USA US AGM Greenville NC in Spanish, R Marti program checked from 12.00 UT
on Oct 20 in Cape Canaveral FL east coast site SDR rx Perseus.
7335even R Marti, Spanish, 12.00 UT start "Saludos, muy buenas dias ..."
S=9+45dB or -30dBm, 10 kHz wideband audio,
in talk peaks up to 22 kHz wide.
7365.004 R Marti, Spanish, 12.05 UT, S=9+45dB or -25dBm,
10 kHz wideband audio in talk peaks up to 22 kHz wide.
9805even R Marti, Spanish, 12.15 UT, S=9 or -73dBm.
9330even Spanish sce of WBCQ S=9+20dB or -59dBm at 12.20 UT
and hit nearby by hefty UTE whistle S=8 signal on 9327.815 kHz
in range of 9327.2 to 9328.6 kHz.
6000even CUB RHC Quivican San Felipe TITAN site, 250 kW,
S=9+35dB on short skip path to Cape Canaveral Florida Yankee USA
remote Perseus SDR rx unit.
TOTALLY OVERmodulated, 24 kHz wideband audio in peaks visible on
Perseus software screen. At 12.09 UT also in \\
6100even kHz from CubanCom Bauta site, S=9+35dB excellent audio.
6030 S=9 or -71dBm strong scratching sound jammer
against Marti Greenville outlet at other time of the day ...
73 wb