PHILIPPINES Very odd frequencies of FEBC Radio, instead of xxxxx.0
0900-0930 on 15580.5 BOC 100 kW / 185 deg to SEAs Makassarese
0930-1000 on 15580.5 BOC 100 kW / 185 deg to SEAs Buginese
1000-1030 on 15580.5 BOC 100 kW / 215 deg to SEAs Sunda
1030-1100 on 15580.5 BOC 100 kW / 215 deg to SEAs Sasak
1100-1130 on 12095.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Hmong
1130-1200 on 12095.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Lao
1200-1230 on 12095.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Iu Mien
1230-1245 on 12095.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Achang
1245-1300 on 12095.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Tai Dam
1300-1330 on 11600.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to CeAs Hui zu R.Liangyou
1330-1400 on 11600.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to CeAs Yunnan R.Liangyou
1400-1430 on 11750.5 BOC 100 kW / 305 deg to SEAs Lahu
73! Ivo Ivanov
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QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire