mercoledì 7 ottobre 2020

Glenn Hauser logs October 6-7, 2020

** BRAZIL. 4985, Oct 7 at 0104, JBA carrier presumed R. Brasil Central, as NSS RTTY is missing! See USA: 4895 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 15035.8-USB, Oct 6 at 2125, Trenton Military is still off-frequency from 15034-USB, like 7 hours ago, Winnipeg conditions now. 10051-USB, Oct 6 at 2129, Gander Radio, same synthvoice is also about Winnipeg but on-frequency.

6754.8-USB, Oct 5 at 2325, the other CHR Trenton frequency for night is also askew from 6754.0, but only +0.8 kHz instead of +1.8 kHz; someop`s slippery fingers? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA. 600 kHz, Oct 6 at 2329, I start monitoring via Bonaire SDR, for HJHJ, Radio Libertad, Barranquilla. Three or four stations mixing, atop is R. Rebelde, CUBA, music // distorted 5025. But HJHJ is gaining, 2342 plug for its newspaper owner Diario La Libertad, and full ID accompanied by Gershwin`s `Rhapsody in Blue`. 2343 starts a pusher of alternative medicine with his local address.  2359 full ID again with Gershwin, disclaimer, and opening Voz de América relay for Venezuela at 0000 Oct 7.

I had not rechecked this since it was inaugurated exactly 3 weeks ago and filed the first definitive monitoring report about it, which I see some editors have refused to publish; there were claims that the VOA relay was not being heard, but it surely is. If there be any deliberate jamming by sudden new YV station on 600, I can`t make it out. Has that continued every night? Is it on the air all the time, or only during 2 or 3 hours of VOA? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA? 4940, Oct 6 at 2334, anonymous mystery missionary station is S9 again with gospel huxter in Spanish, quick check via Bonaire SDR mainly engaged for 600 and 6906.08 kHz; in SAM mode seems stuck on false carrier offset display of -26.4 Hz without even variation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 4765, Oct 7 at 0105, R. Progreso is JBM; while 5025, R. Rebelde is suptorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5040, Oct 7 at 0103, RHC is absent, and so are its spurs circa 5082 etc. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 5990 & 6000, Oct 6 at 2323, both CRI relay and RHC are JBM, a stark contrast to well-modulated 5995 MALI between them; something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Oct 5 at 2131, REE North American frequency is 1 kHz tone instead of programming at S9/+20, unlike the other three Noblejas transmitters: 11940 S4-S6 in Spanish > // 11670; 12030 not //, probably Arabic program. This is Tuesday so no English at 2200, but John A. Figliozzi, Halfmoon NY, says to the WOR iog, ``I’m hearing only a tuning signal on 9690 where REE should be broadcasting a relay of its RNE domestic programming. 2215 UT`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 4895-RTTY, Oct 7 at 0104, heavy fast RTTY but none on 4985: I bet a lysdexic NSS operator mixed up the digits in punching up the frequency! Still 4895 at 0309; I don`t think there normally be any RTTY on 4895; clears 4985 for BRAZIL, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5800, Oct 6 at 2322, WRMI-10 is OFF; supposed to start at 2100 with SMTV until 0100, then other stuff. Not rechecked until 0154 Oct 7 when it is on, but with Greek music fill, instead of R. Prague as on System H schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7490, Oct 7 at 0102, this WBCQ is OFF, instead of Hal Turner until 0200, but he is running on 6159.93v and 9455 WRMI. Yet what about `Amateur Radio Roundtable`? That had been UT Weds from 0100, I think, on the now suspended 5130 for which nothing is now scheduled, but A.R.R. is now shown Wed 0030-0230 on 6160! Maybe the first and last semihours with HT overtaking between?? Anyhow it`s mainly a webcast at And Overcomer is no longer shown after 0200 on 7490 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7505, Oct 7 at *0058, weak carrier cuts on as I have been standing by for WRNO, which had been missing four months, but reported again last night: ``USA. 7505, WRNO, after being silent for some months now, heard again Oct 6, at 0245, with the “Maranatha Radio” program with Pastor Ray Bentley; fair reception. Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, Calif., CR-1, antenna: 100' long wire``

At *0059 signal bumps up much stronger, up from exciter? 0100 JIP screaming gospel huxter, with music background, presumably boss Mawire himself, some overmodulation-distortion, without any sign-on or even ID! By 0118 faded down considerably to S8-S9 of music. I had last heard WRNO June 10 but with dead air (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6906.08-CUSB, Oct 6 at 2333 UT, Venezuela 93.7 FM relay in well at S6-S7 via SDR Bonaire with timecheck as 7:32, consistently 1 minute slow; automated with hour by OM voice, minute by YL. Not hearing even a JBA carrier direct, but back via Bonaire at 0141 and 0154 still going with music at S5-S6; 0155 TC as 9:54. Tnx to Antonello Napolitano, Italy for sending on this further info:

``Hi Glenn, This post (from  Santiago San Gil G.) about Venezuelan station on 6906 kHz appeared on the Facebook group   EMISORAS DOMESTICAS Y TROPICALES (MW Y SW TROPICAL Y DOMESTICA) 

VENEZUELA: 6.906 KHZ  RADIO ONDA CORTA VENEZUELA -R.O.C.V- EL TIGRE, ESTADO ANZOÁTEGUI. 50 VATIOS. En período de prueba y en trámites de permisos ante Conatel -organismo rector de las telecomunicaciones-. Actualmente estan retransmitiendo la programación de Venezuela 93,7 FM, pero también lo harán con Radio La Voz del Tigre 980 kHz. Al respecto Robert Lozada, jefe de programación nos comenta lo siguiente en el grupo "Radiofrecuencia" de whatsapp: "Buenas tardes grupo, espero disfruten de la música que suena en nuestra onda corta R.O.C.V. desde Venezuela y tranquilos que ya estamos es los permisos de Conatel. No es una emisora pirata o como usen sus términos que pasen, feliz tarde. Transmisión de prueba ya va a salir independiente pronto"`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0329 UT October 7