venerdì 3 agosto 2018

Glenn Hauser logs August 2-3, 2018

** ALGERIA [non]. Mark Coady has posted a couple of logs to ODXA about Calls to Prayer from Saudi Arabia on 25 m being // to relays of RTA via FRANCE on same band. He thinx it`s a network feed from Islamic HQ. I doubt this, as CTPs should depend on local and constantly shifting times; so try to check with two receivers whether they are really //, and synchronized:

11820+, August 2 at 1929, BSKSA Qur`an and there is also Qur`an on very poor 12060, which is RTA via France, but they are *not* // --- or rather they are definitely not synchronized, but Qur`aning is so repetitive, that I can`t tell if they may match some seconds apart.

11985 is another weak frequency this hour of RTA via France, and 11915 is another frequency of BSKSA. As one would expect, 11820+ // 11915, and 11985 // 12060, but not in cross-station combinations.

However, since this Qur`aning goes on for most of an hour, it`s not specific Calls To Prayer, but extended recitations, so the two stations could be connected. Further chex might elucidate.

It`s really counterproductive to broadcast local CTPs to a worldwide SW audience as that could mislead the faithful into praying at the wrong local times! Some stations may do it anyway since SW is merely plugged into relay domestic services (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA [non]. See last report, USA: WRMI about RAE in English. On their website with outdated sked info, to read the playback timers, I pretend to download ``today`s broadcast`` podcast in each language (really today? Some are labeled May 2017!), whether languages other than English have also been reduced to half an hour? It`s been inconvenient to monitor them on SW, mostly poor signals or sleep-time. No, only French is less than 30 minutes as always, and English now confirmed totaling only 28:28, but the others are still a few minutes under 60 (Glenn Hauser, OK, UT August 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, August 2 at 0626, R. Rebelde is dead air except for some whooshing sound. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13740, August 2 at 1356, RHC is off, unknown whether just quit prior to CRI relay or missed all or part of entire transmission. The separate transmitter for China Plus = CRI English relay does not cut on until *1359:20 and remains dead air until 1401:55 finally fades up CRI modulation, JIP ``news`` in progress. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 7340, August 2 at 1414, RHC is still on but VP at S7/S9+10 vs daytime noise level amid `Sonido Cubano` music show during this hour. Really scheduled until 1500, outlasting Radio Martí on adjacent 7335. RHC is obviously cozying up to RM, in the evenings adjacent the other side on 7330, but why? Casual tuners are liable to run into Cuban-sounding RM by mistake, but maybe Arnie thinx that in addition to his co-channel jammers, the RHC signals will help to QRM RM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 4920.903, August 3 at 0135, JBA carrier vs storm noise, presumed La Voz del Pueblo still active on variable off-frequency. I suppose only pre-sunrise, zzz, and post-summer storm season may I have a chance of hearing it better. Tonight`s map shows closest lightning area is north-central New Mexico (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SINGAPORE. 11795, August 2 at 1403, S7-S5 in S Asian language. HFCC shows it`s BBC in Hindi this semihour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 15629.871, August 3 at 0139, very poor fluttery signal with talk. Aoki/NDXC shows 15630 is AWR via Trincomalee at 0100-0200 in Chinese languages. Any signal on 19m after sunset here has a good chance of being the OSOB, and lacking a WTWW, indeed this one is, despite its poverty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. 9590, August 2 at 1408, poor S5-S8 in Russian; could be CRI? No, not // 9675. Nothing in HFCC. But in Aoki/NDXC as Radio Taiwan International (MPT) in Russian for this hour only from Tamsui district. Of course, the ChiCom have managed to ban Taiwan from HFCC, even tho the ChiCom don`t bother to register their entire schedule including countless jammers against fellow HFCC participants, using CNR programming or Firedragon (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESET)

** U S A. 9395, August 3 at 0133, WRMI is S9+10/20, filling with Oldies instead of World Music, the semihour vacated by RAE condensing English to 30 minutes only. I had suggested to Jeff that this slot could be programmed more productively than defaulting to WMX, e.g. inserting WORLD OF RADIO to a much-needed UT Friday or Saturday time. But it`s definitely Oldies now, with BB announcements, Beatles tune later, and // much weaker 5950; as usual 9395 on to Wavescan at 0200, which is now stripped seven days a week at 0200, while 5950 switches to Fámily Radio. Perhaps Jeff could be persuaded to add WOR sometime on Thu, Fri or Sat, if listeners request it rather than yours truly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ARGENTINA [non]

** U S A. 7505, August 3 at 0150, no WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0327 UT August 3