sabato 31 ottobre 2020

Media & Tech - 31/10/2020

LRA 36 log

ANTARCTICA, 15476 USB, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1645-1720, 31-11, comments by female, Spanish, program “Corazón Antártico”, identification, greetings to the station staff due to the station anniversary, songs. Very weak. 15321. Now, at 1739 signal deteriorated and became inaudible.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Log in Reinante, Lugo, North West of Spain
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

The Mighty KBC

October 31, 2020
Programme Schedule

keeping shortwave alive on 5960
All times in UTC
Sunday - 5960 kHz
00:00 - 01:00 : It's radio but not as we know it - Dave Mason 01:00 - 02:00 : The Giant Jukebox - Eric van Willegen

Saturday - 6080 kHz
21:00 - 23:00 : We will soon test for 30 minutes and broadcast on 5 & 27 December with 100kW.

Sunday December 27 2020 - 6095 kHz
09:00 - 10:00 Dave Mason  10:00 - 12:00 Eric van Willegen 12:00 - 14:00 Emperor Rosko 14:00 - 16:00 Ron O'Quinn

(Richard Lemke via WOR io group)

Media & Tech L'Approfondimento - 31/10/2020

National Unity Radio on new unknown frequency 1300-1400UT October 30/31

TAJIKISTAN(non)   National Unity Radio on unknown frequency 13-14UTC October 30/31:
1100-1258 NF  7200 DB  200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean as scheduled from October 25
1300-1400 NF  ???? DB  200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 9950 till October 29, to
avoid on same 9950 KCH 300 kW / 098 deg to SoAs various TWR India co-ch from 1345UT


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire



Sábado 31 de Octubre y Domingo 01 de Noviembre 2020

Desde Uruguay “RADIOACTIVIDADES” programa conducido por Daniel Ayala, con la participación de Roberto Belo y la producción y diseño técnico de Luis Ignacio Moreira, se emite por la emisora Pública Uruguaya “Radio Uruguay” perteneciente a la Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay.

Nos dedicamos a historiar sobre la radio, personajes, programas y la actualidad de los medios de comunicación.

Se ha emitido de forma ininterrumpida desde febrero de 1989

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Cordiales 73 - Programas DX



La Rosa de Tokio es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la radio y del diexismo que se transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Los temas de la semana: (2 programas)

LA ROSA DE TOKIO se emite ahora los domingos en su nuevo horario de 16:00 a 18:00 LU (19:00 a 21:00 UTC) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet en

Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y horarios.

En la provincia de Buenos Aires nuestro programa es emitido por radioemisoras de Alberti, Garré, Pellegrini, Navarro, General Alvear, Lobería, General Lamadrid, Junín, Rojas, entre otras ciudades.

La Rosa de Tokio también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional ( y ahora llega a Centroamérica pues es retransmitida por Radio Verdad, de Guatemala y La Chispa Estéreo, de Panamá.

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Cordiales 73
Programas DX



31 DE OCTUBRE 2020

San Pablo es la ciudad más grande y populosa de Brasil. Es la capital del estado homónimo que se convirtió en un importante centro financiero, industrial y cultural a nivel mundial. Nació como una misión Jesuita y carga sobre sus espaldas una rica historia que ha atravesado todos los periodos de la historia del Brasil. La colonial, la imperial y la republicana…

Página del programa:

Podcast Historias de Radio:

Para cualquier consulta:

Si desean escuchar otros programas diexistas en español pueden visitar:

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Cordiales 73
Daniel Camporini/José Bueno

Venezuela, 6906 on air heard in Reinante now, 0600-0712, 31-10, very weak, strong fading

VENEZUELA, 6906, R. O. C. V., 0600-0712, 31-10, heard in Reinante, Venezuelan songs, id. between some songs. Very weak to extremely weak, strong fading.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Log in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

Marconi Radio International on air now, 11390 USB, 0700, 31-10

ITALY, 11390 USB, Marconi Radio International, *0700-0710, 31-10, identification, English, Italian, comments, music, songs. 15321.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

Test transmission of Marconi Radio International, October 31

ITALY Test transmission of Marconi Radio International, October 31
0700-0756 on 11390 unknown kW / unknown to CeEu It/En/Sp/Ge/Fr USB.
Fair to good signal after 0715UT via SDR Gahlkow, Germany.


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2020

** CANADA. 335-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0620 UT, my shortened and lowered unrepaired longwire still manages to inpull dash and YLD, which is 1000 watt ND beacon from Chapleau, Ontario.

Also 413-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0624, dash and YHD, 250 watts in Dryden, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA

** CUBA. 18135-USB, Oct 30 at 2014, CO8LY repeating his call fonetikaly, lima-yanqui --- ooooh! over and over; at least I think it was the caller rather than the callee; and the only phone station on band, OPSOB.

``CO8LY Cuba flag Cuba, Eduardo Somoano Cremati, P.O. Box 104, Santiago de Cuba 90100, Cuba`` per but his QSL manager is in Spain, and he`s trying to raise real US$ money to pay for awards he has earned (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MADAGASCAR. 17570, Oct 30 at 2016, VP S9-S6 talk in unknown language, 2028 open carrier, 2030* off. HFCC shows it`s AWR in Mos language, 250 kW at 295 degrees favorably USward. WRTH shows it is Mossi, where else, under UK page 496; EiBi readme.txt does not include either spelling in exhaustive language list! Wikipedia says it`s the same as Moore + various spellings, which is; almost 8 mega speak it in Burkina Faso and five nearby countries. And they are on the road to SD Adventism (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 4970-USB, Oct 31 at 0153, JBA pirate S3 into Rochester NY SDR, eerie music and narration, I guess a Hallowe`en story as pre-publicized by MARE to start at 0030 for some two hours from Radio Nova; did not get an ID for sure; fading down after 0203. More reports and SSTV here:,73574.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, Oct 30 circa 1455 UT, still no signal except weak unmodulated carrier from classical KUCO, Edmond/OKC. Shortly restored my internet access, I can find why on


Listener supporters and friends, KUCO 90.1 continues to be off in central Oklahoma, the outage including our internet stream. It’s a fiber optic cable problem and we await restoration from Cox. It’s how we send our signal STL back to the tower from our new location in downtown OKC. The fiber optic is our only option at this time.

Cox Business Ice Storm Outage Update

The Cox Business commercial technical support team is presently working to restore operations to affected areas of the ice storm. They are responding to critical medical and public safety restoration priorities and then additional commercial service impacts. Service outages are primarily due to power outages and ice damage. For power related outages, Cox follows the local energy provider in its recovery as it enters damaged areas once the energy company as declared it safe of power hazards.

We are currently offering our overnight WCPE service via 91.9 KBCW in McAlester and 95.9 KCSC in Woodward. We will keep you posted. Hosts stand ready to go back on the air immediately and we will have our weekend programming running for all three listening areas as well. Thank you for your patience and understanding.`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 332-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0621, ND beacon IC, 40 watts from Wichita - Picnic, Kansas [both with IC in them!], which I had not heard in weeks and feared off the air. Even now it`s JBA under dash and QT, 1000 watts from Thunder Bay, Ontario, which had been the only 332 to be heard among many (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 11720, Fri Oct 30 at 2050, big carrier already from VOA Grimesland, 2059 sign-on, 2100 news by caster working remotely but including an AP axuality; 2105 `Music Time in Africa`, as I commemorate our renewed B-season bigsig access to it weekly off the back from `Greenville`. It`s my napping hour, so despite the lively music I doze in and out. Hyper Heather Maxwell spends too much time chatting with musicians rather than just playing their music; and also disrespects music by talking over it; source countries include Mozambique, Rhodesia, Angola. Also plays old stuff from previous hostess Rita Rochelle. Mid break mentions MTIA airtimes lacking this one; and HHM`s outro as usual ignores it too, just: ``Live`` Saturday and Sunday 1505 and 2005; also on SW Friday 0905, S&S 0905, 1505, 2005 and ``2205-hundred``. 2200 cut to Yankee Doodle sign-off but carrier stays on a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2058 monitoring: I was finally able to upload it to website and stations after 17 UT Oct 30 when my internet access was at last restored by Suddenlink after some 49 hours.

WOR 2058 is available as of 1727 UT Friday October 30
(mp3 stream)
(mp3 download)

[there was a delay because of 49-hour internet outage here; meanwhile was availablized by e-mail attachments]

Or via
Also linx to podcast services.

WORLD OF RADIO 2058 contents: Antarctica, AUstralia, Bangladesh, Bougainville, Brasil, China, Germany, Guinea, India, Iran and non, Japan and non, Korea North & South and non, Madagascar, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Sweden, Taiwan, USA, Vanuatu, Venezuela; and the propagation outlook

Confirmed UT Sat Oct 31 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, S9/+15 at UTwente. Next:

1130 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1300 UT Saturday  WRMI 15770 to NE
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM
2300 UT Saturday  WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
0030 UT Monday    WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday    WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW [timeshift]
0430 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE [timeshift]
1900vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy [timeshift]
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
0330 UT Tuesday   WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW [timeshift]
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE  [timeshift]
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Note: some other WRMI times may shift from Nov 2, not yet confirmed

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from ionospheric researcher Dr Phil Erickson, to along with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at says:

``Dear Mr. Hauser - thanks for decades of faithful work on Review of International Broadcasting, World of Radio, and more. I first received RIB in upstate NY in 1977 and have admired your work ever since. Keeping up now with WOR through Good DX, always. -- Phil Erickson, Clinton, MA, USA (de W1PJE)``

Contributions via PayPal not necessarily in US funds.

One may also contribute via money order or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. (6160v), UT Sat Oct 31, WBCQ webcast with `AAAWWW`. Starts taking about following the live Youtubecast last Saturday morning of the SAQ Alexanderson Alternator from Sweden, which I also reported about. 0012 says on 7490 and 6160 tonight. 0030 about how in early broadcasting, carbon mikes were hooked directly into transmitters, or something like that; rest of show mostly politix about YKW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6905.93-RCUSB, Oct 31 at 0342, ROCV only a trace to the ear and thinnest of lines on the TWR Bonaire SDR waterfall. Leonardo Santiago in Venezuela meanwhile sends me this info:

``Hi Glenn, On the 29th of October I was listening to this new Venezuelan radio station here in Mérida on 6.906 kHz about 21.30 to 22.15 UTC. They were broadcasting tropical music at most and airing some IDs and contact information from time to time.

You can e-mail them to: rocv6906(at)gmail(dot)com

They also announced a couple of phone numbers which I guess work to contact them via WhatsApp. I have recorded one of the IDs, so when I listen to that I will send you both numbers for you and those who want to contact ROCV via WhatsApp/phone as well.

I have also contacted Mr. Gregorio “Kina” who is in charge of ROCV facilities and asked him if they will verify reception reports with QSL cards. He just replied by saying “send your report to our gmail account for confirmation”, so I still don’t know what kind of confirmation he has referred to if QSL card, eQSL or kind of simple e-mail verification. 73s, Leonardo Santiago, Mérida, Venezuela.``

[later:] ``Hi Glenn. As promised, here you have full contact information for Radio Onda Corta Venezuela, ROCV, as announced by themselves on their broadcasts:

You can e-mail them to: rocv6906(at)gmail(dot)com
Phone numbers: +58-424-8528414 and +58-416-3215947

I have just e-mail them my reception report this morning, so I will inform any news as they reply. Best regards, Leonardo Santiago, Mérida, Venezuela`` --- Tnx, Leonardo (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0503 UT October 31

Agenda DX 31/10/2020

Radio Hogar, Panama 670 Khz (1954)
Radio Itatiaia AM Vale do Aço, Brasile 650 Khz (1994)
Radio Cora del Perù 4915 Khz (1983)
XEZT, Puebla, Messico 1250 Khz (1969)
Radio Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago 730 Khz (1947)
Radio Deportes, Colombia 830 Khz (1954)

venerdì 30 ottobre 2020

Propagation News – 1 November 2020

October 30, 2020

Last week saw more evidence that Solar Cycle 25 is definitely under way. Large sunspot group 2778 caused the solar flux index to rise to 82. And it then got even better when it was joined by active region 2779, which pushed the SFI up further to 88 on Thursday. This is the first time we’ve seen the SFI in the 80s for some time and a clear indication that things are changing for the better.

Both regions were responsible for B and C-class solar flares, but nothing that impacted the ionosphere too much. In addition to the sunspots we did have the lingering effects of a high-speed solar wind stream from a coronal hole, which saw the Kp index rise to four across the weekend.

This corresponded with the SSB leg of the CQWW contest and did have an adverse impact on propagation.

The elevated Kp index continued until late in the week and was still at three on Thursday, preventing the ionosphere from completely recovering. Nevertheless, shows that over a 3,000km path maximum usable frequencies often exceeded 24 and even 28MHz at times. Ten metre FT8 proved popular with the eastern states of the USA, Mexico, South America, Cuba, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, as well as India, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea all being logged on Thursday.

As for next week, the STEREO ahead spacecraft shows a couple of sunspots returning to the Earth-facing solar disk. Regions 2775 and 2777 are coming back, but it is difficult to know how active they will be.

So as we enter November, NOAA predicts the SFI will be roughly 74-75 with quite calm geomagnetic conditions. The Kp index is predicted to be two by Monday, which bodes well for HF.

With the seasonal improvement in ionospheric conditions, a quiet geomagnetic field and possible sunspot activity, the next seven days could be quite good for HF propagation.
VHF and up:

We ended the previous week with very unsettled conditions bringing rain and strong winds at times. This pattern will continue into the first half of next week, so once again we expect GHz bands rain scatter to be on the propagation guest list.

There is a suggestion that a ridge of high pressure will move into Scotland midweek, gradually extending its influence southwards to make tropo a consideration. That said, the ridge may get overwhelmed by returning low pressure next weekend.

Recent unsettled weather, which is usually driven by strong jet streams, would be perfect for summer sporadic E, and it’s worth saying that even out of the traditional sporadic E season, FT8 may bring the occasional surprise. Definitely worth a periodic check on 10m and up.

The Moon’s declination is still rising, reaching maximum late on Thursday, so Moon visibility windows continue to be long. The Moon is just past apogee so path losses are still high. 144MHz sky noise peaks at 500K on Wednesday.

Continue to keep an eye out for low-VHF auroral propagation and remember, we are just over two weeks from the peak of the big Leonids meteor shower. (

Marconi Radio International on air on 31 October 2020 with a Special Halloween Broadcast

Greetings from Italy!

Please be advised that  Marconi Radio International will once again be on air tomorrow, Saturday, 31 October 2020, as follows:  07.00-08.00 UTC on 11390 kHz and 16.00-17.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).

To celebrate  Halloween, we’ll air  a special show, with  a number of rock songs, from punk to power metal,  with the word "Halloween" in their title.

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: marconiradiointernational (at) -

Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are  a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Encore - Classical Music - Winter Schedule

Regular Broadcast times of Encore are:
11:00 - 12:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 5850 kHz, Simulcast on 5010 kHz WRMI to the US, Canada and Central America.
17:00 – 18:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
22:00 - 23:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
03:00 – 04:00 UTC Monday 9455 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and Iceland.
03:00 - 04:00 UTC Thursday 5800 kHz WRMI to South America and Caribbean.
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Thursday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and Iceland.
20:00 – 21:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe.
Our email is Informal reception reports as well as those requesting eQSL welcome.
The website is where we show transmission times and frequencies, the playlist for the most recent programme, more information about Radio Tumbril, and the email link.
This week's programme has plenty of woodwind. The Adagio for English Horn by Mozart, a quartet featuring the english horn, and part of a wind quintet by Danzi - all gentle and soothing.
Also, there will be a motet by Leonel Power, a Bach solo piano piece, part of a Bloch String quartet and some more contemporary composition from Stefania de Kenessay.
Channel 292 can be pulled live off the internet if the reception is poor in your location. Easy to find their site with a google search.
A very good site for online SDR receivers all over the world is:  Click the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave on Radio Tumbril.
Brice Avery - Encore - Radio Tumbril - Scotland

Media & Tech - 30/10/2020



Argentina | Día del Radioaficionado.

Informe con Víctor H. González.

Participaron en esta edición: ►Celio Romais ►Daniel Silva ►Antonio Avelino ►Albert Bloise ►Ana C. Olvera ►Luís G. Loyola


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[No 700, Publicado Octubre 30, 2020 – 04:00 UTC]



Dino Bloise

Productor: Frecuencia Al Día.

Copyright 2020 Frecuencia Al Dia / Dino Bloise ©

Todos los derechos reservados

"El Más Internacional"

Glenn Hauser logs October 28-29, 2020

NOTE! Apparently due to icestorm in Enid, internet and cable access was lost Wed Oct 28 at 1610 UT, and still not restored almost 48 hours later. I am attempting to get online at library ASAP on Fri Oct30. At least we did not lose power at home like so many others.

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Oct 28 at 1524, LRA36 is on the air for final day of the 2020y winter season as previously publicized; S4-S7 via Brasil KiwiSDR, mostly chat by W&W, bits of music and canned IDs such as at 1530 for ``Nacional -- la radio pública``. Some mentions of Antártida along with Argentina; past 1546. At 1557 I really concentrate, trying to understand what they are colloquially charlando. 1559 a song, 1602 ID and song, and they mention ``último programa -- miércoles``.

Nominally ending at 1600 but always running overtime, still going at 1610 when I suddenly lose Suddenlink internet, as well as cable, and it`s still off 3 hours later, no doubt to be blamed on the OK icestorm. SL robot tells me they hope to have it repaired by =20 UT. Nope. Then =24 UT: nope. At 01 UT Oct 29 I call again: now it`s ASAP. Meanwhile my datamining in preparation for next WOR 2058 has ground to a halt.

Manuel Méndez previously forwarded the latest notice he received from Base Esperanza which I transcribe from jpg. Note names of staff. Next winter`s crew could be partially or totally different, resuming in February or March? I would rather spend a summer in Antarctica than a winter, but that`s just me.

``El equipo de LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel se despide del ciclo 2020. Te esperamos a las 11 (14 Hs UTC) hasta las 13 Hs para que junto a

Eliana Baraldo, Julia Morena, Tamara Milán, Yanina Galeano, Damián Tranamil y el director Norman Nahueltripay cerremos un gran año de la radio mas {sic} austral del mundo.`` Tranamil is the one to whom go reports (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

{late news from Mendez: ``final`` broadcast will be repeated Sat Oct 31}

** CUBA. 13700 & 13740, Oct 28 at 1506, RHC is running late with a speech, live event? No doubt by some Commie; then also audible still going past 1508 on 9535, 11760, 15140, JBA carrier 15230; past 1522, 7350 and 6000 also (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [non]. 7255, Oct 29 at 0616, VON absent, while Qur`an makes it on 7245, presumably Algeria via France (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Oct 28 at 2356 UT, silly sports talk from WKY OKC keeps hiccuping, modulation dropping out about once a second; with BFO I can tell the carrier is also dropping off, timed at the rate of about 48/minute until it stop doing that (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, Oct 28 into Oct 29 past 1500 UT, KUCO-FM OKC appears to be on the air but with weakened carrier only vs other classical station KHCC Radio Kansas. KUCO studio if not transmitter probably part of widespread power outage in OKC due to icestorm. Still the same Oct 30 past 1400 --- hearing KHCC Radio Kansas 90.1 but also seeming dead carrier from KUCO (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** U S A. 18130-USB, Oct 28 at 1510, W5KI concluding a contact; and just before at 1509 on 18115-USB, another JBA ham, a WA3, discussing a silly baseball game. I often scan the so-called 17m hamband for any signs of activity, usually without. 16m too: now 17775- KVOH only JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2057 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday October 28
until 2129:19, so started circa 2100:20 on WBCQ 7490v, S7-S9.

Also confirmed Wed Oct 28 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S2-S5 via broken-LW-on-the-ground-under-icy-tree-debris.

Not confirmed UT Thu Oct 29 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA carrier, but probably.

Next WOR 2058 may be delayed depending on when internet outage be fixed and on whether power be lost at HQ.

WOR 2057 did have to replay UT Fri Oct 30 at 0130 on WRMIs 5850 VG and 5010 fair-good.

Later: WOR 2058 has been produced but unable to upload to website or ftp to affiliates. Instead will attempt to send as email attachment via library computer, ASAP October 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9395, Oct 28 at 1502, this WRMI is still off, nor is that BS replaced by extending 9955 into midday as was planned; yet 9455 remains in well with own BS. It`s overkill anyway, when 9395 & 9455 carry same programming 60 kHz apart on same parameters. But TOMBS fell for that, too much sucker money to spend (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 870, Oct 28 at 2353 UT, WWL New Orleans still has plenty of time for commercials as the eye of Hurricane Zeta is right over the city. Eventually gets back to coverage, callers, and reports from parish sheriff(s). 0000 Oct 29 into CBS News leading with a report from the same WWL guy; some fades vs something hetting in its null. Then locally explains the modified jock schedule overnight, including this one coming back at 6 am [CDT] -- that is apparently his normal shift as he keeps saying ``good morning`` now and swears at himself for sodoing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)


Conservative Analyst Bill Kristol:
A Trump Second Term Would Be Dangerous

President Trump’s America has been characterized by political polarization. Also notable has been the exodus of prominent Republicans from the GOP. One high-profile example is Bill Kristol, who served in the administrations of both Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. He now leads Defending Democracy Together, a coalition of anti-Trump Republicans. He spoke with Walter Isaacson about the possible cost to his former party, should its members continue to back this administration unconditionally.

(Amanpour & Co., PBS)

The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Our sun is finally waking up. The average daily sunspot number rose this week from 15 to 17, which is nothing remarkable, but the reporting week ended on Wednesday with a daily sunspot number of 36. Average daily solar flux rose from 74.5 to 76.9.

The two sunspot regions currently visible, 2778 and 2779, have been growing rapidly. The total sunspot areas in millionths of the solar disc on October 27 – 29 were 140, 230, and 440. Such activity has not been seen since May 5 – 7, 2019, when the total sunspot area was 280, 300, and 410. Going farther back, the last time the sunspot area was higher than the 440 we saw on Thursday was late September and early October 2017, when the sunspot area reached 560. You can find these old records here.

Predicted solar flux is 88 on October 30 – 31, which is remarkable; 82, 78, 75, and 72 on November 1 – 4; 74 on November 5 – 7; 75 on November 8 – 12; 72 on November 13; 70 on November 14 – 21; 74 and 72 on November 22 – 23; 70 on November 24 – 26; 72 on November 27; 74 on November 28 – December 4; 75 on December 5 – 9; 72 on December 10, and 70 on December 11 – 13.

Predicted planetary A index is 8, 5, 12, and 8 on October 30 – November 2; 5 on November 3 – 6; 10 on November 7; 5 on November 8 – 16; 10, 8, and 12 on November 17 – 19; 18, 15, and 20 on November 20 – 22; 15, 10, and 8 on November 23 – 25; 5 on November 26 – 27; 8 on November 28, and 5 on November 29 – December 13.

F.K. Janda, OK1HH, sends his geomagnetic activity forecast for the period October 30 – November 25.

The geomagnetic field will be:

    quiet on November 5 – 7, 10 – 11
    quiet to unsettled on October 31, November 12 – 15
    quiet to active on October (30,) November (3 – 4, 8 – 9,) 16, 23 – 25
    unsettled to active November (1 – 2, 17 – 19,) 21 – 22
    active to disturbed November 20
    Solar wind will intensify on October (30 – 31,) November (2,) 3 – 5, (18 – 20,) 21 – 25

Note: Parentheses mean lower probability of activity enhancement. OK1HH predicts disturbed conditions on the day prior to the ARRL November Sweepstakes phone weekend (November21 – 22), but over that weekend, Friday through Sunday, the NOAA/USAF prediction sees the planetary A index at 18, 15, and 20.

I frequently check the PSK Reporter map for connections from CN87, my local grid square. With the increasing solar activity over the past couple of days I’ve seen worldwide 12-meter propagation via FT8 reported.

I also check the STEREO site to peek across the solar horizon looking for upcoming activity. Right now on Thursday night I see some big white blotches, in both the southern and northern hemispheres, indicating possible activity.

We received this report on October 29 from Jeff, N8II, in West Virginia:

“Today was a great day on 10 – 15 meters, with the SFI reported as high as 88! I was slow to get started, but worked about 20 Europeans on 10 meters with some signals around S-9. At one point, four out of five CW QSOs in a row were new band slots on 10-meter CW in my 4-year-old log: Hungary, Ireland, Slovak Republic, and Montenegro, also adding Serbia. Some signals from England, Wales, and Italy were still good copy past 1600 UTC. Most 12-meter activity was FT8, but I did work loud stations from France and Bulgaria.

“In the CQ WW phone contest, I worked mainly 15, but was peeking at 10 long enough to work four stations in Italy quite early around 1325 UTC; at the same time there was sporadic E to Newfoundland on Saturday. I worked three French stations, plus OE2S in Austria, DL5L in Germany, and the loudest, PI4DX in the Netherlands, about S-8 in the 1500 UTC hour on Sunday.

“I expected to hear no signals on 15 at the 0000 UTC start, as it was nearly 2 hours past sunset. I was surprised to make 26 QSOs before the band died past 0100 UTC. At the start, there was sporadic E to Florida and Cuba, and stations from southern South America were workable. Into the Pacific, I worked three stations in Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia.

“All weekend the K index was either 3 or 4, and especially on Saturday, it hurt propagation to Europe despite an early opening to southern Europe. The most northern QSOs were Scotland and Poland. But, there were plenty of stations from central and western Europe to work, and late in the opening I caught a big gun in the Ukraine. The 250-kHz phone band filled up by 1300 UTC. I could tell that propagation to Germany was limited, and UK stations were not as loud as on a recent ‘normal’ day. In fact, Friday before the WW was one of the best European openings of the season so far.

“In the afternoon many stations in South America were active, particularly from Brazil and Argentina, but signals mid-afternoon were weaker than expected. African signals from the Madeira and Canary Islands were loud until about 1900 UTC. I also worked 7Q6M in Malawi, and ZS6TVB in South Africa. Over both days, conditions were often good to the Middle East. I logged Israel, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, missing Lebanon which I had worked multiple times the week prior. The last stations worked were around 2340 UTC in Mexico.

“Sunday, conditions were better to Europe and South America. I started filling in the Northern European map, working Belarus, UB7K in southern Russia, Lithuania, OH0V, in Aland Islands, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, missing two weak stations from Estonia. After the band closed fairly late to Europe, there was an auroral sporadic E opening to Finland around 2000 UTC working OH1F and OG6N about 3 kHz apart.

“Band crowding was severe during the European opening, making it hard to hear weaker signals. I noticed US big guns working European stations I could not hear or barely heard the last 90 minutes of the opening. ZD7BG on St. Helena in the South Atlantic was very difficult to work, due to the pile-up, but finally it logged around 1915. I kept looking for Alaska, Japan, or north/east Pacific stations to no avail, due to the disturbed conditions both days. South American stations were workable an hour past sunset, but no new Pacific countries were heard.”

Jon Jones, N0JK, of Lawrence, Kansas wrote:

“Last week's bulletin mentioned sporadic-E reported by Mike, KA3JAW on 6 meters on October 17. More sporadic-E appeared on 6 meters the following week, and some interesting links and propagation occurred.

“On October 22, there was a major sporadic E opening on 50 MHz across the eastern half of North America. The sporadic E was able to link to late afternoon TEP (trans-equatorial-propagation) on to Brazil. Stations in New England and along the eastern seaboard were able to work deep into Brazil. This with a solar flux of only 75.

“October 24 sporadic E took place from the Heartland to the southeast states in the evening on 50 MHz. KF0M (EM17), N0LL (EM09), and N0JK (EM28) made 6-meter FT8 contacts to Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina around 0030 (October 25 UTC). Earlier, I had sporadic E on 10 meters to Mexico, working XE1KK and XE1RK on 28.074 MHz FT8.

“The following morning a very unusual opening took place on 6 meters around 1440 UTC. Transatlantic multi-hop sporadic Es occurred from New England to central Europe. This is the first transatlantic October sporadic E opening I am aware of. Es openings are rare in October, and a multi-hop transatlantic opening of this magnitude is incredible.”

Max White, M0VNG, sent this from the UK concerning our sun’s reawakening:

Here’s the latest from Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW.

Sunspot numbers for October 22 – 28 were 11, 11, 11, 11, 17, 22, and 36, with a mean of 17. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 74.9, 72, 72.1, 74.2, 75, 82.4, and 87.6, with a mean of 76.9. Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 12, 17, 15, 15, 9, and 12, with a mean of 12.3. Middle latitude A index was 3, 10, 16, 9, 15, 7, and 9, with a mean of 9.9.

For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check out K9LA’s Propagation Page.

A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.

Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are on the ARRL website.

Share your reports and observations. (

FEBA & IBRA via defective transmitter in Tashkent, October 30

UZBEKISTAN(non)   FEBA & IBRA via defective transmitter in Tashkent, October 30:
1430-1500 on  9540 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi Wed-Sun FEBA Radio India &
1500-1530 on  5895 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bengali Daily IBRA Radio Ibrahim


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet

TAJIKISTAN(non)   Winter B-20 schedule of Voice of Tibet
1300-1305 on  9899 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1305-1310 on  9891 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1310-1330 on  9884 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1335 on  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1330-1344 on  9864 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1335-1340 on  9886 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1340-1400 on  9894 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
1344-1400 on  9814 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2300-2307 on  7494 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2307-2335 on  7476 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2335-2340 on  7486 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan
2340-2400 on  7499 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Log Oct 30, remotedly noted in Doha Qatar and Delhi India

KUWAIT  7585even new fq US Radio Farda in Persian via IBB exBBG USAGM VoA Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb, US exIBB USAGM VoA RL RFA bcast center Kuwait relay site is  n o t  at Kabd location, rather 43 kilometers distance apart northerly at al-Dschahra suburb 29 30 45.59 N  47 40 17.84 E <https:\\> Report sent to: <manager_kuwait -at->

Persian scheduled 02.30-08.30 UT, S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar remote SDR, 07.40 UT on Oct 30, S=8 signal still in Delhi India remote Perseus unit. unusually hard rock pop mx played.

INDIA  6000 kHz NOT HEARD at 07.52 UT Oct 30, AIR Leh Ladakh NOT ON AIR.

6099.960  AIR Voice of Kashmir, scheduled 07.30-08.10 UT in Kashmiri, via AIR Delhi Kampur shortwave center. S=9+35dB locally on remote Delhi Perseus unit. Local subcontinent music heard. 07.55 UT on Oct 30.

CHINA/TAIWAN  9259.950  SOH TWN / CNR1 jamming Mandarin at 08.01 UT, S=6 or -84dBm  signal into India remote rx.

UZBEKISTAN/ARMENIA  11550  Persian opposition radio 'Iran International TV' from London once again measured with worldwide KiwiNet direction finding option TDoA, and centered as RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center. Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station, c/o RRTM, Amir Timur str. 109 "A", Central Asia.

S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar at 08.20 UT on Oct 30. Scheduled 02-13 UT, later scheduled on 6270 kHz via Yerevan Gavar(ex Kamo-USSR) site via local winter night time.

BULGARIA  11600even  Sermon roarer BS TOM transmission noted on Doha  Qatar remote Perseus SDR rx, S=9+10dB signal at 08.33 UT on Oct 30. Bcast via Spaceline Ltd. SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 30)

Agenda DX 30/10/2020

Radio Tawantisuyo, Perù 6175 Khz (1948)
Radio Macarena, Colombia 5975 khz (1974)
BBC Limassol, Cipro 1332 Khz (1956)
Radio Andina, Perù 4996 Khz (1961)
Radio Moldova (1930)

giovedì 29 ottobre 2020

Studio 52 broadcasts on 14 November, and 1 & 2 January

NETHERLANDS [non].  From the Studio 52 website at here are the details of upcoming broadcasts:

"On the end of this year and the begin of the new year organizes the Studio52-Radiogroup the followed transmissions:

On Saturday, 14th November Radio60! will go on air with the 6045-shortwave-show from 11:00 to 14:00 UTC on 6045kHz with 100kW. This live-transmission is produced again together with Hitmix-Radio as guest DJ, whose program comes in the second hour of transmission from his Studio.

On the begin of the new year again run the "Studio52-Happy-New-Year-Show" for Europe on 1th January 2021 12:00 - 14:00 UTC on 5990kHz with 100kW via the Shortwave-Operation-Center of the Media Broadcast Nauen/Germany.

On the first Saturday of the new year on 02.January 2021 from 11:00 to 14:00 UTC runs the next 6045-shortwave-show with the combination Radio60! & Hitmix-Radio as guest DJ on 6045 kHz.

The technical specialty of this transmission for the specialists of our listeners will be the "flying" change of the transmitter while the running show at 12:05 UTC. Because of organizational reasons (Radio SeTa2 used this 100kW-transmitter on 6095kHz until 12:00 UTC) we will start at 11:00 UTC on 6045 kHz with a other 125kW-transmitter. At 12:05 UTC the 100kW-transmitter will be run for a few seconds parallel with modulation on 6045 kHz. The 125kW-transmitter then will be switched off and we use the 100kW-transmitter until the end of the transmission 14:00 UTC.

If you send us a correct rapport, then always we send the eQSLs shortly after our transmissions."
(Alan Roe, Teddington, UK via WOR io group)

Media & Tech - 29/10/2020

Some B-20 changes of WRMI Okeechobee from October 28

USA   Some B-20 changes of WRMI Okeechobee from October 28:
WRMI-06 is not on air due to transmitter damage
0000-2400 on  9395 RMI 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm various pxs
WRMI-03 is with extended schedule Brother Stair
1430-2300 on  9955 RMI 100 kW / 160 deg to LaAm English Dly
WRMI-03 with various programs
1000-1200 on  9955 RMI 100 kW / 160 deg to LaAm English Sun
WRMI-09 with new program Christian Crusader
1100-1200 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Sun
WRMI-11 additional pxs Challenge Mon-Fri&Viva Miami Sat/Sun
2300-2400 on  7570 RMI 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Dly


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

LRA 36 will be on air next Saturday repeating the 41th anniversary program

ANTARCTICA, 15476 USB, as reported  on twitter Adrian Korol, RAE Director, LRA 36 will be on air next Saturday, October 31, 1500-2000 UTC repeating the 41th anniversary program what was issued 20th of October, Tuesday.
It will be another chance to get the special 41th anniversary eQSL from the station.

"Este sábado 31 de Octubre
LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel retransmite el programa dedicado a su 41 Aniversario y, a continuación, el último programa del ciclo Corazón Antártico de la temporada 2020.


De 12 a 17 argentina (15 a 20 UTC) por 15476 khz  USB."

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Continous tests at night by AIR Mumbai in DRM Mode

Continous tests at night by AIR Mumbai in DRM Mode:
Daily till 31 Oct 2020 from 11:30 pm to 5:30 am IST (1800 to 0000 UTC)  (40  kW each in DRM Mode)
Mumbai A 1035 kHz 
Mumbai B 549 kHz

Reports to

-Dr.Krushna Rao, Visakhapatnam

(via Jose Jacob, VU2JOS)



Programas del 29 de Octubre 2020

Amigos de la Onda Corta es un programa de Radio Exterior de España dedicado a las telecomunicaciones y a los oyentes de emisoras de Onda Corta (SW) que tienen como pasatiempo o dedicación especial la captación de las señales de las emisoras extranjeras y el envío de controles de escucha. El desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación.

Es un programa semanal, que dirige y presenta Antonio Buitrago.

En el programa de hoy:

El desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación ha aumentado nuestro interés por contenidos relacionados con Internet, las transmisiones y el mundo digital. Las radios internacionales, y en este caso Radio Exterior de España, utilizan todas las vías posibles de comunicación para llevar a los oyentes información sobre las nuevas tecnologías y las telecomunicaciones. La onda corta, el satélite e Internet son medios transmisores y divulgadores de un mensaje sonoro que se renueva semana tras semana.

'Amigos de la Onda Corta' continúa la senda trazada en Radio Exterior de España por anteriores espacios como 'CQ, CQ, llamada general' o el 'Programa DX de REE'. Una travesía que ha contado con sucesivos relevos: Ambrosio Wang An-Po y Josefina Peña, Pilar Salvador y Pablo Hulka, Antonio Lapeña, Wenceslao Pérez Gómez, Ángel Rodríguez Lozano, Manuel Lobeiras y Antonio Buitrago.

'Amigos de la Onda Corta' puede ser escuchado en vivo y en directo a través de su transmisión ionosférica, por satélite o Internet, y también en diferido cuando lo desee, mediante la descarga del programa en Mp3 o Podcast.

Más contenidos, en su programa 'heredero' 'Amigos de Radio Exterior de España

Desde “PROGRAMAS DX” en cualquier día y hora

Amigos de la Onda Corta “A la Carta”:

Página de Radio Exterior de España:

Horarios y frecuencias en Onda Corta

Otros espacios diexistas en español en:

Programas DX en facebook:

Programas DX en twitter:

Cordiales 73
Programas DX

Agenda DX 29/10/2020

Radio Mosca (servizio estero), Russia 7310 Khz (1929)
Radio Rioja, Perù 5045 Khz (1976)
Radio Guarani, Paraguay (19in SW) 6175 Khz (1955)

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020


Cap’n Ric says Texas Radio Shortwave will be testing on two frequencies in the 75-meter band in the next few days.   These broadcasts will allow TRSW to evaluate frequencies to reach European listeners:
October 31, 2020, 1800-1900 UTC on Mike Radio (NL) on 3940 kHz
November 1, 2020, 1700-1800 and 1800-1900 UTC on Channel 292 (DE) on 3955 kHz.
The program will feature a selection of music (gospel, ragtime, blues, rock, and rap) performed by Texas artists.
There is a special eQSL for correct, detailed reception reports for EACH frequency.  Two different cards feature pictures of armadillos, the state animals of Texas.
 Listeners who submit correct reports for BOTH TESTS will receive a THIRD "Collector's Edition” eQSL.
TRSW’s email is

Stations heard in Friol

ANGOLA, 4949.7, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1845-1920, 26-10, songs, Portuguese, comments, id. “Radio Nacional de Angola”, at 1900 news. 25322.

ANTARCTICA, 15476 USB,  LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, *1353-1442, 28-10, open with a tango and other Argentinian songs, at 1400 program "Corazón Antártico". Very weak, strong fading, only audible at times.

BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0120-0127, 27-10, Quechua, comments. 15321.

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2021-2115, 26-10, Portuguese, comments, id. “Radio Clube do Pará…”, soccer comment: “Radio Clube a maior audiencia esportiva do país·. 25322.
Also 0600-0629, 28-10, Portuguese, news, weather report, relaying Radio Bandeirantes program, id. “Radio Bandeirantes”, “A nossa radio, Radio Bandeirantes”. 25422

6135.1, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2040-2055, 26-10, Portuguese, religious comments, id. “Radio  Aparecida, Santuario Nacional”. 25322.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2040-2055, 26-10, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 25322.

9818.7, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 195-2015, 27-10, Portuguese, religious comments, id. “Radio 9 de Julho AM, Sao Paulo, Brasil”. 25322.

10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 1831-1835, 26-10, time signals, female voice announcements: “Observatorio Nacional, 15 horas, 32 minutos, 50 segundos...”, 23432.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1833-1845, 26-10, Portuguese, comments

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0813-0930 , 27-10, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Brasil Central, comunicando para o mundo”, Portuguese, comments. 25432.

15190.1, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonate, 1740-1915, 26-10, Brazilian songs, id. at 1749: “Inconfidencia”, comments. 14321.
Also 0910-0940, 27-10, Brazilian songs, id. “Rede Inconfidencia de Radio”. 24322.
Also 0825, 28-10, program “Trem Caipira”, id. “Inconfidencia. 24322.

COLOMBIA?, 4940, religious station, 0510-0545, 27-10, religious comments, Spanish, male, female, Colombian songs “Llaneras”, 25322.
Also 0502-0533, 28-10, religious comments in Spanish, program “Tu Historia Preferida”, at 0516: “Es la 1 y 16 minutos”. 25432.

CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 0540-0546, 27-10, French, comments. Very weak. 13411.
Also *0526-0540, 28-10, open with Afropop songs, at 0530 comments, French, Vernacular. 13421.

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0340-0355, 28-10, Spanish, comments. 45444.

5950 Voice of Tigray Revolution and 6030, Radio Oromiya, seems to be out of air, checked 26, 27 and 28-10 and no signal.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1833-1850, 26-10, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 34433.

4860, Radio Mystery21, 1923-1932, 26-10, on air on 4860 instead on 4875, pop songs, id. "This is Mystery21" but later back again on 4875. 45444.

6115, Radio SE-TA 2, Hartenstein, 0958-1037, 24-10, interval signal, German, comments, pop songs. Very weak. 15311.

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0501-0614*, 27-10, religious songs and comments in  English, identification in English, Spanish “Transmite la Estación Evangélica Radio Verdad...”, and other languages, anthem and close. 25422.

GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0820-0905, 27-10, Radio Guinea back again, after moths out of air, heard at 0820 with African songs, French, id. "Radio Guinée 24 heures sur 24", more African songs, id. “Radio Guinée, le grande maison”, at 9000 news. Slight QRM from Voice of Korea on the same frequency. 43443.
Also 0725-0737, 28-10, program “La Matinal de Radio Guinée”, at 0737 signal cut off abruptly. Slight QRM from Voice of Korea on the same frequency. Checked at 0851 and later and still out of air. 43443.

4950, AIR, Kashmir, 1715-1725, 26-10, Vernacular, comments, Hindi songs. Very weak. 15311.

5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1655-1733, 26-10, Vernacular, comments, Hindi songs, at 1730 English, news.  15321.

ITALY, 6170 USB, Marconi Radio International, 0515-0535 , 24-10, rock songs, female, id. “This is Marconi Radio International”, “Rock Music Show”. Very weak. 15321.

JAPAN, 6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 0710-0732, 27-10, pop songs in English. Very weak. 15311.

KYRGYZSTAN, 4010.2, Kirgyz Radio, Bishkek, 1756-1800*, 26-10, Kirgyz songs. Very weak audio. 15321.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0625-0650 , 27-10, African songs, English, religious comments. 25322.
Also 0624-0645, 28-10, English, songs, at 0630 program “Back to the Bible”. 25432.

MADAGASCAR, 5009.9, Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1850-1910, 26-10, songs, Vernacular, comments. 15321.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1845-2108 , 24-10, African songs, at 1852 “Magazine en anglais” “English Magazine”, “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our English program...”English program with news and comments about Mali, at 2103, African songs, French, id. “ORTM, la passion du service public”. 43433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0455-0705, 27-10, classical music, Spanish, comments, more classical music. 15321.
Also 0455-0550, 28-10, Mexican songs, id. “Cultura México, señal internacional, Radio Educación, 6185 kHz, muchas gracias por sintonizarnos”, comments, classical music. 25322.

NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1724-1810 , 26-10, pop songs, song “A Horse with No Name” by America. 15321,
Also 1750-1807, 27-10, pop songs, identification song at 1800 “Radio Northern Star”. 15321.

7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 0453-0510, 27-10, Arabic, comments, East African songs. 25322.

9505, Voice of Africa,  Al Aitahab, *1633-1728, 26-10, open with East African songs, Arabic, comments,  Arabic songs, at 1700 note with French program, at 1716 English, id. “Voice of Africa”, news, comments. 35433.

TANZANIA, 11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1710-1805, 26-10, Swahili, comments, at 1800 English, news.15321.

4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1852-1906, 26-10, English, religious songs and comments, id. “From Zambia, this is the Voice of Hope Africa”. // 6065. 35433.

5995, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1735-1745, 26-10, Vernacular, comments. At 1745 eclipsed by Voice of BCN, Sofia, with program in Arabic. 24322.
Also 1710-1745, 27-10, Vernacular, comments. 24322.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.

Media & Tech - 28/10/2020

Winter B-20 frequency changes of Adventist World Radio AWR Eu/Af & KSDA As/Pac

USA(non) Winter B-20 frequency changes of Adventist World Radio KSDA
0100-0130 on 17650 TRM 125 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Min Nan Chinese Sun-Thu, ex SDA
0100-0130 on 17650 TRM 125 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex SDA
0130-0200 on 17650 TRM 125 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sun-Thu, ex SDA
0130-0200 on 17650 TRM 125 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex SDA
0200-0230 on 15410 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to CeAs Kazakh, new B-20
0230-0300 on 15410 TRM 125 kW / 355 deg to WeAs Dari, new B-20
0330-0400 NF 6120 MOS 300 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi, ex 6170
0330-0400 on 15410 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to CeAs Uzbek, ex 0430-0500
0400-0430 on 15410 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to CeAs Kirgyz, new B-20
0400-0430 NF 5975 NAU 125 kW / 140 deg to SEEu Bulgarian, ex 5975 ISS
0400-0430 NF 12065 TRM 125 kW / 270 deg to EaAf Amharic, ex 15520
0430-0500 NF 5950 NAU 125 kW / 210 deg to NoAf French, ex 6045
0430-0500 on 15410 TRM 125 kW / 345 deg to WeAs Farsi, new B-20
0600-0630 NF 9860 NAU 250 kW / 200 deg to WeAf French, ex 7220 ISS
0600-0630 NF 15610 ERV 300 kW / 222 deg to WeAf French, ex 7375 ISS
1100-1130 NF 5905 SDA 100 kW / 345 deg to FERu Russian, ex 9460
1200-1230 on 9800 DB 100 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Min Nan Chinese Sun-Thu, ex SDA
1200-1230 on 9800 DB 100 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex SDA
1200-1230 NF 12030 SDA 100 kW / 300 deg to EaAs Min Nan Chinese Sun-Thu, ex 12075
1200-1230 NF 12030 SDA 100 kW / 300 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex 12075
1200-1300 NF 9460 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 15530 DB
1230-1300 on 9800 DB 100 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sun-Thu, ex SDA
1230-1300 on 9800 DB 100 kW / 060 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex SDA
1230-1300 NF 12030 SDA 100 kW / 300 deg to EaAs Cantonese Sun-Thu, ex 12075
1230-1300 NF 12030 SDA 100 kW / 300 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri/Sat, ex 12075
1300-1330 NF 9930 TRM 125 kW / 015 deg to EaAs Chinese Mon-Fri, ex 9720 SDA
1300-1330 NF 9930 TRM 125 kW / 015 deg to EaAs Uighur Sat/Sun, ex 9720 SDA
1300-1330 NF 15610 SDA 100 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Nepali, ex 12085
1330-1400 NF 9930 TRM 125 kW / 015 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9720 SDA
1330-1400 NF 15550 TAC 100 kW / 121 deg to SoAs Hmong Thu/Fri, ex 11945 TRM
1330-1400 NF 15550 TAC 100 kW / 121 deg to SoAs Assamese Sun/Wed, ex 11945 TRM
1330-1400 NF 15550 TAC 100 kW / 121 deg to SEAs Indonesian Mon/Tue/Sat, ex 11945 TRM
1400-1500 NF 9645 SDA 100 kW / 330 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 1430-1530 on 9905
1400-1500 NF 15705 TRM 125 kW / 045 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9580 SDA
1430-1500 NF 11620 SDA 100 kW / 285 deg to SEAs Burmese, ex 12035
1430-1500 NF 11955 TRM 125 kW / 045 deg to SEAs Manumanaw Karen, ex 11985
1430-1500 NF 15530 TRM 125 kW / 060 deg to SEAs Manumanaw Karen, ex 15180
1500-1530 NF 7410 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Tamil, ex 9945
1500-1530 on 15530 TRM 125 kW / 015 deg to SoAs Lushai, ex 15250
1530-1600 NF 7410 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs Gujarati, ex 9945
1530-1600 NF 9740 TRM 125 kW / 015 deg to SoAs Oriya, ex 9445
1530-1600 NF 12085 SDA 100 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Kannada, ex 9905 ERV
1630-1700 on 15490 NAU 250 kW / 129 deg to EaAf Somali, ex ISS
1730-1800 on 11870 NAU 250 kW / 142 deg to EaAf Oromo, ex ISS
1930-2000 NF 7325 NAU 250 kW / 210 deg to NoAf Tachelhit, ex 9495
2000-2030 NF 7225 NAU 250 kW / 185 deg to WeAf French, ex 9780
2000-2030 NF 7270 MOS 300 kW / 210 deg to WeAf Dyula, ex 6110
2130-2200 on 9800 NAU 250 kW / 200 deg to WeAf Twi, new in B-20
2100-2200 NF 5955 SDA 100 kW / 345 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 5965
2100-2200 NF 9785 TRM 125 kW / 045 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 9575
2200-2230 NF 11990 SDA 100 kW / 255 deg to SEAs Sundanese Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat, ex 12040
2200-2230 NF 11990 SDA 100 kW / 255 deg to SEAs English Tue/Thu/Sun, ex 12040
2230-2300 NF 11990 SDA 100 kW / 255 deg to SEAs Javanese, ex 12040
2300-2400 NF 15625 SDA 100 kW / 330 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15685
2300-2330 NF 15330 SDA 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Vietnamese, ex 15320
2330-2400 NF 15330 SDA 100 kW / 285 deg to SEAs Asho Chin, ex 17650


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

LRA 36 on air with the latest program of 2020, 1353, 28-10

ANTARCTICA, 15476 USB, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, *1353, 28-10, open with a tango and other Argentinian songs, at 1400 program "Corazón Antártico". Very weak, strong fading, audible at times.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters.

Frequency change of Trans World Radio India from October 28

ARMENIA/CHINA Frequency change of Trans World Radio India from October 28:
1315-1445 NF 9290 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs, ex 9300*various langs incl.
1345-1420 Hin & 1420-1425 Eng Mon-Fri/1345-1415 Hin & 1415-1445 Eng Sat/Sun.
*vary time on 9300 unknown kW / unknown to EaAs Chinese CNR-1 Jamming vs.SOH


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

B20 schedule: National Unity Radio

 TAJIKISTAN(non) B-20 schedule of National Unity Radio, final version:

1100-1258 NF 7200 DB 200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7355 in B-19
1300-1400 NF 9950*DB 200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 9445 in B-19
*1345-1400 on 9950 KCH 300 kW / 098 deg to SoAs various TWR India co-ch


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Radio Classic Sunday will be on air November 29, 1800-2100, 3920 kHz

Radio Classic Sunday will be on air November 29, 1800-2100 UTC, 3920 kHz

"Last broadcast October 25 was again a success, we had received a lot of response and listening reports.

We would like to thank everyone for this.

Those who have submitted a report via our website will receive a QSL card by email the day after the broadcast.

The next broadcast will be November 29 and we hope you will enjoy listening again. On the right you see the program schedule.Request records can be submitted up to and including November 25."

Program 29 November
1800-1900 UTC – Mart Walther
1900-2000 UTC – René van Elst
2000 -2100 UTC – Jan Staphorst

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

B-20 last minute changes of Telediffusion d'Algerie via TDF Issoudun

FRANCE(non) B-20 last minute changes of Telediffusion d'Algerie via TDF Issoudun:
0400-0459 on 6060 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran program* no change
0500-0559 on 6105 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran program* no change
0500-0559 NF 7295 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran program*, not 6060
0600-0659 NF 7245 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran program, not 6105.
*including French news bulletin 0450-0458 and 0500-0513UT, both confirmed October 28


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27-28, 2020

** CUBA. 9885 and 9805, Oct 26 at 0543, lite pulse jamming against nothing; 9805 is an ex-Martí frequency but never at this hour, and 9885 is currently VOA French to Africa via Vatican, unheard. Something`s always wrong at the Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) Date correct, omitted from previous report

** OKLAHOMA. Except for a split-second glitch, we haven`t yet lost power in this part of Enid, unlike 4 to 6 thousand other OG&E customers; but circa 2300 UT Oct 27, my main 100-foot longwire antenna for the R75 is broken and on the ground under tree debris felled by severe ice storm. With a lot of icing on it, had been supported by three trees in a row; and before that the last segment was already down; once warmed up and cleared, fixing it or replacing it is not a very big job, but I am so sad for our poor trees! Meanwhile I can still try to use it, or switch to ``indoor longwire`` strung around the ceilings of two rooms. A third wave of freezing rain is on the way from El Paso (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU [and non]. 4764, Oct 28 at 0002, VP signal from presumed Radio Huanta 2000, before Cuba sometimes start Progreso at 0030 on 4765, tnx to tip from LOB in Brasil who was getting it a few minutes earlier, and has not been active every night. I`m listening via a remote not far from him which is getting it better than another remote which is closer to Perú. To boot, it also gets a weaker het/carrier from 4765 and it`s still not Cuba. Must be TAJIKISTAN which per EiBi, not Aoki, comes on at 2259. Here direct at 0017 via broken wire, I only have JBA carrier on 4764 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 11720, Oct 27 at 2124, VOA rock music S9+30, as B-season-only hour in English via Grimesland has resumed, 250 kW due east and thus also with a bigsig opposite off the back at ideal skip distance. This also means that on Fridays at 2105-2200 we may again easily hear `Music Time in Africa` unlike in the A-seasons when the only SW frequency is JBA 15580 Botswana --- and I bet hostess hyper Heather is still unaware of this outsending. Now if I can only remember, at an inconvenient time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [non]. 12075, Oct 27 at 2112, S9+10 English lesson for French about buying shoes: it`s VOA, 100 kW, 350 degrees via BOTSWANA M-F at 2100-2130, and followed by Bambara (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2057 monitoring, next:
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] [NEW]
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Contributions to support these non-commercial services may be sent via PayPal to woradio at - not necessarily in US funds

One may also contribute via money order or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6905.930v-RCUSB, Oct 28 at 0057 via TWR Bonaire SDR, peppy tropical tunes mostly vocal at S6-S7. At 0100 a 5+1 timesignal which must be crosstalk from something, mixing with continuing music. 0105 automated timecheck for 9:04, and others are consistently one minute slow. Canned IDs of 3 or 4 varieties play between every 2 or 3 songs, None mentioning Venezuela 93.7 nor the next station to be relayed, LV del Tigre 980 --- just ``ROCV, 6906``. At 0111, grandiose ``transmitiendo a nivel mundial`` and contact info for reports too rapid for me to copy and I`m as usual not recording, seeming e-mail, phone, postal? ``Sus reportes son importante para nosotros`` but not explicitly promising any QSL. 0119 another ID, etc., etc., and 0204 again the one with contact info (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)


Right-wing U.S. Christians have engineered an almost parallel version of the faith, writes Michael Coren · for CBC News Opinion · Posted: Oct 27, 2020 4:00 AM ET |

...One of the ironies of the United States is that a country that so roars about the concept of the separation of church and state has a political system so drenched in religiosity. The divinity's followers vote in enormous numbers and many U.S. politicians are genuine believers, whatever their party allegiance.

And then there is Donald Trump. Even though he won the support of more than 80 per cent of white evangelicals in 2016 and is still highly popular with Christians of many denominations, there's little sign that he's an authentic person of faith. His personal behaviour is unusual for someone who says he is a Christian, and his policies routinely appear to be the antithesis of the Gospel values of peace, love, and justice... (via Richard Langley, NB)

This report dispatched at 0420 UT October 29

Agenda DX 28/10/2020

Radio Santa Maria, Repubblica Dominicana 590 Khz (1956)
Emisora Rural A Voz do Sao Francisco, Brasile 4945 Khz (1962)
Radio Informativa 1080, Venezuela (1941)
Radio Barcelona, Venezuela 1080 Khz (1941)
Radio Rural, Santarem, Brasile 710/4765 Khz (1962)
Emisora Rural Petrolina, Brasile 4945 Khz (1962)
Emisora Unidad, Bolivia 1250 Khz (1943)

FTIOM & Special Edition UBMP, November 1-7

From the Isle of Music, November 1-7:

Part 2 of 2 parts: Special guest Zenovio Hernández Pavón, a prolific researcher, author, historian and radio producer in Holguín, helps us explore Holguín’s important and distinctive musical culture with several examples.

The broadcasts take place:

1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)

2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 (NEW UTC) on WBCQ, 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EDT in the US).

3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1300-1400 (NEW UTC) on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.

If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to uplinks from various websdrs in Europe.

Our Facebook page is

Our V-Kontakte page is

Our Patreon page is

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, November 1, 3 and 7:

Party like it’s 1920! In episode 189, we celebrate the first commercially-licensed AM radio broadcast on November 2, 1920 on KDKA. We will play recordings that were popular in 1920, and some special surprise guests will recall their early memories with their radios.

The transmissions take place:

1.Sunday 2300-0000 (6:00PM -7:00PM EDT) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe

2. Tuesday 2000-2100 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.

3. Saturday 0800-0900 UTC on Channel 292, 9670 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.

Our Facebook page is

Our V-Kontakte page is

Our Patreon page is

martedì 27 ottobre 2020

Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27, 2020

** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Oct 27 at 1414: nothing found in the 13s, 12s or 11s WOOB until I get to a JBA carrier on 10870 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13700, Oct 27 at 1411, RHC is S9 of dead air, while 13740 is off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 840, WHAS Louisville KY to be off the air again for tower maintenance from 0400 UT Oct 27: tnx to tip from Chris Gay, KU4A to the WOR iog, which quickly spread to MW-only DX groups:

``I just learned that 840 WHAS will go off the air again tonight for tower maintenance starting at midnight EDT (0400Z). The length of the outage was not announced.``

At 0402 I tune in to find WHAS still on during Kentucky news, but after asserting ``broadcasting live 24/7``, ha2, cuts off at 0405.7* --- but back on in a few seconds, that was quick! During weather from WLKY-TV; why not WHAS-TV??, 0406 into weird talkshow, `Ground Zero` about ``shadow archetypes, lurkers showing up at 3 am``.

Recheck at 0425 now WHAS is off, and the only signals I am getting loop SE/NW, but with splash from 850 KOA: music, 0428 Spanish? No sign from the south of KVJY Pharr in the RGV of TX, U4 5/1 kW, also Spanish which is normally the #1 competitor to WHAS. Main signal is surely 10 kW CMHW in Santa Clara, Cuba, but has a 1.1 Hz SAH, which could be the other further 1 kW Cuban, CMKC, R. Revolución, Palma Soriano, Santiago province; or some other LA. Not rechecked until 0535, WHAS still off, some fading faster SAH carriers on E-W longwire, but on DX-398, music with slow SAH dominant from SE. 0600 still that with no ID break, but *0601 WHAS cuts back on JIP news; 0615 check it`s off again. One more check before I quit, WHAS off and on at 0632*-*0633 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9605, Oct 27 at 0122, S9+10/20 of rock music, presumably K-pop [what`s the big deal about that?], 0128 announcement in Spanish, KBSWR relay still going via WHRI. It`s Oct 27 but HFCC still has not published a non-tentative B-20 schedule, the latest still dated Oct 23 despite season starting Oct 25! With double registration for 9605 by FCC and by ENCompass, but also 5990 for same broadcast via Grimesland NC, i.e. USAGM. Axual date of switchover unknown, apparently depending on when the sale of WHRI to WBCQ close. Nothing yet on 5990.

9605 0100 0200 12,14 HRI 250 167 15 218 1234567 251020 280321 D 8922 Spa USA KBS ENC 580 
9605 0100 0200 12,14,16 HRI 250 167 15 218 1234567 251020 280321 D 8500 Spa USA KBS FCC 909
5990 0100 0200 12,14 GB 250 172 12 216 1234567 251020 280321 D 9000 Spa USA KBS ENC 15212 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1 KUCO-FM and 91.7 KOSU, Oct 27 from 1430 UT, both our public radio stations from OKC are suffering brief drops off air, presumably due to icing on their antennas, as we are being hit by a terrible ice storm. Cable and internet also lost in Enid circa 1600 UT, so we must rely only on OTA TV via roof antenna. Until we lose power too? 282,000 Oklahoma customers of OG&E, PSO and others are reported to be powerless as of 1700 on KWTV news; and the OG&E systemwatch website was down even before we lost internet. Back online by 1750 as I hasten to post this (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** U S A. 426-MCW kHz, Oct 27 at 0625 UT, JBA NDB ID as IZS, which is 25 watts from Montezuma, Georgia, SW of Warner Robins and Perry, right next to Oglethorpe. Nothing else unusual LW logged vs the noise level (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2057 monitoring: confirmed Monday October 26 from 1900.5 on IRRS 7290 via Bulgaria, time-shifted one UT hour later for 5 months; monitored via UTwente, carrier on from *1857; 1859.8 quick ID and FSN headlines before WOR. Heavy unevitable ACI splash from 7295 CRI English westward from Urumqi, East Turkistan, land of cultural genocide by the ChiCom against Uyghurs; and also from 7280 Voice of Vietnam: despite being -10 kHz away, it remains just as bad as the +5, meaning switching LSB/USB tuning does not help. WOR completely readable if you put up with the noise. Spotchex indicate WOR airs intact, and ending at 1929.5 with no chopoff! Brief horn, IRRS address with Milano P O Box they supposedly have quit using; and into FSN more than headlines.

Also confirmed UT Tue Oct 27 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA S5-S7 here, good S8-S9 into UTwente.

Also confirmed UT Tue Oct 27 at 0330 on WRMI 5800, VG S9+10 at Bonaire SDR. Next:

2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] [NEW]
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Contributions to support these non-commercial services may be sent via PayPal to woradio at - not necessarily in US funds

One may also contribute via money order or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7505, Oct 27 at 0120, WRNO is on with gospel huxter in English at S9+10 but quite undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 840, WHAS Louisville KY off for maintenance: See CUBA [and non]

This report dispatched at 1810 UT October 27

Media & Tech - 27/10/2020

QSL Radio Belladonna

QSL Radio Belladonna 1632 KHz - con QSL elettronica allegata in 193 giorni. (R. PAVANELLO

Winter B-20 of National Unity Radio on new 9950 kHz, updated

TAJIKISTAN(non)  B-20 of National Unity Radio on new 9950 kHz, updated
1300-1400 NF  9950*DB  200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 9445 B-19
*1345-1400 on 9950 KCH 300 kW / 098 deg to SoAs TWR India co-channel
1100-1300 NF  ????#DB  200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7355 B-19
#1100-1400 on 7200 DB  200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean as AOKI 10/27


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Shiokaze/Sea Breeze vs.Nippon & Furusato no Kaze on 7295 kHz

JAPAN vs.TAIWAN   Shiokaze/Sea Breeze vs.Nippon & Furusato no Kaze on 7295 kHz
1300-1400 on  7295 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs various Shiokaze/Sea Breeze
1300-1328 on  7295 TSH 300 kW / 352 deg to NEAs Korean Nippon no Kaze
1330-1357 on  7295 TSH 300 kW / 352 deg to NEAs Japanese Furusato no Kaze
Very bad frequency choice for Shiokaze, Nippon & Furusato was on this frequency
in Winter B-19. Both are about equal strength via SDR Novosibirsk on October 27


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Ultimi ascolti A20

b = Barlow-Wadley XCR-30 Mark II + MLA-30+
d = Degen DE1103 e stilo (ferrite + Tecsun AN-100 per le onde medie)
i = Sony ICF7600DS, ferrite + Tecsun AN-100
r = Kenwood R-699

  kHz ggmmaa  utc SINPO rx emittente
  234 151010 1829 45444 d  RTL Luxembourg in FF
  927 181020 1000 45444 d  Unid (Radio Milano 1602?) mx non stop ed annunci di test in tedesco
  927 211020 1515 45444 i  Unid (Radio Milano 1602?) mx non stop ed annunci di test in tedesco
 1242 221020 2103 45333 d  Absolute Radio in EE
 1251 221020 1650 45433 i  Danko Radio, operetta e mx classica magiara, annunci in ungherese
 1566 211020 2123 25332 i  Vahon Industani Radio in olandese con mx indo-orientale moderna
 5140 221020 1510 45444 k  Radio Charleston International in EE
 6130 191020 1940 45343 k  TWR Swaziland in portoghese
 7500 181020 1700 55545 b  RAE tx Gavar, px in tedesco, anniversario emittente
 7500 181020 1821 55545 b  Radio CAE in EE, riproposto ultimo programma dell'emittente
 9265 191020 1930 45343 k  WINB Red Lion in EE
 9600 241020 2110 55555 k  China Radio International in EE
 9610 181020 0902 35443 k  AWR La Voce della Speranza (55555 dopo 15 minuti)
 9730 241020 2105 45444 k  Voice of Vietnam in Spagnolo
11610 241020 2100 45444 k  World Christian Broadcasting - MVW The Light of Life in cinese
17520 241020 0650 55555 d  Radio Cina Internazionale in italiano

Davide - IW2NZR

PHL FEBC Tibetan

PHILIPPINES  15449.968 FEBC Manila via Iba site, Tibetan, 08.59 Interval signal, at 09.02 UT S=7-8 fair signal on sidelobe at Doha Qatar remote rx.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 27)

Radio Guinea, Conakry, back again on 9650 after moths off

GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0820-0832 , 27-10, Radio Guinea back again, after moths out of air, heard at 0820 with African songs, French, id. "Radio Guinée 24 heures sur 24", more African songs. 43443.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

Agenda DX 27/09/2020

Radio Cultural Amauta, Perù 4955 Khz (1960)
KSRM, Alaska 920 Khz (1926)

lunedì 26 ottobre 2020

Mystery21 Radio on 4860 instead of 4875

GERMANY, 4860, Radio Mystery21, 1923-1932 , 26-10, on air on 4860 instead of 4875, pop songs, id. "This is Mystery21". 45444.

Checked at 2100, and Mystery21 returned to 4875 kHz. Pop songs, id. "Mystery Radio21, your receptions reports to". 45444.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

Glenn Hauser logs October +26, 2020


Hi Glenn, my latest Hitlist update.

1) Change of DST - Amended Time-Zone offset notations for Croatia, Germany (HCJB, HLR), New Zealand, Romania, Spain (REE)
2) Japan - NHK R Japan: Amended link to programme page on website
3) Palau - Hope Radio: Added links for this new station
4) USA - WBCQ: Added link to Area 51/61 skeds courtesy of Larry Will's webpage (via Glenn Hauser in WOR iog mail list) and updated webstream links for 7490 and Area 51 webcasts
5) USA - WMLK: Updated links to WMLK home page and streaming site

The next update will be early November to update Time-Zone offset
notations for the Americas. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe)



** COLOMBIA? 4940, Oct 26 at 0338, anonymous mystery missionary station is still going, VG into Bonaire SDR, gospel huxter in Spanish. One does not want to waste time listening to him in hopes of a definite explicit full ID, but we shall be grateful if anyone determine whence this axually emanate (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** INDIA. Re my not hearing final minutes of AIR Jaipur: ``Hello Glenn, AIR Jaipur went off SW as scheduled at 1751 UTC. Delhi & Jaipur may be in skip at that time for 4910. Even Hyderabad was in skip with them then but I could hear only a very faint carrier which went off at 1751 UTC. Yours sincerely, Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KOREA NORTH. Re: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 6170.090, Oct 25 at 1355 and still 1448, JBA off-frequency carrier as I hunt for RNZI, which I later find from 1259 has moved from 6170 to 6115 as of October 26. Tentative B-20 HFCC even shows Bangladesh at 13-14 on 6170! Most likely this be KOREA NORTH, VOK with PBS relay to Europe as per Arnulf`s B-20 schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)`` 

Oct 25 - Heard VOK at 1225, on 6170.08 (Glenn's measurement is probably more accurate) // 6185.0 (which now blocks CHBC/China  reception); both with fair reception here on the West Coast. Ron Howard`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 12035, Oct 26 at 1448, weak music and goes off by 1449. Nothing scheduled but my informed theory is: VOT English at 1330-1425 failed to turn off reactivated 12035, and change frequency for Kazakh at 1430-1500 as now B-20 scheduled on 9505. Same thing has happened previously. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2057 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday October 26 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, VG here on WNW beam.

Also confirmed UT Mon Oct 26 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, good at UTwente to the NE.

Also confirmed UT Mon Oct 26 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, S8/S9+5 at UTwente
where // 5800 is JBA, but S9+10 VG into Bonaire TWR KiwiSDR to the
SSE. Also confirmed on WRN webcast, already shifted one UT hour later

Also confirmed UT Mon Oct 26 starting at 0308.4 on Area 51 webcast, preceding show running late. Also on WBCQ 6159.94v, S9/+10 at 0329 check direct.

Also confirmed UT Mon Oct 26 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, JBA carrier less than the pulse jamming here, but S9/+5 at Bonaire with jamming detectable only during fades. Next:

NOTE that previous previews missed the 1-hour-later timeshift already in effect for IRRS. Tentative HFCC confirms and also shows new ACI from 7295 CRI English westward from Urumqi. Vietnam still on 7280.

1901vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
0330 UT Tuesday   WRMI 5800 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] [NEW]
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Contributions to support these non-commercial services may be sent via PayPal to woradio at - not necessarily in US funds

One may also contribute via money order or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9955, Oct 26 at 0400, WRMI is still off, closing now after WOR, but supposedly stays on all day instead of missing 9395.

9955, Monday Oct 26 at 1455, is still on S9+10 with TOMBS // 9455. Ditto at 1715 check. 9395 had been nothing but TOMBS or SMTV all day long, so no loss or gain here.

9395, Oct 26 at 1450, this WRMI is making a comeback after several days down: S7-S9 open carrier with weak tone. Off at 1715 check.

At 1450 I also have extremely distorted spurblobs circa 9441 and 9486, but can`t relate them to 9395, 9455 or any Cuban. Not there at 1715 check, Possibly a local device (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7490.003, Oct 26 at 0548, surprised to find gospel huxter in English, way later than WBCQ is scheduled, not BS // TOMBS on 7570 WRMI; and too close to on-frequency for Monticello. O, in B-20 HFCC, WHRI has 7490, 250 kW, 47 degrees at 0430-0600, so now it`s a 3-way timeshare with WBCQ and WWCR --- soon to be WBCQ`s, but what callsign will apply to Furman?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13650-13655-13660, Oct 26 at 1415, DRM noise on WINB`s new hybrid frequency for B-20, 1200-1700 M-F, ex 15745-15750-15755. The lower half is not traditional DRM noise but secret data stream probably involving high-speed stock trading (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6906.1-RCUSB, Oct 26 at 0339, straining to hear ROCV via Bonaire SDR, can only detect a JBA carrier by USB tuning offset slightly below (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1736 UT October 26

Media & Tech - 26/10/2020

Propagation outlook from SWPC Boulder

:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2020 Oct 26 0405 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
#                Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
19 - 25 October 2020

Solar activity was very low with only B-class flare activity
observed primarily from Region 2776 (S14, L=162, class/area Cso/100
on 18 Oct). No Earth-directed CMEs were observed.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
normal to moderate levels on 19-24 Oct. High levels were reached on
25 Oct due to coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) influence. The
maximum flux was 5,670 pfu observed at 25/1845 UTC.

Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to active levels. Solar
wind parameters were at or near nominal levels on 19-22 Oct with
solar wind speed ranging from 327-450 km/s and total field from 1-10
nT. The geomagnetic field was at quiet levels on 20 Oct, quiet to
unsettled levels on 19 and 22 Oct, and isolated active levels were
observed on 21 Oct. By 23 Oct, a positive polarity CH HSS became
geoeffective. Solar wind speed increased to a maximum near 595 km/s
while total field initially increased to 15 nT. The geomagnetic
field responded with quiet to active levels on 23-25 Oct.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
26 October - 21 November 2020

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a slight
chance for C-class flares on 26 Oct - 01 Nov as new Region 2778
(S19, L=088, class/area Cai/080 on 26 Oct) rotates across the
visible disk. Very low levels are expected on 02-21 Nov.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to be at normal to moderate levels on 02-20 Nov. High
levels are expected on 26 Oct - 01 Nov and again on 21 Nov due to CH
HSS influences.

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be reach unsettled to
active levels on 26-29 Oct, 01 Nov, and 17-21 Nov with G1 (Minor)
geomagnetic storm levels likely on 26 Oct due to recurrent CH HSS

:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2020 Oct 26 0405 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
#      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
#                Issued 2020-10-26
#   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
2020 Oct 26      74          20          5
2020 Oct 27      72          15          4
2020 Oct 28      70          10          3
2020 Oct 29      70           8          3
2020 Oct 30      70           5          2
2020 Oct 31      72           5          2
2020 Nov 01      74           8          3
2020 Nov 02      74           5          2
2020 Nov 03      74           5          2
2020 Nov 04      74           5          2
2020 Nov 05      74           5          2
2020 Nov 06      74           5          2
2020 Nov 07      74           5          2
2020 Nov 08      75           5          2
2020 Nov 09      75           5          2
2020 Nov 10      75           5          2
2020 Nov 11      75           5          2
2020 Nov 12      75           5          2
2020 Nov 13      72           5          2
2020 Nov 14      70           5          2
2020 Nov 15      70           5          2
2020 Nov 16      70           5          2
2020 Nov 17      70          10          3
2020 Nov 18      70           8          3
2020 Nov 19      70          12          4
2020 Nov 20      70          18          4
2020 Nov 21      68          15          4