venerdì 2 luglio 2021

Two new Australian SW sites

Tim of 'Unique Radio' is now operating from his new location in Manilla, NSW & you can hear him on weekend local evenings on 3210kHz USB with 100-120W.
Start date from site was May 28th, 2021.
Website for more details:-
Tim does issue a eQSL. I had some input in the initial development of the eQSL for the DX community, the rest is Tim's work.
Tim would also appreciate your financial support.

The second new SW BCB station is 'IsIand 88 FM' on 5045kHz from Macleay Island, SE of Brisbane, Queensland.
I'm not sure what the regular schedule is of this station, but have heard it from Thursday through to the weekend, so keep checking. Power is 250-300 pep atm. Refer to WOR newsletters for approx. start date.
Emails to the station are answered by a technical friend of the owner.
Unfortunately due to personal circumstances QSLs or eQSLs are unlikely to be developed by the owner.
I wonder if something could be organised through the ARDXC?

Both the above stations operate from home locations. For that reason alone (security) I am not typing here the exact coordinates of the SW TX sites. That said ACMA records are accurate.

In other Aussie SW TX site news I can confirm that the SW antennas are still standing at the old RA Shepparton TX site.
I don't see any new development work. But there's evidence of abandonment with some graffiti on the Broadcast Australia signage at the front of the property.

(Ian via shortwavesites io group)