Hoy 9 de marzo he recibido QSL vía E-mail en contestación al informe de recepción enviado al test de emisión de RTE que tuvo lugar el pasado 28 de enero en la frecuencia de 6220 de 1930 a 2030.
La QSL ha sido remitida en formato pdf cómo archivo adjunto.
73 José Miguel Romero
Adjunto mensaje:
Dear Listener,
Many thanks for your reception report for the test transmission of RTE on 28th January 2009 at 19300-2030UTC on 6220kHz which was from Meyerton, South Africa. The results are being evaluated with a view to starting a regular service to Africa in the coming months. Please look out for announcements about this by RTE.
WRN Transmission.
La QSL ha sido remitida en formato pdf cómo archivo adjunto.
73 José Miguel Romero
Adjunto mensaje:
Dear Listener,
Many thanks for your reception report for the test transmission of RTE on 28th January 2009 at 19300-2030UTC on 6220kHz which was from Meyerton, South Africa. The results are being evaluated with a view to starting a regular service to Africa in the coming months. Please look out for announcements about this by RTE.
WRN Transmission.