sabato 7 marzo 2009

Glenn Hauser logs March 6-7, 2009

** CUBA [non]. Yes, R. República is still on 9810, tho I could not hear it 23 hours earlier; at 2302 March 6, Spanish programming at roughly equal level to the DentroCuban Jamming Command, but losing out to it as time went on; presumed via Sackville. At 0028 UT March 7 recheck, nothing but jamming audible; let`s hope it`s holding up better in the target, which is close to 45 degrees offbeam from here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. On March 6, not only was VOG no longer to be heard mixing with Zambia on 9420 before 2200, and not audible either after that, but it did not come back on after 2300, as it had the past few days --- nothing there at 2305 and 2328 chex.

Meanwhile, John Babbis heard from Demetri Vafeas at ERT that one of the Avlis transmitters has been ``severely damaged``, so only two frequencies can be on the air at once (the Makedonias station unaffected – does that mean VOG itself gets only ONE frequency at a time now, or two?).

And so the schedule has had to be rearranged. However, he said that 9420 is replacing other frequencies, and on the air at all times except 2000-2300, so something else must account for it missing after 2300 too. Or it could be on but not propagating here as well, since 9420 is now supposed to be replacing 12105, which was not aimed at NAm unlike 9420 which was 323 degrees. O, there it is at 0028 recheck UT March 7, Greek music, but weaker than usual.

Another beneficiary of this unfortunate situation is that 9420 replaces 15650 at 1500, so Miraya FM via Slovakia should now be in the clear, IRRS having concluded that the collision did not matter anyway in their target Sudan. Since it originated from within Sudan, I wonder if Miraya has been affected or even expelled by the latest developments. Is it still there at 1500-1800 on 15650? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI, 17675, UT March 6 at 2206, a YL discoursing in considerable graphic detail for about ten minutes on exactly how males should pee for best results; some helpful tips there I will try to apply. This was the Saturday Morning with Kim Hill show from National Radio. However, this segment at 11:05 am local is missing from the rundown! And no audio available (yet?).

There was the usual considerable inescapable adjacent QRM from the Chilean Christians on 17680, a frequency they have unfortunately not abandoned. In the wide-open spaces of 16m at solar min, there is NO excuse for operating 5 kHz away from another strong signal; or even, any signal. Yes, I know, neither station is targeting North America, so who cares about us? But 17670, for one example, is entirely vacant during the whole time RNZI is on 17675, 2145-0500. A minor 5 kHz shift by RNZI would do no harm to the Pacificans, and be of enormous benefit to listeners in the Americas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. Kent D. Murphy, WV, reminds us by P-mail that BBCWS in English runs 6155 past its scheduled closing at 2300*. Yes, indeed, as I was reading his March 2 letter on March 6, I found a fair signal continuing past 2300, until cut off abruptly in mid-World Today at 2314:30* This is via Meyerton, South Africa, where I assume they have simply set the automation to give BBC a bonus quarter-hour. Fortunately, Spain is no longer on 6155 for its French hour at 2300, but 5970 to Europe and on weekends only, per EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Unlike the day before, KVOH much weaker on 17775 and no spurs audible March 6 at 2156 check; fundamental also somewhat distorted with hymn. 2200 English and Spanish legal IDs, and remained on air, 2202 starting show ``Mujeres de Restauración``, signal weakening noticeably. So maybe yesterday it outfaded completely by 2230 rather than offsigned, having been assisted by sporadic E which can go from super-strong to zilch in a short time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###