piacere che vi invio il palinsesto di Radio Cairo vigente fino alla fine del prossimo mese di giugno 2010. Radio Cairo vi augura buon prosegumento della trasmissione in lingua italiana.

Colgo l'occasione per invitarvi a scriverci i vostri commenti sui nostri vari programmi.

ONDE CORTE 6.270 KHZ. (49 METRI) h. 18.00 - 19.00 UTC
Ogni sera
Gennaio - Giugno 2010
18.05 Scatti dall'Egitto
18.25 Notizie al microfono
18.30 Prima Pagina
18.35 L'Islam E La Societa'
18.40 Quattro Chiacchiere
18.45 L'islam e gli altri
18.50 Almanacco Turistico

18.05 Nell'occhio del ciclone
18.25 Dossier Economico
18.30 Prima Pagina
18.35 Gerusalemme..Terra Sacra
18.45 Mille e una Notte

18.05 L'italia in Egitto
18.25 Commento Politico
18.30 Dossier Economico
18.40  Prima Pagina
18.45 Pronto..Qui Radio Cairo
18.50 L'Islam E La Societa'
18.05 L'Egitto si racconta
18.25 Spotlight
18.30 Prima Pagina
18.40 La Corrispondenza Degli Ascoltatori
18.50 Almanacco Turistico
18.05 Racconti da Papiro
18.25 Dossier Economico
18.30 Musica Orientale
18.35 Angolo Filatelico
18.40 Cronaca Sportiva
18.45 Benvenuti nel mondo arabo
18.05 Panorama Artistico
18.25 Commento Politico
18.30 Dossier Economico
18.40 L'Islam E La Societa'
18.45 Web Site - Egitto
18.50 Almanacco Turistico
18.05 Microfono Con
18.25 Rapporto dell'ultima ora
18.30 Cent'anno di Cinema
18.40 Dedicata A Te
18.50 Ad Ogni Donamda Una Risposta
In Attesa di ricevere lettere e rapporti, di cui vi ringraziamo anticipamente, auguriamo a tutti voi Buon Ascolto, vi mandiamo i nostri piu' cordiali saluti.

L'Expo mondiale di Shanghai a Radio Cina Internazionale

Dalle 20 alle 22 del 30 aprile si aprirà l'Expo mondiale di Shanghai nella stessa città. Radio Cina Internazionale trasmetterà in diretta la cerimonia d'apertura in oltre 30 lingue, tra cui la lingua cinese e la lingua inglese.

Le trasmissioni mondiale in diretta in lingua cinese e in lingua inglese saranno via la radio e online, mentre i programmi in lingua cinese saranno trasmessi simultaneamente anche a New York, Perth, Melbourne sulle onde FM straniere. 10 sezioni, tra cui inglese, giapponese, coreana, malese, araba, russa, francese, spagnola, portoghese, italiana avvieranno trasmissioni video in diretta. 20 lingue, tra le quali mongolo, bengalese, nepalese, hindi, tamil, vietnamita, laotiana, tailandese, malese, indonesiana, tedesca ed esperanto, trasmetteranno online in diretta i testi e le foto.

Radio Cina Internazionale
Sezione Italiana
100040 Pechino
Repubblica Popolare Cinese

Tel:  +86 (10) 68891736 / 68891525 
Fax: +86 (10) 68891749 

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Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA CPBS 11960 0007 Chinese 333 April 26 YL and OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 2358 Spanish 444 April 25 Cuban vocal music at 0000. RHC ID 0000 and off the air.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12020 0001 Spanish 444 April 26 YL and OM with RHC ID. Then a YL with comments and ID 0002. YL with comments 0004. //6110[333].

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2310 Thai 333 April 25 YL with comments.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2312 Japanese 444 April 25 OM with ongoing comments.

SAIPAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 13775 2255 Chinese 333 April 25 YL with comments and off the air 2300.

THAILAND VOA Relay 13755 2300 English 333 April 25 OM with VOA News ID in Special English program, OM with VOA ID at 2305.

Unknown Country Unknown Station 11780 0012 Arabic 444 April 26 OM with vocal Arabic music. YL with comments 0018. Iraq mentioned often. YL with vocal music 0020. YL with an ID as Musica 0040.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

martedì 27 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 27, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 confirmed active on another Tuesday, not just M/W/F, April 27 at 1231 very weak but some music audible. 1300 still there but increased ACI from 15480, PRES in Belarussian via Woofferton UK. Checked again at 1357, now ACI not a problem, LRA36 still very weak, but music with heavy beat continues past hourtop until finally 1407 YL talking, but just too weak.

It seems the great majority of airtime is devoted to music, but surely not Antarctic traditional as there are no anteskimos; instead it`s to plant the flag of Argentine expansionism, in defiance of the Antarctic Treaty against territorial claims upon the continent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 27:
 8400, poor at 1327
12950, good at 1315, none lower down to 10 MHz; also at 1417
13300, good at 1224, very good at 1417
13970, good at 1306, much better than 15970; very good at 1417
14900, JBA at 1314
15970, JBA at 1306

** CUBA [and non]. 12030, RHC at 1316 April 27, fair with CCI sounding Russian, which fits as VOR is also scheduled here from Irkutsk during this hour in Russian, per Aoki; Commies vs ex-Commies. Also QRMing CODAR. But this collision pales in comparison to jamming VOR`s Spanish service evenings on 9810 via GUF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. 13640, RFI Spanish service via GUIANA FRENCH, April 27 at 1225, correspondent with very strange accent; I guess it`s African-influenced more than French-, about music groups associated with the Copa del Mundo in Sudáfrica --- why isn`t that about a silly ballgame instead of music? 1229:30 transitioned to ME music so smoothly that at first I thought it was another RFI service, but really I was then hearing Turkey on 13635 after TDF QRT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 9690, April 27 at 1324 had some music, without a hum, which I figured was something other than AIR; however, no transmission break noted before 1330 as AIR opened GOS in English, and now there`s hum. Perhaps Bengaluru was warming up with a locally- played prélude, but also on 9690 during this hour is Deewa Radio, Pashto via Sri Lanka, and Voice of Nigeria is allegedly running English from 09 to 15, perhaps from its new transmitter in Abuja (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI`s Tuesday ``Exotic Indonesia`` excursion to Banjarmasin was dashed by total lack of modulation other than hum, but good signal April 27 from 1323 tune-in, and never came back past 1341 and 1350 as I left a receiver running on it. I wonder if they were blithely producing the hookup assuming they were really on the SW air?

Prior to 1300, 9526- was doing fine with Japanese service, seemed like Indonesian lesson shortly before hourtop. And it was also on the air during the 14 UT hour, abnormally, as CRI Russian 9525.0 had a het at 1426. The unreliability of some SW stations is really incredible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR continues to ruin its Pashto/Dari service by failing to get the modulation to come out of the 15510 transmitter unscathed. April 27 at 1355, 15510 had severe audio break-up, or should I say, breaking in for split seconds during music, from Love Story(?). Aoki says it`s 250 kW, 110 degrees via Krasnodar; HFCC says 250 kW, 140 degrees via Samara; Eibi too says Samara (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 17765, April 27 at 1311 Chinese with VR ID, Laudetur J.C., a dead giveaway, as was the first note of the IS, cut off at 1312, but back on a few sex later, 1315 opening in Vietnamese. VR at SMG was moving its antenna from 65 to 72 degrees during the brief break, probably inconsequentially as signal continued equally fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15385, like April 25, again some station running tone tests, sweeps and steps from hi to very low pitches April 27 from 1412 tune-in until 1414:30*. Strong signal but with flutter, so unlikely Greenville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


DX MIX NEWS # 622                                             27 April 2010
IRAN    Updated A-10 for Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran:
ALBANIAN   0630-0727 on 13810 15235
           1830-1927 on  9570  9760
           2030-2127 on  5980  9535
ARABIC     0230-0527 on  6025  7350 11660 "Al-Quds TV"
           0330-0427 on  9610 11875 "Voice of Palestine"
           0530-0827 on 13790 13800 15150
           0830-1027 on  9885 13790 13800 15150
           1030-1427 on 13790 13800 15150
           1430-1627 on  9920 15150
           1630-1727 on  6025  9920
           1730-0227 on  6025
ARMENIAN   0300-0327 on  7220 11700
           0930-0957 on  9700 15110
           1630-1727 on  7230  9505
AZERI      0330-0527 on 13710
           1430-1657 on  6000
BENGALI    0030-0127 on  5950  7325
           0830-0927 on 11710
           1430-1527 on 12085 13800
BOSNIAN    0530-0627 on 13750 15235
           1730-1827 on  7295  9860
           2130-2227 on  7305  9810
CHINESE    1200-1257 on 13735 15190 15530 17670
           2330-0027 on 11645 12000 13715
DARI       0300-0627 on 11940 13740
           0830-1157 on 11980 13720
           1200-1427 on  9940 13720
           1430-1457 on  9940
ENGLISH    0130-0227 on  7245  9495 "Voice of Justice"
           1030-1127 on 15600 17660
           1530-1627 on  7305  9600
           1930-2027 on *5940  6205  7205  7215  9800
GERMAN     0730-0827 on 15085 15430
           1730-1827 on *5940  9940 15085
FRENCH     0630-0727 on 13750 15430
           1830-1927 on *5940  9860 13600 15085
HAUSA      0600-0657 on 15220, only one freq.
           1830-1927 on  7370  9905
HEBREW     0430-0457 on  9610 11875
           1200-1227 on 13685 15240
HINDI      0230-0257 on 11710 13750
           1430-1527 on 11955 13700
INDONESIAN 1230-1327 on 15200 17560
           2230-2327 on  6000  7245
ITALIAN    0630-0727 on *9770 13620 15085
           1930-1957 on  5910  7350
JAPANESE   1330-1427 on 13630 15555
           2100-2157 on  9765 11765
KAZAKH     0130-0227 on  7360  9790
           1530-1627 on  7340  9940, retimed, ex 1300-1357 on 11665 13765
KURDISH    0330-0427 on  7375  9715
           1330-1627 on  5990
PASHTO     0230-0327 on  5940  7360
           0730-0827 on 11990 15440
           1230-1327 on  9500 11730
           1430-1527 on  5890
           1630-1727 on  6110  7340
RUSSIAN    0300-0327 on  9650 11925
           0500-0527 on  9855 13750 15150 17655
           1430-1527 on  7295 *9555  9580  9900
           1700-1757 on  3985  7335
           1800-1857 on  6140  7235
           1930-2027 on  3985  7370
SPANISH    0030-0227 on  7200  9905
           0230-0327 on  7200
           0530-0627 on 13650 15530
           2030-2127 on *6055  7300  9780
SWAHILI    0400-0457 on 13750 15340
           0830-0927 on 15240 17660
           1730-1827 on  7360  9655
TAJIK      0100-0227 on  6175  7285
           1600-1727 on  5945  6180
TURKISH    0430-0557 on  9560 12015
           1600-1727 on  6125  7370
URDU       0130-0227 on  5930  7325  9845
           1300-1427 on  7265 11695 11805
           1530-1727 on  5890
UZBEK      0230-0257 on  7290 11945
           1500-1557 on  5945  9685
*via Sitkunai, Lithuania

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 15560 2238 English 444 April 25 Yl and OM on imports from Japan. Also a story on whale protection in the Pacific Rim Ocean areas.

BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2247 Japanese 333 April 25 OM with comments plus a YL at 2248.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 17860 2120 Portuguese 444 April 25 Pop music. YL and OM with comments 2122. YL with RCI ID 2125. Language Lesson 2243. //15455[333].

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 17735 2135 French 433 April 25 Two OMs with comments. YL with comments 2140.

CHILE CVC 17680 2143 Spanish 433 April 25 OM with Musica program.

GREECE Voice of Greece 15630 2201 Greek 333 April 25 OM with ongoing comments.

RAWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 15640 2150 English 444 April 25 YL and OM on gladiators combat in Martial Combat arenas. DW ID 2158. Off the air at 2200. //11865[333] Rwanda.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 17755 2130 Spanish 444 April 25 Two OMs with comments. YL with comments 2133. //17595[444], 15110[444], 11815[444].

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

lunedì 26 aprile 2010

Test in corso da Volpiano su 999 kHz con 50 Kw

Sono in corso in questo momento dei test da Volpiano sulla nuova frequenza dei 999 kHz e con il trasmettitore da 50 Kw della Transradio (ex Roma DRM), dureranno purtroppo solo pochi minuti

Volpiano... si cambia (UPDATE)

Come preannunciato qualche giorno fa da Bclnews, sono stati effettuati i lavoro di adeguamento dell'impianto di Torino - Volpiano per utilizzare i 999 kHz e il trasmettitore da 50 Kw Transradio (ex Roma DRM), a breve dovrebbe quindi essere acceso l'impianto definitivo.

Su facebook, per chi è iscritto, c'e' anche la foto dell'impianto:!/photo.php?pid=234628&id=100000498183910

Tip FM DX 104.7 MHz della Croazia

Buona primavera e buoni DX!
Domenica 25 aprile ho visitato il Museo della radio d'epoca

Dalla postazione elevata del giardino dell'Hotel Castelbrando ho rilevato un nuovo tip FM della Croazia.
Tutti gli orari sono UTC +2
104.7 MHz 25/04 1314 HRV HR Radio Rijeka, Ucka Nx Sport ID "Radio Rijeka" QRM  SINPO 43544 170 Km.

Antenna: filo 240 cm.
Azimuth: 50°
QTH: Cison di Valmarino, 45 Km. Nord da Treviso (IT)

73 da Nino Marabello

Glenn Hauser logs April 25-26, 2010

** ALGERIA [non]. 7295, RTA via Issoudun, FRANCE, April 26 at 0522, Arabic pontifications, good strength accompanied by squeal on the transmitter but no echoing this time.

Note, on May 2 until Sept 5, there will be time adjustments in these relays. 7295 will be on at 04-06 instead of 05-07, but it`s not a matter of just going one hour earlier across the board. This is apparently based on propagation predixions, following the sun, as there is no DST in Algeria and DST is already underway in France (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. LRA36, only detectable on 15476 as a carrier, Monday April 26 at 1314. Need to confirm whether it`s also active on Tuesday, as it definitely was on Thursday, instead of only M/W/F (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake all over the place April 26, with nothing audible co-channel, u.o.s.:

 8400, good at 1246
10300, good at 1246
10420, good at 1246
11100, good at 1246
12970, good at 1249
13320, good at 1249
13500, good at 1249
13970, good at 1249

15545, poor at 1318, // 16100. Nothing to jam in the April 26 edition of Aoki, but V. of Tibet likely upshifted from 15540, via Tajikistan at 13-14 in Tibetan and Chinese.

16100, fair at 1254, nothing higher found yet up to 19 MHz
17300, poor at 1326

15795, probably CNR1, Chinese language QRM to something singing, April 26 at 1253; at 1259 jamming off leaving S Asian music, and at next check 1315 that is gone too. The explanation from Aoki: All India Radio`s *Chinese service at 1145-1315, 500 kW, 35 degrees from Bangaluru. Maybe it was just an hourtop pause for monitoring check?

The ChiCom are afraid even to let India speak to the oppressed, information-deprived Chinese people on SW --- and so many of them don`t even know it. As a result, does AIR get any listener response?

CNR1 jamming on // 15330, 15285, 15265, April 26 at 1323. First noticed on unusual 15330 mixing with something, i.e. BBC Uzbek via Thailand during this semihour only per Aoki; and for good measure, the DentroCuban Jamming Command adds some residual pulses on this frequency abandoned by Radio Martí a month ago; and in any event did not start until 1400 in B-09 --- but close enough for Cuban government work!

Does the autocratic Uzbekistan government approve of China jamming broadcasts in its own language, or even encourage this?

15285 and 15265 are longtime haunts of CNR1 jamming, vs Chinese from BBC via Singapore, and RTI respectively. Reception here varies widely depending on the nightside MUF, which this date exceeded 17 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, while VOI replaced English at 13 by rock music on Sunday, it was back to normal on Monday April 26, 1302 news including new FOI law in Indonesia. Also noted earlier at 1244 with VOI ID and jingle in Japanese, good with some hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait again in English April 25 at 2051 with news headlines delivered by YL far too swiftly for comprehension, coupled with her accent. She obviously has no clue of the need for clarity in shortwave broadcasting. ESL people seem to delight in speaking as rapidly as possible as some kind of faux-proof of their fluency. 2053 to a postlude by Tom Jones, whose English is quite clear despite being Welsh; it was something reminiscent of Delilah in his inimitable style (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. 15630, R. Mada International via Pridnestrovye, presumably the trace of QRM underneath V. of Greece, Sunday April 25 at 1544 and producing a SAH. That`s about the best it can do since accepting this collision, depriving the world at large, if allegedly not the boresight Madagascans, of Mada audibility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. 6250, April 26 at 0517 in Spanish vs ute QRM, // 6080 R. Japón relay, leaping over RNW Dutch on 6165. Theoretically there could be a matching leapfrog on 5995, 85 kHz lower than 6080 at 5995, with Dutch audio, but could not confirm that, altho at 0519 there was a fast SAH between two weak signals amid ACI [adjacent channel interference, which I will not explain every time I use it]. Nothing else is scheduled at this hour, unless Mali`s carrier was already on before *0600. In any event, 6250 was not Equatorial Guinea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 9920, April 26 at 1240, ``Gott sei die Ehre`` hymn in unknown language, then talk in Thai/Lao, fair signal. Must be YFR relay, right? Wrong! While that`s YFR`s main theme, they do not have a monopoly on it. Uplooked later in Aoki, at this hour 9920 is occupied by FEBC Manila, in Koho, Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed at 1230-1300, 100 kW, 280 degrees from Bocaue. EiBi`s language reference at says it`s spoken by 100 kilopeople in Vietnam, a.k.a. Kohor --- but from the sound of it, closely related to Lao, rather than Vietnamese.

The gospel huxters have got 9920 all tied up, used only by: 10-11 FR via Taiwan in Chinese; 11-13 FEBC in SE Asian languages we have never heard of in the relentless drive to deprive as many ethnic groups as possible of their original religions; 13-14 KNLS Chinese; 14-15 KTWR Vietnamese; 15-18 KNLS Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15435, April 26 at 1320, Chinese talk and then soprano with piano, peaks S9+5. RRI Chinese service, 1300-1327, 300 kW, 67 degrees from Tiganeshti. No jamming audible, as the ChiCom apparently do not feel the need to block the Romanian apostates from Communism (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 7285, April 26 at 0523 studio announcer conversing with another YL on phone, maybe a child, in corrupted Dutch a.k.a. Afrikaans, ergo R. Sonder Grense as scheduled 05-08, 100 kW, 275 degrees from Meyerton, in an unique SW language, clear between Arabs on 7275 and 7295.

As I tune around the band, I realize that there is something strange but welcome about amateur behaviour: hardly any SSB to be heard above 7200, altho certainly not off-limits to Americans; they voluntarily stay below 7200. That`s normally the case at nightmiddle, but not around sunrise when there is plenty of SSB QRM to Asian broadcasters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15420-CUSB, special Area 51 transmission Sunday April 25 with WORLD OF RADIO #1509 at 1530: good reception at 1542 check, no BBCWS Seychelles co-channel audible this time. Will this catch on as a regular transmission in early open time on this transmitter?

Also, Pirate Week and International Radio Report were moved two hours later than before, and 9330-CUSB added, so now IRR conflicts with WOR 9980 at 2330 Sundays, confirmed in quick check April 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO inbooming this week on new WWCR-4 times as propagation upheld: Sunday April 25 at 2330 on 9980; UT Monday April 26 at 0330 on 5890 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR on air with its one and only preacher, April 25 at 1643. Still/again there at 2053 check, a pennywhistle compared to neighboring Kuwait 15540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17580, April 26 at 1327, S Asian song by solo OM, F-G signal; must have been unrecognizably Christian, as at 1330 segué to ``Know My Redeemer Liveth`` theme and YL announcement. Per Aoki this is YFR in Bengali, 500 kW, 90 degrees from Wertachtal, GERMANY at 13-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Aló, Presidente, on the air this Sunday as declarations of El Hugazo audible at quick check April 25 at 1750, best on 13680, also 13750, 12010, 17750 via CUBA. So what`s become of RNV`s own SW site supposed to be on air by end of last year from Calabozo?? Not a word since last October or so about progress in constructing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Aggiornamenti FM Savona-Imperia

Giovedì 22 aprile 2010, accompagnando (non da solo!!!) i ragazzi della comunità dove lavoro in gita al "Principato" di Seborga (Imperia), ho avuto la fortuna di attraversare l'autostrada A10 fino a Bordighera e, quindi, di dare una risposta definitiva ad alcuni dubbi sulla banda FM tra le province di Savona ed Imperia, che mi auguro possano essere utili anche per FM List. I controlli sono stati effettuati con il tuner di un lettore MP3 modello MP114 Teac, privo di spurie e piuttosto selettivo, nonostante lo step minimo di 0,1 MHz.
Per cominciare, la frequenza di 90.700 tra la parte occidentale di Genova (Pegli, Voltri ecc.) fino alle uscite di Imperia Est e Ovest è appannaggio di RADIO 19, a parte Savona-Colle Crocetta che è sempre in uso a R. Italia SMI. Di conseguenza, le variazioni su questa prima frequenza, rispetto ai database attuali, sono le seguenti:

90.700 MHz
Varazze-Piani d'Invrea - da cancellare (nessun segnale)
Albenga-Punta S. Martino - R. 19 (ex R. Cuore)
Andora-Colle Dick - R. 19 (ex R. Cuore 2)
Dunque R. Cuore 2 ha totalmente lasciato la Liguria.
A partire da Savona, ho iniziato a monitorare anche la proverbiale 94 MHz, alla quale da Rapallo avevo attribuito *a tavolino* m2o al posto di R. Capital - riportata su database e siti delle emittenti - per ben quattro postazioni della provincia, perché l'avevo sentita da Rapallo-Santuario nell'estate del 2008. La situazione *reale* è la seguente:

94.000 MHz
Savona-Colle Crocetta - R. CAPITAL
Finale L.-Capo di Caprazoppa - R. NOSTALGIA-CNR
Ceriale-Monte Piccaro - m20
Alassio-Punta Vegliasco - m2o
Tale situazione dimostra che avevamo ragione un po' tutti, sia per le segnalazioni di R. Capital che per quelle di m2o.
Per quanto riguarda la frequenza di 107.100, per salire a Seborga sono passato praticamente a fianco della postazione di Bordighera-Piana Moreno ma POWER FM è *inesistente*, non c'è un segnale locale e si sente soltanto R101 da Sanremo-Monte Bignone.
L'uso del tuner MP3, selettivo quanto basta ed al tempo stesso non distorto come risposta audio, mi ha fatto ripensare ai valori dei filtri ceramici installati su Satellit 500 e DE1103, perché ho notato che i segnali FM fluttuano in continuazione per varie ragioni e se arrivano possono addirittura superare quelli locali, sia su canali adiacenti che in isofrequenza. Di conseguenza, mi è parso che una selettività esagerata non è che sia così vantaggiosa, sia per l'audio "paperino", che in certi casi non permette di comprendere nulla, sia per un migliore funzionamento del decoder RDS. A questo proposito, mi sembra di avere visto delle variazioni e quindi, dopo avere controllato con calma, se servirà al riguardo preparerò un messaggio.

Luca Botto Fiora

domenica 25 aprile 2010

Glenn Hauser logs April 25, 2010

** CHINA. Firedrake April 25, from full bandscan 7-18 MHz:
15140, fair at 1225; good still at 1356, a rare inband frequency
13970, JBA at 1226
13320, poor at 1227
12950, good at 1220
10300, good at 1231
 8400, good at 1234

** CUBA. 11705, RNV relay, April 25 at 1213 with same continuous crackle on audio as heard in the evenings on 12020, obviously same transmitter and/or same degraded program feed. Sounds like it originates from some cross-talking modulation unrelated to this program (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI stayed on the air this Sunday, April 25, but instead of regular English programming was continuous rock music concert from 1300 past 1325, good reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615 and 17625, noticeably in // with Arabic talk, April 25 at 1329, both about equal with fair signals, shortly BSKSA ID with reverb added. Both are supposedly 500 kW and 100 degrees with Holy Qur`an program, except 17615 is supposed to switch to 17625 at 1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT, Sunday April 25 at 1248 with Turkish lesson, translating phrases about visiting Ankara, 1250 outro ``Let`s Learn Turkish``. 1251 historical talk about Istanbul. Fair signal here, // JBA 15520 eastward. At 1254 found better signal on 13635 in Turkish, soon switching to presumed live sports coverage with crowd noises (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15420-CUSB, WBCQ with special Area 51 transmission, Sunday April 25 at 1512, advertising WBNY hats and T-shirts. Good reception and no BBC Seychelles QRM as feared. WORLD OF RADIO to follow at 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6925.0-USB, unID pirate April 25 at 1236 with top 40 music from the 80s, maybe Arrowsmith? 1247 robotic YL voice, sounds like she says ``Point of no return hit show``. 1253 still but weakening; 1258 robotic YL ID but couldn`t copy, also with address. Then sounds like SSTV mixing with music, 1301 definitely SSTV beeps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11500, still open carrier, with flutter, at 1230 April 25. We can only assume it is Dushanbé, Tajikistan, which is supposed to be relaying Voice of Russia. Isn`t it about time someone noticed at site that there is no modulation? Or, `it`s not my job to get the modulation, just to turn on the transmitter``! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15385, April 25 at 1357 with open carrier, then tone tests at a variety of descending pitches, past 1400. Someone`s transmitter is getting proofed, and I bet it isn`t KJES. Nor is it necessarily any of the other users of 15385 during the day, Tinang, Noblejas or even Novosibirsk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Log Roberto Pavanello

 1566   24/4 22.40 IRIB - Bandar Abbas Farsi MX suff.
 3905   23/4 19.30 Skyline Int. R. -
EE ID e MX buono
 4780   19/4 19.45 R. Gibuti - Arabo MX afro buono
 4790   24/4 04.10 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff.
 4976   19/4 19.50 R. Uganda - Kampala Swahili MX afro buono
 5045   24/4 04.20 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP MX buono
 6220   25/4 08.45 R. Marabù -
EE ID e MX ottimo
 6265   25/4 09.50 R. Geronimo -
EE ID e MX buono
 6310   25/4 10.00 R. Altrex -
EE ID e MX suff.
 7125   24/4 22.05 R. Conakry - FF NX buono
 9505   24/4 23.00 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP sconfitta del Botafogo buono
 9645   24/4 23.05 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP sconfitta del Botafogo buono
11780   24/4 22.10 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX buono

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Log: Radio Golfbreker

Fair reception here on the Baltic Coast of Germany of Radio Golfbreker on 6300 khz. SINPO: 35433 Polka-music
Peter Vaegler
QTH: Stralsund :  13°6´10´´ E; 54°16´23´´ N
RX: mod.DEGEN DE 1103
Ant: Teleskop/TG 34
meine QSL´s auch auf:

Glenn Hauser logs April 24-25, 2010

** CHILE. CVC, Calera de Tango, is STILL putting out big mushy spurs from the HCJB relay transmitter on 11920, April 24 at 2310 difficult to pinpoint, but with BFO they are centered around 11897.6 and 11942.4, i.e. plus and minus 22.4 kHz. Sometimes they are closer to 20 kHz displacement, or even 18. Portuguese talk and music from fundamental are also audible on the spurs. This started as soon as the relay deal did last October, or was it September (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 24: full bandscan found only a JBA signal on 13970, April 24 at 2318 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9660, in Kreyòl, April 24 at 2305, axually matching RHC`s posted schedule for 2300-2330 to Caribbean, also supposed to be on 17705 at same time to S America, not checked. At 2330, 9660 had converted to Portuguese, and that is not on the schedule; in fact, 9660 is unaccounted for between 2330 and Spanish from 0000. It has adjacent interference from Romania 9655.

At 2315, RHC Spanish on 12030, but missing from 12020 (and so is Portugal, this being a Saturday). But at 0012 April 25, 12030 is off and 12020 is on, with same bad crackly audio as yesterday. At 0015 I hear the same defects on poor // 15380.

At 0018 April 25, 5970 RHC in Spanish has co-channel QRM under it, in Dutch; what could that be? RHC // 6000 with no QRM. The victim on 5970 at 0025 closed with the overplayed Orange anthem. Yes, RNW is already scheduled in HFCC for 0000-0027 due south from Bonaire. There would be no such collision if non-HFCC Cuba adhered to its own schedule showing no 5970 until *0100 in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HUNGARY. 6150, at 0056 April 25, open carrier and intermittent tones, 0100 opening in Hungarian, therefore what`s left of R. Budapest, to North America but no English; believed to be still transmitted from Hungary but not for much longer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait in English again on Saturday April 24 at 1831 check during newscast, good signal. The main newscast on this 18-21 transmission is at 1830, with a summary near the end (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. There have been some recent changes to RRI`s schedule, including English at 00-01. On April 25 at 0007 I was hearing ``The Week`` on 9580 and weaker 7385, not 7335 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9890, V. of Russia in English at 2308 April 24 with ID, starting ``Music & Musicians`` with Chaikofsky theme, then bells. ACI from DentroCuban jamming and VOA on 9885, almost evitable by sidetuning upward. But there is also a SAH directly on 9885, and the only thing else at 23-24 is BBCWS in English USward from Thailand at 25 degrees. VOR site is Armavir a.k.a. Krasnodar in Russia itself, per the main three online A-10 schedules. Don`t you believe Stewart MacKenzie`s report, already published somewhere, claiming Tajikistan is involved on 9890 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 15160, REE in Spanish at 2319 April 24, ``Diario de América`` program, // 9620 and synchronized, so not Costa Rica. 15160 is 242 degrees from Noblejas to South America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Contrary to what Seref Isler said a month ago, the 2200 UT English broadcast from VOT is not carrying the next UT day`s program content, despite being after local midnight. UT Saturday April 24, DX Corner still on today at 2217-2230* instead of UT Friday. I tuned in 9830 just in time, but reception poor so I brought up the webcast ASAP. And later confirmed to repeat UT Sunday at 0317 on webcast, i.e. on the same old schedule as before.

Seref wings it by reading and replying to some e-mails he has printed out, instead of the usual scripted shows. This was nothing but a mailbag with some reception reports, and hard to differentiate from the Wednesday program Letterbox. At least he`s not plagiarizing material from DX Listening Digest any more, but calling it a DX program is a bit of a stretch, with nothing resembling DX or media news.

At one point he refused to promise a QSL since someone had not provided any proof of reception. At another point, he said they *always* QSLed, wondering why someone sent a follow-up after 99 days. He also said if you want to get an answer on this program, better send by e-mail rather than p-mail, which apparently is just too much trouble to handle, but someone in the office does collect the stamps, so don`t ask for any of those either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12160, WWCR-2 confirmed with WORLD OF RADIO`s Saturday 1630 broadcast April 24, this time inbooming since a sporadic-E opening was in progress reaching above 88 MHz in some locations. But reverb has been added, not on my original audio file. Have also noticed this on some other WWCR programming.

I did not get the 0230 UT Sunday broadcast checked early enough on 4840, but when I tuned in at 0258, Voice of Salvation was ending, sounded like more than a promo, no mention on DX Block and into next program. Online schedule not updated since April 9; we`ll have to see if this is a permanent change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9690, April 24 at 2329 good signal from WHRI ending program ``Living Like Jesus Miracle Hour``, with contact info in Philippines too fast and too accented to copy even if I had wanted to, then WHR promo, and 2330 ``British Israel World Federation``, from Toronto, from one fringe to another (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505.7, open carrier at 0058 April 25, occasional bit of hi-pitched audio cutting on and off, then OC until finally 0104 WRNO ID mentioning transmitter site of New Orleans, Louisiana, not really a sign-on, another ID and into music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. When I heard Vietnamese on 12035 in the sideband of Cuba 12030, April 24 at 2316, I thought of Vietnam. Seems to me VOV used to be around this frequency. But now it`s that other V-land, broadcasting direct from Santa Maria di Galeria, 500 kW at 75 degrees, 2310-2400. That means it could include that 2.5-minute English prélude which we used to hear on 9600 before Vietnamese at 2314, thanks to sloppy switching (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 1Africa, CVC, is still on the wrong frequency, 9540 instead of 5940 as scheduled at 19-22. Or is it? Registered on 5940, but is it pure luck that there is no collision with anything on 9540, while there would be a collision with Iran via Lithuania on 5940? Maybe CVC intended to use 9540 all along, and ``5940`` was a mistaken entry in HFCC. I`ve advised CVC HQ in UK about this anomaly.

Rechecked 9540, April 24 at 2149, gospel rock, 2153-2159 extremely overwrought dramatization with screaming, something about the international airport in Tanzania. Gospel rap at 2200 until abruptly cut off air at 2203* without so much as a good-night, frequency announcement, or please-retune-to.

I say ``gospel`` but that is only an assumption since any religious content is unclear, due to rapid pace and accents, hard to tell what they are saying or singing. Gotta hand it to these stealth evangelists: they really know how to suck in today`s modern young Africans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

sabato 24 aprile 2010

Area 51 on WBCQ, April 24-25, 2010

Area 51 is broadcast on WBCQ, Monticello Maine, USA. This weekend we're doing a special mid-day broadcast Sunday on WBCQ 15.420 MHz.

Reception reports are welcome, as always,  at

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2200 UTC (6pm) 5.110//9.330: The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show
2300 UTC (7pm) 5.110//7.415//9.330: Radio Timtron Worldwide
0000 UTC (8pm) 5.110//9.330: Radio Timtron Worldwide
0100 UTC (9pm) 5.110//9.330: The Eric Dolphy Mystery Hour

Sunday, April 25, 2010

1500 UTC (11am) 15.420: WBNY Radio Bunny
1530 UTC (11:30am) 15.420: Glenn Hauser's World of Radio
1600 UTC (12 noon) 15.420: Radio Jamba International
2200 UTC (6pm) 5.110//9.330: Radio Jennifer
2300 UTC (7pm) 5.110//9.330: Pirates Week with Ragnar Danesjkold
2330 UTC (7:30pm) 5.110//9.330: The International Radio Report
0000 UTC (8pm) 5.110//9.330: Radio Newyork International

Si chiama voce della libertà la radio italiana in Afghanistan

Si chiama "La voce della Libertà nell'Ovest" ed è stata inaugurata ad Herat il 20 aprile dal sottosegretario alla Difesa, Guido Crosetto e dal capo di Stato Maggiore della Difesa, generale Vincenzo Camporini. È la radio gestita dal contingente militare italiano che diffonderà in tutto l'ovest afghano trasmissioni rivolte alla popolazione locale contenenti informazioni di pubblica utilità e soprattutto tanta "promozione" delle attività dei contingenti alleati e in particolar modo italiano.

Radio Sadi e Azadi West è l'ultimo strumento messo a punto dagli alleati per conquistare "i cuori e le menti" degli afghani e per aumentarne la diffusione già favorita dalla presenza di un buon numero di radio soprattutto nei centri urbani, i militari italiani distribuiranno migliaio di piccole radio portatili funzionanti con accorrente elettrica, a batteria e a energia solare allo scopo di ovviare all'assenza di energia elettrica in molti centri delle campagne afghane.

L'iniziativa, da mesi in fase di messa a punto al Regonal Command West della Nato a Herat ha preso il via ufficialmente con l'arrivo della brigata alpina Taurinense guidata dal generale Claudio Berto, un veterano dell'Afghanistan che nel 2003 guidò il 9° reggimento alpini a Khost, lungo il conine pachistano, nell'ambito dell'Operazione Nibbio /Enduring Freedom .

All'inaugurazione dell'emittente Crosetto ha registrato un messaggio tradotto in dari e pashto e poi trasmesso dalla radio: "la programmazione esprimerà una costante attenzione alle vostre fiere tradizioni e alla vostra prestigiosa cultura, ma senza tralasciare le concrete necessità della vostra vita quotidiana", ha detto il sottosegretario che dai microfoni di Sada e Azadi West ha definito la nuova emittente "una nuova voce che aumenterà lo spazio della partecipazione consapevole alla vita democratica di questo Paese".

Benché costituisca il segmento posto a copertura della regione occidentale del network radiofonico "La voce della libertà" della Nato in Afghanistan, la radio è stata realizzata con fondi italiani ed è diretta dal maggiore Renato Rocchetti del 28° Reggimento "Pavia", unità dell'esercito che si occupa di Operazioni Psicologiche (Psy Ops), cioè quelle operazioni tese a influenzare l'opinione pubblica afghana. In realtà l'ormai diffusa ossessione per il linguaggio politicamente corretto ha fatto si che quello italiano sia l'unico esercito del mondo a disporre di un reparto Psy Ops ufficialmente definito di "Comunicazioni operative", termine privo di significato che sembrerebbe richiamare i reggimenti trasmissioni che si occupano di radio e sistemi satellitari.

I militari del 28° reggimento sono invece professionisti della comunicazione già distintisi in Iraq e nella missione dell'Onu nel sud del Libano. In Afghanistan sono spesso tra la gente, visitano anche i centri più isolatri e incontrano i leader locali diffondendo prodotti (depliants, volantini, video e da oggi anche servizi radiofonici) tesi a e a far conoscere in termini positivi il lavoro delle forze alleate nel campo della sicurezza, della ricostruzione e del supporto alle forze afghane. Non sfugge il paradosso che quello che in Patria è definito reggimento "Comunicazioni operative Pavia", in Afghanistan (dove opera in ambito Nato) abbia costituito il Regional Psyops Support Element (RPSE) che impiega anche personale alleato.

Il palinsesto, interamente in lingua dari e pashto, comprenderà programmi musicali, intrattenimento e informazioni con l'obiettivo di far giungere anche nelle zone più isolate dove le istituzioni afgan non arrivano e le forze alleate sono una presenza sporadica, una voce che costituisca un'alternativa credibile alla propaganda talebana, che pur senza disporre di emittenti radiofoniche giunge spesso in modo diretto e capillare nelle aree rurali. I militari italiani sono già stati protagonisti nella realizzazione di radio militari nelle aree di operazioni. Nel 1993 il contingente italiano in Somalia istituì Radio Ibis che riusciva a coprire solo Mogadiscio e dintorni mentre dal 1999 venne realizzate a Pec, in Kosovo occidentale, l'emittente radiofonica Radio West (Il Sole 24 Ore)

MARABU AM 25.04.2010 AUF 6220 KHZ

Am 25.  April 2010 von 10.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr auf Kurzwelle 6220 kHz.

10.00 bis 11.00 UHR: Marcel Fischer - Gitarre X um die beste Musik
11.00 bis 12.00 UHR: Günter Radermacher - Dark Beat mit UNHEiLIG im
12.00 bis 14.00 UHR: Marcel Fischer - Pure, EuropesAlternativeMusic
14.00 bis 16.00 UHR: Donata - Pure und als Gäste die EDITORS

Reaktionen auf unser Programm sind erwünscht.

Radio Marabu - Postfach  1166 - 49187 Belm

5025 // 4910 khz AUS - WTWW

5025 khz VL8K Katherine // 4910khz VL8T Tennant Creek AUS good

9479khz  22,10 utc  WTWW Lebanon,TN USA px rel- good

- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Glenn Hauser logs April 23-24, 2010

** BRAZIL. RNA colliding with MEXICO: q.v.

** CHINA. Firedrake April 24, showing up on different frequencies, in perpetual cat-and-mouse with never-heard Sound of Hope 1 kW annoyance transmitters from Taiwan (or so we can only assume):
10410, fair at 1325
12990, fair at 1337
13970, JBA at 1342
14920, poor at 1345

Also, 9450 at 1425 April 24, mixture of echo jamming and noise. Per Aoki, SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng is scheduled here at 14-16 via a 100 kW transmitter at Yunlin, Taiwan, 335 degrees. Yunlin is also used for several RTI and Family Radio transmissions, but only on 9450 for SOH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC is still on 12020 colliding with Portugal, both for South America, April 23 at 2300. RHC // 12030, and RDPI // 9715. Cuba atop 12020, and it sounded like Portugal had modulation problems underneath on 12020, serves the DentroCubans right. Since RDPI 12020 is M-F only, one might think the problem had been resolved if monitoring on Saturday and Sunday --- but not as long as RHC stays on 12020 after 2300. Wake up, Arnie. Recheck 12020 April 24 at 0226, RHC alone now, but its audio is awful scratchy; and also at 0425.

Poor propagation plus T-storm noise worst below 11 MHz, but I can still log stuff like this: April 24 at 0235, 9810, jamming against nothing, long abandoned by República, and VOR Spanish via Guiana French having finished at 0200.

At 0235, 9780 with jamming against something, Radio República`s current frequency at 02-04, readable at equal level to the noise. 9460 at 0237, R. Martí also equal to the jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI English April 24 from 1310, good modulation and quite listenable with usual features such as This Day in History with three topix, one of which was the Hubble Space Telescope. Unusually, managed to be atop the CRI Russian het from *1357 on 9525.0, and could hear the VOI English sign-off until 1401* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 15195, April 24 at 0428 jazz on guitar, off by next check after 0500; presumed NHK on longtime channel. Yes: Aoki says Japanese service 0155-0500, 290 degrees from Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata to Asia. This is broken up into four blox with identical parameters: 0155-0200, 0200-0300, 0300-0415 and 0415-0500; why? R. Japan does play a lot of western music, classical too, probably home service relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait once again in English at 18-21 UT Friday April 23, after having carried Arabic the day before (and Wolfgang Büschel implied it was also in Arabic on Tuesday April 20 when I did not check; is that correct?). Good signal today, 1800 sign-on, giving frequencies 963, 96.3 (what a coincidence?), and 11990! The former 1800 English channel --- what do they know in the studio? They obviously don`t bother to tune in their own broadcast and find out what frequency it is on, or not on.

1801 program summary, seemed mostly to be music. Even before 1802 began ``Islam & Peace`` with ponderous declarations. But once that is over, RK lightens up with mostly western pop music. Didn`t have time to listen much, but rechecked before closing: 2058 ID again giving frequencies for this broadcast and also ``15110`` for 05-08 (local 08-11) English, which hasn`t been confirmed in many months; in fact if it`s on SW at all, we don`t know where. 2100 into Arabic news, still on past 2108 when cut off yesterday, but had disappeared by next check 2113, as it had also been fading down (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Just when does RNA Brasília sign off for the night? I figured it would be around local midnite, currently 0300 UT. April 24, tuned in 6185 at 0241 to find RNA on top of XEPPM, with the rapid SAH as always between them adding to the annoyance; but at 0312, RNA still on the air on 11780 with timecheck for 00:12 and greeting ``un novo dia``. And both still on at 0320. By next check, 0343, both were gone. Probably varies, when they get around to it, just like sign-on.

But 6185 still had SAH CCI at 0343, now from Vatican. The latter is weaker, so now XEPPM is on top in Spanish, but still too much QRM. 0359 can hear the VR IS mixing, scheduled until 0500. Since CRI/Sackville runs very strong ACI from 6190 at 05-06, that means Radio Educación is essentially unusable all evening until 0600. Thence we may finally enjoy its eclectic music in the clear should we be awake, until RNA come back on, presumably somewhen between 0730 and 0800; except UT Sundays when it is all-night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9455 poor signal, April 24 at 1424 station in English discussing EU, inserted VOR sounder so no additional ID needed, then War Chronicles from this day in 1945y. 9455 is 14-16, 250 kW, 265 degrees via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for South Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 9885, in tonal Asian language, not Chinese, April 24 at 0234, with ute QRM (BTW, ute is short for utility, not an initialism or acronym and there is no reason to write it in all-caps as so many are wont to do). 0257 some music and off at 0259*. Per Aoki, it`s Wertachtal, GERMANY, 250 kW at 75 degrees with Radio Free Asia in Khams dialect of Tibetan from 0230, preceded by Amdo dialect at 0200, and mainstream Tibetan at 01-02. Surely jammed by the ChiCom, but that not audible here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15825, WORLD OF RADIO 1509 confirmed on first WWCR airing, Friday April 23 around 2050, but just barely audible here in skip zone, hope much better elsewhere. Next chance: Saturday 1630 on 12160, which inbooms tnx to sporadic E, but with some reverb added not on my original audio file.

5890, Pastor Pete Peters is back on WWCR-4, following an hiatus. UT Sat April 24 at 0242 there he is, // WTWW 5755. Program schedule dated 9 April still omits the Aryan, with 00-02 UT Tue-Sun occupied by filler Golden Age of Radio Theatre, but at 02-03 it was a rebroadcast of The Roth Show, Tue-Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI reconfirmed with Sat 1330 airing of WORLD OF RADIO, April 24 at 1348 poor but readable via the SSE antenna, with lite pulse jamming. Jeff White says, ``We have an outside engineer working on the North American antenna situation. But his time is limited. We will eventually get this back in operation. There has been very little demand from clients for North America lately``. He also sends the latest program schedule grid updated as of April 23, which is now available only as an attachment on the DXLD yahoogroup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15000 and even 20000, WWV VG at 0228 April 24, thanks to sporadic-E opening, which also brought in some analog video on channel 2 around 0200 from somewhere. And more signs of TVDX at 1616 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The WEWN English transmitter continues to put out mushy spurs at approx. plus and minus 10 kHz, and woe betide any station foolish enough to broadcast next to such a noisy, inconsiderate neighbor. These were especially noticeable April 24 as a sporadic-E opening enhanced WEWN`s megameter-distant signal:

at 0230, 11520 put mushy, squealing spur on weaker 11530 WYFR in Spanish; at 0342, 9455 put spur on 9445, tho no victim audible there; if there was a match on 9465, it was obscured by DentroCuban jamming and Radio Martí on temporary 9460 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. UT April 24 I make a point of checking the transition from Bonaire to Sackville on 9610 by R. Vaticana at 0250: From 0236, it`s VG with Vatican discussing topic-A. At 0247 I suspect the SAC carrier is already on, as there is a slow SAH and RV audio is a bit distorted and pumping, but no.

Sackville really cuts on at *0249:45 while Bonaire is playing IS, and for a few sex there is a lo het, enough to distort the pitch of the IS: I wonder which one is off-frequency, or both? Then English in the clear with just as good a signal here as French had been.

Veronica presented program about England in honour of St. George`s Day, blithely ignoring topic A, or so it started, tho I did not listen to it all. 0317 concluded with ``Latin Lover``, ha ha, apparently a regular segment, with Carmelite Fr. Reginald Porter, really about the Latin language and words derived from it, or not, such as on today`s theme, Londinium, fretum = channel or narrows.

0319 to ID and IS, cut off at 0319:30 revealing something weaker on 9610, but back on by 0320 to start Spanish with VG signal. During those few sex, SAC switches from 240 to 253 degrees, and from antenna type 158 to 218; why?

Also, at 0239 I had checked // 7305 Vatican in French and found it about one word ahead of 9610. Uplooked later, I see that this frequency also makes a site switch at 0250, from Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican direct, to Sackville, so that`s my next project to monitor.

Also, shortly after 0300, noticed separate VR English to Africa on 9660 which is via MADAGASCAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MEXICO [and non] ###

Apologies again for omitting subject line in original post! Identical except I have now added a comment under USA WWCR/WOR.

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ARGENTINA Radio Argentina Exterior-RAE 15345 2303 Spanish 333 April 21 OM with on going comments.

BONAIRE Radio Japan relay-NHK 15265 2305 Japanese 433 April 21 YL and OM with comments.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 15455 2247 Portuguese 333 April 21 YL and OM with on going comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 17705 2240 Spanish 333 April 21 YL and OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 15380 2250 Spanish 433 April 21 YL with comments plus some music interludes. OM at 2258. IS 2259. YL with comments 2300.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 15160 2310 Spanish 433 April 21 OM with comments. //11680[444].

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR-1 7465 2220 English 333 April 21 OM taking phone calls on the subject of China taking jobs from the USA.

UNITED STATES, Cypress Creek Voice of Germany Relay-DW 17820 2235 German 333 April 21 YL and OM with ongoing comments. //11865[433]via Portugal.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Radio Gloria International this Sunday

Radio Gloria International is on this Sunday the 25th of April 2010

At 09.00 to 1000 UTC on our normal channel of 6140 KHz.



M.V.Baltic. Information:

MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summer 2010

1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio

3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio      (June)

4th   Sunday – Radio Gloria International  



We wish you good listening and good reception!


